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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 21, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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♪. gronk retiring from the nfl after 13 years. he came out of retirement to join tampa bay buccaneers for his friend tom brady. i saw him wearing a spongebob backpack in miami. kid you not. see you tomorrow. >> happening now d.c. mayhem that could affect you. president biden he is talking about fixes to stop inflation that his spending and d.c. spending helped ignite. fixes that even barack obama had mocked as political gimmicks that won't work. and this, former treasury secretary larry summers out with his really shocking and crazy fix. that the only way to stop inflation that millions need to lose their jobs. seriously? weren't 22 million jobs destroyed in the democrat led shut down?
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congressman french hill, jason smith, brian steil. dr. oscar odom, economist lindsey piegza, former federal prosecutor jim trusty and dr. marty makary, a fox news contributor. we have a political seismic shift. a new report, florida, florida is no longer a swing state. voters are leaving the democrat party. plus defund the police triggers a mass exodus of cops across the nation as violent crime and homicides spike coast to coast. police departments they're taking drastic action to get cops in the door. we've got the story. major court victory for voters against the far left defund police push. and the inspector general for health and human services and government watchdog groups, they're finding major conflicts of interest involving how the national institutes of health spend your tax money. it involves grantees ties to foreign governments.
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after dr. fauci testified there are no problems at all. new report, the white house making biden's border collapse even worse by getting rid of trump's immigration judges. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: okay, some good news. we had a rally on ball street today. the dow, s&p, nasdaq all up, more than 2% as tech and energy stocks, they led the charge back. stocks last week had their worst showing since march 2020. look at twitter stock. it is ending up as twitter's board unanimously move of elon musks reported 44 billion-dollar takeover. muck elon musk muck is outraging people on the left, recession is coming. democrats say no way. potential price caps from oil on russia, as foreign policy move
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nothing to do with inflation. edward lawrence in washington with more. edward? reporter: president joe biden feeling all kinds of pressure now as we get closer to the midterm elections we're starting to hear many types of ideas to lower inflation. treasury secretary janet yellen saying today that they are looking at price controls on oil barrels and trying to get other countries on board. >> we are talking about price caps or a price exception that would enhance and strengthen recent and proposed energy restrictions by europe, united states and uk and others that would push down the price of russian oil and depress putin's revenues while allowing more oil supply to reach the global market. reporter: also on the table gas card rebates as well as suspension of the national gas tax in time for the elections. republicans say all the president has to do is reverse energy policies that added regulations and restrict supply in the u.s.
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>> trying to starve capital from industries critical to america. the result of this is going to be more inflation, higher prices. it is going to make our nation less competitive as a whole. reporter: nothing from the white house has anything to do with the inflation policies that sparked the gas prices we're seeing today. >> thank you, edward lawrence. good to see you. look who is here, congressman french hill from husband financial services stifel chief economist lindsay piegza. thanks for being here tonight, congressman. first your reaction to reaction to edward lawrence's report. why is the government's answer to with price controls? >> thank you, elizabeth. isn't that ridiculous. we're going back to the nixon, carter ford, administration, price controls control inflation or windfall profits tax or biden proposal to increase taxes on
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oil producers by $145 billion. none of these things will work. none of these things will increase production or lower the price of oil at the pump for american families. elizabeth: to the congressman's point, lindsey, you've been really sharp what is driving inflation. the president is talking about short-term fixes like a federal gas tax holiday. lindsey, even senator barack obama mocked this as gimmicks. show that in the next segment. want your reaction to treasury secretary yellen opening up a keystone pipeline is also quote a short-term fix. watch this. >> with that said would you consider reopening presidential permit for the keystone pipeline? >> that is up for the president to consider. i don't think it is something even if it were allowed would take years to come into completion. so i don't see it as short-term measure to address the current
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situation. elizabeth: also talking about 11,000 jobs here, right? so this is roundinger ross, not good enough. short term measures. your reaction, lindsey. >> to her point that is long-term spending strategy but we need short term reprieve and pathway to sustainable energy production. in the near term we could take emergency measures that the government implements after natural disasters such as hurricanes to increase energy production. but longer term we could also change our energy policies to encourage investment in infrastructure such as pipelines. but also have more frequent and predictable lease sales. and, a number of regulations could also be reversed to allow more capital to flow into the industry. so i do think that chair yellen is correct saying that the keystone pipeline will not give consumers immediate relief tomorrow but there are pathways that the president can take to provide that short-term relief as well as longer term policy
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implementation that could put infrastructure in place so we don't run into the problem yet again down the road. elizabeth: turn on the u.s. energy spigots. congressman, there is also this. u.s. treasury secretary larry summers, he is out with this shocker affix to inflation that millions need to lose their jobs to contain inflation. talking a one year spike to 10% unemployment. then saying two years of 7 1/2% joblessness. by the way this is so out there. people are saying this is crazy. also doesn't this violate congress's dual mandate for the fed, maximum employment and stable prices? what do you think of this idea? >> well, larry summers has been right for months in urging the biden administration not to spend so much money increasing demand. he urged the federal reserve to start shrinking his balance sheet and raise interest rates months and months ago. so larry summers has been right heretofore. what he is countering today is
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the stark contrast, when you keep spending money that you don't have -- elizabeth: wait a minute he is talking about getting rid of jobs. democrat shutdowns wiped out 22 million jokes we're -- jobs that we're crawling back. do we want to get rid of jobs to contain inflation? >> what he is arguing, liz, you let this run, fiscal policy of the biden administration, kept printing money at the fed you have to raise interest rates sharply. he assumes that is large increase in unemployment. what jay powell is trying to do have it both ways have his cake, eat it too, which minimized the impact on employment while he tries to drown out inflationary expectations. >> there is seismic shift, lindsey. i want your reaction to what larry summers is saying in the context of this. charles cook is saying in "the national review" florida is no longer a swing state. that so many voters in florida are fleeing the democrat party, it is no longer purple. it is red. what do you say? >> i think right now voters are
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recognizing that the earlier policies of the biden administration did contribute to the shortfall that the economy is facing right now, rising prices at the pump, at the grocery store. are making it very difficult for the average american household, average small business in this country to survive. so we don't need more of the same. we need different policies. but in terms of what the federal reserve can do, i think larry summers is pointing out at the fact that the fed has very limited control over inflationary pressures we're seeing in the economy at this point, because the vast majority stems from supply side constraints or variables that are outside of the fed's control. so if in fact the fed wants to bring down prices more than they otherwise would be able to with traditional monetary policy metrics they are going to have to force a very severe recession which to larry summers point which would result in elevated unemployment. elizabeth: how about strengthening the dollar? you know? by the way, let's watch the president's daughter stepping in
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to save the president after he loses it on a reporter. you will see the president make another blunder. watch this. >> you made up your mind on china tariffs, sir? president biden: we're in the process of doing that. reporter: you're lifting the tariffs. president biden: we're in the process of making up my mind. >> more likely than ever. president biden: don't make things up, okay? you sound like a republican politician. i'm joking that is a joke. all kidding aside, no, i don't think it is. one of the things you may recall i initiated was international flat tax. >> no more. no more. president biden: 140 some nations to sign on it. i'm coming. this is my son bo's favorite daughter. she is trying to tell me, dad, pop, keep going. elizabeth: we're in the process of making up my mind. so there is a committee.
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who is the committee of we in the president's mind? by the way knew he was for international flat tax? >> oh, i don't even know what to say to that, liz. he is using kamala harris's speechwriter. just another nonsensical comment from our president. he is not for a global flat tax. president trump is the one who reformed international taxes in such a way that brought a trillion dollars home, increased investment here. we now have the highest level of corporate tax revenues in the history of the country. elizabeth: you know, to the congressman's point, right? lindsey your final word. you're right, the federal reserve can't fox gas prices right? the federal reserve can't fix supply chain or baby shortage formula. president invoked the defense production act to get more baby formula supplies. the store shelves are still empty. you do not shut down entire
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sectors and threaten u.s. companies like airlines or energy sector. should unleash the power of the u.s. economy to get rid of inflation. what do you think, final word? >> absolutely. many fiscal policies we've seen are currently proposed doing the exact opposite what we need in this economy. rendering the question of whether or not politicians simply don't understand what is happening out in the economy or worse, they simply don't care. elizabeth: got it. congressman hill, lindsey piegza, great to have you on. seismic shift. we'll stay on this, that new report that florida is no longer a swing state. voters leaving the democrat party. plus president biden getting blasted by democrats in his own party for going to saudi arabia over oil. economists and wall streeters are saying why not avoid all this and make the u.s. energy independent again? all these stories and more ahead on on "the evening edit." reporter: i was. president biden: i was talking
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to larry summers this morning. recession is not nestable. >> recession is not inevitable. >> i don't think recession at all is inevitable. i had been giving koli kibble. it never looked like real food. with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. as he's aged, he's still quite energetic and youthful. i really attribute that to diet. get started at >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. i really attribute that to diet. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule.
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this story, defund the police, that push, it is triggering an exodus of cops across the nation as violent crime spikes coast to coast. doctor, police departments we're seeing reports, they're taking drastic action to take more cops in the door. they're potentially lowering recruiting standards in states like illinois, missouri, connecticut, lowering educating requirements, giving prior small board drug use. what do you think of this new trend? >> this is what we call insanity because, like the movie, i always say from a few good men, you need me on that line, you want me on that line. here they go lowering the standards when complaining so of what police are doing, when they have experienced police officers majority of the time are doing right thing, 1%, less than 1% mess up they try to blame everybody about what is taking place. they need to be evidence-based and data driven and look at data to see what police officers are
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doing. when they lower the standards they are going to pay. i like to see the type of advertisement politicians will have to try to recruit someone to take a job where you are second-guessed, you put your life on the line, see what happens next. elizabeth: doctor, we are in the middle of historic crime wave. you talked about this. 30% spike in homicides. first six months five cities are getting smacked hard. minority neighborhoods are slammed by rising crime. what is more of a violation of civil rights than an innocent citizen, black person, or african-american, or asian or hispanic getting killed because of defund police other weak on crime policies? >> once again, that is another term called insanity for them. like i would say, they need to give us their police security details, walk out there, look at numbers, i always say a dead body, is a dead body. it doesn't lie. when you add up numbers you see what happens, there is more proof to show you they need to
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stop the defund the police movement and make sure they're putting in the right resources there, at the end of the day, when you start counting bodies you will see what's what. there will being bigger impact on the communities, with more people dying because of gun violence. summer just started. wait until it begins. elizabeth: doctor, this looks like a sea change, a hinge point a turning point. the minnesota supreme court delivered a big group for minneapolis residents, suing due to influx of crime into their neighborhoods after defund the police movement. the court is saying minneapolis you violated city charter. you didn't hire enough cops. you have to bring on more than 730 police officers. so that is a sea change. >> most definitely. i'm glad somebody is looking into the merit to see exactly what happens and looking at the data, and realize what is taking place with the police? when we look at the data, like i
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said, look at the data, look at arrests police officers have made regarding homicides, robberies assaults. like i said, one thing happens or something, then you try to sweep everybody in law enforcement with that think of nobility one must have, receive a call, man with a gun, running into the building, selfless sacrifice with their life. they may have family themselves, they go in there without any hesitation to go see what takes place. you are causing cops to hesitate by different defund the police movements, wait hold up. why would one rush into something when you may be second-guessed and lose your life, lose your career and -- elizabeth: officer fatalities in the line of duty spiked more than half from 2021 versus 2020. you know, we hear you loud and clear. police officers is really dangerous to do that job. you know, thousands were injured in the 2020 riots. let's watch, many of them were killed.
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let's watch civil rights attorney leo terrell on this. watch. >> the democrats are soft on crime. they want to claim that they're systemic racism and systemic discrimination. in those five democratic cities you have people of color being killed by people of color and by different other groups. yet the democrats won't do anything about it. why? because that is black lives matter. that is antifa. what you have, you have soft on crime prosecutors, people who the democrats allegedly care about, people of color in the democratic cities, they don't care about. elizabeth: we're seeing in philadelphia, like 80% of the people murdered there are black people. it is happening in cities across the nation. why the silence about this, dr. odom? >> well, one of the things i would say that you know, obviously they don't go according to their motto when they say see something, say something. like i say, they see something. people say something then they do nothing. so that becomes oxymoron right there. i'm seeing something and i'm
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saying something but then you do nothing. then what happens? the bodies continue to pile up. i can't put it anymore vivid than that. that should shock the conscious to allow you to look at despite all the rhetoric. look at bodies. we need to save the children. save communities. go according to the constitution. make sure everybody is able to walk around, enjoy freedoms protected under the united states constitution. first taken amendments of united states constitution is the bill of rights. elizabeth: okay. >> this is what we embrace. this is what we look at. allowing people to go reckless, defund the police, not allowing police officers to be there, is is wsouetet eliz have you to t to see you. inn tsresidentsident bidengngngng slamm l loo r quickixixo g gas n tnhattt even t r oba oma r riculeds as gimmick, that it doesn't work. the story ahead on "the evening edit." >> this isn't an idea designed
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elizabeth: joining us now the ranking member of house budget also with house ways and means. he is congressman jason smith. always a pleasure to have you on. first, congressman, sit tight. i want you to listen to this. the president says he is considering a federal gas tax holiday to bring down prices. then senator obama called that a
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gimmick, not a fix. reporter: pause in the federal gas tax, mr. president. we know you're considering it. the secretary spoke about it yesterday. president biden: considering it. reporter: how soon can you expect a decision. president biden: i hope i have decision based on data i'm looking for by the end of the week. >> oil companies like shell and bp reported record thed record profits we're arguing over gimmick to save awe tank of gas. own on tire summer so politicians in washington can pat themselves on the back to say something. elizabeth: what would you say, congressman? >> i would say one rare time i would agree with president obama. clearly what joe biden is doing now is a political gimmick to help this coming election cycle. i guarranty you pass the legislation they would exempt taxes on gas, would only last until after the election. that is exactly what this administration would do. what is scary is, what joe biden
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said back in 2019. he said look into my eyes. i guarranty you, i guarranty you, i will limit nate fossil fuels. that is exactly what they are trying to do. they are trying to implement the policies of the green new deal. that is why people are paying $5 for gas. it cost me more than $150 to fill up my f-150 back home this weekend. it's a disaster. they want everybody to drive an electric vehicle that costs $60,000. >> 2 woe destroy tens of millions of jobs across the nation. we never seen a government attack u.s. energy before. u.s. energy under obama kept the united states from toppling into recession. it saved united states from going into recession after the financial collapse. president biden is under increasing pressure by middle east allies to come up with a plan about iran. congressman you know about this. he is going to saudi arabia next month. reaction to republican michael waltz, that biden would beg
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saudis to pump more oil then take on progressives or produce more oil. watch this. >> isn't it incredible the president boxed himself in with the as nine energy policy. it is transparent to everyone to mother may i, beg and plead for the saudis to pump more when all he would have to do is take on the progressives here back home and pump more, which oh, by the way is cleaner american oil and gas. elizabeth: what do you say, congressman? the average family will pay about $4800 more this year, more this year for gas? that is a 70% jump versus last year. what do you say to this? >> liz on day one, president biden has created war on u.s. energy. in fact he would rather negotiate with people who love to burn our flag rather than go to midland, texas. rather than go to north dakota
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or pennsylvania. the fact he is beholden to the left-wing of his party is unacceptable. think about this, just six weeks ago joe biden in his budget proposed a 45 billion-dollar tax increase on u.s. energy only to drive up prices for gas for all families. it is unacceptable what they're trying to do. he is just trying to implement the policies of the green new deal at the expense of all american families. elizabeth: final thing, you're going to see democrat congressman eric swalwell. eric swalwell is saying the president doesn't have to go to saudi arabia to address rising gas prices. watch this. >> i don't like it. i wouldn't do it if i was, energy prices are soaring worldwide and saudis control a lot of the oil. i think you can do that without meeting with the crown prince but you know, i will leave it to president biden relying on our good faith alliances, people you know who are honorable and show moral integrity is as moral actor than like the crown prince. elizabeth: do you, congressman,
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do you trust and agree with representative swalwell on this? by the way did he question biden's quote moral integrity? >> what i'm seeing is joe biden needs to pay attention to u.s. energy. go to midland, texas, go to north dakota, go to pennsylvania. don't go to saudi arabia, iran, venezuela, concentrate on u.s. energy. instead of creating war on u.s. energy. that is what joe biden needs to do. but instead he wants everyone to drive a 60,000-dollar electric vehicle and he wants rural america to pay at the expense of his environmental elitists. elizabeth: congressman, what was your reaction germany, germany is now forced to fire up their coal plants for electricity because russia is cutting the natural gas supplies there? germany is saying their situation is deteriorating rapidly. they need to burn coal for electricity production. what is your reaction to this story? >> you know u.s. needs to use
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all forms of energy. that is what germany is doing right now. that is what the united states needs to do. we have more coal in the united states than saudi arabia has oil. we need to use all forms -- elizabeth: can we do it cleanly? can we do it cleanly? >> we absolutely can do it cleanly. we can do it cleaner than any other country, especially china. under president trump we reduced more emissions than any other country in the world. we have a record of it. we can do that. president biden needs to look at the trump administration record, learn from it. elizabeth: congressman smith, great to see you, come back soon. this blockbuster story coming out of the inspector general for health and human services finds serious potential conflicts of interest accountability problems involving how the nih spends your tax money. this after dr. fauci testifies repeatedly there are no problems at all. we're digging in next on "the evening edit". ♪
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elizabeth: joining us now, fox news contributor, he is dr. marty makary. doctor, calls great to have you on. okay, health human services inspector general put out a report, serious potential conflict of interests problems at powerful nih. severe lack of accountability and transparency. dr. fauci repeatedly testified there are no problems at all. nih drove shutdown policies. the nih gives out $31 billion annually in research grants and tax funding to research scientists, drug companies, health care and the like. a watchdog saying 2/3 did not possibly close potential conflict of interests and ties to foreign governments and companies. we don't know the name of these guest governments or companies but this threatens the integrity of nih according to the watchdogs. >> that's right. conflict of interest disclosure is standard in science. it is standard in medical journals. it is standard in research.
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it is standard in every time you present at a conference. it is standard at universities. the federal government has a sunshine website where any payments to doctors for pharma, devices go by law on that website, except for nih staff. nih had the carveout that is inexplicable. they manage 4billion dollars a year. there is no disclosure. that is no. elizabeth: how can dr. faucci say the system is fine? >> the agency is work as defined. they gave them inex-flickly carveout. they may be following the letter of the law but not interest of disclosure. only time dr. fauci is asked he received right to pharma, one time during 2 1/2 years in the
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senate. one time it take as senate hearing for single journalist of the united states, out of tens of thousands of interviews to ask him the bay i -- basic answ. elizabeth: he is being technically correct and political, right? you see dr. fauci refused to say nih will not stop funding china psych research. w.h.o. says china should be investigated for letting pandemic leak out of a lab. dr. faucci talking about what you're talking about, royal payments that nih staffers make from drug companies and. >> when will you as head of nih stop funding chinese research. >> the nih and had peer reviewed colleagues that led to major advances in buy emedical research. so i don't think i would be able to tell you that we're going to
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stop funding chinese. >> can you tell me that you have not received a royalty proany entity that you ever oversaw distribution of money in research grants? >> you know i don't know as a fact but i doubt it. >> he doesn't know as a fact but he doubts it? how can he not know whether money is going into your wallet? >> not only does this look bad, liz, but it is important. when you're being payed by big pharma, look, let's be honest some government agencies act as subsidiaries of big pharma, you will of course have a conflict when you're sidelining generic drug to repurpose like flu vox a mean which has been discussed but. downplay therapeutics. this conflict of interest is important in the public light. elizabeth: here is what else they're finding out doctor, that
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the hhs watchdog, group open the books, they're talking about failures to disclose what these scientific researchers are getting from foreign governments as they're getting nih taxpayer money. the security of u.s. biomedical research could be at risk that they could bias their research in favor of these foreign governments they have ties to. the hhs watchdog doctor, said one out of 10 much these grantees did not do mandated reviews disclosing potential conflicts of interest involving ties to foreign governments. how can we say, how can dr. fauci say everything is aboveboard. there is no way knowing sheer scale of foreign corruption here. that is what open the book says. >> the reason i think this is important, liz. why are we funding reouch overseas in many of these wealthy countries? doesn't china have enough money to fund its own research? not only do we have a total secrecy with nih funding internal but with the grantees.
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that is concerning. >> dr. fauci would say they're doing terrific research, could lead to drug and vehicle seen by these governments. what would you say to that? >> well i would say look, if you're upset about the new variants of covid you can look to the scientists that brewed this up in the lab. downplaying of that lab leak was called out by two u.s. signs scientists in emergency meeting exposed by fox news. that information has come out. elizabeth: dr. marty makary, so good to have you on. come back soon. we have this new report, the white house making biden's border collapse even worse, getting rid of trump's immigration judges that story ahead on "the evening edit".
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elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show former federal prosecutor jim trusty. it is great to have you back on, jim, it is good to see you. this report from "the washington times." "the washington times" is reporting that the white house has been getting rid of trump's
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immigration judges from immigration courts just as they handle biden's border collapse. talking about half a dozen judges. this is the democrat version of court packing on steroids, what they're doing to the immigration courts. what do you see here? we're seeing it throughout homeland security and throughout border patrol, people are getting ousted. >> yeah, i mean look, there is two-ways to look at it. one is a simplistic way, this is the spoils of elections and warring bureaucrats jockeying for these positions in ad administrative court. i think you have to accept the greater context though. you have to realize the executive office of immigration which is what we're talking about here, it falls under the attorney general, okay? this is not like a typical court. this is an administrative law judges. it falls under the attorney general. the attorney general is letting a message go down we want all illegal aliens to stay in this country. that is the unmistakable message here. because the remain in mexico
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policy is being complied to the tune of 1%. the folks that come in face a judge typically can't establish asylum legally because asylum is a very narrow construct. so legally speak about 98% of asylum claims eventually fail but if you defer these down to administrators within the department of homeland security or if you pack the court or both which is what we're seeing happen here, then you can start tilting the scales where people even with bogus asylum claims are allowed to stay in this country. if you look at the open context of a open southern border is consistent with that. packing the court people that will expand the use of asylum to let people stay as long as they want. >> issue too, jim, these are, administrative positions. they don't go through senate review, senate confirmation. they're beholden to what the justice department is saying.
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"the washington times" one official called this unprecedented injection of politics into the court system, into the immigration court system. we have activists groups attacking immigration judges as quote racist. they're trying to basically get people to attack them on twitter and social media, painting them as racists if they're tough on what congress is writing in the border laws. >> right. i mean they smell blood. they have politically receptive ears in the attorney general's office, the attorney general himself and the administration. this is a bad moment again in terms of really accepting kind of far left notions about immigration at the expense of fairness and at the expense of community safety. there is going to be people that slip through this incredibly wide open net that have no business being in this country no matter how sympathetic you are to the overall plight of illegal aliens. there are people coming in from all over the world and it is going to end badly for this country. there will be a lot to answer for. by the way the inspector general
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had similar accusations made against some of the trump appointments couple years ago, basically said there is not even enough to open a case. all right? we'll see now if the inspector general hears all this information, recognizes what is going on. there may be a lot for them to look at, for them to identify and hopefully to fix. we'll have a real good test whether the inspector general does their job in the near future. >> i didn't mean to talk over you, i'm so sorry. this is critic says way to do shadow amnesty to clear the dockets. final word. >> yeah, look the further they get away from typical judicial review of asylum claims the more mischief they can make. they can find ways to delegate it down to dhs officials. to expand the use of asylum that it was never intended to cover and a court of sympathetic groups that want everyone to stay. tough times ahead when it comes to legal versus illegal immigration. elizabeth: it will hit pockets
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of taxpayers around the country. jim trusty. good to see you. a growing number of parents getting shocking news about children dying from fentanyl poisoning. we have the report ahead on "the evening edit." >> in biden's case he doesn't just fall off his bicycle. he takes the country with him. look at biden's open door policy in the southern border, biden's allies releasing murderers. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug.
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this is a disturbing story, mark mark parents across the nation are getting shocking news that their children are suddenly out of the blue die after being poisoned by fundable and counterfeit take drugs and brought on social media. hilary vaughn has more. >> good evening, drug dealers have a new marketplace, social media using emoji's to target customers promising same-day delivery deadly results. >> amy chapman was 16 years old in high school when a drug dealer offered him a menu of prescription drugs on staff chat and delivered it to his doorstep. >> her son got what he thought was a pharmaceutical delivered to him at night after we were
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asleep, as easily as ordering a pizza. we went up to our sons room and found him and what they call the fentanyl death pose. >> drug enforcement agency says prescription drugs xanax and adderall are being marketed to kids all over social media what they get is fentanyl. >> one pill can kill. >> tik tok, meta and staff and emoji's associated with drugs and beefed up their team and technology to catch the content. snap is working on a tool for parents to get more insight into who their kids are talking to but the d.o.j. wants them to do more to stop drugs felt on the platform and catch people doing it. elizabeth: great journalism, brian style from house financial services, congressman, this is an outrage and a disgrace, a
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total disgrace. how do you stop this? what is congress going to do, what is the white house going to do? >> is heartbreaking and his home all across the united states. in wisconsin we lost 68 people last year from pencil related overdose death and the answer is prevent fentanyl from coming into the united states in the first place. customs and border protection capture 13000 pounds of fentanyl coming into the united states last year, enough to have 3 billion lethal doses but drugs are still coming in because we have an unsecured border. the answer is to secure the border, change the policies the biden administration, complete building the wall, invest and border patrol officers and secure the border and send the message out that we are not going to put up with this. elizabeth: the word is out that border patrol and customs officials that morale among their ranks is rock-bottom, demoralize under this white house. he came back from a trip to the border, what did you see? >> i saw firsthand how the border is not secure but i walked off the house floor moments ago, flores was sworn in
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for electing republican along the rio grande valley, people are fed up in south texas and across the country. we take back the speaker's gavel, we can begin the process of securing the border. elizabeth: what are you going to do first? >> number one is we need to begin the wall again. president biden stopped that day one of his administration and we need to hold the biden administration accountable. they want to/home and security's budget by $800 million. completely the wrong direction. we need to invest in u.s. customs and border protection to stop these drugs from coming into our communities and killing americans. elizabeth: but how can he stop congressman congress appropriate the money for the border wall? this is a violation between separate branches. i don't know if this is an impeachable offense but not upholding the border laws and constitution, that's questioned other he can be impeached by
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this because under his white house, the president's home and security, numbers and coming in 1.05 million illegal were crossers coming into the u.s. since he took office. other numbers are higher when you include getaways, it could be two or 3 million. there are so many coming, border towns have no place to put them, you know this, the white house is considering busting and flying even more illegal immigrants further into u.s. cities into the u.s. interior. >> it's an absolute disaster and you can see it firsthand. we were down for democrats and publicans on the border, democrats don't want to talk about this, the border crisis but absolutely we see it firsthand. i disagree with the judge is allowing president biden to stop construction at the border. republicans take control in the house, we have the opportunity to finally hold this administration accountable for its horrific actions at the border. elizabeth: united states is an open arms nation, we want immigrants to come legally. you do it illegally, it's breaking the law.
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quick ten seconds. >> we saw it firsthand at the southern border, we need to stop it, the reason women like flores were elected to the house. elizabeth: good to see you. i'm elizabeth macdonald, even watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, help you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: welcome to it, law enforcement sponsors was an abject failure of students and teachers in uvalde texas likely died because of police in action and now we have the pictures to prove it. it's now 28 days since a crazed gunman stormed into robbed elementary school and killed 19 young students and two of the teachers. twenty-eight days since the town


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