tv The Evening Edit FOX Business May 23, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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sean: dodging the press. president biden has officially gone over 100 days without doing any mainstream media interviews. biden's last interview was the pre-super bowl appearance on february 10th. don't miss them. that does it for us on "fox business tonight." "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. >> happing right now, president biden is overseas as economy continues to heat up at home, spiraling out of control. the average price of gas continuing to hit record highs with more than 39 million people planning to hit the road for a very rude price hike awakening this memorial day. so does president biden have any plans to lower gas prices or do the green energy fanatics in the white house really want to lower gas prices? we'll get into that.
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there is the our third world style baby formula shortage t continues to get worse despite the white house bragging flying in a shipment, only in the shipment there is only enough to feed 27,000 babies and toddlers for just a week. the very latest data showing the national out of stock rate is now sitting at roughly 45%, leading desperate parents struggling to feed their babies. plus fox news capturing video of large multiple groups of migrants crossing illegally in the u.s. over the weekend, even as a judge blocks biden from killing title 42. what top lawmakers are calling on the president to do. president trump's influence being put to the test again as primaries are set to kick off in four states tomorrow. we have got a preview. a new twist in hillary clinton's trump russia trial, could peter strzok be special counsel john durham's next target? plus the hunt is on in new york
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city for a gunman who randomly shot and killed a goldman sachs employee just on his way to a sunday brunch. a man wanted for questioning is on the loose. he had 19 prior arrests. is new york's turnstile justice getting worse under its new mayor? we've got the very latest details. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starting right now. david: taking a look at stokes with the dow ending in the green as wall street ate least tries to recover some from a brutal week last week. the biden administration in cleanup mode after the he said the u.s. would respond militarily would attack taiwan. the white house is downplaying
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the comments saying they don't reflect a change in u.s. policy even though they dome. back at home american people are losing confidence in president biden's handling of nation's finance according to a new poll. edward lawrence with latest details from the white house. reporter: david, only two in 10 americans believe the economy is good under a new associated press poll that came out. we're dealing with record high gas prices again today and diesel fuel prices near record highs. that is putting more pressure on inflation and squeezing families. no matter what the numbers look like president joe biden signaling he will not change his path. president biden: here is the situation, when it comes through the gas prices we're going through an incredible transition that is taking place, god willing when it is over we'll be stronger and world will be stronger less reliant on fossil fuels. reporter: in order to get there americans are unhappy with the direction of economy. republicans say the gas prices
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and spark in inflation rest solely with president biden's policies. >> reason everybody is saying everything is bad because of inflation n florida better than other states. reality gas prices are hurting floridians. inflation is hurting real estate. it is hurting everything else as well as small businesses. everyone is feel this pain. reporter: this could be one of the big issues that could cost the democrats control of congress. david? david: edward lawrence thank you very much is a recession on the horizon? a lot of americans may feel we're already in recession. in a new study from yardeni research, american families are shelling out what amounts $5000 per year, to put gas in their cars, almost double the $2800 a year they paid a year ago. for reaction, congressman rick crawford from house intelligence and national taxpayers union
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evp, brandon arnold. good to see you. congressman, that is one of the cost doublings in terms of inflation. food in many cases doubled or even tripled. many things are going up. but the gas price we thought was particularly interesting. because a 2200-dollar increase in the cost of just living is extraordinary in this country and most americans can't afford it. >> i think the two most important indicators in inflation are gas and food and the two of them are inextricably linked. so when you're paying more at the pump get ready to pay more at the grocery store. here in jonesboro, arkansas, $4.06 a gallon, cheapest i can find it. guess what, a gallon of milk was $4.06 as well. these things are tied together. when you hit taxpayers hard with high grocery bills, on to have of that high gas ills-- it is a recipe for economic disaster. david: brandon there, is a question here, a very deep
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question about whether or not this administration particularly cares about hype gas prices or some are rooting on higher gas prices. we had extraordinary exchange with senator manchin and the secretary of the interior last thursday. i saw it on "kudlow." he got it first but i think it deserves repeating as often as possible because it is really extraordinary whether or not the interior department is actually cutting off all new drilling. take a listen, i will get your reaction. roll tape. >> if i may real quickly, secretary, i don't know, y'all put out a statement, the u.s. department of interior just put out a statement and the statement basically says a proposed program is not a decision to issue specific leases or to authorize any drilling or development. this is from y'all's office. so it looks like you are going to shut everything down? did you know you all put this out? >> i am sorry, i am sitting in this hearing and not --
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>> my god, somebody, this shuts it down. says what your intent is. david: all she could say i'm sorry, i'm sitting in the hearing? clearly that was a statement put out by the interior department and it looks like their intent is to shut off all drilling knowing that is just going to increase our shortage of oil. >> yeah. i mean that is infuriating. i was filling up my tank just yesterday. there was a woman whose bill came over to 100 bucks. she said she couldn't afford to drive to work anymore. she was in tears. interior department is trying to raise royalty payments, make it more expensive to get oil and gas out of the ground. revoke ad number of leases existing in the gulf of mexico and alaska. this is stuff that has not happened multiple years ago this happened in recent weeks. this is stuff happening even though in recent weeks we're paying over four dollars a
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gallon. this is unbelievable. david: congressman, this may lead to democrats losing control of congress. thank god, senator manchin, a democrat cares about independence. that less independence we have home makes us suffer shenanigans like russians, saudis, other people we don't care about but our adversaries, if you win one control of the house of congress, would you take secretary haaland into the room get information what they're trying to do, get what their plans are in terms of drilling this this country and get more or less oil? >> i can tell you it's a safe bet that the energy and commerce committee will immediately have hearings to do just that i would also expect that oversight and government reform committee would want to weigh in on this as well. you just can't continue with
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these kinds of polls sys, damage going on to the economy and impacting everyday folks. hitting them so hard in the wallet. it can't continue like this. that will be priority for us in the next congress. david: brandon, we simply don't have the technology or the energy grids for that sake to make an immediate transition to electric cars or to make immediate transition to solar and wind as powering our electrical grids. i mean it will lead to enormous blackouts throughout the country if that is the direction they're going. >> yeah. that is absolutely right. we see policies coming out of this administration like increasing tax credit for electric vehicles. less last, rivians, cool cars are really neat but we don't have a sustainable infrastructure for them right now, everyday americans are reliant on normal cars, gasoline-powered cars. just because we want to get somewhere in the future doesn't mean we can do so right away. we can't flip a switch, go to the dream economy of bidens.
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we're in the real world right now. we need policies that reflect that. david: congressman, we are relying on people that don't do what we want them to do. saudi arabias are working with the russians in order to continue the same amount of oil production in the world, which means prices will remain high. we lost our leverage with the saud i dids because of the fact that we were going for this ridiculous iran deal again. we can talk about that in a separate segment but the bottom line they're more afraid of the iranians than we are. because of that i think we're pushing them in the arms of the russians? >> well, we have regulated ourselves into a state of dependence and it has gotten progressively worse over the last 16 months with the biden administration. you can understand why the saudis feel the way they do. it is unfortunate we haven't shored that up. we could correct the problem by relying on our domestic capability, increasing our capacity and becoming energy independent like we were under the previous administration.
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david: i think you're absolutely right. i interviewed donald trump a couple months ago. he said the same thing, the whole problem we're in, the economic fix we're in could be solved pretty quickly by getting back to energy independence. he thought it was like 60, to 70% of the inflation problem was that. but then there's a question how close we are to recession. there was a guy named david sachs. a terrific entrepreneur, venture capitalist from silicon valley, he was on with maria bartiromo last week, and brandon, here's what he said about whether or not we're sliding into recession. roll tape. >> from where i sit the market is really semi frozen and this is again the worst downturn since the dot-com crash and it looks to me we're headed into very serious recession. david: do you agree with him, brandon? >> i think we're all concerned about that right now. listen, i think if this administration policies pass, if we see massive trillion dollar tax increases on corporations right now which for some reason
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his answer to reducing inflation if we see those adopted into law, absolutely we could be tipped into recession but right now consumer prices remain strong. how long consumer demand remains strong, how long consumer demand keep up in the inflationary economy is a huge question. if we do see consumer spending start to taper off, start to fall, we're in a real dangerous place. david: congressman, we already had one quarter of a downturn. another quarter of a downturn. that is the technical definition, at least one of them of recession. do you think we're actually in one now? >> well i'm not a doom and gloom guy. i won't say we're in recession yet but i am concerned about combination of inflation and recession. it gets us to '70s style stagflation that would be devastating to our economy. david: it would be. congressman rick crawford, brandon arnold, good to see you both. appreciate it. so our third world style baby formula shortage continuing to
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get worse despite the white house bragging flying in a shipment that is really only enough to feed 27,000 babies and toddlers for a week. there are a lot more babies and toddlers like that in this country. will our children go hungry? that is ahead on "the evening edit." president biden: i guess if we were better mind readers we could, but we moved as quickly as the problem became apparent to us. love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed.
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new icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ♪. david: parents are still struggling to find baby formula even as the u.s. military airlifts formula from europe. lydia hu has the very latest on all of this. lydia. reporter: david, a military transport from germany carried enough formula to feed 9,000 babies and 18,000 toddlers, for one week. but this formula, it is not destined for retailers shelves. this is specialty formula for people who have allergies. it will be distribute #-d directly to hospitals and clinics across the country. for retailers. the crisis getting worse. 45% of baby formula shut off stock across the country. that is up 2% from the week prior. we're getting now mixed messages when baby formula will be back on the shelves. the president invoked the defense production act last week
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and u.s. department of agriculture secretary tom vilsack said that will help formula back on the shelves within the next few weeks. just yesterday white house press secretary karine jean-pierre said she doesn't have a timeline on when baby formula will be back on shelves. meanwhile abbott's ceo apologized for the formula shortage in a op-ed publish over the weekend and explained that the company expects to open the michigan plant the first week in june. they say formula from the site should be back on retailer shelves in six to eight weeks. david: lydia hu, thank you very much. joining us tonight congressman carlos gimenez. the white house was late to address what they really should have known it was coming. they had a lot of intel that it was coming. new york mayor declared a state of emergency in this city. there have been 39-tons of formula arrived on sunday.
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that only helps fraction of families. how is this impacting your constituents? >> all the people that need baby formula are not finding it, going from place to place, looking for it, they're not finding it but wasting gas at record levels, so it's a double-whammy. they're wasting gas, wasting money. they're having real difficulty finding baby formula they need. david: are children, our children, american chin really going to go hungry as a result of this. >> i'm not sure they will go hungry but the babies will not end up with formula they really need to have. some of them have allergies, et cetera. some need to find some sort of a substitute. i would certainly hope our children don't go hungry. this is, this is third world country kind of stuff. david: it is. >> and you know what? there is no reason why it should have happened. ones the fda knew that they had, the abbott factory was shutting down, basically the only source
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in the country, they should have started, you know, looking for other baby formula manufacturers around the world. basically what they just did. but again dollar, day late, dollar short and all that and so they just, they are, they are so incompetent, this administration incompetency is par for the course. they should have known it. and they should have done something about it and made contingency plans. hey, now we're short of baby formula. what will we do now? well, it's a little bit late. david: not only late but they're starting, already starting to blame others rather than themselves. nancy pelosi came out the other day in front of a camera with no evidence presented, no evidence, she said i think somebody is going to be indicted. she think she was pulling that out of the air? >> yeah. well, because, this is you know, this is not like harry truman where the buck stops here, okay? david: no. >> the buck stops somewhere else with this administration. never with themselves. never with their incompetency.
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all the crises we're facing right now, the gas, inflation, the border, all of it, now the baby formula all of it is of their own making. even though they don't produce the baby formula, the fda was the one that shut down the plant. the fda knew this was coming. the fda needed to have contingency plans. they had no contingency plans. we find ourselves in a mess. now the democrats will point fingers all over the place except where it really belongs, right at them. david: it is not working. the public is not buying it. even the left-wing media is not buying it. i was kind of shocked to see them not only admit but put the blame on the biden administration over the weekend. here is one example from abc. roll tape. >> baby formula issue is shocking to americans, it's shocking. the political ramifications of it are profound. this can't be our country where babies are at risk of dying! i have mean if this goes on for a few more weeks it is possible we'll lose someone in this
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country pause of this. the biden administration knew about it in february. whatever came afterwards, whatever the investigation determines, the buck stops in the oval office. david: he sounds like a right-wing extremist. i mean member of the mainstream media and i mean, if they, the democrats have lost that contingent who do they have? >> well, listen, these are the same people that sold us this bill of goods, how competent this president was. how this president was going to unite us all. actually he has. he actually united us, okay? the entire country is against this president, against this administration, against these woke, far left policies that are actually driving this country into the ground and so you know, i don't have much sympathy for abc, nbc, cbs, msnbc, all of those that sold us this president you know and still covering for him as much as they can but look, it's indefensible. no longer defensible, the world
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can see that this president and his administration is completely incompetent. and so they want to save a little bit of the you know, reputation that they may have, although most of it is torn to shreds by now. so that they become relevant again because actually, the mainstream media is irrelevant at this point. nobody believes anything they say and rightly so, because they have been wrong at every turn about this president, and they have been feeding as you bunch 6 lies for the last four years. david: another group that has lost confidence in the president and democrats in general are a group you're very familiar with, the hispanic voters in the united states. only, well, 60% of them now disapprove with the president. i think 26% approval. 26% approval. those numbers are exactly reverse from where they were about a year-and-a-half ago when the president became, when biden became president. so what does this mean for the midterms? >> i'm sorry, i didn't hear the
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last question? david: what does it mean for the midterms? you also have that group, by the way, independents, the largest single voting block in america, 72% of independents now disapprove of the job biden is doing. if you don't have your regular constituents, latino voters, if you don't have, if you don't have independents, doesn't that mean there will be enormous sweep in november and they lose both houses of congress? >> we think so, we believe so. there is the old adage you can't fool all the people all the time and so it is coming home to roost and hispanics and the republican party hold the same values. we are people of faith. we believe in law and order. we believe in hard work. and we don't, you know buy the baloney that has been fed to us for the last you know four years. so finally you know, a lot of us are waking up and seeing what the truth is and the truth is, that this president is a
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disaster and is leading this country, you know, down the tubes. and you know, we we're patriotic. we'll not allow that to happen. david: congressman, i'm getting a wrap, i have to ask one final question, even if republicans take over both houses of congress you still have a president in power who through regulatory authority can do a lot of damage as we've already seen in energy and other things. could a new congress somehow hold him accountable to pull back some of those regulatory powers that he now has and uses? >> we have the power of the purse. so we can stop a lot of things he may want to do but at the end of the day we'll need a new president in 2024 to get this country back on the right track because the president does have an enormous amount of power. we'll also need 60 senators in the senate to get a lot of this stuff that we want done but in the end we'll need a new president in 2024. david: congressman carlos
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gimenez. thank you for being here appreciate it. fox news capturing video of large groups of migrants crossing illegally into the u.s. over the weekend as a judge blocks biden from killing title 42. what gop lawmakers are calling for the president to do straight ahead on "the evening edit". ♪. and everyone on social media is trying me. i'm trending so hard that “hashtag common sense” can't keep up. this is going to get tens and tens of views. ♪ ♪ ( car crashing ) ♪ ♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... yourself. call a local agent or 1-888-allstate for a quote today. my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director or 1-888-allstate and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you.
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push by trump-backed opponent former senator david perdue. joining us to discuss, republican strategist ford o'connell. ford, good to see you. before we get into the primary tomorrow i want to talk about what we saw last week in the georgia, in the georgia primaries. the fact that mlb, all of the, all of the corporate woke personalities, i'm sorry, that was in the other primaries that we saw last week, came out and said these, these georgia, new georgia election law was going to create all of these problems and the head of mlb, the commissioner of the major league baseball, when he pulled the all-star games out of georgia made the following statement about a year ago, major league baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box. well in fact, what happened is in the early, in the early ballots we saw three times the number of votes that they had during the last midterm
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primaries in 2018. so i'm wondering if people like the mlb commissioner oh georgia voters an apology? >> look, david, you're absolutely right, joe biden,mlbt democtic parwetys o gia an playe pol pols.i isctxa what w do,o, o,ma itt etierttooote, and e you p, ere earearar in-pe wha wha w wth n't exctctctct corporationrastii g georgiaeonrgeorg to d it. riri owned businesses lost billions of dollars all told because of the woke corporate community and, their decision to pull out of georgia was dead wrong t was based on
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lies that the president was spreading about what was in the georgia law which weren't true. as it turned out, the results were completely opposite of what think expected. >> that's exactly right. and let me telling you something, exactly why down here in florida governor ron desantis basically punched disney in the face so corporations would stop pulling water, pushing water for the democratic party and actually read the bills, not get caught up in the hyperbole, what is going on potentially with the supreme court, you hear a lot of corporations are quiet now. corporations should stay out of politics and not pick sides and let the people vote. david: absolutely, so one else who owes georgians an policy is running for office in georgia. of the stacey abrams, she was caught on mic, campaign event on saturday. i will play that and get your reaction, roll tape. >> i'm tired of hearing about being the best state in the country to do business, when we
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are the worst state in the country to live. david: what do you make of her trashing a state that she's running in for office? >> well, a state she is running in, david, where she owns multiple homes. she is basically trying fear-mongering and division, because she doesn't have a message. she is going to lose in the 2022 midterms when she becomes the democratic nominee for governor. she is a craven politician trying to use georgia voters make sure she makes it to washington, d.c. david: i never heard a candidate trash their own state, have you? >> no. it is not good at all. i don't know why you would ever do that, particularly since you're trying to become governor of georgia. but who knows what stacey abrams is doing. she is a darling of the media, not georgia voters. david: i agree with that. ford, thanks for being here. >> thank you, my friend. david: we're following a new twist in hillary clinton's trump russia trial. a former fbi official took the stand today but could peter
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♪. david: former fbi official took the stand in hillary clinton's trump russia trial. comes after a bombshell revelation friday that clinton herself approved the trump alfa bank collusion story leak, a story that was phony from start to finish. former clinton campaign manager robby mook testified, saying quote, i discussed with hillary as well. i don't remember the discussion of the conversation but notion alley, the discussion was we have this, we want to share it with a reporter. now she agreed. mook also testified that hillary gave this approval despite campaign officials not being quote totally confident in the legitimacy of the material to say the least. here to weigh in former federal
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prosecutor jim trusty. thanks for being here. appreciate it. why do you think mook came out with this information, with this bombshell? >> it was a rare fit of honesty perhaps. look, it is also pretty obvious. there is no way these lawyers operating under the auspice of hillary's campaign weren't clearing these important moments through here. you just don't run off as a lawyer butswith a frolic and detour. that is the defense sussman raised. one is sussman say i know i billed the campaign, i know i was working with the campaign but i just free-lanced this. that is what mook was trying to emphasize, that sussman was trying to freelance it. kind of absurd on its face with a d.c. jury, as you already know. the other part of the defense, david, protecting the queen. we'll basically say we'll admit to the many of hillary plotting this story, getting it out to the media, oh, no, no, we had no idea using law enforcement which
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is a bit of a third rail. consistency about trying to distance hillary from the fbi part while sussman has to try to eat it if he just went on his own little frolic and detour, again not particularly plausible, talking about representing people. david: you say protect the queen. she was the queen of disinformation. we've known that for decades, almost generations about hillary clinton going back to her missing files from the rose law firm, et cetera. bottom line is, she had been working with fusion gps, other manipulators of information. she must have known this information was phony and if she didn't, at least the first fbi agents who saw it dismissed it in about an hour of looking at it? >> yeah. that actually says something pretty horrible about the comey fbi which is, even if some experienced heads look at it and say, this is nonsense, it is nothing to act on you can still find a political home with political activism by a few like
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peter strzok, who was a pretty high-placed fbi official who enjoyed support from comey and mccabe. that is kind of horrible part of this story too, that no matter how bad the information is, if it suits the politics of the day, that you can find somebody at the fbi to run with it. david: that makes me wonder whether peter strzok may be the next target after durham investigation? >> i think there are two potential buckets of targets with the durham investigation. the one we're seeing more directly the hillary rodham clinton campaign up to hillary. between the mark elias and the sussman defense, trying to stonewall durham to keep away from hillary. she approved the media part but nothing else. don't look at her criminally. on the fbi side it is more opaque, more difficult to read right now. you have to think folks like
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mccabe, comey, struck, page are in harm's way for actions they took to sabotage the trump campaign. david: finally quickly, only 10 seconds, sussman trial, the jury itself, several members of the jury were hillary supporters, actually gave money to the hillary campaign. is this a fair jury as far as prosecutors are concerned? >> yeah, hard to know. only thing i will say quickly, prosecutors have no recourse f they get a bad jury, they get an acquittal, they're done. if it is a bad jury from defense perspective, they can appeal it. so the judges tend to tilt towards the defense. david: thank you very much, jim. appreciate it. >> see you, david at that. david: the hunt is on in new york city for a gunman who randomly shot and killed a goldman sachs employee on his way to sunday brunch. a man wanted for questioning is still on the loose. guess what? he had 19 prior arrests but he was still out there making trouble. is new york's turnstile justice getting worse under its new mayor? that is ahead on
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♪. david: well crime is sweeping the nation and it's clearly worse in those cities where soros-funded prosecutors release violent criminals almost immediately and where radical decriminalizations have made shoplifting and a lot of other crimes all too frequent. joining us tonight federalist senior editor chris bedford. great to see you. you know it is a very strange time in the united states for all the wrong reasons by the way. we have all these problems, whether it's inflation or, an oil shortage or crime where we, really have a clear idea of what the problem is and yet it is not being addressed. in the case of crime, if you let criminals, particularly violent criminals go free you will have more crime. i mean it is so obvious. >> it is extremely obvious. like we have collective amnesia or no sense of history this is not the first time the united
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states tried to do this in the '60s and '70s, the united states tried a massive decriminalization program because activists believed there were too many people incarcerated in the united states. the response to that was massive uptick in crime. the dispopian idea we live in the '80s, '90s, victimization of people completely innocent, murders, drug dealing. the response from the american people was to crack down hard. we ended up with a much bigger prison we had before the activists had their hands on it this is happening in new york city or washington, d.c., where i live, they went through very hard times and clawed and fought their way out of it with policies preventing innocent being attacked by criminals or executed in broad daylight like we saw in subway in new york city. we forgot about that. we brought all the bad policies back. our cities are not collapsing of some unseen thing we're not control over, they are led by
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suicidal activists who don't want to change their mind. david: the difference what we had in the '70s, the '80s, and '90s, these acts of violence are so psychotic. the guy who was killed in the subway, the goldman sachs employee, was killed randomly for no reason. he was sitting down. there wasn't even a robbery involved. you had that crazy man who was again a violent criminal, should been in jail, wasn't. he had been let out in the midwest who mode people down with his car. you have stabbings in los angeles of young woman and older women. these are psychotic crimes. a lot of these crime have always been psychotic but you seem to have a rash of them. a lot of that has to do with the policy on homelessness in the united states. >> absolutely. if you go to new york, you go to washington, go to boulder, colorado, any of these other cities, austin, texas, there is massive population on the the streets of people who lost their minds, suffering from severe
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mental illness or debilitating drug addiction. people say it is nice to call them otherly homed, differently homed, give them resources on the street to live on the street, continues to victimize them, make them victims and random passers by to be victims. d.c. has tent city, allegedly for public safety, to stop covid, to help people living outside. they're not helping anyone. they're leading of victimization of people going by. we're in a mental health crisis in this country. we'll not handle it by promoting more homelessness. david: you can go back to look at way it was handled before. we had a homeless crisis but it was nipped in the bud by giuliani and his methods were helping. he would send a cop-out with social worker, if you have a problem, drug problem, no job, no place to sleep the social worker would help you.
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the one thing you have to do is not stay where you are. that is not an option. until a policy like that is brought out we'll not see end this crisis. >> we have misplaced sense of empathy keeping people on the street. majority of homeless people are in shelters. only insane and drug-addicted are on the streets. they need a firm hand and will only become victims or hurt other people. david: chris bedford. thank you. we'll be right back. t stay with us. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. >> tech: cracked windshield? make it easy and schedule with safelite, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. because you can track us and see exactly when we'll be there. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: that's service that fits your schedule. go to >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (mom allen) verizon just gave us all a brand new iphone 13.
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now the latest and president biden's border collapse. fox news over the weekend captured images of multiple large groups of migrants crossing illegally into eagle pass, texas. thousands of migrant camp out along the us-mexico border planning to make a sound claims as soon as title 42 expired. here's the latest from tijuana, mexico. >> this is san diego tijuana ports of entry and most of the cars are basically going to work or shopping but there are thousands of migrant. tijuana as well as other border cities who have been waiting for months for this day to come for their shot at freedom and that didn't happen. today we went to a soup kitchen,
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also a medical clinic and shelters and spoke to people from mexico, and haiti and their desperate people who are confused. they have three choices, go home, stay here and wait in mexico or roll the dice and cross illegally 11 million jobs open in the u.s., if you are giving up. >> i have no reason to believe they will wait in line like they should, they will continue to come across the border in ways and that's what we are seeing. >> people who would go to the port of entry to make that claim asylum won't be to cross illegally. they will get an interview and if there's no space and ice, they will likely be let go. will the push and pull factors have a changed? the u.s. has more jobs than workers, global poverty root cause, it's gotten worse in many cases and have the people cross the border illegally, it remains open despite title 42. >> thank you very much. now to discuss texas attorney general ken paxton joining us, good to see you.
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are you surprised the biden administration is fighting the judge's decision to keep title 42 in place? >> i wish i could say i was surprised but everything they've done since day one of the biden administration has been designed to increase illegal immigration and it's a fact. i can't think of one thing and it doesn't make sense for the american people, i can't think of one thing they've done to try to prevent illegal immigration or make the situation better. >> there's so much overwhelming support for keeping title 42 and not just the border states, fox news pull a couple of weeks ago showed 63% of americans want title 42 to remain in place against 27% who want to end them so they are going against the crowd here.
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>> and i don't think that matters to them. they've done that from the beginning, numbers could be 70%, 80%, i don't think they would care, they are going to do what they want to which is open the border to as many people as cartel can get to them and they send them around the country so every state is literally a border state. >> but to one end? it's not helping with hispanic support. we showed earlier support among hispanic voters dropped tremendously, about 26% from 60% so what is their goal here? is not helping with any voting block at all. >> and i don't think they saw that coming, they did not expect there hispanic block to move rapidly away, but they are the ones along the border and the country being affected, they should be upset. i think they want to increase the number of people they see as potential voters in the future given asylum and them vote by giving them amnesty.
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>> they should take a hint was happening with hispanic voters now. i have to ask, you're running in a final primary, there was an earlier one with four candidates, 44% of the vote, george pete bush is your contender this time, what you think his chances are? he did about 23% last time but you think he has a chance against you? >> even less chance than he did the first round because most of the people not in the race, most of them are coming my way so my last pool had me up well over 30 points, tomorrow will be a good day and i think the citizens of texas will speak and we will continue to be allowed to fight the biden administration and do what we are doing for texas. >> the bushes you have a history in texas, a pretty good run. >> i just think the commissioner has not excelled at his job and it's hard to make the case he step up and have a bigger job. >> is immigration subject number
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one for most voters or the economy? >> initially it was immigration but as the biden administration has allowed inflation to increase and allow other tragic things in our country, it's becoming both clearly. >> texas attorney general ken paxton, great to see you again, thank you for being here. i'm david asman and for elizabeth macdonald, we'll see you back here again tomorrow, that does it for us, have a great night. ♪♪ kennedy: we are hours away from one of the biggest primary days of the year, all eyes are on georgia where we have it all. former nfl star, progressive dissing her own state and trump endorsement that could go horribly wrong, it could go down in flames. you want drama, the peaches date has your drama. first republican primary for governor, one quarter trump nemesis brian kemp seeking reelection. the other former senator
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