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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 8, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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administration will have yet another record of inhumane dead number of migrants this year following last year. elizabeth: come back soon, i'm elizabeth macdonald, been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪ nned nedy: nitalic vi tsi a tg ag frinighng wurn t polic peeste a wmama tteteoteiltel ketgh and aepepnsli licusiac demngratsng off t ceer aad ohead theheic de of. wade ed theedhe ghehehe man california aialoromromromm ndryndry ofry o juscetiti bac bteisoisoiss, 7 pll wit two magazines and extra ammo, pepper
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spray, zip ties, hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crowbar and duct tape and we are told the suspect told cops he plans to assassinate him because he was upset by kavanaugh's stance on abortion and gun rights. he's now facing attempted murder charges and does scrambling to beef up security for the nation's nine top justice but gop lawmakers say they thought coming in today on capitol hill mitch mcconnell said the left rhetoric is at least partly to blame. >> if the reports are correct, an assassination attempt against the sitting justice or something close to it, this is exactly the kind of event many feared the terrible breach of the court rules and norms could feel. this is exactly the kind of event many worried the unhinged reckless apocalyptic rhetoric from prominent figures towards the court going back many months
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especially in recent weeks could make more likely. kennedy: thank god that guy didn't make good on his promise of threats. i'm not a huge mitch mcconnell fan but for you accuse him of making this more partisan than it already is, let's take a trip down memory lane. two years ago chuck schumer said this -- >> you have released the whirlwind. [cheering] if you go forward with these awful decisions. kennedy: you won't know what hit you. cadet construed as a call to violence? he later walked back the words the come on, is the toothpaste out of the barn? or democrat needlessly raising the temperature? here with me tonight, utah
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republic and senator mike lee who's been on the supreme court shortlist many times. the author of the brand-new book saving nine, fight against the left audacious plan to pack the supreme court and destroy american liberty. how did we get here, senator lee? >> we got here because democrats having tried and failed 85 years ago to pack the court abandoned that plan for a few decades but recently they decided they need to start threatening, intimidating, demeaning and denigrating the court's legitimacy because the court doesn't do what they want it to do. as a result, they are willing to delegitimize the court further threatened to pack it and a lot of people including chuck schumer have said things like you will face the consequences, you have unleashed the whirlwind and you will pay the price, he won't know what hit you. i want to be there is a
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difference between what chuck schumer said and what this crazy man did showing up to brett kavanaugh's house but it's unfortunately parcel of the same effort to threaten, intimidate, harass and denigrate and demean and isolate the supreme court justices who disagree with him. this is wildly inappropriate and we have to push back hard. kennedy: do think some of your fellow senators and other members of congress are stoking animosity against the court because it takes the emphasis away from congress to pass laws the way they should be and put more on the supreme court, thus raising pressure? >> i think some of that happens and i also think far too accustomed to have the supreme court do the left's work for the left. with abortion for example, they took a debatable matter and moved beyond debate. the left commandeered that in roe v. wade, nothing in the
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constitution that makes it a constitutional question yet they worked in taking it beyond debate. they become accustomed to it, they are reliant on it and now when it appears to be disappearing they have to threaten the institution that created that in the first place. this is all very wrong because we need our courts to be independent deciders of questions of law. it is the only job and why we give them their tenure, they are there to be independent and independently decide what the law says to resolve legal disputes. kennedy: without anticipating what the reaction might be from irrational people and sometimes violent people and i don't think the administration has done a good job of tamping down the rhetoric that's threatening some of the more conservative justices so when we come to a constitutional crisis if democrats decide to pack the court, do republicans do the
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same until they have a mathematical majority? at what time do we come into a constitutional crisis? >> that's exactly what will happen. significantly in modern history republican's have never done this or threatened this but will if the democrats do it. i explained this at great length from official and the a tit for tat that will result in a one-way tragedy of the supreme court so if the left decides to add for additional justices so they get their way on these, guess what will happen the next time majority split in control of the white house which is still republican. we will add another four or six. before long this will go in a one-way budget formation because you can't remove people prior to their retirement resignation or impeachment removal, you can't
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remove them until they are finished, you can't eliminate it while they are there so that's why it's a one-way ratchet and it looks less like judicial body more like inter- galactic senate star wars movie because it will be a political body. kennedy: well said. another fine book, i love the books you put out, you're one of the few champions of liberty and the senate and it is commendable, thanks for coming by, appreciate. >> that appreciate it. kennedy: supreme court has yet to rule on roe v. wade but in anticipation of that and the midterm elections, department of homeland security's morning more violent this summer international terrorism advisory system dhs said in the coming months we expect the environment to be more dynamic several high profile events exploited to justify acts of violence against a range of possible targets. her repeat of summer 2020.
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mostly peaceful protests? we saw rides everywhere. antifa, they are there, the murder of george floyd start rise, hooters target stores across manhattan and kenosha, wisconsin the city was on fire after the shooting of jacob blake so how do we comb the threat down before we see another summer 2020? businesses and families cannot afford more violent like that. tonight man panel, conservative strategist and labs publicly relations vp darren is back, i'm sure that's what he's saying that hockey stick. fox news contributor host of the richard fowler show, richard fowler director of the libertarian institute, i will see him at freedom best and may see you there as well. scott horton. let's discuss this because i
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almost think what you are seeing in terms of the way congress selectively punishes certain groups of people, it almost encourages violence in a way. >> it absolutely does. what's so unbelievable is tomorrow congress will begin their show trial for january 6 and the same people using inflammatory rhetoric leading to an assassination attempt against supreme court justice will tell you president trump should be held responsible for the violent activity january 6. they will say this with a straight face, pretending like what happened today didn't happen. we have chuck schumer saying far worse than president trump ever said march of 2020 and now we seen a direct response to that rhetoric and we have been doing for years, attempting to
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dehumanize conservatives, trump supporters, the end result is when you tell people someone who we knocked over and over again, when it's not just wrong, they are evil, not valued parts of society shouldn't be protected and you can't be surprised when this violence takes place. we should make it clear the violence of any type is wrong always, end of story. kennedy: richard, obviously there is a big different type of push for gun control on capitol hill but when people read stuff like that and also that response times are slower because departments have been scaled back in light of the defunct police movement, people get guns, they don't know how to use them sometimes with them on himself reduction because of bulletins like this, it does climate of fear on this unnecessarily, doesn't it? >> a couple things.
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rage is rage and violence is violence no matter from the right or the left and we should do everything in our power as a country to address it. that's number one. number two, this means no matter if you are a small or big city, do everything in your power to protect the citizens part of your city making sure police have resources they need. here at the nation's capitol what our mayor has done is increased the money to police department to have the resources they need to do what they need to do. with that, when you look at this report, you find a lot of folks out there who need mental health therapy and who need help and what's debated on capitol hill, how do you make sure the folks who need help and therapy are getting access to weapons? getting access to guns like we saw in buffalo or texas a couple of days ago? got to make sure this is beyond political party and it goes
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beyond, it's making sure the wrong folks don't get weapons that can kill people and i think beyond that and beyond those issues, we should also do everything to make sure our congress works. i heard mike lee a couple of minutes ago and he's right, our government is dysfunctional but that happened far before donald trump, that happened early 2000 when congress stopped coming together and passing bills. there was once a time where democrats and republicans on think they agreed upon and past . kennedy: o'neill and ronald reagan, where are you now? we are running out of time, okay, thank you. scott, dhs, they are the ones putting out this bulletin, should dhs really be deciding and telegraphing whose dangers in this country? >> of course not. his conversation is absurd. federal government of united states of america is the most dangerous by the organization on the face of the earth.
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the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today back in 68, now is worse than 68 but clearly it applies now to the united states of america and sorry but again to bring up the same thing over and over, 16 weeks, secretary of state met with russian foreign minister while fighting proxy war on russia's order which means biden and blinken are the most dangerous to ever inhabit the oval office, they should be driven out before they get also killed immediately. kennedy: lloyd austin to resign -- >> all of them among the entire -- anyway. biden helps usher through the department of homeland security back in the bush years, they said it was to protect us from al qaeda and foreign terrace and now they are unleashed against american businesses, hate the federal government. our politicians, the establishment have proven themselves horrible unqualified
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stewards of this government, they know people despise them and they are trying to claim anyone who opposes them is a dangerous extremist. kennedy: an american flag or anyone is constitutionalist is a danger to society. all right, man panel, i command these to stick around. coming up next, california progressives looking little battered and bruised after last night's primary disaster. progressives can't win in the most liberal state in the union, are they finished nationwide? mr. california himself, steve hilton will break it down after the break. ♪♪
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on the nation's most reliable 5g network. they can even save you hundreds a year on your wireless bill, over t-mobile, at&t and verizon. wow. i can do better. yes, you can. i can do better, too. break free from the big three and switch to xfinity mobile.
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i have one word for chesa boudin. california putting progressives unnoticed, historic boat last night san franciscans recall district attorney chesa boudin 61% of the vote rejecting his policies that have left the city overrun with crime. this is after a warning to
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progressives everywhere? is george gas ground next to go? joining me now host of the daily california podcast next revolution sunday night on the fox news channel, steve hilton is back. how are you feeling today about the successful recall? >> that is great news, he's just up the road from where i am many people i know, democrats, independents and republicans all voted to get rid of him, they can't stand it anymore, shows how the far left and push you only so far before the pushback. i think the other important news was the mayoral race in l.a., the progressive candidate there karol bass was to away with it came second in the primary for someone who was a republican five minutes ago, rick caruso, now running as a democrat but running on anti-crime pro police platform so that is interesting. he got the george gascon recall, people running that need a few more, the got a few more weeks to get the signatures they need to put that on the public, i think chesa boudin will give them a huge boost so it's good news. kennedy: does it give momentum
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to the recall effort in los angeles, is there something about this that galvanizes people on the fence about signing their name to the potential issue? >> i think it does because it shows it's possible, it's worth putting in the effort, worth -- if you talk to the people as i have in other places, people running the recall effort, in the end you got to sign the petition, do in person, he can't do it online so these people outside grocery stores and so on making the effort, taking it to their neighbors so that his hard work to do that real grassroots activism and organizing and they have done well to get as far as they have, so i think this will give a boost because it will make everyone think it can happen, this isn't a waste of time, we could get rid of gascon just as they got rid of chesa boudin and san francisco. kennedy: who's the alternative?
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where does criminal justice reform and crime-fighting go in places like l.a.? what is the next chapter? >> your not going to get republican leaning person in charge, they will appoint chesa boudin for she's expressed her frustration with what's going on, she talked at the beginning of the year where we put up with this, she used to describe was going on, very little what she can do about on her own such an opportunity for her to put someone in their who will start prosecuting crime and criminals. i think she understands it is a threat to her as well, if gascon is recalled so it depends on the timing on when that will happen and whether a new mayor is in
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place so it's very clear though the democrats up and down the state on crime at least, on that aspect of the progressive message, the tide really has turned. kennedy: yes and people are sick of it, sick of the homeless crisis, people like gavin newsom make big promises but they don't do anything and the problems compounding and people can't live good lives the way they used to and they want to sell things are going to change, it's going to be's slow, it's not going to be a massive shift you say but thank god we have you there to take keep an eye on it. >> see you soon, thank you. kennedy: coming up, gas prices surging across the country, one senator says it doesn't matter because she has an extensive electric car. what about the rest of us? i'll break down this tone deaf in my next memo. ♪♪
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out of touch lady wenger, michigan senator debbie sabado brag about her driving her new car from michigan to d.c. and marie antoinette moment that made even the greenies gag. watch. >> the issues of gas prices after waiting for a long time to have enough chips in the country to get my electric vehicle, i got it and drove it from michigan here this last weekend and went by every single gas station, didn't matter how high it was. kennedy: liberace lies? i was laughing all the way to washington nibbling my expensive cake, cackling at them starting in the food pantries. these a bubble wrapped moves should have no say in the lives of people, they are totally removed from and insensitive to
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the average electric vehicle cost $56000 claims, median salary of long sucking michiganders you mock, 59k. you think every tom, can plunk down 60 jesus to scoff at the less fortunate like you do? , this is why everyone hates michigan. these do-gooders and every move is an active in netherlands if the government needs to force the market to move in a moral direction. go have gas, dead. we don't need politicians divorcing people to go electric, people are choosing to buy electric vehicles already when they can afford them distorting the market because debbie doesn't tesla's will hardly save the planet. electric vehicles are great and people love them but people also love crossfit and that's just as annoying to listen to. people like debbie stabbed now
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don't care how people are suffering and her solutions are out of reach beyond insulting to families just trying to afford gas and groceries without some authoritarian gasbag deriving them at every painful term. remember when stephen colbert went on another unfinished chair and said you don't care if gas goes to $15 a gallon because he drives a tesla. nobody needs to strive these scooped to a silent retreat so we know how to hear them about how much better they are because society is worse off with this kind of thinking and that the memo. gas prices hitting another hi, national average now $4 n95 cents a gallon. remember last year when was half that? i do and there's no sign prices are coming down anytime soon. not only are they expensive, they are hard to get. one in 70 of the 1.2 billion cars is electric. why do tree huggers think we can
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instantly get off gas? we can't. man panel is that, chris barron, richard fowler and scott horton. what a marie antoinette moment for debbie stabbed now, what you make of it? >> these are the same people who hold themselves out at the champions of the working class. debbie stabbed now is not only not a champion, she's doesn't even know what they care about or need and she doesn't care. unbelievable. to watch the smug condescending delivery, imagine an average person at home watching that and thinking that is the answer? your $15 an hour minimum wage is supposed to give $60000 car? grow up, get a life, these people need serious help. kennedy: should i get meridian or tesla? i'm not sure.
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richard, we are still on gas, let's just admit it, gas is expensive, not cool, man. >> there's no question the price of gas is expensive, i'm not sure that was the best choice of words by debbie stabbed now in the comment, she sort of spoke and it was too just to be honest. kennedy: i'll take the term justly, judges will allow it. it's interesting because janet yellen before this panel says i was surprised inflation got as high as it did the we have supply chain issues and it's hard for people to afford, i didn't see it coming but it's interesting how janet yellen used to chair the fed but she doesn't talk about monetary policy very much. isn't that where a lot of this emanates from? >> of course. the fed is always going to blame any supply and demand shift or
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supply chain shift and avoid the root cause. this monetary inflation, they could not even have this massive government or murderers world empire without central banking. as a result of this inflationary money, people are being thrown out of the houses. working-class people who rent for a living, hourly workers, there wages he to catch up with the rising cost of living all over the place and the economy is so distorted and regular people suffer. ron paul was and is right, we need a gold standard one 100% gold standard as far as any government money is concerned in any other free-market take place not be taxed and compete in the market but the federal reserve system must be destroyed before it destroys united states of america. kennedy: i don't disagree with
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you on either of those things. bring back the gold standard and the fed, what would happen if we did those two things? >> would happen is we would have a massive correction from the distorted economy, nixon took us off the gold standard half a century ago and we would have completely abandoned our world empire and have limited constitutional republic, a humble commercial republic and we would be just fine. as ronald reagan un ambassador said, we could be a normal country in a normal time but we have to give up all the corruption at the heart of it, america central bank. kennedy: the bigger the government debts, more corrupt it becomes man panel, thank you all for being gorgeous, chris, richard and scott, thank you all. >> take care, kennedy. kennedy: speaking of rich people with electric cars, elon musk today formed victory in his battle twitter but transparent see, the company agreed to hand
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over firehose. public record of everything sent everyday. could you imagine reading all of that? they are still withholding a lot of private user data. will musk mosey or is today's news, to finally seal the deal? he with me now, professor of economic king's college in manhattan, fox news contributor, brian ben berg, this is dynamics. i'm glad to talk to you about elon musk, somebody electric cars the left hates because they want -- >> drive across country and brag about it. kennedy: you for people. [laughter] how much leverage does musk have at this stage? >> all of it. this is what is interesting, he lacks nothing, he could walk away from this from $1 million and twitter will sue him, no they want. what are they going to do? he's really their only hope for
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past to the future so he's looking under the hood. if you buy a car and they tell you it has a v-8 engine, you will see it in the, that's what he's doing and twitter has been claiming they've only got 5% spambots or whatever. kennedy: a very small sample. >> it's like a sample of 100 or something like this? he's saying, it's interesting switch don't because i agree with you, this firehose, one of those things where you don't want to go find anything so you give them every single -- sort through this and i don't think you will make heads or tails on what they are giving which means he will be in the same spot he is now saying i'm not going to pay you 5420 a share for company i don't really know. kennedy: is that really what he's trying to do -- >> i don't think he's trying to walk away -- i think he's trying to send, i don't think he wants
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to walk away, i don't think he has buyer's remorse, that's what some are trying to claim that i think what he's saying is i don't want to overpay and he has to put his money on the line, the value of the shares to buy this, tesla shares have gone down 35% . kennedy: tesla shareholders are not happy about that. >> you would be foolish not to do what he's doing right now in his risk level is very low. kennedy: i want to go back to janet yellen, she sat before the committee and said i can't believe i didn't see this coming, i guess i was wrong. why is she the fall guy? >> that's her job. we pay her to be treasured budgetary to monitor things and also we pay her to first be realistic. i know she's part of an administration, i know it's political but her job is to watch dollars and cents and if she sees a red flag, say something and the problem with her and jay powell and others in
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the administration last year they should have seen this. kennedy: did they not see it? i remember talking with the hedge fund about this saying how can jerome powell say inflation is transitory when it's clearly not the case? >> this is why i say her first job is to pay attention to reality. everybody saw the same data last year end understood the policy steps we took, what she thought they could do is say it's not going to be a big problem, it's going away and she hoped and you heard her say that recently saying i hope this subsides soon, she was living on hope economically so she could promote what the administration wanted to do politically, that is sin number one for somebody in a treasury role or at the fed and i think both of those people committed that. kennedy: bring back --
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[laughter] brian, so good to talk to you, thank you for coming. we still have to have a laugh. coming up, 2000 9/11 families pushing the white house to clear saudi arabia, a state sponsor pair. president biden is about to fly to the kingdom bag for cheaper oil. will the saudi's be held accountable? mike baker has all the answers, there he is. he's our favorite button man, he's next. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: that's right. 2000 family members of 9/11 victims have written letters asking president biden to designated saudi arabia sponsor of terrorism, i think it's fantastic and coincides with the
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president reportedly preparing a trip to saudi arabia to bag the crown prince to pump more oil to lower gas prices and he's not going to make friends by bringing on 9/11. on top of that, big names american pro golfers left pga for a new week, a bunch of turncoats. johnson, on returning my playing cards. how can we make saudi pay? former cia officer, portman square group chairman and ceo, a real raptor, mike baker is back. i like saudi arabia, i don't like they stand for, i don't like how they treat the yays and the women and i don't like their involvement in 9/11. >> not to mention chopping up an american resident. the saudi relationship has been a problem for every administration going well back before we were born so it's not
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surprising the biden administration is having trouble but it's of their own doing and i mean biden is preparing for this trip next month and he's going over there really to do is to ask them to pump more oil in the reason he has to his of his own making because he basically declared war on the oil industry, they claim the white house as if we are supposed to do this, they are doing everything they can to lower prices. we've tried so much. he's got to go over there to do this. resident trump interestingly enough when he was president, his first foreign visit was saudi arabia. especially from biden who made a huge issue during the campaign and biden talked about how that's not what i'm going to do, i'm going to make saudi a pariah which apparently means going to go hat in hand and asked for more oil. this letter the 9/11 community wrote, it's not going to go anywhere, they won't pay attention, they have to ask
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them, they are not going to also than add something about 9/11. adam schiff and others wrote a similar letter for they said you got to really talk about their human rights, talk about the relationship with china which is a separate massive story the saudi's working with the chinese for ballistic missile technology and again if you've got to go over to kiss there -- to get more fuel because of your own doing, screw the oil and gas industry here in the u.s., you're not also going to try to keep them in the -- over their human rights issues. kennedy: this administration like every passive administration with no, they're going to look the other way and essentially going to codify the relationship once again and you are right, if we want energy independence and everyone on the left complains that oil is a global contortion and nothing we can do about it, well, you can
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have a giant pipeline where you have crude oil and you can refine it and put it in people's cars and buses and they can go places cheaper, that's a start. >> we can multitask. this administration could have said we are going to make a priority over investing clean energy at the same time we do the logical thing which is all of the above. oil and gas, fossil fuels it all clean energy for it. you know who invests the most for clean energy? the oil company because they understand what's coming down and they want to be ahead of the curve. kennedy: it's like the strip club, watch it happen. you are telling me. nichols in the break. >> it's not that. kennedy: is not terribly lucrative but very dangerous. mike baker, thank you so much, good to talk to you. topical storm is next.
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dad! a dinosaur! it's just a movie. no dad, a real dinosaur! show doorbell camera. the new xfinity video doorbell works with your xfinity home system for real-time alerts no matter what's at the door. get off the car... it's a lease! jurassic world dominion, in theaters june 10th. rule your home security with xfinity home. so many people are overweight now and asking themselves, "why can't i lose weight?" for most, the reason is insulin resistance, and they don't even know they have it. conventional starvation diets don't address insulin resistance. that's why they don't work. now, there's golo. golo helps with insulin resistance, getting rid of sugar cravings, helps control stress and emotional eating,
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and losing weight. go to and see how golo can change your life. that's the tampax company claims the new commercials starring amy schumer causing her tampons to sell out because people are now
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buying extra to put their ears, what's? product plug and this is topic number one. restaurant group changing the fast food game open only taco bell also known as a gas station. they are calling it taco bell find because it defies the typical fast food experience mainly in that the employees will be over instead of imprisoned dining, it will consist of four distinct drive-through lanes allowing you to pass to talk about quickly as it passes through your colon. customers will pull up in their cars, order food on touchscreens and receive it through a tube. if you eat enough taco bell, you could spend the rest of your life eating food through tubes. the restaurant of the future say it looks and operates like something out of a sci-fi movie. unfortunately, the science fiction movie is wally you fat faster.
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topic number two. walmart's top-selling brand of coconut milk because the company that makes it is accused of using worse monkey labor. some argue monkeys are compensated for their work with food but i think we all know that's just bananas. his after investigation claiming they been training monkeys to trees forcing them to pick coconuts, what a bunch of jerks, that makes me so mad. literally guilty of monkey business. they are forced to work long hours, depriving them of time with their families so basically like working for amazon. i wonder the monkeys put talks on all of us. never use monkey labor and never would because they wanted workers who spent all day leaning. kennedy: that each other, they could hire reporters at the washington post. topic number three. researchers they tablets kept in storage at museum in scotland is
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actually a school yearbook from ancient greece. you got your yearbook was sitting around collecting dust. this is a 2000-year-old slab engraved with the names of ancient great graduates and there's a bunch of yearbook tropes like how to sculpt and undergo metamorphosis and of course one of the hippie kids wrote what a long strange marathon it's been. the tablet group anyone names and dedication to the roman emperor claudius. i can't read it. historians say the tablet would have marked the end of the year long civic military training called -- after that, the graduates increase in fiscal year singing we go together like grandma mama dingdong. ♪ i don't know. topic number four.
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nails inc. created now polish that will make your fingers smell like velveeta cheese. [laughter] it's real. in case you ever wanted to know what it's like to be chris christie's dentist. the new nail polish looks and smells like real cheese but of course it's not actually edible is like velveeta. it's one 100% vegan and cruelty free unless you count the cruelty you will inflict on everyone in the room with you. spell my fingers, smelled my fingers. perfect collaboration because people who enjoy sniffing nail polish tend to eat velveeta. this will go great with your toe jam. kinky. if you want to smell and look like a snack and pick up this from nails inc. he will be biting your nails like tampa bay light and fan game five, madison square garden, let's go rangers. [applause] back with kennedog, they put.
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>> time for high point of your miserable week, kennedog, everyone loves your dog, we love your dogs even more. tell me about your pup. first, peppy, look at that smile, hi peppy, you are a cute butter bean. next up bella and nola,
7:59 pm
hola, they are so cute. this is tensely. she loves long walks and bee be a good girl. and looking here, we have gunner and bosco. two beautiful golden retrievers, sweetest and kindest they love each other. up next peanut, like, hi, i'm ready for tv. her civic duty too vote, she did it. well done, peanut. this is jackie's dog mookie enjoying warm weather, happy wags. next, this is cocoa puff and gidget, they got their hair cut, they are so stylish. this is cha-cha. it has been so much dancing and prancing. and pabloy dog, pal and moots, brothers and besties. in the whole world. i love all your kennedogs,
8:00 pm
keep sending them. use hash tag kennedog on twitter, i don't really check the instagram. follow me on twitter and instagram. e-mail me. tomorrow night, jessica. >> what do we say in make of day, a kenneday. good night ♪ ♪ southern charm with an english twist. or lemon twist with your vegas martini. whatever your flavor, for some buyers not just a home but bragging rights


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