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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 13, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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her view. that does it for us on foxbusiness tonight, thank you for tuning in, we wish you a wonderful weekend as well. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪♪ elizabeth: happening now, more white house, false claims biden inherited no vaccines went biden himself vaccinated before he became president. the washington post reports biden did not himself put a tax on film, made king as biden claims. instead it came from six months of white house planning a focus group. this new nickname, the white house, new york, diesel fuel and
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more. with us tonight, john, jeff andrew and economic pro brandon arnold, senior fellow, federalist columnist gary and vice president of national order pro counsel. polls show americans are angry. government spending is feeling skyrocketing inflation, many economists say that but congress is still living large, giving staffers free peloton gym memberships. the you have to pay for? elon musk says he's putting on hold his overtake on twitter, what it means for the free speech fight right now and hillary trump russia, heading to trial monday. buttigieg just rolled and not good for the clinton camp. more illegal protests coming this weekend in at least seven cities over the supreme court on roe v. wade. we got illegal demonstrations
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against targeting the justices homes. will agee garland act? netflix pushing back on woke employees, here what the company is saying in this surprising new memo. breaking news, stunning results in texas is order crackdown, 344 billion lethal doses of fentanyl deceased at the texas border alone plus texas is a wake-up call the biden and democrats in d.c., texas so far in two d.c. more than 900 illegal immigrants, get d.c. to wake up. i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪♪ did you check your money? abroad rally, stocks negative for the week but this feels better than what we have been going through. markets are still struggling rate hikes, to stop inflation, the rate hikes likely in july.
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the university of michigan consumer sentiment hit an 11 year low to 59.1. why are we telling you the number? that number is near same lows we saw in the 2008 recession, that's not good for the white house for the democrats in the midterms. investors are joking their 4o1k bills like 301 case. this doesn't feel great but the markets have had a good report. white house battling republicans over shortages of baby formula and now we are talking diesel fuel shortages and more. house oversight announcing investigation into what's going on. a baby formula fauci in michigan with more, grady, good to see you. >> the white house insists is all over this issue the recall of formula at this facility. you can see from this chart, that's when the formula shortage exploded when the plan here shut down. a lot of people are
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asking, it is the fda knew it was a problem in going to get worse, the white house knew that, why didn't they warned parents? >> the administration has been on this for the get go, the date the recall happened, this administration send guidance to every state to update regulations. we've been working with manufacturers that happened, part of the reason why production has already increased because of that. >> for now abbott is trying to produce more formula and even flying in product from ireland. white house working with other top baby formula makers in the west who say they produced 30 to 50% more than before this shortage but the question parents still have, if that is the case and why are they going to stores and finding empty shelves? when asked when it could and because of the actions the white house is taking, jen psaki didn't have an answer.
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elizabeth: great reporting, always good to have you on. joining us now from house oversight, ranking member james, and national taxpayers union executive vice president, brandon arnold, a pleasure to spend friday night with you, thanks for joining us. what is house oversight going to do with the baby formula investigation? >> we will see what caused this problem. as you mentioned earlier some of the companies pulled production because of the problems they had, the fda alerted them to but the fda knowing this didn't do anything to try to come up with a backup plan how to ensure there would be enough baby formula in the market. 43% of the baby formula is in shortage, 75% of babies use baby formula so it's a crisis and you mentioned the crisis in the biden administration today, this is the top of the list. if you think about the fda under joe biden, he went over a year without naming a commissioner to his a government agency run by
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bureaucrats has had no accountability, no oversight and a lot of employees have been working on home ever since covid started so the fda is behind schedule and another example of how the fda is putting americans lives at risk. elizabeth: to the congress is points, white house officials keep saying we been working on this since the start of the year, then they safety people call your doctor if you have an issue. let's listen to the president saying he's addressing baby formula shortage because all of a sudden it in the news. >> the ministrations response -- >> if we had been better mind readers, i guess we could have but he moved as quickly as it became apparent. i'll answer the baby formula question because it's on the front page of every newspaper and it's important to be responded to. elizabeth: you seek what's going on, downplaying it and then like we are on the stick. we have a poll, eight out of ten
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saint america's heading in the wrong direction, it seems like a record high. >> it is a problem that's persistent for months now, inflation has lasted well over a year, baby formula shortage has existed for months and just because it happened to be on the front page of the newspaper, that's why the administration is suddenly paying attention. had it not popped up on shows like yours in newspapers across the country, who knows what they would do and what situation mothers and fathers will be in right now if they try to feed their children. all sort of government red tape in the way and they are just now starting to cut and they announced today will attack a bill and they should have been doing this months ago and cutting red tape from the get-go to alleviate these problems before they got to the crisis are facing right now. elizabeth: there is that in this, when people go into the polls, pull the lever to vote, they will think of this, a lot of them may.
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>> are you better off than you were four years ago? elizabeth: are we? research now says inflation is e problem, every american sees it. anyone with a 4o1k recognizes the biden policies have done, anyone who owns a home or a vehicle or has a job and pays taxes as a child in the public school system, anyone who watches the news who cares about crime and border security realizes every major decision joe biden has made an detrimental impact on their lives and i think americans are going to turn out in droves this november to vote republican. elizabeth: the headline inflation numbers 8.3% but americans feel it much deeper, double digit spike hikes, higher and gas and groceries housing costs, inflation wage gains by
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2.6%. americans are really feeling. >> that is what's unique about this situation, it hits americans in such a direct fashion, it isn't a theoretical problem we are facing, it's something americans every time they go to the grocery store, every time they fill up the car with gas and the product shortages are more critical when you talk about things like baby formula. the president has been blaming everybody, putin, the pandemic, everybody but himself when the fact is his policies especially american rescue plan act passed early last year has contributed to this crisis, the reason why inflation rates are so much higher in europe, an outlier here because of the president policy. elizabeth: they are paying for logs in government, that's what they are paying for, higher inflation and taxes for people to shut down and defend u.s. oil and gas, stop drilling in the
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gulf, pushing biden to plow even more hot money into the system less than locks up. let's listen to gina talk about climate change, listen. >> we believe climate change is an existential threat children won't give up close on the back, not be able to have a life if they don't deal with climate change. elizabeth: forget about the clothes on their backs on children back? climate change is more important than your children's clothes? i know she didn't mean to say it that way but that is where we are. what do you say? >> you are exactly right, the biden administration is as out of touch as any administration in my lifetime. you cannot have an administration comprised of a bunch of bureaucrats and professors and expect anything different than what we have, you have socialist and extreme liberals making major policy decisions and now with the time
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for the policy decisions to come in to play and i think every american hopefully sees this is detrimental to their wallet, their savings, their lives children's education, the list goes on and on. elizabeth: final word. >> it's one thing not to be pressured at the outset of this administration and think you can take an ideological direction, it's another when you find yourself in a deep pull to keep digging and that's what the ministrations desk, canceling oil and gas continuing to flood this economy with dollars, making the problem worse and need to stop. elizabeth: a pleasure to have spent this friday with you both, elon musk putting on hold $44 billion bid to take over twitter. how would this hit the free speech fight? is a negotiating ploy to get a lower price? docs plunge, twitter since you want made the bid, off by $13 billion on the downside plus new push by the house gop, the biden disinformation board, facebook
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and social media to center conservative still. dagan next. ♪♪ >> it should shake every single american to your core. this woman nina jankowicz is the arbiter of truth is the one to determine whether what you say is allowed or not. ♪♪
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twitter shares, elon musk rattling the markets and the free speech fight tweeting his $44 billion takeover deal for twitter temporarily on hold pending details and what twitter's account is less than 5% of users as twitter has said, kelly o'grady has been all over this with great journalism, great to have you on, what's going on now? >> we've been talking about whether the deal will go through and now the outlook is turning even more murky. shockwaves with the news of the twitter deal on hold, this morning tweeting twitter deal on hold pending details supporting the calculation fake accounts represent less than 5% of users and the company confirmed what the 5% was accurate and admitted it was an estimate.
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he's still committed to the acquisition and twitter ceo says he expected to close but it was enough to sound the alarms that will go through. that's what former president trump is floating today, taking news by calling donald trump twitter been a mistake but donald trump thinks musk getting cold feet saying there's no way elon musk is going to buy twitter, as such a ridiculous price especially since realizing that the company based on spam accounts. if it weren't for ridiculous they got the elon would have already been long gone. looking to negotiate a lower price but if he is looking to walk, it's difficult for him to get out of the deal without getting sued by twitter reportedly declined to diligence to close the deal faster. elizabeth: always great reporting, we love having you on. thanks for spending your friday with us. joining us now, new jersey congressman jeff sanders, great to have you on, thanks for
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joining us, what does it mean for the fight over free speech? kathy joining the publicans and the house sending letters to twitter and facebook and other social media asking, is the biden disinformation pressuring them now? what is your take on what's going on? >> elon musk is a smart man and i think he may be doing one or two things together here. one of them is really showing what the value of twitter is which he knows and by value i mean a lot of these are fake accounts. i think he's going to take the rapper off and show there's a lot of fake accounts and not all this has ever been real and i think it serves the purpose of free speech well. i think negotiating a better price, that's going to be interesting how he'll go about that because he has an agreement, he certainly will receive a financial punishment
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if he breaks it. if it's just separation, it's only billion dollars which for him is pocket change but if it gets to a lawsuit, it could be more. for the american public, i think it's good because it's showing the bot account, the fact that the information isn't truthful, a lot of people are taken off twitter when they shouldn't be. one real quick story, i was on youtube for months with an endorsement, a lot of different things but the president of united states or former president of the united states donald trump endorsing me, mayorkas came before our committee the other day and i beat him up the card, justifiably so asking to resign publicly and after that, suddenly it was discovered it was disinformation the fact i don't know what the disinformation could possibly be the former president endorsed me and took me off, i was banned from youtube on this particular
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video. it's not freedom of speech. elizabeth: it is still happening. >> it's going to get worse. they are so afraid they have this information is are was a nut and a weirdo i'm sorry, but she is, they have her and she's going to be taking things off and leaving other things on that aren't truthful and we have seen that before. this is not our america. elizabeth: biden's new disinformation star, we broke the story a few nights ago talking about how nina jankowicz wants to the other people basically verify, edit tweet and musk makes fun of that. his criticizing america party, he says hijacked by extremists but also saying on the right, the far right that there is this problem, he is center right. let's watch the media and their outrage over musk taking over twitter. >> elon musk lives in a world in
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which the only kind of free speech is white men feeling free to say whatever they want. >> not so bright billion or casually but one of the world's most potential messaging machines and handed it to the far right. >> his idea of freedom means freedom to be a jerk. >> it's about free speech of straight white men. >> elon musk just knew he would escape to space and the rest of us are things will have to deal with this. elizabeth: why inject race into this? >> they are scared because they know this would be a sort of opening up an avenue for truth. i hope at the end of the day he does buy it just for the good of america because we need more public marketplaces of ideas, exchanging ideas and telling the truth. all that we just saw, all was
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unknown truth, untruth. purveyors of disinformation pretend they are purveyors of information. elizabeth: musk is saying he believes trump lungs on twitter but prefers someone less divisive to run for president in 2024, that's what he's personally saying. he's also saying biden was elected because people are tired of the trauma so he's making those statements as well. the other thing is when you look at the whole thing unfolding, how it all went down, it's how we do our national conversation on twitter and you see how the media is doing recording, it's not about facts, it's opinion, right? people thinking opinions are facts, especially without evidence accusing him of racism. >> not only opinions, it's one set of opinions, not even an exchange of different opinions or ideas generally in the legacy media or most media other than you and other folks you don't
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even hear both sides, he don't hear anything truthful. if you sit back and look at this and realize the challenges we have an president trump i will admit is a friend of mine so i'm more than willing to put up a few tough means tweets rather than a country completely falling apart at the seams because of what these people did. i've never in my lifetime, nobody alive ever seen a president doing as bad a job as this one, congress doing that job. elizabeth: to have you on, thanks for joining us. we got a preview of the blockbuster hillary trump russia case trial on monday plus buttigieg ruled not good news. we will break it down next on "the evening edit". >> we suspected and not know for sure this was the dossier made up and trump communication was
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made up as well. ♪♪
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elizabeth: the guy to talk to to break this down, senior legal all of the heritage foundation, we love having him on. let's break it down for the viewer. blockbuster criminal trial starting monday in hillary's trump russia, special counsel durham alleging hillary campaign lawyer lied to the fbi covering
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up he was working for the hillary campaign so the judge's ruling hillary's anti- trump opposition research forum, dcs, they have it turned over to the durham probe 22 e-mails. hillary team is trying to block this, could this fill out a conspiracy charge for the durham team? >> it is very interesting these e-mails will get turned over to durham and why does the clinton campaign not want them released? what is in them? is it more evidence of their involvement? we've already seen from e-mails and other things durham investigation has put out top officials including the campaign knew all about. this hoax, this false claim of trump russia collusion and help with the media campaign to get the media interested in reporting on this.
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elizabeth: he's writing the e-mails were not covered by attorney-client privilege as a team was arguing, this is part of hillary's campaign media relations pushing trump russia to the government into the media. it can't be used in the trial but special counsel durham now has it in his massive document probe he has on the trial. he needs to prove criminal intent beyond reasonable doubt. his charge against lying to the d.o.j. and fbi. >> i think he's going to easily do that because not only does he have witness testimony from the fbi but not too long ago we discovered had written communication to the fbi saying
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basically i'm a good citizen and that's why i'm giving you this, i'm not representing a client when he clearly was representing the clinton campaign and dnc. his law firm was representing them and his partner was the general counse, hillary's campan lawyers team are trying to walk another witness, fbi agent, he's been debunking this computer research, supposedly revealed the secret back channel between the trump organization and russia's alpha bank which the fbi debunked as hotel marketing e-mails from the trump team. what's surprising in this, they say they have 300 e-mails indicating the fbi knew he was working for hillary's campaign. that sounds like it was open
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secret but hillary was driving the trump russia probe behind the scene at the fbi. what i'm saying is the fbi knew it was coming and they went ahead anyway. >> that's the defense they are putting out, it didn't really matter what he said to the fbi, the fbi knew representing the clinton campaign. if that is true, it makes the fbi look worse than it already does and its reputation has been damaged. i'm not sure it can be repaired because what it means, the fbi engaged on a partisan law enforcement witchhunt knowing it was disinformation by a political campaign. elizabeth: astonishing, we will have you back on, good to see you. we're coming up to the bottom of the hour, you're watching the foxbusiness network. more illegal protests this week
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in a supreme court justices home and also at least seven cities over the supreme court in roe v. wade, we will stay on this story coming up and much more. stay with us. ♪♪ >> the message behind showing up at someone's house, we know where you live, open effort to intimidate, supreme court justices. ♪♪
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thousands of abortion rights activists will be demonstrating this weekend and half a dozen city, austin texas new york chicago l.a. joining us now breaking house of home and security, a pleasure to have back on, john katko. great to have you on. from where you sit, when you hear about illegals, protests on the homes of supreme court theyg enough to say no to stop this? >> absolutely not, basically
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encouraging but not discouraging it. i did a lot of high-profile charges for the biggest concerns, the influence on jurors and the court. much as prosecutors, the bad guys and people attempting to influence the process, you can't tell me they are not trying to influence the process going to their people's homes and trying to intimidate them and laws against this, no question not being prosecuted, i wish i was a prosecutor because i do it myself. elizabeth: you would because this is trying to influence the judge and it's against the law. it feels like when you look at the white house and what it's saying, the president today said i'm responding to the baby formula crisis because of it being in the news, the headlines, that's what he said. in march he said we are going to
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do all we can to fight rising gas prices and an hour later he told the press outside the white house he can't do anything about it so americans see this cynicism, let's sit back and the others do our dirty work, listen to lieutenant governor on this. >> what we need now is merrick garland to go ahead and do his job. he put the police on parents, they were at the school board trying to be heard for the safety of their children and he won't do his job. we have a section, 18.2 assess this is a class three misdemeanor if you are protesting in private property outside private property. they are not doing their jobs. this is america. it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt and then who's going to write the script for you see you can read it and say it was somebody else's
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fault? elizabeth: you've heard with the lieutenant governor said, are you worried somebody is going to get hurt? >> absolutely concerned about that. also concerned about politicization of prosecutors. when as a prosecutor we weren't allowed to talk about politics based on political influences and what you see with this administration, failure to act on political reasons, both are no nose as prosecutors. it's disconcerting the way they are allowing intimidation on the supreme court cases, very concerning. elizabeth: with got to talk about crime, we got new footage coming in, to gunman dressed in black assault rifles, killed a man out of philadelphia gas station, this is the disturbing footage and a brazen daylight attack. have done a lot of work on crime. major u.s. is hit with violent crime, the president talking to police chief today talking about
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getting money out of the american rescue plan to fight crime. what is your take on what's going with police departments and crime in the u.s.? >> the last several years democrats have done a good job demonizing police and making it more difficult for them to lose their job by grafting out to all police officers from a small minority of police officers. a sense of lawlessness accountability for criminals and related things, they're not worried about being arrested so we form was called the american security task force and i'm head of it and one thing we are doing is coming up with a plan for next term when we take over the house and support police and tackle recruitment and retention issues and address crime against officers which is skyrocketing and go after progressive prosecutors like the one in l.a. last year, 13000 cases last year end l.a. county sheriff's made
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that were legitimate good cases simply dismissed by the prosecutor for no apparent reason. they're going to do their job or they are not getting federal money. elizabeth: you will for cut the money, okay. >> violence is up in blue cities, the policing progressive prosecutors and failed bail reforms, democrats blame the rise on violence. also in red states with higher crime rates, what the data show, blue cities in these states because crime so set aside blue cities and red states are much safer. elizabeth: what is your take on that? >> spot on. unbelievable what's going on. the cost last year this task force across the country, portland, oregon, texas, new
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york city where they defund police and cut funding and vilify police, making it tougher with their laws and lack of prosecutions. all of them are demoralized. i met at the capitol city, part of police week and what they don't understand is you can go to a police memorial in the names of the officers killed on duty because of what's going on, serious business and we will fix it when they take over. elizabeth: thanks for joining us, good to see you. the trump endemic water policy, the federal judge ruled today he will delay on whether he trumps pandemic for policy by may 23. plus netflix pushing back on it woke employees. you will hear but the company is saying in a new level, we got that ahead on "the evening edit". ♪♪
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welcome to the show, author of
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privileged victims, a terrific columnist of the federal, eddie sorry. great to have you on. what is your take on this, netflix basically telling workers to dial back cultural world, woke atmosphere the put out a memo says we are not going to, if you consider the content harmful, but for other words. what you think? >> a smart business move, i don't know that there's anything especially moral, i do think it's a moral call, virtue signaling is quite profitable. credibility. it's the right thing to do, he's social justice monsters calling the shots in these companies saying we need to cancel this person and get rid of this person despite overwhelming popularity for something like
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dave chapelle vessel, those things they are finding are popular with the public, listening to the two or three workers within their companies progressive workers are costing them money. elizabeth: it's getting hit hard, they are upset about that, a comedian also been on stage doing a performance. the other thing is, the data scientist working at reuters, he's basically saying on a blog post that he was fighting with reuters last year after being pushed back against coverage and take on black lives matter protest basically finding his own analysis of the data what was going on, police were slightly less like me to use
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lethal force against black suspects and white suspects so basically saying i found out the data when he brought it to reuters, they shut him down. >> anyone who looked honestly at the data of policing, they will find similar statistics based say they have interactions that are good with the police, just as minorities who are calling on police for help, they say the interactions are good and would do them again and you can find that data, it is publicly available but black lives matter political movement is largely what it is today because it was generalized by the national press, places like reuters on their behalf and we are feeding into the myth that there were police running around gunning down innocent people and i think when you have a reporter like this honestly looks at it and
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doesn't follow the political narrative the national media was helping push, they will get us in trouble because the media was using it for political reasons. elizabeth: but reuters is almost taking it as gospel, distorting reporting news stories not in the correct way and ignores the facts and went along with the blm narrative. that affects u.s. policy. your final word? >> exactly, places like these institutions that were once respected, the national media at large have been corrupted by social justice, black lives matter movement and this is one really good example of the lies they are spreading and somebody calling out. elizabeth: everybody is against police brutality and we don't want blacks being killed obut w. come back soon, good to see you. another cap size, killed 11.
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the trumps pandemic for policy, federal judge ruled he will delay this until may 23 on whether to keep title 42 get rid of it. we will take you to the border next on "the evening edit". >> it shouldn't surprise anybody all of these drugs flow into the united states correspond with a number of people crossing our borders illegally. ♪♪ ♪♪ love and confidence... you can't buy those. but you can invest in them. we believe that your investments should work harder for the future you imagine. and that's where our strategic investing approach can help. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ )
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( ♪♪ )
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elizabeth: okay, federal judge robert summerhayes in louisiana said he will rule by may 23rd on whether to get rid of trump's pandemic policy moan as title 42. -- known as title 42, one of the last firewalls. bill melugin is at the border with more. >> reporter: liz are, even with title 42 still in effect, activity here in eagle pass is shooting through the roof. take a look at this video, this was one single, massive group of about 150 illegal immigrants who crossed over many broad daylight, the third day in a row we've seen a large group like this. this was mostly colombians, venezuelan ares and cubans, and this is a huge drain on manpower. they've got to call in agents from other areas to process these groups, and it certainly wasn't the only one. a short time later, another
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large group of 52 we saw crossing in broad daylight in the middle of the river, entering into eagle pass once again. this time there was only one single border patrol agent on hand to receive hem. then again, this third piece of video, exact same spot here in eagle pass, suspected human smugglers guiding migrants over into eagle pass. one of hem takes a life jacket off one of the peal migrants, then they -- female migrants. pretty rare to see the smugglers in the river like that. back out here border patrol reporting in a 7-hour span they arrested two convicted child sex predators both from mexico, both previously deported. back to you. elizabeth: bill melugin, thank you so much for your terrific journalism. joining us now, national border patrol could beville -- could beville suspect art dell cueto. your reaction to that report. >> it's horrific, but it's happening across the entire southern border. we're seeing it, every single
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area of the border has different demographics, so whoever's running the cartel in charge of that part, they do things differently. and it's happening across the entire border. i can tell you in arizona because the areas are so remote, it's even easier for the drug cartels to bring their drugs across because they realize that they have to respond to take them to a processing center, they're gone so long that they're taking even more advantage of it. elizabeth: oh, so that's understood. i totally understand what you just said. art, we've got breaking nudes coming in at this hour. texas' operation lone star, texas is moving on its own to secure its border. it's saying it has to act because the white house is not doing enough. they bust 922 illegal border -- bussed 922 illegal border crossers to d.c. the president's e never been to the border, and they also since the start of the program of
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operation lone star, hay apprehended more than 246,000 illegals and, wait for it, they seized more than 344 million doses, lethal doses of fentanyl. that's enough to kill every man, woman and child in this country. >> you're exactly correct. and it doesn't look like anyone in the administration is doing anything about it. it doesn't look like they care. and, frankly, when you start looking at some of the leadership within border patrol themselves, you know, they're -- [inaudible] cbp, heir not -- they're not speaking of the dangers happening each and every day. but, you know, liz, wait. as soon as they retire, heir going to be the quick to say something. right now you're exactly right, we can't find them going down to the border and seeing what's happening. you have a better chance of getting a pet dinosaur than you do of seeing some of these individuals and leaders down on the border -- elizabeth: what do you mean by you're going to wait to retire to say something?
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by the way, we had another boat filled with illegal immigrants capsize off the coast of puerto rico. at least 11 dead. 20 men and 11 women, 8 were hospitalized. so what do you mean i you've got to wait for people to retire to tell the truth? >> you know, you just see it often, and i think it's a little bit too much. there's members of the national border patrol council that have been very vocal for quite some time, and it's just frustrating to see sometimes that you have leadership that they see the problem, they drink the kool-aid, but once they're in some other job afterwards, then they decide to speak up and go on different media outlets and say what's wrong and what has happened. but they were in the leadership position to make a change, you didn't see anything -- [inaudible] elizabeth: where are we at, art, right now? if final word with the border, how do you see it? >> we're beyond chaos. right now we need a lot of political lille -- will, and we
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need to actively lead from the front. this has to stop. elizabeth: art del cueto, come back soon. i'm e elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we hope you have a terrific weekend. join us again monday night. ♪ >> from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bart bartiromo's "wall street." maria: and happy weekend to all. welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo. consumers rocked by record high food and gasoline prices while president biden denies his policies are to blame. steve poshes and andy puzder -- forbes and andy puzder are here. plus, elon musk putting his twitter buyout deal on hold.


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