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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 27, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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don't want to solve it. it's not part of their agenda, they are going to be beholden to the far radical left and pay for it every step of the way particularly come november. elizabeth: thanks for joining us. good to see you. i'm elizabeth macdonald, he been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, that does it for us, we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: hey guys. welcome to a new week. anything going on? not really. shockwaves continue to reverberate after the supreme court overturned roe v. wade, outrage on one side, gelation on another, a nation already so divided, where we go next? three days since the top court released controversial ruling. what followed, grotesque violence, threats and chaos in progressive lawmakers who don't like the decision vowing to impeach conservatives. and packed the court.
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>> a confirmation hearing is an impeachable offense. >> i believe so. i believe lying under oath is an impeachable offense. >> this court lost legitimacy. i believe we need to get some confidence back in our court and that means we need more justices on the united states supreme court. kennedy: we need more justices on the united states supreme court that are on the jet roster. democrats scream from the rafters, voters say the ruling may not really affect the november midterms. could that be? watch this. >> does it affect the midterms, it will be nominal. >> you have to support the candidate to make sure women's rights are protected. >> the people pro-life are republican twice are democrat. i don't think it will change the votes. kennedy: how seismic of the decision was this and how might
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it play out? what does it mean in the long run? tonight party panel, new york post columnist and spectator usa contributor, karol markowicz. democrat strategist radio host and fox news contributor, she's in bruin yellow in front of blue and blue, lesley marshall i approve. host of the radical shane hazel podcast and georgia libertarian gubernatorial candidate, shane hazel is back. excellent work, everyone. i'm just saying that as if we were in a time machine, great panel, let's start. i'm kind of relieved the reactions weren't as bad as it would have been, i think if this decision had come down and been surprised, if the pump hadn't been primed and may, do think it would have been worse with the hadn't been the link? >> absolutely. i think it was supposed to be bad for repugnance but i think it helped because it tempered
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the hysteria or outrage over the decision so i think it ends up helping because the conservative side is able to explain when roe v. wade is overturned, it would still only be a state decision, it would mean abortion was outlawed throughout the land so that is a plus and i think you can see republican's are being quiet right now as aoc and people feel space talk about talking to court and doing crazy things and i'm hoping democrats follow her off the cliff which they might because what democrats do. kennedy: let me ask you as a parent, as a mom, this is what i am trying to figure out because to me it's a bunch of different things lumped together as one thing because sex for most people is just sex, and enjoyable thing we are driven to do but it doesn't necessarily mean pregnancy or baby. should the decision mean we conflate everything and now
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associate sex with babies? >> i'm on the left here, maybe you forgot. that seems from where i sit to be the view from the right is if you have sex, he will get pregnant and people like me who are pro-choice want everybody to abort their babies and that is not the case but it may be up for grabs especially if you want sex with somebody as the same gender as yourself looking at the amendment and looking at privacy and clarence thomas and others on the right. here's where i stand as a mother, my kids won't be going to college anymore, boy or girl. concerned frankly, about what is coming not just 26 states and counting but what happens if republicans giving them control of the house and senate and white house, for years from now or two and a half years, what
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will happen then? they are talking about a federal ban and federal trump state and the people say you live in california, you can't get abortion anytime, that won't be the case in all 50 states, that concerns me, same-sex marriage and sex and constant hudson's want. kennedy: i thought you would be for same-sex marriage and contraception so your -- >> i am for it, i'm not for the right being stripped and that's the danger. kennedy: it's interesting because i will give you that, i do think this goes to show how even ginsberg revealed years ago she thought roe v. wade bangle on a precipice and not foundational like so many people believed. that is one thing but they can't take back gay marriage or take away contraception. >> i will stand in the way of
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those two bullet trains. kennedy: hang on -- >> you cannot take back marriage you cannot take back contraception, toothpaste is out of the horse, shane. >> decentralization is where that. this is what's going to happen, it's happened with cannabis across the country and i'm happy to see this happening with abolition and gen the hands of government, absolutely a disaster. if you look at places like chicago with the left where they outlawed buns, it's disastrous with the rest of the country and most places where they have gone out and done abolition with the drug war, it is a disaster. the same thing at the federal level with abortion, we've seen abortion in this country in terms of infanticide, 70 million babies slaughtered. the best thing we could have done was get this out of the hands of the federal government
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and decentralized it and it's a nuanced conversation i think if we examined it, most people who are pro-life, if they consider murderers and thieves and the government drive off taking money and murdering people, they wouldn't put the choice of life for babies or anybody in the hands of government. kennedy: they would it also acknowledge there's a death involved regardless of who should make the decision and i do believe it is incredibly personal decision and not something that should be about like a political beach ball at a fish concert, it's much more personal, much more profound than that and i think both sides have been incredibly irresponsible here and one of the responses i've seen people glamorizing it, it is offensive and wrong and not the way we should be talking about it
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regardless of how fundamentally the conversations are between a woman and her doctor, i'm sorry but i do believe in this case about everybody has it wrong and it's ended up in the wrong place and you say abolition, i say prohibition whenever you have prohibition, it backfires. this is what happens and i don't think the country should be torn apart for good over abortion but people never cease to amaze me. more with the panel in a little bit, stick around. the supreme court justices, they've had a busy month, it's been fun aside from friday's abortion ruling last week the court struck down a new york gun law is restricted concealed handgun carry and they concluded main cannot exclude religious schools from tuition assistance program allowing parents to choose where they send their child. the court ruled the high school football coach had a constitutional right to pray in
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the field after his team's game. coach kennedy, no relation. [laughter] i don't think -- had this to say about his victory. >> thank god, everybody supported me and i found out i'm not insane, it is true of all the facts of the case and it feels good to know the first amendment is alive and well. kennedy: the justices have four remaining cases to decide before they and their terms so how have their decisions ranked on the liberty scale? senior vice president of criminal justice, park neely is back. welcome back. let's discuss, where did the court get it right and where did they go long? first, numerically, how would you rank best cases, decisions we've seen? >> i think the gun case you mentioned is a huge win for the rotarians, second amendment the
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14th amendment, protect the rights not only to keep a gun at home which we found out in 2008 i helped litigate but protects the rights to carry guns outside the home and states like new york and california and massachusetts people show a special need to carry guns, it's gone and now licensed to carry guns, the same with lysis to drive a car. kennedy: that you have assessed they would further than people thought they would, where else did they get right? let's talk about that main school choice case. >> another huge win, we discovered in the last couple of years public schools are not for everybody and there are many ways to provide for public education, including outside traditional public school systems, that's what it does in rural areas in maine that don't have the only public school system for more than 100 years,
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state provide parents with funds to choose the private or public school assumes their children's needs but since 1981, maine decided to exclude from the program religious schools but just because they are religious. we know the constitution doesn't require that so are they allowed to? no, it's just termination saying no schools can participate in the program run by women just because they are women. you can't discriminate against people without good reason, no good reason here so they have to include religious options. another big win for liberty. kennedy: when justice thomas writes gay marriage and contraception were decided on the same principles as roe v. wade, it's unnerving to people particularly in same-sex marriages who don't want their unions annulled. do you think he was free styling here or is that the direction of the court? >> of biggest the direction of the court, justice thomas is expressing his sincere feel for the most important thing to understand is the constitution protects right not specifically
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listed in the text and some of these are uncontroversial like the ability to travel around the country not listed in the constitution. the ability to put food on your family's table to honest work, not listed in the constitution, the list goes on and on. the problem is the supreme court has been completely unserious trying to identify those rights not listed in the text of the constitution but nevertheless are protected they have been doing it in a stop -- profession unpersuasive to most including justice thomas but there are very clear provisions in the constitution that make it clear that our rights protected even if they're not listed in the text and the court has to make a more serious effort to protect those rights. kennedy: is abortion one of those protected rights?
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>> regional libertarians can and do disagree, it's a moral issue and potentially constitutional issue. supreme court reversed roe and casey in the decision, reasonable people can disagree whether that was right or wrong and i am certain nobody's feeling strongly one way or another would be changed by that. newly contentious including among libertarians who can and do disagree on this challenging issue. kennedy: but you know what's interesting? they tend to have rational conversations about it and can to come up with arguments based in reason and not just emotion and if that is the future of the debate we have, it is a brighter one and where we are now. thank you so much. coming up, arizona passed the biggest victory for school choice in american history. here is more good news, it will help families deliberate from oppressive public schools and teachers unions. where other states follow arizona's lead? cory deangelis joins me next. ♪♪
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my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. ♪♪ fun. you'd victory for school choice lawmakers in arizona passed a bill to expand school choice
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funding to all 1.1 k-12 students in the entire state. no matter where students live for their needs, arizona families can choose the best education for their children. they can take $6500 for their kids, they can take the money and run to the school of their choosing. this is the beginning of a nationwide families first education revolution? joining me now, american federation for children senior fellow and grand fellow, cory deangelis is back. great to have you, break it down for us. for people maybe new to the conversation about school choice, maybe they don't know what's happening in other states, why is arizona's boat such a big deal? >> we are pumped up in the school choice movement. 2021 we call it the year of school choice because 19 states extended door and acted programs to fund students as opposed to systems for arizona one upped them all, is a gold standard of
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education freedom and arizona is the number one state for school choice, obviously the clearest biggest victory for school choice in u.s. history. every single family regardless of income can take their children's taxpayer funded education dollars to the education provider of their choosing, a public or private school or home-based educational option. this is the way to do it and other states should follow. kennedy: don't forget charter schools and micro schools and there could be all sorts of educational choices that pop up for families. obviously the reason traditional establishment schools and teachers unions are so worried is that schools are no longer protected, no longer guaranteed funding if they are failing students but i don't just mean giving them bad grades, if they have discipline problems, if
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they have crumbling buildings and don't care about it and didn't care about kids, they are the ones who should worry, how could it have an effect on public schools who haven't had to worry so far? >> another think could be political indoctrination in the classroom, families want kids to learn the basics as opposed to political devices process, that could be another reason families want school choice and it's a rising tide, if families have opportunities, they will take their kids to the schools in line with their values and meet their needs in different ways and the public schools can up their game in response to competition and evidence is clear, 25 and 28 find school choice competition leads to higher outcomes in the public schools, they upped their game in response to competition. kennedy: so now people and principles and administrators no we can't just put their feet up and have retired on-duty
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teachers and skate along like they have and it is exciting parents can figure this out and that's how they find out about good schools and they talk to each other so they realize there's a charter school in the next suburb over, they can look into these things were they didn't know that was possible before so how long will it take before this becomes the standard in education funding next. >> this is the purest form of accountability or strongest form, underperforming private schools shut down underperforming government run schools get more money because they can say we are failing because we didn't have enough money, we saw this with the pandemic. we were close because we needed more money and billions and billions of dollars in ransom payment and tried to stay close going into 2022. this will be up to other states, republicans in particular called
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themselves the parent party all across the nation but in arizona the republicans proved it the only way to truly secure parental rights in education is to fund students directly and empower families to choose. if you want to be the party of parents, here is the way. kennedy: the dumbest thing they could have done and they been doing it for decades, divorced parents from the classroom. parents saw what was going on during the pandemic, it woke them up and now they are no longer, they are not going back to bed, here in this, it's real fights and real campaign issue and republicans and democrats run from this do so at their own political peril. corey deangelis, thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, liberal celebrities are breaking out about overturning roe v. wade. one rockstar said he's ready to renounce his citizenship. haven't we heard this before? tonight in my memo, that's next. ♪♪
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kennedy: people fully unsurprised turn, celebrities losing their mind over the decision to overturn roe v. wade. when the draft decision week in may, i assumed the justices would be like jk. but they double down with the abortion ruling. reactions have been very predicable, marches protest time, some violence, death threats and this threat of relocation from visible generally ignorant, delete joe armstrong put the ranch in ignorant. he told the audience he be moving in with them. [inaudible] [cheering] [inaudible] >> go back to that miserable [bleep].
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kennedy: excuse the country that made me a multimillionaire. billy joe is in california where you can terminate a pregnancy up to 24 weeks. great britain, they don't exactly relock this matt, 23 weeks and six days, that's even less than the u.s. after that, two doctors have to sign off on the procedure. every state excited about abortion will continue to encourage the practice and more conservative states will revert to abortion restriction. you can live in either one of the two americas and cropping the pond, never guarantees you more freedom. how do people not know this already? and mexico you can't get divorced after 12 weeks. in france, 15 weeks, 14 in spain. in italy, you better make up your mind click because you don't want to woo me in your baby maker there. ninety days, 90 days. you don't hear honest comparisons from the squawk is
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about that. just promises to relocate. sadly never materialized, big supreme court decisions and big elections always draw the attention or is out of their case but even though chelsea handler, barbara streisand, will people berg and amber rose promised to move to australia, canada, uk even jupiter. somehow we are still stuck with them. we will know not more gymnastics in the coming years although that will change, empty opinions of self important auto will stay the same. that's the memo. speaking of lumber, musicians, pop stars, politicians and kardashians langone, all claiming to be shocked and horrified over the high court's decision. some say they are packing up and leaving. is this 2016 all over again or do they actually mean it this
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time? party panel is back, karol markowicz, lesley marshall and shane hazel. the statue of liberty going back to france. no, you can't get an abortion that much in france. >> i have no quarrel with people who want to move somewhere that represents their values, i'm in new york right now but publicly i moved to florida because i felt it was a better place for my values to be lived so i get that, go ahead and move but the fact that they never do move is annoying. like you said a lot of these places they consider have stricter abortion laws and they will have to fly back to the u.s. to have that abortion, so awkward. i would love to see one of them do it one day, just move to california or france or britain, do it, i want to watch you do it. kennedy: burn your passport, billy joe, i want to see it. i might send him $100. [laughter] >> i don't understand. we say this country is great and one thing makes it great is the first amendment. then we get on people in the
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exercise of first amendment and they are angry, it's an extremely emotionally charged issue for us to think people wouldn't make threats like this whether idle or not, come on. he's got great music, i'd love to go to a green day concert and he's angry. i think it's awesome people can be angry and didn't have to suffer the dixie chicks did. kennedy: they are called the chicks now, slow your roll but also, i am exercising my first amendment rights to say these people are hypocrites and dingbats and very rarely informed. that's why i don't get my news or opinions from them. shane? >> also he's moving to britain and does not have the first amendment. kennedy: that is true, they do not have a qualified first amendment, i love the ground but i don't think i would love to have a bobby with his foot on my
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neck. or maybe i would. >> auto, overinflated million or overseas, i don't know. navy leading up a little bit of steam, these people are not serious, they are hardly educated in any of this and when it comes down to it, it would be a more sincere if it were more about their rights all the time and they followed up with action so i don't know really. better days on the soundtrack and the rest but stay away from renouncing your citizenship on facebook. kennedy: go ahead, give it up. i want to see how things go because they can't stay away, they can't do it and they won't and that is fine but it's blabber. it's no longer shocking when they are like i just want to get on a rocket ship and go anywhere where trump is not president.
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it's like come on, man. is this really where we planted? it's so predictable and i wish someone would say something thoughtful and nuanced every once in a while. i looked to them to entertainment and escapism but there's no escapism anymore. >> that is right. i think that is what they are missing, they are supposed to be entertainers. the story of the chicks, their audiences turn on them, their first amendment, nobody came and arrested them it's like the audience was like i don't like what you're saying and how can that be my problem that the chicks were abandoned by the audience? i think the celebrities say stupid stuff, sometimes they get pushback and sometimes they don't and a lot of times we laugh about it like we are now and get over it and again, i hope billy joel makes the move because i would like to see it. kennedy: what he did?
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kennedy: i'm going to drink a quart on the plane. bring back a hypersonic jet. speaking of celebrity drama, johnny depp could be in for a huge payday. his role as captain jack sparrow in the pirates of the caribbean ranch eyes for the low, low price of $300 million. disney initially dumped him from the franchise after amber heard accused of abuse but as we all know, court ruled in his favor. his is disney's way of apologizing for throwing him overboard? [laughter] $300 million is what it means to be canceled, that's a sweet deal. [laughter] >> i wish somebody would cancel me and then apologize for even a fraction of that. this is clear, i think they were watching not just the illusion of the trial but what a lot of us saw which is hey, it's not
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him, he's not the bad guy here. a lot of people believe him and his name was dragged through the mud. another entertainer pretty verbal about his opinions and there was one, ronald reagan was an entertainer and he got pretty serious. kennedy: and became the greatest president in the country's history, sorry. >> especially after they saw the court. kennedy: yeah, it's funny because ronald reagan did bedtime and johnny depp did bedtime with benzo. it's funny, shane. [laughter] >> absolutely hysterical, i didn't watch any of the johnny depp saga. another fire movie, shoving down there perspective from idle, hundreds of billions of dollars, poor johnny depp, i'm sure he will cry himself to sleep.
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kennedy: reported that according to testimony in the trial, demanded $300 million, have you heard anything? have you heard anything about the alpacas in this latest generation of the deal? >> i have not but i do hope he gets some because he deserves it. disney dropped him when he was merely accused before any of the story came out and it shows something about disney's chaotic decision-making, i think the company is in a weird place because they knew something and reversed themselves and tried to take a stand but the stands don't work for them. you know, jokes are up but they should stick to the business of entertaining, but is lightly being a summer flop shows people are weary of the disney brand right now and it's tied to this chaotic energy from the company. they dropped johnny depp and
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then got him back the story proves true, i think all of that is a sideshow to the fact that they should make movies, good movies and stop trying to take political positions to stand, not already. kennedy: back to escapism, some people just want to sit in a theater that's why marvel has done so well, kevin is the most powerful person in hollywood because he understands the value of. entertainment and architecture of myth and disney lost sight of that. this is just reinforcing the fact that other than marvel, they make bad decisions. >> i don't agree with it here and i'll tell you why because disney is not just about a movie, is to theme parks, one in california disneyland and the other in florida disney world and at the time they felt the need to speak out because they
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wanted to guarantee those parents of children who were lgbtq and throughout all political decisions, not just from the right, the people who come and buy tickets will feel comfortable and welcome at their theme parks. kennedy: unfortunately if you get on one of the disney cruises, you can't get married and a lot of their ports, they will cut your hands off for bugging people who have the same jammies. >> i have not heard that but. [laughter] that is fascinating. i think disney is in a real her locker even with marvel where they have tried to shove stereotypes down throat. my kids ten and under started to discern these political type motives from disney and i think it is sad because like you said, escapism in this country, there are times to escape superheroes and storytelling and myth, this
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is the time to do it. kennedy: but i will tell you -- >> we want to be lectured to. kennedy: i like that spider-man, he's adorable. he was nice to my 13-year-old on her birthday so thank you for that, spider-man. thank you all for being here, you've been wonderful. time travel works both ways. i knew it would be amazing. thanks, guys. [laughter] kennedy: ukraine president with the west for military assistance so why is the u.s. the only one contribute in? how much longer can ukraine hold out? mike baker, he knows how the world works. he's having none of it. he's next. ♪♪
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a few weeks ukraine has burned through $40 billion donation,
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president volodymyr zelenskyy with world leaders via video to ask for more military assistance. president biden happy to oblige promising to answer aircraft missile defense systems and it appears the situation is growing more died. russia reportedly destroyed credit shopping mall one child miles out of kyiv, the number of casualties is unimaginable so is the tide of war turning? how much longer can u.s. shoulder ukraine's financial burden? former cia officer square group chairman and ceo, no need for a time when you've got this guy, mike baker is back. [laughter] >> thank you very much, although a tie as a certain splendor to the event. kennedy: to my favorite words, territorial and splendor. how are things going in ukraine? >> here is the problem -- at the
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g7, at the start of the g7, putin just to show he's still a complete deuce fired off missile strikes in case. now as you pointed out, they've struck through commerce, the center part of the country so when you're at the g7 in your a world leader, he comes on the video conference call and talks about this. g7 leaders say exactly what you would expect, we are with you no matter how long it takes. well, that's a little worrisome because this could take a long time. it could turn into this very slow, slow, slow war of attrition that numbers wise, it doesn't look good for the ukrainians. we keep coming back to this same question when you and i talk about this, can someone
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please -- it takes nothing from the bravery and courage and resolve with the ukrainian people and we want them to win for somebody on the outside, u.s. and nato allies need to explain the endgame here. kennedy: yes, you use the term win and i'm wondering, what does that mean? what does it mean for ukraine? doesn't mean the entire country is rubble by the time russia turns around and pulls out? always you have to ask yourself when you're the country who is funding a giant undertaking, what is our objective here and what does victory look like for us? that's lost in the entire conversation. we know essentially what the ending looks like, it's not good. could we have saved ukraine and u.s. money and struggles and then something else from the beginning? >> right, i think that probably was not going to happen.
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has become a social media war, automotive. you can't swing without any somebody with the ukrainian flag no matter the part of the country you are in and europe. we were always going to get engaged and then we always knew and putin knew the redline will be we are not putting food on the ground to go toe to toe, face to face with russian military but putin essentially, he suffered significantly up and down the military structure commanding officers in numbers we haven't seen before in battle like this losing lives only down and loss of life amongst them so he's willing to keep it going and has shown no indication. kennedy: people are still buying his oil tapping the price and not accepting russian oil and he sent in the 300-pound general, i don't know how it will work out,
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they can keep us posted. >> thank you, very much. call me while i am in europe next month and i'll let you know how things are going. kennedy: i love it. bring back some chocolate. [laughter] why not, why wouldn't we? topical storm is next. it is hot. ♪♪
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a new report claims president biden inadvertently helped his son, hunter pay for prostitutes. what a dead. hunter jibed voting gets screwed. a strange way and this is topical storm. yeah, hunter. topic number one, a designer claims to be working on a flying hotel that soars above the clouds and never needs to land which means you can check out any time you like or you can never leave. it's called the sky crews. based on popularity of top gun matter, it will serve 5000 hotel guests with astonishing views of the stars, even johnny depp
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hasn't been this high at hotel. it runs on clean energy because it's entirely powered by onboard nuclear reactor making it a little cruise missile. energy allows the plaintiff stay above the clouds for several years receiving food, supplies, toilet paper, even guests in mid air. instead of a chicken, you drop in. sky crews is just a far-fetched fantasy third cost way more than he could possibly earn which also describes the movie but year. that's when to grow on. topic number two. amazon says alexa can speak to you in the voices of your dead relatives. i hear dead people. in case the robot listening to you 24/7 wasn't pretty enough. this video shows little boy being read a bedtime story and the boys of his dead grandparents. now dead men literally do tell tales. previously they could mimic living forces only after
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listening them for dozens of hours. the only way i learned the lyrics, hey chuck. can listen to just one minute of recorded speech. your great grandma is reminding you to watch the boys on amazon prime. i'd rather not there from dead people because still mad at them for electing joe biden. topic number three. mug shot monday, you've been waiting for it, a man who lost his 3-year-old in a flash. scott was suspended from practicing law after cops arrested him driving around town make it. on the other hand, it's better than taking a bus naked. he has a long history of public nudity, reportedly fired in 2006 after security cameras caught him wandering naked in the prosecutor's office. sounds like he needed some legal briefs. now is the court term to get
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their pound of flesh. he's undergoing treatment for alcoholism, bipolar and sexual compulsions or at least stop driving in a comfortable. topic number four. dave and busters has a chance to stay overnight in miami location. you can fall asleep in a dave and busters without anyone calling the police. one night only promotion includes unlimited real games and food, unlimited drinks and videogame turned from a dave and busters on dog mode. to win, upload 102nd video telling dave and busters by you think summer is better spent indoors. tell them about the lawyer who drives around outdoors naked. if you want to spend all day and night playing video games with your friends, you can enter to win now or do it the old-fashioned way and get a government job. we will be right back with mouth trumpet monday. goodbye.
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♪♪ [mouth trumpeting] i've been playing all weekend. i'm ready for mouth trumpet monday, #mouthtrumpetmonday. if you guess, you get a free trumpet. [mouth trumpeting] ♪♪ [mouth trumpeting]
8:00 pm
♪♪ [mouth trumpeting] ♪♪ kennedy: that's all you get. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter an instagram @kennedynation, facebook can be appian, e-mail kennedy tomorrow night, charlie hurt, hannah cox. can't watch the show? kenne-dvr it. make every day a kenne-day. full disclosure, when we first discussed paper as a topic for this series, i wasn't sure it was relevant. i mean, we live in a digital world, right? and nowadays, most everything, it seems, is documented up there in the cloud somewhere. but make no mistake, down here on earth, paper is the thing that makes it real and official, from your birth certificate to your marriage certificate to your death certificate to the deed on your home


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