tv Kennedy FOX Business September 22, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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by ron desantis. elizabeth: attorney general ken paxton, thanks for joining us. "the evening edit" is hitting the road october 17th and 18th in washington d.c. you don't want to miss if it. i'm elizabeth mac macdonald. you've been watching "the evening you would admit." -- evening edit. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. kennedy: well, he did it, he finally did it. dr. anthony fauci at long last admitting what most of us have already known, his stupid lockdowns had a horrible effect on the economy, our mental health and especially our children. so how does he still have a job? as you know, lord fauci was the chief architect of the government's pandemic response. the school closures, the masks, the vaccine mandates and the lockdowns. well, he went on and on about all of it yesterday. dr. doom said the quiet part out loud, revealing that he knew all
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along the da cone january measures would be devastating. watch. >> when you're dealing with a situation where the hospitals were being overrun in new york, intensive care units were being put in hallways, you have to do something that's rather da. cone january. draconian. and sometimes when you do draconian things, it does have deleterious consequences on the economy, on the school children. you know that, but you have to make a balance. kennedy: there was no balance. it was complete imbalance. even drako is spinning in his grave, going he went too far! now our kids have mental issues, tens of thousands of people have lost their businesses, the economy is still very much a mess. so why did we let fauci treat the american people like a cage full of beagles? the party panel tonight, annette stephan joined by comedian and
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host of fox across america on fox news radio, listen every day, jimmy failla. and here she is, foundation for economic education, she's a writer, she's a liberty activist and two of the three people who have been in my backyard, a euphemism and a literal phrase, olivia rondo is back. [laughter] >> i have been in your backyard. kennedy: we stacked the deck. we are here, we are ready to party. is anthony fauci? >> absolutely. if people don't really talk about how everybody was supposed to just accept that we were supposed to lock down, no questions asked, and he literally admitted to being like, okay, children are going to be collateral damage, senior citizens are going to be collateral damage. the cost that we paid over the last two years was with really, really not worth it. and just in my personal experience, my grandmother before the covid pandemic, she had some health issues, some memory issues, and she was beginning to have a little bit of dementia. two years of lockdowns, she's just not the same person anymore, and it really, really hurts my feelings that to fauci
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she didn't matter, our family didn't matter, millions of families didn't matter who had kids in lockdown, senior citizens in lockdown. it's really he's gusting. kennedy: and a lot of people saw and, jimmy, the american medical, so, what did they say? were they screaming in 2020, let's shut down the schools, better for kids -- >> no! kennedy: they're safer ma lingering at home? >> just having kids stop watching tiger king alone screwed them up. the american academy of pediatrics in the summer of 2020 said kids were better off in the classroom for multiple reasons. thankfully, by the grace of god, they weren't really prone to getting sick from the virus. but bigger than that was the fact that, yes, they would deal with higher bouts of depression and suicide and self-harm, and kids were being harmed in the home by domestic abuse situations, much harder to diagnose over zoom than it was in person. he knew this. but this is why you pray if the republicans do get back control of the house they actually come through for once and really do
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investigate him. because the people in the bureaucracy need to be put on blast. like, this was an abuse of power, and there's no other way to check them. and that's why fauci is just a shameless fame whore who likes hair and makeup, likes going on tv -- kennedy: yeah. but he talks about it's so hard with social media -- >> 'cuz you know -- kennedy: i never know how many -- >> it is all, it is all revisionist history. everybody who was telling them then, you know, this is bad, you shouldn't be doing this, they knew it then. kennedy: yes. >> and now they're trying to distance themselves from the damage they did because the studies are coming out that we all new were coming. of. kennedy: learn two main drivers here, one was anthony fauci who was counseling people like then-mayor bill de blasio in new york to keep schools closed, but also the teachers' unions. what happened when fauci and the teachers' unions got together in what was that collective philosophy? >> yeah, remember, these were
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guidelines coming from the federal government. there were states that didn't follow the guidelines, public school systems that didn't and, consequently, are not seeing the devastating effects at least within the realm of education. so this was a choice. i don't want to, you know, downplay -- fauci is a bureaucrat. he was a bureaucrat drunk with with power way overreaching how much power he has. but let's not lose sight of the fact that there are people we should hold responsible. people who are exercising political judgment who are supposed to make those decisions. they're supposed to listen to a guy like fauci and make those political decisions. and in the case of schools -- which, by the way with, shut in many states long past when, for example, casinos were open. what is the difference from a health perspective? it's just that the teachers' unions were keeping the schools closed, and service up to the governors, the state legislatures to open those schools over the objections of the teach teachers' unions that were only representing the adults in the equation -- kennedy: yes, absolutely right.
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>> ander if -- if they were going to do it, state legislatures should have of given the money to parents and allowed them to send their kids to schools that were open. which, by the way, the vast majority of private schools were open in person. >> really quick, all the people advocating to shut down schools were sending their kids to private schools -- kennedy: like gavin newsom. he hopes to be president, and i hope that's just one of the many things people point out to voters when he goes for, you know, the ultimate power grab. kids in private schools weren't dying. >> nope. kennedy: teachers weren't dropping like flies. >> nope. kennedy: they were doing just fine. but kids in public schools, they were suffering the entire time, and their parents couldn't work, and if they were working, they had to keep their kids at home. so eat it. eat arse, gavin. [laughter] meanwhile, speaking of california and the haircut of the governor, the aforementionedded gavin newsom revealing why he thinks hundreds of thousands of residents have been fleeing california under
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his leadership. after some intense introspection, he came to the only logical conclusion, it's president trump's fault. watch. >> we lost about 182,000 folks in the last -- >> how do you explain that, the number one pact, the vast majority impacted because of visa policies in the trump administration. [laughter] kennedy: yeah it's president trump's visa policies. that's exactly what it was. yeah -- [laughter] lifelong californians, you know what? if just can't do it with these visas. i gotta move to texas. [laughter] of course, no one on stage bothered to follow up on that. so what's the real reason people are rushing out of the golden state? you live there now. you talk to people who have come and goen. what do they say? >> it has nothing to do with trump or visas, and it has everything to do with began newsom's policies which are anti-gas, anti-diesel. he is going to ban gas-powered cars and diesel-powered trucks which is not relatable to the average working class person who
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cannot afford a $60,000 tesla. he's lost the people in that regard. in addition, i don't believe for one second that a gavin newsom is saving on energy by leaving his a- c off. first of all, there's a draught, there's fires, and he's just -- drought. he's is sitting up in his mansions, guys, turn down the a/c, we're using too much energy. it makes it hard to empathize with him when he's blaming everybody else because it's all on him. he's facing the consequences of his own actions, and a 2024 run would be disastrous for him. i honestly encourage, because it would be really funny. kennedy: yeah. and kamala harris, everyone thought she was great hope of the democrat part -- >> oh, brother. kennedy: -- and she's another product of california who has failed upward, and he wants to elbow her out of the way and fail to the top. >> oh, bigtime. kennedy: he wants to face off a against trump. he doesn't want to face off
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against ron desantis. >> nobody wants anything to do we desantis. that's why he's attacking trump, to bait him into the conversation and become the leading guy as the i hate trump candidate. 70% of the people in california think a trump visa is a limited edition credit card9 with the president's face on it. [laughter] they have no idea what a trump visa is. and to be clear, none of the businesses fleeing california were there on a visa. they're leaving because it's the high tax and high crime. we all know that. but this is somehow in -- newsom acting like people took a lifeboat off the titanic because the food sucked. no, we were anti-iceberg. kennedy: i i had a good friend who had a studio in down town l.a. and had to close up completely because of the homeless problem. they had neighborhood coalitions begging city council member and the mayor to do anything about -- people couldn't park, congress walk on -- couldn't walk on the sidewalk with, nothing. and the ark clu kept suing the
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city, and and they left and went to central california. of. >> the last time we visited you out in l.a., we took a walking tour but it's now called a running tour -- [laughter] make sure your shoes are are on tight -- kennedy: everyone stretch your hammy before you go. [laughter] the at statement, sure, we have some homelessness, yeah, shocker. of but he's really an incompetent and, you know, potentially horrible person. >> yeah. i mean, if you want to see the reason and where people are going, look at the cost of moving vans coming from san francisco to miami -- [laughter] coming from miami to san francisco, right? kennedy: that is such a good point. it's $60,000 for a one-way move to miami, but if you want to go back to san fran, we'll pay you -- >> maybe part of wet boot-dry foot, cubans going across the country to california and then taking up a mauving van -- moving van all the way to miami. this is obviously because of the policies in california. it's a high-tax state, that's
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been going on purchase, but their pandemic policies went on way too long, their schools, to our previous topic, stayed closed way on, and there's just a series of policies over the last 20 or 30 years in california that is squeezing out the middle class. it's like brazil there now. you have people in downtown l.a. in luxury apartments on floor eight or nine, right, where they're actually building amenity decks in luxury buildings in downtown l.a. so that people can do their grocery shopping and grab a drink without ever going below. [laughter] basically they're building -- they're building a brazil-like situation where only the extremely wealthy can afford to basically buy their way out of the problems that california is creating by policies from the governor and legislature x. then people who can't aforward to leave -- a aboard to leave, they're squeezing the middle class out with not just tax and pandemic policies, not just the anti-gas policies, all of this,
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layering one on top of the other, and it's making it impossible for working class people in california. kennedy: yeah, it's compounding. and to your point, i think there are business owners and residents that would rather battle an army of orks finish. [laughter] >> it's too much smash and grab, it's ridiculous to expect those owners to deal with that. gavin's basically spitting in people's faces, oh, you're a maga, you're a trump supporter, how out of touch could you possibly be? kennedy: i i like my quality of life, that doesn't make me a racist. >> they can't get homeless people off the soon. these are real policies even in san francisco which is obviously not trump country. cp e ken stay here, it is game night. coming up, climate czar john kerr arely, he let another cat out of another bag. wait until you hear what he said about biden's inflation reduction act a.
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kentucky republican congressman tom massey, our mascot, he joins us in a moment. stay with us. ♪ i'm coming up, so you better get this party started ♪ it sure is. and i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. that means that i earn 5% on our rental car, i earn 5% on our cabin. i mean, c'mon! hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! i'm scared. in a good way. i'm lying. let's get inside. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪
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i was skeptical about golo in the beginning because i've tried so many different types of diet products before. i've tried detox, i've tried teas, i've tried all different types of pills, so i was skeptical about anything working because it never did. but look what golo has done. look what it has done. i'm in a size 4 pair of pants. go golo. (soft music)
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kennedy: climate czar and hobnobber supreme john curry said what everyone's thinking -- john kerry -- the inflation reduction act is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors at a climate conference. kerry said, quote: i'm not sure how much it has to do with inflation, but that's okay. no, it's not. he mentioned the bill was amazing. for all his expensive green initiatives, and million billion reports -- multiple reports claim the bill doesn't ease inflation, so is mr. heinz right for once? joining me now, thomas massie. welcome back, first of all. >> thank you. kennedy: i know john kerry is one of your favorite targets. >> he's call me an asshole more than once. that laugh. kennedy: oh, we're on the air, congressman. did no one tell you? in 5, 4 -- >> i'm sorry. but, look, he's -- [laughter] he's a scientist. of he's a political scientist.
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that's his degree, political science. and he's supposed to be biden's climate expert. but he did one thing over there that you're not supposed to do. he committed the ultimate crime in politics. he committed candor. in other words -- kennedy: oh, no! >> -- he relate the -- let the truth slip out. this doesn't have anything to do with inflation. the patriot act was the most unpatriotic thing you could imagine. and by the way, kennedy, there are people who agree with john kennedy -- i'm sorry, with, who are we talking about? [laughter] no -- kennedy: back and to the left. >> there are people who agree with him. joe manchin, for instance. he said that this isn't going to reduce inflation at all. if it does, it might be in temperature ten years. well, i have -- in ten years. i have news nor joe manchin, he's not going to be here in ten year. also the federal reserve doesn't think it reduces inflation, why
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else would they increase, you know, the interest rate by three-quarters of a percent and announce they're going to do more of that? kennedy: yeah. they're going to go at least 1.5% higher in the next year. we are definitely heading for some pain, but this bill is the ultimate catfishinging, you know? it's like a very-in, flat-chested woman -- thin, flat-chsed woman advertising herself on tinder as boobs mcgillicuddy. but if you slap that on anything, people are going to be interested. >> you know, you could hope that it would reduce the price of an electric vehicle, because it's got $7500 tax credit in there for electric vehicles. but as soon as ford and gm found out there was going to be a $7500 tax the credit in there for electric vehicles, they increased the price of their electric vehicles by, wait for it, can you guess? $7500. it's not even going to lower the price of those. ing. kennedy: all right. so i know that there is $60
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billion in the bill for environmental justice, and i'm just hoping that means that trees and shrubs can finally hire lawyers. >> well, i don't know, you know, maybe it's so that he can have solar panels on his four mansions. who knows what that money's for. kennedy: can environmental justice. that is one of those nebulous terms that seems like it means something, and whoever invented it wanted to make it seem like they care, but it's really just $60 billion that's going to go god knows where. i can't imagine there's going to be a thorough accounting for that, because if you try and account for that money, well, you know -- >> well, that's the other thing. i think it's going to increase inflation because they call them tax credits, but it's really spending in the tax bill. you just figure out another way to spend the money, and then that contributes to the national debt and the deficit. you've got to print that money out of thin air. they surely plan to do more of that while biden is president,
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and that is ultimately what's contributed the most to inflation, the devaluation of our currently city -- currency. kennedy: also the president has said anyone who earns less than $400,000 a year will not get taxed, but this places a tax on people who make $200,000. they have basically been lied to. >> yeah. and look, the interest rate's going up. that's a tax on anybody who's got a home loan or a car, going to go buy a car and take out a car loan. that's a tax. and the fed is doing that to try and counteract the bad monetary policies of joe biden and congress which has been to spend too much money. so they're taking that out of you through inflation and through increased interest rates. those are all taxes as well. kennedy: yes. and, you know, it's the kind of bell that you can't unring despite all of your promises.
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and all of this irresponsible spending, that's the insurance policy to try and get younger voters to pull the lehr lever or, you know, push the buttons in the midterms, and i don't think it's going to help them. and it shouldn't. anyone who has been forwarding these kind of irresponsible programs that commit generational theft should be thrown out of office. congressman massie -- we have 10 seconds. go ahead. >> oh. i would just say the cares act was the don't cares about. they didn't care about our kids, they didn't care about shutting town our economy, and they didn't care about inflation. if a bill says it's going to do one thing, trust me, it's going to do the exact opposite. kennedy: and there are very few people in congress you can trust. thomas massie is one of them. appreciate it. >> thanks kennedy. kennedy: well, the geniuses at the fed, they think they know how to tame inflation. boy, they've gotten everything wrong so far. the the rate hikes are causing their own problems. a 30-year mortgage rate is
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6.29%, the highest it's been in 15 years up from 6.02 the % just last week. it will slow down the economy and put a freeze on hiring among other things, so what can us little people do to stop the bleeding? it's time for a tourniquet, it's time for briano america ics, professor of business and economics at the kings college in manhattan, brian brenberg. welcome back. >> hey. kennedy: great to see you. al although a great deal of economic uncertainty especially, a man, if you're in your 30s looking to buy your first house? good luck to you. those monthly payments are getting to be impossible. >> the average home price is about $380,000. if you look at mortgage rates now, that's going to add $6-700 a month. you think about ms. mcgillicuddy trying to buy a house, she's trying. i don't think she can afford that, kennedy. new cars, the average payment, i think, is up near $700 a month.
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cp ken wow. >> that's like the old mortgage payment you were making on your house, and now that's the new car payment. the president says inflation hasn't spiked. well, it did spike, and the next leg of it is the interest rate spike that's going to cause all these things to be i unaffordable. kennedy: what other unintended consequences will we see from higher interest rates? >> well, this isn't an unintended consequence, it's obvious, the economy's going to slow down --, and the recession we're many now is going to get a lot deeper. companies know this. look at all the announcements they're make about hiring freezes and job cuts. you can see it with fedex because packages aren't making, goldman sachs, love 'em or not, deals aren't happening. the gap, they're laying off 500 corporate workers. what does that mean? these companies see what's happening. the fed got way behind. he were thinking about climate change -- they were thinking about climate change and dei
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when they should have been thinking about inflation, and they didn't. now they're ramping up -- cp ken so around the start of the pandemic rates were near zero. when should they have started going up? people like you, economists, when did you see an inflationary bubble brewing? >> mid, sort of two-hisser of the way through -- two of thirds of the way through 2021, there was nothing in the pipeline to help. that was the point when the fed should have been laying the groundwork. and that's exactly the moment you started to hear words like there's no serious economist who worries about this -- kennedy: transitory, yeah. >> transitory. it was so demeaning, so wrong, and that's why they got behind. but again, it wasn't just because they messed -- this is what people have to understand. the problem is the fed has given itself about 20 different mandates, and only one has to do with prices. all the res has to do with things they can't control. and the biden administration was with encouraging it. they were throwing nominees up there who had no track record or interest in price stability.
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it was all about their social agenda, their ideological agenda. kennedy: yeah. and that's why that minnesotaalty is very -- mentality is very dangerous for society, because you need adults, you need mathematicians to keep the real economy working because they have to understand that. i i get it, math is hard and it's boring. and it's much easier to be, you know, all for environmental justice. but what you really need to understand are spread sheets and data points. because if no one's paying attention to that and the people we're supposed to trust are throwing out terms like transitory, we all get screwed in the short and long material. so could you imagine if alan greenspan, you know, he utters irrational exuberance -- >> yeah. and the world goes crazy. somebody says something like that, what is he saying? that's not what we say anymore. i'll add this. you've got to understand math and spread sheets, but actually the biggest problem right now with our economic and monetary
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authorities is they are so arrogant, and they think they understand much wider swaths of the world than they do. and so they look at their real job and they say that's not important, that's not big enough for me. i have to promote, i have to promote environmental justice, okay? that's a term worthy of my big brain. and the problem is they spend all their time doing that, and and they forget it's actually their day job that the little, average guy needs them to do. and so they got to talk about environmental justice last year, and they're making everyone pay for it this year with higher interest rates and higher inflation. kennedy: yeah. and shame on all of them. janet yellen, jay powell, they should all be out of jobs. brian brenberg will replace every single one of them. he's going to be the emperor of economics. thank you so much for being here. always good to see you. >> you bet. kennedy: it is game night. we're taking a trip to the sunshine state. fake news or florida is coming
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up. is the crazy crime real or did we make it up? play along with the party panel next. ♪ ♪ what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. a pool floatie is like whooping cough, it's not just for kids. whooping cough is highly contagious for people of any age. and it can cause violent uncontrollable coughing fits. ask your doctor or pharmacist about whooping cough vaccination because it's not just for kids.
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it's helping kids all over the world. i love what i do for st. jude, and i just know that i'm in the right place. kennedy: well e, well, welcome back. we all know florida's battier than a wuhan wet market. well, we've taken the sunshine sate's weirdest but realest headlines and mixed them with our fakes news stories. can our panel tell the difference between the truth and not tricks? it's time for a treat. we're going to play america's favorite boxed wine drinking game, fake news or florida. the winner gets a 20-second head start on their next high-speed if police chase. jimmy's gonna need it. [laughter] >> and i drive a bronco, this is a win-win. kennedy: what color is your bronco? >> it is actually white. kennedy: i know, it's amazing. headline number one, tell me whether it's real or fake. florida man arrested for
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tranquilizing alligator, tying over 82 helium balloons to it and releasing it to the town center. is that real or fake? >> i go fake. kennedy: jimmy is on the beared with. -- on the board. [laughter] >> boom! kennedy: he could smell -- [laughter] headline number two, fake news or florida. we're playing it now. florida facebook group organizes 54,000 respondents to fire guns at incoming hurricane i -- can irma. pick news or florida? >> it seems so real but it's fake. >> it's true. kennedy: it is true. >> no! kennedy: olivia. people shooting at a hurricane. a facebook group called shoot at hurricane irma if garnered 54,000 replies. >> not even close to the dumbest thing on facebook yepped. that wouldn't even be top ten.
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kennedy: florida man arrested after poagz as a dea agent for two years. to get a cities count at wendy's. -- discount at wendy's. fake news or florida? >> it is so real. kennedy: and it is real! >> boom! jimmy's in the lead. kennedy: jessie stover had been receiving a discount for two years. when the manager asked to closely examine his barges he got upset, they called the police, and they frisked him and found the fake badge -- >> the letters were backwards. [laughter] >> more power to him. kennedy: wendy's, it is delicious. can you really blame him? number four, florida man awe arrested for living on docked private boat for weeks and starting a fire onboard while cooking breakfast. fake news or floridasome. >> fake for the win. kennedy: jimmy, did someone give you the question -- [inaudible conversations]
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>> that sounded so normal for florida. kennedy: this game is a barn burner. anything can happen. headline number five, florida man arrested for stealing 48 baby strollers from public parks and stashing them in a storage unit. fake news or florida. ♪ kennedy: and olivia does it. you're only one away from jimmy. >> oh, stop it. kennedy: fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. but i get someone got the idea -- >> it's gonna happen. [laughter] with the babies in them, knowing florida. kennedy: don't say that. >> is this one of those i coupon things where i can take it back and get my point if somebody does it? kennedy: we do have a retroproactive point club. [laughter] headline number six, florida woman douses her neighbor with a bucket of urine as revenge for his pet chicken pooping in her yard. fake news or florida.
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[laughter] [background sounds] kennedy: olivia is now tied for the lead with jimmy. >> oh! [laughter] kennedy: one-point game. christine accused her neighbor of allowing his pet chicken to poop on her patio. she grabbed a bucket full of urine which was at the ready and threw it at him. >> at the ready. [laughter] kennedy: police saying they don't know why christine had a bucket of urine -- >> we know why. >> i should have got this one, i apologize. kennedy: and a her piece sore. -- herpes sore. [laughter] florida man breaks into a music store through the roof but accidentally falls three stories down into the showroom. fake news or florida. >> jimmy. kennedy: jimmy is wrong -- olivia's got the lead! >> stop it. kennedy: yes. in clearwater a man broke through the roof, threw an amplifier through the store's window and escaped.
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he left a tail of blood and dna for police. yeah are, they caught him. headline number eight, florida man turns himself in to police for killing his imaginary friend named mr. happy. fake news or florida. oh, jimmy, you are now tied with inez -- >> stop it. mr. happy's dead? kennedy: yeah -- >> i can't even go on. kennedy: he killed his imaginary friend because his toys were a mess. >> i don't believe that guy could even get imaginary friends. [laughter] kennedy: p1. >> i'm not going to disparage. kennedy: number nine, a florida personal injury attorney disbarred after nowing down eight -- mowing down eight people. inez now is ahead of jimmy, this really happened. charged with four counts of
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attempted murder, allegedly mounted the sidewalk and struck four pedestrians. police say she had -- >> i just want to mention if i was in the lead. kennedy: last one. this is worth two points. this is the great equalizer. you can tie olivia, that's your best shot. head line number 10 for all the marbles and the 20346 second head start -- 20-second head start. man shuts down carnival ride after throeing up all over it after eating four wendy's frosties. and olivia rondo wins the game. >> finally! kennedy: congratulations, olivia. you are 20 seconds ahead of the cops, and even jimmy's bronco won't catch you. >> and i'm calling the cops, this is an outrage. i was in the lead. the voting stops, they stopped counting -- . kennedy: find the camera, it changes everything. thank you so much. a great panel, a great game. coming up, not a great man.
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♪ kennedy: the war many ukraine is going so badly for russia, russ keys are literally breaking their own arms to avoid having to fight. protests have erupted across russia after putin yesterday announced a massive draft. all men between between ages 18-65 now eligible to serve. cops have arrested hundreds, and the detainees could get sent directly to the front lines. others are doing whatever it takes to aside the draft with miles-long lines to cross the border into mongolia, finland. they don't care. google searches on how to to
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break an arm reportedly also spiking. so is this another sign that putin's days are numbered? here with me now, retired navy seal senior chief and republican candidate for wisconsin's 3rd congressional district, derek van or then is back. >> thank you, good to see you. kennedy: tell me, what is going on in russia? is putin losing power, or should the world be terrified over his nuclear saber-rattling? >> well, yes and yes. but let's remember, let's wind back the clock a little bit and remember why we're here today. president biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan abandoning thousands of american is suicides and our allies to the i'll taliban. i don't want anyone to forget that. i watched putin's address, it was chilling. the the guy is serious. and what he's doing actually is recalling reservists. so isn't a general draft, it's my understanding watching him speak.
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so that would be like army national guard guys would be our equivalent being called to active duty because they're losing. so normally a mobilization like is done prior to a conflict like in world war i, the austrian-hungarian empire in serbia or it's done if things are not going well. if you guys remember back in 2006 or so during the surge into iraq, the administration had to recall people to active duty. vladimir putin's troops, russia, they've lost about 50,000 active duty service members, a couple thousand tanks, about 4,000 a aps, hundreds of for exampled-wing aircraft and. hundreds of rote arely-wing -- rotary-wing aircraft. these are helos. the war is going poorly, and putin's regime is in danger because of it. kennedy: so he says, and sergey lavrov say they've only lost 3500 troops. you say 50,000. who is counting?
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>> well, that's a very reasonable estimate from the international community ask if our nato allies. to put that in perspective, we lost 57 # ,000 troops -- 57,000 troops the entire time we were in vietnam. so things are going absolutely terrible for russia, and putin is getting backed into a corner. and listen, here's the interesting dynamic and why it is so terrifying. vladimir putin, i think, is capable of using nuclear weapons. if vladimir putin does that, that is a complete shift in the paradigm. kennedy: where would he, where would he do that? if i mean, obviously, china has said away don't want that to happen. let's create an environment where we can at least have negotiations and deescalate and, you know, china really the only actor -- i don't like china, they're a bunch of commies and they don't mean us well, but they're the only ones really talking about that with as much power as anyone has in this
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conversation. so where and how would putin use nuclear weapons? >> vladimir putin would use what are called tactical nuclear weapons which are small, smaller yield megathat ton stuff within the borders of ukraine. but russia is within the fallout pattern of any if nuke that's used there. so that -- the likelihood of that is low, but it's still out there because vladimir putin -- we talked about this, what, six months ago, seven months ago now, kennedy? the math didn't add up for him to do this, so he's clearly not thinking properly. i would think he would do things like carpet bombing, for instance. kennedy: what would happen if h- >> but we should take him seriously. kennedy: what would happen if he did that? how would that activate nato? and, sorry, you only have 20 seconds. >> it would mean that we would have a much more robust response. and let's remember, hey, part of the calculus here is that he does not mow what joe biden is
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going to do because joe biden is such an -- [laughter] kennedy: joe biden doesn't know what joe biden is. is so we have our own kind of problems. we have, like, madman and the old man, and one of it's good. none of it's good for russians, certainly not good for us. god help us all. derek, thank you so much. >> you bet. have a great evening. kennedy: you too. and the topical storm is next. i have my thing finger on it -- my finger on it. ♪ you gotta fight for your right to party ♪ like rachel here how am i looking? looking good! the most cautious driver we got am i there? no keep going how's that? i'll say when now? is that good? lots of cars have backup cameras now you know those are for amateurs there we go like a glove, girl (phone chimes) safe driving and drivewise can save you 40% with allstate click or call for a quote today
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kennedy: according to a new poll, one in four americans say work meetings are the worst place to accidentally pass gas. i would not know, 'cuz i've only ever tone the that on purpose. wait, let me try. oh, no, it's a solid. [laughter] that was a big potty. shooting the breeze with your coworkers and this is the top call storm. tom topic number one, in honor of martial dog week, the tinder dating app is matching rescue dogs with potential owners. seems like everyone on that app is just looking for some legs to hump. here we've got a new feature that allows tinder users to search for profiles of adoptable dogs in need of permanent homes
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which makes these dogs the only ones on tinner looking for something -- tinder lock looking for something permanent. on the bright side, you'll finally be able to tell your friends you scored some tail on tinder, you finally met a good girl. the profiles also include useful information about the dogs and their personalties. that way you'll know if you're really looking for companionship or they just want a bone. yeah! the dogs say t impossible to truly get to know someone on tinder because no matter how much your match reveals about themselves, you still can't smell their butts. you know, what's the point? topic number two the, diss disney -- disney world is being slam over high prices. listen to this. its fanciest restaurant jacked up the cost of its premium tasting menu to $625 a person. but in disney's defense, it does
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look extremely fancy. oh, yeah, these two met on tinder, by the way. jim dear. of as you know, the app is full of tramps. actually, this is the overpriced restaurant. victorian alberts restaurant, so fancy even donald duck, the avid shirt cocker, puts on pants when he goes in there. in fact, this is where mickey takes minnie when he wants her -- [laughter] to give him a steam boat willie. we can't say that. [laughter] the menu includes a seafood trio, alaskan king crab, the best fish on the menu always the flounder. unfortunately, the restaurant doesn't sound very clean. one night i heard they found poo h in the dining room -- [laughter] the restaurant prefers to take reservations on its web site, but from what i hear, they also accept poppins. no need to worry, there's a
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chinese joint down the block serving delicious aristocats. topic number three. it is thirsty thursday x tonight a reminder that humans aren't the only life forms who get thirsty. a new study from japan shows plants can benefit from getting drunk on doll. i'm not surprised -- on alcohol. they already grow their own weed. researchers say it's because alcohol causes plants to close their pores and retain the water, so alcohol could help important crops get through extensive dry spells whereas humans and dogs use tinder for that. in fact, some of the plants studied were able to live on nothing but alcohol for as long as two weeks, a record only surpassed by charlie sheen. and my writers. so the next i'm you're at the liquor store, treat your plants to a happy flower. i know i'll to do my part after the show tonight, pouring some alcohol on my two lips. topic number four, speaking of drunks, it's time to hear what you have to say.
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viewer mail. duane starts us off with: kennedy nation, you such a hack. he meant to say fat, you're so fat and gray. mihmmy writes, i don't like -- mimi writes, i don't like kennedy. clay tweets,s does your mom regret letting you go to prom? no, she's jealous. kennedy, you're such a hottie, just like my wife. oh, that's really helpful. thanks, davy, and thank you for watching the show tonight. follow me on twitter andest gram @kennedynation, facebook, e kennedy fbn, e-mail is kennedy fbn@fox and, guess what? subscribe to my podcast today, it's called kennedy saves the world, someone's gotta do it. it is on spotify, apple podcast, can't watch the show, dvr it. you know what we say?s makea every day a kenneday. love everything about you. are good night.
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