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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  August 18, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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liz: they haven't earned the voter's trust on this. ford o'connell, guy benson, thanks again for joining us. it's good to see you. i'm elizabeth macdonald and you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. kennedy: put up or shut up. the federal fag strait in florida today -- magistrate ruling the feds have one week to release some of the documents on the federal raid on mar-a-lago and the judge is allowing redactions. will that be enough to satisfy team trump in what has quickly become one of the most explosive legal cases in recent memory? the department of justice was fighting the release of documents relating to the raid and doj argues it could do irreparable damage and the magistrate, the one that green lighted the raid said they've
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not proved why. in his ruling, bruce reinhart said "i find on the present record the president has not shone the entire affidavit should remain sealed and ordered by noon est on thursday, octobet shall file under seal its proposed redactions along with a legal memorandum setting forth the justification for the proposed redactions". the judge said then he would review the documents and decide how to proceed. he bought himself time there. he said if anybody doesn't like his decision, they can file an appeal or eat glass, which i thought was very aggressive. the whole thing still not sitting well with attorneys for the former president. in a statement, an unnamed trump spokesperson, probably tram, said "president trump made clear his view that the american people should be permitted to seat un-redacted affidavit related to the raid and break in of his home, mar-a-lago. today magistrate judge reinhart
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rejected the cynical attempt to hide it fully from americans and the whole affidavit should be released given the democrats pensions for using redactions to hide government corruption just like they did with the russia hoax". media outlets saying the american people have a right to know what's going on here. >> that is the public interest. we are entitled to monitor the affairs of our government at all levels, and that is the interest in this essence that we were asserting today. kennedy: demi moore looks great. did the magistrate make the right call and what can we expect for next week? joining me now is the legal eagle panel and the director of institutional studies elias shapiro and eliah, i'll start with you. the american people deserve to see something because this is
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unprecedented. we are in uncharted territory. so we should have argander at something because this level of transparency oughtmatically breeds distrust or -- automatically breeds distrust and -- >> i don't think he's an english jurist from the 1950s but that was amusing. it's unprecedented. this is not your typical case. in the typical criminal investigation, you would never consider releasing an affidavit, a warrant application, even the warrant itself and the items they seized, unusual for that to be released before there are charges made or decision not to charge. as you said, uncharted waters, and we have to consider the interest of the public and the justice department, you know, has to eventually put up or shut up this drip drip cannot go on forever. it's not hurting -- it's not helping anybody's cause. kennedy: it also doesn't lend itself to the level of urgency that we were promised by the
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attorney general that this was so important, this was so incredibly dire that it had to be acted upon with the most extreme means available, which was of course the raid. so, randy, what do redactions do to the items that are now still under seal? >> what's probably most important in terms of having be redacted are going to be the names of the sources who provided the information as to where this stuff was going to be found because remember, you're going to have someone from law enforcement who swears out the affidavit. now, that name may very well be redacted as well, but certainly on top of that redaction, you will have the redaction of the person who told law enforcement this is what you're going to find. the top secret leather binder, and here is where you're going to find it.
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that is what is going to be of most value to the trump team and that will be what is most closely safeguarded by the government because remember, you've got a couple of competing interesting here. you've got the public's right to know and the government's right to their investigation not getting screwed up, and you have trump wanting to know who's screwing him over. kennedy: well, i think they probably make a better case, you know, there was this kind of subversive implication there were nuclear secrets, and the espionage act, it's like nukes and espionage. like he's our latest rosenburg. that wasn't good but the justification -- that wasn't the justification that the doj is using to try and keep these things under wraps. they're saying they don't want -- and they use the term amateur sleuths to figure anything out. i don't know if that's a good enough reason to keep things from viewing.
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>> yeah, the devil will be in the details. if what the government submits is completely blacked out pages with one or two words here or there, there's not good enough and the judge will tell them to eat glass at that point. what trump is interested in -- it's interesting this discussion and i agree, trump is most interested in knowing who is screwing him over. that's not what the judge is going to want to release. he's going to want to release what are the damaging allegations because ultimately the whole judgment of whether what the justice department and fbi are doing here is kosher comes down to are there underlying serious crimes beyond mishandling misclassified information and i don't think garland would approve a raid. kennedy: you would think but magger has beenerman from the new york times thinks it's overblown and the president really likes cohchkies, which i also love and wear 14 pieces of
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flair. i have to let you both go and randy is on vacation and he'll buy us all a daiquiri later on in the show. >> no matter where i am, i'm always here for you. >> i'm off to play tennis. kennedy: hey, man, you can play tennis with a daiquiri in one hand. i've seen it. thank you both. michael hayden, he might have it in for the former president. he apparently thinks republicans are more dangerous than global extremists. last week -- i know. last week a british journalist tweeted i've covered extremism in places around the world over my career and have never come across a political force more realistic and dangerous than today's republicans. nothing close. nothing close? wow. are you new? do you have a head injury? have you -- are you like nel and living in the forest and making up words. hayden chimed in last night saying, i agree and i was a cia
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director. wow, did all the domestic spying fry these brains? let's get into it with tonight's party panel we have katie pavolich here and american hero joey jones and jeff di st. yes. that is really saying something. you know, the -- we look at what's happening in afghanistan now under the taliban, katie, and it's horrific. vast majority of that entire population is starving. there's babies starving to death in hospitals. republicans are worse than that. is that what he's saying? >> yeah, apparently republicans are also worse than isis taking americans hostage and behad hadding them -- beheading them on videos for their families to see. it's an appalling comparison to make and the same cia director that implied president trump
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should be executed after mentioning the rumors of nuclear material were allegedly found at mar-a-lago. you know, we hear a whole lot from the left, which this, you know, he's now on the left even though he's a former republican about rhetoric and taking down the temperature and how we shouldn't talk about civil war in this country and yet here's the former cia director who used the full power of the federal government to chase bad guys all around the world but with drones and kidnappings and all kindergartens of stuff, including -- kidnappings and all kinds of stuff and water boarding and is that what he intends for his fellow citizens and republicans and fellow americans standing on the american soil opposing the government from doing things against fellow citizens without proper cause or legal activity, which is what we've seen over and over again when it comes to the trump administration. kennedy: all right, joey, i'll ask you, you've been to war. you've seen it, you lived it. you paid for your experience
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with your limbs. are republicans worse and more danielous than what -- dangerous than what you encountered in battle? >> we're more dangerous in the sense that most of us own guns and know how to use them, but we're not going to point them at our fellow americans or another political party. as far as michael hayden goes, i heard from someone that's close to him, he had a stroke awhile back and maybe this literally is something he's not fully in charge of his faculties, but that's not a public thing and he's still publicly tweeting, and these words are disgraceful. the things he tweets -- i had an exchange with him a year or two ago and someone reached out to me and said that. i don't know if there's any credibility to that but whatever is behind his tweets, if this is the person that the patriot act empowered, no wonder -- we're screwed three ways from sunday in that regard. if these are the kind of people that have the opportunity to spy on us and they talk like this and they think like this and paint half the country as the enemy, there's a lot there.
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you know what, congress, do your job, investigate these people. if the republicans take the house, start investigating people that are in positions of power and spout ideas like this from either side. if you're going to abuse your power and think like this, you don't need to have it, and that goes for the fbi, cdc, anywhere. if you believe that partisan politics is a motivator and you're in a job like he used to be in, you don't need to be there. kennedy: attend to agree with that, and i think it also justifies the skepticism that a lot of people have about their federal government, especially agencies who can do clandestine great harm, jeff. >> well, this guy is yet another gift from the bush family. thanks very much. you know, he may be retired. i assume he still receive as federal pension or two based on being in the air force, nsa and cia. he's tweeting and he's a perfect
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example of the mindset and cia and other administrative agencies acting like they don't work for anyone. they don't work for a particular president. they think they work for the constitution or the american people in some lofty sense and it's their job to call out what they see as deformities or injustices in our system. i think katie makes a important point. the question is if you really believe your rhetoric, mr. hayden, about republicans or let's say trumpers, deplorables, january 6 people, maga people in the united states, if you believe t what do you think should be do? in other words if you think these are fascist insurrectionists, would it be okay to lie? would it be okay to destabilize an election somehow? would it be okay to imprison them or prevent them from voting voting? i mean if you really this is a fascist threat to the unit on the level of -- united states on the level of domestic terror, than it's okay to do anything
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clandestinely or openly to thwart this. they need to shut up and need a gag order when they retire. kennedy: yeah, absolutely because they still -- their words have weight and they still bear a great deal of responsibility but, you know, maybe to joey's point, he's psychologically infirmed. meanwhile, abraham lincoln herself. liz chaney might be planning a revenge tour. after this week's primary loss, this according to the wall street journal, she told nbc a presidential run is not out of the question, you guys. >> are you thinking about running for president? >> that's a decision that i'm going to make in the coming month. i will be doing whatever it takes to keep donald trump out of the oval office. kennedy: she's like george conway in a bad pantsuit.
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anything to keep trump out, huh? could her behind furry split the same -- fury split the same republican party she claims she's trying to save? katie. >> i find it so amazing how politics work and the people in it and "succeed"how do you lose by 36 points in a primary and say you're running for president and you're abraham lincoln and going to save the country so a house divided can stand together or something like that. it's ridiculous. she started this new organization, it's also amazing to me in politics how you can start things that people just throw lots of money at knowing it won't succeed. when it comes to the republican primary, sure, she could try. she has no chance. it's not even just about donald trump. she has to get through other candidates like mike pence or ron desantis or nicky haley or tim scott. kennedy: both scott brothers, tim and rick, the twins. >> all the scotts are running.
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not in skirts like they do in scotland. you know, it's just amazing how politics works and how people with no shame really do succeed very well in this business. kennedy: yeah, i wish they would throw money at me because i would like to adopt some handbags from sachs fifth avenue and that would be a kind thing to h help me in my quest for bag equity. is there something wrong with her or am i missing something here, joey? there are other people that i might be sympathetic with her cause if they stand up against the former president. i don't feel defensive for donald trump at all. i just look at someone like her and i would never want her to represent me. i don't live in wyoming, but still. >> you know, part of this liz cheney problem comes from the fact that republicans didn't like her for a listening time before donald trump. she was made the conference chair because that's the only position of power with no power, but still able to use her connections with family and name to raise a lot of money.
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that's some of the dirty side of politics, republicans, democrats and everyone. you know she made the comment of she could have won that election in a landslide had she -- and went on this tangent about the nod to the election. guess what, somebody did win that election in a landslide and did it by talking about things that people in her district care about. isn't that such a radical idea and one last thing, if i made a morsel of the money that her family did off the wars i fought, i wouldn't be looking for a job anywhere. i'd just be hanging out. kennedy: and speak of her family, jeff, do you think she is fooling people into thinking that she is in fact dick cheyney? >> well, the cheney's are done, the bushes are done, the clintons are hopefully done. this is a woman that lost a congressional seat overwhelmingly and voters are telling her go away. she says no, i don't think i'll go away and i think i'll run for president maybe. in business, if you go bankrupt,
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that's a signal you should do something different. next time round but she's not going to get any traction. look, look who took on trump last time, jeb bush, scott mcconnell or -- sorry, scott walker from wisconsin. there were a lot of big names that went up against him and trump prevailed. i don't know that trump will be the nominee. i think desantis is certainly a strong consideration too, but i guess what's just interesting here is the hubrus. there's a weariness about her like she deserves this. she was in and out of jackson hole, which is the fancy part of the state. the whole thing just reeks of entitlement. kennedy: yep, that's exactly it and oftentimes the half-baked spawn of dynasties, they do feel entitled to something because they've been given so much and they do so little with it.
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all right. jeff, panel, thank you all so much. coming up, it is game night here on the ss kennedy. i'll have a good one. coming up, head of the c dc now admitting they screwed up the entire governor spawn creating a huge overhaul. that'll do it. all the draconian policies. kate and jeff are next.
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kennedy: hello and welcome back. the c dc blotched their covid response after ruining countless lives and businesses in the process. they're promising a major overhaul but the director, how does she still have a job? too little too late. watch. >> was the agency up to the task of handling this pandemic? >> i think our public health infrastructure in the country was not up to the task of handling this pandemic. we made pretty public mistakes and we need to own them. kennedy: yeah, thanks, rashel and only took you 2.5 years and how they communicate and share information with the public and the agency did a horrible job with that.
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she contradicted herself constantly and of course dr. anthony fauci coming to her defense out of an abundance of caution, watch. >> i think they should be commended in the fact, particularly dr. comenski realizing the shortcomings that have been there a long time antedating dr. walenski's tenure. there's a pathway recognized to making a very good organization much better. kennedy: very good, very crap, fauci, walenski, resign. will the cdc overhaul change anything or are the bozos still full of hot air. joining me is seen yore fellow and practicing general surgeon. he knows something about premarket medicine. dr. jeffrey singer is back. welcome back. >> hi, kennedy. great to be rear. kennedy: let's discuss this a bit.
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obviously the cdc, walensk icon travion green ticketed statements constantly and the next week is like everyone can stop wearing masks, bye. it's more than rot within a single agency. how have they screwed up in your eyes? >> first of all, as we agree, the cdc is in desperate need of a neighboringover and i have to -- makeover and i have to commend her for recognizing that i have suggestions she hasn't come up with that are very important. first of all, i think she needs to end the culture of group think that exists in that agency and that starts at the top. the biological science are not black and white like the other sciences, there's a lot of gray. you need to encourage scientific opinions and welcome challenges to what you think you know otherwise you never know when you're wrong and that's why it takes so long sometimes for the
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cdc to recognize they're completely off base in their recommendations. in addition to that, i think cdc has mission creep. when they were created over 70 years ago, their mission was to fight the spread of communicable and infectious diseases and started with getting rid of malaria affecting the southern states and focused on polio and measles and that kind of thing. in recent years, their mission has spread out to things like fighting obesity, smoking, violence, telling doctors how to prescribe opioids to their pain patients. while all these things may have public health, you know, they may have something to do with public health, that's way beyond their mission and when you do a whole lot of things, you wind up not doing anything well. they need to get back to their original mission of fighting infectious diseases. any thing i would have them do, this is tougher, they need to get themselves disassociated from the political branches of government. in scandinavia and a lot of
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europe, the people there trust their public health agencies because they're completely detached from the political groups, they act independently, and here in this country, particularly with our polarized political situation, every time the head of the cdc would appear, for example, in a presidential press conference, then people look at it through a political lens and during the trump administration, democrats were saying i'm not trusting that trump vaccine. kennedy: kamala harris said that. >> right. when biden became president, the same people saying if you don't take the vaccine, you're the problem. the best thing to do is have a policy where the c dc director and director of other health agencies is not standing shoulder to shoulder with the president but maybe sins are representative and viewed by them being det detached and independent agencies, people will gain their trust in them. kennedy: yes, it's been good to
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have rand paul pressing in on dr. fauci but some of his responses feel so incredibly political and very, very narcissistic as if they are the only two doctors in the country. >> right. there's a lot of different viewpoints. when you're dealing with life science, there's a lot. we've all noticed this, and learned this in the last few years that you think you know something till about a few days later when you get more information and now you're understanding has turned around. you need humility and the best way to show humility is to welcome a diversity of viewpoints, to actually encourage people to challenge your viewpoints because that's how you learn. so what's been happening over the past few years is anybody who doesn't basically accept the whatever is coming out from the cdc as an orthodoxy, right, as sort of like the word from mount sinai, if you don't accept that, you're going to be derogative
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and that's going on. kennedy: that's what fauci did when he was presented with the lab leak theory early on. he squashed descending opinion and those who switched their opinions ended up with multiple dollar grants. good for them. dr. jeffrey singer, good to talk with you. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: coming up, it's game night. tonight we go to the video tape to find out who's best at putting their foot in their mouth. name that goon on deck. the panel is playing in-person. we've got our ringer about to join. guess who? that's next.
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#kennedy: it is time for
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america's most notable and quotable new game, name that goon, the hip and with it game of hypocrites and half wits and
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we'll read our panels words from looneys and goonnies and see if they can identify who said it. whoever gets the most right wins a date with joe biden's speech writer who writes, huuu. the goon squad back in studio, joey jones, katie pavlich, and kat timf. which goon said you've stolen by dreams and my childhood with your empty words. a, brittney spears, b shirley temple, c gretta. go to the tape. >> how dare you, you have stolen by dreams and my childhood with your empty words. kennedy: show your answer, joey. show your answer. everyone got it right and
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everyone is on the board. yeah, greta. >> i don't think i stole anything from her. kennedy: you've stolen by points with your pen and white board. next one. which goon said: yo, big up democrat way out. me wake up dis- morning and see the ting turn up and got mad. respect, you don't know. was it sean paul, allie g, or chet hanks. >> way out in kingston and see the tunnel. it gone mad. respect, you dun know. kennedy: he's a real dream come true.
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that was chet hanks. >> not fair, i don't know who that .s kennedy: he's an island boy. there he .s by the way, joey got that right. he's got two. kat and katie. >> he understood the accent. >> yes, i remember the controversy. kennedy: like understand like. which goon said i believe that our education like such of south africa and the iraq everywhere like such as and i believe they should our education over here in the u.s. should help the u.s. or should help south africa. was that a beauty pageant contestant, kamala ha reigns har president. two as and a b? go to the tape. >> i believe our education like such as in south africa and iraq every like such as, and i believe that they should -- our
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education over here in the u.s. should help the u.s. -- or should help south africa and should help the iraq and the asian countries. >> she's not wrong. kennedy: kate and kat got it right. next quote. you borrow my brain for five seconds and just be like, dude, can't handle it. unplug this. expletive. it fires in a way that is, umm, i don't know. maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm. was it a, brittney spears, b, charlie sheen, cr. kelly. show us your answers, panel. >> i feel like i get this wrong. kennedy: let's see it to believe it. >> that sound like you don't believe in the second amendment.
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>> you borrow my brain for five seconds and be like, dude, can't handle, unplug. it fires in a way that is, i don't know, maybe not from this particular terrestrial realm. kennedy: there he .s >> exactly. kennedy: you got it right. you got it right. >> wrong. >> wrong. >> yeah. kennedy: kat and katie are in the lead. >> yeah, but it's not a team sport. you're going down, katie. kennedy: next quote. giving more people a voice gives power to the powerless and pushes a society to get better over time. jack dorsey, mark zuckerberg, or elon musk. >> this is tough. kennedy: elon musk, show me, show me. show me, everyone says a. let's see it. >> giving more people a voice gives power to the pourless and pushes society to get better
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over time. jimmy graham almost pick that had and i could have kennedy: to points said i got hairy legs that turned blond in the sand and the kids came up and reached out in the pool and rubbed by leg hair down so it was straight and watch the hair come back again and look at it so they learned about roa roaches and ks jumping on my lap and i love kids jumping on my lap. a, joe biden, b a homeless man interviewed on cnn, or c chet hanks. show us your answer. >> everyone knows this one. kennedy: see the clip, it's the best ever. >> by the way, you know, i sit on the stand and it gets hot, i got hairy legs that turn -- that turn blond in the sun. the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down and then watch the hair come back up again.
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they'd look at it so i learned about roaches and kids jumping on my lap and i've love #-d kids jumping on my lap. kennedy: oh, boy. >> that man is the leader of the free world. kennedy: that's our president. katie and kat, you guys win. you share the terraria. >> i'm not good at teamwork. i like to destroy everyone. kennedy: as least it's not a loss. >> playing willie wonka, you lose, simpl sir. you lose. kennedy: damn it, the country needed this, joey. thank you guys so much. kat, you'll get love advice is and people will remain single. we'll break it down, next.
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kennedy: well, for those of you feeling lonely love, you get more than one shot. the young men are the loneliest in generations and maybe it's because they're not up to window's -- women's standards. they prefer men emotionally available and communicate and share similar values. one of the biggest issues is that families don't always teach emotional connection to young boys. so will the cdc declare single men the next global pandemic? only one person to talk about this with me now, studio cohost
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katherine. there was an interesting statistic i didn't realize, apps are populated by 6 2% american. men. i thought there were more ladies than dudes? >> look, i met my husband on the app and i also met a lot of other people on the app that are not my husband and definitely not my husband on purpose. look, i think it's pretty bad. i think you don't have to be a good communicator to be a man and get ahead. what united to do is -- you need to do is make some attempt at communication. kennedy: or just a face. >> most don't even try. they just sit there and if there's any kind of conflict, they disengage from the conversation. if you disengage from every single conversation ever, that's not about wings or football or like boobs, you will be lonely and that's not your family's fault, that's your fault. kennedy: those are three things that define america. >> that's true but you're going
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to have to communicate in any relationship, romantic or not. kennedy: guys want to be their own islands? sort of a forced loneliness? i don't hear a lot of complaints from the fellas. you don't see a lot of dudes standing around and coffee machine going, i'm so lonely and i just wish i could emotionally connect with a woman and listen to a thing she says without seeming like an a-hole. >> i know because they move on from the next one to the next one to the next one and they can get away with it because they think it's cool but honestly, if you go out there and go on the apps, there's women that are awful too. it's not like every single woman they're going to meet, they'll meet women that are like kimberly and she's one brunch with kimberly's friends and he's out and like this is not worth it. i know you're hot, i can't do this for one more day. kennedy: let alone 25 years. >> here's a crazy hot take, it's great to be around someone you can talk to.
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that's great for everybody. so, i mean, you got to sometimes push through the tough stuff and don't run away otherwise you're going to find yourself at brunch with kimberly. kennedy: a friend of mine who was in a relationship was watching the johnny depp and amber heard trial couldn't get enough of it. he was like i'm so glad i'm with someone because i realize there's women like amber heard out there. is there two camps guys are like johnny depp and women like amber heard? >> anyone can wind up in a sort of toxic cycle. i thought i was a little crazy, but i loved watching that trial because i'm like i'm boring. i am a boring average basic woman because i've never taken a dump on anyone's bed. kennedy: yet. >> not yet. cam, be good. kennedy: what happens if cam spends $30,000 on wine and goes on an opioid bender. >> i would never let it get to that point because i'd be like,
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hey, buddy. you okay? kennedy: that's where communication comes into play. kat, thank you so much. >> of course. kennedy: you're the best ever in the world and i love how your eye liner matches your dress. isn't it hot in the studio? it's like warm in here. >> i'm freezing and always freezing that's my life. cold girl hot takes. kennedy: yeah!
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kennedy: hunger stones emerged from the ocean and that's a case of mythical munchies and this is the topical storm. topic number one, a team of students at colgate university developed facial recognition software that works on harbor seals but can it tell them apart from jerry nadler? it's called seal net. an article official intelligence that uses deep learning to tell one seal face from another. it's important to be able to tell your seals apart otherwise you can seal the deal there's no sealing to what could go wrong with the technology and seal net software has mistaken plants for
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seal faces and sometimes mistakes them for rocks. i don't see this personally. re-sempers are hop hope -- researchers are hopeful it's making process and could work on whales and crustaceans. as of now identifying crustaceans is a bit of a shell game. topic two, some can't get enough pumpkin spice. personally aprefer sportier baby. now the trend has gone too far. good job. from the native personal care brand feets fits on the spice -- feast your pits on the spice of pumpkin spice. it's the only deodorant that's sented and senseless. you're guaranteed to attract wild animals or your money back. native says it's also 100% baking soda free because if it did have baking soda, it would
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be a pie. if that's not enough to convince you this pumpkin craze is out of its gourd, maybe the new product will have you feline differently. now available at wal-mart. pumpkin spice kitty litter. turns out i'm oturu the only one with a dump on pumpkin spice. topic three, it's thirsty thursday, yeah. which means it's time to grab a cold one. a cold ice cream pop. new miller high life infused ice cream treat making it the most alcoholic snack since bradley cooper. miller high life says the ice cream will invoke the ambiance of the dive bar. the first time those words were used in the same sentence. it includes but to the limited to dive bar peanuts and tobacco smoke flavor and caramel and
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incorporating the sticky feeling of a dive bar floor. i wanted a dive bar floor in my stomach but usually whatever is in my soming ends up on the dive bar floor. the new ice cream pops on sale on the tipsy scoop website because they contain alcohol, the website will only sell to customers who are over 21, which is the one way it's not like a real dive bar. topic number four. it's now time for you to shine. shine my shoes. glen kicks it off with at kennedy nation, you're the last person that should be calling anybody annoying. no, the last person is your mom but no one can understand how anowing show is because her honey hole is full of kill keilbasa.schultz writes in, at y nation, you're a moron. floyd leaves us with, da mn ken
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disakennedy, you go, girl. consider is gone, floyd. we'll be back unless i get a call from human resources. thank you.
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a kennedy: oh my god, i'm so nervous. tell me more on tv. thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. you can follow me on twitter and instagram@kennedy nation and e-mail kennedy fbn@fox and kennedy saves
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the world, spotify, apple podcast, kn fox news and saving children from all the trouble in the world. can't watch the show? go ahead and kenne-dvr it and make every day a ke nne day. there's a dolphin that wants you to do it the right way. there's more time to kill and i) love everythin g abou you're a special person and early intervention programmed tn astronaut when i -- previously on "legends and lies: the patriots". - there is no more justice left in britain than there is in hell. - under our plan, we remain part of england.


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