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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 2, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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found it on the doorstep. no. candidate biden when he was running for president was either promising illegal aliens would be better than trump and told them to flood to the border and declare asylum and this is what they got. elizabeth: always good to have you on, come back soon. thank you for watching, i'm elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: she's being called mary poppins of propaganda. nina jankowicz is that, the white house disinformation government board. after days of pushback, nina take control and drive the umbrella right out of town. she will apparently have power to decide what the administration considers true and false and i should need to explain to you why that is crazy and dangerous but according to incompetent homeless security l.a. hunter mayorkas, it's a totally cool.
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he just did a bad job of explaining it. >> we could have done a better job communicating what is. >> american citizens be monitored? >> do you really think nina jankowicz is we are objective enough for this job? >> i do. i don't question her objectivity, she is recognized as tremendous authority and we are fortunate to have her. kennedy: how does he's to have a job? evidence suggests she's far from objective, she's claimed elon musk is that for free speech and hundred biden laptop story was totally made up. a trump campaign product. oh, yeah and she reported this. >> it's really quite ferocious ♪ ♪ takes a life ♪ ♪ origins are slightly less atrocious ♪ ♪. kennedy: i need to take a bath
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and battery acid. that's so weird and gross and she's our new agency. many republican seem to agree, it's no way no. kevin mccarthy tweeted the same party spent years promoting the russia collusion hoax suppressed the hundred biden laptop story and equated parents to terrorists believes credibility to control your speech. biden must immediately abandon his plan to create a ministry of truth. his nina jankowicz perfect in every way like mary poppins? or will she usher in a new era of government control? tonight party panel, former trump advisory board member, jason meister is here, democrat poster and cohost on the fox news channel, i am her doppelgänger, she is jessica tarlov and 2020 libertarian vice presidential candidate or the lp national, spike cohen and once
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again, all of my people, this spectacle monday, smart people wear glasses. jason, they are so many things wrong with this, where you begin when you sum up how problematic this really is? >> it's unbelievable. let's be honest, the mission of this board is to spread disinformation, craft narratives that advance the regime's agenda and suppressed those who do not. what i think is most fascinating is if you think about it, the worst most agree just and nefarious disinformation has been perpetrated by democrats including those on this board in recent years. he talked about trump colluded with russia, the steel dossier and justice kavanaugh's gang rapist, hundred biden's laptop is russian disinformation.
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jussie smollett, they hate crime and it goes on and on. these are all narratives and we now live in the age of narratives where propaganda storylines, not facts matter. we have to understand the democrats have been the biggest perpetrators of disinformation. kennedy: it's not just democrat or republican. i have a problem with this no matter who was in power. things like this always come in like a lamb. it's like this doesn't really have any power, there's nothing they can actually do if they come up against disinformation or misinformation. they are your party friends making sure your ears are safe from russia, china and the cartel. i'm sure that's what they said not only fbi and cia but also the post office. who would have thought the post office was spying on us? lo and behold do we really need a government agency snooping and deciding truth from falsehood? >> first of all, a shadow since we are both sides of the lambs aficionados.
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bob opinions. the post office, that was surprising. my question though if this is an agency, one part of my argument has been saying, it didn't get covid as much, this department has no authority. they only make recommendations and send it to the authority to act on it. i'm curious what they will be doing in the end and i know they said initially last week or the week before when this rollout this has been in the works couple of months and jen psaki said it's something that began under the trump administration. it seems like there are a lot of questions to be answered, i was glad to hear the intention is not the target, american citizens but today i was brought up what happens if it's american citizens part of the violent ring? they said they want to target conductivity that leads to violence. it's feasible.
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kennedy: the conductivity part, that could be most problematic because it's tree violence and if they are going to act on that, that can be a pretty broad umbrella that can encompass quite a bit. spike, what are you seeing here? >> pretty much was already been said. the reality is the problem isn't just one person and what her opinions are. the problem is an agency department, whatever they call it is deciding what is or is not truthful in making recommendations to other government agencies based on that. if anyone thinks this is going to be -- it's not going to be focused on american citizens, i present the patriot act and antiterrorism bills and every single time the federal government said we just need this much more power to protect american citizens against
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foreign bad actors, actually we will use it to spy on you and tell you what to think and do instead. kennedy: and then we are going to lie to you about it. >> and we are going to lie to you about it the whole time. think about the incidences in which social media companies have said this isn't true, you shouldn't say it and we will block you. imagine the government saying that. kennedy: exactly. social media companies can make sure, they can try to the platform you like with the federalists who bullied them into advertising and speaking in a certain way so they couldn't list their ads on google and other places and they can completely silence you so it's interesting this is happening the week after elon musk makes his accepted bid for twitter. it's as though the content moderation has gone from the private sphere to the government, that should worry everyone because you really want the party that's not your party
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who's not in power, do you want them telling you what misinformation is? that can be incredibly interjected. speaking of potential disinformation, a new report claims vladimir putin is soon undergoing surgery. he's planning to transfer control to one of his top security chiefs two to three days. of course the equipment claims putin is throwing his ox and defense department says they are not aware of any plan of transfer of power but if the rumors are remotely true, how sick is he? jason, there have been rumors for quite some time that he has neurological degenerative disorder and vaguely of the animal cancer. what do you believe in this era of propaganda? >> this is a big story. if it's true but i remain skeptical. there's so much propaganda on all sides of this war and we
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know the first casualty of war is truth. that's not to say everything of russia is false and everything out of ukraine is true but this could be a desperate attempt by disinformation to so doubt, throw doubt on russian offenses and the ability of his offenses and simultaneously boost ukrainian morale. kennedy: nikolai -- the guy who is the chief spymaster and russia, jessica and he's a horrible person supposedly did my question is, let's say he got i don't know, i'm still falling. pancreatic cancer or liver transplant. it's one of the two and it's do or die, he has to do something and he's where he has no other options but surgery. what if he gives up power, what if this guy is a ruthless thug the new guy, he doesn't give the
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power back? >> it would be a fun complication i guess in a horribly tragic world event. we will be tuned into this, i think probably was going on here is not what they are telling us. i don't doubt there's something wrong with vladimir putin, what's going on mentally but the pictures we've been seeing where he's holding on, he looks frail, he's not letting anyone near him, he is isolating himself. these are things that happen when you're bludgeoning your neighbors illegally and try to take over another country but also when you are sick. if we had the head of russia, we are in a lot of trouble, this is the world putin came out of, he used to be an agent himself. i want to respond to what jason said when he said this is a both sides thing, there's no propaganda out of ukraine.
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there's a bad guy here in a good got here. it would be beyond me to imagine this is a western propaganda, loose the morale whatever, there's no equivocating on what's going on here -- >> what was the ghost of kyiv? >> what are you talking about? connect is there a ghost? have you heard about the ghost of kyiv they were talking about, the fighter pilot killing russians? it was all a lie. yes, there's propaganda on all sides as there always is. >> i'd like to bring -- >> there's always propaganda from all sides especially when it comes to war but now there's this constant war of information, that's from both the state and corporate media in both the u.s. and western world and russia and china and everywhere else for that matter. i first heard about these allegations vladimir putin was dealing with cancer or chronic
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illness several months ago which means it could be long-standing thing the russian government has taken pains to hide from the public or western propaganda that's been the threat. we don't know it is one of those things we will have to wait to find out what i will say is i don't know is going to matter much from what's happening, the invasion of ukraine or the geopolitical balance between u.s. and nato and russia and it's allies in terms of what happened specifically to vladimir putin. vladimir putin is one person, the entire system, the russian government has just as big of a built in state and military industrial complex the u.s. does. it be like thinking of something were to happen to joe biden that there would be no more wars overseas or something so i don't know from how this affects affects everyone else, how much of a change this will make one way or another even if putin were to pass away or something
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but propaganda is a product of government at all times now. kennedy: that would be really sad -- oops like, that was the aorta. dang it, how did my scalpel get up there? butter fingers. party panel will stick around, we had much to discuss. any problems to solve we will see them in a bit. some of the jokes at the white house correspondent center were garden-variety. i was there, i'll break it down in my memo and moments. ♪♪ (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. ♪♪
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the white house correspondent rang in postcode era, self congratulations and despite the fact is populated by self important democrat operatives, it was a fun time. friday night with the talent agency where celebrities like brooke shields and sophia bush, preachers like george conway and alejandro mayorkas. i found jen psaki in the corner and reminded her peter doocy is
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a hard-working decent man and stopped being so unkind to him in public. she looked terrified because people rarely speak the truth at these things, they just nod and smile and kiss each other's -- but when you have the opportunity, it's best to speak up. then when the night ends, pour yourself into a cab, rolled on the windows and saying we are the world at the top of your lungs. you're welcome, d.c. president biden took to the mic at saturday's dinner and had a few good singers. >> special thanks to the 42% of you who actually applauded. [laughter] i am excited to be here, the only group of americans with a lower approval rating and i have. republicans seem to support one fella. some guy named brandon. [laughter] he's having a good year. i'm happy for him. [laughter] kennedy: let's go, brandon. trevor noah lined the night in a forgettable term, smc.
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he laid so many eggs i assumed we were having an easter egg hunt. the crowd grown so often, i thought there was a loud. in the end, it was the place to be if i do say so myself, we know we are in the minority but we share a good sense of humor which allows us to laugh at ourselves while we are seeing to the hypocrisy because as self congratulations. trevor noah wanted to high-five himself for taking the mildest of shots at the president of course he didn't sprout the nurse to make fun of hunter or even mention his name. trevor knows another ordinary democrat black is predictable and unfunny nuggets were as dry as skin flakes on president joseph forehead. richard pryor once said if it's funny, is forgiven. trevor noah was unforgivably boring. still had a great time. that's the memo. trevor noah took a job at republican florida governor, ron
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desantis. >> many big names. one of my favorites, ron desantis is here. i bet you're surprised you found the time. >> he's so busy to outmaneuver trump for 2024. >> i see you. kennedy: no you don't. ron desantis wasn't there, you hack. trevor noah lied for cheap laughs. desantis today said i would never attend that's. here with me to discuss, my partner in crime, literal crimes committed. [laughter] at our nation's capitol rocks across america, jimmy failla. >> what a time we had. kennedy: i would argue we had the best time. >> we are banned from every d.c. taxi service and that's a story we can get into another time. kennedy: true story, thank god it wasn't new -- >> that's all i'll say. i give biden credit, it was held at an hour he was usually waking up at the middle of the night to pee.
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even if you work hard for joe biden, every time he opens his mouth, there is this nervous how is this going to end thing x you know a game-winning field goal and everybody goes, it's like the getting of every biden sentence but as far as the routine, a couple of cheap jokes about fox, stupid about the vaccine, be faxed and used it which we didn't need to be. kennedy: that was false. >> piggybacking off like we have been anti- vaccine on the channel which we haven't. the joke about republicans going after disney, garbage. we just don't want to ride a ride called peter pan sexual. [laughter] we don't want to go on snow white and the seven genders, that's all we are asking. can we ride the regular ride? but the whole thing is so self-congratulatory and embarrassing and testament to why the media is as unpopular as they are because they are there to have the banner over the stage, they are celebrating
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their protection of the first amendment. the end of the week where the white house launched aboard to literally censor speech, protecting the first amendment. it protects the first amendment like mardi gras protects sobriety, it's not the same thing. kennedy: but they were giving out awards for reporting on generator six, some of which was very good but they should have given the lifetime achievement award to the new york post for the hundred biden laptop reporting because that was true, they figured it out at a critical time that was completely ignored and they were censored at the behalf of the government by social media who were working together as the giant establishment tightens to shift the election. >> no question. kennedy: how did that make the people in the room brave? >> that's why it's so stupid, they are dumping the gatorade on themselves. kennedy: i didn't steal cheese from people's salads to mac &
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cheese, champagne, i don't know how much we should discuss on the air. [laughter] kennedy: i don't think it was stealing though because the champagne was paid for and not by me. >> then you are right. it's true, they dumped the gatorade on themselves after a losing game, embarrassing. trevor noah thing, he tried to play both sides but as you said, he was so tame going after the democrats. desantis thing was a strong man argument, he wasn't there. kennedy: don't you think that's weird? >> when you're doing jokes, which you can see we do at the tampa improv. when you're telling a falsehood, there's a percentage of the audience sees it in your face and almost doesn't trust what comes out of you from there because there's is an easy energy to you setting them up. it's not bait and switch joke, a material falsehood that ron desantis was in the room and everybody in the room was like yeah, he's going after . kennedy: there were so many thousands of people in the room,
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there's no way you could have seen everyone. a couple people were like did you see drew barrymore? i have no idea, you couldn't possibly see everyone. >> kamala could have showed up, they joked. kennedy: laughing, coughing all over herself. >> a cackle, she would laugh at the wrong things. kennedy: and memorial. [laughter] >> i'm disappointed they didn't put in the memorial, it would have been funny. if i was writing biden monologues, how would you not have the easter bunny come out and interrupt him x. kennedy: it's too much, too funny, too good. conan o'brien n95 was the best host i've seen because he went after clinton standing up doing the clinton mouse and they were brutal and relentless and way too long and it was phenomenal because everyone in the room was uncomfortable and i
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loved it, strong was great. trevor noah was probably the worst. >> you're watching the sopranos on amd, they deleted the hot parts. you forget how debauched the 90s were, they were outrageous. the trump white house was the wildest years, close but no cigar. kennedy: oh my god. >> good night, everybody. kennedy: thank you. any failure, thank you. coming up to the richest people in the world whining about covid even though they have enough money to protect themselves until the end of days. can they just let the rest of us live our lives? party panel is back to way and next. ♪♪
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dance party usa. the world's richest people
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sounding off on covid. opera winfrey planning cdc lifted the airline mask mandate to early. she probably hasn't flown commercial since the reagan administration and bill gates microsoft founder and epstein island vip told the financial times quote. [inaudible] is way above the pandemic, we haven't even seen the worst of it. that would work out well for bill these because he bought the testing company last summer in addition to the sweaty nerd hands and vaccine technology so why does it seemed like the rich and famous can't get enough of the covid? party panel, they are back. jason meister and spike cohen, jessica tarlov. spike. i'm sick of rich hypochondriacs dictating my life. your thoughts? >> i don't think they are hypochondriacs because we see them routinely touting the
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recommendations and orders when they see fit, they just want us to live that way. he might have closed out segment of the panel because you said why he's acting alarmist, he has his hand and texting and vaccine technology, he has vested interest in scaring people as possible. covid is serious, something we should take seriously, we cannot be scared of things in perpetuity. the idea that there's as much as 5% risk this could end up becoming more fearless and deadly when so far it's been the opposite of what's happening, covid has become like other coronavirus' that exist, more transmissible but less deadly over time which is what we can hope for, there wouldn't be a tremendous reason to think it would change directions and again, it's obvious why he has promoting this, a hypochondriac is someone who actually believes what they are saying and i don't
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believe most of these people actually believe it. kennedy: i bet gail and oprah matched up on the g7. i wouldn't be surprised. but i do think bill gates is auditioning to be the next anthony fauci. he has money. >> i was a spot on bill gates impersonation you did earlier. kennedy: that was really my kermit the frog impression so it's like john mccain and clarice from silence of the lambs, the same impression sorry, jesse, i didn't mean to stepan you. bill gates wants to be powerful because elon musk and just basis eclipsed him as the forward leaning billionaires and their like bill who? they don't know from the bill gates. >> i hadn't thought about this in a billionaire war making, i left melinda for this? [laughter] i happen to think. kennedy: i left melinda for covid? covid doesn't even suck anymore.
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>> the worst part of his interview that was when he talked about how he was suffering the same as melinda which is just for every woman who has a man do that to him but any who, bill gates isn't talking about pandemic readiness decades now. i didn't find this that out of line with what he's usually saying which is we need to bolster our savings and prepare for events like this. you remember when people, the surgeon general is one of the biggest advocates for masking, masks don't matter because we didn't have enough masks. we didn't have enough for people who were working in covid words. i read this as a preparedness issue, not that he was looking to boost sales at the testing . kennedy: but it conveniently does. if you need tests and vaccines forever at least once a year, maybe twice or thrice than it helps him as well. last thoughts on this, jason?
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>> i think americans have had enough, we just live to perhaps one of the most self-destructive human history pandemics, bill gates, doctor fauci and other health officials convince us of virus for the most part and many of us had 99.8% survival rate, it was possible for the economic and societal devastation policies that our government and plummeted on us. i think this maniac or make a billionaire needs to stop talking about covid because his credibility is dead. kennedy: he's still very much alive. jeffrey epstein, not a life. also student killed himself. on woke before it goes broke after losing a fortune in stock value, 200,000 subscribers this year. the streaming giant canceling production of animated series created by meghan markle called pearl. a 12-year-old girl, meghan's
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emotional age i'm guessing. the inspiration from influential women in history except for the queen. part of a larger deal signed last year with meghan and terry production company reportedly worth $100 million. why was meghan one of the ones on the chopping block? questioned netflix send the money on? they have made so many massive deals like this, interesting because it's as though a lot of people at netflix never went to business school. you can't sustain the party forever, especially when you have pointed out people are sharing something very critical to next six netflix survival and what might that be? >> i think the market is speaking. i love they are blaming the password sharing which has existed for as long as netflix and every other subscription -based service has ever existed. this probably less password sharing now in the was at the
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beginning because netflix has been cracking down on it and introducing device limits and things like that but that suddenly is why they've seen this drop off in the number of subscribers and members. i think it's a combination of cultural reaction, the put they put out in his been going on for a while. i think there is a reaction to that but i think they may have plateaued, reached a level of saturation they were going to go higher to begin with and instead of acknowledging that and you tooling, they blame it on password sharing which is -- there's always been password sharing. kennedy: $300 million. they gave meghan thee stallion $400 million. can you she got $100 million. the only one on the list who deserves the money because she's earned it with two massive hit networks series on netflix,
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bridget and and inventing anna and other products, she's apparently the only one with the commercial i who figured out how to appeal to people with constant they will watch, maybe there are too many services now and it's a way to market naturally sends itself out. >> i was reading an interesting article how these services in the land of so many to distinguish themselves in the article argued the collection was where it's at and hbo max, it's something they do well, what they have, the old movies versus the new shows, sex in the city, a show i enjoyed but i know . kennedy: when you do something and you want to be completely on your couch for hours, maybe watch a show from 1999 and that is an advantage hbo max has. the fact you can watch -- silicon valley and everything
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else it's like a commercial like them but i'm not. jason, is this sweet justice for two people who have ruined our beloved british family? beloved. >> it is sweet justice, self-righteous land and insert virtue signaling or canceling them. we are not going to pay for woke dramas about pregnant men. tv series campaigning meat and fish and documentaries but tell us how racist white people are, that won't happen. >> well, i'm paying for it. kennedy: i'm still paying for everything. i cannot believe every month i'm like man, i got to cancel two out of the 17 because my children will not be able to go to college. party panel, you are amazing and wonderful and i love our discussions because i feel like we are the four most important central people in america. wearing glasses. [laughter] in the world.
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coming up, crash landing into the pacific, it wasn't that recent. a team of scientists want to fish it out and see if it's alien technology. is it aliens? you have to tell me if it's aliens. here to explain it all. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: we've got the breaking news from outside the solar system in 2014, mysterious object street quickly across the sky and crashed to the bottom of the pacific ocean. at the time the government marked it classified. they said it was a meteor but now a decade later of report
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from the space command confirms the object was from a different star system and a team of scientists led to by our friend from the harvard university on a mission to retrieve it and find out if it's really real or alien spacecraft. galileo project harvard university professor of science, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: you and a student at harvard university, he figured out this was going very, very fast. he figured out how fast it was going and where it possibly landed but the government shut you down and kept you from publishing, why? >> the object was discovered january 8, 2014 by a government center. it was a warning system and the government doesn't want to know the precision by which they figure out the trajectory of objects so they released data and we use the data to suggest the object came from outside the
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solar system, much to pass, too fast to be bound by the sun. three years it was not published and just last month the department of defense released a letter to nasa confirming indeed our conclusions were correct, the object came from outside the solar system. it was moving 40 miles a second outside far away from the sun and the question is, what is it? the government released data on the fireball, light admitted when the object burned up in the lower atmosphere. we highlight the data and figure people made of material, the fragments from the object are spread on the ocean floor, we are planning exposition to scoop the ocean floor, figure out what
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the object was because it was artificial, a space craft, we can tell, the nature doesn't work together. kennedy: so you are developing a small craft that's magnetized that will sweep the bottom of that part of the ocean, you've reportedly found a ship you were going to work with, when will you be able to get there and how will you know the fragments you receive are in fact from that object? >> it's easy to tell because the ocean floor simple, it has see stand, objects have come from outside the solar system made from other stuff. anything made of iron or metal attracted to the magnet so we can easily scoop it up even if
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it's tiny pieces, this was done before and you can think of it as mowing the lawn, taking a magnet and going back and forth about 5 miles wide and it would take about a week and we hope by the end of 2023, about a year end a half at the latest, if not earlier. kennedy: if it is in fact a different metal we've never seen on earth, what do you do with that? this may sound stupid, can you replicate it? how do you investigate something when you have no idea the competition? >> to find the composition of an object in base would cost more than a billion dollars. to do this expedition is 1000 times less expensive, half a million dollars or so, it's a new way to put our hands on
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material from outside the solar system. first of all, let's figure out, is artificial? it would be an important realization and if it's artificial we can try to reverse the engineer, tried to figure out what it means. think about the space craft we launched if it were to crash on another planet far away, we can figure it out. kennedy: the new thing is unbelievable. that truly is amazing but i do hope it's splendor, i hope it's not sugar. i hope you look at it and glean something exciting even if it's a tiny glimpse, that there are beings out there capable of making something that can go fast enough to leave their gravitational field and fly through space and land in our
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atmosphere and blow up and eventually sprinkle itself in the ocean. it's exciting, i know people give value because you talk about it but you are, doctor avi loeb, thank you so much. >> they don't find it here on earth. kennedy: and he's at harvard. it's incredible. thank you so much. topical storm is next. nc♪♪
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tickets reportedly paying seniors $500 for tickets to the graduation because taylor swift is speaking. in other words, the scalpers are saving $239,000 on taylor swift tickets. that's the reason for the teardrops on their parents the cards. this is topical storm. topical number one. we work stiff who got caught working stiff. sounds like my prompt night. 43-year-old evan thomas junior, driver for company that transports bodies to the mark. kevin seems like a model employee. he won his entire career without a single passenger complaint but now kevin is accused of stealing credit card charging plane tickets and groceries to his passengers.
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it explains why he's to call him his sugar daddy. he's alleged to have stolen bella's of prescription pills from the dead, and on choice because the medicine obviously didn't work. kevin is waiting trial and the world's most famous grave robber. french president emmanuel macron. topic number two now the story of a man who got married to a fictional character, i'm not talking about johnny depp. this is in japan alongside his wife, knee cute. his wife provides the most emotional support but she can't cook or clean. it's a lot like being married to an america woman, am i right? identifies victim of sexual meaning he falls in love with fictional characters which is why the investment that is waiting for the ghost of kyiv. for years he's been talking with the hologram wife but recently the company shut down their service so few years into the
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marriage, we can no longer communicate. in other words, it's like every other marriage. he says he's committed to his virtual relationship still. i hear they are thinking about adopting a doge. [laughter] anyone who touches that will tell you they are obviously trying to have filter. in fact, i think it won't be long until we see rugrats running around. there they are. topic number three. snapchat created a drone that follows it owners around. also known as pete davidson, a flying camera that takes videos of you and host them to snapchat so you can share your intimate moments to the world without being sued by johnny depp. it follows one of four flight modes to take pictures of you from various angles, you can chose low angle mode or treva noah if you like it to look down
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on you. just reach out and the pixie will land in the back of your palm but if you really want to know about using your palm for a selfie, talk to this guy. there he is. he's our jeffrey. we'll be right back with mouth t trumpet monday. ♪♪ hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. (manny) yeah, that's what i do. (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day matters. and having more of them is possible with verzenio.
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7:58 pm
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7:59 pm
♪♪ ♪♪ [mouth trumpeting] use the #mouthtrumpetmonday on twitter to guest this song. [mouth trumpeting]
8:00 pm
[mouth trumpeting] that's it. thanks for watching the best hour of your day. tomorrow night darrell isaac, steven l miller, jeanette measure what. can't watch the show? kenne-dvr it. make every day a kenneday. good night. or a rump or a porterhouse or a tomahawk or a brisket. and who doesn't love a brisket? then this is the show for you. because tonight we take you to a little slice of carnivore heaven, called bergen ranch. and introduce you to a few of the cowboys responsible for getting 27 billion pounds of beef onto our plates every single year. that's right, 27 billion pounds of beef.


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