tv Kennedy FOX Business July 12, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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curriculum, social and emotional learning and parents are going to start to be seen because of the big education blog and a lot of bad guys to fight. elizabeth: the education club, thank you for joining us. you've been watching "the evening edit" on foxbusiness. that does it for us and hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: drop the murder charge now. that's the demands of new york city's district attorney as bodega workers insist on the right to protect themselves from criminals but will the d.a. listened or will he once again side with criminals? now the fight scene around the world after cashiers dispute with a woman over a bag of chips. her ex-boyfriend goes behind the counter and attacked the cashier. the father of three tried to fight back and reportedly grabbed a knife he used to open
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boxes and stabbed the intruder multiple times, killing him and he regrets that very much but now you chose the woman stabbed the cashier before her boyfriend went behind the counter and for some crazy reason prosecutors have not charged her. today the city do nothing d.a. alvin bragg met the group bodega owners and urged him to brought drop the charge against the cashier and after the meeting representative seemed optimistic. >> we are very hopeful that he'll say the case will be dismissed, dropped by the district attorney. he has not made that determination yet but he certainly left the doors and windows open for something like that to happen. kennedy: there is not a jury in the land that would convict the guy after specially peanut
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video. things are cost for him and his family, obviously defending himself. some say workers don't have enough protection in the first place so what about allowing shopkeepers to carry guns? the d.a. was asked about that by the same group. >> we asked what is his position regarding bodega owners carrying legal guns to defend themselves. he was very assuring in that he supports it and doesn't oppose small legal law-abiding business owners like bodega owners carrying a gun. kennedy: but god help you if you have to use it, you will end up in rikers. what concealed carry help shopkeepers or is it open season on these innocent storeowners? joining me to discuss, founder of the community center at
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blackcurrant matter is back, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: but to talk about this, what's the first thing that goes through your mind when you see this surveillance video and find out josé alba, the shopkeeper was charged with second-degree murder? initially going to rikers for a week with $500,000 bail? >> first, i think we should sue the police department, number one. he should sue the city in and of itself. the new york state association on a brief support it and the supreme court overturned the fact that we do have a right to protect ourselves outside the home. obviously fortunately this guy only had a firearm, unfortunately begrudgingly but the reality is he should not have been arrested in the first place. the irony if he was arrested in the woman stabbed him over the bag of chips has not been arrested. kennedy: hypocrisy. he had every right to defend
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himself. they've got to cut that check for that man. kennedy: so what would happen if a shop owner were in the same situation and used deadly force with a handgun? i don't believe bragg trying to reassure bodega owners would go lenient on someone using the stand your ground offense. >> the reality is, the actual footage is there. it's not up to bragg, it's up to the supreme court, the supreme law of the land even outside the supreme court. he will try to do what he's going to try to. if the people say this is not what we want, we have the actual footage, is a person attempting to put your life, not even attempting, but in his life in danger, he's well within his rights to use deadly force against deadly force. as a knife, and attack, they are in a space that is not their property by letting the property shouldn't be on over a bag of chips, they got exactly what he deserved.
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kennedy: and the person who was killed, there's no way of knowing when you look at someone but he had 27 prior arrests. he was on probation for felony assault and someone who spent so much time in the system, he should know better, he knows the second he reaches the cashier zone, he's going to be in deep trouble and that trouble means he paid with his life but people are so on edge and communities where police response time has taken longer, it's no surprise people are clamoring for ways to defend themselves and their families. >> there's no worry about the elite. they are going to come clean up the mess. if you play a dumb game like this, i'm an advocate of conflict resolution, shout to the bodega owner who tried to resolve the conflict and tried to avoid the conflict, was
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called in tone in this person took his kindness for weakness. you violate my body, you violate my property right and play the dumb game, you win a stupid prize. a clear example and i'm sure the guy, he may be a great father and family member, is not to him with got to call it up the middle. the reality is, the bodega owner, every human has a right to defend their life. he literally was trying to de-escalate, i'm pretty sure he wasn't attempting to kill the guy but what am i supposed to do? i have the ability to defend life. we focus on conflict resolution in philadelphia as well as stop the bleeding. maybe future reference, bad guys will carry around tourniquet when they want to play dumb games and potentially win a stupid prize. kennedy: no one wants to win that prize. you want to preserve my life and we need to learn more about the escalation and conflict resolution, we don't need to impose that on police
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departments but humans, individuals, we have to learn that ourselves but sometimes when they are coming after you and you are panicked, all you think about is stopping the attack and any juror who sees that if they go forward with the charges, there's no way they will convict him. love your words of wisdom, thank you so much. you can catch us later this week, we will be at freedom best beautiful las vegas nevada, it's going to stream live on fox, sign up now so you don't miss a moment. new york struggling with crime, white house struggling with bodega pronunciation, doctor jill biden gave a speech to latino voters in texas and she made unique comments about the community. >> raul helped build this organization with the understanding diversity of this
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community as distinct as those in the bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of miami and unique as breakfast tacos here in san antonio. [laughter] is your strength. kennedy: you guys are like tacos. this inanimate object that can be boiled down to a racial stereotype. today is to put my taco tuesday. also it bodega. obviously the national association of hispanic journalists tweeting saying in a hj encourages first lady and her communications team to take time to better understand the complexities of our communities, people and communities, we are not tacos. republican florida senator marco rubio tweeted a picture of a taco # new profile pic. she's apologized for her
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remarks. does it run in the family? spectator he was a contributor editor, stephen l miller is here. fox news contributor and host the richard fowler show, his name? richard fowler. cofounder of base politics and foundation of economic education content manager, hannah cox will also be in vegas because we are going to party like it's 1949. a big postwar apocalypse. i'm excited. stephen, you must have had a field day with this when you saw the first ladies comments surface. was this a gift to you? another shiver at the backs of hard-working hispanics? >> they should have blamed this on joe biden's stutter and be done with it. you know she stepped in this when she attended this thing called latin x something -- and
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in the apology they got rid of the white liberal ivy league savior language and refer to them as what latinos and that's how you know thing screwed up here so happy taco tuesday i guess, white house. kennedy: i don't know. these are so preventable. when the president screws up the he's free styling. the tax on phrases and supplements is boring speeches with whoppers that give him trouble. the first lady read this. it would be one thing if the biden white house were doing phenomenally well hispanic community but they are not. 26% of approval rating maybe because people like joe biden want to lump individuals into one voting category. >> well, there is that. the fact that she mispronounced
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bodega for me but i think there's a larger problem and it's far beyond this white house. i think this is an error on his speech team, comparing people to food and shops. with parents from caribbean and latin america, it's important to look at all of their contributions, work and stores, they like the food, immigrant americans from africa and caribbean and latin america are part of the healthcare industry and entertainment and part of the food industry and food contributes to american culture everyday but beyond that, they are part of what makes america great in part of the fabric and fiber of american culture. kennedy: wait, richard -- are you saying we should make america great again? is that what you are saying? >> no, i'm saying immigrant americans make america great
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everyday. kennedy: absolutely. does your family still live in the caribbean by chance? >> yes, i do have some in the caribbean. kennedy: you have some that would let me stay there if i want to do do a long weekend there? is that we are? brought optimism, you're not just mental, your generous. hannah, this is another one in a long string of pearls weighing down the neck of the white house. the first lady, normally pretty nice, steering the president normally steering him back into his napping kyiv, are we going to see more of her or less? >> this is like an episode of -- i can't say i've not been entertained, she read off a teleprompter is ridiculous but i think what she's talked about the hispanic community and latin american community, i think it shows that they don't pay
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attention to diversity and thought in the community because if they did they would know population is not like the term line next, offended by this category so i think this is indicative of the fact that these people claim to serve a population they don't actually know, they are not doing the game work of getting to know the communities and what matters to them and they are not serving them with the economic policies so i don't think she's a racist or anymore than this but as a whole, there's a larger problem of the democratic party and i want to say that had trump or any other person on the right said something this, it would be called hate speech, the left would be up in arms, i appreciate at least people in our community can take things with a sense of humor, marco rubio making a picture of a taco, i think that's a better way to handle things. kennedy: i've never been hungry but i looked at marco rubio but
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his profile picture, that might turn things around. excellent work. panel is going to stick around. coming up, it seems voters are beginning to realize joe biden and donald trump are a lot older than condensed milk in your pantry so why would anyone want either of these people to run for president again? i will break it down with my love, my man, guy benson, he's next. ♪♪
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grandpa fight. it's about to get kinky. watch out for the metamucil. monday new york times published an op-ed title joe biden too old to be president again then elon musk, trump tweeting trump would be 82 at the end of term which is too old to be chief executive of anything let alone united states of america. resident trump, he's concerned saying there are many people in their 80s and even 90s is good and sharp as ever. biden is not one of them little to do with his age and actuality. life begins at 80. hope so. shouldn't impose a two limit politicians or perhaps mandatory
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pizza ordering exam for elected officials as i propose in the past? he with me to discuss, and host of the guidelines and show on fox news radio, it is guy benson. i'm going to agree with the new york times and elon musk, i want neither of these people to run for president again. your thoughts. >> i find it interesting that the new york times and media organizations and a lot of democrats are suddenly discovering joe biden is 79 years old. we were talking about these issues the last couple of years like a look at the age and performance acuity and that was all very bad, unsavory, not nice. now they decided okay, his usefulness is over, is a problem, we have to turn the page so let's say he's old, get out like okay, that happened sort of on a dime. i think the old cliché, age is
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just a number is true, i'm not sure that life begins at 80, that's a bit much but i think it depends on the person. like the average voter can turn on the television, watch for themselves how someone is performing at any age and decide whether or not they are up for that job and if joe biden is 79 in the little let's say struggling in day-to-day duties, people notice and you can have somebody who's 87, 89 much more sharp and with that. i'm not sure it is an age thing, it's a performance thing. kennedy: i don't disagree but i also think there are some acuity issues with both the front runners and it terrifies me and tucker carlson, they said tucker carlson is trying to have trumpism without trump and i was like that's actually pretty brilliant. if there are things you like about the trump administration, like the tone, the foreign policy, the cutting of
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regulations and reduce taxes then why can't you find someone with greater mental acuity is less divisive you can do those things? is that asking too much? >> no and i think that would probably be the pitch of ron desantis if he were to run for president. i think he's in his early 40s, young guy he be in his mid- 40s by then and would say love trump, love trumpism, he's a good president, i'm doing my own thing in florida, how about we take the good stuff we liked and subtract the stuff we didn't like from donald trump? let him recently under a later stage of his life in a young more vigorous person can take the helm and carry the torch. i think that is a solid which to a lot of voters, not just conservatives. i'm just not sure trump himself is willing to let someone else
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take over the trump his mantle so long as he's with us, he's the guy in his own mind and i think that's where the rub is going to be should desantis or anyone come after trump and threaten him for the nomination in the 24 cycle. kennedy: and that's great, that was also another part that elon musk brought up, democrats called off the attack, the more you attack trump, the more you embolden him and he feels obligated to run to defend himself and at this time, he just has to show his record and january 6 stuff is troubling for him but he has a better shot then biden at this time. i don't want him to run though. i think there's a lot between now and 2024 and i think ron desantis will take a page out of bottom of putin, i think we will see shirtless work horseback riding kiersten.
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>> from desantis? kennedy: yes. i said it. i did. >> i'm not necessarily sure that's what america is going forth. i think they want leadership, my guess is this it just might focus on that. kennedy: your self square. i'm the fun one here, guys. >> that's my job. when i am in for you i can be fun but can't out fund the host. they always say don't show her up, should never have you back on. she's very sensitive about these things so i'm just trying to do the job here and make boring points. kennedy: as a falsehood but i'll take it. i hurt you, hopefully i will see you soon. >> sia. kennedy: coming up, inflation hitting everyone's travel plans this summer. are there any fun alternatives close to your house? emily compagno and i went snowboarding inside in the summer.
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kennedy: there we go. unfortunately so is inflation. airfare, gas, hotels, they are all caught. why not make the most of what's close have is vacation instead. it's all the fun without the cost. emily and i hit the slopes. went snowboarding at big snow american dream mall in new jersey and new york, less than a half hour for our first inflation vacation. ♪♪ we've been talking with his brother. we are in a mall snow in the
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summer. five seconds, zero to 60, hot summer parking lot mall, no wait, we are doing it. let's do it. >> this is exciting. what are you most excited about? >> feeling the snow and making turns in the middle of even have to pay a bunch of money supply will come as great as our inflation vacation in the fact that we are 20 minutes outside of houston, a few minutes from where we live, you didn't have to go to a big resort or five states away. >> no. we're just doing it, nailing it. >> yeah we are. >> a lot of people can't go on vacation so all you can do is drive a little ways and hopefully have something like this in your backyard got the best of what in our best happens to be an indoor mountain 20
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minutes from our house. ♪♪ ♪♪ the most amazing. you are so good. >> i'm probably going to get sponsored, i'm pretty sure. did anyone see? hey guys. >> this is so fun, the best staycation. >> inflation with this vacation. the best vacation i've ever had. regardless if it's vacation. >> in america, you can find your vacation. we love you. kennedy: a thank you to the people at big snow in american dream mall in new jersey. now to go there. it's unlike anything else in the united states, it was shredded
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plastic. a change of scenery is linked to happiness with prices so hi, you got to change the post. how has inflation impacted your summer travel plans for, steven l, richard fowler, hannah cox stephen, are you still going all the going to go? people around staycation instead of going on vacation? >> i back to the no space of a park in new jersey, i thought of building one of the flock and a homemade waterside jungle gym in the wood we have had injuries, maybe a casualty but we are making the most of it and exaggerations and seeing how it goes. you don't need much, it is the lumber, hammer and garden hose are good. staycation, vacation and all of this, there is helping a new
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normal so if you don't travel or go out, they just hope and how expensive everything is is a new normal and you learn to live with it and stop limning them for it. kennedy: are not going to live with it. i'm not going to. i want going and pushing, i want to keep exploring even if it doesn't happen right now because prices are so hi, i am good with adapting to where we are but stephen l miller said, they are not going to put us in this box forever and try to distract us but there are really great places around you if you explore your own backyard. that's kind of mad i think your own backyard, i think things will go down and for once in a long time, the dollar and the euro are the same price. now it is the time to go to europe where you can get a one to one exchange rate.
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now is the time. kennedy: and the last time it happened was 2001, that is beautiful. things used to seem sheeplike 165 euros for a bag, i'll take it. now it's $165 for the same they. hannah, you have a great philosophy here. you are combining remote work with travel which is the ultimate millennial goal but it is a solid one. >> i think now more than ever we have an age where people don't have to take long vacations, they can take short trips and they don't even have to have permanent houses, they can use airbnb. i did that during the pandemic in have a permanent house and it was not nearly as much but i'm traveling and i did the three
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day said, i don't like taking time away from work, it stresses me out but now more than ever it's important to take advantage of the silver linings we have for remote work and ability to travel is one of them. trouble is good for people of the country is huge, people need to immerse themselves in culture different than them and learn about their neighbors and find ways that are healthy for our democracy. i want people to know they can travel cheaper than they think because i've heard this from, it's a privilege to travel it is by stay broke in my 20s and i was getting around. you can points, network and find ways cost-effective, just look into it. there's ways to do it, i say take the trip back. kennedy: hitchhike? take a double bag of hooker head and put yourself out. you'll never know where you will end up probably. but you're right, you can do all these things on a budget, you might have to -- what's that? >> not if you're not -- good
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enough, he won't end up in prison. kennedy: yeah, you know who got around it? will travel. no matter where you summer, you got to try to eat right. i don't want to sound like a school but as a new study for says exercise can't compensate for a crappy diet. the bike ride i took today after eating in-and-out apparently didn't help. dang it. researchers found high levels of physical activity do not counteract detrimental effects of a poor diet or mentality risk. individuals who followed a healthy diet and exercise regular displayed 17% lower death rate but if you eat fast food burger and it makes you happy, isn't that what matters? >> yes, this is news is not going to affect my team one iota, they will not care.
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everything evens out in the end, get on the treadmill with a cheeseburger, who cares? kennedy: i will tell you diet is very important with exercise but drinking, negative effects of alcohol can be negated by intense exercise from a 2016 study so diet won't do it, you have to kind of marry the two. richard, you are carved for marble, your body is as hard as hillary's heart. you know what we are talking about here. >> my biggest piece of advice to the audience, all things in moderation. if you want to have a good steak, do that but the next morning, you have to run 5 miles you can balance that out. kennedy: even sometimes running 5 miles doesn't do it. i work out a ton and i'm still dragging a wagon but i have a
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great map. [laughter] >> i work out a ton try to eat healthy. i think richard is right, everything in moderation. i think problem with americans, people are looking for get out of that camp free card and is not going to work that way. you have to make consistent good choices, true in many things in life if you want good relationships and be healthy and build wealth, day in and day out making good choices and hard work of consistency so i think we have to pay attention to what we know. we know if you want to be healthy, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn and stay away from preservatives and sugar and it's not that hard, it just takes self willpower and one thing americans struggle with. we see a society who want things handed to them and things quickly and often times don't want to do the work required to
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get the outcome. kennedy: a lot of times when you get something handed to you quickly, it's processed and that's where the problems are and that's where you run into obesity and increased cancer risk so i'm a fan of meat and vegetables, i love meat and vegetables, i don't think they steer you wrong, i tried going vegan eight weeks and it really stuck. stephen, if you had to give up something, what would you give up? to be healthier. >> probably twitter. [laughter] kennedy: no, he wouldn't. you love twitter. i don't even know that would make you healthier. what's the one piece of advice business or diet you can impart upon the audience, richard? >> that's a good one. i don't eat sweet so as a copout. the biggest piece of dieting advice, all things in moderation, they make salad so much better, a little bit of
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pepper. kennedy: i love red wine vinegar as well as all of oil. you're so basic. >> olive oil has a lot of calories, be careful. kennedy: if you are so judgmental, i was having the best time and now i'm going to cry receipt tears but thank you. beautifully done. >> you don't make friends with salad. kennedy: i am friends with salad, i like salad in a nice wedge with blue cheese and bacon, i know it's not healthy but it's delicious. thank you all. coming up, nasa releasing the first batch of images from the most powerful telescope ever made. they are breathtaking. we are learning so much. an astronomer joins me on set in moments. ♪♪
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♪♪ just one day. last night mouth trumpet monday song, the waiter was halos fan. is that matt welch? i don't know. are you ready for a holiday from planet earth? nasa today releasing incredible photos. the first james would space telescope and holy hot dog, look at these. nasa says young region in the carina nebula this, a pair of photos of the seven ring nebula. look at that. so naughty, a cloud of gas around a dying star the taste of what's to come. joining me now in studio, astronomer and director of the observatory here in los angeles, doctor ec, this is so exciting.
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>> thanks, a pleasure. kennedy: i've been reading about this for years and years, it was almost canceled in 2011, congress didn't quite pass the bill but there were a lot of people who said it way too much money but now that it's out there and it's sun shield has unfolded in with got 18 mirrors, what are we seeing? >> pieces of the cosmos just transforming itself over time. instead of inking the universe is a place that contains a bunch of stuff, you see what it really is, a process. we are seeing this process all over the place from the beginning to the end, it is incredible. kennedy: are there some things about the age of the universe we hope to reconcile the space telescope? >> no question. because it works in infrared light which our eyes don't see but the light we get from the furthest objects we can detect, we are looking back to the origin of galaxies the very
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beginning right after the big bang. this one picture from a they've already picked up our galaxy, 13.1 billion years ago. kennedy: what does that do to the known age of the universe? >> we know it's about 13.8 so were practically where the curtain of the big bang this galaxies form. we don't know how everything is just a bit. only by looking at these places and in detail, things we probably take for granted, it's a pretty picture but the pictures have details that show how things work. kennedy: is it more impressive now than we thought would be it was launched into pember december? >> i was impressed it just got out there and opened up and worked it all alone it's working like this. it's a little familiar, like the hubble space telescope, or just get most people don't realize incredible detail, additional detail, they look superficially
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like pictures you've seen before but when you look at the detail, you realize you are seeing something never seen before. kennedy: when you think about the composition and difficulty, tell me about the points, a special spot in space where is like goldilocks where it has to be just right for the telescope to function optimally. >> you need it stable and it can't be close to the earth. the earth gives off a lot of infrared light and plain light which would contaminate what the telescope has to do. it's like how to get to the backside of the moon you don't have interference? you don't have to go to the backside of the moon, you go to these points where the gravitational forces balanced between the sun and earth and the moon and that means it can sit there. the only trouble is you put out there, you can't get to it, it's too far away to fix it has to be right the first time. kennedy: unlike the hubble, spacewalkers have gone and fixed
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it several times and make adjustments and polish things up. i going to get a new tied with the images? >> this one is close but i hope is always to get new ties and certainly the web will provide a lot of opportunity. kennedy: i hope you come back and tell me more because this is fascinating, so exciting. these are the ultimate pursuit we should be making in society. topical storm is next. stay here. ♪♪
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millions have made the switch from the big three to xfinity mobile. that means millions are saving hundreds a year on their wireless bill. and all of those millions are on the nation's most reliable 5g network, with the carrier rated #1 in customer satisfaction. that's a whole lot of happy campers out there. and it's never too late to join them.
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a new report claims covid-19 could be hiding in your freezer but i say that's impossible. i got way too many body parts in there. as a cold day in hell. this is topical storm, topic number one. 40000 pounds of potato chips caught on fire in florida which made the chinos even more flaming hot. video showing the fire department spring more food than joe biden at lunchtime. firefighters say when they arrived, bags were on fire, even the cool ranch was caught. the only chips that will hurt the inside of your mouth more than fritos. some of the packaging melting into the chips.
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likely they were made from the same ingredients but in the end the fire was extinguished by high-capacity streams, no one was hurt but the chips could not be saved. chris christie will be holding a memorial friday. prayers. luxury brand getting customers brain scans to find out what they want and the answer, every time, more cowbells. it's happening in paris. his presenting customers with perfumes to see how the brains light up with each smell. sounds like a nosy intrusion to me. as a version four-point oh from new jersey, it measures how much each perfume makes you control. creators say it can predict 99% accuracy, 96% rather. which perform you like by reading her mind. it worked on me. that's why my new perfume smells
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like a burning truck of potato chips. yum. topic number three. a gang has been caught running a leak in order to swindle russian gamblers. i can't believe they out of this, too. it's literally my retirement plan. reportedly masterminded in russia but the fake leak was based on a farm in india. scammers set up bogus ticket teams during laborers wearing professional uniforms and play phony badges in a marked up station. they were broadcast live with fake announcers and cbi graphics causing us real professional games. scammers took them on the game through the telegram channel while mitigating the players on the field and telling them what to do next. the league classic to the quarter finals. it's first season before but the longest lasting fake in sports,
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lebron james still. topic number four. the california uprising has begun and this time it's not being led by steve hilton at the la jolla cove beach in san diego. see lines are close but it's not san diego. see lines have been charging beachgoers if you thought the parking meters were annoying, multiple videos show sea lions reclaiming their territory and chasing humans away. what did you expect, people? cannot called see lamps. i'm glad to see someone pushing back on californians. texas now assembling an army of sea lions guard the border, experts say the sea lions are aggressive this time of year because they are competing for mates. it must be hard to find a mate when you look like a sea lion. then again, james cordon that it.
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cinderella so bad at soccer? she kept running away from the ball. >> thank you. >> no, thank you, janet, chris, steve, they got it right on twitter, congratulations, thank you for watching the best hour of your day. >> a nasty island. from a mosqud swamp to america's winter playground. >> creates the mediterranean riviera of the united states. >> the risk. >> the ruin. >> andt the rescue. >>ss she would chain herself to buildings. > how they built and saved
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