tv Kennedy FOX Business July 20, 2022 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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country, methamphetamine coming in, cocaine, cartel control or the actual people by whatever metric you want to measure, every state is not a border state so it does bring fast action knowing the liberal mayors of places like new york and washington d.c., finally feeling the impacts. elizabeth: thank you so much for watching, i'm elizabeth macdonald, join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: breaking news tonight, president biden says he has cancer. watch. >> the first frost, you know what's happening. put on your windshield wipers to get oil slick off the window. people i grew up with have cancer and for the longest time delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation. kennedy: that's weird, the white house had no idea and now they
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are doing what they do trying to clean up by explaining the president had cancer, skin cancer. he doesn't have cancer. that really scared us. mr. president, come on, man. is that malarkey? president biden's agenda stuck in the mud worse than a front wheeled dobson. he can't do nothing to tame inflation, crime is through the roof. the border is a turnstile. one way of course and was the president's plan? let's change the subject again. there's sleepy joe saying climate change is the biggest threat to the nation and humanity planning a bunch of pictorial executive orders to force us to go green. why? he can't get anything passed on capitol hill even the democrats control both sides of congress. the president has to use scare tactics to get his way. >> climate change is literally existential threat for our nation and the world.
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this is an emergency and i will look at it that way. i said last week and i'll say it again loud and clear. as president i'll use my executive powers to combat climate crisis, not a single republican in congress except to support my credit plan, not one. let me be clear, climate change an emergency, we will make new york safe, i mean it. we have an opportunity here. kennedy: we will make it safe from the cancer. i know this is a serious issue, i get that but more government is not the solution. believe it or not, give the problem of course, the move is an attempt to appease his progressive base. they are upset biden is not fighting hard for the a radical agenda. one man keeps standing in the way today i like him. west virginia republic -- i
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mean, democrat. joe manchin. he halted have trillion dollar climate spending bill and he said critics need to pipe down. >> people criticizing my own colleagues, i understand your aspirations and where they are coming from. people are saying joe manchin, don't you believe inflation is the number one thing in america right now earning every human being? i'm sorry if they don't care about that, i do, i am more concerned about that. kennedy: good for you, the real president joe. you may recall president biden -- former president trump for using executive orders to get things done. does this climate push make him a hypocrite? man panel is here to discuss, editor in chief, jon gabriel. most of the aggressive progressive podcast, former aide to chuck schumer, doesn't like chuck schumer, chris hahn is here. medical, shane hazel, wonderful podcast. a candidate for governor and shane hazel is here.
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let's go, let's do this. jon gabriel. i'm not really happy about the president using executive order to force climate, it could happen with horrific repercussions for the economy. your thoughts? >> he seems to want to emulate plans, it's obviously illegal, unconstitutional and none of the measures he's pushing will work but you wonder how bad, the joe biden and politics are. gallup did a poll, what's your number one issue? 40% said the economy, 2% said climate change, number one 47%, the economy and 0% climate change. focus on the economy, it's not that difficult and he just does it. kennedy: technology is also a
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wonderful thing, chris hahn and we can't discount that. i agree john, i don't like when any president use an overused executive orders. i think it circumvents the process, i think it throws the three branches out of balance and here particularly law people already hurting, you have to hurt more in order to save the planet. that's probably a bad move politically. what would you do? >> first of all, i think congress. they don't have anything more on climate change, congress needs to get involved in legislating they haven't really done in the past 50 years in this country but the supreme court said the president can use executive power to declare emergencies and all sorts of ways. i remember talking about this three and a half years ago when donald trump did and the court backed him so i think it's legal
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for him to do it, whether it's the best course of action, he not acknowledged today that it's not, congress should get involved into sweeping legislation to address climate change which is congress in the past 50 years of congress have been incapable of doing. i think we need to get serious about what's going on in this world and of course utilize technology and make sure it doesn't crush the backs of americans and i think of congress put their heads together on both sides of the aisle and try to work out a deal like it did in the 50s and 40s when congress actually did something, maybe we would get something done. kennedy: it was really nixon who screwed everything up with the climate change but no, he passed the clean air and water act which have not been beneficial so what's worse, shane? the epa overstepping bounds,
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honestly they were smacked down by the supreme court. declaring edicts outside of their agency scope or presidents overstepping their bounds with executive orders that will hurt the economy, it will curtail innovation and it punishes -- chris hahn, you just shrank, that was sexy. [laughter] just go ahead and answer. [laughter] >> i say it's time for both and the thing is, democrats, i gave you the senate, you know what i mean? have the senate and congress and is this a constitutionally delegated power to the federal government? it's not this is delegated to the state for the tenth amendment and is not listed in this will have all sorts of unintended consequences, we are talking possibly the new deal which they want to pass, 100 trillion-dollar spending bill
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and most are behind it. kennedy: also the spending bill has little to do with saving the actual environment which is funny, shane, i don't know if a lot of people know this but the reason joe manchin is so powerful, it's because of you because you ran for said it in the state of georgia and david dingell barry lost because he had to go into a runoff with john -- >> the fact that republicans right now don't have to worry about touting congress for the senate right now, this is one of those i do know, present in disguise to both of them. it's in the make or break and let's face it, these guys don't know economics, they don't understand what americans are on right now. we are going to watch them fumble and fail as a crumble and i think it's going to be a glorious thing especially for
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people oriented as we decentralize and get away from the feds making decisions should be made at local and state levels. kennedy: we should do everything we can to decentralize as much as possible. decentralized, d couple. i know you are a fan of bitcoin, you have a great podcast today or tomorrow everyone will love. one crisis to another, look no further than the border and i'm not talking about taco bell by every measure, the border is a mess. homeland security alejandro mayorkas claiming the border is secure, you guys. totally great. this is normal. watch. >> the border is secure. the border, we are working to make the border more secure. that's been a historic challenge. [laughter] kennedy: you can hear people giggling in the room. i didn't know he didn't stand up. this is fun.
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it's not secure. 200,000 migrant for months have reportedly been crossing since spring. video after video shows people walking writing. it doesn't look very secure to me. once again, you have alejandro mayorkas lying through his teeth. i do think he hates his job and he's just trying to get fired? >> i wish he could be fired, i don't think it would improve much. i live in arizona, one of those border states, i see a family running through my backyard as we speak. the border is not secure at this time. we been dealing with it for years. he knows he's lying. there's an old russian saying, they live, we know we are lying, they know that we know they are lying and they are lying anyway. they know they are making stuff up and now even mayors in d.c. and new york city, they are complaining because sneaky states like mine are shipping
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out places, to blue states and saying they are straining our welfare systems we have set up from a they've been saying that forever here. kennedy: bowser said exactly that in the last week. yes, they are saying it because it's an impossibility when you have broken immigration system with a series of multitude of laws that don't match, they don't meet up. it's like having different with train tracks. he will have a few derailments and immigration derailed a long time ago. >> and in 2013 democrats and the publicans came together in the senate and past copperheads of immigration reform and border security act and if i was a democrat right now running anywhere in his country, it would be the only thing i talked about, i wouldn't be dragging to
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the border debate because anybody who cares about that never voted for a democrat anyway. talk about the copperheads of -- that passed united states senate with bipartisan support wasn't taken up by the republican house because john didn't want to lose the issue in the midterms so my feeling is that's what democrats need to be on this, nowhere else. kennedy: it would help with the vice president who used to be in the senate was meeting with them crafting legislation and solving the problem which she's not because she's an unserious person. >> she should just introduce it, tell them to reintroduce it. kennedy: the president of the senate, she has the opportunity as someone who has relationships with all of these people especially the ones in the party, she can do that. she's not because she's a hack. stop talking, shane -- >> i don't think she's been to the border yet. the kids are still in cages they were complaining about and at the end of the day what this is also a state problem. it's not the same as migration. migration is another one of those tenth amendment issues
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left to the state on purpose. naturalization was put into the constitution because of voting swelling numbers soap to push this back and the state, texas, arizona and the rest, they need to get really serious. obviously the governor of georgia, this will be on my plan to fix here in georgia. what we are not going to do is have the federal government stupid and save the day for everybody and make everything perfect. this will continue to be a problem will get worse as the economy declines and as we see the feds lose more and more power and locals who don't want to put up with their bureaucracy. i think we are going to see state do like i said earlier, decentralization taking that power back and is a good thing for everybody. kennedy: we will see if the states most impacted by this to take that power back and things for themselves. man panel is sticking around because i think i will.
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the california coast ramping up ridiculous restrictions again. parents, it's going to make your blood boil. the school board president issued unscientific decree that students will have to wear masks again this coming school year or stay home and learn over zoom which we arty know doesn't work for a number of reasons. parents understandably are furious, their kids are once again being forced to suffer even though they are least susceptible to the virus and least likely to transmit it. today on fox kentucky republican senator rand paul said the solution to the problems is at the ballot box. >> it's foolish and goes against everything we know about learning. unselect these people, send them
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home. one for the school board. everybody in san diego should be irate because it's not based on science, it's based on left-wing foolishness, political science, not based on facts or evidence. kennedy: so what's behind the crusade against children reading free? next revolution host, host of the daily california podcast, steve hilton is back. so what's going on in your home state? we know it doesn't work. [laughter] >> unbelievable, we talked about monday where they came in on monday, we cannot believe we are going through this again after everything is back, he's ridiculous masks and you ask what's behind it, if you want any evidence that this is all political and not based on science, really important story, jennifer and red state put up this story about this study cited by all these people, the
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cdc to justify mask mandate in schools to show they work and they've got author of the study, they are not scientists or doctors, they are bureaucrats in los angeles public health department. one of them is the daughter of the public health director in los angeles is about to bring in her own mask mandate. listen to her qualifications. this report that is a justification. she had a major in metropolitan studies and politics from nyu, her research focus on urban planning and policy, immigration, race and racism and health equity. communication management from emerson college and in 2012 focusing on state management, public diplomacy, place branding and health communication. these are the people behind
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these totally antiscience mask mandate making children suffer. it is outrageous. kennedy: and they are suffering. learning loss, mental health issues, all out state of emergency for kids who lived through the pandemic and they are subjecting them to that again because of a woman whose lucy loosely studied health equity. maybe she should look at the mental health of communities of color were kids have parents out of the home working and stuck at home oftentimes with substandard technology. if there was any hope of earning equity, they lost out on it so where is someone like this? why is she not reading the data in places like harvard and johns hopkins? all of these medical centers who have shown mask mandate have no effect on virus transmission, hospitalization and death rates?
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>> anything. it because it's totally ideological now. not based on practical analysis not facts or evidence or data. there's another piece of evidence people may not know nationwide, a very clear test in the bay area where i live, alameda county next door to costa county, alameda county has a mask mandate, a couple of month ago no mandates and someone plus of the line of cases, absolutely no difference. two counties, mask mandate and one not the other, identical outcomes. how much more evidence do we need? it's not about the evidence, it's about ideology, left-wing extremism that's infected the democratic party in california and bureaucrats as well. kennedy: it is insane and drunk
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on power. they are funded by teachers unions who steal from their members and the kids are the ones who suffer. for parents, it's like your kids go to school in california, we cannot stand up for this any longer. we have to speak out rand paul, kick these people off the school board because they are tyrants who want to hurt your children. >> exactly and have the same time we have gavin newsom lecturing florida about freedom when in his state this is what's happening, it's beyond a joke. i can't believe we've got this all coming back again but we have. kennedy: 45% of people in san francisco say they would like to leave. don't leave. always stay here, good to have you. >> i'm fighting. [laughter] kennedy: coming up, buying a home is probably never more difficult. inflation, mortgage rates, bidding wars. what can you do to finally own your own place?
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homeownership is becoming impossible especially for younger first-time buyers. skyrocketing inflation, high interest rates, low inventory among competitive market and young's are struggling with affordability as median home price jumped up 11.2% last month. many have to rely on mom and dad big mom and dad for help buying or even renting. 65% of millennial's and 50% of gen z believe buying a home is a hallmark of the american dream. i thought the hated america. when is the right time to buy and how can you do it? here to discuss, wealth management, fox news contributor, scott martin. >> in the karate to boot but we will keep that on next. that's my role. kennedy: i feel bad for people
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because it's like i've got a personal story i'm not going to share right now but i will tell you that it is hard out there especially if you are looking to buy your first home, what advice you have for people in that position? >> it ain't ever easy and you are right about the median home price. you want to talk about the numbers, the percentage increase, median home price in the united states, boys and girls especially young ones approaching elon musk style, 416k on the nose. that's an incredible number to think about. the middle one, how the average but middle in the middle, it's pretty extensive so the young and for some reason does hate america but some reason wants to buy a house here is triple but the problem i have is is housing a right or privilege? you have to earn it or just get it? you go back to clinton daines when we are much younger, you
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were singing songs and dancing, i was i don't know, maybe not even born yet but the fair and equitable housing approach clinton had. kennedy: don't forget w, george w. bush was a big purveyor -- let's not verify income. just tell me what you make. whatever you want, no interest? sure. >> if we go back there again and say let's look at little and mr. homebuyer, i'm sympathetic because it's tough for all, we said earlier in the intro but you can't just go out and give homes away, you can't give crazy loans out. kennedy: no one is saying you should give homes away. no one is saying the government owes you a home, no one is saying that but if you look at people who don't have a down payment because they wasted so much money, $250,000 on a crappy college degree that gets them a low-paying job so they are
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saddled with that they are never going to get rid of which shouldn't be canceled, i don't care what bernie sanders said, it's hard to go out there like that's the hardest part for people, cobbling together a down payment to own anything in the first place. >> and you mentioned the college debt situation, following in the trap because the government made it that way and that's what's messed up, always the government creating problems and fixing them by creating more problems. those problems don't exist anymore. the sustainability of housing here is in question because you talk about the supply, the price increases. material cost, think the lord are coming down finally but still high because of where they were a few years ago so things need to work and subs out but the way they do is a free market not by having the government coming in and fix things because last time i checked, they can't fix anything. kennedy: no and the three areas with the most government intrusion. housing, healthcare and higher
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education, triple h but not the right about ressler. he did not -- >> he's cute. kennedy: i thought was really weird. having said that, those three areas the government intruded so much, the prices are completely out of whack. there's no balance at all whatsoever and you are right, more government is not going to make more government better. government needs to get out of the way and people need to make better decisions in terms of where they matriculate and when you go to a private school and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, no one is going to pay that for you but you're a smart educated person, you sign on the dotted line. that means you are responsible for it so don't go to self private liberal arts schools to give you a meaningless degree. >> education right here between us. we'll teach. kennedy: that's right. thank you. >> you can't leave your he on his doorstep. kennedy: friends will steal them.
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if the thought of buying a home is driving you to drink, you might end up drinking alone. new data shows younger singles are choosing to stay sober when they date. the pandemic made people think genuine connection and they see alcohol as a barrier. but what if your true self is a raging whose bag? john, chris and shane. i think this is interesting because i don't know if sober dating is the best thing in the world. [laughter] >> i was not very good at sober or drunk dating but i love the phrase the sober curious. i have that for the record. i was the world worst dater in college was not talking to girls, someone married me anyway for some strange reason but i guess you don't need the booze, it might help certain personalities and reveal your
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true self but there are a lot more in places these days. a violent rebellion insurrection, something like that. go to freedom best, you can meet all sorts of great people that. kennedy: i have a great quote from a dating coach named michelle who gets up to 1600 a month for telling you what you're doing wrong. she said of the sober curious movement, you can fool yourself into thinking a date was fun when really you're just drunk. [laughter] but is not its own kind of fun? >> i remember when i was dating, i needed a couple of drinks to actually talk for an hour or so to a stranger so i don't know -- >> things have changed in my old age but it was fun to be sober on a date when i was younger.
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i do understand why people might want to right now, i think people want to explore true self and people and spend most of your life sober so he can't do an hour or two hour date with somebody without a couple of drinks, he might have a problem. kennedy: just trying to figure, picture rather chris haunt with a full head of red carrot top hair sitting around going -- >> light brown. he would have liked it. [laughter] kennedy: i would have rubbed my toes through it. [laughter] shane hazel. i think there is something to having a pop when you're meeting someone for the first time and i think it's a virtue signaling like i don't drink on dates. >> it tough. i guess to be there are better drugs these days, people want to connect at a different level, less dangerous drugs like crack
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and loc and the rest and all that. i don't know. i think a lot of people are maybe just i don't know, maybe they are not dancing quite as much. kennedy: i'll tell you what happened, people drink too much during the pandemic because there was nothing else to do and nowhere to go so they drink so much and then they were still alone so now they are trying to change things up hoping to have a different result but shane, i think you're on to something, dating while both of you are on the same psychedelic, that could be very interesting. it is a great trip and the wicked duchenne canoe after all. [laughter] kennedy: chris hahn, next time you're on the show, i want a
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full man-made and silence, deal? >> i'll talk to you a photo right after. [laughter] kennedy: i can't wait. always good to talk to all of you. one of the nation's most controversial systems offering president biden advice on china. you really want to listen to a guy like his anger? kissing her? i don't even know her. ♪♪
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biggest strategic rival. military is powerful, economy is strong, influence growing. what we do about it? according to former secretary henry kinzinger, we should avoid degradation. i tend to agree with that, i'd like to avoid confrontation but here's the problem. it is a very questionable secretary of state and horrible track record when it comes to avoiding war, asked be average be enemies or cambodian farmer. should henry kinzinger hang up his cleats? joining me now to discuss former cia officer portman square group chairman and ceo, he got both because he's that good, mike baker is back. >> thank you very much. i do know we could request songs, i do know she was able to. maybe next time i will send you a note. kennedy: for sure. consider it done. >> cool. kennedy: he talks about nixonian flexibility in terms of where china was an opening the door to
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diplomacy but we are at a vastly different place now in terms of where we are, they are, the economy is an shenanigans they are pulling all over the world. >> we are and you can also argue we aren't. things don't seem to change much and by that i mean i was in london last week and as i always do, i try to stop by museums there that's fascinating and brilliant. i was walking to the world war i exhibit and it talked about some of famines the war cause a mass migration of people it cost and the destruction. you realize you are standing there reading about this in world war i while we are in a massive land war between russia and ukraine and u.s. and nato allies and the same things are happening, the famine and mass migration so i get when he looks around and maybe things don't
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change that much but i think the bigger question is, a lot of people probably looked at his comments and said he still alive? kennedy: he is 99 years old and i'm impressed he's still writing and consulting which i think is wonderful and it goes to show it's not about age, it's about competency but are his prescriptions necessary right now? is he out of step with current administration or should we appease china and open up everything to him and feel are intellectual property and pretend it's a free market economy? >> i vote for or not that but i think what he's doing, if he strips away all in his latest comments, i think what he's really saying is you need a line of communication and i think he's worried perhaps increased provocation between u.s. and china, the increase we've seen from china, it is there fault,
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i'm not saying it's not us, the regime engaged in all sort of actions creating this tension between u.s., allies and china but i think what kinzinger is saying is you need to have a line of communication that prevents some sort of catastrophic buildup and competition. i don't disagree with that but i do disagree with the concept that in some fashion we should allow xi jinping and his regime to just get away unscathed. we need to show their abuses and talk about how they squashed democracy in hong kong and the uyghurs and the fact that there's no rule of law in china and certainly no civil liberties to speak of. kennedy: they've got locked down, people throwing themselves out of apartment buildings because they were starving to death because of recent covid
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markdowns. >> and then you've got their constant over the years that still goes on from a constant intellectual properties and their desire to skip the research and develop meant days and continue for they believe they should be which is the protégé. hegemony, yeah. kennedy: that's the word, the billion-dollar word. i think -- a great arousal for margaret thatcher, she's featured in his most recent book which we are all going to -- mike baker, thank you so much. >> still jones and the bacher, no doubt about it. kennedy: in 1994. wonderful. mike baker, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. as as sign of how much i respect you and admire you and what you do with the show, it's almost 3:00 a.m. where i am right now.
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they've done a lot of work with the physically challenged. specifically the new york jets. that's piling on gangrene and this is topical storm, topic number one. human scientists in the uk spiking hazelnut spread with birth control and feeding it to wild squirrels to stop them from reproducing. no wonder they've been hiding their nuts. the scheme was developed by uk's animal of health agency but they got the idea from hunter biden life. the goal is to reduce publishing of invasive gray squirrels which are competing with native red squirrels for food. leave it to the red squirrels to come up with a communist idea like that. birth control specific they designed to work on male and female squirrels. so powerful if you bikes will make them sterile as stephen colbert moloch. the most effective birth control in the uk was the judgment
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teeth. the plan currently is in a trial phase but officials have defeated to the entire population and if it works, they will start to feed it to nick cannon and maybe elon musk. topic number two. a michigan woman suing a man for sending her up on a date asking for $10000 for emotional distress she's willing to settle for an afternoon at the aquarium. she's telling a judge over zoom richard jordan, the man in white failed to show up. you know your love life is in trouble when you have to subpoena people to get them to show up. richard won the case and its dimmest. the judge said the lawsuit was filed in the wrong venue and ordered him to refile her suit in the correct court. the correct court being the one run by judge walker. it turns out she's getting a second day after all even if it is a court date and with any luck she gets the next judge to
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sentence richard hard times. get a girl. topic number three. a woman find $1800 for bringing undeclared subway and at home with her from an international trip. biggest mistake she made was returning to a very unfree australia. jessica said she didn't realize she needed to declare lettuce and chicken in her sandwich but under australian law deemed bio security risk. i've always said subway food is a war crime. known to cause pretty toxic gas. good news after hearing her story, subway corporation stepped in and reimbursed her the full amount. so what is her hero. i'm guessing you people from pennsylvania found that joke to be a little hokey. poe was in louisiana must be totally lost. sorry about the sandwich puns, i tried to contain myself when i'm on a roll. topic number four. the world is becoming a multi- person or game so you and your friends can be together.
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in case you are not permitted, a digital game involving guessing words tossing out random letters also known as a joe biden press conference. physical person is on the way so you can play with friends at parties as opposed to how it's normally laid, alone on the toilet. digital version created by a software engineer and went viral foster and monkeypox in the conformance, new york times bought it for more than $1 million making it the fastest sellout since rage against the machine. the boardgame is available for preorder online but if you really want to see a real life boardgame, ask a democrat if men can get pregnant. we'll be right back with kenne-dog. ♪♪ enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? i have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. so i'm taking zeposia, a once-daily pill.
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because i won't let uc stop me from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and it's the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat not corrected by a pacemaker, if you have untreated severe breathing problems during your sleep, or if you take medicines called maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections nd narrowing of the brain's blood vessels. though unlikely, a risk of pml--a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection--cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, medications, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. if you can become pregnant, use birth control during treatment and for 3 months after you stop taking zeposia. don't let uc stop you from doing you. ask your doctor about once-daily zeposia. what if you were a global energy company? with operations in scotland,
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technologists in india, and customers all on different systems. you need to pull it together. so you call in ibm and red hat to create an open hybrid cloud platform. now data is available anywhere, securely. and your digital transformation is helping find new ways to unlock energy around the world. if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way to travel. ♪
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wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. it is a time for the best segment in nearly 100 years of television, kennedogs, dogs are the best, tweet me photos and videos of your dog. first up, mike's 12 week old pup stella. she is a cute princess. next we have jay's dog, fritz, he loves people and dogs, and running, and fritz is a good boy. >> and daisy, rick's pooch, she loves her toys, and lisa's dogs, carl and dixie, they are beautiful, spotted and well behaved.
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amy's rescue, chevy who loves walks could napping and squirrels, especially the kind on birth control, i like her a lot. this is ruby. the most beautiful eyes. next is rocco. a rescue, a good boy. you could tell. these are two dogs, leme and leila, you have a leme too. i'm dying for them, i want a high 5 and high paw. lastly, wait, that is nikki. -- mickey's birthday today, turning 6. mickey's owner certain me this picture, i thought was beautiful. look at that compensation. >> there are palm trees and a sunset, i love the
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kennedogs. thank you so much for watching best hour of your day, you can follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedy nation on facebook. and tomorrow night, kentucky congressman thomas massey. and jimmy failla. someone check in. >> can't watch the show, dvr it make of day a kenneday. good night. >> when you think of skiing, golfing, hiking, and spa retreats our mind probably goes to getting away. but what if i told you, you could live every day like a vacation, all you need is the perfect house in the perfect location with all of the amenities you could count. we found twoou of the best. resort properties in two of the most coveted destinations that america has tougher -- best part,
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