tv Kennedy FOX Business March 29, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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>> well, because too few democrat respect the rule of law and lawlessness is now pervasive and it's going to corrode our society, civil society. elizabeth: congressman arrington, thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching the evening edit on foxbusiness, thank you for watching. we hope you have a good evening. ♪♪ kennedy: damage control continues with united states sliding toward work with russia, our nation's top military commanders in europe today forced to clean up another major biden cap. not major biden the dog. joe biden. does the president even realized the results? it's entire diplomatic fiasco began writing when the president said a bunch of stuff angry russia and allies are modified. he seemed to call for regime
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change to moscow and suggested using amoco weapons against russia and then he said this -- >> ukrainian people have a lot of backlog, they have a lot of guts and i'm sure you are observing it. i am stepping up and you will see when you are there some of you have been there. kennedy: you are going to see your guts and person you go to ukraine, you're going to be fighting there. he sent u.s. troops, they are headed over there. he also said they would send tanks along with fleeing women, he definitely was not confusing you with any other country, ukraine is the only place in europe currently fighting a war. currently. the president claimed he did not misspeak but with all due respect, all of his original comments were on camera. we saw him. the reason this "issue is" so important, russia promised to retaliate if u.s. putting on the
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ground in ukraine part of today arkansas republican senator tom cotton asked the u.s. general in europe to please decipher our president babbling. watch. >> the president said while in europe we are training ukrainian forces in poland, is accurate? >> i do not believe we are in the process of currently training military forces from ukraine and poland, there are liaisons there being given advice in fact different than i think you are referring to with respect to training. kennedy: training, advising, going, shooting. i don't think any of this is good. someone should tell sleepy joe. going off script, perlis right now. he can't do it but he really needs to stay on the property today. tennessee republican senator bill hagerty explain why. >> report matter particularly
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overseas and predators president biden needs to be considerate and thoughtful about what he says and not find ourselves in a situation like this. what he's doing is fueling propaganda in russia. it's pushing putin further into a corner . kennedy: i've got eyes that blew in my freezer. will someone take away the president's microphone before he accidentally get us all killed? let's get into it with tonight party panel, podcast host and spectator usa intervening editor, stephen l miller. we got the host of the richard fowler shall, fox news jupiter, staffer and handsome. it is richard fowler. liberty activist and foundation and writer olivia run the. all right, the president denies all of this fronted with his own words, is he lying having said it or does he not remember? >> i legitimate we do not know and does a good portion of the
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country legitimate who doesn't know. on top of this trip, he got the first day and two days ago he was asked if he saw the scotus hearings for jackson and he said no and the white house said last week he did so you have this happening between joe biden in the white house where he's saying one thing to have to clean up and he comes back out and says not walking back anything or you didn't hear me or i don't remember that. this is concerning with this many kinds of incidences in the last four days alone and questioning the president's mental state is a national pastime but we've moved far from the media shouting what about your gas when he's overseas. they're not interested in doing that much anymore. kennedy: they should at least get clarification and cover the president but it's hard to do that when the president is carrying a cheat sheet. does the cheat sheet worry you?
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it looks like a appetizer menu at a wedding except that our president. nato is very united. [laughter] all right, go ahead, richard. i like you. [laughter] >> i like you, too, kennedy. i think for the president to have talking points, that natural because he was giving a larger press conference on the 2023 budget, large encompassing multi thousand page document. i think it's imperative he has note to look back on because i doubt for anybody putting me or you remember the things happening in the budget. i understand why there's journalists asking questions about the gas because it doesn't matter but the biggest one we are debating over and over is whether he has regime change in russia. i listened carefully and i think where joe biden while off script, he was expressing where the rest of the world is.
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nobody in their right mind believes putin should be the head of russia in a time he decided to do reactively invading another country and particularly for no reason. kennedy: is the president is the most country in the world that has its own nuclear arsenal calling for him to rake removed from power, that's the troubling part. it's not having an opinion, it's the guy with his bony finger on the nuclear button calling for the other crazy guy with nukes to be removed from power, status concerning and i have to say, olivia, senator rand paul thinks biden's gas aren't just will please and cute senior moments but a direct national security threat. do you agree with that? >> one 100% agree with senator rand paul and i don't think he's exaggerating at all. if this was just joe schmoe on facebook think putin should be
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in charge of russia anymore, this wouldn't be a news story but the truth is, he is the president and can't just say his personal opinions on the world stage and expect their not to be consequences the gaps should be taken seriously as a matter matter of national security. kennedy: remember when people lost their minds because president trump said maybe people should drink clorox? they are like he needs to be impeached but this president is like maybe we should take out vladimir putin, like yeah. my grandmother were probably say string him up by the balls but she can't say that because she passed away. it got dark. panel, we will see you in a bit. russia and ukraine another round of peace talks in turkey. does that mean the war is over? not yet but restricted site they put want to mentally cut back military action in the direction of kyiv. the pentagon confirmed moving
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away from the capitol city but the pentagon said they could still inflict massive brutality. >> we believe it repositioning, not a real withdrawal. we should all be prepared to watch for major offensive against other areas of ukraine. it does not mean that threat to kyiv is over. kennedy: , it's not? is russia actually the escalating work just trying to sneak around somewhere else? here with me now, u.s. army combat that and kt teat radio host, brian suit is back, what is really going on here? >> this is clearly plan b, grudging acknowledgment all day one goes from 35 days ago were not achieved, not a victory parade and kyiv, he won't be drinking a toast out of the skull of volodymyr zelenskyy and they have to make something out
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-- they have to polish this particular toward and one of the original goals was to consolidate russian areas, the breakaway republics and unite them with a seaport like mariupol and they don't care if it's wreckage or rubble or whatever but it looks to me like they've been handed lemons in the form of a ukrainian army no one assessed or would fight this well, we are capabilities and aircraft and things like that and they are saying how do we save our reputation? the entire reputation of the red army is in tatters. it appears russia is a first class nuclear power and fifth class round army, there air force sucks and army slightly slosberg the different earlier
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tonight had to promise because the semi annual. kennedy: did he show up again? >> he was a weak voice and had to promise the mothers of april conscript because i do april and october they had to promise they would not go to a hotspot so this is pulling your feet out of the fire, starting to seek. i take a hit on this, i truly thought they modernized no. the people who modernized were the ukrainians taught by u.s., uk and canadian for 15 years and it shows on the battlefield. kennedy: you a little to it, where did they get the technology to detect russian aircraft and missiles? >> there are nato aircraft in the air every morning, right now it is 2:00 a.m. and kyiv in moscow when the russians move in the daylight hours, surveillance
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is stunning, the ground surveillance and air surveillance, i have no inside knowledge on this, also i have no doubt ukrainian liaisons are on board the aircraft if not actually getting direct information because it about a hobby ukrainian air force knows how many soviet -- cleanup on aisle three. kennedy: ,. >> they have this magical ability to know when russian aircraft are coming and where from and ukrainians proposed they do a strike on russian airbases and nato said we are not doing that but we'll tell you when they are coming into ukrainian airspace, clearly it's a battle to the advantage and knowing ea aircraft knowing individual locations of russian tanks and when they are on the move and all that, that battle
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winning and the ukrainians found the blinking eye of nato so make no doubt, putin thinks he's at war with nato because of this, we are acting like we are not but we are at war with putin's. kennedy: so just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they are not africa. all of his nightmares are coming true and only going to get worse as more technology and weapons show up in ukraine so does this mean ukraine has the upper hand now in peace negotiations? we only have a couple of seconds. >> they do and they should press this advantage because the russians are on the heels, on the back foot in the reputation for the russian army is in tatters. you watch the chinese stiff arm russia in the next couple of months, they are embarrassed for putin. kennedy: they've been buying russian military equipment, of course they are embarrassed. we are going to meet taiwan with
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this garbage? no thank you. suit, you're not crab. thank you so much. beating fighter and kamala in the matchup. how bad is this for democrats and how is it for scott? buffalo bill getting a shiny new stadium. wait until you hear how much you are paying, taxpayers. ♪♪ ♪♪ hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? it's how some people describe... shingles. a painful, blistering rash that could interrupt your life for weeks. forget social events and weekend getaways.
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president trump heading back to the big white house? according to a new poll, the 2024 election were held today, 45th president would beat the 46th president via a margin of 47 to 41%. that's six-point -- mass. then he walloped vice president 49 to 38, i know that. that went 11 points. productive to take back congress in 2022, is there anything democrats can do to hold off a red wave? or is a republican landslide inevitable? he with me now, real clear politics and executive editor, tom bevan. tell me about these polls. let's take on the trump by rematch.
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it not looking good for president biden right now but obviously things can change, how likely is it president trump runs again? >> well, only trump knows what he's going to do, obviously he's been teasing 2024 run to a lot of people and i think if you are betting money, you have to bet he would run and these numbers will certainly encourage him to do that. this is the biggest margin he's seen and other polls showing hypothetical matchup in 2024 have been even and he's obviously when you look at the republican primary, he's way ahead so the nomination is his if you want to according to the polls right now and if he's easily beating joe biden or kamala harris or anyone else, that would encourage him to move forward with a run. kennedy: before we get to 2024, democrats and republicans have to get past 2022 and the name of the game unfortunately for those in power right now is inflation.
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it not going anywhere, they don't have a solid fiscal or monetary plan to tackle or tame it. what they are talking about right now could trigger a recession which would be even worse news and more government spending on top of that means higher taxes which hurt people even more so what are they going to do about this other than blame voters try and convince them inflation is the best thing ever invented? >> clearly this is the political problem. you can talk about ukraine, supreme court nominations but none of that matters. 60% of voters set inflation in the economy with the number one issue, number one, economy number two and jobs. biden's overall approval is 37.5. 20% said immigration was the most important issue biden's approval there is 34.4.
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he's facing an uphill battle with voters in terms of his handling of these important issues and you are right, administration first set inflation didn't exist and then set temporary and then they said that spending more money would camp down inflation, a couple trillion mark would take care of it and then they said putin's fault. if they have not been able to get a grip on it and to do the things you need to do to tackle inflation, biden does not seem willing or able to do that, boost domestic energy production to bring down gas prices. his left flank would rebel against him and he can't afford back either. kennedy: it's a very tenuous situation and the democrat party right now, they have to do all sorts of parler tricks to keep the loose coalitions together but you are right, what it would take a much more domestic energy production and cutting spending
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because that's all the far left once, trillions and trillions of dollars and more spending, more social programs, permanent entitlement, they want college paid for and trillions for a green new deal which encompasses all of that and so much more and everything about that makes this entire situation so much worse. no one really has any solid solutions so at least it will be interesting politics between now and november. thank you so much. ♪♪ coming up, buffalo bills are getting a classic new stadium and taxpayers have to foot the bill for the bills. i'll tell you. my memo in moment. ♪♪
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with the bill. see what i did there? practice and playing palace will cost around $1.4 billion, taxpayers had to foot 8,150,000,000 of even though the owners are 50 billionaires. you can't spell billion are without bills but these groups can afford to pay for their own stadium. i don't know if this is how your site, a net worth $5.8 billion, publicly subsidizing stadiums has become a disgusting common enterprise as hard-working men and women. money for the privilege not having their team snatched in this cultural ransom. the argument is both sports teams bring so much money to the city. you can't afford to not have them held hostage. they do bring in money. fourth their owners at the barkley economic review deemed it socializing the cost and
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privatizing the profits. that's not good, people pay enough in taxes and then they are socked in the shorts with high ticket prices and concessions and prima donna athletes easily entered leaves too soon. do you know what would be lovely for sports fans? paper your own stadiums. l.a. sofi stadium, a beautiful sporting glory that cost the public zero. same with metlife, they get silly tax breaks, not as egregious as subjecting the working to the fourth degree of public subsidies. only 10% of pro sports colors are out-of-towners so the argument, it jacks up tourism is a flat nonstarter when communities have to pay stadiums, local businesses don't even see meaningful revenue long run. this is according to 83% of economists in a poll that racism and sexual deviancy ruling the nfl may be the league get there
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priorities in order before shaking us down for handouts that benefit them and ultimately hose us. that the memo. the buffalo boondoggle has lawmakers fuming. democratic state representative ron kemp, he tweeted -- he put this in tweet, i can't even say it, will smith work, he said i don't recall reaching a deal to give nfl 8,150,000,000 in taxpayer money, damn wrong kim. i agree with democrat time to time so why are we subsidizing stuff like this? stephen l miller, richard fowler and olivia rondeau. stephen, this is dumb and robbery in the worst form of colonialism. a bunch of bloated buttonholes. your thoughts? >> but on the other hand new yorkers love paying high taxes
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for irrelevant stuff, willing to pay for cigarette taxes and property taxes dog park taxes and one of the most patriotic things you can do according to people in new york. if they want to get this over and stop people from footing the bill, take it more attractive, george floyd memorial stadium and call it an equity tax and they will line up around the block to give every dime in their pockets for a new stadium. i think this will increase tourism in buffalo, maybe the stadium will result in like a restaurant or something for people to go to. kennedy: i do like the wings, popular wing spots, they make gluten-free wings, i like buffalo, it was against my will but i went. richard, a lot of your -- >> you and the football players. [laughter] kennedy: it was servitude, awful. richard, a lot of your democrat
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friends agree with me, a libertarian position but finally people on your side are starting to wise up and see maybe we should not give municipal bonds out for things that are hurting working-class people and benefiting the 1%. it's the 1% who have the deflated poles. richard? >> well, i do agree with your monologue completely, there's a real problem when it comes to how things are doled out to corporations and billions are billionaires to get stadiums but that being said, the other thing that's interesting is that nfl has a bad equity problem whether if there sexual assault issues or the fact that they have a major racial issues. we should be working to fix the problems while also stopping corporate giveaways like you see here in buffalo. kennedy: you can fix all of it. stop giving attention to colin
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kaepernick, he wasn't a good quarterback so he doesn't get to be the spokesperson for the world and equity -- he was brainwashed -- he started the whole thing and he hate cops -- [inaudible] sure, get the government out of schools and the money can go directly there. let the money follow the child and quit taking money from working people for sports stadiums. olivia, your thoughts? >> i think the thing that makes me the most upset about this is the fact it contributes to the misconception about the free market and capitalism in our country so when you ask any member of my generation, gen z, what they think capitalism is, they'll answer is rich people take from for people or millionaires get payouts from the government because joe biden says we live in a capitalist country and democrat say they do
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things like this or let things like this happen. this is socialism and private profit source not like people are voluntarily finding the stadium and they get to go to it for free, it's involuntary through taxation which is that's and really just ruining, i think even further perception of the free market principles we are trying to instill in this generation in this country. kennedy: i would love a real free market -- >> but one thing. kennedy: but if you're a millionaire, do something good with your money and pony up. sorry, richard. go ahead. >> i agree -- the only thing i will say is to put the blame capitalism on democrat is absurd when we know republicans and democrats are involved in handing out bailouts to the american people instead of investing into the iraqi people.
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kennedy: yes, i agree -- libertarians and agree with that completely. >> i definitely understand republicans also pay their fair share and do their fair amount of capitalism and corporatism as i say but they are not saying this is a capitalist country like joe biden appealing to moderate -- [inaudible] kennedy: victoria's secret angel. stephen, last word because he hasn't had a chance to say almost anything. >> i like that fans should have a chance to say, make it the shape of a giant chicken like you said, something representative, take out the seeds put bleachers every 5 feet so they can dive onto tables like they do in the parking lots before the games give the fans a site. like homer simpson build a car, let them build the stadium and
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that would be great. kennedy: navy tailgating inside, back your truck up and pullout the grill. >> the smokers, entire smokers into the stands, whatever. kennedy: free market solutions we've been missing. all right -- >> i solved all of our problems. kennedy: might be done with covid for the -- are not done with your. emergency authorization for americans to receive pfizer or moderna mrna covid booster and also authorizing theoretical for dose for the immunocompromised and some people can't inject it fast enough. stand up tragic cap equipment tweeted fourth boosters? and eight free -- forgetting boosted. you are admitting it doesn't work. the covid vaccine comes with the
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covid test in case after four doses you still get covid. in fact, the vaccine works so well doctor anthony fauci think we might need to supplement it by shutting down our entire country again. >> i don't want to use the word lockdown has a charged element to it but i believe we must keep our eye on the pattern of what we are seeing with infections. if things change and we do get a very it does give us an uptick cases and hospitalizations, we should be prepared and flexible enough to pivot toward going back at least temporarily to a rigid type of restriction such as requiring max indoor. kennedy: rigid restriction, that's what we need, handcuffs and some sort of a ball gag. that will stop the virus. i need to take a break and kill more beagles. while americans let it all happen again or have we finally
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had enough, richard? >> i think the american people are leery but i think for the immunocompromised, it might make sense to take a fourth booster shot but the cdc did not update their roles on what folic vaccinate means which is important. kennedy: you can take your covid card and write things down to show you've been fully vaccinated. >> i mean, is it wrong to be forced on you if you don't even have the option to exercise medical freedom? i wouldn't encourage it but i think people should expect that it is understandable that's going to be the norm to get into events and establishments. for another shot, i've seen it's recommended for older individuals, possibly 55 plus or 65 plus, thus the range where
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you will be most vulnerable to covid so i won't tell people don't take the steps to protect your body and health but i do think it speaks to the fact the perks vaccine was not as effective as we were led to believe in the first place b2 getting boosters every three to four months, stephen. >> i think fauci's saved words arcana function in a heat incident. what richard said, the cdc's messaging has been all over this. instead of saying this vaccine isn't just one or two shots, the vaccine will be three or four shots to work but because they went all in on a leon and now it's we've got to go fifth and sixth shot so they are calling it booster and not everyone will get booster in the main problem with backtracking is what fully vaccinated means, are they going to pass out passports for people who don't have their boosters,
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you not be allowed into a concert without the boosters? was the definition of fully vaccinated and they've screwed themselves into a corner on this one. kennedy: as we get more information, people broke skeptical what they put into their body. for people who have been vaccinated and infected, i identify with that skepticism but at this time, it is about protecting yourself and having a conversation with your doctor to make sure what you are doing is right for you. only for you. party panel, thank you for being here. coming up, you seen it on tv and online, china taking notes on russia's ukraine invasion plus the real story be what taiwan is learning on resistant? ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: welcome back. last night mouth trumpet medics on. no one knew, that no. good job. ukraine's longevity in the inpatient his surprise, even the military expert at moscow itself and now others in the direct line of communist aggression, they are taking notes. taiwan has been in china's face for years now and island nations considering stockpiling attacked drones and extending their four-month military conscription was in preparation for chinese invasion and even more survivals shooting up the best seller list so what can places like taiwan learn from these tactics? he with me fox and friends weekend cohost and modern warfare author, pete hegseth. what's up?
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>> you said it, he said taiwan. listen, it's staggering when you look at today and admission putin has effectively made, we are not going for kyiv, military expert that two to three days they will have kyiv and zelenskyy will be dead, that was overwhelming consensus and here we are 35 days later that is not the case. one of the untold stories is how much training u.s. forces, especially green berets and special operators gave ukraine. kennedy: when? >> the last half decade or so and even more urgently and recently the last couple of years and didn't get a lot of headlines or reports, a lot of headlines were weapons but the ability to employ the weapons and command troops on the battlefield.give a little guy like ukraine a fighting chance once they get the weapons. again as recovering myself, better for them to fight for
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their own freedom and for us to be entangled in the conflict. we could give them training and weapons and putin, fantastic. kennedy: we've had problems in the past training armies like the syrian army and problems giving weapons to people. we gave a lot of weapons to people in afghanistan who turned around and use them on us, why are we confident this time will be different? >> i don't know that we can be entirely confident it will be different, you inherently take on risk when you do that so at this time, islamic countries with is almost motivation like a no growth with weapon, in this case a weapon which is more or less want to join nato and the eu is a better bet, safer bet for that, i think the same thing applies and taiwan. you've given them some weapons and strategic ambiguity and ultimately it's not conscripted
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ukrainians that have won the fight in ukraine, great to see courageous men stand up and say give me a weapon and i'll fight for my country, it won't be guys googling survival books and taiwan. it's going to be well trained troops prepared in key spots to fortify places and make the pain so high for beijing but they have to take another calculation. kennedy: if you flip it around, what is china saying? are they less competent and what a large scale army can do? >> putin said it joe biden, weakness across the globe, i see my window of opportunity i didn't like the result i got with the shadowy black operation stuff before, i didn't get enough speed to remember when there was like 4000 mercenaries in ukraine -- >> they are going to find him -- no, that didn't happen. i think he went the conventional route you've already seen china tried to do unconventional and
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sort of quiet seeping operations into taiwan, i'd be surprised if they fall on climate -- are they going to bomb taiwanese cities and deal with international condemnation? i think they look at the headlines but they also know if we are entangled more with china and russia economically so they have a lot more leverage over us. can you imagine american companies doing to china but they have done to russia voluntarily? they wouldn't. kennedy: they don't have anywhere to go. >> and they become globalists who believe doing business in china is more important than representing the values of america so they know they have advantage there. it does become a deterrent for full unconventional work and i think china is more patient and strategic so they probably wealth. kennedy: hopefully they are not dumb, we don't need dumb people making bad decisions and getting people killed. i can't wait to find out. [laughter] good to see you. next, topical storm. ♪♪
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i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. according to a new poll, two and three people think will smith should be arrested for assaulting chris rock and the other one in three think he should be arrested for performance and a lot of.
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that's a movie i wish i never saw and this is a topical storm. topic number one. aerospace company set it on track to build the world's first space hotel by 2027. you thought the red roof inn had no atmosphere. it's described as cruiseship in outer space. recreational activity you can't do on earth. activities like questioning the integrity of the 2020 election, engaging in discussion about covid and reciting dictionary definition of a woman. you can play sports on zero gravity. so you can jump as high as your favorite space jam actor, jon. dunk on your opponents like your favorite laker, anthony davis. be careful you don't smash your head into the ceiling. or you could end up a goofy hypocrite like lebron james. the patterns will have artificial gravity so you and your sweetheart will be able to do it flying squirrel style. the artificial geforce by
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spinning so hard and fast it pushes you to the side which is the same technique used by jen psaki on peter doocy. how dare you, woman. topic number two. florida neighborhood segment taken over by bunny rabbits and to find out where they came from, we are going to have to go down the rabbit hole is happening where residents say more than 50 bunnies are living in a three block radius. it started with a handful of bunnies last month you know what they say about bunnies, they tend to fornicate. now the bunnies are turning up the neighborhood eating backyard grass and digging up gardens and worst of all scooping up the field mice and popping them on the head that's right. a carriage stepping in but they are having a hard time for because when you hunt rabbits, you have to be very, very quiet.
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once the rabbits are captured, family placed in homes as adopted pets which can only be described as a hair-raising opportunity. i hope i didn't offend anyone just now. the last guy who made a bad hair chuck got smacked in the face by will smith. topic number three. a shake and the emirate created a custom plumber, three times the size of a normal suv, the only vehicle with higher carbon emissions than joe biden. here's a new h run, standing 14 feet wide 46 feet long making him the highest driver tiger woods. [laughter] interior has two floors featuring a full toilet and sink some cars offer legroom, this has a bathroom. one of the richest men in the world with a 3000 car collection he keeps in the middle of the desert so like the u.s. military, he's almost turned the entire middle east into a
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parking lot. good job. topic number four. america's first hamburger vending machine has been installed in a new jersey mall. the creators decided to test it in jersey because the lowlife slobs are used to giving the dinners from bending machines. it's called the robot burger comparing your food in six minutes which gives them time to check in with a parole officer. it can be accessed 24/7 so you can find a solid meal anytime you want. the only downside is, it smells like hamburger reese in the area but that's what happens when you put your business in new jersey. there she is. she just needs glasses and it's me. tonight to call me tuesday joke, yes the punchline on twitter. but don't look it up. here we go. what made the tomato blush?
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♪♪ on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. that means that i earn 5% on our rental car, i earn 5% on our cabin. i mean, c'mon! hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! i'm scared. in a good way. i'm lying. let's get inside. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. (manny) yeah, that's what i do. (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. ok, let's talk about those changes
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to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪♪
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right on twitter. he got it right. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. tomorrow night i can't wait for it. make every day. good night ♪ ♪ gulf breeze, florida, got its name for a reason, living here is close as you can get to the gulf of mexico without getting wet. at those waves. there is naval live oak, nature preserve. or if you are in the mood to get up close and personal with the wildlife stop by the gulf breeze zoo. and bring a giraffe some lunch. orym taste of city hop across the
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