tv Kennedy FOX Business May 3, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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to move agents from one area to another. many lives are lost and they will continue to lose lives because this administration is failing to do the right thing. >> good to see you, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> i am jackie deangelis and for elizabeth macdonald, you're watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, that does it for us. thanks for watching. ♪♪ kennedy: anything happened today? yes, scandal of the supreme court, unprecedented week of a draft roe v. wade opinions sending shockwaves through the country. who did it and why? this is a live look where protesters on both sides of the abortion debate have been camped out since last night. that's the political published leak draft, it seems to suggest conservatives five to four majorities ready to overturn almost 50-year-old ruling.
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the draft was written by conservative justice daniel alito and in it, he says in part, reportedly, roe was egregiously wrong from the start, it's a reasoning was exceptionally weak and the decision has had damaging consequences. far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, roe and casey have inflamed debate and deepened division. casey in reference to a separate 1992 case that affirmed roe v. wade. alito went on to say the constitution makes no reference to abortion and must be overruled. the leak of the draft stunned washington d.c. and today chief justice ron roberts saying to the extent the material of the confidence of the court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations, it will not succeed. the work of the court will not be affected in any way. this was a singular agree to breach of that trust, in the front of the court and the community of public servants who
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work here. i directed the marshal of the court to launch the investigation into the leak. this entire fiasco turned into a massive political fight liberals accusing conservatives of trying to strip the rights of women and republican accusing democrats trying to circumvent judicial branch. the question today, how bad does it damage the reputation of the top court? joining me now, chief legal correspondent and host of fox news tonight, our favorite anchor, shannon. welcome back, shannon. >> always a treat to be with you. kennedy: there have been leaks and the past but nothing this far in advance of the court releasing the actual ruling. the court did not deny that it was authentic. where do we go from here? >> we've never seen anything like this where a full draft opinion, the entire nearly 100 page thing was linked to a reporter who linked to a
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publisher essentially so all kinds of things that have happened, the investigation has been launched saying we will get to the bottom of this and there's a small universe of people who would have access to this document. it's circulated among the justices, there are clerks, and intimate group involved with this. i think they will quickly zero in on the potential offenders here unless it's something we've not been educated happen which would be a hack on the outside. most of these documents with high-profile opinions are often done by hand. hard copies, some over the years, justices have preferred to do it long hand, everything in writing, nothing on e-mail. i think there's a narrow group and the marshals have gotten started on that. kennedy: help with a change security protocols to something like this doesn't happen like this again? >> it's so tight right now, up
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until it's released from the court, somebody could say i've changed my mind, i'm not going to vote for that. until it literally is headed by the court, it's not the real deal, they are so tightly controlled and the chief justice is beyond exasperated. think about the leaks we've had from we were told in some reporting, the chief or justice sotomayor as others and to wear a mask and he said no and they were in a fight. then we got statement from the chief and them and the premature leak of justice breyer's retirement announcement. this has been a tough year for the justices and the chief is exasperated. kennedy: clearly the intent is to manipulate the outcome of this decision. it's like yourself in their shoes, how do you insulate yourself from that? how do you continue with this process and have the honest debate that's necessary to come
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to the conclusion that a lifetime appointment can comfortably sit with for the rest of their time on the court? >> these guys are collegial, these men and women are protective of the court, protective of each other and even where they have disagreements on the bench and ideologically, many of them are good friends outside of that. pre-covid they have lunch together almost every day and the rule is you can't talk about cases, you can talk about kids or movies or travel or books, just not the cases. they've built relationships and they are the only ones who understand what it's really like. the responsibly, the weight of it and they've got good camaraderie so to think they have to look at each other, look at each other's clerks to say who's the mole? i hate to think of that trust in relationships damaged but i don't see how they couldn't have some tinge of that.
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kennedy: of course and you know who the people are you can or cannot trust, you know who's shady. they are good at reading people, the clerks are working themselves essentially to death. it is the toughest job out of law school. i think they will probably zero in on the person and what did they do? they report them to the fbi for breaching confidentiality agreement they have to sign? >> here's the deal, if it's not considered classified document which most agree it's not a classified document, something you want secret until it's ready but it doesn't contain national security secrets so the court handling their, their own independent branch of government and saying we will have our marshal track it down, they are not asking for outside help and they don't want outside help so we will see how it pans out. i know the chief and the way he's protective of the institution, he's going to demand answers. kennedy: he's going to get him.
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this is huge news, foundation shaking and will get into that aspect. shannon bream, thank you so much. we'll see you tonight. olivia. the leak sent democrats and/or publicans into hysteria. president biden laney roe v. wade is overturned, other rights could be next on the chopping block. >> if this decision holds, it is a radical decision. the idea that concerns me a great deal for 50 years, besides a woman does not have a right to choose, the rationale used, every other decision is thrown into question. kennedy: senate democrats say they force republican colleagues to vote on legislations codified
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the right to abortion in two law. the other side publicans say the leak was meant to intimidate justices into changing their votes. >> the radical left rallied around the toxic stunt making a last-ditch hail mary attempt to cause a political firestorm and because the court to reconsider. >> democrats really don't see the rule of law or court independence as principles above politics. that's a real significant breach of trust. he want to talk about insurrection, that's a judicial insurrection. kennedy: it's important to note the justices have not yet voted to overturn roe v. wade, delete document was a draft. regardless, what political moves are we likely to see? tonight party panel, political editor and host of the die benson show on fox news radio, it's guy benson along with political
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analyst and congressional press secretary, michelle ritchie and liberty activist foundation for economic education writer, olivia rondeau. welcome back, everyone. guy, how much is this like tom brady's retirement in that it was leaked, earth shattering and in the end, he's going back to playing football? >> i suspect this is probably a reflection of what the court is going to do whether it five to four or 623. we'll see but the fact that they authenticated the document is real i think is pretty significant. what is interesting you are talking in the opening about the democrats are vowing to force republicans to vote on so-called codification of roe v. wade, that's not what they are going to do at all. the bill the democrats are putting forward goes beyond roe v. wade and would require mandated legal abortion for all my months of pregnancy for any reason. it is truly radical and we have
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you pulling out tonight about an hour ago that was on special report that shows a majority of americans support not only the mississippi law at stake in this particular case but even more restrictive texas law has majority support so i know the democrats feel they have the upper hand here politically and force some tough votes, the american people are with them on their extremism and i think they might be overreaching as they so often do. kennedy: the president is right, isn't he in that this has been 50 years, it has been contentious, a wedge issue and even if the senate does force a vote, joe manchin claims he is pro-life so even if you get rid of the filibuster, they can still run up against pushback within their own party. >> i look at this a little differently. i think this is an opportunity
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for democrats to become unified on an issue, we thought the midterms would be focused on inflation, the economy, different things like that but this roe v. wade, the possibility of it being overturned is something i think moderates and progressives can get in line on and get in step with together so i don't look at as necessarily trying to push women's health act through because of roe v. wade, i think it's a way to unify people and we have heard a number of people saying it's a time to get out and vote in your local and state election to ensure you choose people who are pro-choice so it's a strategy i see here the democrats are using with this. kennedy: i find it to be kind of upsetting. if you've lost on ideas and the economy then work with someone inside the court to force the issue so now the only focus in
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the minds of those who are pro-life, killing babies. that's bad news for this country, incredibly divisive and i guess my biggest problem here is the oversimplification of the abortion debate because it's not as simple as abortion care or giving the woman a right to choose. it's become so extreme and pushed to where are talking about post term abortion which many would view as infanticide. that's one side. the other side is medical liberty and it is a very personal and precious health decision that a woman has to make painfully with her doctor. democrats have been dead sent against medical liberty throughout the entire pandemic so when i look at this icy a host of disgusting inconsistencies from both sides.
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your thoughts? >> this is so incredibly hypocritical that it's almost laughable but we are talking about the mass murder of babies so it's really not hilarious. i'd like to say if this happens or doesn't happen, roe v. wade stays and codify it into law every state has unlimited abortion for whatever reason, a mass genocide of black babies and somebody broke back as well as conservative and libertarian, in new york city already more black babies are being aborted each year than born. does anyone want to see that happen across all 50 states? planned parenthood would say yes, founded by margaret anger, a racist, cofounded by the first american who was the inspiration. i am curious to see how progressives acknowledge this or they completely ignore it. we keep talking about the right to choose, let's talk about what they are choosing, the abortion
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is the dismemberment of fetuses in the womb, they talk about it like it's a couple of cells when is a human life. kennedy: and there are different -- i just want to say there are different stages to a pregnancy. there is a stage early on where the heartbeat does come online and there's a difference between a one night stand and finding out a couple weeks later you are pregnant and trying to terminate a pregnancy at 38 weeks, vastly different things and i think that's what a lot of people in the country are saying. as a mother of daughters, do i want this completely illegal? no, i do not, it terrifies me but on the same hand, i'm not going to celebrate abortion. as a mom, i cannot do that but i do not have basic respect for human life and on the far right they don't have basic respect for personal medical choices.
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i hate to say it but i'm kind of done with both sides and i'm sickened that this is where our country is. yes, rochelle, i would give you the last word. >> i think i understand when people make the argument about black babies dying at the heart higher rate when it comes to abortion but in the argument we also have to make sure we talk about black mothers will also die that are three and a half times more likely to die in childbirth and ten times more likely as some of the states that have the laws that are concerning for democrats. [inaudible] >> we can be concerned about black babies but also have to make sure we are saving the lives of black mothers. kennedy: i agree completely and i think black women have done an incredible disservice by the medical community and a large part is because government intrusion in this country but you are absolutely right about that and here's a problem, although things can be right at the same time if someone has slight differences than you they
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are not the enemy and they are not to be other. we have to come to the understanding that the only way we move forward on this issue and as a society, the panel will stick around, we have much more including dumb models trying to find smart men. home and security disinformation administration will be neutral. that's fine. don't worry, the white house says it will be neutral. that's disinformation. my favorite republican congressman darrell issa is in studio in moments. ♪♪
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kennedy: disinformation infatuation at the white house, the biden administration is whipping up a brand-new disinformation board, this should be good. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas, first a minute comparing it to the ministry of truth but don't worry, white house press secretary jen psaki says it's not going to take his side again. >> it's not to adjudicate what true or false online or otherwise. it will operate in a nonpartisan political manner. it's meant to coordinate ongoing work that's happening. kennedy: top dog on the board
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and nina jankowicz has openly called the hunter biden laptop story of farce. her credibility in the toilet. why is the white house sugarcoating the charade? california provoking congressman and house judiciary committee member darrell issa is back. you should be governor of california, everyone knows that but right now you can you congressman, working in the federal government and this is crazy. >> not crazy if you consider there's obviously if you like your doctor, you got the keys. kennedy: if you like your misinformation -- >> you can keep it but these kinds of promises we've seen before, they are clearly wrong. the fact is, mysteriously at the time elon musk says he's going to restore twitter to a billboard everyone can use, you have a new way to tear down free
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speech and tell companies they can have "big brother" shut them down or they can shut down people they don't like including maybe somebody who thinks it's some therapeutic that might help in covid or some vaccine might not be effective or something else radical that turns out later to be true like hundred biden's laptop really was real while twitter and the fbi were shutting it down. kennedy: hunter biden, is that real? from the beginning there were like never heard of tony bobulinski, it's fake but they didn't say that, they were just conveniently silent but you think there's a direct correlation between elon musk buying twitter, federal government freaking out and wanting to find a way to control social media about one of their own is no longer running it? they got a lock on facebook and instagram and google and everything else. >> i don't believe in coincidences, it's too close together not to say one could
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lead to the other but let's understand, they want to hear what putin has in russia. in russia they don't know russians are dying and being buried in mass graves there as frankly, they are failing ukraine. why? they can stifle free speech and do it effectively. there's a lot of frustration, we are frustrated when the internet produces a bunch of stuff that may not be true but if we believe the federalist papers were wrong because we didn't get to hear them, we only got to hear the people who that those folks went to philadelphia and did the wrong thing, we wouldn't have our republic. two sets of facts, two sets of ideas, it's how america was formed, how our court system works, we need more free speech. kennedy: that is right and we need speech empowered to be
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challenged. my biggest problem is who decides what misinformation is? they go don't worry, it's a bipartisan board. is it enough? if we are not spying on americans, it could mean we are not spying on americans right now and we will call it misinformation if we don't like it, is not an acceptable reversal definition for misinformation and for me if this is the job of the entire board to oversee that, it's a problem. >> the first amendment is very specific about we the federal government cannot infringe on free speech. this is by definition, terrible. we've done terrible things before, there was a time when ozzie and harriet had to be in twin beds with pajamas because a board wanted to make sure. we don't do that anymore but this would be much worse, this wouldn't be people looking a certain way on television, this would be facts and arguments you don't get to hear even if they
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are true. kennedy: yes and again like ever other agency that operates in secret, there's not going to be due process, mark my words. >> you never have an agency that big overtime. never they are tiny. thank you so much, good to see you in person. >> good to be here in person, this is cool. kennedy: you exist. >> we will be 5 feet maybe next time. [laughter] kennedy: they are already waiting for me. ohio primary goals closing in a few short minutes, does president trump still have the magic touch with voters? how will the supreme court leak shakeup the midterms? all that and more with the party panel next. ♪♪
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matter of seconds. that's where trump endorsed author jd band is facing off with josh mandel. mike givens, matt dolan, james and two others whom we are not going to mention because they are naughty. tonight is a test of trump's endorsement power post- presidency. this week and he was a little confused on which candidate he actually supported. >> jd, right? jd mandel. kennedy: jp, jd, whatever. ohio's major races are leading like republican in the fall but could the supreme court roe v. wade change the tide on the races? either tonight or now and november, the panel is back, guy benson, rochelle ritchie and olivia rondeau. what are you most interested in,
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guy? >> in ohio? kennedy: yes. >> i love him, great guy, always terrific. i am curious to see if president trump can pull it over the top. vance was languishing third or fourth place for a long time and trump came in with the endorsement and shut up to first place but it's close and one of the other candidates seems to be searching at the end of the race and he might have momentum so i think trump will have a feather in his cap. if not, it might be the start of a narrative and make were endorsements, if they don't work out like georgia or pennsylvania, on endorsed, in alabama, it wasn't working out well, it could turn into a drumbeat. it's the first big test. kennedy: so what happens? everyone is looking at whether or not former president trump has the power to crown a winner
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or if bloom if off, maybe it means his time has passed but if he does win, doesn't mean the former president says i like being the king maker, i would do that and not run for president for does he say people love me so much they will vote for anyone? how does it go, rochelle? >> i have to piggyback on what guy had to say. it depends on the outcome of the race whether or not trump has that power and influence. we saw what happened with the governor's race in virginia where people thought it would go one way for democrats and it did not, it went a completely different direction. i think we will be able to use this is a test to see if trump still has that power but one of the reasons i'm more interested in ohio is the race with nina
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turner, two african-american women, democrats, one progressive i think that is a telltale sign of what the democrats are doing during the midterm. kennedy: what are they going to do with progressives and the rest of the party? >> to me? okay, i think it is more finding a way to unify them and that's why i said earlier in your show the roe v. wade tobacco and the week is a way to do that and get away from the division. democrats have always been historically divided on different issues and somehow they unify underwent issue and get things done. kennedy: what happens here, will more people come out today because of roe v. wade opinion leak? >> most likely, i believe it is the most controversial topic in the nation now, very polarizing. i think blue states will become
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bluer and red states better. ohio, not sure what we will see, it depends what will happen in the election but for the trump endorsement, trump doesn't have a great track record of picking and hiring people and endorsing people so let's see if his king making power last. kennedy: will don't say that, it's worked out swimmingly for them. they say washington is hollywood for ugly people but the beautiful people, for them the world works differently. a social media star and a model, not me, you guys, it can't be me. she's gone viral for claiming she makes men take a written iq test. she's been a member of memphis when she was 17, she's 71 now and looks amazing. great moisturizer.
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she wants to know there will be as knowledgeable about math and science as she is so how important is intelligence when it comes to your love life? testing the chemistry on the first date. [laughter] guys, good thing i was off camera there. [laughter] >> i can only imagine, kennedy. i think intellect can be overrated when it comes to compatibility and a spark with someone and developing a deep friendship with someone, the basis of any good relationship so if someone shows up on a first date, fill out this form and we will grade you and see if you are smarter and a dummy, to me it's a giant red flag at the beginning if you don't want to date someone who's really stupid, you can probably suss that out over the course of the conversation by being like apparently, this is not subtle at all. kennedy: what is your favorite article? rochelle, how attractive do you
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have to be for someone to put up with an iq test on a first date? mediocre people, they can't do that, here's a test, i want to see if you are above 135. [laughter] >> i hate when first days turn into a job interview where i feel like i have to bring my resume, the most annoying thing, first date should honestly be a lot of fun. when i read the article in the new york post about this woman, i thought to myself, i found her to be insecure because she said she loves to prove people wrong because they think how she's look, she won't be intelligent so to me she's putting this peeper piece of paper to be a got you or one up because you thought i was so attractive you thought i would be stupid and hi got you so it breeds insecurity when you're trying to validate your self through somebody else.
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kennedy: what you see in this, olivia? >> i think if she wants to find an intelligent man, she should work on attracting them. it says something about herself if she's attracting men not at their level of intelligence she wants to, she has to look inward. i don't want to shade her but i don't know if you are around a lot of math members doing that. kennedy: you are not, i really wish those of us in that chosen field, i wish they were but it's a lot more difficult than it seems. guy, i don't know that i would offer this kind of intelligence test, i'd rather see a personality test. i'd rather go i normally attract sociopaths so do you mind taking this? you see moms having sex or a bowl of chili? >> it could maybe be better, i can't see return of the feet, i
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will go with a bowl of chili, that's what i personally see. by the way, i did subscribe to your only fans as a friend and your cooking videos exclusively what you do, are terrific. kennedy: these keto brownies are amazing. but the twisties i eat with my feet so i get the goodies and foot fetishes in one fell swoop. i'm making more money than the side girl. rochelle, what is the secret to attracting the perfect mate? >> just be yourself and it will come together eventually. kennedy: foot brownies, you are right. [laughter] >> the secret to attracting the perfect man? i met my wife and on twitter so i can't give the most sound advice but he's the best, he's a lawyer, i think i picked a good one. kennedy: good for you, that makes me so happy. the more i learn about your life, the more i want to stand
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up, it's fantastic. guy, rochelle and olivia, thank you all so much. you've been champions. coming up, ukraine not letting up, thousands of civilians strapped behind enemy lines. what's really happening on the humanitarian front? doctor janette nesheiwat joins me live from the polish border in moments. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: we did that because our audio technician is named daniel. at least he was last night. tonight he's dion. [laughter] screaming the word called back there. a big soccer fan. daniel has ever heard that song before. meanwhile president biden has committed another $33 billion in aid to ukraine the international
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groups that it's being spent in the wrong places. the package includes 3 billion for food and humanitarian needs but groups say the children say it's not enough so do you trust the president's spending our money correctly? joining us live from the ukraine poland border sponsored by the justice institute fox news contributor, doctor janette nesheiwat. welcome back, doctor janette. >> thank you. kennedy: this weekend you said you are heading back out, i'm pleased we can have this conversation, i know it's incredibly tough work, difficult the first time, what are you seeing the second time around? >> what i'm seeing now, it's pretty much a lot of the same issues, people who have run out of their medications, they run out of asthma medicines or no longer have -- they are literally, their coming across the border with sometimes the shirt on their back or little
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suitcase fleeing literally their homes being bombed, missiles, gunshot wounds and that sort of thing so they come and don't have their medicine, blood pressure is skyhigh, tons of anxiety and depression and they are traumatized. some of them do have wounds, they are coming in with infections, skin abrasions, lacerations, a lot of dehydration. a lot of the same things but the good thing is, it's safer over here. once they make it across, we don't have to worry about running underground for shelter as we did in lviv last month trying to take care of patients but the bombs, the science would go off, alarms would go off and we have to stop what we are doing to seek shelter so it's less stressful in that sense but the humanitarian aid, the need is still extreme. what i'm seeing is extraordinary but still lacking and $33 billion allocated to the ukrainians, it needs to come in,
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go directly to the cause and not be scattered here or there like we see other type of fundings scattered in the united states. they need to put their foot down and put their money where it needs to be. kennedy: we are hearing about makes an anti- aircraft and drones and all that but people need help, food and medicine and unfortunately it seems low on the list when people are talking about what they are supplying. this is not the only government involved. what is germany doing? poland and romania are absorbing the line share, refugees, those who have been displaced, over half the kids in ukraine have been displaced from their home. what else do they need that they are not getting right now? >> that is a great question. some of the most basic things we take for granted, a hot meal, going to the pharmacy, clean clothes, being able to take a
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shower, waking up in the morning and have breakfast and take medicine, all of these basic necessities are lacking. we are trying to give them basic needs whether they give them medications, giving them insulin or blood pressure medicine or and elective depressants or seizures. i had a patient earlier with parkinson's disease and by the grace of god we had samples of the medication needed. it's a blessing and the problem is, we need ongoing support and can't just end, we can't have a ton of supplies and stop, it has to be continuous. kennedy: there has to be consistency. thank god you are there, you're doing incredible work. thank the doctors, nurses and caregivers helping you. a lot of people volunteering their time in different organizations across the globe. doctor janette, thank you so much. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: topical storm is next.
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and this is topical storm, topic number one. kim kardashian claims she lost 16 pounds in three weeks basically eating nothing but tomatoes. she also saved a ton of money because people throw them at her wherever she goes. she was promoting eating disorders discussing a crash diet not to mention her relationship makes everyone want to vomit. according to kim, she lost the weight to fit. all singing happy birthday to the president. she's not thinking about wearing an president biden's song. the itsy-bitsy spider law crawled up the water spout. joe biden has dementia ♪ ♪ kim says her weight loss should be considered inspirational but also wants to promote good health. she'll maintain the weight she usually does by using adobe
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photoshop. topic number two. let's go to washington. washington state where the big nationals had to be rescued after she got stuck headfirst an outhouse toilet. the woman says it was horrifying because it reminded her of the time she slept over at amber heard house on a heard stirred. the unidentified woman from the house right behind them, the victim chose not to pose for the photo because she was kind of crabby. the woman dropped her phone into the toilet and then used dog leashes to lower herself inside so she could get her phone back which is a testament to how annoying the apple store is. the dog leashes failed and she became engulfed in a sea of human waste. i know how she feels, i attended the white house correspondents center recently.
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after 15 minutes of struggling to escape, she used it to call for help. she says she could have done it sooner for there was an idiot on twitter who need to be told off first. you are such a blockhead in a fart face. topic number three. gotcha. a couple was married in impromptu wedding and a southwest flight, just like party be, all of their wedding guests were high. pam and jerry were on their way to get married in las vegas when they decided to do something even cockier, they got married on the plane. passengers say was the most beautiful thing to see her walk down the aisle. beautiful. the couple was married by fellow passenger who was an ordained minister, photographed by another passenger who was a special photographer, it's also the first time anyone made a vow on a southwest flight that didn't include never flying southwest again.
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topic number four. city of chicago selling cans of chicago tap water stores. from what i hear, it's even better than being stuck headfirst an outhouse, barely. it's called chicago. six different cans including sentinel light and fentanyl free version. they are designed by real street artist and even more authentic, they were made from shell casings picked up across most of the city, might as well do something with those since the prosecutors want. as announced at a press conference today by mayor lori lightfoot and that makes sense, i'm sure people are dying to drink whatever this is. in chicago's mayor, get yourself some chicago or the other water of chicago, old style beer. before we go, tonight tickled me tuesday, you guessed the punchline using # tickle me tuesday, please don't look it
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pensively kathy and jenison everyone of the worthington's think you for watching and you can follow me on twitter and instagram at kennedy nation book donation e-mail me at foxbusiness .com and send them the varsity team you can watch the show, kennedy and dvr and make everyday kennedy day. >> it was a nasty little island from a scio infested swamp to america's playground. >> he creates a midterm unit place in the united states we met he was almost left out of the business. >> the ruins and the rescue she would chain herself to the buildings. >> i received in miami beach.
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