tv Kennedy FOX Business April 5, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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the right way not of using the border. you've got ten seconds. >> we are a nation of laws and we have to respect the laws. we would be no better than the countries the individuals are escaping from otherwise. liz: thanks for your service to our country and thank you for watching pick up join us again tomorrow night we hope you have a good evening. ♪♪ kennedy: war crimes continuously on earth, ukrainian civilians executed in the streets. women reportedly raped and murdered in front of their families, tongues cut out, ears cut off, tens of thousands potentially kidnapped. if true, will anyone be held accountable? these images are unimaginable and getting worse, bodies strewn all over towns and villages in ukraine as militaries retreat. some experts suggested russians probably thought they would be there for a while but because
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they are on the run, they never had a chance to cover up their crimes. today at the union, volodymyr zelenskyy calling the russians terrorists. >> they died there and suffering, killed in their apartment, houses, float up grenades. they were crushed by tanks sitting in their cars in the middle-of-the-road just for their pleasure. they've cut off limbs enter throws were slashed, women were raped and killed in front of their children. there tongues were pulled out because they didn't care what they wanted to hear from them so it's no different from other terrorists occupying territories. kennedy: sharing chilling accountable they witnessed firsthand. >> they took the three of them and brought them here. here they were tortured and
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killed. did you see the tractor? they dug a hole through three of them into the whole. kennedy: world reacting and discussed and calls for charging vladimir putin with war crime. the problem is, our top general said the war will rage on for a long time. >> i do think it's a very protracted conflict and i think it's at least measured in years, i don't know about decades but at least years for sure. kennedy: that's reassuring. will putin go on trial? retired navy seal wisconsin for public us congressional candidate, derrick van orden is back. derek, you were in bosnia and you witnessed war crimes as a navy seals firsthand, how does these images compared to what you experienced? >> i arrived in 96, they were still killing people on a
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smaller scale. part of the job we are supposed to do is get a ground truth for commanders and other groups come in get the people, the person indicted war crime. all those guys. it is horrible, people have to understand that warfare is absolutely horrible and we should avoid at all costs. what's taking place right now in ukraine is anticipated because you have vladimir putin who is losing terribly to the ukrainians so they are acting in desperation. let's make sure we understand the basic predicate that latimer putin saw strategic weakness when president biden abandoned american citizens to terrorists, that emboldens him. the only person responsible for the war crimes taking place is vladimir putin but we have to understand weakness at the
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strategic level, the u.s. government through the biden administration not helping. kennedy: the u.s. was unhelpful in the afghan war that went on for decades. general milley says he's seen the same thing there, why isn't the u.s. government talking about brokering peace here? >> let's make sure we understand both americans abandoned to the taliban, general milley signed off on the and has no business wearing the american uniform right now. the biden administration should be through the secretary of state negotiating peaceful resolution. what i think will happen, the best case scenario is vladimir putin pulled his troops out of ukraine and you have to do three protocol donetsk and new next provinces become autonomous regions that will become client states of russia, the only way i
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can save face and stop these horrible crimes taking place in ukraine. kennedy: are you upset the president withholding information about united states hypersonic missile from russia and the rest of the world? >> that's the classic example of the competency biden administration, the only way to negotiate with putin is what wrapped inside of a velvet glove. if they don't listen been take the glove off by not telling the russians we have hypersonic weapons because we didn't want to inflame the attitude in ukraine is foolish. if someone says we have sophisticated weapons, the u.s. should have said yes, so what? so two weeks or knock it off and bring them to the table. you have to deal with putin and savages like this from a position of strength, that the only thing they understand and once again, this is a classic
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example, you can't hide it from the biden administration so far over their head in front of their skis they are making the world a more dangerous place. kennedy: well, i don't know what they do the president doesn't have confidence of the country or international community regardless of the talking points democrats are putting forth and if they were serious, they'd be talking about peace and they are not. general milley is a horrible embarrassment of a spokesperson and i don't trust a word that comes out of his mouth especially in terms of protracted conflict so we'll see how it goes and we'll be talking to you in the coming days and weeks. thank you. >> take care. kennedy: president zelenskyy has strong words for the un security council from old russia accountable and kicked them off the council were closed their doors because they are useless. >> we need decision from the security council for peace in
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ukraine. if you do not know how to make this decision from you can you two things. remove russia as an aggressor and enforce war or the other option is show how we can reform or change and solve itself and work for peace. or if there's no alternative or option than the next option would be dissolved yourself altogether. kennedy: i like that option, un security council maintaining international peace and security but guess what, russia is one of the five permanent members and commies are able to veto any resolution for negotiation soak should the council dissolve itself and start over without russia? is not possible? tonight panel, conservative strategist and vice president of
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pr, chris behrens and host of the oppressive progressive podcast, we'll see how aggressive he is tonight, senator chuck schumer eight, christopher on his back. look at tonight, editorial director of, scott horton, welcome, everyone. scott, should the un security council resolve itself or the un be dissolved? >> i would do without the un altogether but that's not in the cards and frankly, the world we live in, i don't think we should talk seriously who should lose their veto power because we don't want that to be up for grabs. our veto power is all important and the victors of world war ii are going to sit on that counsel forever as long as the un exists so that neither here nor there. i'd like to say our gift to
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solid cheers to your previous guests, especially where he said biden antony blinken secretary of state should do a full court press and negotiate to end the war if the clip you played at the beginning of the general or whatever expert, this will drag on for years and years. yeah, because of their treason against the marking people, not only federally, unless you say they are working for the nuclear missiles ability and peace between america and russia in your previous guess is right. antony blinken, 21 days he spoke with lavrov and he should be on a plane now or resign. i keep saying that week after week after week on your show and he is still sitting there doing nothing as the war rages on because i believe that's what the biden administration wants. kennedy: that seems to be the case that general milley was making today, chris.
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it's almost like a wish list for him for this to ray john, i cannot imagine why with the atrocities we've seen and what it's doing to people in ukraine and eastern europe and russia with sanctions so why isn't the administration more serious? sorry, chris hahn. i forgot we had to christmas because one of you is sexy pants and the other is -- [laughter] >> i thought we were getting chris behrens when he tried to book me -- anyway, look. obviously this is a difficult situation and anything the biden administration put be doing more of, they should be there should be more conversations this is a difficult situation internationally and putin has not so far indicated willingness to back down no matter who is reaching out or when and how much they beg him to move on
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their. i agree we need to show some strength and maybe it was a bad decision not to show the missile we tested so i would imagine we should be doing more in that regard but that said, international diplomacy is not easy and this is a difficult situation and it will take time to resolve. kennedy: >> they haven't spoken in 21 days. our secretary of state and russian foreign minister have not spoken in 21 days. kennedy: i agree because if you got turkey and israel having active discussions and united states sending $800 million more in aid, why can't they sent humanitarian aid and pick up a phone trying to end this thing? like real diplomat. i thought that's what united states did. if that is our role in the world, to be the moral leader and isn't the most moral thing
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speaking peace right now? >> asked about the problem is the biden administration viewed this political winner from the very beginning and that is the problem here. they've viewed confrontation with russia as a political winner because everything else the president has touched has fallen to crab so they thought this is an opportunity to show himself at the commander-in-chief to bolster his flag poll numbers and save democrats in november. instead of trying to save ukrainian life, he's more concerned about our political narrative let's be honest, right now for a year end a half there's a genocide going on in ethiopia. un and u.s. has done nothing to stop it. let's not pretend somehow the un and global force for good, the u.s. will implement peace and happiness all over the globe the fact that bad things are happening every day across the planet and if we want to stop the bloodshed in ukraine, we
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should bring the parties together at the table and figure got negotiated peace rather than trying to stare down 6000 nuclear weapons pointed at this country just because this president wants a political when. kennedy: if you ask hillary clinton, she will tell you to send more lethal eight, she would be doing more getting people killed. all right, man panel stick around. judge ketanji found jackson in a major hertl in her nomination to the supreme court. will she be a good or bad addition ask thomas will be breaking everything down next. ♪♪
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is the confirmation countdown. ♪♪ will judge ketanji brown jackson become our next supreme court justice plexiglas might break republican senators, mitt romney of utah, risa murkowski, susan collins of maine, they are so conservative announcing they will vote yes, judge jackson is a shoo-in for confirmation, debate on her information has begun and about to come as early as thursday. is there any situation that
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could stop this from happening and how will a future ketanji brown jackson shakeup the supreme court? running me to discuss, research fellow at the constitutional studies and cater supreme court review managing editor, thomas is here. welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me back. kennedy: it a big deal. let's talk about this. i'm not terribly bothered by her but some people are. is this manufactured outrage? is she, as ted cruz said, will she be the most for this left justice ever on the supreme court? >> my expert analysis is no. [laughter] do i earn a paycheck for that? i think libertarians have a lot
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to like about this nomination, judge jackson on the sentencing commission worked to reduce disparities for nonviolent drug offenses and wrote her senior thesis on the dangers of plea bargaining so i think she's quite likely to join the emerging progressive libertarian alliance on criminal justice issues on the supreme court. i'm not going to agree with every vote she takes but i think especially the fact she admitted ritualism is the governing philosophy and the way you win cases at the supreme court in this day and age so i think she's -- we may well see her making originalist arguments to win over majority of the court. kennedy: she could have shown her hands in a very different light but she did, she sounds like justice scalia when she talked about her ritualism. there are those who say she didn't reveal enough of her personal judicial philosophy. did she withhold too much for your liking? >> i don't think so, the hearings naturally are
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artificial because lower court judges don't have a lot of opportunity to apply these philosophies on cases of first impression, it really is all the action at the supreme court so i take her at her word she hasn't had to deal with these questions very much but what she knows is the way people make arguments at the supreme court is looking to original lies him and tactual is him. we recently saw a case decided 821 where eight justices looked at the meaning of the text and justice breyer looked at the intentions and purpose of the text so that position now is just one out of nine and could become zero if she replaces justice breyer. she admitted several times in the scalia breyer debates, scalia has essentially one. kennedy: interesting because she could have said the constitution is a living document, it changes with every day in every case and all presidencies that follow from that but she didn't. you know, that's one reason i
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think she will be very interesting and i agree we should withhold judgment. going forward, in terms of how presidents nominate potential supreme court nominees, how will the process and amy coney barrett guides them differently? i think it will be all women because there's no between? >> i'm not sure about that, i think it's striking there's a debate within the senate right now of what a legitimate reason to vote against the nominee? mitt romney essentially saying if they are qualified in the mainstream, it's enough. if we have different philosophies, it's not a reason to vote against them. i think making the best case for the opposite approach judicial philosophy is a legitimate reason to oppose a nominee even if they are well qualified. going forward, this approach has a majority of the senate so we are unlikely to seek supreme court justices confirmed when you have the president and
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senate different parties. we could have the case justice thomas is upping the last justice ever confirmed by a majority senate from the president who nominated. depending on your view whether it's a good or bad thing, we can't debate but it's a striking shift from the way it was done for over a century. kennedy: speaking of parties, i like what people are doing in high school and college before they decide if they were on the supreme court track so i hope they dig up a few waitresses in the future so we at least have fireworks because in the grand scheme of things, this is pretty boring. i don't even know if she likes beer. [laughter] >> it wasn't boring if you are a con but i realize i'm in the .0001 demographic by the chevron deference. kennedy: how does she feel about severn deference? but she seemed to answer that
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well, she's not just going to defer to these agencies, she's going to make a decision based on what the constitution says. in your summation, that could be a good thing. thomas barry, thank you so much. i think you just wanted to say thank you and i accept. thank you. reefer had rejoice, the house decided to criminalize canvas. even liberty fibers say the bill does the wrong thing. we'll break that down in my memo next. ♪♪
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a recent house bill with more acts passed to 204 and would finally remove mary jane from the list of controlled substances to my friend mary there's cherry. so it's an 8% tax and expunge records but not all. three republicans voted for, not gates which is a reefer advocate and a legalize or and tom mcclintock, noticeable. and thomas massie who hate the tax element and expansion planning and representative nancy mason, nancy nono who appeared on the show with her own bill that in all fairness, a more rational version of this. this is basically democrats trying to outshine this. can they merge this with the marijuana decriminalization will sponsored by cory booker? even if that happens from a
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grandpa president would veto it because he offered the crime bill that sent too many people to prison for life on marijuana charges, he still despises legal weed and cackling vp is a cop. the verdict? any reform is a good step, nothing will be perfect but if these aging legislators want to keep their jobs, they've got to keep the kids happy who overwhelmingly support marijuana and criminal justice reform. sometimes even freedom. that's the memo. the federal government behind cannabis reform and the district of columbia. relax marijuana laws in some ways so why are they so late to the party? he with me now, california republican tom mcclintock who worked few days on this. welcome back.
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>> thank you. kennedy: you understand and you've talked about this extensively that prohibition is deadly. it doesn't keep people from ingesting or inhaling marijuana, it makes the street more dangerous in communities of color in particular, magnets for drug dealing and criminal justice violations and abuse. >> it's done the same with prohibition in the 1920s and 30s. it failed on the product but as you pointed out, we've created this violent underground economy. it's under law, it taken up enormous law enforcement resources, granted millions of young people with criminal convictions throughout their lives. it's doing more harm than good. kennedy: yes, it is and that my
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people overwhelmingly year after year, more of them say canvas should be legal and people who run legal cannabis is an says should have access so they are not dealing on all cash which makes them magnets for robbery and corruption. >> on of i think as well, it's important to do all we can to keep it out of the hands of young people. if there's evidence it can cause neurological damage to children and adolescents but to do that is to legalize and break related. the sheriff pointed out, i can go to any high school in america, get to kids at random and give them each a $20 until 12 by pots and the other want to buy booze in the first one back will always be the one i sent to go by pots because they know where to get and sellers have no problem selling it to them. if they go to get booze, they would go to store after store and get kicked out.
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kennedy: the more acts or states perform? >> state reform. the biggest problem is it places steep federal tax on the product. the problem is the higher the tax, the greater incentive for underground market. kennedy: look what's happening in california, they overtaxed the cannabis market and now the black market in california is booming. >> exactly right, defeated the entire reason for legalizing marijuana it's not because of criminal charges but because of taxes. you have the illicit profit put back into it as they evade high taxes but radish growers don't kill each other over their territory, this ought to be treated as any other commodity regulatory structure we have for alcohol. i think we also ought to do all
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we can to ensure people understand the effects. [inaudible] kennedy: we lost the congressman. we had a great run. thank you very much if you can hear me. breaking today, e-mails obtained by fox news suggest hundred biden has been financially involved with his father's inner circle for at least a decade. watch? yes, a new e-mail from -- it wasn't new, it's ten years old. the president current chief of staff ron client soliciting donations from hunter for nonprofit he was running specifically asked hunter to keep the payment diet. writing we need to keep this low-key because raising money bad pr but it has to be done. justice department investigation for hundred biden is under way,
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we talked about that last night are people like ron klain still working behind the scenes to keep things low, low-key? to protect the big guy? man panel is back, chris parents, christopher hahn and scott horton. is this problematic or unsurprising? do you think ron klain has to explain? >> one, it not surprising. two, it is problematic and ron klain should have to explain but the legacy media has an interesting way book for how to treat a trump scandal and biden scandal. a trump scandal, every inference is given to the assumption trump did something nefarious. every question is viewed through the lens of trump doing something wrong. every biden scandal is immediately an assumption he did nothing wrong. every fact in question is the lens of course biden did nothing wrong. the problem is he should have to answer and we should have a legacy out there asking tough
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questions. unfortunately, they are more interested in protecting the president and progressive political agenda. kennedy: and the explanation from the washington post on the hundred biden laptop stories for two years, it just looked at and we had to verify everything. so who else was involved, chris hahn? one of the courses, i don't know. [laughter] >> i read the article, this is a charity not part of the vice presidents job, ron klain was no longer working for the vice president it was a cherry to restore the vice president resident. kennedy: why not just go -- donors who can write checks? why the troubled -- [inaudible]
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>> to keep the charity open or losing its 5013 status. they were trying not to make a big deal out of it. i guess it distracts from ivanka trump and sheriff testifying yesterday so it's great, they are running out of things to say about hundred biden so they are going for this ridiculous story about ron klain. kennedy: what you are saying -- okay, so what you're saying is creepy old nepotistic is fine as long as if you are nepotistic. scott horton. >> no, not at all i will tell you what you're saying about this is blown out of proportion, a little ridiculous and a stretch to say the least. fox news article, there was nothing nefarious going on. using hundred biden name, he's a bogeyman. [laughter] kennedy: have you read -- i know you are proud of yourself and
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probably sprain your shoulder in the process but have you actually read about the millions of dollars in a number of ways he enriched himself with zero expertise? potential compromising national security, using -- [inaudible] >> on air force one to china with her father's -- she had a job in the white house. where's the outrage over that? kennedy: chris -- >> why couldn't there be outrage on ivanka trump? she wasn't doing coke or hard deals with companies -- give me a break. kennedy: i will cite this . kennedy: >> the president entitled. kennedy: but i can't remember -- oh that's right, she was. >> in china while working on our plane flying to china.
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>> man, i hate to admit i agree with the democrat man a little bit on this particular story, it doesn't seemed like that big of a deal but there's plenty about some of these business deals. what nobodies should lose sight of is the conspiracy between the cia and major media tech companies bearing this story. a year end a half ago, this was the republicans october surprise. crackhead hunter left his laptop full of these secrets and lurid images and all of this and pay held it like 1984 and refused to let people share buildings on facebook and twitter, major media altered clampdown and say this is russian disinformation because the cia site so and it would be a total lie and was always a lie and at the same
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time cia was doing that, it's like they did with russia gate, a total hoax for years before, the fbi while the cia was compressing republicans october, they were inventing their own on the part of the democrats and that was the job on total hoax perpetrated by fbi agents and informants to invent a fake conspiracy of trump supporters to kidnap and murder the governor of michigan. the fbi acting like the cia, american secret police here against president. essentially smear him and his supporters are white supremacist and etc., we know now that is a total hoax. kennedy: but ivanka trump was in china. oh wait, she was a designer before she was in the white house. >> she was.
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while she worked in the white house. kennedy: and she was a designer. great shoes. >> horrible designer. kennedy: so buttons. if you don't want crazy old white people exploiting their relationships in the voting form -- i can't say the word but i really want to. ♪♪ threatening to quit if they can't stay home. silicon valley. ♪♪
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kennedy: hello. welcome back. rock 'n' roll party? i was last night mouth trumpet mother song and the winner was evan. in the tech world, employees are getting sour because apple ceo tim cook ordered employees to return to the office for just three days a week. many are threatening to quit in protest. they say companies like amazon and google are extending some of their work from home policies. they want to know why they should have to put on pants and shower everyday. or every other day. have they been spoiled rotten or is the tech giant being unreasonable? gutfeld cohost and vaccination kat timpf is in studio. i need to warn you, you are in the no sit zone.
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i want the strict story. how long have you had to be back in the office? >> i never wasn't in the office. when gutfeld was a weekly show, i tried to be here because being alone in my apartment too long get back. bad for me, that's for america and everyone. you do know. [laughter] it was -- i was up to no good. when i'm in the office everything is great. make horrible choices instead of one of her day i want, it will be most if i'm given the option. kennedy: these people want four days at home, they want five because they want more -- they have to go in three days and that's what they are planning about. kennedy: what's wrong with going to work for three days? >> nothing. there's a new omicron variant they are saying the driving is bad for climate change. it's like shut up, if you want
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to work from home, you don't want to commute but say that. i hate when people try to act as though their selfish need is really altruistic for the good of the planet. it's for the planet. kennedy: i can't drive -- you want me to kill the earth now? i working? >> you don't want to shower or wash your hair, i would wash my hair less and they want to be paid to stay home. kennedy: so they can bench everything on hulu and disney+ and peacock and paramount plus, everything. >> there are benefits to staying home and flexibility in your schedule but don't pretend it's about the ozone. [laughter] it's about you. kennedy: is this what happens when they are called up for so long they can't cope with normal life? >> it's not even normal life, it three out of five days. >> i'm here five days a week or six and i'm working other than
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that as well and. kennedy: i saw you on media buzz. >> yes, on media boss. kennedy: you know how to roll, i think someone needs to put these young people -- >> and attitude about it like what's? fine, find a remote job but it you are asked to come in for three days, what's? kennedy: cobia sex phone worker, do they still have those? oh. [laughter] >> i have a lot to say. kennedy: that is next time with cap kat timpf. topical storm is next. topical storm is next. ♪♪
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kennedy: crackerjack brand introducing female focused line of backpacks called cracker jill. to be honest, cracker jill is different from the original, basically cracker jack without the nuts. [laughter] that popcorn popping into pop culture and this is a topical storm. topic number one. they financed the world's largest passenger airplane completed a test flight powered by cooking oil. international sanctions forced
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them to cancel flight powered by russian dressing. flight lasted three hours running one 100% on the aviation fuel made mostly of used cooking oil. now when you eat at taco bell, you're not just giving yourself gas, your supplying gas for the entire world. airbus says the new sustainable fuel is a huge step forward reaching the industries goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. also from so much more practical on the idea of duct taping half a million seagulls to the bottom of each plane and throwing rocks at them until they fly away airbus certified to fly with 50% you will but helps by 2030 it will power is entire fleet with waisted cooking fact. i don't see how rachel break with power and entire fleet like that. [laughter] no you didn't. topic number two. home appliance company dyson
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created headphones that will include an air filter for your mouse and nose. just like the vacuum cleaner, the headphones totally suck. they are called the dyson zone headphones but that your component that cancel noise and facial, that blocks air pollution. the only way to get more in a bubble is to watch cnn. it filters out common air pollutants like pollen and dust and 81 and one flu virus. it will help you avoid bacteria making sure you are not invited to parties. filtration system will not offer protection against covid-19. yeah, what's? just like that everything that doesn't work against covid-19 you can expect these to become mandatory. fun. topic number three. london fashion designer created a line of clothing out of material she finds and garbage dumps. so now you don't have to pay for
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gucci to dress like euro trash. i like gucci. the boutique offers ross and bells and harnesses made from old rubber and offers collection of rubber fetish gear. back to the bow file. i'm not sure those people like to use robbers. [laughter] with who. much of the material has from inner tubes the designer rescued from landfills which is also how arby's gets its ham. recycled materials are latex free to protect sensitive skin and free from animal products. aside from the junkyard dog urine, of course. luckily you don't have to worry about smelling like a garbage dump because soon everyone will know you will be wearing personal air filters. look at that, so sexy. it tickle me tuesday. guess the punchline on twitter, # tickle me tuesday.
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