tv Kennedy FOX Business June 9, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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understand. it's all over the world we have criminals coming in. elizabeth: thanks for joining us, come back soon. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: it's now almost two days since a man was arrested for attempted murder of a sitting supreme court justice, president biden still has a set of eight, not one word. so much for being a leader of who wants to unite the country. cops say yesterday at 2:00 a.m. the caught a guy a block from brett calamus maryland home, a pistol, a knife, duct tape, a hammer and other things in his backpack. he told cops he wanted to call kavanaugh because of his stance
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on abortion and gun rights and killed himself. republicans were quick to accuse democrats stoking violence like this with fiery language about roe v. wade. i think the president had a golden opportunity to help turn down the heat. instead he used appearance on jimmy kimmel live to do the opposite. >> it's clear conditions it comes down the way it does and states impose limitations they are talking about, it's going to cause a mini revolution. kennedy: any revolution, come on. a psycho could have just killed a supreme court justice. now is not the time to talk about revolution. geez louise. this president biden still saying it's all media's fault but he looks so mad. according to -- i know, it sounds like nancy pelosi. the president yesterday stumbled on to air force one, there he is. he complained about the negative
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coverage in his administration. in other words he was asking those who are forced to live because literally everything in the country is going wrong. inflation and you know too well political racial division probably it's worst since -- i will say 1992. the border is a disaster and we could end up in a nuclear war russia. aside from that, things are so great so what's worse, a nori attempted murder of a conservative bring court justice are asking the press to cover all malarkey policy failures? twenty to discuss, spectator editor fox news contributor ben domenech, welcome back. >> to be with you in both of these things are really bad but the simple fact that this is an easy thing to condemn, it's easy
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to go out as the president of the united states and say this is not acceptable, who protect the supreme court justices, make their willing, the easiest thing for him to say and he can't bring himself to say it. he's talking about many revolutions across the country has if it would change things and i think this is a situation where joe biden is surrounded by so many yes-men, so many people telling him he's doing a bang up job, keep at it, people come around eventually i do think he believes this crap is going media not reporting how well things are going, he seems to be surprised is less popular than donald trump was by a lot and it speaks to how much he is from reality. kennedy: yes and i'm curious what you think the president will numbers would be? but say are south of 40% in the most recent polls we saw today?
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but if the press covered him accurately? how low would his approval rating be? >> i think the never cut in half. as a portion of the democrat party totally dedicated through thick and thin but i think if people were regularly hearing reality of how bad things are not just when it comes to economic concerns at the border and everything you went through, i think his numbers would go even lower and i expect them to go continuously lower through and beyond because there is no signs from the white house they will change direction on these policies which is ridiculous getting ahead of the election or finding a path forward on energy or inflation or anything they are just laying down and that's why things will change. kennedy: it's a bad playbook and outdated playbook and one of former president obama's policy advisors came out publicly and
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said just that, joe biden was a gas machine and range inducing when his vice president and of like the current vice president but now he's not being appropriately briefed by his national security team so when he goes out and freestyles on russia and china and taiwan, he puts us in a more dangerous position but also point out it's a very outdated playbook they are reading from. >> yes, it's one that i think determines what's important in terms of what's going on. by what's on the front page of the new york times which by the way had the kavanaugh story way at the bottom, a very tiny type because that's the kind of thing they think really matters even when and it's an incredible story and something we should be disturbing to anybody who cares about what's going on in the country today, increasingly toxic environment the president and his team are doing nothing to reverse.
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kennedy: in 2018 if justice mayorkas were threatened in the same way, do think the new york times would cover it in the same way. >> i think it would be the number one story in america for weeks and everyone would be forced to weigh in and lay at their feet. i want to say there's a moment of contrast here when bernie sanders learned it was one of his supporters who attempted to murder steve scalise and other public is he went right to the senate floor and spoke up immediately, he made clear it was unacceptable but the president can't bring himself to do that. instead he's going on jimmy kimmel and stumbling up the steps and being the embarrassment he's shown himself to be. kennedy: if only chevy chase were still funny, he's do a bang up the biden impression. be well, thanks for coming by, appreciate it. president biden's multitude of
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crises obviously have the left scrambling and bernie sanders now has a warning for fellow liberals change course or get annihilated in november. in an interview sanders said you can't win an election with a bumper sticker that says we can't do much but the other side is worse, republicans stand a chance of getting control of the house and possibly the senate but is it too late for democrat to turn things around? i say it's never too late. tonight panel, former utah republican congressman and fox news contributor, jason is here along with lovely live democrat poster, cohost, jessica tarlov and fox news contributor and national view institute fellow douglas murray, welcome one and all. so exciting. you can interrupt each other if you want to.
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jason, bernie's right to be frustrated. he obviously thinks you need to spend trillions more and make government bigger to have a decent course correction but he's not wrong. we can't do much but they suck, it's not a strategy, is it? >> it is the current strategy and losing formula. i've never seen anybody win an election -- they don't have a single policy piece other than saying the deficit is down but i never sat down at dinner with my wife and kids and somebody said you know the deficit is down today but gas was $100 to fill up the truck. it's not reality, they don't understand the american people and not a single thing they can say. the commerce secretary said there kind of out of ideas and when you have cabinet members think i don't know then you got trouble. kennedy: and jennifer is one of
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the cabinet members, she doesn't know what they are doing. jessica, you are one of the smartest people i know, incredible analyst so if the white house calls you and says bottom line, how would you save the party? >> straight shooting would be great, maybe fact to close to a mass shooting, is not what i meant. signature biden, be empathetic, talk to people about their concerns, you're the guy from scranton and talks about when his father went away to work to put food on the table. i think there is a plan to combat inflation, the president had to bed, the "wall street journal", there's a plan but it's a plan senior advisers to president obama and clinton have said aren't going to work, listen to them especially to president clinton who had a pretty great term. kennedy: clinton did have some very centrist economic success and obama, very popular so a
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better communicator so why not speak to counsel of two former presidents to help you get out of a pickle box. >> both have met with him in the last few months, they've had lunch with him, i'm sure they are even for the touch but you can't take that personality and bill clinton and barack obama are two of the most charismatic political communicators we've ever seen. kennedy: put them up there with ronald reagan as donald trump. >> that is both of you but i could get into ronald reagan -- she loved dan quayle. kennedy: do you know how much i loved dan? >> i've never heard anyone say that. kennedy: it's a niche market but i've cornered it. how bad is it and is it going to get worse? will democrats figure out how to course correct? in time for the midterm? >> watching president biden
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putting himself fearlessly in front of incredibly -- jimmy kimmel and justin because what the president said was show off the subject. he said we are doing really well we are not communicating it well though, that's not the problem. the problem is not a communications failure, the problem is asked, the right of standard of living, rise in cost of living, all those things, the things everyone can feel every time they get their wallet out. it's strange to say this is a communications thing and the media was more supportive, we'd be there -- i thought that was delusional. his a set of bigger issues, it's not just america. every western democracy has similar issues at the moment, we've all got inflation and standard of living issues and there's got to be a way through but just pretend it's a comments
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issue, it's not fit for purpose. it's amazing if he did because jimmy kimmel was doing everything he could to help the president out and help him finish his thoughts and sentences and more. >> badmouth his predecessor in a way that doesn't move the country forward. >> us the other thing, joe biden did say he's going to be this great healer and every chance he gets, he exacerbates the vision. he could reach out to his colleagues, he doesn't do that, he keeps on name-calling and keeps saying he doesn't want to do anything like the last guy but it seems to be what they've accused his predecessor of doing. >> a jimmy kimmel interview, i get it but there are so many things going on especially with the uvalde shooting coming out
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of the republican side in terms of where they are willing to meet democrats and i think it does require name-calling. you see the public and outrage about things that matter so much less, than the fact that 19 kids and two teachers died in their classrooms and the police were standing -- >> you don't think republican's have showed outrage? >> i heard kevin mccarthy on the floor screaming, i shouldn't say on the top of his lungs because maybe he could scream louder but yelling what akon january 6 hearings are and he didn't get out of that concern about the shooting and you go back and watch him, he was not yelling or saying enough is enough, we cannot lose another child so when president biden is talking about issues like a woman's right to make her own health care decision, school shootings and basic things like raising the age to buy semiautomatic weapons are assault weapons bans, you can name call that, that's fine. i'm a democrat and i'm going to vote . kennedy: i think we have to look
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out for kids at every stage, when they are 15 weeks in the womb, five years old -- >> rape or incest which will happen -- >> but what you described, every republicans can do that, every republican and say you democrats haven't shown outrage against these issues we care about and therefore we will name call to where does that get the country? kennedy: i will tell you, i have to talk to you, don't go anywhere -- high minded, i know. it is game night. i choked on my own tooth because it made me sad. in the meantime, a new poll shows 80% of americans don't prep the government and only 20% kind of do so maybe libertarians are not so wrong after all according to research, public trust began plummeting into george w. bush's second term and
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it hasn't stopped sliding since. americans now trust the government most to respond to natural disasters and prevent terrorism and lease to help people out of poverty and managing immigration which is what they do pretty badly. is this a bad sign of things to come? is there anything, perhaps a third party based on the principles of limiting government? 2020 libertarian vice presidential candidate and chair of you are the power, spike cohen is back. now is your time, people are fed up with government, only 20% think government is doing an effective job, they've lost faith, when our libertarians going to realistically capitalize on this? >> i think we've already been capitalizing, libertarians have a record number of elected officials across the country mostly at the local level with us for any political party has to start and as a result, the
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panel you just had was a perfect example of what's happening, why people are sick of the two-party system not because of the individual panelist or anything they said but the narrative of i'm a hypocrite? no, you are a hypocrite and the other saying i'm a hypocrite? you are a hypocrite. the reality is the american people have watched democrats and repugnance, people in power doing nothing but basically the same thing with different flavors every four years every cycle when one side replaces the other and they have grown up to the reality republicans and the democrats are two heads to the same ruling class monster and the purpose of all of the back-and-forth, theater of opposition we see is a distraction from the fact that they work together every single day to rob us blind to enrich the owner cronies who sponsor both of them and it breaks and kick them out of office and
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replace him with people to put power back in the hands of the people, that's when we see the end. kennedy: how logos phase in the u.s. government had to get for people to make a meaningful shift? >> i don't think that's what it is. if that were the number, we are to be there. kennedy: thin what is it? what makes -- a lot of people say i am very libertarian, i want the government out of my life but i won't vote for libertarians because they are weird and will never make a difference. >> is not even there we are, there are plenty of weird democrats and republicans, they just can't win. we can't lead with things like how hard it is to get on the ballot and things even though it's true because that backs up their narrative that we can't win so instead we need to grow at the local level and build our way up from there and showing what solutions look like on a day-to-day basis instead of just talking about policy. show how it works because unlike
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republicans and democrats, we don't have enough elected officials to say that's what happens when libertarians are in office so we need to build the base of getting libertarians elected and not just large libertarian party members but liberty minded candidates. kennedy: i will take liberty minded candidates, i will take coalition all day long. we have to change something because we are allowing two parties to capitalize on chaos and screw us all over in the process. great to see you, i'll see you in july at freedom best, did you know that? >> yes, can't wait. kennedy: georgetown university is the latest school to get wrapped up in the battle over cancel culture. ilya shapiro resigned from a big position at georgetown, he'll join me to share his side of the story.
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cancel culture plaguing america's universities and one for what patron is calling it quits, ilya shapiro rejecting the opportunity to return to georgetown's law center as an administrator, he says the place doesn't value free speech. january, he made a controversial tweet about president biden's promise to nominate a black woman to the supreme court. he been cleared on a technicality from discipline for the tweet. he wasn't yet employed by georgetown but was the writing on the wall all along? former georgetown law administrator, ilya shapiro, what happened? what were you promise and what materialized at georgetown? >> it was a mess. it's sad but i was left with no option but to resign because as you said, i celebrated the technical victory, apparently took the lawyers for most to
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look at the calendar to see i wasn't employed when i tweeted but at the same time the statement dean put out bill trainer and later that evening when i got the report from the diversity office, the inclusion diversity equity affirmative action office made clear that any time i would speak or write or do something that offended someone, that would create hostile educational environment and i would be disciplined. i'm going to deviate from the rigid progress of orthodoxy at georgetown and if i'm commenting on the supreme court whether abortion or guns or affirmative action, i may well say something, some of the students don't like or other members of the community so i simply could not do the job i was hired to do to run programs to teach about the constitution if that was hanging over me so they set me up to fail and reading the fine print i had to get out of there.
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kennedy: so is georgetown particularly progressive and did you know that going in or is this the case at all schools? i understand the appeal of wanting to go back into academia and wanting to mold and help a new generation of lawyers take on the challenges of this modern era but are they all that bad? >> let me clarify this is simply a matter of the ratio of progressive to conservative professors or students. that ratio is probably unchanged from when i was in law school 20 years ago, college 25 years ago because the complaints have been going on for decades, this is different. administrators kowtowing, placating the loss that will not tolerate from a narrow window that is permissible range of policy legal views and
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ironically the proliferation of diversity equity inclusion office cei in which georgetown is at the bleeding edge which ironically subvert intellectual diversity and prevent opportunity and exclude those voices so writing really was, not so much on the wall, it was in the document i got, the report into my investigation that said last thursday that if i had done this as an employee that it would have violated the policies. the free-speech policy have is excellent on paper but a pixel barrier because if you say you have the freedom of speech, unless someone claims offense, is no freedom at all. kennedy: but that's really important because you don't even have to contend offense, you don't have to imply your beliefs
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or strain of conservatism that keeps people down, no one has to infer that, there's no intention on your part at all for you to agree some in your class, they had it out for you probably from the moment they heard you were hired for after that tweet so all it would take was one lecture, one line and something you wrote for person to go say i've been aggrieved, sir. >> it's what first a minute callers call someone who disagrees and doesn't like something and vetoes the speech of that person untenable situation you can see my list of grievances, declaration of independence in my four-page resignation letter, it's a double standard and i lay out realistic hypotheticals as you said. kennedy: hypotheticals were very interesting, as you might have said in the course of a lecture in the easy issue someone might
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take with it and try to get you fired probably several times a week. are the students of georgetown sleeping soundly aren't are they say for tonight? >> a lot of students have reached out to me were sorry this happened and looking forward to being in class with me, it's not a one-sided operation by the left-wing model or something. the trend is dominant because the dean and other officials let it but there are students who regret what happened and i don't so much regret that they won't be exposed to my brilliant teaching or what have you, what i am sorry for his they have to go to school in an environment that does not value their props different opinion, the search for truth for any educational institution. kennedy: they will be intellectually beaten into
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submission. thanks, best of luck with everything. we know you will land on your feet somewhere you can have a positive influence. >> and haydn institute. kennedy: as we speak. all is right in the world. thank you, we will talk to you in the world. speaking of kooky colleagues, it game night. ridiculous university classes real or do we make them up ask our panel returns to play in the spirit of free speech next. ♪♪
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academics money can buy and now we will see if our panels can tell the difference between real college courses and fake ones we made up. whoever gets the most right wind an extra month on their parent phone plan, it's a big deal. jason, jessica, douglas, are you ready to play? we go, real or fake? real college class? the art of walking, show me your paddles. >> real. kennedy: the answer is real. teaching students how to walk better and more consciously than the day before. >> what? kennedy: is like a good summer class. beef up your credit. question number two on here. is this a real college class? bisexuality in an italian music,
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real or fake? they all got it right. >> just music. [laughter] kennedy: is a real, armenian bride? question number three, here we go. a real college last wasting time on the internet, real or fake? class clown. douglas is going with the crowd. you are all correct, it is a real class. university of pennsylvania, ivy league school, students are required to stare at the screen for three hours in the interacting through chat rooms, bots and social media. >> how is this through education? kennedy: it's not, it's just there so it sounds fancy. >> it's like 75000. kennedy: that's before beer money.
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did i skip one? i did. here we go, question number four, is this a real college class? hating republicans, sorry not sorry. real or fake? smart jason, it is fake. jason is in the lead. >> i teach that class. [laughter] kennedy: number five. is this a real college class? the ugly truth how i met your mother. real or fake? kennedy: you are all wrong, it's fake. [laughter] >> that should be a course, a film studies course. kennedy: i don't see the questions beforehand. i'm living the dream. he is a real college last? exploring buffy again vampire, real or fake?
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i'm happy to say three of my nieces have gone to court university where they teach this class, whether buffy was or was not a feminist role model among other aspects. >> she definitely was. >> interesting case study. kennedy: evolution of her feminism. is this a real college class? elvis, the language of board of the week. real, real, fake. yes, yes, no. jessica is now tied, your only one behind. university of wisconsin, it teaches to speak elvish. question number eight, is this a real class? the phallus. [laughter]
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fake, real, real. you both are right, you are still in the lead. the most important role of male kenne-daylia throughout history. >> that's true. >> it's more compelling to take the class. >> also mysterious. kennedy: how to read on the beach, real or fake? your all right. this one is worth two. new tag, either one of you could win. question number ten, is this a real college class vaccine nothing but energy thing, ain't nothing but a g thing, baby. ♪♪ >> to break the tie here .
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kennedy: fake, you both say it's real. jessica, you are a winner. seven points, congratulations, you are the winner, you get the cell phone plan for another month. >> another month? i literally am on my parents plan. my dad died and we talked about it. kennedy: that his legacy right there. excellent job from a great to see you all in person. what a beautiful light. topical storm is next. we are doing it right here. ♪♪
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repressive regime. unfortunately, they were talking about the pga. that's a benedict arnold palmer. this is topical storm, topical number one. a concert in maryland canceled after a thunderstorm flooded the venue and completely soaked the crowd that was after they had already been completely soaked by ticketmaster. look at the scene, screaming crowds struggling to stay dry. the only driving in the venue was the opening act. in case you're not familiar, and artist who sometimes sings about promiscuous sex, drinking and using drugs so naturally the target audience was 12-year-old. don't believe me? look at the crowd. clearly wet behind the ears, the concert is described as a total nightmare, it was wet. the forecast hadn't called for rain so the crowd didn't dress for it. some were not dressed at all. topic number two.
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great news for all you mooney lovebirds, the chapel will be allowed to continue to perform elvis pressley themed weddings after facing legal threats. needless to say the threats had them all shook up. lemonade. the drama last month was a company managing estate told las vegas chapels the customers could no longer get married by elvis impersonators. killjoy is. you can noise get married to a an elvis impersonator, trust me, they are single. they thought they might be forced out of business because elvis themed weddings are the number one reason people get married in las vegas. number two, keep them from their families but now everyone is screaming viva las vegas. the elvis landowner said the weddings can continue to exchange for licensing fees at the impersonator says thank you,
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thank you very much. topic number three. thirsty thursday. tonight we got a scoop for all you coneheads, salt and straw company in portland, oregon produced a line of beer flavored ice cream for father's day see you can give your dad a cold day in hell. ice cream comes in a pack that includes sarah stout, ipa flavor, there's no actual alcohol, the only thing getting wasted will be the time you spent at the gym this week. there's also a brown ale and citrus beer flavored ice cream and the last favor, so many memories. this is their first unconventional flavor, there's been fried chicken flavor ice cream, they got the idea after they saw famous chickens on ice. let's go rangers. topic number four.
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the best part of the show, i'm excited. you all seem obsessed with one of our own so listen, viewer mail paul starts us off with @kennedynation and jessica tarlov, trying to be twins? yes, we are. [laughter] here we are, i need peach covered flavor. >> what a mess. kennedy: messy. >> i don't know when they were tweeting it. i can't do that. kennedy: @kennedynation, please give jessica a hug, she needs it. >> you and jessica. kennedy: twins.
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♪. kennedy: welcome back. we've got breaking news. democrat led january 6th hear something about to begin on capitol hill, 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox business. most republicans calling tonight's hearing a farce, a television spectacle. after all being produced by former abc news exec. democrats hope to uncover a vast conspiracy to overthrow the government led directly by former president trump. what can we actual expect tonight? joining me to break doesn't hearings, "fox news at night" anchor, shannon bream. shannon, welcome back. what can we expect tonight? will it be totally partisan or is there any element of fairness and objectivity here? >> you know how this went down. actually a number of republicans house minority leader kevin mccarthy selected to go on. house speaker nancy pelosi
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rejected them. he pulled his own plate. there are two republicans that they put on this so they kay bipartisan. congressman liz cheney and adam kinzinger. they are not fans of president trump. the party pushed them out in some respects. people will say there are republicans on this thing. remember liz cheney is the vice-chair of this committee. she will give part of opening statement tonight against president trump. yes, there are republicans on the committee. yes it is bipartisan but i don't think anyone who will be there on the side of defending president trump in any of these hearings. kennedy: how will the proud boys plan all of this. how different is it from what we heard about the involvement in the past? >> a documentary filmmaker was with them days leading up to and playing out january 6th. he will be one of the live witnesses who democrats think give a lot of bang for their
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buck. jamie raskin said this would blow the roof off the house. they have not managed expectations. they said it will be all that and a bag of chips. nick questions ted was there. he will talk about what they saw. live testimony from one of u.s. capitol police officers who was actually injured. she will explain what happened as she tried to protect the capital. there will be testimony on video as well. they talked to more than 1000 depositions and interviews. they have a lot of material to work with. more than 140,000 documents i think. tonight will be scripted put together in a way they want the american people who polling shows us most of them have moved on from this. they will tell them tonight, they say why should they care. kennedy: why should they care. what possibly comes from
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tonight's hearing than what he saw in congress january 6th, 2021? >> that is great question. we're promised tonight there will be new material, new threads linked between president trump both before the election and advance of january 6th. that is lot to promise on to deliver on so we'll see. but they say we're going to hear and see thing not new before that is new material. their argument this was a threat to democracy. every american should care about that, regardless where you are on the political spectrum. we'll see if they live up to the expectations they set for this whole thing. kennedy: the problem is they're on the part of political spectrum late h hates former president trump. this is they say about hurting democracy and damaging trump so he can't run again. >> the way the committee is put together, there is not anybody there to give other side of the
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story makes it completely partisan. liz cheney will be a big force of this. a republican, part of the party, running for her seat. we'll see what she has to dish out. she will give the overview and try to thread this whole thing together to show the president's involvement. kennedy: we'll see if that works. shannon bream, thanks very much. we'll watch you tonight 11:00 p.m. on fox news channel and analysis of tonight's january 6th hearing. we'll be right back. ♪. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard.
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kennedy: thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. please stay right here on fox business for live coverage of the house january 6th commission hearing. and bret baier and martha maccallum they are going to take you there. they're coming up live in moments. it is going to be a very spicy night. we are promised. watch every minute of right here on fbn. bret, martha. take it away. good night. ♪. bret: this is fox special coverage of the first prime time hearing in the house select committee's investigation of the january 6th capitol riot. good evening, i'm bret baier in washington. martha: good evening bret, i'm martha maccallum house members will present their case to the american people showing what they learned so far about the riot and the former president's role. bret: we're told throughout the process to anticipate unveiling previously unseen documents audio, video on the big screen added in the committee room. tonight we'll be treated like
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