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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 12, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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and they have no plan. liz: thanks for joining us. we will have you back on again soon. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. thank you for watching, we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: lot of news here and around the world, look at to all of it including chaos and bloodshed after subway attack here in new york. we will have updates in a moment. in ukraine, vladimir putin going to attack and purging rivals. we got panic over so-called ghost guns. first up though, grim news on the economy you might have heard and we all need to understand what's going on from a labor department today reporting inflation a whopping 8.5% in the
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last year, the steepest decline year over year since 1981. prices are up, nearly everything, fuel, food, housing all skyrocketing but you probably already know that if you're trying to eat or pay rent across the country people are feeling the pinch. >> some items have almost doubled, some are like half a price more. >> normally i would for my family but they used to be $7 and now it's 18. you put it down. kennedy: put it down your throat. today and i will president biden did not take any responsibility for the price hike. instead he once again blamed vladimir putin. >> we saw today's inflation, 70% of the increase in prices in march came putin's price hike and gasoline. we need to address this with
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demand. kennedy: my god. we'll have more on the blame game in a bit. in early december, that presidents had inflation was just about to get under control, guys. >> i think you will see a change sooner, then quicker than, more rapidly than most people think every other aspect in the economy is racing ahead, doing incredibly well. kennedy: sooner then quicker than more rapidly than something. what happens? how can we address spending to better stretch collective family dollar? fox news on jupiter and professor of business and economic king's college in manhattan, brian, finally we got some brian. none of this is good news. i know the white house trying to
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spin it, i don't know if people are going to believe that when they are paying more for stuff than they ever have and the cost of living is not beating the inflation. >> that lady can't get the roast, she's not eating roast because of the price increases, what's that is in the president is in complete denial mode. he missed it last year, transitory, now he's got a and what are they saying? it's peak. how do you know that? kennedy: what if it doesn't peak before the midterm? >> here's the thing, even if this is the highest growth rate inflation we've seen, i don't know that it will be but even if it is, it's going to stay at elevated levels on a higher beginning from last year which means a compounding effect, translation, your prices are going down, your pay will not catch up, that is the problem. pay is lagging behind, prices are going up and what he's trying to do is say we hit the
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peak and i will do some mix on ethanol, on the release of petroleum reserves. not going to make a difference. kennedy: and it not just gas, not just food. those of the elements that don't count when they talk about that. >> and they are talking about the president is talking about the court number, the course number didn't go up as much. we'll leave out gas guess what, that is court for everybody, those are the core things. you cannot leave those out so he's trying to play games. it's scary, you can't play games with inflation talk your way out of inflation. he's been saying that for months now, we are seeing the result in he's just not going to do anything about it, it's the scary part, we really have to talk about recession before the end of the year because people will pull back on spending especially after the summer. kennedy: that's my question
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because two things will force them to do that and i want to know what happens when inflation goes up, rate go up and that means more expensive to borrow money and both those things will camp down consumer spending so how do we not go into recession with that kind of environment? >> we absolutely are going to go into recession, i think we are headed that way because the president won't turn around, he's still talk about spending and want to anything on energy and doesn't have answers to any of these problems. when you get to the end of the year end people feel higher rates, which means they are not borrowing and spending and prices continue to be hi, they will do the rational thing, it is rational, pull back and don't spend. that's what tips the economy into recession. now a bigger problem because the jobs picture that looks good, that starts to change. i don't know how long recession last but that can affect the midterms.
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kennedy: and another element this administration wants to blame on everybody else, the supply chain. you got businesses they say the number one issue right now is inflation. a little while ago it was concerns about labor and whether or not they can find competent people to fill the jobs. now it's inflation so you've got labor, inflation and the supply chain. >> it's so vexing for businesses because the whole part of being a business, you make plans, you make plans and budget for the future. inflation makes it almost impossible because you don't know if you're getting ripped off, all your baselines for cost are out the window with inflationary environment. translation, don't invest or create as many jobs and the economy slows down. that's the reality, you can't play with this. the president in iowa talking to way he is, so irresponsible. kennedy: they don't care because they are covering their own and
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doing what they can in the short term but no longer in power and is not concerned about long-term policy. thank you so much. as i mentioned earlier, president biden very much blaming inflation on russian president, vladimir putin but west virginia democrat senator joe manchin, he says it biden's fault for not acting more quickly earlier. he said today it's a disservice to the american people to act as if inflation is a new phenomenon. federal reserve and administration failed to act fast enough and data is a snapshot in time of the consequences. being felt across the country instead of acting boldly, elected leaders and the federal reserve continue to respond half measures and rhetorical failures searching for where to lay the blame. when will president biden realized blaming others for your problem does not actually fix the problem? here to discuss, host of the
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event dominic podcast, it is then dominic. competing hashtags, biden inflation. republicans believe biden inflation because i see it and feel it and they are angry about it. our democrat and googled by the putin price hike? >> there is no way you will convince the american people that this is not the responsibility of the president in the white house and his party into the agenda they have pursued over the past several months. that's put us in the position where we are paying higher gas prices than we've ever seen in our memory where we seen america go from being energy independent to being dependent on different regimes around the world. where we seen them completely blow off inflation claims and
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ramifications of that before coming to the decision that we are just going to blame all of this on vladimir putin. despite the fact price hikes began way earlier than anything related to ukraine. you can lay some degree of what we are experiencing at the seat of vladimir putin due to the energy crisis war in ukraine has precipitated but the reality is we are facing circumstance right now the white house could easily deal with, they could absolutely go to capitol hill right now tomorrow and say we will rollback our agenda when it comes to short-term green new deal policies we've pursued. we will let people go back and drill for oil, natural gas and release that into the american market. the results of it immediately.
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the ramifications of that in everybody's pocketbook overnight and get they won't do that. why is that? they are beholden to their left flank within the democratic party which believes in the green new deal, believes in insanity in terms of long-term climate agenda and they won't offer anything like that to capitol hill to provide relief for americans at the pump and in terms of powering everything they do in life which from my perspective, writing your own death sentence when it comes to politics of the midterms and everything they are going to experience in the fall. kennedy: and that's what is so shocking, inflation isn't going to go anywhere. people are not bamboozled by gas lighting, they are not going to be fooled by that and it can be a much bigger problem but it's shocking to me to see ineffective administration on every level.
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you know she likes walking around and other people's shoes but she's not where she can where adult shoes, that's where we are with energy, we can't power our country with solar, wind and unicorn forts. hopefully we will get there, your daughter far more beautiful than any of them. officials in new york city getting an update on today's subway shooting. you develop miss, let's listen. >> the information i'm about to give you his preliminary and subject to change right now. the end train was between stations 59th street and 36 street stations seated in the second car and the rear corner was a dark skinned male. various descriptions of his height were given. he's heavyset wearing an orange green nylon type construction fast. he had on a gray hoodie,
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surgical mask and neon green construction helmet. as the train approached 36 street station, witnesses stated the mail opened up to smoke grenades, toss them on the subway floor, brandishes a glock 9 millimeters handgun and then fired that weapon at least 33 times, striking ten people. the male then fled the scene detectives are actively trying to determine his whereabouts. recovered at the scene was a glock 179-millimeter handgun. three extended glock pipe magazines, one in a weapon, one in a backpack. we had 33 discharged shell casings, 15 bullets, five bullet fragments, to detonated smoke
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grenades, to non- detonated smoke grenades, a hatchet, a black garbage can, a black rolling cart, gasoline and u-haul key. the u-haul key at the scene led us to the recovery of the u-haul fan a short while ago in brooklyn. the male who we believe is the renter of the u-haul in philadelphia is frank r james, male, 62 years old addresses in wisconsin and philadelphia. we are endeavoring to locate him to determine his connection to the subway shooting, if any. the two crime scenes, the subway and the fan are very active still being processed. we are asking for anyone's help with information.
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cell phone video, witness information, what, if any can identify the perpetrator while the renter of the vehicle to call crime stoppers at 1-800-577-tips. as a 50000-dollar reward out right now. 25000 from the new york city police foundation, 12,000 500 from the mta and 12,000 500 from the twa local 100. i want to assure everyone we in the nypd have all resources working this along with our partners and fbi and atf to find the perpetrator. i'd like to turn over to mike driscoll. okay. >> mr. mayor, we are ready for you. >> thank you, commissioner.
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as we indicated today was a difficult day for new york. as mentioned, an act of violence evil in the heart of brooklyn. innocent people at the 36 street station. it's been turned into a war zone as a bomb was detonated in multiple shots rang out. we've witnessed 20 injured so far. the quick thinking of mta crew and cooperation of passengers, first responders quickly take them to area hospitals to recover. outspoken about my committed to
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protecting, i stand by that and will continue to everything in my power to stop the violence but this is not only a new york city problem, these relentless shootings are an american problem and it will take all levels of government to stop it it's going to take the entire nation to speak out and push back taking hold and allow innocent lives to be sacrificed on a daily basis. weapons of mass destruction, it's as easy as a piece of plywood on the shelf. in countries where there are more guns than people, there are 400 million guns in this country alone, the u.s. guns are 26 tons
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times more than other countries. one hundred people die in gun violence every day. guns are the leading cause of death for american children and teens. like a 16-year-old baby in the bronx. columbine, sandy hook in virginia and las vegas to nightclubs in orlando to movie theaters across the nation, these killers use weapons of mass distraction to massacre innocent people. they control military forces and get individual killers terrorize our nation. this city will not adapt to this, indeed gun violence means changing gun laws. we cannot keep cleaning up the blood when blood is he still pouring into the basement.
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we have to stop the killings. to be clear, we will not surrender all of america to this. the seat of violence in the greater crisis. this administration and this police department but we will not stop until the peace they deserve comes the reality. a fellow new yorker, we will end this epidemic and capture the individual responsible for today's attack. we will capture him and prosecute him to the full extent of the law. fdny, first responders and collaboration, city agencies. >> thank you, mr. mayor. kennedy: there hugo, constitution hating new york
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city mayor eric adams. covid positive zooming himself into a press conference before he spoke, full of new facts and development we are just here in the last hour and a half. more of those right now with the latest, fox news senior correspondent, laura ingalls. what have we learned in the last 90 minutes or so? >> that was a huge list of information from the nypd, we've been waiting for confirmation to know if they have tracked down the suspect and it looks as though they have done that releasing the name of the man they believe could be responsible for this, frank r james, 63 years old with an address in philadelphia, possibly some other states. one of the things, let's start how they started, describing a little more about what they know now from talking to witnesses and looking at cell phone video of what transpired underground below us as we stand here at 36 street station, a man in the
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second car of the subway station and he was in the back and opened up a bag with two canisters, he opened them up setting up a smoke bomb and fired off 33 shots. if that's a new number we are learning, stunning. ten people shot, 13 people injured, five of those shots are critical though everyone is expected to survive. playing video throughout the day of what it looks like underground smoke and people filing out of the subway car into complete chaos, people falling to the ground bloodied and injured. when they were able to recover a bag, we heard from nypd, a couple things were recovered, key to track down the suspect, one of which was a u-haul key that led them to the fan located a short while ago about 5 miles from the location here in brooklyn. police close off the street, they've called in the bomb squad
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and as we look at the other items this man allegedly had with him, a hatchet, gasoline, fireworks, the clock, it is incredible people survived this attack and we are waiting for more information as we move for this evening. this entire area is completely locked down, you've got reporters, law enforcement still investigating. we will bring you more here in brooklyn. kennedy: thank you so much for the update. this story continues to develop and we may know more before the end of the show. joining me now with perspective, manhattan institute senior fellow and policing and public safety, rafael is with me. welcome. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: let's talk a little bit about what the suspect had on him and what they found so far
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including magazines, glock 9 millimeters but also fireworks, a hatchet, more smoke canisters, pepper spray, gas canisters. based on what you know about attacks like this, what does that tell you? >> it tells you one thing clearly, there seems to be a premeditated attack, these are not things people carry with them to new york city, it seems clear if the individual boarded the train with intent to do significant harm and that is what happened. it goes to show how vulnerable new yorkers really are when they get all the subway and explains why there's been a growing sense of uneasiness and security among new yorkers in respect to public safety underground. that sense of unease has been i think reinforced by the crime data the last two years and they are showing subway crime has been going up, people have been right to feel increasingly
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insecure and i think what we might see as this could prove to be a galvanizing moment that causes new yorkers to turn around and say enough is enough, we want safety and security measures taken and that's going to require resources deployed to the nypd, mta and until then, i think the city will be hard-pressed to convince people to get back onto the subway the way they were pre-pandemic. kennedy: business owners need the subways to work, they need riders from all rows to traverse manhattan and elsewhere in order to make purchases and other parts of new york city that's necessary. get back to questions being asked, let's see if we can get more answers. >> is there anything more you can tell us?
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[inaudible] >> they were general topics of concern and i don't want to go into too many details, we're just doing it to be on the safe side. [inaudible question] >> complaint about new york, just general comments that causes concern subject to investigation at this time. >> why were there no working surveillance cameras in the station and how much did those factor in the investigation? >> we know there were three stations the video wasn't working. we are still investigating that to see why or how, if there was an electrical or mechanical problem. >> and the radio? >> there was no issue with police radios.
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[inaudible question] >> patrol officers, officers who work topside if you will, when they go down, they have to switch frequencies so they didn't switch the radio over, they would not be able to transmit to the subway station so it's user error, not a problem with the actual radio. >> how many officers are assigned to this street and station and were there officers in the station at all? >> we don't typically assigned officers to subway stations, they patrol on a rotating basis, they ride trains and patrol stations, patrol officers from precinct stop and go down and do inspections and we have been doing that since january so that station was patrolled several times today, no officers present in the station at the time of
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the shooting but it had been patrolled several times on this calendar date prior to the shooting in the early morning hours. >> what do we know about mr. james and his ties to new york city? >> we know mr. james has addresses in wisconsin and philadelphia. as far as new york, still under investigation but he's just a person of interest right now. >> is it clear and he entered the station, did he go anywhere after the fact? >> we know the shooter entered the station on kings highway. we are asking for anybody who knows from kings highway 235th street, anybody who sees him with that information, call crime stoppers. >> is he on video at all? >> we literally have hundreds of detectives in the field right now pouring through video at train stations, egress us,
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recovery sites of the vehicle so we hope to have clearer pictures of who we believe is the shooter. >> about the weapon recovered, has not been traced back to mr. james at all? how confident -- [inaudible] >> as far as pulling the trigger, that's still under investigation. as far as the firearm is concerned, we know it not. kennedy: there we go. we are going to wrap out of this press conference continues. we will bring you more updates from new york city as they come in including whether or not they apprehend the suspect. it might happen tonight during this show so stay with us for all that is coming up, let's go to russia and ukraine. reportedly preparing for battle and reports they began using chemical weapons and now putin says he's he's out on peace talks. the panel joins me to discuss.
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they'll be here in second. stay with me. ♪♪
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welcome back, russian president vladimir putin said is ready to go on ukraine, even scorch you because he claims he peace talks reached a dead end. >> such an incoherent on major issues creates known problems to achieve final agreement acceptable for everyone on a negotiating track. the operation will continue until full completion in the fulfillment of the task set. kennedy: the special military operation. he's such a pastor but ukrainians raise information russian assault in the east, big bad gladys had military operations aren't evil, it snowballed. >> we don't intend to be isolated, it's impossible to
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severely isolate anyone in the modern world especially such a vast country as russia. special the tray operation and ukraine's goals are clear and noble. kennedy: they are noble. ukrainian old ladies are telling russian soldiers we will eat your balls for breakfast. they're not backing down, tens of thousands of civilians have already died, millions are displaced. it's vladimir putin losing it or is he crazy like fox? tonight panel, washington examiner senior political correspondent and enterprise institute, president fellow, tim carney is back and former state department deputy spokesperson, fox news agenda, maria hearts. georgia libertarian governor, he's heating up and ready to take on. former u.s. marine corps sgt., shane hazel is back. welcome back, everyone.
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>> thank you. kennedy: this is interesting, vladimir putin said what he is doing is noble, he's done with peace talks. is any of us surprising to you? >> no, he is a bad guy the part that surprised me was he took the war to the rest of ukraine. he got crimea for basically three in 2014. my assumption going and was he was going to invade and try to take eastern ukraine for those a lot of epic russians. the language they used as they are liberating the donbas region or regions over there but then he went ahead and did crazy stuff going after western ukraine so i'm afraid thinks he can grind it out and destroying cities in eastern ukraine and eventually have enough of the take control from russia to
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crimea. that might not be easy for ukrainians. kennedy: but will they keep trying? >> will russians keep trying? kennedy: know what they keep trying to throughout the advances? >> yes. i think ukrainians have fought much better than anyone certainly been vladimir putin thought they went. it's clear putin cannot win, he can't take over ukraine or force zelenskyy to flee, those are things he thought he could do six weeks ago. so the question is whether there is a path for negotiation where we can stop some of the bloodshed. putin has made clear he's going to -- the genocide we are seen, the war crimes we are seeing, putin is making this incredibly painful for the ukrainians but can't take over the country. i think zelenskyy is trying to figure out right now if he can
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negotiate an end to the bloodshed because he will keep writing it out day in and day out with the russians and putin is getting rid of his intel guys, he knows he's in trouble but that's such a place for a crazy person to be in. kennedy: he's appealed to the south koreans, the canadians obviously, the joint session of congress, to the americans. has he done enough to appeal to european countries? >> i think zelenskyy is trying very hard right now to have people come in but he's also saying i'm done with nato. there's an interesting situation down in ukraine right now, have a russian army that dealt over 40000 combat deaths and that's a remarkable number. you are talking about for regiments worse of soldiers killed and four zelenskyy do not
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really talk to nato or want their help anymore, you're starting to see i think the tide turn in ukraine where russia pulled back from a they've started in the donbas region and with that not going well for russia, you might actually see a very dangerous vladimir putin in the very near future. kennedy: is there a correlation between him banning out of peace talks and more people in the united states including president and national security advisor calling him a war criminal? is the a smartest move regardless of what people believe? >> it's really hard and i think it's where the u.s. is in a pickle in terms of power around the world. we've done so many things, earlier today calling for war crimes against this man, it's a
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little hollow from a guy who dropped 27000 bombs over seven countries in the middle east during his eight years so politically and i guess morally, the u.s. government is absolutely bankrupt when it calls for war crimes around the world. it's going to be, it's not a good situation and fist is war and i think this is what people need to see, no matter what happens, the west escalation we can push forward the better off anybody in the situation will be. people in ukraine he to be armed and push back and the people in the donbas region from a what they want to do. nobody has asked them from the russians wanted, is anybody asking what the people in that region want? kennedy: he's like me with my scooters. nobody's like kenne-daylia, what do you want? thank you so much, tim, marie and shane.
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president biden announcing a crackdown on ghost guns but without really stop mass shootings like the one today in new york? coming your way. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: we are starting in the night and i have found it. last night mouth trumpet monday song. meanwhile president biden is on a journey to disarm america. the president announced a ban on the ghost guns which are basically guns made from parts that people can purchase in a kit and put together themselves. the president claims these are the weapon of choice criminals
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but is the ban unconstitutional and would actually reduce crime? in studio, anchor of fox news at night, we are always searching in the light for mothers and daughters who speak. new york times bestseller, shannon. >> it's so good to see you in person. kennedy: this is a heavy subject because one of those things, like a false flag where people say yes, ghost guns, make those illegal in the new form of gun control where they are just giving something a scary sounding name so they can pass legislation and bright executive orders that reduce constitutionally sound gun rights. >> the crazy thing is, people on both sides, gun-control advocates are saying this won't do anything. a few people say it sounds great and it's tough on crime and they
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have to beef up on the message and post pressure on the president to do this but already, there are lawsuits about to be dropped, an executive order vehicle after the second amendment in any way, shouldn't it be legislated on capitol hill? this would not be passed capitol hill and they know that so they will try to executive order it but i think the courts will not be happy. kennedy: the courts and congress which if the house flips and becomes republican, this is an absolute nonstarter but also one of those things like the designation assault weapons, like no one can really say what it is and even today, the mayor of new york city talking about horrific attacks today on the subway and he was talking about weapons of mass destruction like really? mustard gas and stinger missiles? is that what we are seeing? or are you talking about ghost guns? >> there are so many federal gun laws and prosecutors and law enforcement was how you they
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don't prosecute those cases. you can keep adding to the federal laws on the books or tried executive action but if prosecutors don't actually do anything and if people do get prosecute or charged and bail out, they are problems part of the chain of the conversation of gun private that has to be part of what we are discussing. kennedy: and you got a supreme court right now that i think would take an interesting look at any constitutional challenge to the second amendment and i don't think it would come up in favor of politicians like eric adams or gavin newsom or president biden. >> i think if you check in with justice clarence thomas, he's got opinions and the fact he thinks the court has taken up enough cases to at least look at the contours of what is constitutional and what not, there's a case pending right now out of new york it has to do with the second amendment and we are waiting on the opinion that could come any day but i don't think this case the biden administration will want to end up at the supreme court, i don't
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think it will end well for them. kennedy: i think you're absolutely right. thank goodness we have you not only at the high courts but on the top issues. shannon, a dream come true. am i awake or am i dreaming? [laughter] topical storm is next. ♪♪ 's
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a new report claims spread of stds in america surged to an all-time high in 2020 because that was the year americans all got screwed. that's getting down with sickness. this is topical storm, topic number one. the fda investigating claims that lucky charms serial is making people sick. my gosh even the feds are after me terms of the evening received over 100 complaints the serial is causing bathroom related asked for intestinal issues and people infected, follow your nose. complaints include nausea, gas, vomiting, diarrhea, rainbows and clovers. a recall not yet administrated
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but fda seriously because the only thing lucky charms should give you is bridal joy. maybe diabetes, hypertension, gout, heart disease, stroke and sleep apnea. topic number two. adidas heating up with waffle house to create waffle house seemed she was. you can make your own waffle house seemed she was by walking into any waffle house and stepping into puddles of impossible to clean syrup. waffle house shoes with matter drives and sold, the easiest way to end of over spending the day with somebody who is a lucky charm. the shoe design include the waffle batter and just like the real waffle house food, they taste like she was intended to celebrate the masters tournament that entered this past sunday, the perfect one because like
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waffle house office, they are subpar. ♪♪ topic number three. a group of people stolen $22000 worth of cheese from a dutch dairy farm in prison i can't imagine what kind of monsters would do such a thing. this was in the middle of the night at a farm. which i believe is dutch for while the house did dairy farmers say they woke up to find barnes busted open 60 oversized she's missing, making this the cheesiest heist since oceans 13. selling it can be difficult, ask a cast of saturday night live, each wheel marked with distinct serial numbers so the thieves have to sell it out of the country or cut it up into smaller pieces if you really want someone to count the seeds, give them a bowl of lucky charms.
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topic number four. saudi arabian television show lisa comedy sketch mocking president biden, confident, sleepy and confused. i am outraged by the documentary. watch. >> i have a very important message geocoded the message is -- thank you very much. god bless you and -- >> thank you all, hallelujah. right now. [laughter] kennedy: we seen enough, that's my mama. saudi arabia better watch their back. the last time they attacked america we invade iraq and afghanistan. we've got two questions for the saudi's, number one, where does the regime get off mocking our
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leaders? number two, how did they get the real kamala harris to participate in the sketch? guess what, saudi arabia. you pick the side with the most popular president in american history. even dead people voted for him. sure, in front of the richest royals, next up with his wife from time to time but he's the president in the greatest country on earth, a country defined by one word. tell them, joe. >> america is a nation that can be defined in a single word. excuse me. kennedy: a big word. that's right. the next time you think about making a joke about our president biden's premises because kamala harris is lacking, it doesn't mean it funny. before we go, tonight to call me tuesday joke but if you can guess the punchline on twitter using # tickles me tuesday. please don't look it up, that's
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cheating. where do you learn all about ice cream? the answer will amaze you, that's next. ♪♪
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>> you waited for it. it is tickle me tuesday. here is the tickle you have been waiting for, where do you learn all about ice cream? sunday school, sundae
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school? >> kennedy, you can do better. >> i got so much. molly, janet and roy, they got it right on twitter, thank you for watching the best hour of your day. follow me. make every day ♪ ♪ just off of the coast of north carolina. there is a 26 mile strip of heaven, called topsail island, residents have the atlantic ocean as their backyard. feel like fishing? charter your own boat, or if you want to enjoy sun and surf, hop on a paddleboard and cruise the coast. you could visit sea turtle hospital or go bird watching inland. >> if we


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