tv Kennedy FOX Business April 18, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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to border communities putting a strain on local resources so we need to charge this right now, of what's taking place. elizabeth: thank you for your service to our country. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. thank you for watching. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: hi, monday. breaking news, a federal judge overturning the white house mask mandate for all public transportation in the united states. can i get a hallelujah? thank you. the of administration says it will abide by the ruling so can the masks finally come off? the mandate has been in place must since the beginning of the pandemic. it was supposed to expire today after several extensions but last week the biden administration extended it for two more weeks.
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two weeks to stop the curb or flattened the curb. the airline industry claims mask mandate is unnecessary. they are begging for the masks to be off on their planes. today trump appointed judge in florida ruled the cdc did not have the authority to force everyone to wear a mask. reporter jen psaki asked what we all want to know. >> they make be wondering, if they are boarding a flight tonight, is mask mandate still in place? >> i understand why you are asking and nobody here is trying to provoke uncertainty the passengers and we think the mask mandate should be in place and safer for individuals flying to continue to wear masks so we to say to anyone thing out there we recommend you wear a mask on the airplane and as soon as we can provide an update, hopefully soon, we will provide that to all of you. kennedy: so is that a yes or no? are you going to call msnbc for clarification? the white house has now clarified saying they will
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follow the new rules and that's great because i'm flying wednesday. i do not want to wear a mask that i don't have to and they should let me fly the plane just for a little bit. if you want to wear a mask, have at it. if you want to fly the plane, no. it's only something of privileged few get to do. where ten pairs of underwear on your face, i don't care but are we finally following the science? tonight party panel, they have big opinions including american majority ceo and former watch w bush presidential writer, ned ryun and cohost of the cleo's mom and democrat pollster, jessica, our lovable tonight. economic education, also cofounder of baseball politics, brad polumbo. [laughter] i read your e-mail on hate mail on thursday, brad. everyone appreciated that.
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ned, what i would appreciate very much is not having to wear masks on planes especially when most of the masks people where don't do anything to combat the virus and even doctor fauci said it's a personal choice, why is the white house pushing back on this? >> absurd they are because if you are about the science or facts or data, you would realize in august of last year after in-depth studies the masks don't work, n95's are 50% effective if worn effectively, other masks are 10% if you wear them correctly and basically others don't do anything. it's finally nice to see we are following the signs, data and facts on masks and we can go back to normal and i think most americans have finally come to the realization this is endemic,
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we'll be dealing with coronavirus and some strain of it for the foreseeable future. we don't have to shut down our lives and economies for stupid mass and time to get back to normal and it's great they've backed up the federal judges ruling. kennedy: i don't jessica, the white house said they did clarify that, they have said they are not going to oppose the ruling, they are not going to try to fight it in at this time when you pit masks against alcohol, doesn't alcohol always win? >> in my experience, certainly. that's quite excessive. i think we are getting to a healthier place, where as you said if you want to where ten pairs of underwear on your face, go for it and people make their personal choices. i think what happened last week with philadelphia reinstating the mask mandate and heist breaking officers democratic politicians in pennsylvania pooh-poohed the idea, you know what's happening, liberals see
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the writing on the wall america has moved on. it doesn't mean covid is gone or everybody will survive and people should still get vaccinated and get boosted, i'm not saying get 80 booster shots but at least one because it's been shown to keep you out of the hospital if you do get covid but we are not going to be able to control this on a governmental level. i think that's what the white house has been saying today and it's a healthier place for all of us, two years in from a desperate to live our lives again. kennedy: it's really tough, brad. i don't know the longest line you've taken during the pandemic but even a three hour flight, it's really hard and if you have any breathing difficulties were claustrophobic, flying, traveling, it's miserable. when will we be maskless? will i be maskless on wednesday? they said you decide. >> i think you will and i hope
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ida for myself as well, what a joy to the passengers on the plane who will be graced with my face again but seriously though, this takes us back to where we should have been all along, individual choice. some of the meltdowns from the ruling have you think the judge band masks. if you want to wear a mask if you are at risk, go for it and where n95 forget five booster shots, power to you. just don't force it on everybody else. we are going back finally two years too late in my opinion, individual choice tailored to your own risk and your own values. that's where we should have been a long time ago. kennedy: absolutely and there were many of us saying that the entire time. you have to make the assessment and decide what your risk is and you can behave accordingly. that doesn't mean every time there is a perceived problem we have to have a government solution that's one-size-fits-all that in the end turns out not to help anyone in the first place. it just makes people more skeptical and i think they've
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given away a lot of their goodwill, talking about anyone in power whose come to these regulations of people's liberties be damned. the judges ruling is another blow for president biden and white house facing as you know, crisis after crisis so what's he going to do about it? according to the liberal media, they are setting the bar pretty low. cnn john harwood wrote an op-ed entitled biden confronts a host of problems, he can't do too much to solve. the panel on abc this week basically said the same thing. >> democrats are looking at a stack of problems against them, they know inflation is high and gas prices are high. >> when it comes to inflation, there's not much the president can do about it. >> there's not much he can do about it. kennedy: so is the left okay with biden accomplishing
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nothing? very low expectations from the village there. they say the president can't do much about inflation. i guess you can't do much about immigration, they can't do much about crime, can't do much about a host of things if you have such low expectations. is this a good sign? >> they are already realizing they are facing a bloodbath in the midterm elections this fall but the absurdity of all of this argument made that biden can't do anything, a lot of the crisis are of his own making. on day one he shuts down the keystone pipeline and the white house fighting the court injunction that would open up leasing for oil and gas exploration, they are digging in and not giving up on we should become energy independent because we have to move toward clean energy of solar and wind.
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on immigration, and the first 100 day, he had executive orders on immigration. kennedy: one year of his life -- >> annihilated trump's policy, stop securing the southern border, inflation, he was warned by larry summers, do not pass this 1.9 trillion spending bill in the spring of 2021, it will cause inflationary spiral and it did. then they doubled down and said we should spend four to $5 trillion more on the bill back better plan. he's done everything to create these crisis and is going to result in significant losses at the state and local level for the democrats and i couldn't be happier. kennedy: what that are saying the president doesn't have to have control so we can't be mad at him? that that were the white house blaming everyone for things like inflation and immigration as a way for advocating responsibly? the president, regardless of who he has, still have to make choices and still has to create
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an environment where things happen. >> option c, which you didn't give me but i will jump into it anyway, i think there is an opportunity to have an honest and open discussion with the american people about understanding pain they are feeling and saying these are the policies i believe will help us get out of this. to what ned said, it's not just american, this is happening globally. joe biden didn't rule the world, that's not possible. the keystone pipeline would not have given us more oil, it was going through us, it wouldn't save us from the impact of vladimir putin and the crown prince of saudi. those talking points are garbage. kennedy: but we can have more leases, absolutely.
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>> i'm talking about the keystone pipeline, i heard republican senator today on the air earlier talking about how the keystone pipeline would have saved us and we wouldn't have any problems, that's not true. joe biden did not ruin the world. anyway, elizabeth warren has an op-ed in the new york times today where she said -- hear her out, a lot but i did not agree with but one thing that i saw as important, democrats won elections when they make it clear they understand harsh realities americans are facing and that is a component of the messaging not gone particularly well. it doesn't mean your failure to acknowledge our circumstances. of course we have a supply chain crisis, we just got out of a two-year global healthcare pandemic. kennedy: they win when they have a villain in the campaign. they run out of ideas and the great ideas giving people more money and stealing money in the form of taxation and flooding the economy with all this free money, those are bad, bad, horrible ideas and when someone tries to be empathetic and explain i feel your pain, that
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person is kamala harris and every time she explains inflation, an angel loses their wings. it's sad. straight to hades. brad, let me ask you, if the president is powerless, maybe we should take the power away from the presidency. in my onto something here? >> the problem is, far from powerless. i wish. wouldn't that be great if the president was actually powerless? i do acknowledge the fact that there are a lot of things contribute to inflation, not all of which are under joe biden's control, the federal reserve money printing and deficit spending started under trump but he's done nothing but make matters worse since he's been in office. passing 1.9 trillion stimulus bill with little to do with covid, only 9% directly related to the pandemic but they stimulate inflation. beyond that, he read nominated the fed care that guided the
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inflation money printing and he's doubled down on the same stuff. while i agree he can't do everything to fix the problems, no president can, he hasn't done a lot to help but i have seen just how far the media doesn't cheerlead for him. to be a democratic president with this mainstream media, it's hard to do any wrong in their eyes. kennedy: it's hard to hear complaints from them because they really do carry your water. their arms must be exalted from the water carrying. panel staying here, much more to discuss. turning into a recession. that's next. how can we best protect our assets? jonathan hoenig is here to break it down. there he is. so sexy. ♪♪ he knows he's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. overdraft assist from chase.
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economists that the economy will deal with challenges ahead from a position of strength because of the president's economic plan. it's important to remember we created more jobs last year than any other year in history a very low unemployment rate for the country and wages have gone up in a number of areas. kennedy: what economic plan? the president couldn't do anything. some say inflation is even close to peeking and prices are going to keep rising so what needs to be done to stop a recession from happening? here with me now, hedge fund manager and fox news contributor, jonathan hoenig, he's back in action. let's talk about this, do you think 35% is on the low end or over exaggerating? >> i think it's the low end, we could be in a recession right now. jen psaki got away with words, she mentions people's wages rising. the problem is they are not rising as fast as inflation.
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this really is the borrow of line, public enemy number one. 5% wage increase last year but inflation is at eight and a half% of people are losing money day in and day out and that's what inflation is doing. it's hollowing out the economy, it's from the inside out, not greedy ceos or the supply chain issue a russia, it's government policies causing inflation and exacerbating from here on. kennedy: when you have a recession and inflation, is that stagflation? >> you can kind of call it what you want but it's attacks and destruction of reduction, tax and destruction of savings and this year people who want to save in the good old-fashioned safe bond have lost about 8% just in the last three months so with the tax even on savings.
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we always say inflation, things go up in price but it's even more than that, it's attacks on wealth creation at large so you see prices going up but also don't see the job created for the wealth created work innovation created so jen psaki might want to think inflation is a genie you can stuff back in the bottle need to all central bankers think that as well, not just propaganda enriching themselves by getting sweetheart tv contracts while they are yapping away at the white house podium badmouthing competitors, it's all of them together saying is something they can control and pull back, that's not necessarily the case. how is it affecting the stock market and how will it affect the market in say the next year? >> is helping short-term, certain areas of the stock market for example, oil and gas companies have done quite well pushing price of fossil fuels up it is a great example of president biden wanted to do something, he could for example encourage energy production but
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is going in the wrong direction. inflation is a terrible tax on the economy. savings and production and wealth creation so you might have flaps here and there but by and large making more money investing in commodities in the next couple of years. kennedy: that's what i was going to ask because you've been talking about more creative ways to protect assets. people just starting, maybe they've got a little bit of money in the stock market, crypto, what should they do right now? should be all by gold? >> for one thing you don't want to make it an all or none decision with any investment. more than anything, now is a great time -- i think now is a good time for hard assets but the bigger picture is a good time to live below your means. i hate to say about $1000 is not what used to be and that's getting lower and lower due to the inflation so now is a great
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time to tighten even a little bit despite president biden isn't tightening the government bill at all. kennedy: no and they have a lot more cutting to do before the bottom completely falls out. it's scary, recession is bad people have been living in this kind of bubble for some time. >> that's what's so frustrating, they are not inevitable. inflation is not a natural element. you need to get government out of the way, it's caused by government and can be fixed by government but all these years of stimulus, there's no such thing as a free lunch and we are paying for it now through inflation, the rich are paying for it but every day americans are paying through higher taxes and costs and lower productivity at large. kennedy: it's a very expensive lunch. you're paying for lobster lunch, you're getting five guys. no thank you but thank you, jonathan.
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remember russia? when democrats accused president trump with colluding with russia, he's a putin topic. the whole thing, the story falling apart like a cheap umbrella. new developments in the russia date investigation special prosecutor john durham and his beard say data once presented as evidence and president trump colluded with russia was quote not technically plausible and user created but not like trump. that was made by the cia in 2016 but somehow the agency along with fbi kept under wraps until
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now. when president trump words, maybe it was a hoax. will anybody ever pay for the plot against the former president? party panel is back. ned, jessica, brad. ned, i will stop with you. [laughter] you have people, researchers, tech companies mining servers for codewords and squish it altogether the pp papers, steel dossiers and try to present that has some sort of colossal evidence the former president was working with russia to do bad things and all of it seems to be a bunch of phony malarkey. >> yeah and a lot of us knew that in the spring of 2017, the thing that is amazing is the cia, first of all, two questions
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arose when i saw this, first of all, john was the head of the cia january 2017 and then he leaves and goes to msnbc, he had to have known it was a hoax and using it for political reasons and goes to msnbc nonstop rails against trump essentially call him a traitor and guilty of collusion when he knew that was not the case at all but my next question is mike pompeo becomes head of the cia in january 2017, what did he know and when did he know it? why didn't he walsh this the beginning of 2017 to save us from the idiocy of the mueller investigation and nonstop talk of russian collusion hoax? i want to know, what was pompeo's role in why didn't he put an x on this much sooner and why are we now finding out about five years later when they ran
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the cia five years? kennedy: what about this is most troubling to you, jessica? >> john durham's beard? is that an option? kennedy: i like it. >> no, hearing from ned, the pompeo rant there, the same sizing there. kennedy: i don't mean to interrupt but to what ned said and what i think you are about to say, i don't trust anyone whose runs the cia, i really don't. gina, mr. burns, john brennan, i don't trust any of them. go ahead, sorry. >> i think a lot of americans feel that way in the hear the argument about the deep state, i think people have this assumption people work in these spook jobs and they are never getting the full story about what is going on and i think it cuts across the board. i'll be interested to say what
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the full durham report looks like, i'm a liberal who believes donald trump did deserve to be impeached, i read the full report and i know he said he didn't conclusively find collusion but he would have said if he did and we'll see where the chips may fall but what i do think it means is we are going to talk about . kennedy: that was a line, that's not how it works in our country. you have to prove somebody is guilty. >> i think he was guilty of obstructing justice b2 of course but the russia collusion part, that was the predicate for the entire thing was that he was somehow a putin puppet working with russia to undermine democracy regardless of whethere was a narcissistic low hard and unlikable person. all of those things are secondary but the primary assertion, that's what should be so troubling to anybody the butts up against the
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surveillance state not a part of the establishment. >> donald trump was a disruptor and threatened the establishment and many times i disagreed with the specifics of that but i'm concerned more broadly about what happens when the establishment strikes back because he because of the deep state, cia, fbi and honestly one of the truest things he's ever said. running for president, there really is this deep state apparatus in d.c. where they spy on us and know everything about us and have their own interest in agenda whether it's fbi agents, between the fact that what we know now what the cia knew and when they knew it, they clearly have their own agenda and i'm like first two things, one, let's not parent and trust whatever is leached to us anonymously next time around maybe not do that. and two, maybe they shouldn't have so much power and
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information over our lives. just a thought. kennedy: absolutely and that includes the fbi. it's not just the cia but they are all spying on americans and using back doors to access information to make people's lives difficult and construct cases not within their purview. it wrong but every time something like this comes up and civil libertarians say we have to write the surveillance, everyone says anyhow, let's move onto the next thing for we get to spend a bunch of money. thank you so much party panel. good night. meanwhile, potentially massive battle in ukraine reported the now underway as russian forces begin in the eastern down bus region. house minority leader kevin mccarthy claiming none of this would be happening if the white house acted sooner. >> ukraine was creating the ability to defend themselves and we moved weapons to ukraine earlier, they could defend
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themselves and save thousands of lives in public the decision of putin not to enter. kennedy: the biden administration has given ukraine several billion dollars in military supplies since the world began. was it too little, too late or should we stay out of this completely? here to discuss director and editorial director, scott horton is back. in your estimation, joe biden should know better than anyone else about ukraine and public government and u.s. manipulation since he's 25 years into the process. you've talked about that and senator vice president and now president. his kevin mccarthy right? should we give weapons to ukraine sooner and with that have been a deterrent to russia? >> no and it's a ridiculous
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argument, giving more weapons sooner, we would just have had a war sooner. that's what it's about, the provocation making ukraine a de facto member of nato standardizing the military and arming them up and of course after obama overthrew the government and biden was in on it and jake sullivan and victoria newland overthrew the government in 2014, obama was afraid to arm ukrainians one because of the president's battalion inside ukraine's armed forces but because there would be further provocation against russia when it led to the loss of crimea and the horrible war in the east of the country so obama refused to send real weapons and other supplies and then it was when trump came in in order to defend from the russia hoax you were describing there in order to prove what in asia of russia he wasn't and expanded to ukraine and naval
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presence in the black baltic seas and bomber flights right up to 12 miles off their borders testing their provocations. a few more countries to nato and important treaties, the nuclear forces treaty and open skies treaty. all of that led and when biden came in, all he did was escalate even further and the massive exercises last summer in the black sea with i think 37 nations joining in, essentially practicing an attack on russia and also beginning last fall started arming up not just since the start of the war but since last fall sending in hundreds of millions and eventually billions of dollars of arms into ukraine. they told the new york times in december it was carefully calibrated to deter putin from invading but not provoke him. they are terrible at calibrating or decided to turn the heat up to provoked the fight.
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kennedy: or they don't need know the meaning of deterrent. they've used in several contacts and every time so far they have been wrong. he said the president is engaging in anti- diplomacy. i want you to explain that because it's pretty clear from his rhetoric he's not trying to come to a peaceful resolution here. >> in fact, the same day i was last on your show, the washington post that night put out a story that biden and his people in nato don't want to see the war and too early. they said, i swear this was in the washington post, they rather see ukrainians continue fighting and dying rather than see the war and on a negotiated settlement. they'd rather bleed russia and in the run up to the war, is a new podcast with derek who works for joe biden who explained in a podcast for war, they absolutely
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refused to negotiate a deal with russia where they were promised not to extend nato membership to ukraine. biden's policy was not to bring them into nato, everybody knew germans weren't allowed but they refused to put it in writing. kennedy: zelenskyy says that every time he opens his mouth. the helicopters and stinger missiles and we will join nato. >> and biden even admitted i'm probably going to have to give up and admit they lost crimea and will have to give up donbas, too. what are we fighting for, kennedy? kennedy: i don't know why we are fighting for anything because it's over there. there it is. scott horton, thank you for your clarity and kindness. i appreciate it. coming up, twitter adopted a poison fill to try to block elon musk from buying the company but there's still the possibility to take over. he's got big plans, jimmy
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failla, he will break out all the plans next. ♪♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪
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they dropped the b word. you can't do that on twitter. elon musk upping the ante in his war with twitter, tesla ceo striking back at the twitter board of directors and taking over the company. he tweeted quote board salary will be zero if i succeed. that's 3 million a year saved right there. this after the board of directors announced they'd implement a poison pill to prevent elon from taking over by issuing new shares of company
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stock for a discount making it impossible for him to buy a majority so who wins the fight? for social supremacy, here in studio fox across america radio host the gym favor. >> great to see you. kennedy: great to see you, too. >> these dirt bag board members don't sound like they have the shareholders best interest in mind. kennedy: must have pointed that out, the only two who own stock, they are not paid by the board. >> they don't do anything, 250 $300,000 a year no-show construction jobs. what does the board do, i don't know what that means. it could be, i'm not sure. even jack dorsey laden and took time out of his busy schedule. kennedy: am just walking around, the board is awful, they've always been awful. jackie is first to say that. no. >> i can't say that but that's
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the best part one elon musk said we will turn twitter into a homeless shelter, have you seen jack dorsey? i met him outside once, i didn't know him like i'm so sorry but i left this because he's upsetting the worst people. the people on the left, they will have to work a little bit when it comes to political discourse, they've had a good run for they didn't agree with the it was hate speech and it went away. might not go away now. it's funny because they've gotten by so long that they don't know what else to do. the white supremacist, none of these which is so silly but i love watching because there's nothing they can do. kennedy: they did a poll within twitter, 200 employees there like 68% of us say it's a bad idea of elon musk -- [laughter] it's amazing, you dingbat, free rocket ride. >> to keep saying things it's bad for free speech like what do you mean? kennedy: it's part of free
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speech with implicit in it, the free part. that means there's more but people want more content moderation. >> when everybody in washington post is like we can't just have billionaires flying in, really? the one who bought the washington post, you don't like billionaires buying stuff. none of them said a word when mark zuckerberg. kennedy: enough. >> mark zuckerberg. [laughter] i went with it. mark zuckerberg jumped 520 million in the last election, we weren't talking about billionaire book then. i don't believe -- i don't know that he's a person. kennedy: i really do like the putting. [laughter] i love the meta- verse so much. i'm just going to go over here and i'm going to touch people's privates with their consent in the meta- verse. >> we got a lot, he was that guy that was everybody's friend.
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kennedy: he's have that for years. >> we need you, tom. we play this out because they are doing everything they can to block, if he talked about the tender offer. kennedy: then he goes to the shareholders directly and he's like hey. do you want to vote on my money? >> he's going to slide into the board. kennedy: he's got a giant checkbook. >> he's going to slide into their dm, instagram style. kennedy: the publishers clearing. >> he's going to show up with large money. here you go, board members. kennedy: bigger than that dumb jack dorsey. did he win? exactly right. jimmy failla said it, no need to bet on it because he's right. topical storm is next. ♪♪
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a video of a senior citizen working contest has gone viral but the biggest elderly shakedown is still the home shopping network. that's how you go hip-hop to hit placement and this is topical storm, topic number one. we made it, mug shot monday. tonight a mississippi ball buster who took a swing at a ballgame. a self-proclaimed mother of the
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year, she's got the shirt to prove it but that year is not 2022. reportedly ejected from her 12-year-old dollars softball game for cursing at the umpire. she agreed to leave but waited in the parking lot where she later punched her. witnesses said was the worst be done in baseball since every single orioles game. charged with battery and banned from recreational activities in the town, the umpire was hospital but thankfully she's safe at home now. topic number two. a gorilla in chicago is being forced to cut back on screen time after developing smart phone addiction. he especially loves twitter because everyone on twitter flings their feces all day. this is a teenaged gorilla whose become obsessed with looking at pictures on smart phones. his favorites are images of all the guerrillas like danny
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devito. a mayor in the first forth from the internet but zookeepers are growing concerned it's making him antisocial. then again other monkeys spent a lot of time playing with themselves. little perverts. the zoo has forbidden visitors from showing their phones to the mayor to overcome his addiction making him the latest in a long line of guerrillas banned from the internet. [laughter] topic number three. the flight attendants of spirit airlines -- they have flight attendants? if i was a free-for-all. they are picketing around the country to protest poor working conditions. after the airline saw how upset they were, they tried to charge them for emotional baggage. it's happening at airports and detroit, chicago where spirit flight attendant say they are tired of fighting with rowdy drunks. they are just talking about the pilots. they also complained spirit is
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constantly canceling flights leaving them stranded in random cities with no hotel rooms to stay in. hunter biden offered his, i feel terrible for the employees, i can't imagine what it's like to be treated badly by an airline. the good news is spirit committed to changing work conditions. the bad news is they will only do it for a $100 change fee. topic number four. australia, the animal is celebrated easter and i'm not talking about the bogus. that's apparently australian rednecks. here's easter brunch is getting treats at australian zoos. first the giant panda chowing down on carrots. i be eating vegetables, to if they kept calling me a giant. i can't believe in this day and age there's still black and white videos. check out the young authors holding an easter egg hunt. they are all siblings or i like to call them honors from another mother.
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then again, we all have democrats and the family. we are falling short. this is jaya, the tiger. an easter basket filled with chickens. of course this chicken is not fit for human consumption because it was cooked by paula patton. here we go, black there enjoying his easter snack. the zookeepers peanut butter on the box so he would find it and lick it off. sharon osborne used to do the same thing with ozzie, that's how he got his protein for the day. an australian animal enjoying the yummy treats with no in-laws to ruin the party and just like human easter brunch is, there's always a team who's spent the whole time on the phone gorilla love. we'll be right back with mouth trumpet monday. ♪♪
7:56 pm
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7:59 pm
8:00 pm
>> you're welcome. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter and instagram at kennedy nation. tomorrow night. olivia and brian suits, i want to party with those people, you can't watch the show? dvr it make every day, good night. >> lumber, cornerstone commodity that frames our of day lives and keeps our countrytl sheltered, heated, furnished and more, but wrestling this raw material out of the forest into our homes is not for the faint of heart. >> oh, mother [bleep] >> it takes old fashion grit. >> monster machinery. and nerves of steel to do the most dangerous job in america. sorry c
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