tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business May 3, 2022 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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he died in 2006. today would have been his 89th birthday. i feel good. there is a riff that goes on and on, i feel good. should use that song more often i think we feel good. ashley: we do. stuart: ashley, thanks for all the help. all the times you sat in for me. i appreciate it. my time is up regrettably. having a good time. neil, it is yours. neil: thank you very much, stuart. we're looking at the love disappointed folks outside the supreme court of the united states as we get indication a leaked report it might be poised to strike down roe vs. wade. the big question how the heck something like this happened in the first place and does it really telegraph a decision to come anyway? maybe the leak or leaker would be catalyst to change that decision? there is so much we don't know. but shannon bream following it all in washington, d.c.
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shannon, of course, the big question now, a lot of people want to know that it is out there, that is a gimme. this is an important question going forward, how something of this magnitude got out in the first place? have you ever seen anything like it? reporter: i have not. this is trulily the most shocking thing i've seen in the 15 years i've been covering the supreme court. until last night it was really one place in washington you felt sort of sacrosanct. there wouldn't be a leak out of the court but that seal has been broken. the court moments ago confirmed that draft is legitimate. it is something that was sent around the court back in early february. the chief has spoken out, the work of the court will not be affected in anyway. this was a singular egregious breach of that trust. that is an affront to the court and community of public servants who work here. i directed the marshall of the court to launch an investigation into the source of the leak. you have got to know will stay on that until he gets a name. that is what he will be after. president biden saying as well,
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directed by gender policy council, white house counsel's office prepare administration response continued to attack on abortion and reproductive rights. we will be ready when any ruling is issued. now we wait. what happened is a majority opinion is written. it is circulated. that is are with the other justices can confirm or change their votes. they can draft dissent or con currents once they see what they're working with. it's a slow, methodical, very secretive process. will the court wait until june? the chief justice says they will not interrupt work they're doing here. some are pressing you have to release the thing now. they feel threat to conservative justice. as you know until this is signed with the justices names, the votes, an official opinion released from the court, it means nothing. it doesn't tell us what ultimately will come to be when this is ultimately released. will it be expedited or not? the chief justice seems to be,
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neil, pushing back on any suggestion it will alter the way they would have handled this. now we have to wait. neil: shannon, as i understand it, you have sat in and know a little bit about the court's workings to say the minimum here, it is very tough to do this or get documents out of that building, let alone into it. so i'm just wondering, if the fbi is indeed helping to look, get to the bottom of this? will they find the person who did this? >> well, ultimately i'm told they're not being called in at this point. they're not involved officially. there has been no request from the court for that just yet but the marshall service there that oversees the court and protects the justices in that building and runs the place from a law enforcement perspective will have a lot of latitude to start digging in, getting something going. whether that ultimately ever involves the fbi itself or not, the marshals are the one who are on the job right now. there is a place not a lot of email usage about things like
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these opinions. they're often just circulated in long hand or hard copy print format. so whomever released this, there is a very small universe of people who would have access to this, i think there will be a very tightening of that circle until we get to a name. a lot of people think it will never be found. i actually think there is a strong possibility we'll find out who it is eventually. neil: the reason i asked, you touched on, you wonder about the motivation of the leaker in this case. presumably leaking such information out now, the hope is that people get so riled up about it that justices cower in the face of that, might alter, or do a 180 on that decision. even if that were the case here, do you think it would succeed? reporter: i don't. i think that many of these justices will probably double down on what they were going to do with their votes anyway. the last thing they will want to do is liberal or conservative justice look they are moved by
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threats and outside influence and undue influence, harrassment of them or their staff or their families. if anything it may solidify the positions where they were. only the leaker knows exactly what they were after in getting this thing floated out there but there are political ramifications, there are legal ramifications. it is a bit of an earthquake when you look how washington operates and how the court operated pretty much up to this point. neil: i don't think any of these characters would make your next book, the mothers and daughters of people who leak things from the bible. that is just an idea. >> probably not making the next cut. neil: in fact that book idea already might not be a good idea but i'm throwing it out there as a gift because i so admire your writing prowess. shannon, thank you very much. shannon bream. >> great to see you. neil: thank you again. chad pergram, the congressional response. the push right now to supersede whatever the supreme court does on this by rushing legislative action on this for an outright
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abortion plank. let's go to chad pergram in washington with the latest. chad. reporter: neil, the leak reverberated across the street from the supreme court to the capitol. democrats blasted the ruling. they warned they would puce the leak to get pro-choice voters to the polls this fall. >> the republican-appointed justices reported votes to overturn roe v. wade will to down as an abomination. the blame for this decision falls squarely on republican senators and the senate republicans as a whole. who spent years pushing extremist judges, spent years confirming three far-right justices to the supreme court, but who claim somehow this day would never come. but this day has come and we will fight it all the way. >> resulting immigration surge -- reporter: democrats are more focused on using the leak for
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political gain than on the leak itself. >> but the far left has spent years shamelessly attacking it. democrats in congress have endorsed plans for partisan court packing. they have sent the justices threatening legal briefs. reporter: there is pressure now on democrats like joe manchin to alter the filibuster to codify roe. gop senators like susan collins who supported brett kavanaugh are also taking heat. >> i'm just saying i won't have any comments on any leaks coming from any agency. >> [inaudible]. >> do you kavanaugh lie to you? >> filibuster be ended? reporter: the house okayed a bill to codify roe last year, but the filibuster blocked senate from even starting debate on the bill. the senate lack as vote to pass a bill on reo, what really lacks
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the democrats lack votes to overcome a filibuster. they are short on votes to change the filibuster. lawmakers demand an investigation. >> hope whoever is responsible for this, not only is fired instantly but is prosecuted and serves real jail time for violating the confidences of the supreme court. reporter: now there is no official fbi probe and the draft which leaked is not classified. neil? neil: you know, chad, the political back and forth not withstanding for democrats though, this represents a viable hail mary pass, right? they were losing on all core issues. this is the kind of thing that could, could, gal have beenize their base. what are you hearing on that front? >> reporter: democrats will clearly use this to get voters out to the polls. think about pro-choice voters. for years both sides used abortion as a wedge issue and to be frank they kind of had the issue where they wanted it. of course republicans and
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pro-life voters they wanted to overturn it, but from a fund-raising standpoint, we have to change this, we have to change the senate, we have to change the court, that sort of thing, that worked to both parties advantages politically. but to have this type of seismic shift that does alter the midterms. if republicans and pro-life voters get the policy change that they want, you could see where that would energize the left and pro-choice voters. this is exactly what the democrats were doing, why mitch mcconnell the minority leader, democrats focusing more on the to ticks of this, the leak itself. democrats saying turned that around, republicans are focused on the leak itself this will be a seminal issue going into the midterms. especially if this in fact holds up. that is how the high court rules later this month or june before the end of the term. neil: chad pergram, thank you for that. to the legitimacy of information of the leak confirming that chief justice john roberts that the leaked supreme court draft
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opinion is indeed authentic. he also reminded people no decision is final that we often have planned positions of justices long before a formal opinion is announced and ruling is announced. nevertheless, where things stand now, this draft option does seem to represent the thinking of this conservative court, the majority conservative court. now the pressure on corporations, if they want to respond to this, not respond to this, but in this age where companies, particularly woke ones, feel compelled to speak out on such matters, what happens? ray wang with us on that, constellation ceo, everyone wants to rule the world. first time interview ray sometime in person. i discovered he has a lower torso, not an matron or disney character. no reference to the disney character or all the controversy raised here. good to see you. >> good to see you as well. neil: maybe because of the disney experience, all the heat it caused i don't know if
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companies would be more or less inclined to comment on what is so far a draft of a ruling that yet hasn't come, what do you think? >> one of the things we saw with conversations with ceos last few weeks, what do we do, how do we respond? in this age of shareholder activism, versus stakeholder activism. everyone feels they have to weigh in on the opinion. we see the blow back. we saw what happened at disney. what happened at chick-fil-a, where people try to make a point. then it backfires on shareholders. it backfires on customers. we have customers, for example, that won't buy certain software from certain companies because of their political views. and so we're seeing that as well in the marketplace already today. so i think it is very, very important for them to hold back, not actually make a position, actually think and say, hey look, our job is to sell products and goods and services we're doing. kind of stand off on the issue until the ruling is actually made. we'll see what happens when the ruling is, but we'll see when
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the ruling is made before -- neil: experience taught, that companies stand on public position, something that gathered heat, like skipping georgia for the all-star game, because of a new voting rights measure that they misread to be honest and wasn't nearly as onerous has they portrayed, even in the disney situation here, where cooler heads could look at that, say, all right, this is really about not teaching a lot of this material to someone who is a third-grader or under. after that, it might be fair game. having said all of that, do you think that the better part of valor is for companies in general to focus on what they make, what they turn out, what they offer, that you might tick off some on, some of these other issues but your core audience is the stuff that likes what you do, what you make? >> i hope we get back to that, right? this is what happened, the safe grounds were always business and always sports. i think we've been violating that, chipping at this over the
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last few years but i hope, i think that is where companies will head back to, which is really let's get back to our core. let's not weigh in on all the issues but in some cases you're going to see that, because the employees are actually pushing those organizations. neil: you raise an interesting point. with a lot of employees at first, disney, gay employees, others who had urged, don't forget about us, then a second wave came, from other employees who were not anti-gay, wait a minute, just don't kowtow to their concerns what about ours? you're going too far here? so that can be a slippery slope here, sort of trying to appease your workers of any viewpoint, right? >> it's tough, right? they have always said no politics, no religion at the workplace. sports was probably closest thing to religion depending where you work and what teams you support. neil: very picky what is politics to them. no politics if it is kind of slightly right ward bent. plenty of opportunities if it is more in keeping with the popular mainstream, you know?
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>> really depend what is state you're in. i'm in california. some views might not be popular. if you're in texas and florida some views might not be popular there as well. part of it we've lost the ability to have patience, tolerance and debate. we've gone to sound bites. that is part of the challenge, like in this bill if you're looking what is going on, if the justices ruling the way they rule, abortion is not banned. abortion is the choice at the states. the states have the right to make that choice. some states it will be banned. in other states it will be available. i think people are jumping too far ahead. neil: if we get back to whatever your views are, passionate or otherwise, to making sure you know, you're making money and your focus is on making money, doing well by your shareholders, and your workers that should be enough. i don't think it is going to be here. >> it might not be. neil: i hear it. market, craziness today, we've been all over the map, volatility continues. 122 points up now. we've been negative for a while. tenterhooks ahead of the fed
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announcement tomorrow. are you in the camp half point rate hike tomorrow, similar one, maybe a month later, what do you think? >> the fed going with the half-point rate hike. they will see what happens in terms of the next few quarters, what is going on with the job growth. what is going on with labor stats of course. how the market is reacting to that. it is kind of a mixed market. we're seeing algos going crazy. programmatic crazy is all over the place. they have never seen this before. when you talk to the folks doing programmatic trading, none of these make any sense and trying to do algorithms as they go around. neil: that is usually a prescription for the volatility to increase. i noticed the vix index it can be negative and positive in the course of hours in the course of a day. now much more routine. ray, i'm sure you talked them off the ledge, are the ones who say, man, i don't want any of this? >> yeah.
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it is scaring the retail investor. but you also see that, right? one of the surrogates of retail investor is what is going on in the crypto markets. the crypto markets are crazy. bitcoin is down. neil: the bloom is off that rose, isn't it? i don't know for how long. has easy money been made. that is what people are focusing on? >> actually the easy money has been made. a lot of folks are investing in that market, from nfts to cryptos. that is the place they're going. also a lot of markets moving out of equities into real estate. so we're seeing a big spike in terms of real estate. seeing that in terms of prices around major metropolitan areas. top 20 areas are growing 16.8%, month to month. neil: wow. there is that going on. ray, stick around my friend. later on we want to talk to you about tesla and that drama and what is happening there. ray touched on the activity in the economy that is robust but a lot of potential homebuyers are getting turned off bit higher interest rates and of course the
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affordability right now, that is about the worst it has ever been in history. at least as long as we've been keeping records. a lot are jumping into adjustable rate mortgages here, that offers teaser appeal being very low. what if i told you the same rates will go very, very high. are you ready for that? after this. ♪. you'll always remember buying your first car. and buying your starter home. or whatever this is. but the things that last a lifetime like happiness, love and confidence... you can't buy those. but you can invest in them.
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♪. neil: all right, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see the hurdles right now to buy a home as interest rates move up and of course we've seen very little slide in home prices. they continue to rocket, in and out of 20-year highs. the combination made of home affordability about the worst it has been on record. kelly o'grady in los angeles. hey, kelly. reporter: neil, it is particularly tough time to be a homebuyer with prices up nearly 20% year-over-year and things may get worse. all eyes on the fed as they begin meeting today. the rate on 30-year fixed mortgage is up to 5.5% from 3.2% at the start of the year.
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experts think if rates rise 50 basis points more, affordability would reach a all-time high. markets are expected the fed to hike a hike of that magnitude tomorrow. this hasn't been this bad since july of 2006. 95% of the 100 largest u.s. housing markets are less affordable than the long-term level. that is up 6% from the start of the pandemic. as of april a monthly mortgage payment took a third of median income. historically, anything above 21% caused the market to cool off. reaction, consumers are turning to adjustable rate mortgages for lower rates in the earlier years. shays up 8% from 2 1/2% in december. those were quite popular back in the 2008 housing crisis. if they do have the cash, borrowers are also making higher down payments to lower the amount they have to finance. but, some relief could be on the horizon with des moines, iowa signaling a potential cool-down. according to market data pending
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home sales are down 11% for the first quarter of 2022. the first year-over-year decline they have seen in years. these dynamics may less renn urgency people feel to purchase a home, if they're priced out what they qualified for a year ago. the fed will raise rates tomorrow but will likely accelerate the trend. don't expect relief immediately. doom and gloom, neil. neil: thank you very much, kelly o'grady. more doom and gloom, especially on the gas price front, particularly the diesel price front. gerri willis with more on that in brewster, new york. gerri. reporter: hey there, neil. that's right. you think gas prices are bad? take a look at diesel prices. the national average, new all-time high of $5.37 a gallon. that is up 30 cents over the week and nearly double from this time last year. now the energy information administration, gas prices you know are up 26% this year but
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diesel prices, take a look at this, up 43% this year alone. i know you may be thinking, i don't use diesel to fill up my car, do i care? listen, everybody is dependent on this commodity. listen. >> the farmers who are not only planting and harvesting crops, but using diesel fuel to their irrigation pumps. it is the railroad companies that are hauling commodities or cars around the country. it is the local delivery services, whether it is ups, fedex, or amazon. reporter: well, neil, 97% of long-haul truckers use diesel. 80% of container ships use some form of diesel to power their efforts. at the end of the day you're seeing these diesel-powered trains bringing coal to electrical power plants, responsible for 22% of the nation's electricity. but nobody is getting harder
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than these truck drivers out here. they may have been paying 10,000 a week for their diesel. now they're paying 18,000 a week for their diesel. there are some two million trucking companies in the u.s. they're buy and large small business operators with one, two, three trucks that they're using so they are stung and stung hard. i just want to remind you that economists out there are saying that these prices will flow right through to overall inflation levels which are already at 40-year highs and before i go, i will just pass on something from andy lipow who says those diesel prices are going even higher. 6.49. you can't see it here in brewster new york, here at the station we're at but you could go 10, 15 cents higher in the coming weeks. neil? neil: wow, incredible. gerri willis thank you very much for that. appreciate it. you just heard gerri and you just heard the fear that diesel prices will continue climbing as
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proactive notifications from fidelity keep you tuned in all day long. so when something happens that could affect your portfolio, you can act quickly. that's decision tech, only from fidelity. ♪. neil: all right. don't forget we have the former small business administrator under president trump, linda mcmahon is here and only here to talk about what she sees happening on the small business front that alarms her. that is probably an understatement. a lot of people talking about what they are doing in the face of higher traditional college costs. you heard about loans, paying them back, all that, but the drive no one is paying attention to what is happening on the trade school front. business there is booming.
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lydia hu has more. lydia? reporter: hi, there, neil. we are at the school of trade here in patterson, new jersey. they tell me they're at maximum capacity, full enrollment. interest in the school is surging because perspective students want to learn how to become a electrician, how to be a welder, how to be a plumber. the interest is driven by the strong jobs market that needs skilled workers now and affordable tuition. watch. >> they can come to school here by me, work with their hands. graduate in a short amount of time, most importantly get a good-paying career. reporter: now a big motivator here is the cost of tuition. average cost of tuition at a trade school for one year is less than $16,000, neil, but compare that to a one year of a four-year school, that comes in at $25,000. of course that is just one year.
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there is promising good-paying careers waiting for these students. in fact a recent study from georgetown university shows a growing number of people without a bachelor's degree are out earning those with one. 28% of associate degree holders earned more than half of all workers with a bachelor's degree. now the students you see working right here, they're enrolled in the electrical program. they will graduate after nine months of training. they will go on to earn paid positions as apprentices with local companies. they say they're really excited about this. their job prospects are really quite good. the school tells me right now they have four jobs posted on, on their school job board for every student they have graduating in may. neil? neil: that's amazing. very encouraging. thank you, lydia hu, the other side of the education story. if you have a skill, ability, talent, that makes you in high demand.
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my plumber, i don't know about yours, folks, he mass people. he has a whole squatted drone of squadron of people like booking the pope. linda mcmahon, small business administrator under president trump. good to have you with us. >> thanks, neil. good to be with you. neil: i was thinking what is going on with small business, pelted with inflation and higher diesel costs, they just don't stop and the irony as business was booming again, what they're taking in now, that and then some they're costing out. it is not a good combination. what do you make of it? >> it definitely isn't a good comb nation, neil. in fact there was a nib report, businesses can't make it. they will have to fold. they cannot pass all of the cost increases on to their consumers. their consumers cannot afford it. in a prior segment you were talking about the cost of diesel. think about the restaurant owner who is just waiting to get their
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produce or their meat, whatever it is, that they're going to prepare and sell to their consumers and suddenly the price is becoming so high and the consumers can't afford those prices. they just stop coming to the restaurants and the restaurants close. it is unfortunate that just as small businesses were really starting to rebound from covid-19 and the whole shutdown that we went through, they're now facing you know, these high costs, you know, they just can't absorb and it is really, really a shame. in fact this is small business week where there is an emphasis on small businesses and i think that, you know what we're looking at with inflation, it has just taken thousands of dollars out of the pockets of not only consumers but also out of small business owners. this is, we have to get the inflation under control. neil: governments act in weird ways, lindh today. you were realizing this, trying
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to address this in the trump administration, more local state level, they deal with different rules from different folks. patrons have to be masked up. businesses have to check covid restrictions, that doesn't stop. how do you stop it? >> i think we have to have leadership in place that is going to make sure not only on the state level that the federal level we are consistent. i think the shutdown was clearly proven, it didn't work. i think we're seeing that even now in china, that the slowdown they're seeing in china is just not working but it did not work here in our country, except it put many small businesses out of business. they can't recover at this particular point because there is the worry that the mandates will come back on in the states? will federal mandates come on?
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neil: you're right. >> that is the decision, that is the worst thing that can happen for small businesses indecision. are taxes going up and down? are regulations going up and down? these mandates going to go up and down? small businesses need consistency so they can plan. how can they budget. how can they order? how can they do all of the things they need to do to survive if they don't know what impact taxes and regulations are going to have on them. i think that is one thing, that the trump administration was so good in doing was you know, redawessing taxes. they said they were going to. they did. they reduced regulations and they kept them down. so that is, that is one thing that business needs. it needs consistency. neil: you mentioned president trump, linda. i'm curious, obviously these contests within the republican party for nominations, all of that, particularly kicking off with ohio, everyone watching the former president's backed
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candidates in states like ohio, in georgia, some of these other places, do you still think he has the midas touch, his backing is gold? >> well i certainly think we've seen that there are many cases in which he has gone in and endorsed candidates and their polls have gone up and they have done very well in the elections. i think we'll just have to see. clearly i do think that the policies that we saw, that he put in place, the respect that we had on the, internationally, progress that we saw here at home, the economic viability of our country was at record highs and unemployment also good. so those policies were clearly very good for our country and i think those candidates that are still putting those policies for the are having great success. neil: you know, the pro and the con and you know, a lot of people harken back to those policies as you pointed out, linda, were very good for the
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economy and the market. the other side of the equation the personal behavior of the former president prompted of talk of him facing competition if he runs for president in 2024. ron desantis' name comes up a lot in florida. what do you think about that, those who challenge the former president, if he chooses to run and their fortunes? do you have any horse in the race, with or without the former president in the race? >> well, i'm going to wait to see who is in the race in 2024 before i make any kind of a decision but i can tell you i have great respect for ron desantis as the governor of florida. anytime you ask him about what his plans are, he says he is focused on being the governor of the state of florida and he is doing one great job as that governor. i highly applaud his efforts. neil: so those who look at ron desantis, you're quite right, you're not the first to tell me that, one i think said something to the effect, he is donald trump without the drama. i don't know if that is accurate
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but what did you make of that characterization? >> well i have heard that characterization before and i do think that you see the policies that they agreed on, lower taxes, lower regulation and ron desantis just stands up and he stands up for the state of florida much like president trump did for our country and i think there are similarities there. so i like to see those kind of similarities in policy. basically the end of the day it is policy that drives the day. it is tax policy, regulatory policy, all of those things and, good leadership and i think we should look at that in our state leaders as well as our national leaders. neil: well-put. great seeing you again, linda mcmahon, former small business administrator under president trump, carefully watching the 2024 landscape. thank you very much. all right, a little bit of more detail we're getting out of the president visiting the defense facility in alabama where he will echo again to russia $33 billion in aid to ukraine,
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♪. neil: all right, you know the energy guys are doing well. when bp comes out with a report. it says it took a 24 billion-dollar hit when it departed russia and even allowing for that, made money hand over fist. the stock is up about 8% after that news. it continues a strong advance of energy companies in the face of these higher energy prices. the company is separately announcing a buyback of hits
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stock. i can't see the exact amount, guys. is it, i think it was something like -- but what is the overall dollar amount? i thought it was about 50 billion. i could be wrong but again, it is a huge testament to the fact oil prices go up even in the face of losing a big, prominent market like russia for bp, certainly big among all the key players and still do well. we're going to explore that a little more with ray wang a little later here. meantime we mentioned ukraine, russia, what is going on. the president visiting a lockheed plant in alabama where some of the equipment that he wants to get to ukraine right away, a good deal is enroute there, has arrived there. mike emanuel on the importance of that visit with us knew. mike. reporter: good afternoon. the president is on his way
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enroute to the day trip in alabama. the white house says the president will deliver remarks today about the security assistance that the united states is delivering to ukraine. mr. biden is also expected to highlight his request for congress to pass billions more in funding quickly to help ukraine succeed in this russian inflation. white house press secretary jen psaki offered this preview. >> tomorrow it is an opportunity to do is remind people in the country why we're fighting, why we're supporting the ukrainians in this war, the type of equipment and the type of assistance that we are providing from the united states made here in the united states. reporter: the president is expected to visit lockheed martin's operations in pike county, alabama, which produced more than 50,000 javelin missiles that brought nearly 3,000 jobs to alabama with an estimated economic impact of more than $900 million so far. a republican military veteran in congress says the biden administration must do more to help the ukrainians use these
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weapons. >> there is multiple components to the javelin and i'm hearing from veterans that are on the front lines with ukrainian special forces as well sometimes the missile shows up, but not the launcher. sometimes the launcher, not the appropriate batteries or systems. in this case what owe is saying the training component isn't showing up that would make the ukrainians much more effective. reporter: the white house continues getting questions if president biden intends to a longer trip to ukraine. white house press secretary jen psaki says there are no plans at this time. neil. neil: mike, thank you very much. mike emanuel at the white house. getting into the weeds on the report we just got out of british petroleum, bp as you know, it will increase the buyback of 2 1/2 billion dollars a quarter. i don't know what the aggregate sum on this right now. i do know earnings like this will probably compel the british once again say they should share the loot or energy companies should say the loot.
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that is a popular view in this country among progressives to pay a windfall profits tax to help those consumers and households who are suffering higher fuel bills than britain. they're considering that under a conservative government there. imagine how this will fuel, no pun intended, the same argument here. we'll have more after this. ♪.
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neil: this is the it social event. how big the met gala in new york, first time they had it in couple years with covid. elon musk was there with his model mom. we had her on the show many, many times. the who's who of the world, entainment world, sports world. addressing crazy outfits. others, you know, i don't know what they're addressing. but they were all there. raised money for a good cause. i don't know what that cause is. i'm told it's a good cause. you know, ray wang told them, look, i'm a little busy, i'm a
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little busy. we're grateful for the founder of con installation research. technology stocks, markets, all of that. ray, good to see you, thanks for passing up the gala to join us. your thought on what's happening with earnings in general. we just mentioned british petroleum. making a lot of money. the british government is not the first to say hey, share the loot with us. what do you think? >> earnings have been great. people worried to see what is going to happen but the fact that inflation is in part of that earning. we need to take out the inflation number, figure out real earnings adjusted for inflation. earnings have been great. pay back the poor, if you're doing really well, you need to do your part, that will be coming soon as well, especially different parts of the world, especially companies doing really well especially like tech companies. neil: i had a democratic congressman talking about this. does it stop with the oil giants, want a piece of their
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pie? tech giants makeover well ming money. how as far as does this go? >> we're under attack. unization efforts. one going with amazon. one going on with apple stores. neil: how is that taking hold when both those companies and more, to your point, they treat your workers pretty well? this must go beyond that? >> we saw the results, right? more than 2/3 of the vote in the amazon vote here in new york basically said no. we got a good job. they treated us well. they like the work. amazon is different culture than some other places. neil: what happened in apple? that might be a unique situation where some are pushing it. i even wonder when i hear starbucks doing that, paid $20 an hour some, not all, college tuition help, not all. those are pretty generous benefits right there. >> those are great benefits, coming from health care, tuition assistance. these companies have been doing
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this quite sometime. they have all taken the mcdonald's model, jobs, management training, you could make a career mcdonald's manager even owning a franchise. i think what we're actually going after, notion let's go after capitalism, go after big tech, benefits are there. really shouldn't take them out yet. neil: if republicans take over the house and or senate, the thinking, generally the tech guys breathe a sigh of relief. i'm not so sure of that. there is a push, apple, even some republican congressman, is just a bea heem -- behemoth that pushes others around. barring a change in washington, i don't think there will be a change going after big tech, do you? >> i don't think at all. the two things both parties agree with, going against china and going against big tech, but for different reasons. this is kind of interesting to watch. that is unifying factor in congress. neil: real quickly, this market where it is now, we've been all over the map, would you tell a
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novice, new investor today, get into this market? >> if you're long term, yes. definitely get into of the tech stocks, long term, five years out. if you're short term, nobody knows what is going on. if anybody knows what is going on in the market they don't really know what is going on. it has been a mess. volatility is all over the place. neil: ray, good seeing you, thank you very much for your help and insight. see thing others don't. i certainly appreciate that. we have a lot more coming up including what is happening to the dow, down to 16 point gain. again push and pull on interest rates. also earnings. also looking in the face of very good ones. fear they will have to share that loot with governments all the rest. gets kind of in the weeds. right now that pretty much sums up in the market, in the weeds, hoping to grow past it. ♪. oh hi caesar.
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dolly varden silver is advancing one of the largest high-grade undeveloped assets in bc's prolific golden triangle. the property includes two past producing mines, and over 140 million ounces of silver equivalent. dolly varden. ♪ ♪. neil: volatility. rocket involving the markets. today is a good example were talking about the wide swings where they have been averaging 40% up or down. in some spots as much as 50% off or down in a single day. my day that used to be what they did in the month but enough about me let's take a look at the examples that reflect the
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views that i want to share with my staff and have them talk about me in the same context. we have a certain order to this? we show those examples already? if you missed it will show without a website. please do shows us what's going on in the popular issues endow components, this is routine is something you would normally see as a week or a month chart. the volatility in the swing index itself a reflection of investor fear that goes from negative to positive 28 times this year. that's a huge swing. lauren simonetti following leds development. >> it's hard to read an earnings report these days. >> all the sudden greatness
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pretty good at both results and actions in the same hour. >> the guidance in their socks were cut in the stock has gone up in your left to scratch your head we begin with pfizer the stock is higher it is still up 1.7%. the ceo says there's a chance with you to the private market for the covid-19 vaccine but in the quarter that they reported on pfizer sold $15 billion worth of covid vaccines and treatment through paxlovid and they did not increase her forecast for covid drug sales. at the first we bedded a pandemic. quarterly revenue up 26%, $25.000000000. the stock is up. the push to unionize entity the consumer sector amazon workers at a staten island warehouse voted against the union. more than 1600 eligible to cast ballots in 1618 voted against,
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384. that means hundreds did nothing. were they largely satisfied with their positions in their pay and didn't see the need to organize and pay dues, something similar can be happening at starbucks they report their earnings "after the bell" today we could hear comments on the call is starbucks giving certain benefits and perks for workers that decide not to organize. the ceo backs howard schultz he's trying to stave off unionization. one more story on streaming, they lost subscribers, one subscribers for getting customers, that is paramount the added 6.8 million new customers the first three months of the year thanks to "star trek", i haven't watched it, halo i have not watched it. films like jackass forever, i have not watched them there 40 million subscribers they pay about $5 a month for add that is something that looks has not done. ten bucks without ads. who is paramount, it's so
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confusing. this is the company's under paramount, nfl games, nickelodeon. there is a lot to watch and you could pay for. >> i think that is what people think, i have somebody doing need so many. >> the nfl some of those that does bring in a customer is looking to cut the cord it is very confusing these days. >> is your family -- your little kid i'm sure nickelodeon is in the mix. >> with many streaming services and were household the pays everybody else to steal from us. >> emir past word and off we go. >> i don't know any of them. >> thank you very much, lauren simonetti. right now we know and have some companies are trying to get the subscribers, paramount is an example of that and others not so much, netflix is a better
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example. a key advisor group and ingeborg, where are we on this, to what lauren was getting at this is reflection of consumer choice. a lot of it is not about being or not being woke but the potential of having 70 services you might go broke. i'm wondering where you are and who is winning this battle and who is not. >> i think it's going to be challenging for the streaming services in the near-term because of the economic dynamics that we had. at the end of the day it's going to be about content in my opinion i have two teenage boys, they watch youtube nonstop they'd only been turned on the tv, that is their generation and that's all that they do. that is the future without a doubt. there is plenty of upside to the businesses. it's good to get more and more competitive which you will probably have acquisitions in the space down the road. i think right now with the inflation that the consumer is
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feeling. they're looking to cut expenses, not add. that's what you saw that flix expected to get 2 million new subscribers and i believe they lost 200,000. i think that's a reflection of this economy and actually is in regards to content and because this economic situation is only going to get tougher and people are sharpening their pencil right now trying to figure out how to get to put food on the table and gas in the tank, they may have to cancel hulu or netflix with a streaming service. long term that is the direction they are going and. were in tough economic times for many families that they have not seen in a very long time. neil: where are you on technology stocks they taken a disproportionate beating through the market selloff, of course they were a disproportionate winter in the massive bull market, where are you on them as a group if i could be so risky to put the matter group. >> we are extremely bearish, we
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have been since november. we started getting out of our text docs in our strategies in november. by the second week of january we were completely out, these growth plays are going to continue to get clobbered over the next few months. i believe the worst is going to come in july and august time. when you get the second-quarter earnings numbers they got way ahead of their schemes because of the environment that were in paid with the fed way beyond rate hikes. in my opinion this is not the time to be aggressive and by growth. a lot of people say by the depth of the last couple months, that's proven to be wrong. neil: as much of these stocks have fallen your convinced they will follow lot more? >> i do think that. the 2000 tech bubble burst, people thought how much worse can it get. it can get a lot worse.
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especially if the fed makes a misstep in getting too aggressive in their tightening and this is the environment for growth stocks, we want to stay away from those of the be amazing buying opportunities but were get away until the third or fourth quarter until we departed toes. neil: thank you very much. eddie of the advisor groups, let's go to edward lawrence. eddie just mentioned it, a big expectation out of the fed decision tomorrow, interest rates, i guess the betting we will see the rates go up another half a point in set the stage for further increases? >> that's probably a big bet the market looking out to the next one after this meeting of 50 or 75 as some people offloaded, were starting to see the softer economic numbers.
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the first look at the first quarter gdp shows the declining growth into quarters in a row of the negative growth will meet were in a recession and president joe biden does as he will see a recession will he's president, he's pushing for more spending to support this economy. republicans are saying all the government spending has led to the inflation and brian told me yesterday that most of the inflation is because of the supply chain issues it comes from a chip shortage in cars but e3 begin dollars on domestic supply chain for electric car batteries and more spent dated that is the problem according to the president the ceo chamber of commerce. >> we need to reduce government spending, we need to make sure the bill backs better comes back that we kill them. there are things that we can do that can help us get back.
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>> the president in alabama i day after announcing the $3 billion and more spending tomorrow will know exactly what the federal reserve decided and how interest rates need to be tomorrow. the federal reserve chair, jay powell have his first live news conference in person in two years. neil: i look forward to that as i'm sure you do too. art laffer the former reagan economist, he and steve moore an interesting piece that looks at history repeated itself from the 1970s. your basic premises guys got into in great detail, keep the government action going in the spending to the response. were gonna go a lot lower on the dow. they get that were 10% away from the level that you think we can be at. we can do that pretty quickly, what is going to cause it. >> that will happen with the inflation of the 1970s 66 - 82
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which is when reagan had the tax cuts, january 183, during that period the market fell added compound rate of 7% per year from 1966 - 82 that is 16 and a half years down 75%, 76%, what really happens is terrifying to me, the policy responses coming out of washington. that's exactly what they did with then the evaluation of the daughter, although that occurred during this period ended led to a much worse collapse to just inflation. inflation is the trigger that causes all of it and it's on the process right now look at what they're proposing. neil: you mentioned, we're so used to thinking long-term stocks go up. that is generally true but it depends on the tenure. you talk from 66 - 82 when the
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dow flatlined and then worst. i'm just wondering if new investors get a sense of this preview seem to be telling them to get out. >> there are two types of investors, the people in the stock market and if the stock market repeats itself you do want to get out. there's also investors of real capital equipment and companies with high inflation their way under depreciated capital because the replacement cost goes up with inflation. obviously they way over state profits and corporate profits have been taxed which is illusory because they're not depreciating correctly. it's a double wave capital gains and if you have a low return asset the capital gains tax rate can get very, very high quickly because of inflation, just replacing the value that was lost due to inflation. all of this is the compound effect that is very dangerous. the 1960s and 70s, late 60s and 70s perfect example.
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>> let's say someone wants to mimic as they are the dow, the s&p or the etf's, market -weighted funds that appeal to that, you are saying they are burnt, to start doing that now is not a good idea. >> unless policies change, if they change we could stop this right now with policy but there still pushing bill back better. there still pushing forgiving student loans, there still pushing the fed way underplaying inflation. interest rate should be above the rate of inflation not where their way down where you have to pay the government to borrow your money. >> one way or another the fed is going to raise rates no matter who's in charge but the republicans take control of the house, did the only game in
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town. >> they are the only game in town did not get a raise rates like paul did when we came in on january 20th 1981 the prime interest rate in this country was 21. that was about five points. about five points above inflation. you think there is any chance this fed would raise rates to 20 whether the hoppers set if inflation kept going, not a prayer they are useless with regards to stop inflation right now. i don't see any change coming. >> that's assuming and placing its backup to 70s levels. do you think it will? >> it's not far off the producers price index is over 10%, yet the consumer price index 8.5%. you have all these commodity prices go without. it is not hit that but is on the trajectory to go there and i would like to warn people before it actually gets there, waiting to have them suffer the effects
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once they get there. it surely on a path to being up there with the 1970s. neil: amazing stuff. thank you very much. very well laid out, very scary. art laffer the former reagan spoke the world of him. you could understand why all these years later. >> understanding the spending going on on capitol hill and the military spending going on including the huge package for ukraine at $33 billion. it is so big even the people who wrote it have no idea were a big chunk of it is going. more after this. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential
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of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. neil: this is like the check in the mail, a lot of money committed to ukraine in a good deal of the weapon systems haven't gotten to ukraine. a good many are promised and there could be holdups, jennifer griffin following it all at the pentagon. where do we stand with although the vista. >> we learn from hearings on the hill. 90% artillery system provided
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have ended up in ukraine and used with the battlefield. top military were on the hill this morning were they just finished testifying on the president's defense budget request. whether ukraine is getting what it needs and growing concerns that the delivery of u.s. weapons to taiwan are being delayed due to the competing demand and need to backfill the weapons for u.s. allies who have stepped up and given what they can. these can embolden china to eventually invade taiwan. in his prepared remarks to the committee general mark milley chairman of the joint chief said the chinese president xi has set an objective to have his military prepared capability wise to seize taiwan by 2027. >> it remains to be seize entrancing if the chinese military will have the capability or not but that's a target on the wall 2027. we have to keep that in mind as
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we go to the future. >> are growing concerns that the u.s. is falling behind weapon shipments despite identifying china as a national security challenge. taiwan's defense ministry said monday it's looking for alternative weapons of suppliers after he was informed that it artillery system would be delayed due to a crowded production line in the u.s. taiwan was expecting dozens of 155-millimeter polity and self-propelled artillery systems to be delivered by 2023 and taiwan's defense ministry enter ministry said they told them they would be delayed by three years at least. these are different than how they were provided to ukraine administration officials say it's not related to ukraine. president biden is missing enter visiting the facility in alabama that produces antitank missiles amidst growing concerns over the defense industrial base. keep it up with the wartime
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demand. roy blunt of missouri said the u.s. has provided ukraine 5000 javelins and 1400 stingers, nearly a third of the u.s. stockpile. >> is it possible to replace a third of our stockpile where 50% on within the year? >> it's not only possible but we will do that, we will never go below our minimum requirement for our stockpile. >> taiwan's defense ministry double down today saying the u.s. deliveries of shoulder fires finger missiles are also delayed. the u.s. to ensure a 250 stingers is complete by 2026. neil: thank you for all of that. jennifer griffin following development of the pentagon. meanwhile the tramp bump whether his endorsement of the candidates is enough to secure victory for the candidate. the first one teed up tonight in
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neil: i level we have a chance to have him on the show. he is kind of like booking elvis. a lot of shows compete for his services and inside he is a brilliant writer, great analysis. the message from the karl rove you can have to stand in line. i've a lot of people behind me that want to come. i won the lottery today karl rove good to see you my friend. >> wow, thank you so much. i'll be on anytime you want me too be on. neil: we will see about that. i want to pick your brain a little bit. i enjoyed not only reading the wall street journal pieces but what's at stake is a primaries kickoff in the next few weeks
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and months. particularly ohio tonight. president trump has back jv dance. they had a tenacious past, is forgiven and the support is on. georgia pretty soon backing george or senator purdue against brian kemp, how much of this will be a test of whether we get a trump bump. >> of think about will be a test, it is not good to be uniform everywhere and the presidents would have a bigger impact in some contest then he has another's. let's take a look in ohio there was a pool that came out of the field the day before the president endorsed. he endorsed on friday april 14, jd vance was at 23, josh mandel at 28 and that building was at 12. a businessman mike gibbons was at 14, former state party chairman jay tipped ken was at
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eight, the real clear politics average is vance up at 26, mandel has dropped five points to 23. dolan is 22 in large part a gigantic tv blitz talking about his agenda and give it up essentially flat. what were seeing this did not consolidate this far. mandel dropped, dolan rose by more than vance did. we'll see how it comes out tonight but it's clear the weather of the primary with seven candidates in the race and five of them being significant, this may be one with 30 or 32% of the votes. it'll be interesting to see how big of a bump between the 15th of april 2 wherever vance ends up tonight. neil: i'm just looking at the georgia race, and governor brian
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kemp survives all of that with his attacks of the 2020 election was legitimate and is up double digits last time i checked. you know this better than i. that could be a reminder, again you say all these races are confined to the states. maybe the site to redo 2020 is done. were on to 2024. what do you think? >> i think that is true, we don't need to wait until georgia which is the 24th of the month. were gonna have a week in an election in idaho where trump is endorsed the city lieutenant governor gets a popular incumbent republican governor brad little. every poll shows brad little up by a significant margin, he will win and win handily. let's just assume for a minute that vance does when in ohio. let's say that he gets 32% of the vote which is up nine points from where he was before the president endorsed him or in the
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last poll where he endorsed him. that still means close to seven out of every ten ohio republicans have said i'm not going with the president's choice. that's a pretty strong commentary. his endorsement, if vance wins it'll be because of the presidents endorsement. no if's, and whereabouts about it. on the other hand what about the seven out of ten. those were people many of whom were strong trump people who say i had a choice, he stepped in he didn't listen to me, there will be a lot of hurt feelings. i don't understand why president trump has endorsed so many candidates and somebody races in the face of a lot of support from his people inside the state for other candidates. we had the county chairman of the delegates to the republican national convention from ohio in 2016 write a letter to the
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president saying we were with you from the beginning, why are you doing this. neil: that's a very good point. i'm curious to get your take on the supreme court. maybe a strike down to roe v. wade and the threat opinion. what's true or not the supreme court justice john roberts has indicated that is a legitimate threat. not that it doesn't guarantee the final outcome. having said that seems to be the political equivalent of opportunity for democrats to galvanize their base. they're not wasting a nano second, neu the push to get legislation going to enshrine abortion rights in the law. what do you make of the difference it could make in the midterms. >> you can make a difference in some states and some races particularly the state legislature is, we had 18 states with laws on the books if roe v. wade is overturned, i guarantee the state-level abortion rights, we have 13 states in which there's varying levels of
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restrictions on the books that will come into force of roe v. wade is tossed out which means there's 19 other states -- excuse me 20 other states yet to camp the district of columbia is one that has abortion rights and local law. another 20 states where i will become a bigger battle than the rest of the country. this is innovative for the democrats in generating the enthusiasm. how big of an advantage on the little skeptical. if i were the democrats and the doing badly on the inflation in the economy in the world, immigration, crime, wellness and education, i would want to talk about something other other than those other things. >> is notion that they might've found out this race maybe not enthusiastic democrats, even independence. nationally it does it make a difference? >> i think it might in some
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states and some locales. it could require the democrats to make abortion rights the center of their effort. the see of a democratic this is my number one issue we need to restore abortion rights interstate and i'm running for congress were running for the state legislature to disobey my top priority in the republican opponent says i have views on abortion. here's what their but the number one issue is doing something about inflation and the other two about the economy and number three is immigration and number four issue about standing up to russia and china. i think the argument is going to go with different way than some of the people might think today. whether they like it or not and may be given what happened it is important in some a boy and should be reluctant to do so but yelp is reacting to this in the restaurant booking service saying overturning will persuade will jeopardize the rights to
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stand to lose the liberty to make decisions over there body turning back that progress that women has made over the past 16 years, seismic impact on our society and economy. i go one but the gist of that this is a big mistake. whether they way and liking it were hitting it, just wondering any 50/50 country, people argue over the numbers here pro-choice versus pro-life, what is the impact of that, companies that way and. >> in this instance they sound like they're out of touch with ordinary americans. the most recent wall street journal 48% of the people supported a ban on abortion after 15 weeks. that is a mississippi law. at 47% opposed it. 44% opposed it. we have nearly half the american people supporting one of the
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strictest abortion laws in the country. the science has given us a look into this issue that is deeper and more complicated than it was 40 or 50 years ago. as a result americans opinions are more nuanced and willing to say women to have a right to choose but we also accept the fact that they better be limits on and after 15 weeks or 20 weeks or 25 weeks people should should not be getting an abortion it's destroying human life. this is not an easy issue for one side with the other to deal with. as a result attack without the huge benefit the democrats think that some democrats might have. i know why they're doing and we all know why they're doing it. losing all the other issues that are dominating the agenda starting with inflation. their party leader has approval ratings on inflation in the high 20s which means over half the people who voted for him are almost half the people say i think he's doing a lousy job on
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the number one issue facing the country. neil: finally i'd be curious your thoughts on the 2024 race and whether republicans emerged to challenge donald trump assuming he runs. including ron desantis. some so convinced of their own stature including governor desantis that it's open season and they will try regardless of that the former president isn't it or not. what do you think? >> i think there will be candidates to get into the race and get in early. there is no guarantee president trump runs and if he does run there's no guarantee that he wins. i think this like endorsing vance, mel brooks and alabama he endorsed him early and it turned out to be a gentle candidate that he withdrew the endorsement. there will be others like the lieutenant governor and idaho and governor kim or david perdue and georgia who come up short,
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weakening all the donald trump has over the republican party. i don't think he took that into consideration when he decided he was going to do something nobody is ever done before as a former president. that is get themselves involved in so many contentious primaries around the country. >> a grudge can go a long way to backfire. great seeing you you are the eldest of all things politics and we appreciate you stopping by. >> wave bomber coming up including experts warning a chip shortage, forget about it dragging on for another couple months. how about another couple of years after this. your projects done right
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neil: just in case you think the chip shortage has hit the fan, there are ways around it. madison all worth is finding out in scottsdale arizona. >> the semi conductor chip shortage is well known and well covered they think they found a solution to the problem an online marketplace that sells used semi conductor manufacturing equipment that is refurbished and up to standards for what people need today. the older the founders says it is through the roof. >> now were in a state with unlimited demand. it's globally, no matter where we turn their attend were 20 20 buyers per piece of equipment. >> to put that into perspective, the semi conductor industry believes $100 billion will be spent on equipment like this this year read it said it could
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take up to two years to get a new piece of equipment while using their platform a company refurbished unit at a matter of weeks for the company sold the revenue tripled last year in part because they left california walked down and moved the headquarters here to arizona. it is a growing semi conductor state and partners like gti who own this facility that were in today as arizona business climate unmassed. >> it is great i been over the world and we have office globally and by far the support that we get from arizona is much greater than any other place. >> they are far from alone in choosing arizona for semiconductor equipment and 75 countries here right now and even more investments coming in investments, 20 begin dollars in
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their building to facilities here, that alone will audit an additional 15000 semi conductor is all happening here and then equipment that already exists getting up to standard in selling it. a quick turnaround and demand is superhigh. neil: i would imagine. if you have a lemon anything high-tech lemonade options pretty promising. thank you very much. madison all worth we told you about democratic plans to address student loan forgiveness, i want you to meet the republican senator who wants to stick a spike in that once and for all and stop it. after this.
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>> they also say many on the left with the lowest income of americans the debt holders would benefit most but a report from brookings sheds light on this issue, it turns out according to the report that the wealthy benefit most. it says the top 20% of wealthy households have about a third of all student loans. another study if you look at the numbers shows the impact of student loan forgiveness by the dollar amount, he says everything all student debt will provide $192 billion in relief but for the top 20% by wealth. only $29 billion in relief for the bottom 20%. the lowest income of those who took out a student loan. on the individual basis that's nearly $6000 in forgiveness per person for the top earning borrowers. over $1000 with those with the lowest incomes. >> any kind of forgiveness is going to disproportionately
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benefit from the highly educated potentially people making six figures a year or more. this is not a targeted way to provide relief to reduce the income gap, workings economic equality. >> the broken report said the future value of a degree is often let left out of the conversation about student loan debt and debt relief. those who go to college typically earn about a million dollars more over the course of their career then those with a high school diploma. they of course could use that money to pay off student loan debt. neil: thank you, grady trimble. senator bill cassidy the republican of louisiana says let's stop this the music of the merry-go-round and halt this push to try to suspend his payment city longer. very good to have you. what is the standard.
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neil: you cannot hear me? >> to get a check the audio but i should say saturday bill cassidy is among those saying we've gotta find a way to stop them finding a way to keep pushing this. we will have more when we fix this. after this. ♪ (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. (manny) yeah, that's what i do. (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks]
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neil: i think we have everything connecting with senator bill cassidy on capitol hill, i hope things are working, can you hear me now? >> i can hear you. >> i appreciated senator. your take on the democrat push to keep going with the student loan forgiveness, they can find a way to do it, you're saying stop it, stop it now. >> stop it now it's welfare for college graduates it is reverse robinhood. take from the poor and give to the rich. 70 graduate law school earning a potential limited, she has her loans forgiven. the guy who is out there plugging away trying to make ends meet never goes to college or have the opportunity he's neil: where is this going though? because they're not letting go of it, that is democrats. i'm wondering will it come up for a vote? something the president will do by executive action? that seems weird. where is this going. >> we're not quite sure how the
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president would do it. we think he would have to do something unconstitutional. this is congress that appropriates money. this will cost five billion dollars per month in order to forgive. now if they want to bring it up for a vote, it will be strict party line. we're asking all americans for some one practicing law, practicing accountant, they are successful, do you really forgive their loans? do we all pay for the decision they made? by the way, i took student loans. i'm a doctor. paid them off. so did my wife. like i said, i paid hers off. but that doesn't matter. point being, when you graduate from college, as your promo said, you're earn a million dollars over your lifetime more than a person who didn't. that has to count for something. neil: well-put. senator, get your take on whoever leaked this supreme court opinion or draft of an opinion, that even justice
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roberts said is is being rat. we don't know how the -- accurate. someone did this, we can't find out who, what do you think? >> i'm unapologetically pro-life. this is awful something they did. they're attempting to manipulate the judicial process because the left is not getting what they want. i'm a fellow who believes our processes has to stand. here is someone who is assaulting those processes. i'm told she or he can be disbarred or thrown in jail. i think we should throw the book. neil: obviously would be someone on the left who is concerned about a decision that would reverse the tenet been in place since 1973. it would be a bit of a push to think someone else, right? >> i agree with that totally and it would be an effort to manipulate the court. now you've seen on the left chuck schumer going to the doorsteps of the supreme court
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saying you will unleash a whirlwind, about the left attempting to pack the court. and now this. this is bart after studied effort by the left to intimidate the court to get their policies goals when they can't get them in the courtroom. neil: they're calling for senator schumer, senator sanders, gillibrand, warren, immediately abolish filibuster pass legislation that would enshrine the right to abortion. what do you think about that. >> interesting they don't condemn the leak. you don't condemn the leak but you have this teed up to go? the left wants to destroy our political and judicial institutions this is part of their process. so is destroying the filibuster. one more reason why we should not destroy the filibuster. neil: they want a vote to see of everyone and their opinion what do you think of that? >> say that one more time, neat? neil: want to vote, on record how everyone feels. >> i'm pro-life. you can get my opinion.
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neil: all right. >> the reality is, is that, i think the brief i read it would allow each state to make their decision. that is where constitution is set up as i gather. neil: senator, thank you very, very much. apologize for the audio issues. bill cassidy beautiful state of louisiana. leave you now with the dow up 136 points. we go to charles payne with more. >> neil, great to see you, my friend and good afternoon, everyone, i'm charles payne, this is "making money." participation is so intense, not only feel it but taste it in the air. ape april felt like hell on earth. if the fed gets stronger it could get worse. pros say retail investors need to be slammed even more. president biden wants student loan forgiveness. why more students are actually skipping school. those who are going are not that
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