tv The Evening Edit FOX Business July 29, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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>> you know, attorney general morrisey, thank you for standing up in west virginia and we're grateful as americans and thank you for joining me tonight dealing with technical issues tonight. have a great night. that's it for us on fox business tonight. thank you for letting me into your living room. i'm sean duffy and i've enjoyed joining you all week. the evening edit starts right now. >> elizabeth: happening now, president biden pushing for more government spending and tax hikes as the u.s. enters a recession. critics ripping into biden saying he's out of touch with the economy. meantime, sources tell fox news the probe into the list of suspects in the bomb shell supreme court roe v wade leak is narrowing and we've got the latest on that. plus, a startling new report reveals that china attempted to open a propaganda account to sway users in the united states.
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new york city soft on crime speaking out about a teenager caught on video assaulting police. he's now defending his actions for going easy on that suspect who asked to press charges against the cops. >> fentanyl overdose deaths on the rise across the states. we're talking to a mom who lost both of her sons to the powerful drug that's pouring into our country due to biden's policy. i'm jackie mcdaniel in for elizabeth mcdonned. donald. the evening edit starts right now. >> elizabeth: the rally capping month on inflation date hit another 41 year high and amid increasing optimism that
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inflation risks may have peaked and the white house continues to put a positive spin on dismal economic data showing we're in a recession. edward lawrence is at the white house with more for us. edward. >> well, jackie, we end this week with more bad economic data for this administration. in fact, the federal reserves favored inflation indicator, pce inflation is at 6.8% year over year. that is a 40 year high. now, core which is without food or energy cost at 4.8% year over year. the white house press secretary saying again today more spending will help inflation and that slower economic growth is expected in the transition to stable growth. >> on that transition, when can americans feel or see -- when can americans expect that transition to be over? >> so it's happening currently right now. that is what we're stepping into. we see that. we see that a little bit of a cooling; right, with the jobs numbers that we see every month. >> no time frame, just like
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inflation being transitory and republicans remind you that this president's policies caused all of these problems. >> the only thing that climate that's going to change over the next 12 months is the economic climate and it's going to get worse, and republicans have been warning and sounding the alarms for quite some time that this additional spending is only going to make inflation worse. >> the white house economic advisers could not say now finally that inflation has peaked. we'll have to wait till next month. thank you. jackie. >> jackie: edward lawrence, thank you for all that. for more welcome utah congressman jason and economic expert carol roth. jason, let's start with you with the wall street journal piece with biden's stagnation saying it's arrived. the administration wants to call this a transition. they can call it whatever they want to call it, but we've got a pulmoby road ahead. >> we do, they're self-inflicted wounds and they change the
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policy and spent a record amount of money and they want to raise taxes and how can they literally today go back and make the argument they need to spend money that will fight inflation and they're going to raise taxes. are you kidding me? that's in no cook book on how to deal with the economy. economy. >> jackie: they're good at renaming things and calling build back better inflation reduction act and we have the full screen breaking down to $739 billion in new taxes, $369 billion in energy and climate and $69 billion in expansion of affordable care act. carol roth, explain how spending more will get us out of the hole because i can't figure it out. >> i have no idea what's going on, jackie. the fed is trying to cool demand with their policies ask cool spending on the consumer side, on the business side, then at the same time you have the government who wants to come out and spend all of this money. these two things are entirely in conflict with each other.
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i am personally sick of the people who have been wrong about everything. they've been wrong about money printing, wrong about crime, they've been wrong about anything that you can think of. now all the sudden they've got the solution and it's more spending, we all know what that means. >> yeah, it's interesting because we have a sound byte, jason, from president obama in 2009 talking about raising taxes when the economic climate is not ripe for it. listen to that. >> last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would just suck up -- take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole. >> remember in the early '80s, we had paul volker and he tried to raise interest rates and ronald reagan cut taxes because that ends up being a bit of a balance to kind of get the better landing that you want. even president obama agrees. your thoughts. >> at this point, we're spending almost 25% of the gdp is spent by the federal government. it's an absurd amount of money
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and the interest on the debt is another part of the story we haven't told. we're going to be spending about $1 billion a day on interest servicing our national debt. we don't get anything for that, but it costs the person meme a lot of money and rising interest rates only going higher >> jackie: their way of looking at this, carol, is long term calculations that this will reduce the deficit and many people question that and having said that, let's switch gears for a moment because it's not the administration in denial but the media also. watch this. >> inflation reduction act climate deal was announced yesterday, generally good for a whole bunch of reasons. >> there is some good news tonight for president biden. i know, we've not been hearing that much. >> we're at a skillfully titled inflation reduction act or build back better 2.0, would do a lot of good for the country. it is the cherry on top of
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what's been an overall good week for the democratic party, the president, and the country. cou. >> jackie: wow, the cherry on top of the sunday, carol. many people would say not so fast, joy. >> yeah, it's like putting an olive on top of ice cream sunday. sounds really gross to me. they've got nothing to talk about. this has been an economic disaster and there's nothing you can say about your life that's been better under the biden administration than it was before he got into office. there's anything that they can cling to and let's be honest, the democrats love spending. they have sort of a disconnect with math and reality and that sounds like an amazing thing and get to push all their fantasy agendas and i'm not surprised to hear his media cheerleaders would be saying this is a fantastic thing because they don't either understand or care about the consequences. >> jackie: yeah, we've got a full screen from bloomburg talking about credit card debt and i've been watching this closely, jason, because i worry
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about americans with the higher gas prices and grocery prices, and higher pent up demand from the pandemic and want to get out with the family as well. i worry they're putting that on their credit card and in fact mast ere card is saying credit card debt is rising in the country. at the same time you've got janet yellen and she's saying, you know, this is all about semantics. >> we should avoid semantic battle. i've tried to do that in my remarks today. when you say that americans are very concerned about the economy, i think their biggest concern is with inflation and high prices that they feel they can't afford to put gas in their gas tank and people are worried about their retirement savings and whether or not they'll have enough to retire. now, sometimes people use the word recession to refer to debt, that's really about inflation.
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>> jackie: all right, part of that made sense. part of it was, you know, kind of circular logic to follow. she gets the fact that people are hurting right now but we're all disagreeing about what we should call this. >> look, people's real wages have gone down. i mean, this is the fundamental problem is you may have gotten a raise at work but inflation is outpacing you and you go to the gas tank and, you know, i happen to drive an f150, it costs more than $100 to fill that tank. you can't just keep doing that. >> yeah, and gas prices are still $2 above where they were when biden came into office and so people are just feeling that pain and, carol, when it comes to the pain that people are feeling, you know, when president trump was in office, so many times surveys would indicate, the polls would indicate people felt optimistic about the future, they felt optimistic about the economy, they thought their family was on the right track; right. these are the things that matter to people. the kitchen table items, and right now you've got so many people saying more than 80% they
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don't think this country is headed in the right direction. >> i thought they were concerned about mean tweets, jackie. that's what i've been reliably told and the adults are back in charge. it's very expensive to have the adults back in charge and people aren't seeing a lot of optimism because there's no policies out there that make it clear that anybody is serious about economic security, whether it's energy, whether it's changing jobs or anything about bringing down inflation. there's no credible policy that's moving things in that optimistic direction. all anybody sees is that light at the end of the tunnel is a train coming in the other direction and they know they're going to have to pay for it. it. >> jackie: yeah, and with respect to jobs, the democrats, jason, they'll hang their hat on the fact the unemployment rate is low right now and what seems to be happening is people have dropped out of the labor force; right? that labor participation number is down and everyone looking, there's two jobs open. what i think is happening here to your point about real wages
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is people sit back and say, my wages aren't going up enough fast enough to keep up with the inflation. why should i bother going to work? if i wait long enough, they'll sign another bill like they're trying to do now calling it inflation reduction act, and i'll get a benefit from that. why bother going? ? >> the benefits far richer than going back to work. i think you're right. i think the labor participation rate, that's a scary number. when you have such low participation in the work force, people sit back and say i'll take it on the government's dime and that's happening in mass. it's not a very small isolated number. >> jackie: yeah, i think what will end up happening as we go into the fall as people pull back even more, you'll see the job market start to slow, you start seeing more and more companies laying off, and that adds two sides to this where people will be strained and so we have to brace for that. we'll be watching very closely for that. jason and carol, great to have you both on tonight and great to see you.
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>> jackie: a startling new report revealing that china attempted to open a propaganda account to sway users in the united states. now the da speaking out about a teenager caught on camera assaulting police. he's now defending his actions for going easy on that suspect. we've got that story ahead. >> it's okay to fight a cop and help the bad guy get at the cop. i feel like we're in a bad mad maximow i have. &%c1
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democrat led states getting so bad some stores are being forced to shut down. that includes a starbucks in dc's union station. the coffee shop is expected to close this sunday. for more on this, let's get right to fox news' isha huffny. >> reporter: hey, jackie, whether or not lawmakers agree with the argument that starbucks is making here, there's one thing that democrats and republicans do agree on and that's keeping commuters safe. now, we actually looked into the crime stats here and while union station is not in the jurisdiction of dc metro police, mpd data does show all crime in the neighborhood surrounding the train station has increased in the past year. now, some though are calling
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starbuck's bluff. the group helping starbuck's employees around the country juneize are calling the closings an act of retaliation and senator tim cannon of virginia believers starbucks but agrees something has got to give. >> we've got to make investment in transit and make sure people feel safe. >> reporter: jackie, the interesting thing is while democratic house leadership says that they support police funding instead of voting on a package of bills to fund police departments across the country today, they've punted it to mid august and instead will vote on an assault weapons ban, which everyone knows will not go very far in a 50/50 senate. jackie. >> jackie: thank you so much. dc of course not the only place seeing a spike in crime. new york city officers responding to a robbery last night were involved in a shootout with suspects. lucky no one was hurt but this is the latest incident where police again were the target.
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joining me now to discuss former nypd detective dr. oscar otum. dr. otum, great to have you and first your reaction to what happened overnight with the shooting in the city. thankfully nobody hurt there but having said that, we've got a problem on our hands with respect to crime here and how police officers are being targeted and treated on the streets. >> most definitely. you know, i look at it through the lens of being, you know, a retired police officers, practitioner, academic and also a citizen. what happens is a lot of times they're making it out of the process before the police officer finishes processing their paperwork, which is a problem. the public should think if the police officer is getting attacked in uniform and with a weapon, what chance does the average citizen have without a uniform and without a weapon? you let them out and think you're doing a service to this person, but you're actually doing a disservice to everybody, including the person who you let out. >> jackie: well, there was
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another story in new york city last week, alvin bragg let this guy off the hook after he attacked a cop. this is what bragg's office had to say, "our system must respond to children as children. vines against our police officers is unacceptable and given his age at the time of arrest, we consented to send the second case to family court as soon as possible where he would receive the age appropriate intervention and being held accountable". many say in family court he's not held accountable and the crime he committed, whether or not his age was juvenile or not was a very serious crime and as a result of that, he should be sentenced that way and treat that had way and that would be a deterrent for others out there as well. >> most definitely. you know, police officers as i always say answer the call of duty. man with a gun, different things of the nature, we run towards it and not away from it. when there's incidents of things like this and no proper follow up and what's happening to the
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police officer, what are you going to say? how do you recruit anybody else to take this job. that's why people are retiring, resigning, and going to police department in which back them. now you'll see a sharp decrease in people trying to become police officers and the citizens are going to wake up because if that can happen to a police officer, they're saying to themselves, what will happen to me? what will happen to them, will that person also get prosecuted? >> jackie: the coaches are frustrated as well and we have a quote from a manhattan police officers saying we went from a resolving door justice system to an easy pass system meaning you slide right through. >> most definitely. we're punching bags. that's in a public will pay for this, no doubt. >> jackie: in the last couple of moments i have with you, i want to switch gears for a moment and talk about the leak of the draft opinion from roe v wade. it's our understanding and multiple sources have told fox news that this investigation into who could have potentially
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leaked that opinion out to the public has been narrowed and sources are saying that a lot of the focus was on three dozen or so law clerks, they were working directly with the justices. how do you feel this is being handled? are they moving quickly enough with respect to that because that was a huge breech of the court process? >> no doubt. it was definitely a huge breach of the court process and should be expedited when you're a law clerk, you have -- basically you're taking an oath and supposed to comply with that and follow all the rules and regulations. the united states constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. what happened here was a total breech and especially on a case so major as this, it should have been kept secret. i think that the investigation is taking place, it may not be going fast enough, but hopefully they have it narrowed down to resolve this issue because it was a big impact on our nation discussing this. >> jackie: it sure was and could have potentially had an impact
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on the decision as well and the whole purpose of the court of course is to be able to do its work, have its discourse, send opinions back and forth till it achieves the right outcome till it gets to the rite place. we need to protect that. doctor, great to see you tonight and have a wonderful weekend. >> like wise, thanks for having me and you too. >> jackie: a startling new report revealing that china attempted to open a propaganda account to sway users in the united states and we'll break that story down coming up. >> all your apps and file names, all the things filed away on your phone, they have access to that. it ends with china having all of your data. &%c1
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>> jackie: a brand new report out reveals that an unnamed china government entity tried to quietly join tiktok in order to share propaganda with users here in the united states. the head of government relations was made aware of this as early as 2020. this latest continue verse reigns leading eight hours -- controversy eight hours nighting calls to ban the app. president trump wanted to ban tiktok across the board and we chat in the country and president biden reverse that had and you've been working on a bill that will ban the app from devices issued to the department of home hand security personnel and tell us a bit about that.
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tiktok is already prohibited from defense and state department hardware. >> yeah, and it should be. let's understand two very important important issues about tiktok, they're assembly and accumulating information about our people, our systems, about our country as we speak. they are absolutely doing that and there's no question about it, and that's why president trump wanted them banned period because frankly that's nobody's business and we do deserve some level of integrity and privacy in our country. then the second thing about tiktok is that they're reporting propaganda out. people are seeing from, again, this is all basically from the communist party or those related or connected to the communist party about all types of propaganda how wonderful everything is and how right everything is over there and how
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well everything is going. again, inaccurate, not true, not what our people should be hearing. this is a real concern for us and something that president trump was absolutely correct about and was not afraid to do. here's what it all boils down to, the same story every time. we have a president and we have a majority party that are afraid of everybody around the world and they're afraid of china. china just recently threatened and said if anybody went to taiwan, that was a congressperson, they would literally go after them in the air. now, i don't want nancy pelosi going over there because i think she's about the worst adversary we could have but whoever the person is that goes over there, the federal person, they should have the right to go at the visit and take lenient information from there and not be threatened.
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but we're scared and we shouldn't be scared. that's not the america i know. > jackie: you bring up such great points and we're talking about this story in the backdrop of the larger conversation about u.s. policy towards china and president trump took a very hard line. president biden says he will but having said that, china seems to be getting more and more aggressive and i want to remind the viewers that bite dance is the parent company of tiktok and tiktok has come out and said no, no, we're separate from bite dance and the data is separate and a chinese wall is protecting us. that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case. a lot of people have skeptical of that. joe rogan was talking about tiktok's privacy and listen to this, congressman. >> this is from tiktok's privacy policy. it says we collect certain information about the device you use to access the platform such as your ip address, user region
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so all your apps and file names. all the things you have filed away on your phone, there's access to that. they're monitoring your key strokes which means they know every [ bleep ] thing you type. >> how does it ends? >> with china having all your data. >> jackie: this is concerning to a lot of people that if this is what's happening there's a breech of privacy and it's very dangerous and it's a threat to national security. >> without question. china has a lot more information on us governmentally. as far as business, commercially, and as far as personally, the people who live in our country, it's unacceptable. this president is afraid quite frankly because i think he and his son hunter have had a relationship with communist china over many different financial issues, and he's afraid to move forward and do what's right for our country. that's scary and that should be
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something that's of concern to all americans. >> jackie: yeah, obviously that's is a story that we've covered extensively. liz mcdonald covered extensively on this program, and it's something that we continue to bring up because those ties essentially really need to be investigated. congressman, wonderful to see you tonight. thank you so much for your insight. congressman jeff. new billboard in new york city taking aim at president biden and his false rhetoric on recession. we've got it. plus, fentanyl linked overdoses on the rise across this country. thanks in large part to biden's open border policy. we're talking to a mom who lost both her sons to fentanyl overdoses and the change she's demanding coming straight up. &%c1
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my boys died along with a 17-year-old girl in the same school district in a hotel in auburn hills, michigan. that's when i learned about the fake percocets when the toxicology came back and turns out they were fake percocets found and they were -- there was zero percocet and it was 100% fentanyl. >> jackie: those heart breaking words from a mom who lost both of her sons to a fentanyl overdose two years ago today. remember nearly 42,000 people died of fentanyl overdoses last year and medical officials say that number is expected to rise this year. it's a powerful and deadly opioid, it's pouring into the united states thanks in large part to president biden's open border policy. joining us now is rebecca along with congressman mark green of house foreign affairs.
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rebecca, it's great to have you with us tonight, and i just want to say we send so much love to you and condolences for your loss. really heart warming way to start with your words describing this. how it must feel as a parent to find out this has happened to both of your children. i mean, i just can't even imagine. just tell us how you're feeling two years later as you continue to digest this. >> today is two years, and actually i'm from michigan and [inaudible] the year that my oldest caleb was born, 2000, there were 20,000 drug related deaths in the united states. the year caleb and kyler died at age 18 and age 20, there were over 100,000.
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what my generation knew and it's because of fentanyl just coming across our boarders. >> jackie: so let me ask you how you feel, you know, when you read the papers and watch the news and see that the border continues to remain open, rebecca, and that other children are dying for the same reasons that your sons did. as a parent, as somebody who is still grieving, how does that make you feel? >> it's de-moralizing. i made a support group on facebook, many groups for parents who lost their children and every day there's just multitudes added to these groups. it's just like the carnage just doesn't end, and if there were 100,000 dying from anything else, i just feel like the government would be acting and i feel like -- it's like because they think, oh, they're drug
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addicts that, you know, why bother. i just don't feel like they're doing enough. so many of the kids that are dying only dabble in it. they're doing -- cocaine and it had fentanyl in it. it just keeps coming in and i heard recently from a doctor who did a study and said there's enough to kill a person several times over >> jackie: these is it a tytist icks are out there and congressman green, i want to turn to you and so many heart breaking stories that we hear of innocent kids like rebecca's sons who were going to take a pill and they thought it was one thing and ended up being fentanyl. they're found dead as a result of it.
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this is an administration that said the border is closed, this isn't even just about illegal immigration anymore. it's about all the crime, the trafficking, the fentanyl that's coming across the border, and so many parents like rebecca want answers and our government to stand up. why does this administration do nothing? >> i can't give you a good motive, jackie, for this other than 3.3 million people coming across the border in the hope they'll vote democrat some day, that's the only potential explanation because it's crime, it's, you know, loss of jobs for americans, it's overwhelming our social services and it's billions of dollars to the drug cartel to traffic the people through the path of migration and it's -- they have operational control of our southern boarder and they're overwhelming the border control points and the fentanyl is just pouring around the border. you know, fentanyl was $98 a
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hit, an illegal hit in tennessee in january of '21. it's now $25 a hit because the supply is everywhere and tens of thousands of people are suffering the fate of caleb and kyler. i just thank rebecca for her strength to come on tv and of course when i interviewed her for the stop killing our kids thing we're doing, one of the first things she said was to help other parents she started talking about -- her strength is just amazing in this. >> jackie: yeah, that's what i was going to ask and i want to touch on that point with rebecca. since you like so many parents out there feel helpless, you don't feel like the government is protecting you on this issue, what do you tell parents to do to try and, you know, fend this off and fend off this outcome for their children? >> first of all, have narcan in
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the house. share stories. hope something good can come out of something awful. i feel so broken and i'm not the person i was two years ago. [inaudible] it takes a lot to survive. as you said, it takes nothing to drown but you have to fight to survive. you know, trying to keep up and trying to come out of it motivates me and i can only do this so much because it's devastating and this is not how life should be. i meet other parents, i met a woman who said she was getting it through [inaudible]. that's another issue. snap chat, you know. >> jackie: that's part of the problem, it's a cheap institute for some of these other drugs
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and that's why it's appealing to the drug dealers to mix it in or in your case make the pills entirely of fentanyl and the outcome is so devastating. rebecca, we think you're strong and appreciate you advocating for other parents and children and getting the word tout and coming onto this show to talk about it. thank you to you and to congressman green as well. >> thank you, jackie. >> jackie: inflation is also taking a bite out of your wallet, troubling our nation. we're going to talk about how it could be impacting the dating game as well. we'll explain that coming up. &%c1
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creators network this morning in time square and it pokes fun at the biden administration to redefine a recession. "read my lips, no new recession. it's the economy, stupid". here to discuss the man behind the billboard alfredo ortiz. this is obviously a play on george w. bush, read my lips, no new taxes and then he had to raise fees and levies to bring up to gin up money for the government. your thoughts on why this was -- why you wanted to put this up, play on that phrase, and the message you're trying to get across. >> jackie, thank you for having me tonight. what's that old saying? the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. well, jackie, it's about time that uncle joe here and the rest of his cabinet and administration admit they have a problem here. you know what, jackie, this is something that the american
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consumers, our small business owners and members could have told you this months ago that we were heading into a recession. look, when you look at the consumer confidence indexes for the past three months, they're at record lows and, you know, you've got record high inflation, record low consumer confidence. when you have a economy that's still two-thirds consumer driven, jackie, as you know, look, the economy is going to go the way the consumer goes. >> jackie: yeah. >> consumers right now feel they're in a recession and that they're a lot worse off than before and so honestly, to answer your question, it's sheer frustration from the spin cycle that these guys have put the entire american public on for the past week trying to convince them what they're feeling day in and day out isn't true. frankly we're sick and tired of it. >> jackie: what's interest asking in the read my lips you're referring to george hw bush and economy part was bill clinton and a big cam plain
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slogan and trades for him. he took the economy very seriously and a lot of people lived very well under bill clinton and it's funny. it's not partisan here but it's about telling the truth and helpings american people. >> yeah, that's absolutely right. do remember that unfortunately bush lost his reelection so i don't know if, you know, this will bode well for biden going into '24 but the reality is the inflation aspects of our economy are just getting worse. look at number today for the person consumption expenditures. that's actually the fed's favorite number as they said. well, that was up almost 7%, and if you look at the month over month and compare to last month's, that one is trending upwards as well so the inflation is not stopping, which means this recession is really going to turn into stagflation, something we've been calling for for months. >> jackie: yeah, and it pains people for because it's a pompier ride along that continues the pain for an
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extended period of time. alfredo ortiz, we're out of time but great billboard and very clever. good to see you sir. >> thank you, jackie. nice to see you. >> jackie: inflation may be taking a bite out of your wallet but some are saying it's affecting their love lives. we're going to dig into that. &%c1
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last night and we drove all the way from my house to the end of the block. oh. he's so romantic. >> jackie: all right, we're going to play a little trivia and we'll get back to dating in a moment but hershey's shock la tech, wedding planning, dating, they're all crisis of the economy. great to see you. let's start with the candy crisis because the ceo of her chicago's is saying the company will not meet demand for halloween and even christmas because of what's happening with inflation and the supply chain. what say you? >> look, i think halloween could get downright goolish for kids and the biden administration should pay attention because unhappy kid in october is an
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unhappy parent at the ballot box in november. >> jackie: it could be christmas as well and talking about this stagflation kind of environment we're in and could bump along for quite some time and americans trying to brace for that or get their minds around this is the economic state we are in. having said that, let's switch gears for a moment we know during the pandemic, there was a wedding frenzy if you will. wedding report forecasting 2.5 million nuptials exchanged this year, busiest wedding season since the 1980s. people had to delay those weddings and their parties creating a lot of challenges because thanks to inflation, it's really expensive to tie the knot now. >> well, i can tell you this, i got married in december of 2021 and it was put oviboses of covid and my wife is watching and my heart goes out to those getting married and now realize they're going to have to downsize their wedding because of inflation whether it's food, drink, venue, you name it.
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my heart goes out to them because you want this to be your special day and biden's economy throwing a big wrench into it. >> jackie: it's really tough. that's the biggest day of some people's lives and they plan and plan and plan and to be in this environment and want that special day so badly and not be able to have it, it really feels like inflation is sort of taking a bite out of our souls, ford. >> that's exactly right. a lot of people think about gas and groceries but it is really hitting americans and, you know, in ways that a lot of people don't think about. when it comes to weddings and comes to holidays, that's when you really feel the pinch of inflation. i think that voters are going to send a message to the biden administration in the midterm elections. >> jackie: yeah, and statistics shows that the wedding expenses on average are 3 to 4,000 more than they were before. think about that, 3 to 4,000 and the extra money spending on food and gas and everything else that's gotten more expensive. it really will take a bite out of your budget. now let's get to dating.
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i know you're out of that phase of your life. that's great. it's more expensive to be single now than ever. the singles now that we talk to are saying they're scaling back. a lot of people tell me, well, i want to face time or go on a walk before i try, you know, make the investment of taking her out for drinks and dinner. >> well, look, the amount that people spend on dating, which i did for many years is absolutely jaw dropping. let's hope that inflation makes it so they actually find the right person. not a person at the right price because again, people like to have other people in their lives and if this continues, i'm afraid that not only are people going to wind up with the wrong person, but they may actually just wind up alone and we can't have that in our environment. >> jackie: that's true, but one of my friends told me there's a lot of pressure on ladies to decide after the first date, ford, if they want to pursue. before you might have thought, i'll go on a second date and see, i'm not in love with him but maybe it'll grow. my friends are now saying, you
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need to make the decision after the first date cause it's not fair to waste his time and money. this is where we're making life decisions based on it. >> here's the idea, always make the man pay and you can continue going on the dates for as long as possible. my wife and i had a five to six year courtship so you never know when it's the right time but i definitely found the right person. i say stick with the dating but again, you've got to look at the pocketbook because we all have to eat and gas, groceries, and rent are too darn high. >> jackie: yeah, and expensive restaurant tabs are high too . i went and had a cocktail the other day and a glass of wine was $25. that's the whole cost of the bottle. i'm a cheap date, i only had two glasses so this was good news for the gentleman and the last few seconds that we have left, tell us, so do you not believe in going dutch? sounds like you don't. >> i don't. i will say this though, jackie, what you might have to downsize
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is from the type of wine. it's hitting everyone and that's the problem with inflation. it's a tax on everyone, particularly the middle class. >> it was cheap chardonnay. ford o'connell, great to see you. have a great weekend. i'm jackie deangeles in for elizabeth mcdonald. this is the weekend edit. that's it for us. have a great evening and thanks for watching. >> happened weekend to all. welcome to the program. that handout lyses the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo. democrats in denial, the u.s. economy now in recession with two consecutive quarters of economic contraction. president biden saying it doesn't sound like a recession to me while democrats agree to billions more in new spending. andy poser is here.
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