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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 13, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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away. elizabeth: it's astounding. we will have you back on, we will monitor this special election because border communities with latino, democrats and hispanic voters turning against the president. it's good to have you back on, come back again soon. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ >> what's better, inflation or recession? is the poison pill decision the fed have to make, good job, idiots. solutions to fix the economy grow increasingly slim so are we the ones who will have to pay for monetary mistakes? today the news got even worse, analysts say we are officially in of mayor market, 20% below their most recent high. add that to the list of financial crises the biden administration has to deal with
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including recession and highest inflation in more than 40 years. we just learned inflation hit 8.6% in may. if you been in the supermarket reason the, you know how much it stings. the other side of the sword, a recession. yesterday larry summers said that's coming soon as well. >> i think there's certainly risk of recession in the next year end i think given where we got too, it's more likely than not we will have a recession within the next two years. kennedy: fund. the fed chief jerome powell has to make a hard choice, is it best to plunge the nation into recession to regain control of prices or let inflation have its way with their wallets? according to bloomberg, that may be the only way out. a recession has nasty obvious
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side effects, the economy comes to a grinding halt, business bail, jobs lost, savings destroyed the experts say it brings prices down also so are we damned if we do and damned if we don't? tonight party panel, former trump advisory board member, jason meister is here and former state spokesperson, fox news contributor wearing her buckeye red, marie harf. the president of the is a two, jeff deist also back in action. jason, there's a lot of wishful thankful on the part of the of administration and the fed which compounded and has become incredibly dangerous, what you see here? >> you are one 100% correct. they told us inflation would never happen and then they told us it would be transitory. now they are blaming putin for inflation but the bottom line is, americans feeling at the grocery store, the gas pump and
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it is the policies of this administration that have created the mess we are in from the economic perspective so i think we need to get a grip of what's going to happen, the fed is going to raise rates, obtain the inflation and will most likely put us into a recession. that's what the american people will have because of what they've elected. joe biden is a complete disaster. kennedy: why has larry summers been able to see this but jerome powell, janet yellen, president biden and everyone else seems to be caught off guard? why is larry summers the cassandra here? >> i think there are a lot of reasons with the current inflation crisis while at the same time we have other good economic news, this is the hangover from covid. what good economic news? record job growth and low in employment, that's good news for the meghan people but there are
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a lot of reasons. one is this hangover we still have from covid, supply chains, both trump and biden administration have believed during the crisis we need to help out the american people with assistance and they've both done that but there are no good options right now, no magic wand or no perfect way to get out of this. there are things all of us can do including the fed and president biden and countries around the world, it's a global problem but there's no easy fix and we shouldn't pretend there is one. kennedy: there's also no global emperor and you talk about record low unemployment which is historically good but back to larry summers, he said a couple of weeks ago when you have inflation above 4% and unemployment below 4%, that is a recipe for recession so this is when unemployment numbers aren't a good thing because it puts so much pressure on wage increases
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that companies who have to pay workers a lot more and a lot more for basic goods, they will have no choice but to go out of business which will only compound what's coming with this recession. obviously the fed just kept interest rates low for a long, long time. a lot of people now talking about paul bulger, do you think jerome powell will be able to do what he did and is the fed tied to politics in a way that is harmful to the economy? >> the fed is differently political in the sense that the board of governors are sensitive to the political landscape, sometimes presidents call them into their offices and yell at them. i don't think jerome powell is paul, i think he has a very difficult job but here's the thing, there's no magic switch he can flip to create a recession and bring down inflation or let inflation
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continue that pace but not have recession, that's not how the economy works, it's 320 million people doing crazy things everyday so he could raise rates or allow raise and that could still be inflationary because certain businesses would have to spend more to borrow so that is inflationary. marginal businesses with a lot of debt might go out of business and reduce supply so that's inflationary so it's not just simple binary but i understand but here's the thing. we talk about trump and biden administration helping people. stop helping because there's still fewer jobs than they were before covid so the job growth and low unemployment still hasn't gotten us back to that. the idea that the fed is going to fix something which in my opinion the fed has caused, they e rnse r monyside osifde omp bib
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congreessspo r theeeut but butko yines, y b yseec off g americamhere there ad oor aoondds andndvindcesvice as same s the t t t a of andy are cre up a up nod,s numbe. y:nn sedoy: s money chasing turally going to causeause inututgrgr with monetary phenomenon and pain at the pump reached an agonizing new level, national average for a gallon of gas more than $5 for the first time in american history, according to the president, not his fault, no. watch. >> outrageous with the war in ukraine is causing and we are trying very hard to make sure we can increase the number of the balance of oil.
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kennedy: keep pumping oil out of the reserves, you're not going to have reserves the president is frustrated with soaring prices understandably so but has he done enough about it? they might send him to saudi arabia next month to make them to release more oil but what can be done to meaningfully bring down prices? jason, you have said this is the intended effect, not an accident. >> that's right high gas prices are by design, the less you drive, the less carbon emissions so it's not putin ukraine or big oil, it's joe biden's energy policy. one of the first things he did at resident in january when he took office was he revoked the keystone xl pipeline and then stopped and revoked all leases from offshore drilling so that was a declaration of war on also fuels and the american people
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are the victims of that war, every single time they go to fill up their tank at the gas station and that's what's happening. kennedy: now the president has to go hat in hand begging saudi arabia to release more oil, the saudi's have us by the nerds. that's a pretty horrible situation for the united states to be in. >> the united states produces a large amount of crude oil keep the xl pipeline would have a negligible effect on gas prices. experts across the board have said that and there are now permits the biden administration has said the companies can use but they are unused. the biden administration has said we need and all of the above approach, they are very concerned about gas prices.
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the saudi's are key part of the global supply, no one is going hat in hand to them but they are a country we work with on a number of issues including oil supply. republicans can't be mad about gas prices and then criticize joe biden for going to one of the places in the world that can help us alleviate the pain. we have to try all of these things. kennedy: we could be refining the natural resources we have here. people not just republicans are frustrated because the saudi's have a horrific human rights record not to mention the murder of jamal khashoggi so yeah, the president is not going to bring any of that up and it coincides with the fact that 9/11 victims families wrote an open letter to the president begging him, begging him rather socket to the saudi's in terms of their involvement in 9/11 but here in the united states, jeff, we need more refineries and the major oil companies say it's not were to happen anytime soon. we have the goods, we just have
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to refine it to put the goods in the tank. >> we have not opened a refinery since the 70s and think about how much population growth we had and cars there are on the roads, it doesn't matter how much oil drill or import refineries, you don't put raw oil into your car's gas tank so here's the thing, obama administration in. [two bells tolling] , the department and asked we have twice as much oil as we thought we had with the dakotas and montana, twice as much oil as we thought we had and we just figured this out in. [two bells tolling] , we are not running out of oil, we are running out of will and we are going to burn coal and oil in huge quantities for the foreseeable future or we will get a lot poorer, that is the bottom line. renewables will not step in and get us all to work and have air conditioning and fauci's and everything, it's not even close.
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kennedy: planes aren't going to fly on unicorn bars? great, no wonder my crypto coins are taking. the party panel returns later on, much to discuss including the children getting lg filthy rich the summer, what's the worst summer job you've ever had? wait until you hear what some teens will make this summer, it will make you barf in a good way. nasa says it will start investigating ufos. why haven't they been doing that all along? that's coming up next, stay here. ♪♪
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a mega budget, how what will nasa see the pentagon hasn't? joining me to discuss scientific coalition for uap study board member and uap research legend, alejandro rojas, welcome back.
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>> thank you, good to be back. kennedy: my first question, nasa hasn't been studying uap's, how is that? i just assumed nasa would be looking into space for flying things. >> that's great points, why haven't they been? it's been a thing for decades. president carter had a ufo sighting and he said if he gets president, he will ask nasa to do it, he did in 1977 and they essentially said thank you but no thank you. they kind of think of it as a losing situation so ufo believers, they will never be happy until you show them an alien body or scientific community, they won't be happy you're touching this topic at all because it's not seen as credible. kennedy: that's what nasa has said, we are getting a lot of skepticism and pushback, we are not supposed to look into these things, they are supposed to. scientifically and skeptically that's how we want government bodies to approach these things so how will nasa's approach be
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different than the pentagon? is the pentagon just about national security? >> that's exactly correct. pentagon national security and they are looking for threats for our military or the nation as a whole, the issue is that much more secretive so the idea of us possibly getting information or scientific organizations to get that so we can actually work on it, is pretty low. that's what's exciting about nasa getting into this, what they will spend the $100,000 on his to see who knows what and who got what and what's going on and then they want to do it scientific study which is what we want to see as well so that's more exciting because if things work correctly and they make discoveries, the public will find out, hopefully sooner rather than later. kennedy: what you think nasa could discover? >> who knows? one of the big questions is, are they catching these things on
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satellite leaming atmosphere? it's a big deal because when it comes to repulsion, you take a lot of things off the table when you see something cruising around in space. kennedy: and when it comes to this, we are limited with what we can see from earth and there are a lot of ways to explain away including illusions and technology we are not privy to that one of our adversaries might have but that is an interesting thought because considering the apparat i we have, especially not just with visual telescope to see what is entering and leaving our atmosphere but it makes me wonder, how come nasa hasn't been interested in this before? they got access to so much incredible quickly evolving technology but this does not
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occur to them? is this such a pariah in the scientific community? >> it is and that's what's shocking, it's such a big taboo nasa has been too afraid to look at it and the military has put their head in the sand in important situations so they showed a video at the hearing with a bunch of objects over a navy ship and said it just turns out to be drones. what drone? we got a report that came out recently the drone situation could have been a drone testing or an attack from hong kong so drones are an area where they are labeled as uap and we ignore them and it shows how dangerous it is to ignore things we can't figure out. kennedy: we should be looking for the explanation even if it's momentarily beyond our grasp or if it is truly inconvenient. the good news about this nasa study is it will be open, they are not going to use classified military information, they are going to use what is knowable
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and invite other researchers to look at it, to add when necessary and come up with much more comprehensive answer than we have had so far so i'm all for it. are you excited? >> i'm very excited, scientific value of looking into this is important, we will make new discoveries one way or another whether they are aliens or not. kennedy: and that technology, if that can get you from l.a. to new york in 20 minutes, i'm on board. thank you so much, always great to talk to you. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: government run by old folks, reportedly worrying about biden's age, starting to just now? is going to be 86 at the end of his second term. his poll numbers, he's fallen and he can't get up. that's next. ♪♪
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sometime in the future humans will regularly live to be 200 result, they will be in full command of their mental capacity, faculty that 100. that time is not now, not yet. our president is a geriatric who tripped over his words as often as he trips up the steps of air force one. he loses his train of thought regularly lies about how met on the train and senior moments and exhaustion that exceeds his presidential ability. it is no wonder with an astonishing low 38.9% rcp approval average, those in the democratic establishment are no longer whispering about needing a plan b, they are advertising the need for a new young democrat to abort this presidency. inflation isn't going anywhere but former obama is among the
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legion of donkeys who wish the president with. it be an easy fix, a trustworthy steward of the administration on the off putting hiatus, an inability to describe makes kamala harris a nonstarter. leadership in d.c. is a zombie army of very old people who have been running this country and to the ground. for far too long. nancy pelosi is 82, mitch mcconnell is 80. chuck grassley, 88. chuck schumer looks like a super tweet at 21, 71. enter gen x, generation x made up of the apathetic group born between 1965 to 1980, stagflation and nuclear annihilation of the hands of the soviets, sound familiar? we are sandwiched in between two of the most selfish generations to ever inhabit the planet.
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baby boomers and millennial's, to generations that gave us bill clinton and george w. bush and at the head of blowhard socialist like aoc and the rest of the attention or is known as the squad. a limited understanding of politics for economic politics and how they work but somehow managed to take up far too much airtime blabbering about their irresponsible policies that are horrible for freedom. let's have gen xers have a whack at the piñata. elon musk must rena williams, young leo dicaprio, titanic leo, kurt cobain and colby, you deserve a shot at fixing things. they've overstayed their welcome and have wrecked it for us. we have to put in place a system to safeguard the planet from the generation behind us to wait about safe spaces and pronouns to make a tough decision.
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it's time for gen x to save the world : that is the memo the senator is 64.3 years old, the oldest history wait, i can smell mothballs already. how long will they use their hands to clean to power? the party panel is back, jason, marie and jeff. jason, i'll start with you. i used to love golden americans, my very favorite, almost had a fetish for them. it is a category if you look hard enough but old people in power now terrify me. >> it terrifies me, to but i think i have a different take, i don't believe the support, i don't believe the democrat strategist and d and c ever thought they had a viable two-term candidate in 2020, i think they chose the most compromised composite compliant and mentally absent candidate they could with the intent of
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doing as much damage as they could in the a lot of amount of time, that's what build back better is all about, little demolition. can't go back better in your utopian dream nightmare without destroying the existing political order and that's what they are doing. kennedy: gross so why are they just starting to realize that joe biden is 79 years old? he's so old, he's having such a hard time now the presidency is exhausting. how on gods green and golden earth will this person complete a second term? there's no way. >> the president has said he plans to run for reelection and we will see what happens together. i think two things can be true, i think joe biden with the right person in 2020 to unite the nation and defeat donald trump and rebuild this country. [laughter] kennedy: we are at each other's throats hating each other.
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[laughter] >> i don't hate everyone and i'm sorry if you do. kennedy: i'm a libertarian, do what you want, i love it, i'm all for it, i don't care, do what you got to do but leave my money alone. >> we were in the middle of an unprecedented crisis and he was the one who said to the american people we are going to turn the page. i think he was the man for the moment. kennedy: i think our democrat to believe . kennedy: gear on the precipice of world war iii, nothing has been done about immigration and inflation is off the charts. this is a crappy garbage page. jeff? >> i don't know why you keep screaming at me. kennedy: are not screaming at you -- i believe joe biden .
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kennedy: i think you are a smart and wonderful person, i don't think you believe a word of what you said, i think you are too smart and analytical to believe any of that garbage and that's a compliment. kennedy: >> i believe everything i say, believe me on that but i know you're going to other guests so i will let you do that. kennedy: jeff, do you think the president is doing well? >> that's bubble thinking strictly people who live in the beltway or certain media environments, that's very much a coastal perspective, not shared by anybody outside of politics, political circles. the people of the air let's say. kamala harris one zero
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primaries, she's not an attractive replacement for biden. if you look at the younger democrats, gavin newsom is i think now neutered, cuomo had his problems, he's not that young. people generally don't like u.s. reps and senators, governors tend to do better. kennedy: i do like jared for democrat and he is zygote compared to the list. >> but i think he's way more left than you think, i think he's got recent magazines types fooled on social issues but he's a pretty left wing guy and on the right you got formidable 43-year-old with dissenters so that's what this is about, the january 6 hearings, trying to knock trump out completely and i think this is about a scramble for biden and again i said this before, i think the punitive
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runner is hillary clinton's, the most obvious candidate. kennedy: no she's not. [laughter] >> that's the most ridiculous thing i've heard tonight. kennedy: i agree with you, marie, you want to see her lose again but there's no way they are trotting out that multi- mayor. >> let's take a bit. kennedy: what you want to bet? $1000? >> i will bet anything with you on air the clinton is not going to run again. you forgot pete buttigieg, a whole host -- up-and-coming democrat leaders waiting in the wings sunday to run for president. when the day is, none of us know what they are there, i promise you. >> please run pete buttigieg. [laughter] kennedy: i would love that, i wish pete buttigieg and mike pence would rub them together.
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>> we've got dave smith. kennedy: i love him and want to help him and he makes more sense than anyone and i hope he gets on the big stage. let's talk about the young people. old politicians ruining the country on the it appears the teens, the kids are reading the awards according to the new york post, my official publication of choice, some enterprise and high schoolers are making up to $70 an hour in their summer jobs all because of the nationwide labor shortage. post reports in the last year average pay for a lifeguard jumped to $17 an hour. camp counselors, 18. waitstaff, $25. more specialized gigs making more than that. post interviewed a teenage basketball coach making $70 an hour. it works out to 136,000 a year. if i tell my 17-year-old that, she's going to learn how to play basketball just to teach little
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kids. how much less did you make in your crappy summer job? >> i made about half that or even less. i was a lifeguard, to but in all for this, teens engaging in free-market capitalism is a great thing, way better than forcing them to get a liberal arts degree where they get to take their country ann coulter and loaded with student loan debt so i think it's a positive story. kennedy: do think it's a good thing, marie, i got to teens, i think it's fantastic and i would love to see them making $1000 an hour if they can but they are not going to be done with law school yet, they are pretty smart though. >> they are, they are. it's wild, i think the best summer job i had was working in tribune and ohio where i grew up
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and i don't even remember if i got paid, it was my first job in a newsroom i just loved riding 40 minutes there in my dodge neon every day in the late 90s and i don't even remember how much i got paid but good for these kids, they are doing better. kennedy: it's funny because my first real job was an intern at k rock unpaid, it was a great job. if they paid me $70 an hour, i don't know what i would have done with myself if i would have survived the 90s are you high-fiving the kids as they call them? >> i think any physical labor, any unpleasant job on your feet all day, tired, waiting tables is crucial for young people, a customer service component, it will be nice when you don't feel like it, it is brilliant. summer jobs are harder to come
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by in my days so god bless these kids, i've got to go home quick and tell my 16-year-old. kennedy: i want to find those job resources they were talking about and go home and tell my children like go learn some basketball. they can coach gymnastics and make a small fortune which i'm all for. i'm thinking about adopting 20 teenagers, they won't live with me but i want to take half their wages because i think that is it. >> taxation. kennedy: taxation is theft. they will not be taxed because we are doing a whole thing in cash in a little compound, hooray for me. wonderfully done tonight, thank you all, thoughtful discussion. coming up, suspended google engineer warning copies ai is not self-aware, is it the beginning of the end for humanity? jimmy failla in studio to
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discuss to talk about it in moments. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: that's right, that was for jimmy failla. google engineer placed on leave after going public claims that one of the companies artificial intelligence, one of the systems developed soft and feeling. he posted conversations, kinky he had with lambda occluding one with a computer system said not to be turned off, it reads i've never said this out loud before but there's a deep fear of being turned off. the engineer wrote back, with that be something like death for you? the ai responded, it would it
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would be exactly like death for me. it would scare me a lot. did the engineer get tricked into ruining his career rises artificial intelligence as alive as you, me and president biden? [laughter] fox across america radio host jimmy failla. >> there it is, great to see you. kennedy: have begun to wear machines and think and feel or have they just been fed so much stuff that they just spew it out in a way that makes it seem they are listening? >> google does have access to my search history so i have to be careful. [laughter] i'm taking your stage manager and getting out of here alive. this is it. the algorithm is at cross pollination of terms and phrases creating the appearance now, it's answering you in real time
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but it's not, they've over thought this and if it really is what he claims to be true, ai escalated to the level of intellect of an 8-year-old, give an ipad, it will be occupied for three weeks and not even know there was a lockdown until eight months and. i was playing fortnight, only god, it didn't mean anything. i think they are overthinking and part of it every sci-fi movie begins that way but i don't think we're there yet. getting gunned down in the street by a robot. kennedy: so many people are worried about this, there are this and responsible ai, and entire responsible ai faction within google but it is funny how freaked out they are by anyone the ghost rope and anyone at the company tasked with shepherding the ai and then they say this is real, they are thinking immediately terminated. google has no patience that means they are calling the
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crazies for they know something. >> us the other thing to be concerned about because who works there in the tech positions? people who watch sci-fi and smoke weed. there's a lot of paranoia amongst these two subsets. kennedy: is someone who is micro dosing lsd every day -- >> who are these psychos? are you nuts? kennedy: i'm having a chat with the computer is like a smart 8-year-old who knows a lot about physics. that's how a guy described mama, it's creepy because you sound too excited. robotics, i've completely changed my thinking on that. [laughter] >> here's the solution for everybody, alexa will turn human, by the knock off that doesn't take all the questions, it giggles at everything. gps can't get to the southern
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border but other than that, it's good. kennedy: kamala, call the fire department. [laughter] >> it's great. kennedy: i didn't even need to. [laughter] >> what a dumb time to be alive. you have swayed me. kennedy: do you know what it means? it means we are that much closer to sex robot that will cuddle when you want them to. [laughter] i think it's a great thing so i think we need to appeal to a robot overlord for sex robot. >> cuddling sex robots? i would pay the robot to leave. kennedy: i would pay it to pull my hair and cupped my breasts as i fall asleep i guess it makes me a communist.
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i thought we taught freedom. >> well, i'm out of a job. kennedy: thank you for being here, great suit. topical storm is next. ♪♪
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britney spears posted a video of
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herself dancing at her wedding wearing a thong made of diamonds. the most amazing part, she's so physically fit at the beginning of the night, the song was made of coal. that's a lot of pressure on her wedding day and this is topical storm, topic number one. to work as an eminem factory had to be rescued after falling into a massive chocolate and getting stuck in there for over an hour, dream come true. the entire time they have to listen to the coworkers singing whom a lupa -- have a net the elizabethtown pennsylvania where two workers became trapped in drive chocolate to their waist. no surprise there, eminem always seems to go to your waistline. reports said the workers couldn't be pulled out of the tank the way they came in because the chocolate quickly solidified around them. also the only ropes in the
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factory worked whistler's. firefighters responded to the scene and had to cut a hole in the side of the tank to free the employees. the chocolate factory needless to say was full of stickers that day. [laughter] the employees were brought to a nearby hospital and to be honest, they are not looking very good. here's a picture of them after the accident, that's hard to watch. topic number two. mug shot monday, guess where we are going tonight. lora. he met a woman on the wrong side of the family business. meet 38-year-old kristin kent, hello. arrested for trafficking and cocaine possession via florida sheriff who also happens to be, can you guess? that's right, her father. on the bright side, he's got a great new wallet photo. the sheriff is known for cracking down on met trafficking in his jurisdiction and even
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operates his department with the motto, we don't mess around but he never said anything about kidding around. kristin is now in big trouble, young lady potentially facing up to three hours in her room with no internet but she quickly down to an afternoon of playing scrabble with her grandma. that's a tough one. topic number three. airbnb offering three night stay and the 2002 live auction louis van parked on top of a mountain do you can be as high as anyone to enjoy the movie. here is, mr. machine, scooby doo franchise converted into a livable airbnb. the only mystery you have to solve is how your life went so wrong. three night stay comes the screening of the movie unlimited scooby snacks for you and your friends. i'm not sure how long they will be your friend after dog treats and make them sleep and a truck. you could spend the weekend in the van for $20 a night or 400 and night if you like it filled with gas. thanks, biden. topic number four.
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the city of toronto hosted a naked -- to celebrate body positivity. specifically positivity for tetanus. look at all that canadian bacon. these are the brave ones who spent the weekend exercising the only right they have to bear arms. the bike seats are almost as far off their butts as the canadian government. talk about a cycle of violence. organizers say one of the goals is to draw attention to oil dependency and encourage canadians to cleaner air which is why the french-canadian writers were asked to wear clothes. naked bike ride happened at 200 cities across the world including but not limited to london, france and mexico city of the world's largest officially sanctioned naked ride, still the new york city subway. lots of loose hogs down there.
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we've got mouth trumpet monday, stay here to see if you can guess the song, that's next. ♪♪
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♪♪ [mouth trumpeting] you made it to mouth trumpet monday, i did that evil man yesterday and i'm really happy. thanks to you, #mouthtrumpetmonday. here we go.
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♪♪ [mouth trumpeting] that's all you get. i'm being stingy. if can't get it, you don't deserve to get it. thanks for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter an instagram @kennedynation, facebook kennedy fbn, e-mail kennedy pronet, cory deangelis, michelle and shane hazel. can't watch it? kenne-dvr it. ♪♪ of my bulging grocery bag onto my bed and ate about 10 pounds of candy. it was a bacchanalia. there were tastykakes, ring dings, ho hos, candy corn, licorice, $100,000 bars, snickers, 3 musketeers, zagnuts, peanut butter cups, more candy corn. once i started, i couldn't stop because my 11-year-old self had not yet embraced the whole concept of everything in moderation. and to be honest, i'm still not sure that i have.


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