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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 1, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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an option time to get back to normal. a quick look at the market we were down across the board, the dow down 10676 points the market is worried about rate hikes to come that does it for fox business. >> happening now president biden once again trying to pass the buck on inflation as it's costing you even more to fill up your tank. the average price of gas jumping to new highs hitting $4.67 a gallon. this is former ally of president dripping into his plan for canceling student loan debt in order to score votes out of the midterm even though the washington post calling and election flawed that would force americans to subsidize the wealthy while fielding more
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inflation. is this all a political game to president biden? a new report revealing the president is frustrated with his aides walking back to many gasps he is rate, who is really in control, we have that. bipartisan house lawmaker set to vote on gun control legislation as early as tomorrow the bill in part with raise the lawful age to buy a semi automatic to 18 to 21. will we have to wear masks on airplanes intrinsic and the justice department asking a federal appeals court to reverse the order on lifting the travel mask mandate they claim this cd has final authority, really? new fbi data finding the number of cops killed in the line of duty reached his 20 year high as murder rate in democrat run cities reach similar records cops sitting ducks. the illegal immigrant population soaring to 12 million.
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a record thanks to biden's upper border policy i am david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. the evening that it starts right now. first taking a look at your money kicking off june on a down note after started in the green the dow and the nasdaq ended in the red and very choppy trading this is national average gas prices reach a new all-time high today at $4.67 a gallon. americans struggling to handle soaring prices but experts say we need to prepare for ongoing pain at the pump analyst warning gas prices nationally could reach $5 a gallon in just two weeks. biden administration continuing to pass the buck on inflation new data showing the record high labor shortage adding to the price. edward lawrence at the white house with the very latest on
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this. >> 11.4 million jobs open in the u.s. and 5.5 million people unemployed that puts pressure to pay more to get those workers to fill the spot and possibly pass on the cost to everyone else for the treasury secretary janet yellen said inflation would ease at the end of last year now she's admitting she was wrong but blame it on supply chain issues, chinese lockdown in the invasion of ukraine the president is frustrated with the messaging over the economy from the administration he thinks he deserves more credit from the growth u.s. is seen republicans that he deserves credit for inflation. >> he can scream it louder but it does not make it a good message it's a really bad message read people know every time they fill their cart and every time they go shopping every time they look for a used car or want to buy a new home or building new home they know what is happening. >> the administration say that inflation will come back down at some point this year. we will see when.
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david: thank you very much. as the white house wraps are quick to point fingers elsewhere they refuse to say the president biden's policies contribute to our nation's multiple economic crises. watch. >> as president biden take any responsibility for these policies potentially contributing to inflation. >> 's policies have helped the economy get back on its feet that's what his policy has done. david: really, joining us for reaction let's welcome texas congresswoman beth beth van duyne council of economic advisers chairman tomas philipson. let me start congresswoman with what the white house representative was saying. isn't it the exact opposite that this administration came into office with a 4.5% which some people would say a roaring economy and last quarter it was
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an contraction by 1.5%. it sounds exactly the opposite of what she said. >> i think you seen a lot of that in this administration they say one thing and the rest of america is saying this is not what were seen this is not what was happening january 2021 when he came into office we were on our way up. from day one he's been attacking every american business and every american large industry, definitely oil and gas and you see inflation as a result. his three-point plan that he came out with today was genius. one were gonna attack the fed, to we will blame putin and three he wants to decrease the deficit by increasing the size of the federal government. this administration continues to make blunder after blunder creating crisis after crisis and the american people are not stupid they are going to feel that at the polls in november.
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david: the piece that biden wrote in the wall street journal is filled with errors saying when he took office the economy was stalled, not true. he said americans since he came into office to increase their savings, that is not true either, the savings have gone down. he says there's less debt but there is much more consumer debt, $16 trillion i go on and on but what he said was truthful worried me more than the falsehoods he said if average monthly job creation shifts from current levels of 500,000 to 150,000 it will be a sign that we are successful. in other words he wants a slow economy or at the very least he is preparing for a slow economy does that concern you? >> the wall street journal op-ed was interesting he wanted announcement of an upland buddy announced he had no plan and at
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this point the white house is fighting inflation as an arsonist shut it on fire, what he proposed is a bunch of demand subsidies which he calls making things more affordable for people by essentially subsidizing childcare even student loan in some sense in other aspects housing of the economy. when you stimulate demand you will put out. and it makes only an price control in response to inflation which most people think is very misguided. what really needs to happen we had a money supply increase and we need to feel how hard-hit in the energy sector but also on the sector as well that needs to be freed up. >> what he appears to be preparing us for is the obama, this is for the congresswoman
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for the obama era of slow growth we had an average growth of under 2% during obama era. he wants everybody to dial back their expectation of the american dream. >> he had an opportunity with us coming out of covid with somebody for stockouts on the economy somebody forced to stay home from being able to increase their own revenue in their own ability to be successful. he had an opportunity at the beginning of his presidency we see the exact opposite he attacked every single market in the u.s. neighbored foreign powers and nations and foreign businesses over our own we are feeling each and every day, the amount of money that normal americans are pain at the gas pump and working families paid more than $2000 per year on gas than they did last year we are feeling supply chain issues. everything this administration has promised has been the exact
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opposite there was a high opportunity for them to come in and instead it was disaster after disaster. david: during the trump administration we had high growth and low inflation. during the reagan administration inflation came down while the economy was growing in one year it grew over 7%. you do not have to have slow or anemic growth perhaps even negative growth in order to get rid of inflation. >> he ends it by saying he welcomes an audit discussion and then he goes down in the same saying trump's supply-side trickles down even though we documented it i signed off on the 2020 economic report of the president showing exactly that the income of the poor have gone up a lot faster than the income of the rich we had income and wealth equality going down under
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trump. i think that's being dishonest about what happened in that. does not help poor people. >> i would say he is being dishonest about the solution, you do not get rid of inflation by increasing government spending is exact opposite one new plan he has is to get rid of student debt. we had a famous exchange between a working-class american in elizabeth warren about getting rid of student debt let me play that for those who had forgotten. >> i would ask a question my daughter is getting out of school and i saved all my money. omega to get my money back? >> you gonna pay for people who did not save any money and those of us who did the right thing get screwed. >> of course you did my body goes on vacations and i save my money he made more than i did and i worked a double shift and worked extra, you're laughing at
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me, we did the right thing and we get screwed. >> congresswoman i love that at first she thought i got this guy in the palm of my hand he likes the idea and then she realized this guy worked three jobs to pay off his daughters school debt and he wanted to refund and he said were getting screwed, even the washington post says 230 billion-dollar plan were gonna pay for with higher inflation will represent all the benefits 71% of the benefits will go to the wealthiest americans. >> absolutely this is desperate by desperate president to buy votes for november 80% of americans do not have college debt. what about all of us who have paid for, why not healthcare debt or mortgage debt or forgive credit card debt, when people sign that these are college-educated people that are signing to pay back their debt. >> congresswoman we've got to leave it there i could talk to
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you for hours, thank you very much for being here we appreciate it a new report revealing the president is frustrated with his days walking back with the many gasped he is recently made. he really is in charge we will be asking lawmakers straight ahead.
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>> for god sake this man cannot remain in power. >> we do not have a strategy or regime change in russia. >> are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that. >> yes. >> the united states remains committed to our one china policy we do not support taiwan independence. >> 9 millimeters bullet blows the long out of the body. [inaudible] >> he supports the band on sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. he does not support a ban on the sale of all handguns. >> i think you will see a change sooner, quicker more rapidly than most people think. >> i think i was wrong about the path of inflation.
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>> use all those walk backs, president biden is furious with the staff for continuously walking back his statements. a practice which he claims undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise, who has the final word in the white house. let's take it up with house homeland security agricultural committee members, congresswoman kat chemic. good to be here again, who is really in control here, what do you think? >> there is not a lot of talk about this i think biden in the american people have found common ground on one issue finally after 17 months, they want to know who's running the white house. nobody seems to know not even the president himself. you see all the gasped where he takes the cues from the easter bunny looks to shake an invisible person's hand on stage
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you have two cars that have been photographed and published in the media outlining very basic things like make sure you say hello and what your name is, it is embarrassing. if it weren't so sad it would almost be laughable but more important leave than that these kind of gaffes and misuse are dangerous, sitting on the homeland security committee i tell you in regard to foreign policy in the statement that he made on the world stage this is dangerous our allies don't know if they can depend or trust on us and our enemies are watching very carefully this is emboldening people. >> the gaffes are almost exclusively when he speaking off-the-cuff that is his written remarks they clearly have a theme throughout all of them. i would say on the economic front at the very least they really mimic the obama administration. that is why somebody said this is the third term of the obama administration, often a lot of
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people are wondering whether obama actually has input in this administration which is the strongest source of ideology, what do you think of that. >> as someone whose family law spiritually under the obama era and under the obama housing program i found myself in my family homeless return to the obama era policies would be disastrous as they were for notches my family is so many million of families across the country. in large part because of his failures i went from homeless to the house of representatives because i was so angry the way they grew government and tried to enforce in employ this dependency and control agenda that the left has lots be frank we cannot afford a third term of the obama years we need to put america first and always seen today is an american left policy that is run by limousine liberals and elitists that are connected on wall street it is
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hurting everyday citizens and that's why we are desperate to take the house in the senate back. >> as we saw yesterday with the economic plan to fight inflation it is the same medicine there is no change. are we stuck with what we have until the next administration, the presidential administration or will it change in congress change the policies that were in? >> to your question will things change, i think taking the house and the senate back will stop a lot of things, will it fix everything, no i think anyone who sells that is selling you a fake bill of goods we will have control of the first strings which will do a tremendous deal in stopping this into the socialist utopia of government fixes everything that's a problem that were seen out of the administration. it's a one-size-fits-all approach whenever they have a problem they want to throw more
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money as evidence that they spent more than $7 trillion just last year. let's not us forget the nancy pelosi never put forth the budget they spend that will like is monopoly money for getting it to be the american people that are actually footing the bill for this. we cannot afford we need to resource balance and that's what americans want common sense and balance in our nations capital and republicans in november, we are going to give it to them. >> they are politicians and they say the one things politicians cares about is getting reelected. there could have any chance how do they run on a dead economy where we have blackouts, shortages, inflation in the chaos of the border and rising crime et cetera. >> you can't and the poll numbers reflect that that's why they're getting so angry, you see joe biden making statements
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like why aren't there more democrats coming to my defense. it's because he's toxic, his administration has managed to take an economy and really everything it touches turns to crab. former president trump, that's the thing that they need to do if they were truly interested in fixing they would do the exact opposite of what they're doing now but they cannot because it goes against that political agenda that they've outlined, agree new deal, liberal wishlist, spending more, growing government when reality we need to get government out of the way that goes against their narrative. it feels like a sinking ship and i don't see many people handing out lifelines. i think this is one that's good to go down pretty quick. david: i have to run but is it conceivable after a thorough grabbing in november that this president describe other ideology might change to get
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reelected? >> i think they recognize that to moderate at some point, i think they feel the selection is too far gone, you will see as much liberal agenda items being thrown at the walls and see what sticks. afterwards they need to readjust and i think they know that. we will see biden siding republican legislation hopefully but i think that will take a lot of work but we will get there. >> always good to see you, thank you for being here. bipartisan house lawmakers set to vote on gun control legislation as early as tomorrow after the horrific shooting in a texas school. we have the story straight ahead. is a journey for the curious traveler, one that many have yet to discover. exploring with viking brings you closer to the world, to the history, the culture, the flavors, a serene river voyage on an elegant viking longship.
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a wide-ranging gun control legislation. protecting our kids act would raise the lawful age to buy a semi automatic firearm from 18 to 21 it comes as more victims of the massacre at an elementary school in uvalde texas are laid to rest today. president biden pledged to meet with congress on guns after the on thinkable tragedy. aishah hasnie has more on all of this. >> good evening to you a lot of talks happening in the senate this week. just today a group of senators led by senator chris murphy discussed gun legislation and as did another group that talked over resumed yesterday that
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included senator cornyn of texas. he is leading the negotiation for republicans talks are centered around the red flag laws, mental health and school safety. democrats would love to see expanded background checks but even nancy pelosi has admitted that democrats will need to compromise to get something across the finish line. house democrats are pushing a massive gun reform package that some call partisan and just for show is called protecting our kids act that includes raising the minimum age to buy semi automatic rifles from 18 - 21 and banding youth sales of high-capacity ammunition magazines is not likely to go anywhere in the senate but the house judiciary committee still planning to have a markup tomorrow and ranking member jim jordan told me he expects it to be an intense process so we can expect fireworks tomorrow.
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david: aishah hasnie, thank you very much. canada's prime minister justin trudeau plans to be on handgun imposition of assault weapons saying we have a responsibility to act and prevent more tragedies. could something similar happened in the u.s.? here discussed congressman dan bishop, good to see you. of course canada does not have a second amendment but i'm hearing sounds from colleagues of years on the democratic side that seem to be saying you can pass over the little thing called the second amendment. >> i think you're exactly right, joe biden said in one of the walk back severely or segment he talks about 9-millimeter bullets being unusually dangerous that's the most common form of handgun and he applied the auto bbn before his press walked it back. it's interesting it's exactly the same as justin trudeau began everything except guns that's
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exactly what we get is the in the judiciary committee tomorrow were being pulled back in a noble recess before the facts and come out on these recent attacks before we had the opportunity to learn the lessons in a got a partial band and a bunch of other things that are being thrown at the law. nancy pelosi said as soon as we get a couple of these things through she has another plan to have an assault weapons ban ready to come up. the instincts are precisely the same. the only difference in the united states and canada is the second amendment to the constitution and the fundamental constitutional right to keep and bear arms they would do all of that all of what justin trudeau is doing the gray admired her of fidel castro if they can get away with it. >> i have a feeling in instinct the sum of the gas that he made even though there walked back our staff he has been discussing internally in the white house that they have been talking about in the 9-millimeter combat it seems to be one of those
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things. i'm just wondering if you agree that's a possibility secondly democrats have this history of bait and switch they will take a tragedy and use the political energy of the tragedy to try to push republicans into the corner on this issue and finally when all sorts out some of the republicans shake their head and realize what is happened. what do you think will happen will there be republicans that join in on debate and switch attempt by democrats? >> first of all to your first point when someone tells you who they are believe them, they say with every opportunity you look at beto o'rourke, he is back to confiscating weapons just like justin trudeau wants to do that's what they want to do that's their objective. in terms of actually what has it right there ideas the audit be considered carefully in the audit be worked over in a bipartisan fashion given time and the opportunity to learn,
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the desire to rush something through an emotional moment is not the way serious legislation should be undertaken. >> the supreme court has made decisions over the years on various issues involving guns. the most notable one recently is the heller decision is made. heller versus d.c. in this decision the supreme court decided while it's not absolute, individuals have the right to possess firearms to protect themselves, in the past it'd been unclear whether the second amendment was talking about militia or individuals but they made it clear that individuals have the rights but the problem with heller it was a decision with d.c. which is not a state what happens if his state finally makes the decision to ban firearms that the supreme court overturns will that put an end to all this legislation that democrats keep trying to put in.
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>> i think it's a big obstacle for them, heller was succeeded and i'm drawing a blank on the name but the cases arose out of the state of illinois the supreme court has spoken to the enforceability of the second amendment from state law as well the ninth circuit court of appeals ruled a band of ar-15 to 18 - 20 -year-olds is unconstitutional there is a lot of while they have to contend with in order to stripped gun rights and ultimately affect the supreme court is there big obstacle. >> we have 20 seconds but the ultimate irony and maybe is not an irony but a lesson that those cities that have the most restrictive gun control laws new york, l.a., d.c., chicago have some of the worst gun crimes in america. you think that is coincidence.
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>> is not just coincidence time and time again the story has been told when you stripped gun rights from people, the people who are innocent law-abiding people are the folks that suffer yet to be very careful about those ideas. congressman dan bishop, thank you for being here. should the cdc have the final word on whether we have to wear masks again? the department of justice says yes, do you agree with them? does doctor marc siegel, we will ask him after this. only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. if anyone objects to this marriage... (emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ who's on it with jardiance? we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're hittin' the trails between meetings.
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david: are mask mandates making a comeback? the justice department asking a federal appeals court to overturn last month decision by a federal judge that lifted the mask mandates on planes, trains and other public transportation the cdc stating it is difficult to imagine a more direct way to control the spread of communicable disease then a measure that tracks infectious particles to prevent their spread, this despite many studies proving that certain masks don't even work joining me now fox news medical contributor
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doctor marc siegel, thank you for being here. it's the contention of the justice department that the cdc is the best organization with the final word on mandates for individuals. do you really trust the cdc to make those decisions for the rest of us? >> under certain circumstances, yes i know the cdc well and another top scientist in the really excellent. >> let me just stop you they had made so many mistakes in the past over the past two years i understand why there's plenty of excuses and some are legitimate but both american under most of it can still have the confidence in the cdc that you do. >> i don't think that the issue at all i think i answer the question honestly but i don't think that's the issue i think the issue they should not be mandating something that does not work and to use that as a
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bully pulpit at the wrong time is typical of the situation. in other words if they had an emerging virus that was killing a lot of people and they can prove they had a measure to stop it then they may argue that they had this power but were talking about planes were people are removing their masks to eat and people are wearing them over the china study at the university of minnesota said 30% are worried about their chin it's ridiculous. i think there's a value to proper masking, eyewear and a 95 in the office and in certain circumstances the notion that the justice department should be involved on behalf of the cdc of reinstituting a mandate that never did anything is really, really disturbing that's what i wanted to come out and say. it's completely inappropriate. >> is inappropriate and it goes against certain values that we go against certain americans. yet the incredible spectacle of all these leaders that force these mandates, when they get
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together on their own they have these wild parties and the covid spread like wildfires, they're not following their own edicts, there's that problem with the american public as well. >> that's a huge hypocrisy, that is right what we propose a mask on a bus on some poor person trying to get to work that can barely afford a mask but a wild white house party everybody is spreading covid which we saw with nancy pelosi in that the correspondence which was the super spreader event. >> we just all another example secretary of the interior reporting she's experiencing mild symptoms, her name is deb hey linda and she has covid as well. it is spreading inside of the beltway but that does not stop them from having mandates for
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everybody else. >> there's no reason for any mandates it's gonna spread whether you have the vaccine or not they could be a lot more serious if they said the following immunity counts if you just had covid that's not true immunity that will protect you he will not get infected for the next month or two if you had a booster that will help you. we need immunity that would be a clear public health message not a mandate no need for any mandates at all right now. it is a time for individual choice let's show the american public that we believe in them and they understand this is a virus we have to live with and use our best measures including antiviral drugs. >> excellent i agree without a very spirited discussion, great to see you. the new fbi data by did the number of cops killed in the line of duty reached a 20 year high. our cops in america becoming sitting ducks? that is next you worked hard to save for my future.
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david: look at this.
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the nypd is on the hunt for that man after he was spotted on video in broad daylight stabbing a 16-year-old. the attack happened in brooklyn and appears to be unprovoked, this is the latest attack in a major democrat run city. according to new fbi data the number of officers killed on duty in 2021 hit a 20 year high as murder rates in a major u.s. city reached similar records, eight of those officers were ambushed and premeditated killings, joining us to discuss paternal order joe kamali who is a sergeant at the houston police force, thank you for your service, good to see you. i hate to put it this way but our cops in america sitting ducks these days? >> i think it's important to point out just how bad it is and what the public decide for themselves, we seen historic rates of officers being murdered
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in the line of duty 2021 was the highest on record in the last 20 years last year we sold 346 police officers shot in this country which was a historic number since we started tracking the data in 2022 is not located a better weird he had 142 police officer shot as of today that's a hundred and six increase over last years numbers for the alarming statistic is ambushing tax are up against us 30% give the media, politicians, academics trying to convince the public there is no war on cops, give me a break that is complete bs, it is a joke if people believe there is not a war on cops also do an application signed your [bleep] up and come out here and see how bad it is we are hiring. >> you are hiring but it must be tougher than ever to get recruits. >> it is completely impossible to find anybody to take this job
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right now we have seen recruitment completely tanked in new jersey we saw a 90% reduction in application and chicago 83% reduction. in colorado 70% of agencies said they can't find anybody to take the job. do you really blame folks we've been demonized and denigrated for the better part of the decade we have the urban communities and horrific woke policies like bail reform and social experiments failure politician blaming police officers he is smart well educated folks that we want to take this job they are voting with their feet and taking other positions. honestly don't know what the next generation of police officers are going to look like because these departments are going to have to lower standards. >> americans know how vital police are in their lives, new yorkers. i lived in the city for 42 years we live in fear like i haven't seen since when i first moved here in the early 1980s
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presents the giuliani administration that was 25 years ago when he was elected into office this is the most dangerous moment in americans do not want to live in fear that's not the way we live. >> absolutely the public is waking up a recent gallup poll said 80% of americans realize that violent crime is a problem in this country and frankly their rights, last year we saw the highest murder rate that we've seen in 20 years in this country, to your point we don't have to live like this people can feel safe walking the kids to school people can feel safe going to the grocery store and making sure we have grocery stores that will open in the neighborhoods. if we vehemently prosecute crime and go out there and enforce the laws we have on the books we can take our community back. >> with jenna before we can do it again the tragedy there will be somebody lives lost in between now and the time that we fix it.
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it's not necessary we know what has to be done and unfortunately were not doing it quickly enough. i think we will but not quickly enough, great to see us thank you for the work that you do. the illegal immigrant population soaring to 12 million thanks to biden's open border policy and that is not the worst of it details next.
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the largest group of congressional republicans visiting the rio grande in texas today, a new report revealing illegal migrants publishing under president biden, 10 million under trump, to a record 11.6 million people hunter biden. sixteen months. the highest in the center. mark brnovich told us last night migrants have been rushing the border since biden took office. >> we continue to see record amounts of people illegally entering our country. last month want to 30,000 people in one month illegally entering our country. the entire population of arlington virginia. david: national border patrol council vice president art, great to see you. i know you came in from the field so thank you for your
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service. i'm told there are 2000 fewer border agents now at the moment with hundreds of thousands of extra migrants, that's not a good combination, am i right? >> it not. the morale is in the dumps, that's what it comes down to. agents, if they are eligible for retirement early, they are going to retire or find other areas to go and a lot has to do with this administration has pretty much stripped the power, the defense of our nation's borders, agents are getting up in the morning and going out and realizing a lot of the things they've taken an oath they tried to do, they are not able to. they are moving agents from one area to another and pretty much so they can process faster instead of actually vetting the right people and having those individuals who should not be in this country removed from the united states so you have many
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more migrants, fewer agents and you are telling me on the break that a lot of those agents are forced into administrative duties so they can't be out preventing getaways from getting away. >> it's part of the process faster that this administration is doing. you hear them come out on the media sometimes and they say don't come but you can say don't come but unless you change the policies and prevent these people, you still have that magnet there, tucson sector for example, to date, close to one 30,000 got a raise getaways but you have to move agents from dey can process faster in those areas and who is benefiting from that? the cartel, human smuggler, sex traffickers, those of the individuals benefiting from this and many times when these individuals asked for asylum, it
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years before their court date is seen and some of them won't show up, majority won't show up. david: let's talk about the mafia, transnational criminal organizations, tco. you say they have been empowered by the biden administration policies and they are the same people smuggling individuals smuggling the drugs and sex traffickers, they are evil people and coordinate efforts to help whatever it is they are smuggling. >> they know exactly what they are doing, they have scouts throughout the area, they are watching the movement, seeing when agents are moved from one area to another, that's when they take advantage. they work it so much they flood one area with hundreds of individuals that will claim asylum knowing fully well that will preoccupy the agents processing hospital watches and transporting to a processing center and that's when they take advantage to bring drugs and even more undesirables across the border.
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david: senator roger marshall, a medical doctor at the border, he says the border crisis has become the biggest humanitarian crisis he's ever seen. when you consider not only what's happening with the drugs and people dying of overdose but on the border itself, people are dying, drowning, people are dying in the desert and it's getting harder. >> it definitely is and is going to get even worse and it falls on the hands of the current administration because they have created that magnet and they don't have the political will to stop it with the correct policies and to admit there's a serious problem. david: the humanitarian crisis itself, we have ten seconds. is it getting worse? >> not only just getting worse, it will continue to get worse throughout the summer months and this administration is doing nothing about it. david: well, thank you again for the work you do, art.
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much appreciated not just by me but by. all over the country where they are suffering the consequences of this border chaos. thank you for being here, appreciate it. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, you're watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, thank you for tuning in. we will see you back here tomorrow. have a great evening. ♪♪ kennedy: the jury cash award goes to -- very exciting, johnny depp. congratulations. legendary actor today the big winner in his block buster defamation trial against ex-wife amber heard after six crazy weeks of testimony involving kate moss and severed finger, even then poop


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