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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  May 20, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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open so notorious and vig being honored with the special card. 50000 of the metro cards will have portraits. they go on sale tomorrow for his 50th birthday. that doesn't rest "the evening edit" is now. ♪. elizabeth: will send breaking its federal judge blocked biden. it's got to keep trumps pandemic border policy in place. but we've got more on how biden ruined a secure border that he inherited from trump. plus biden's summer of shortages but as a summer shortages. where did you go up middle class joke? eleven straight days of new record all-time highs and gas, with got grid operators warning more than two dozen states face potential power blackouts of the summer.
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40% of baby formula out of stock and 43 states. with the most powerful country in the world what's going on? we have new analysis had rapidly and fast biden shut down the u.s. energy boom he inherited from trump. is that the democrats a pre-existing condition? putting their ideologies of first and you last? on the show tonight congressman jeff van drew, congressman and economic pros thomas phillips and also gop strategist fred plus about former cabinet secretary bill, the hilt media columnist joe concha arizona sheriff mark lam. here's what's going on. here's the blowback against d.c. follow me on this. u.s. taxpayers are paying more at the pump, right? you've got that. now you're paying more than $50 billion to ukraine for its fight against russia we've got that people want ukraine to win. but putin is making a ton of money on higher oil and class that you forked over to pay for its war in ukraine. so i shut down u.s. energy? plus explosive new testament in the trump russia trial.
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hillary clinton personally approved leak into the media to debunked trump russia start week she would of course have to sign off on that. the big news is this, who drove her to do it? who pushed hillary to the brink? happening to silence the 51 intelligence officials who labeled without hunter biden's laptop as russia's disinformation buried this happen and before the 2020 race. we've got nbc joining the "washington post", politico endured times. they are authenticating hunters e-mail. with got reports trump can fight back here. i am elizabeth macdonald "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪. elizabeth: let's check. i'm going to check the shows what's going on trade stocks were mixed today, right question michael got a bit of a cell of early of the turn to the green. we've got two points of optimism for you.
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the fed, james tells our edward lawrence he does not see a recession this year. without this there is a technician a market technician his name is tom. he called the bottom and 2020 and then the marker might rip roaring up. he is known for advising hedge fund titans. he says that markets are on the verge of reversing into a stock rally. we've got president visiting south korea and japan. he was to deepen your south korea ties in his first asia stop at one check that for you and stay on it. also this, america is facing a hot mess of a summer of baby formula shortages, 6-dollar gas, inflation, potential power blackouts. again where did you go middle class joe? grady trimble is an chicago with the latest, grady. >> good evening liz. that's what interior secretary deborah holland did not set the hearing on capitol hill but is raising eyebrows today. she was given the opportunity multiple times to simply say it acknowledge that gas prices are
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too high right now. but she would not do it too. >> you gas prices are too high? quick there are a lot of other world events making things difficult for all of us. you are unwilling to say gas prices are too high? >> we are doing all we can, senator quick secretary holland did tell the senate committee, the interior department will release a new five-year plan for offshore drilling by the end of june. there will likely be a gap which would lead to a blackout. for oil and gas companies. she also dodged questions where the plan would include any new leases for new offshore drilling. >> is your intent to lease? >> our intent is to follow the law. we know this five-year plan is in the works right now. i couldn't tell you if i tried what is in it. >> exchanges like these, some of why republicans just don't buy that administration officials are doing everything they can to
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lower prices at the pump despite what president biden and his administration say. elizabeth: grady you are always terrific and terrific journalism for journeys now congressman from homeland security along with former acting chair of the white house council of economic advisers, thomas phillips and perry thank you for spending a friday with us. okay first out the breaking news. congresswoman your reaction to the judge in louisiana blocking biden. he's got to keep trumps pandemic border policy in place pretty cumbersome you know this already the border was falling apart even the title 42, right? and biden and justice first 15 has had more illegal border crossing that all four years of trump combined. >> yes absolutely, liz. it has been a disaster from day one when biden, with a stroke of the pin created to border prices. it is by his own doing. now tremendous news about title
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42 but let's be clear. title 42 was never the silver bullet to solve this for u.s. guinea border agents they will tell you, they need a resounding policy to stop the flow of illegal coming across the border. mrs. one tool of the toolbox a collective sigh of relief but knowing this administration what they've done with policies that remain in mexico policy, they have been very crafty with altering statutes and definition from helping these foes to basically coach them up so they followed certain categories. elizabeth: are going to move on to this crisis. okay, thomas parents are desperate where the world's most powerful economy. we've got 43 states the congresswoman has been all over this. more than 40% of baby from the out of stock. families are desperate for discounts about shoppers in a massachusetts door, people are fighting over baby formula. and congress come another
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talking 28 million more from the fda. senator mcconnell pointed out its million-dollar budget. >> yes it's an unwritten law whenever you have shortages like this were demand has far outpacing supply it's a government policy that's limiting supply to come in when you see this waiting for baby formula currently. there's three government policies tendering this. one is retaking six months to deal with this. also states are holding down prices through exclusive contracts for the wic program. third we have tariffs on foreign suppliers so whenever you have a shortage problem almost always a government issue. elizabeth: the democrats to come 18 of them block a gop amendment to unlock funds for the baby shortage for the using pandemic funds like golf courses,
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minor-league baseball stadiums, hotel complex in florida but not this? with the numbers binds the new associated press polls just out he is among the lowest approval rating on modern american history pretty going to see that therapists want to stay on this thing about the baby formula shortage. what is going on with biden the answer to inflation and shortages as more taxing spending and regulation bird watch house minority leader have mccarthy push back, watch this. >> production of a baby formula is so specialized and so specific you cannot just use the defense production act to say to a company that produces something else, produced a baby formula it doesn't work that way exactly are. >> say one thing they do another. it is because of their lack of action. when he is on every single time since he turned president is ignore a big problem. elizabeth: you see they said no to the dpa congresswoman another using it, you know what i mean?
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>> exactly you showed the polls that are the lowest in modern history is anyone truly surprised? we have a guy in the white also takes direction from the easter bunny. no one is shocked to. but this baby formula issue, pete boody judge, the fda, the press secretary, the white house, all of them have been caught flat-footed in quite frankly in the life. they never had a plan for the shutdown nation's largest manufacturer baby formula without a plan to backfill what they make in the marketplace that is common sense you take that much out of the market they are going to have to replace it as we said ease at tariffs they did not ease regulation this is of their own doing. and every time there's a crisis what is big government do? they say throw more money at it it's a policy change, it is america last and that is biden in a nutshell. elizabeth: the other thing democrats and blocked, tomas they blocked a republican bill half a dozen times to get u.s. energy independence back.
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wondered showing some hockey stick action to the downside biden inherited from trump u.s. oil production 12.9 million barrels a day. within four months or so of him taking office, more than a year before russia was born ukraine is started to plunge hockey stick down to 9.7 million under biden this is u.s. oil production plunging under biden before russia is worth ukraine. watch senator josh hawley push back on the energy sexually claiming this is putin's party site, watch. >> with all due respect madam subjects utter nonsense in genera 2021 the average gas price in my state was $2.7. eight months later, eight months later long before vladimir putin abated ukraine the price was up over 30% as been going up consistently since. what are you doing to reverse his administration's policy but are drawing down our own supply of energy in this country, that
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are throttling oil and gas production in the united states of america? speaks i got to break this down, tomas quickly paid the energy secretary said dallas fed survey that only 6% of oil and gas executives blame government regulation. tomas we looked at it it's more than that. it is one out of four lack of access of financing biden defendant u.s. energy plus environmental rules. you see the narratives coming out that are easily debunked. >> also the pollutant price hike the biden calls, he owns that it's basically a foreign policy disaster that made russia invade ukraine. russia did not invade ukraine during brahma they didn't during trump and they did during biden per common sense tell you it's a foreign policy differences. but we are in for a rough summer here i think in terms of gas prices. brushes being shut out the world supply is going down. and world demand is going to
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rise quite quickly now china coming in after zero covid policy being lifted. it's going to be rough summer while people are traveling on top of it. thanks for joining us on this friday night. come back soon. we are staying on top of this breaking news the federal judge ruling biden must keep in place trumps pandemic border policy. it's going to expire monday for there is heated at bipartisan backlash against biden removing it. got the story plus elon musk battles a sexual harassment accuser. he is heatedly denying or going to big and trying to get in the next in the evening at it. ♪ (♪ ♪)
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this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. get $400 off an eligible samsung device with xfinity mobile. take the savings challenge at or visit your xfinity store and talk to our switch squad today. elizabeth: if you ever feel like you're getting elated when you go on facebook or twitter you being told what to read or went to see? look at this, pugh researches out the stunning statistic. 77% agree with you. they say it is likely a social media does intentionally censor opposing political viewpoints but that is up from 73% in 2020 but look at this, more than four out of ten say these platforms favor liberal views over conservative ones. this is changing the national conversation. kelly o'grady has more, kelly >> great to see her, was it.
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and your port finding a facebook funded advocacy group is planting pop ads to lobby washington. we've done this type of thing but this time targeting the bipartisan antitrust regulation seeks to prevent big tech from boosting their own products over rivals. american edges launched a full ad campaign commissioning like he does in this local newspapers the messaging ranging from how big tech supports middle america businesses to the role it plays in combating players like china and russia. but are arguing and american itself says it's advocating for hard-to-reach communities. quote our coalition represent small business owners, trade associations, everyday americans and yes innovative companies. the american edge project started with a seat at grant from meta. we have more than one funder and expect additional entities to contribute as we grow. the tech transparency project is solely funded by the conglomerate filings show a singular port million dollar donation from meta. their methods are not new as we
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move closer to the midterms a flow of money becomes more concerning the sum of the largest loving spenders are not required to disclose investments, liz. elizabeth: could reporting a joint exempt congressmen jeff van drew. congress must stay on the story per your reaction to what you just heard? i mean facebook feels like a gigantic octopus. we note mark zuckerberg foundation was active in the last election in 2020. now he is implanting -- facebook is planting newspaper opinion pieces and local opinions to sway public opinion and facebook's favor? >> absolutely. their goal is to control the discussion. their goal is to control how we think, but we do, what we buy, what we say. what we believe politically. and that can't be. we have to make sure we have open marketplace of ideas. that we have freedom of speech. some of the most essential parts
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of what we need to say in this country are at risk in many ways due to what is going on a social media. elizabeth: congressman, feels like the national conversation just got totally twisted and poisoned since 2008. you know what i mean, what they watch and what they listen to and what dictates their attitudes and their thinking is so off-the-wall. it is so divorced from reality wonder where they get their facts from? >> their facts really are not facts very often. in their facts are from social media. liz i think the glue thing is people are really beginning to catch on now. some legislators certainly are but i believe the american public understand they have really got to be careful read when i speak to people all the time they said they really tried to research and go from one spot to another.
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but you know i would take it off youtube we had a video up and they said it was disinformation. all it was wasn't president trump endorsing me this year when i was at mar lago we were talking about each other a little bit. i know the real reason in my opinion because at a previous meeting i had criticized the daylights out of secretary mayorkas a day later is take it off. >> is on most days fighting for free speech is a world's wealthiest man we have a business insider report that claims his space exit paid one of us flight attendants a quarter million dollars per silence about a sexual misconduct incident alleging musk growth exposed himself the flight attendant during a private jet and 2016. congressman, musk is saying this
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the political motivated hippies. the accuser's name is not available. we cannot fact check the story we don't know if it's true or not. so elon musk is very upset about the story leaking out, what is your take on it? >> let me tell you i'm not a jug and judge in a jury. there will be a process. but it is so curious, so curious once he really spoke up and became involved in the marketplace of ideas and said you know, i used to be a democrat or a yacht used to be a moderate democrat or whatever but now i'm really thinking you have to vote republican, i am believing we really need to change a lot of what is happening is wrong. wanting to buy twitter and open up that platform so that everybody in different viewpoints. he suddenly now is being canceled himself. pretty interesting. wealthiest man in the world and they are still going after him.
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elizabeth: got it, congressman van drew have a great week and thank you for joining us. okay, the store we have explosive testimony and hillary's a trump/russia operators hillary approved leaking the unvented trust storage of the media got that that's pre-much understood that would happen. but who exactly drove hiller to the brink? what got hillary seriously outrage? at the latest report ahead on the evening edit. >> the clinton campaign push it to the fbi for they push it to the media. they denied their connection to a number of people. and also they did everything they could to hide the connection with these lawyers. a. like the time she spotted the neighbor kid, an approaching car, a puddle, and knew there was going to be a situation. ♪ ♪ ms. hogan's class? yeah, it's atlantis.
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elizabeth: welcome back for it without breaking developments of the hillary clinton trump russia trial probably have got clinton's former campaign manager. he testified today that hillary personally approved leaking the unvented trump russia alpha bank story to the media. david is in washington with moore, david. >> good evening, liz. 2016 hillary campaign manager robby told former boss, the candidate hillary clinton said go ahead when releasing information to that media, unvented information about those accusations relating to the trump organization and a russian based bank.
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in 2016 clinton campaign lawyer michael sussman told the fbi he had evidence of a secret communications back channel between a trump organization and alpha bank a russian bank with ties to the kremlin. sussman claims he was delivering the information on his own as a concerned citizen. not on behalf of any clients, namely the hillary clinton campaign. a special counsel john durham said his team has evidence showing sussman build the campaign clinton campaign for that fbi meeting. told jurors today he would never have authorized michael sussman to go to the fbi with information about a potential trump organization russia linke. he said pointblank of the fbi, we did not trust them sussman's a federal trial or continue on monday is expected to wrap up one week from today. elizabeth: great reporting pilots welcome back to show former cabinet secretary bill, it's great to have you on. let's start with this. what is your reaction to that
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story from david? robby testified that clinton campaign officials were not culturally competent and the legitimacy of the trump/russia alpha bank story very. >> of all the rest of the stories in the russia posters knows to push it. we've seen this time and time again with the steele dossier and now with the alpha bank allegations. nobody believed the evidence they said they had. and it only took a personal favor from michael sussman said i'm coming in as a concerned citizen and not on behalf of the campaign pretty sounds with jim baker is the general counsel of the time to take the meeting. he was basically trading on a personal relationship to try to get the fbi to take notice of the unfounded allegations. elizabeth: a bill, the big news coming out of what happened today's fbi former director james comey who drove hiller to the brink. robby testifying quote we do not trust the fbi. two or three the most damaging days of the clinton campaign were caused by combing, not
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trump. co- meat broke protocol time and again with the public press conferences on the fbi's investigation into a hillary clinton's e-mails that was happening at the same time. and clinton has repeatedly blamed comey for causing her to lose to trump. that is what drove her to basically push up the story into the media. >> someone has done multiple presidential campaigns is nothing worse than having law enforcement agency give a press conference the summer before the election and say were not pointed charge appears all the wrong things you did what you did was really reckless and careless. and then, for new information come to light from anthony's laptop of all places because his wife at the time it was a close clinton confidant. they discover all the traditional e-mails. fbi director comey decides he needs to send a letter to congress. that only happened a couple of days before that infamous tweet from hillary clinton on october 31 where she retweets jakes (release try to tout the
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connection. they were in heavy damage control they're trying to change the narrative away from the scrutiny they were under trying to put on then citizen trump. elizabeth: that's a good point you made complete reels and that clinton investigation and october late october 2006 seen it in is tweeting about trump kabul bank. more and more this trial shows on ethical clinton campaign if i asked government bureaucracy. these beltway insiders who felt they could get it with anything. hillary's team was coasting up to the fbi d.o.j. to do its bidding. now we've got the story. terms of probe also showing internal fbi notes, showing fbi knew its case against trump was blowing up by late 2016. by march 2017 it was totally falling apart. comey then leaked to get robert mueller appointed a special counsel to go after trump anyway. the fbi was telling d.o.j. it had no predicates. note basis to go after trump.
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and then weeks later james comey is testifying in march of 2017 that yes we were investigating the trump campaign for fbi ties. that ultimately led to the appointment of mueller including his media leaks. >> there's a lot of troubling events we now know. the fbi did not believe there is a factual predicate to continue with the investigation after they receive the allegations but that is what the note seemed to reveal. then you have to ask yourself the question why did james comey try to meet with then citizen trump or president-elect of trump won on one to show him the steele dossier that the fbi did not think was credible? why did he pull that meeting? and then why march of 2017. elizabeth: i'm putting up dervish billing after comey, go ahead. >> think of one of the things in each member about this trial is that not only to have the legal process we've got the political process for the legal process is really going to be kevin by the rules of evidence in criminal procedure about what evidence is going to be introduced to the jury. the political process on the
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other hand, a lot of the speaking documents are durham's filing seems to indicate a broader investigation in which case we do not know how high they are going to go in the clinton investigation. that is unknown fate also the fbi. then how this a russian hoax was able to last so long. >> they knew was falling apart by the spring of 2017 the white of the fbi going to the fisa court to still get the powerful fisa court wiretaps meant for spying on terrorists to go after porter page. bill, it's always great to have you on come back soon. we're sitting on breaking as a federal judge ruling abide in his got to keep trump's pandemic border policy in place read the latest on that development ahead in the evening edit. and the deafening silence from the 61 intelligence officials who labeled hunter biden's laptop quote russian disinformation. nbc now authenticating the e-mails after the washington post, politico "new york times" print why the silence question but we've got that had on "the evening edit". >> are members started off as of
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oh, it was not his laptop. then it was while it was his laptop but russian disinformation. ♪ you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? oh, like how i customized this scarf? wow, first time? check out this backpack i made for marco. oh yeah? well, check out this tux. oh, nice. that'll go perfect with these. dude... those are so fire. [whines] only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ only pay for what you need. living with metastatic breast cancer means being relentless. because every day matters. and having more of them is possible with verzenio. the only one of its kind proven to help you live significantly longer
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elizabeth: joining account fox news contributor hill immediate calmness joe concha. okay joe, what's it going to take? the pennysaver or local newspaper to the 51 intelligence officials who said it was russian disinformation, for them to venice a yes they are right? what is it going to take? >> elizabeth, don't knock the pennysaver. >> i love the pennysaver. >> as do i. i want to know. look, those 51 former intelligence officials who signed off the hunter biden laptop is being a russian disinformation, they even admit in the letter, elizabeth it actually had no evidence to back up what they are going on. he is just a hunch from afar. all of them and lockstep by the way, saw the same thing from afar. this included former heads of
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intelligent former cia director john brennan's hard to distinguish from joy at this point on his new post to cia home on an mn sbc he is that partisan. same goes for james as a talking head on cnn, also signing off on this letter. we are supposed to believe that these folks were apolitical when they were in power? they have a lot of power in the rain the cia and d and i. so of course they are not commenting now. they and 49 others have been caught dead to right pushing a law to have an impact on the presidential election, given the former positions in intelligence and cia and fbi and dni they should all be ashamed quite frankly. trucks it was a stored in the biden family was going to make a lot of money off of corrupt doing deals with corrupt individuals and in china and ukraine. and so they never apologized or retracted what they said about the "new york post" story. again this is serious national security staff. let's listen to president biden
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continually has the past denied what's going on with the sun hunter and his business dealings overseas or senator chuck grassley and ron johnson did a senate probe saying this open the door to potential criminal extortion and bribery and blackmail, watch this. >> mr. vice president, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings question requests i've never talked to my son about his overseas business dealings. i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else what they do if their businesses. >> what is your understanding of what your son was doing for an extra ordinary amount of money? >> i don't know what he was doing. >> you think it was wrong for him to take that position knowing it was really because that company wanted access to you? >> that is not true you are saying things you don't know what you're talking about. no one said that who said that? my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what you talking about, china. specific k and b say single way
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to second hunter biden made $11 million over a five-year stint from 2013 -- 2018. more than half of that from china. for biden to deny he knows nothing about it, hunter biden himself told the new yorker magazine he talked to his father about his father said effectively hope you know you what you are doing. >> elisabeth i am noticing a pattern with joe biden for the angrier he gets, when he spoke to savannah guthrie in that one clip she actually challenged him, the more you can believe he is probably telling a lie at that point because i get so defensive and people get that defensive in anger what are they hiding exactly? i don't think you or somebody can book tony bobulinski on the show he was hunter biden's former business owns a 10% absolutely went to the big guy, the big guy being joe biden according to by zelensky pretty spoke up for the election we have not heard from him since. tell your bookers to get him on "the evening edit" i want to hear guys have a conversation about that.
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go ahead sorry. >> here's the thing. joe biden's said he's the poorest man in congress for one point had a negative net worth a decade or so ago. he was heavily in debt. now we are single laptop e-mails they were paying for each other's expenses, right? they now have big houses. now i have them trying to end the campaign bowling journalist to not do follow up on a "new york post" story we saw that time and again with the biden campaign. now i've got reports of trump may have a lawyer on the stick saying to basically find out whether this 51 intelligence officials talk to the biden campaign and were colluding together to stop the story. >> you have to believe that, right is almost too neat the "new york post" story comes out 70 out of nowhere 50 former intelligence officers all get together during a pandemic granted probably over zoom or whatever, who coordinate that so quickly to make sure that media had exactly what they needed to
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shoot down the story say hey look it's russian disinformation. these guys used to run these departments were in very high positions of power and intelligence. they say it's not true therefore we've got a goat the story. but either way to quote diehards of john the client welcome to the party nbc. you are about 20 months late on this just like the times and just like the "washington post" were. all of these outlets just like former head of the mystery of truth what was her name, dismiss the story as rep russian disinformation of the trump campaign is behind every valid that's not true if got e-mails about bank transfers this investigation will still go on on a federal level be interesting to see where it goes once the indictments are rolling in. elizabeth: will have it on again to talk about it. you are terrific great writer too. we've got the far left in an uproar. gop lawmakers are taking action to stop biden. these lawmakers do not want biden to cancel student loan debt, why? i would add to inflation rate would help the rich and not
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's physics back a sound gop strategist ford o'connell. ford, it's great to have you on. where is the middle-class joe on this? gop senators led by center's mitt romney, tim scott. they are saying we want new legislation to stop biden from canceling student loan debt proves going to help rich people, it's not quite help blue class or middle-class workers who did not go to college and don't have degrees. if you think this senate is going to go for this block on biden? >> well lease tenant centers are being proactive try to head up biden off at the pass, you're actually right, liz for this is a regressive tax biden gets his way. because we are ultimately doing is you are robbing from the middle-class and the poor to pay off the wealthy and the affluent. this is absolute ridiculous. while the senate go for?
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probably not the democrats control the senate frankly they believe the government should be doing everything including socialism when it comes to past discussions are not playing people's bills by. >> bloomberg is for fighting biden's debt it's personal for 30 type aids they got most of dollars at least 30 of them. there is this too it does nothing about the underlying root cause is like to talk about in the right house of universities and colleges moving in lockstep, ratcheting up tuition price gouging for families across the nation, ford, see it time to get 40 to 50000 and now 50000 and out. they do it in lockstep. aids and abets universities are doing fat cat academic gouging of middle-class families. >> that is exactly right. if biden were to cancel student debt it would be nothing to fix the underlying problem of colleges and university ratcheting up prices for the reason why they are doing this
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is because it is backed by federal loans and they can continue to do this because a federal government is involved in the situation. frankly, when you step back from its unfair to the people who actually paid their own way to go to college. it is on they are to be poo opted out of college its unfair to future college students and frankly it's unfair to everyone because inflation is a tax we all pay. if joe biden does this, all of america's going to paying for. elizabeth: the other thing to it would add a lot of money to the debt. by the way, the students themselves against their loans forgiven their going to the taxes go up to pay off that debt. >> to your point, the biden administration will be throwing gas on an already out-of-control blazing a dumpster fire. and again to your point only going to help the wealthy and affluent. nobody's ever going to learn a lesson there if you want to forgive something, please forgive my mortgage joe biden because essentially why did these people get to have a college debt forgiven other people bills themselves. >> the problem is it's really
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unfair to students and families, right? they are stuck with 250,000 in college and that when they come out. i mean the universities and colleges with their white elephant football stadiums, their five start cafeterias, they act like real estate moguls that is the business model is a hotel model. that is what needs to stop with those guys are doing at universities and colleges, your final word? >> i totally agree with you on that. college and universities need to look at near they are the ones who should be paying the bill for this and those who say i am not being sympathetic, please do member, liz i am somebody is actually helping to pay off my wife's college debt. luckily i am debt-free i knew that was going to be a problem long ago but. >> got it or do, your generous guy thank you for that wilted but they are. we knew you were great. you didn't have to tells could have you on. we are following this breaking news the white house is now fighting back against the federal judge blocking biden from getting rid of trump a pandemic border policy.
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where are they doing this? we've got the latest developments ahead in "the evening edit". >> are based upon biden some of the should expect 18000 people a day, has a concerned come down here to dress for the largest catastrophes that is happened under his administration. ♪
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elizabeth: forgot breaking news commitment we have mark graham of arizona. sheriff it's great to have you on. biden's justice department they are now going to fight the federal judge ruling in louisiana that blocks a biden getting rid of trump's pandemic border policy it was set to expire on monday. if items is never been to the board in our spending tax money on this why? >> we should not be surprised none of the american people should be surprised. not only did they not doing thing about border security, they actually fight against anybody who is trying to do something to secure the borders and keep america free of human trafficking and drug trafficking. it is not a surprise to me liz. elizabeth: sheriff, basically biden and his team is saying there is no pandemic at the border. we don't need title 42 there's no pandemic but we have to wear a mask in the schools and restaurants and still certain areas of the country? oh yes. i can't explain the hypocrisy
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the weight this is an administration of hypocrisy since they took over last year. this is just yet another example of them wanting to do something on one hand to hold onto something on the other hand. >> shares, you and i have talked about this. we are humanitarian generous country want to help refugees and people who have a serious asylum claims, right? we want to take an immigration. it's wrong for any other nation in the world to think they can dictate what our border policies are. biden's ice agency is supporting far fewer illegal aliens convicted of murder or kidnapping or sexual assault. exceed 2% a two thirds drop drop last fiscal year to less than 40000 from 104,002,020. >> we are slowly becoming that kid who gets bullied everyday on the way to school for the started to take our money. our congress and senate just
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passed a $40 billion. i heard some republican senator explaining away his boat. here's what we should do is send all of these people the book, the art of the deal by president trump so next time they go to negotiate they can negotiate what's good for the american people. we have a problem right on our own border for the should the money towards that. elizabeth: the thing is it's affecting minority neighborhoods at the border. it's affecting minority communities and cities hit with drug trafficking and drug gangs. democrats could not even sign off on a new bill to stop the tsa from leading illegals use an arrest warrant notice to appear in court as a valid form of id the board an airplane. >> it is pure ridiculousness. it starts with joe biden it flows quickly to mayorkas. and our advice to their inability to do their job. it is true it's almost as if they are working hand in hand with the cartel.
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and mind you, here the fence and was become the number one killer of americans meet 18 and 45 we must stop it. elizabeth: it's happening on tiktok, right? fentanyl is pouring across the board it's gotten so bad more and more teenagers are buying drugs like a perk attack, bootleg pills with lethal doses of fentanyl but they are buying them on snapchat and tiktok and facebook an instagram. that's really dangerous that's what is fueling the hundred 8000 drug fatalities and overdoses in the u.s. >> the cartel knows they want you to be addicted to their product no matter what drug you are using they want to put fentanyl in it. we as shirts are fed up we are fighting against this we hope will come support us and protect america or work on that a lot of other things brick. elizabeth: it's hard-working for parents across the nation to see their teenagers dying from this. that is a problem to use lose their children to fentanyl laced pills that they don't even know
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it's in there. and they don't even know their child is doing it and getting it on the internet. that is what so dangerous. about 90% the pills you're buying from a dealer in social media has fentanyl in it. it's a mexican cartel work with chemical dealers from china and india the heartache of these families across the nation, seeing the children dying to this is so disgraceful. >> we have to pick up the pieces, lives here in our community. we have to explain why did our federal government allow their child to be poisoned by the fentanyl these cartels are bringing in, bade bees, graham has, teenagers, nobody is immune from it. we'll be at scourge of the american public we don't deal with it now. six the dak is more than 20 million counterfeit pills for the thing is, share fight award experts at the tiny fraction of what's produced, while lethal than doses of fentanyl that we are seeing her bootleg their counterfeit final word. >> of that 20 million we have recovered one point to million in 2021 you are right d.a. says
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40% of those are lethal doses. elizabeth: thank you for joining a sheriff lamb and thank you for your service to our country. given watch "the evening edit" on foxbusiness that does it for us. thank you so much for watch and hope you have a good weekend and join us again next week. ♪ >> from the fox studios in new york city this is nerissa lamison's at wall street. maria: happy weekend to all. welcome to the program that analyzes the week it does help to for the week ahead. pain at the pump gasoline prices surging to new record highs. the biden administration is not looking to get oil from venezuela and its dictator rather than u.s. drillers, former energy secretary texas governor rick perry is here


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