tv Kennedy FOX Business June 29, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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evil, nothing good about it, it's policy, policy based on getting more boats and enough people they are willing to let died, it's a reality. elizabeth: i'm elizabeth macdonald, he been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness, thank you for watching, we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: where do republicans and democrats go from here? the highly contentious roe v. wade decision hitting both parties on different paths. the question is, which one will voters follow? the decision has monopolized conversations last friday, supermarkets, summer picnics, water coolers, i've been to all of them today. everyone has an opinion and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle trying to turn the energy into votes. democrats have been freaking
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out. the decision has not united them. it's pushed progressive's even further from the center and now people like alexandria ocasio-cortez or open the opposing the president's tactics. >> the supreme court has engaged in the overreaching of his authority. [applause] denying human and civil rights of any pregnant person, biden should entertain expansion of the supreme court, forcefully f. kennedy: he should fire sonja mayor. her progressively left his position alienate moderate voters of which there are more. the party says they see an opening and it could be with suburban fraud. i like it. they say they are upset with the supreme court's decision but heavy lift because the party is
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hemorrhaging, but exact demographic because of inflation and crime and education. can they win the lady back? we shall see, republican's are trying to thread a needle over row, link shows. access to abortion most support, it's not expedient to run a campaign going to shut everything down so what's the medium for the gop? one of mcdaniel claims she doesn't think it moves the needle. >> we look at recent polling will say this, it was leaked in april, this is baked in and with no movement in the polling once it was leaked. i think a lot of voters have seen this and expected roe v. wade to be overturned and it did not change the number settle. kennedy: glossy and sassy. essentially don't make too many waves on abortion and remind voters about price hikes and violence under the biden administration instead. in light of last week's ruling, which party is better poised for
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victory? tonight man panel, washington examiner senior political colonists and american enterprise institute resident fellow, tim carney, our kind of fellow. host of the richard fowler show, radio show, richard fowler always at the ready. host of the part of the problem podcast, you clamor for him and he's been delivered, dave smith is also back. welcome one and all. tim, what's the smartest thing for republicans to do? is it to completely ignore the decision and move on to inflation? is that possible? >> this decision army returned abortion, protection of innocent human lives, protection of babies and return it to the democratic from it's incumbent on the publican lawmakers especially on the state level to pass laws to protect the unborn babies and i moved to virginia,
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i think the state senate majority leader who's a democrat will be surprised when she says we are not voting on anything like a 16 week ban, don't be surprised how many vulnerable democrats show up and say excuse me, you will become the minority leader if we don't pass something so i think you will see purple states, republicans the head boldly because they know the compromised position is ban abortion at least in the second trimester and red state there will be more aggressive detecting the unborn. kennedy: richard, is that a gift to democrats what tim is talking about right now? >> i think a positive, i think about the women in my life and why this is so important to them. kennedy: because they were born? [laughter] >> that but even beyond that, there so many women when you say outright ban abortions like south dakota or montana, there's other things, what happens to a family, husband and wife who have a fetus where the heart is
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in the body, what happens to that pregnancy? about a pregnancy where is incomplete miscarriage and a state like oklahoma they can't get the particular procedure they need to end miscarriage? so many different ways roe protected it is important to talk about that in fact what democrats are going to do, they will pick the state with the most extreme aggressive laws and show how they limit a woman's ability to make decisions that don't belong in the supreme court and don't belong with any of the men on this panel but actually to the woman and her ob/gyn. kennedy: do men have a say in the abortion debate, dave? >> i guess the men on the supreme court have some say in meant elected representatives have some say. to what richard said, i have a son born with a heart condition,
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thank god is doing okay and it's just when these very rare extreme examples are brought up and perhaps in some situations, there should be an exemption but of course as someone who is pro-life, the pro-life position, it's funny to hear you talk about externalities because externality of every single abortion is a dead baby so pro-life position is it's morally indistinguishable to kill a baby outside the womb versus inside the will and if you don't deal with the argument that it seems silly to say in certain situations there are externalities. as far as you talk about the politics of the situation, there are always costs associated with the political victory. donald trump gets elected but then there's energized left-wing and i don't think this will move the needle with suburban moms or suburban women, i do think it will energized left-wing activists, midterm elections are a lot about energizing your base, there will be a benefit
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for democrats, i just don't think it's going to be nearly enough to outweigh negatives for democrats which is the state of everything. kennedy: tim, when you saw the draft decision come down in may, did you think this would settle the issue culturally? >> no but it allows the beginning of settling the issue culturally. if you read read antonin scalia's case when some people thought they would overturn roe and the court upheld it, he said the justices in the majority of roe and casey leave they are settling their. if you came to a march for life here, if you witness any of the politics, you know what settles debate? when people get to argue, debate, get to vote and even they lose, maybe they get a compromise, maybe they just lose, people are more willing to live with that. we haven't gotten to have that debate because the court out of the democratic from now the
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court has returned it to the realm of democracy and allows us to have political peace. kennedy: and we will ask the political peace pipe in a little bit. i have a uterus, i demand it, and were to shackle you with my fallopian tubes manhandle and demand you say put more in just a bit. after chris pratt had something to say about the politics in this country in a recent interview, the beefcake said is an illusion it with got more partisan but the truth, if you look at it from my understanding, as an actor he understands everything, a small group of wackos on the right and a small group of wackos on the left. he might be kind of rights is 85% of americans agree the country is heading in the wrong direction including 92% of republicans and 78% of democrats. according to a new gallup poll, extreme pride in being american is at a record low of 38%.
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not on this show, we love it, we are proud of it and we make out with it. how does this country turn itself around? with me now in studio, fox and friends cohost on the fox news channel, his microphone just fell on the ground, what an outrage. >> it's okay. kennedy: host of what made america great, season nine streaming tomorrow on the platform he invented, fox nation, brian kilmeade is here. >> i wish i did invented and we will review your state favorite episode of my eight seasons, maybe a kennedy extra special. kennedy: that will be a wonderful addition to the fox nation family. >> i can't wait to hear about kennedy talk about me. kennedy: so many i absolutely love. >> health lucky those men are because it's freezing in the studio. i'm wearing a suit and a liner. there's no way i should be this cold in june so go ahead. kennedy: you got your glenn youngkin best.
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[laughter] the cold helps me think, i think it's great. >> have you thought about me? kennedy sits there and runs along the side, you have my favorite color agenda. you have guess, we have need, to. kennedy: you've been up since 2:00 a.m. last week. chris pratt onto something? is a small vocal group of people like 2000 mules? a small vocal group of people like support people at yellowstone? >> stephen colbert had stephen colbert on. what are you thinking? she's an extremist, talking about setting up tents just for abortions, that makes a lot of sense. kennedy: why not snacks? >> or why not pet a buffalo? there's a lot of them that need fed. i don't even know what it would be. there are buffalo and the yellowstone park, have you not been there? kennedy: not recently i love at
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the. >> and your from the northwest so i shouldn't even talking about that, i'm from an island. long island so i would say this, i think most of the country is fed up, we live election to election, he won this time? i'll see you in two years, who will shock you and make you pay for it. we will investigate you and do this. i've met more people fed up with what's going on right now because most of the things are preventable, he can't stop the pandemic support anthony fauci could probably have. some supply-side issues, supply chain issues to be tough to deal with but gas so hi, he can't order anything and get it delivered, you can't get baby formula, we are overseas from french president was counties can't pump more oil which means is going to stay up $5 unless we decide to pump our own oil? little things so logical for publicans and democrats are talking about, right and left, right and left. kennedy: why don't you run for
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office? >> asked me for run for president. kennedy: you understand the problems, you got solutions to go with the problems? >> i can understand if you walk in with baby formula and the shelves are empty, we got a problem. kennedy: oddly enough, that's more important and resonates with people more than abortion right now and people might say i think abortion should be legal especially when it's early on but do you know what really drives them? they can't afford anything in the fact that the government gave all the money to the companies and they are still screwing around with it. >> in support of ukraine, it's about look. $33 billion for that yet you can't get anything delivered and mayor pete is in charge of transportation, how is it we can't get on a plane? kennedy: i'm so mad i had to drive from washington d.c. to new york, the end. please come back and see us very soon, i know it's late for you. >> don't forget season nine.
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kennedy: the fox nation, took it out today. free subscription waiting for you at fox i don't know if that's true but i demanded. >> seems like something we should be offering anyway. kennedy: right? with of july, we love it. world-famous california communities voting to defund the chair of the department that keeps them safe. crime is up, pickpockets are all over the place. they don't want you safe. steve hilton breaks it down next. there he is. ♪♪
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california is apparently trying to out liberal itself, west hollywood city council voting to act, five shares and deputies and custom departments budget despite the fact crime in the neighborhood is up 137% compared to last year. 137% after the pandemic. the council elected to cut the deputies in favor of adding 30 unarmed security ambassadors to patrol the streets. west hollywood's democrat mayor
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lauren meister hand the boat. >> i'm not going to vote for a budget we cut the sheriff's. first of all, you compared to other countries, nobody has the gun problem we have in this country. you can't expect us to have a public safety team were most of the people aren't armed to defend their citizens and themselves. kennedy: thank you for being a friend. who does the left expect to call when gun violence is on their doorstep? joining me to discuss, host of the next revolution sunday night on the fox news channel and daily california podcast, steve hilton. we rely on you a lot for these california issues because it's not just california, not just west hollywood, this thinking is very pervasive but not logical when you're in the middle of a
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spike in crime wave, quietly doing this? >> you said who are they going to call on? i can tell you because the last time west hollywood was in the national news and local leaders in west hollywood made news, it was when they made stormy daniels, freedom, the key to the city. maybe that's the idea here. stormy daniels will protect them from runaway crime. it's unbelievable, the thing i like about the story though is at least they are not being hypocrites, they are saying defund the police, their political slogan and actually doing it to themselves. in that sense, good luck to them. the trouble is, they still cannot understand anything beyond their ideology, that's what you see across california in the deep blue areas, they become total ideologues. you can see, anyone can see what just look at the actual
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consequences of these far left extremist politics but they don't change, the keep plowing straight ahead. in los angeles, george gascon, the d.a. raising recall potentially, he's totally unbound on the face of actual evidence his supporters, chesa boudin in san francisco, he was recalled, now he's saying he's going to run for d.a. again on the same platform. these people will not accept reality. kennedy: they have no shame and there ideology is so much more important than reality, what is it going to take for a place like west hollywood? it's a fun area, there are great shops and restaurants and bars and clubs, one of the few california cities that voted to extend business hours for their cars until 4:00 a.m. they are serving the people who want to go there but like with
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george gascon, it takes only a few high-profile cases to shut everything down and i thought if these communities want better policing and will talk to the cops, don't alienate them because people will get in trouble and criminals will realize will first. >> i think that family is the way they will learn the lesson them literally, windows of their cars in heaven forbid assault on the streets, that's what happened. slowly, california, interesting to look at los angeles election for mayor rick caruso five minutes before the election, most of his time, he's a property developer but always are republican doing very well there, so many people i know work in the entertainment industry, they are not saying it publicly saying we are sick of this crime, we can't put up with this any longer and i think it is what's going to happen
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eventually if they go through west hollywood. kennedy: nobody wants to feel unsafe especially where they live. a lot of people moved to west hollywood because they can live and work there but it's a silly idea and there are ready ways of community policing, this is a childish way that will never implement what they say they want. steve hilton, always good to see you. >> what is your, thanks. kennedy: coming up, travelers bracing for summer from hell. life canceled left and right, trip to the airport, worse than getting kicked in the next. i'll kick you in the neck. who's to blame? i'll tell you in my memo after this. ♪♪
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release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. head to now to join the over 2 million people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. going way for the fourth? you might be screwed and no one has the nerves to take the blame
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for the travel nightmare that might be thousands of flights canceled or heartlessly delayed. aaa predicting 48 name people will travel by car and air warriors fourth holiday and while many of us will be eager to party elsewhere, we may be forced to sit in stinky airports nibbling and pretzels with strangers. the airline industry got $64 billion and covered relief because they were too big to sell. try to dumb to survive. the infinite wisdom, airline furloughed hundreds of thousands of employees and get this, they encouraged pilots to retire early in the middle of a pilot shortage long before the pandemic to view roger murdochs and clarence and those lonely topics, maybe airlines assumed we were all going to die, we only use the fish and no one looks like an. they also told the few remaining
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pilots to move to the villages. now pilots from delta to southwest are picketing like the garbage strike and we are the ones left waiting in lines trying to keep our cool while man slanders yell as exhausted airline customer service reps so what is the solution? obviously start telling selling baby food and of unethical market and is the only solution to a government to create a problem that gives many excuses and plenty of coverage entire sectors heads are so far lodged of their own cargo apartments they can hear the faint cries of the customers were the ones drowning from the fallout of the big covid bailout that's the memo. this week more than 2000 flights have already reportedly been canceled, talk about a flight mayor. don't pinch me. if you're flying and some
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travelers say prepare for a long trip. >> travel with a pillow and blanket water when you get through security. >> have your toiletries and food so you are good when you get on the plane. kennedy: and going to be good and full. i got my viable model. what? how much worse will get? man panel is back, richard fowler and dave smith, how much worse will it get? >> i wouldn't fly and i really mean it is a patriotic american, you should stay home, not even get in your car, walk down the street to the nearest firework show because that's what america is, it local displays of patriotism. it can get a lot worse in those airports. these are bad but i remember it being worse and when you're spending the night in the airport, we can, everything is ruined, not enough competition in the industry for a variety of
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reasons so they know people are going to keep coming back. until people say i'm going to stay closer to home and go down to the corner and watch our local boy scouts put on the firework show. kennedy: can you fly with fireworks and bring them into the airport? [laughter] >> you cannot. [laughter] kennedy: oh, okay okay. richard, what is the solution? fire everybody? >> my solution is to support the flight attendants and pilots saying we should get higher wages. in your model, here's the truth, these airlines got billions of dollars in federal government, they didn't pass any of it on to their workers and now they asked the workers to work longer hours for less pay and to me it sounds unfair, unjust is saying. kennedy: a lot of the private,
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we need free market solutions here and the more the government gets involved, the worse it gets, why is that? >> because that's what the government does so is always going to be the case. what you do? could start by dropping this ridiculous requirement that pilots have to be vaccinated. in fact, one southwest pilot was saying the other day that this is at the heart of this entire thing, they are passing over resumes of qualified pilots because they are not vaccinated. a bunch of pilots retired early for that reason because they didn't want the vaccine and as we all know, this is so stupid, nothing to do with keeping anybody safe. i am unvaccinated and i had covid like three and a half weeks ago, i am safer than any vaccinated person is in this whole thing is stupid the idea that someone who was double vaccinated in the summer of 2021 is somehow safer for other people than someone who had covid this year, no science
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backs that up but we still insist on this dumb policy and it's awful. think about how many holidays have been robbed from the american people over the last two and half years. even last christmas fauci was still telling people in not to eat outside in the middle of december or something like that and people want to be with their families. i appreciate what tim said and kind of agree with the spirit of that but people want to be with their families and it's necessary to get on a plane to do so. i am the exception, i travel every weekend and not leaving on the fourth of july weekend but still bugging me, hopefully i will see you in vegas for freedom best. kennedy: absolutely, we are going to be a freedom best. where do go with my daughters and drive l.a. to vegas if for some reason -- >> of the cliff part. kennedy: we are going to find brad pitt, i think it's going to be pretty spectacular.
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[laughter] and flying, traveling and seeing family and will celebrate the fourth the way we do every year around of the rich people and white roman candles out of love and patriotism. flights on the only thing getting canceled for no reason, a professor at cornell university explaining the school removed a bus of abraham lincoln and a plaque of his famous gettysburg address after someone complained. the university is denying the allegation, they say the statue and engraving were always meant to be temporary even though they say on display, since 2013. what is so offensive about honest abe? i don't understand this, i get mad when they pull down statues my boyfriend but i'm always shocked when progressives go after blinken, abraham.
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>> we don't know all the facts, maybe somebody was supposed to take it down in 2000 feet 15 and forgot and just now was reminded but other places have goneone a itnd h ande wt per acterfect ma. moe iorntntnt i oue his , wrongng bore ar zero philosophyha beforethe day, all beings were so corrupt and falling -- fallen honoring them at all is a mistake. this is a guy who did not believe in equality between the races and said publicly to that effect. if you count every little thing that has to do with racism against him than lincoln is going to go, too. kennedy: and you do have to look at the bigger picture, richard. you do have to look at what he was able to accomplish in keeping the union together at
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great cost and eventually he did come around to realize the war was in fact about slavery and freeing enslaved people in states committed very much to the.institution. >> i agree, i think it bears out that lincoln was somebody who helped and america's original enslavement it's important to remember we have these debates about whether or not we should pull down the statue and keep the statue, i think it's important to remember, where are the monuments and commemorations for those who fought back? we should talk about that more often, how do we commemorate the termers of the world who rebelled against the actual institution while in the institution and commemorate their legacy and their fight back. kennedy: and frederick douglass who really, really liked abraham
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lincoln, like he really liked him, he thought he was amazing and thought everything would change which is one of the saddest things about -- >> i'm not sure if that's true but yes. kennedy: it is absolutely true. he fought hard to defend the constitution and he believed people in his former situation would not have to meet the harshness they continued because of andrew johnson. you hate lincoln, right, dave? >> i hate all presidents and i hate this culture of i am offended so something must be removed and history is history so i don't leave and removing statues that i hate presidents more than i hate that and the two worst institutions in the history of america were slavery and number two right after that is conscription and lincoln's entire army was conscripted and the emancipation proclamation didn't even -- that's true but
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the emancipation proclamation didn't even free slaves in the north, it was like a war tactic so i think lincoln was a tyrant, i think the war was about slavery to the south but really wasn't to the north so a lot of this is like lincoln is made to be more of a hero than he actually was. there were real humans and the work that i think lincoln is up there with them so i don't like removing the factors, i brother remove their legacy, one college removed a woodrow wilson statue, i'd rather remove the federal reserve and income tax. [laughter] kennedy: and the un while you are at it, thanks, woodrow. >> he got it done but he started. kennedy: he stopped everything and was also a valid racist. man panel, great to see you on this topic, thank you all very much. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, the
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♪♪ kennedy: i won't forget them. if russia was helping war in ukraine with nader on the border, they might want to put down the vodka. sweden and finland officially invited to join the alliance. finland shared a hundred mile border with russia, take that shaky dumb hands. president biden ending up military deployment for many more equipment and troops to nato's thanks but i wonder where they come from. pentagon officials admitting
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every branch of the military is depleted struggling to make recruiting goals. at least 22% of americans age 7224 type to serve without a waiver. only 9% of them have any inclination so is now a bad time to loan our troops to middle? retired marine sgt. fox news contributor, joey jones. what you think? you see this in here pentagon saying we are having a hard time recruiting and the president is like let's send a couple hundred thousand north to romania. >> i don't know where it is here other than posturing which is not a bad military move if it works devised and plan, we talk about sweden and finland, the news here is very, to get turkey on board. we have basically completely any notion we are supporting them.
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maybe the guy who fought the 20 were here in afghanistan, i am still a little attached to that work that is a terrible a year ago, maybe we are already there, we felt like we were doing it wrong and nobody is innocent in war. kennedy: but there are different kinds, the turkish regime likes to lump the entire group together calling for the death. >> isis with us and the pkk that turkey says the organization killed civilians, i'm not sure how true it is but the idea is these are two groups we have held an alliance with up until about a year end a half ago when president trump did not intervene turkey basically annihilating them so finland and sweden have harbored some of them probably their money to and they designed an agreement with turkey saying will give up supporting them to come into nato, what bothers me about this is who's going to be on the hook for putting anything sweden or
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finland? russia has shown no interest in taking or doing anything, it's going to be us so how big of a check will cost us to bring into nato and is it necessary? >> even the cost of in poland -- >> poland, romania, a couple countries. and f35 fighter jets and counter attack missiles and other billions of dollars worth of stuff. kennedy: more launching pads with great britain, too. all expensive. liberty minded people for a while talking about downsizing our footprint in europe and this is the opposite. >> all those folks in alexandria in northern virginia are loving this. kennedy: of course. when there was housing crimes in this country and the economy was contracting, the suburbs around washington d.c. were exploding. >> everyone is going to like it pretty well but i think the
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problem i have is where is the strategy, what is the mission and goal? i don't know this. russia from trying to expand, hopefully sweden and finland where they were looking at next but also not at the pentagon or in the white house or policy expert on things at this level. kennedy: but you have an expertise -- it's untouchable. it's something we don't talk about in fact how we are stuck in places for 20 years. >> you tell me you are going to liberate iraq and then the next thing i know i'm losing my leg in afghanistan, how did we get here? kennedy: and we get out of afghanistan and then this is what i thought for? >> and when we go what i would like to talk about most, can't get people in the military now, is a huge drop-off after a war, that's for sure but when you
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look at the situation we are in now, it's not just because people don't want to serve, it's because they can't. we raise a generation who in my opinion spend more time indoors and outdoors. kennedy: do you know what that means? we look like the people in wally cruising around. >> these aren't real, gated things, like can't run a mile, can't do a pull up were tattoos on the forehead. kennedy: and if you were in charge of everything, the world would be a better place. that's why i like talking to you, thank you. topical storm is next. ♪♪
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in honor of dougie dori, the album mattel releasing a new david bowie doll, a combo of barbie and ken is even more airbrushing, it's going to be fantastic. it's a mashup and topical storm, topic number one. begin with an incredible video from canada of a puppy returning home after escaping talons of an eagle. in fact, not since the bow out his dog is so untalented. [laughter] british columbia, an eight month old yorky on the right side of your screen, oh my god. snatch from his yard by a bald
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eagle. i can relate to the eagle because he's so cute, i want to eat him. i like the dog because i have been swept away from british columbia but if the eagle wanted to take his food to go, he should have brought a doggy bag. canadian bacon and returns home, narrowly escaping being eaten alive. now he knows what it's like to break up with our mohammed. delicious. topic number two. two women arrested in thailand for smuggling 109 live animals there were large for their emotional support zoo as they tried to call it. this is the x-ray that prompted security agents to search through the smugglers luggage. you can see the sharpest thing about the two ladies is the porcupine in the suitcase. further search uncovered a total of 60 livers it's, two armadillos, go figure.
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they brought all that but forgot to pack their iphone charges. officials complicated 36 turtles also known as slowpoke but you've got to admit, this is ambitious animal smuggling. these days, hard to fly with the dog. topic number three. speaking of animals who don't belong on airplanes, check out this video from utah. that's the state wildlife division replenishing their fish stock. just like all stocks these days, plano contained thousands of young trout, arctic drilling making this the fish is like outside of spirit airlines. the biggest fish dropping since the day after shampoo a his trainer. fishing is a little bit different in utah. instead of a rod and reel, you need a catcher's mitt. officials say drops have a surprisingly high survival rate, another thing that has in common with spirit airlines.
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topic number four. norwegian cruise liner forced to cut short the trip to alaska after the ship crashed into an iceberg insiders say it was the crews industry's biggest hit since the invention of the chocolate fountain. his a view of the deck of the norwegian son. mercy. it smashed into a giant iceberg, talk about a party crasher, they never should have hired captain paul pelosi. hey guys, i am paul. the passengers were so shaken up they could barely finish the line. luckily employees were fully prepared, they ran down with a chainsaw and carved the iceberg into a dolphin. in fact forced the ship to return and return to seattle, washington for the passengers said they were rather die in the arctic then go back to that. i'll be right back with kennedog. stay put. ♪♪ look how nice they are.
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enemies, he is a good boy. this is rosie, ray and cocoa, they are from las vegas. and here we have mindy's dog mickey, who loves salad. kennedog's great taste. up next. royal and solo. always ready for snack time, me too. this is stacey's pup, pepper. next up. audio tech kelsey's pup sandy, and stage manager nida's dog. so cute. everyone is like, wait, what? this is our director frank's dog maggie. and she is a bad girl, but
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she loves to eat everything, including frank's ear pod. lastly, jake and addy, happy 4th of july to patriot kennedogs we love you so much. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. blah, blah, blah. >> we know the fairytales about castles, every little girl has dreamt about the long winding stair cases. the turret full of secrets, and king and queen of the land. but what happens when you are an adult and you can make the dreams come true? we sent out the horse-drawn carriages to connecticut and texas to bring you old world charm of the french countryside and rustic
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