tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 6, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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grit. the people with the handouts embody laziness. they don't care about capitalism. they want to take it away from you. that will do it for us tonight on "fox business tonight." always a pleasure. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. elizabeth: more on breaking news. justice department charges against hunter biden could be imminent. the doj reportedly has enough evidence against hunter biden over alleged tax and gun purchase crimes. this is about lying about drug use on a government form but here's what is going on, this story is bigger than just this case. with us tonight congressman carlos gimenez, michael cloud, pat fallon, darrell issa, texas attorney general ken paxton, jon levine of "the new york post."
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jam-packed show tonight. the white house moves to undercut u.s. energy even more? as gas and oil prices march higher. this after opec's massive production cut. we have our twist what ronald reagan asked. are you better off than just two years ago? this new white house controversy, the secret service says there are no visitor logs for the president's homes in delaware where he spent nearly a third of his presidency. more companies flee chicago amid rampant crime. plus stunning new data on rearrests of violent felons in weak on crime states. they were let go with no-cash bail. and the new york governor celebrates national pizza month? chicago's mayor release as video of her singing and dancing as crime soars in both those states. plus gop senators warn dhs secretary mayorkas he could be impeached over biden's border
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collapse. we've got the story. rising net worth of house speaker pelosi as house democrats delay a bipartisan ban on stock trading in congress. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: welcome to the show. get right to it with the breaking news. darrell issa from house judiciary with "new york post" columnist jon levine. thanks for joining us tonight. first congressman, your take the justice department reportedly has enough evidence to charge hunter biden with a tax crime and gun purchase crime? >> it is the tip of the iceberg. what i've seem on his laptop and other places show there is a lot more than that the real question is, you know, since the big guy and the brother of the president are also implicated are they going to be put under the same scrutiny. elizabeth: what more evidence do
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you have, congressman, before i get to you, jon? what else have you seen on the laptop? >> what we've seen, in one case a draft that includes jim biden back and forth planning what would, i would call foreign activity and foreign lobbying. as a matter of fact, the amazing thing is, he says i'm not a lobbiest in that. that is just the tip of the criminal iceberg of their foreign lobbying. the big question now, and you alluded to it in the opening if there are no logs then how do we in fact show the conspiracy when the president says he never had meetings that we now have witnesses saying he had and they were in the meetings? elizabeth: you're talking about the delaware homes. there are no visitor logs there. secret service says that. jon what is your take on the story. democrats led by chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, adam schiff said this was all russian disinformation? there was a push by the fbi to
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elizabeth: house oversight, plan to use subpoena power. republicans do. biden family, including trying to sell u.s. natural gas reserves to china at a tony bobulinski, told tucker carlson that biden es expect, billions of dollars on their deals with china. >> i think you're exactly right, 48 hours after the interview there is leak of somewhat unrelated potential charges. i'm frankly i will be shocked if they do my indictment before the midterms. i would strongly suspect this is a false statement in order to give the left ability to say, oh, yeah, there is nothing here and anything is being taken care of. i'm going to make you a side
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bet. there will not be an indictment before the mid terms. elizabeth: that is your prediction? what are you saying fallout for the president here. joe biden, national security? >> i'm inclined to agree there won't be charges during the midterm, dealing with the intelligence of the justtics department. they are inclined not to look political and any charges before the midterm would have significant impact on the midterm elections. they don't want a repeat of the james comey situation in fall of 2016. i'm not convinced we'll see major charges. i have a feeling it will be a slap on the wrist, especially things like the gun, falsifying paperwork. people go to jail for that, for you know -- elizabeth: people go to jail, people go to jail for tax evasion, too. >> absolutely. so i, i, i'm not even convinced
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we'll see the charges that merit what we have here. but time will tell. elizabeth: congressman, tony bobulinski, hunter biden's business partner told tucker carlson, then vice president bide was help involved in the biden family deal-making overseas, selling influence and access to the u.s. government, basically, influence influence peddling based on the biden family name. listen to this. >> there was hundreds of data points joe biden was acting in capital is lick term the chairman. he is the figurehead. shows up at meetings, shakes hands, advises, has faith in his team. effectively that was joe biden's role in the biden family business ventures and around the world. elizabeth: sew knew about it, right? you know, so what's your reaction to that, congressman? >> you know you've got a whistle-blower who had great peril to himself who is on the record, other whistle-blowers
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not coming forward. jim jordan has a long list of them. what we're seeing is the fbi continue to be mum other than these convenient leaks at a convene time. what john said a minute ago is absolutely true. we know that hunter biden, evaded more than $1.8 million in taxes, anybody else would go to jail for that. as we speak, tom barrick, friend of former president trump, is being tried for what was in fact an open dialogue that he had very publicly during the trump administration. they have turned that into a charge because he didn't register when in fact this is an example of where the charge should be placed and has joint so what the congressman is saying also, this, john, fbi whistle-blowers said agent tim
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thibault blocked the probe. tim thibault never contacted him and never called him back. house gop oversight, they have 150 suspicious activity reports, filed by u.s. banks with u.s. treasury, red flagging that there was weird money flows and that also these money flows, jon, as you reported were buried in multitude numbers of off-balance sheet shell companies bidens were using to hide their money. >> getting those sars congressman comer one of his top priorities, should he become chairman of a committee in future republican controlled house, that will be one of the first areas of investigation getting those sar reports. banks are required to make those with suspicious transactions. for 150 to have been generated is really unprecedented. right now they're not handing them over, they will not hand them over until republicans have control of the committee. elizabeth: congressman issa, jon levine, thanks so much for
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helping us out with the breaking story tonight. >> thank you, elizabeth. >> tyson foods, tyson is joining companies fleeing chicago amid rampant crime. stunning new data of rearrests of violent felons in weak on crime states in new york. the new york governor celebrates national pizza month? chicago's mayor release as video of her singing and dancing. the white house, may make another move to undercut u.s. energy even more as gas and oil march higher on opec's massive production cut. tonight, the twist on what ronald reagan asked, he said are you better off than you were four years ago? we'll ask you better off than you were just two years ago? that is next onn "the evening edit". ♪ (limu squawks) he's a natural. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ you love closing a deal.
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elizabeth: welcome back. oil ended at a three-week high today, on that major opec plus production cut of 2 billion barrels a day. the white house is outraged over that and now it's reportedly looking to get oil from venezuela is led by a communist dictator. edward lawrence at the white house with more. edward. reporter: well, liz president biden is saying that everything is on the table when it comes to venezuela. the u.s. is dangling easing sanctions if there is movement there towards free elections. in exchange allowing chevron to
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come in and pump more oil. also the administration still negotiating with iran over a nuclear deal as part of a potential agreement, iran would be allowed to sell oil on the open market. nsc spokesperson john kirby said the president knew americans would feel economic pain. >> we're trying to transition toward a clean energy environment. that is good for the economy. that is good certainly for the environment and that is where the president wants to take us but in these transitions, transitions are tough, and they take time. reporter: former director of omb under president donald trump says there is a naive group of people running the country right now. >> there is no reason we cane not be supplying more, gas and oil into our own markets. we were net exporters of energy under donald trump. biden administration has completely tied our hands. reporter: senior white house official telling me they will reassess releases more oil from the strategic petroleum reserve after the current release fin finishes.
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that finishes next month. liz. elizabeth: edward lawrence thank you very much. remember this famous quote from president ronald reagan. watch this? >> are you better off than you were four years ago? elizabeth: now the question is, are you better off than you were just two years ago? joining us now, congressman carlos gimenez house transportation, congressman michael cloud from house oversight. gentlemen thanks for joining us tonight. good to see you both. congressmancongressman gimenez,e is weighing a complete block of oil drilling off the gulf of mexico. gas is going up. >> gas will go up. are you better off than two years ago? if you consider losing a full month's pay of inflation, rising inflation, rising gas prices i guess i would be better off but obviously americans are far better -- far worse off today than they were two years ago. the biden energy policy is
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insanity, complete insanity. no reason for why we should be dependent on venezuela, iran, anybody else. we should be fully independent. we should be exporting our gas and oil to our allies around the world. elizabeth: to what the congressman is saying, congressman cloud, the white house keeps saying we're transitioning. 55 people are transitioning to higher energy bills they can't afford this winter and the white house is now talking about bringing back that go nowhere nopec bill, it has been around for decades would try to bring antitrust lawsuits against opec. really? really will that stop opec and russia? >> truth is there is a great transition happening but a transition from the power, strength and prosperity of united states to other countries that don't have our interest or world's interests in mind. that is exactly what the policies the biden administration continues to force on the american people. it is interesting that our supposed transition to green new energy is not being followed by
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the rest of the world. what we take off the world market in oil and gas they simply replace with other rogue countries, asking venezuela. i can tell you people here in texas we're right here, we're right here. whenever we need more oil we'll be happy to get to work. elizabeth: to what congressman cloud is saying, congressman gimenez, the u.s. is pumping around 11.8 million barrels a day. under trump it was 13 million barrels a day. that was more than double what twas in 2010. now you're going to see like far left congressman claiming that opec and russia are now interfering in the midterms with the production cut and more. watch this. >> the idea that putin and vladmir putin and mbs are essentially trying to interfere in our election through these actions, using opec is extremely troubling and we should all be concerned about their influence. >> we don't have five dollar a gallon gas in this country by accident, because joe biden and
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progressive democrats want gas to be that expensive. they want you out of your gas-guzzling suv or minivan. they want farmers to stop using diesel for tractors or other farm instruments. they think you can replace all these things with electric vehicles, which by the way are really coal-powered or natural gas-powered or nuclear powered vehicles. >> answer with a yes or no does your bank have a policy funding new gas and oil products, mr. dimon? >> absolutely not. that would be the road to hell for america. we are not getting this one right. the world needs 100 million bears of oil and gas every day need it for 10 years. investing in the oil and gas complex is good for reduces co 2. particularly for the rest of the world you have seen everyone going back to coal. elizabeth: that was jamie dimon of jpmorgan chase. what do you think, congressman cloud? >> that is exactly right. you know that is what we see happening in the world. and the best thing that can happen for all these quote
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climate objectives is for us to produce more here in the united states take up larger shares of the world market, we do it better, cleaner responsibility than the rest of the world t leads to peace and stability in the world as opposed to what we see going on. elizabeth: congressman gimenez biden is tilting at windmills chasing the sun, solar energy, the wind, you can't store in batteries to power the u.s. >> yeah, look, it is almost as if done on purpose to weaken the position of the united states. there is absolutely no reason why we can't be energy independent. there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be exporting especially natural gas around the world replacing coal, which actually do a heck of a lot more for the environment than his windmills that he is trying to chase at right now. by the way, who produces all these windmills, the windmills and the solar panels? it is produced in china but they're not using it. they have got a brand new
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coal-fired electric plant every week which is polluting the atmosphere. they are the world's biggest polluters by factor of two. yet just america has to bear the brunt of this green new deal. it is insanity. i don't think, it is insanity. i think it is done on purpose to weaken the, weaken us, to weaken america. i don't know why but you know nobody can be this dumb. elizabeth: i mean to your point, congressman gimenez, india, china, gse emissions wiped out all the gains i think that the u.s. made since 2006. congressman gimenez, i want both of you to listen to louisiana senator john kennedy sounding off on the democrat agenda. i want both responses to this. >> stupidity is painful. the left thinks that by defunding the police we're going to stop crime. the left thinks that vetting people at the southern border is
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racist. the left thinks that government employees have a constitutional right to talk to five-year-olds about sexuality. i know, it is frustrating to me too. to see our country which was founded by geniuses being run by idiots. but still, i'm an optimistic guy. i have hope for my liberal friends. jellyfish, jellyfish have survived for 165 million years without a brain. elizabeth: he has got jellyfish in the aquarium. looks like one of those '60s volcano lamps. congressman gimenez, reaction to senator john kennedy there. >> i disagree with him because i don't think anybody can be that done. i think it is done on purpose. elizabeth: they're dumber than jellyfish? >> no. i think it is done on purpose. i believe many of the policies that are being put forward by the biden administration, energy
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policy, policy at the border, all these things, you can't be that dumb, you can't be that dumb. and so it is on purpose. the question is why? why is it on purpose? elizabeth: okay. >> all of these are hurting american interests. why are they trying to do that? elizabeth: sounds like one of history's mysteries congressman cloud. your final word. >> i have to agree the biggest thing going for the biden administration the next crisis pushes out the news cycle about the last crisis. whether we're talking about afghanistan, talking about baby formula shortages, people right now we're looking at food shortages potentially in the world because of these bad energy policies. then we're experiencing war when we had stability because of our previous energy policies you know. elizabeth: okay. >> so this is all ceding authority. elizabeth: got it. >> it's tragic to see it coming from the white house. elizabeth: congressman gimenez, congressman cloud. good to see you both. this new white house controversy, the reports that the secret service say they have no visitor logs for the
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president's homes in delaware where he has spent nearly a third of his presidency. and now tyson foods joins companies leaving chicago amid rampant crime. plus the stunning new data on rearrest of violent felons in weak on crime illinois and new york. the new york governor celebrating national pizza month. seeing right there, chicago's mayor release as video of her singing and dancing. congressman pat fallon takes it on next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ come on, baby don't you want to go ♪ ♪ come on, baby don't you want to go ♪ a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan
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♪. elizabeth: okay, we've got another big company, it's tyson foods, leaving chicago. this is happening amid rising crime. grady trimble has more in chicago. grady. reporter: hi, liz. tyson says it is moving about 1000 employees from this downtown chicago office, another in the suburbs and a third in south dakota. it says it wants all of its employees under the same roof at its arkansas headquarters which it plans to expand. so like a lot of the other companies that have left chicago and the chicago area recently it is going to a red state. the meat processor joins caterpillar, citadel and boeing
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in moving out. while tyson didn't mention high crime and taxes in its statement about the move we know those were factors for ken griffin when he decided to move his hedge fund to south florida earlier this year. crime in the city of chicago up 37% so far this year. the pro-business group illinois policy institute told us about tyson's move. for businesses to thrive and grow illinois needs a less regulated environment and both property tax and pension reform to foster a stable economic foundation that retains and attracts businesses to illinois. this latest exodus is not coincidental or unfixable. liz? elizabeth: thank you so much, great report. such an interesting story, grady trimble. let's welcome back to the show from house oversight is congressman pat fallon. pat, congressman, great to have you on. sir, you just heard that story, right? we've got murder rates searing in chicago and new york but democrat dick go mayor lori
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lightfoot release as video of her singing and dancing and new york democrat governor releases photos of her making pizzas for national pizza month. we don't begrudge people having fun but coming at kind of a weird time what do you think? >> it is like nero fiddling when rome burns. data, prepandemic year 2019 to today in 2022 murders are up nearly 50% and in the six major cities in the united states, six big ones, new york, l.a., philly, d.c., baltimore and atlanta are all on pace to even surpass the record crime surge that we had last year. so clearly these mayors are not focusing on supporting our police and law enforcement, and having d.a.s that enforce policy and convict criminals to put them in cages. elizabeth: congressman, new york, now illinois, they're getting rid of cash bail for multiple felonies.
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they are going to release people. police are upset. they're going to free hundreds of suspects accused murder, burglary, kidnapping, other crimes. we have a new political poll show majority of voters say 77%, say crime is the top issue in the midterms. look at data, 34 states, criminals set free, rearrested. 62% rearrested in a short time span. seeing in multiple states, that is a problem, that repeat offenders are with 87 arrests here in new york city. we have another guy who was arrested more than 100 times. arrested 103 times here in new york city. on and on. the data is really shocking. >> you know what? no-cash bail, what it effectively does, liz, it puts predators back on the street. it makes all of us unsafe. if you're not safe then you're not free. so it is a fundamental right. it is incredibly, it just doesn't make any sense. it is completely illogical. all criminals want to do feel
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good about themselves when they go to cocktail parties i'm tired of it. some of these folks unfortunately need to be put in a cage, take the key, melt the damn thing. they are like sharks. you walk by them you will get bit. elizabeth: they killed an emf 9/11 first responder. a father was shot visiting his son upstate new york college, marist college. people don't feel safe. this is especially hurting women. women are now saying stop defunding police. we need protection. our producer claire o'connor, went out in the streets of new york to talk to him. let's take a listen. >> as woman do you feel safe here in new york city? >> as a woman i don't think i necessarily feel safe really anywhere especially in big cities like this. there has been more riots recently. more dangerous stuff going on in the subways and stuff. >> my husband is with us so it makes us feel safer. i would not walk alone up here. >> increasing security in the subway stations et cetera would help people feel more secure and safe traveling.
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>> it is hard to get policeman today, we could use, a little bit more police presence. we haven't seen a lot since walking around. >> they need to keep criminals in jail longer. if they commit a crime, quit criminalizing the hard-working americans that are getting victimized. i think it is awful. >> i don't take the subway past 8:00. which means i need to uber a cab, that can be expensive. >> i feel like anything can really happen. you can't say to yourself this can't happen to me. this won't happen to me. it could, anything could happen to you especially by yourself. elizabeth: congressman do you hear any democrat woman standing up and saying stop with the crimes against women, stop with the crimes hurting children, do you hear that? >> no. you know it is deafening. that silence is chilling. we should be doing come sense call thing support police, pun push criminals. they're trying to make the good guys bad, bad guys goofed.
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we have a to have a line in the sand. our police and first-responders and are the military. we should support the police and first-responders in the same manner. elizabeth: congressman fallon. good to see you. we have this story coming up, republican senators now warn homeland security secretary mayorkas he could be impeached overmishandling biden's border collapse. this new white house controversy, the secret service say there are no visitor records for the president's homes in delaware where he has spent nearly a third of his presidency. congressman jeff van drew next on "the evening edit". ♪.
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broke the news that the justice department has enough evidence against hunter biden, for tax evasion and lying on a government form claiming he did not do drugs, what do you make of this story? >> it is about time they figured it out. i think they probably figured it out all along. we knew this was true. we know he has relationships in communist china. we know he has relationships also, he did have relationships in the ukraine, russia, and so does his father and the truth needs to come out and about it doesn't come out this way i'm telling you, this new majority, that will come in in congress, they damn well better, i think they will, i hope to be part of that, investigate this, have hearings on this, and really expose it for what it is. >> it is bigger. it is about the president and national security and foreign policy. >> exactly. elizabeth: hunter biden was lobbying the state department during the obama white house while vice president joe biden was sitting in the chair on behalf of hunter's overseas clients. we hear about subpoena power.
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the biden family deal-making including trying to sell u.s. natural gas to china out of five u.s. states, that is what house gop oversight has. let's watch tony bobulinski tell tucker carlson the biden family expected to make a lot of money off their deals with china. watch this. >> how much did hunter expect to make from his business dealings with the chinese? >> i expected to make hundreds of millions of dollars. i think the bidens probably thought they were going to make billions of dollars. elizabeth: billions, you hear that, billions of dollars? now which have reports the secret service says there are no visitor records for the president's delaware homes where he spent nearly a third of his presidency. he campaigned on transparency. if everything is aboveboard, why the secrecy? they expect to make billions of dollars off deals with china? >> first of all, it is disgusting where the presidency
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has gone, what this president has done to this, my god, where is the loyalty to america? second of all, i guess anybody can just drop by any of his houses in delaware, his two homes, walk around? maybe i will just go there next week whenever i get a moment, knock on the door. if nobody is around i kind of walk in like locally here, say hi, how are you? elizabeth: who is going up there? who is showing up at the house? who is showing up at his house? >> any president's house, not only the official white house, not only camp david, anybody's house people show up. you have a record of that because you do background checks. don't tell me they're allowing people to just show up and be in the house with the president. i hope nobody is this stupid and actually don't do o a backgroun, what do you have? you have a record, you have a record of doing the background check to make sure everything is okay. this is nonsense. this is lies.
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and i hope that they really don't believe the american people are that stupid. elizabeth: to your point, in april, the secret service said they did not have, they did not have to release the logs. now they're saying they don't exist. and also there was a federal appeals court ruling written by now attorney general merrick garland way back in 2013 that presidents can pick and choose what they reveal through their visitor logs to their homes. so that is what is going on too. your final word? >> so my final word maybe there is the truth. the president doesn't want to say who was at his home, who was making deals with him. elizabeth: okay. >> and what the list of people that visited him are. that's the truth. elizabeth: congressman van drew, thanks for joining us tonight. we'll have you back on. more on the rising net worth of house speaker pelosi driven by her husband's lucrative stock trades as house democrats delay a bipartisan ban on stock trading in congress. plus gop senators warn homeland security secretary mayorkas, that he could be impeached over
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biden's border collapse? texas attorney general ken paxton next onde "the evening edit"nt. ♪. sease, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. another busy day? of course - you're a cio in 2022. but you're ready. because you've got the next generation in global secure networking from comcast business. with fully integrated security solutions all in one place. so you're covered. on-premise and in the cloud. you can run things the way you want - your team, ours or a mix of both. with the nation's largest ip converged network. from the most innovative company.
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- call the number on your screen. elizabeth: joining us now, texas attorney general ken paxton. sir, a pleasure having you on as well tonight too. thanks for spending time with us. we've got this story out of fox digital that gop senators lindsey graham and ted cruz, they sent a letter to homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas warning him he is on notice for possible impeachment over biden's border collapse. the size of kansas is crossing including got-aways but what crimes and maps are misdemeanors are involved here? there have to be impeachable offenses. what ecured. >> he is aid and abets. he encouraging them to come. they are transporting allowing terrorists coming across the
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border. he has the obligation to defend this country, uphold the constitution. i'm extremely concerned about what is happening over the last two years with all of these people crossing the border and they're basically being invited in by there administration. elizabeth: which laws is he breaking and which laws are the white house breaking? >> well he has an obligation to defended the country, protect the people of this country. whether he violates a criminal law or some other civil statute, his responsibility is to the american people. so i will leave it up to the senators to look into the details what particular law he violated but i do think he is clearly not doing his job as head of homeland security. elizabeth: you see it on the front lines down there in texas. the senators cite gross dereliction of duty at the border. they charge mayorkas enabling drug production and smuggling enterprise by mexican cartels working with china. china supplying the drug ingredients that contributed to the manufacture of fenn at that i will in.
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108 americans killed last year, 2/3 of that from fentanyl. listen to border patrol chief raul ortiz admit in a florida lawsuit deposition that the crisis is the worst in decades. watch this. >> since president biden was elected does this document indicate that aliens illegally entering the united states perceive that they will be able to enter and remain in the united states? >> yes. >> is the crisis that is currently ongoing at the southern border making the border less safe for americans and aliens alike? >> yes. >> so if migrant populations believe that they're going, they're not going to be consequences they will, more of them will come to the border, is that what you're saying? >> there is an assumption that if migrant populations are told that there's a potential that they may be released, yes you can see increases.
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>> so it will increase at an exponential rate is that what is suggested here? >> i think it will increase, yeah. elizabeth: that is already happening right? do you think the senators will follow through to try to impeach mayorkas? >> look i certainly hope so. this is a disaster, it is a planned disaster. not like any of this on day one, we will not deport you, put away every possible tool to stop people from coming illegally, stopping building the wall, stop title 42 being used, eliminating remain in mexico, everything that worked they have switched around. so i have to say, they have done this on purpose. they have created the crisis on purpose. to me, that is dereliction of duty. they are purposely harming the country. elizabeth: i mean the senators wrote that just last month, nearly 2900-pounds of fentanyl was found, seized at the border. that is enough to kill 500 million people.
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enough to kill every american, more than enough. that is what is happening too. >> that may be worse thing of all, so many kids dying, kids i have known, families never expected this to occur. because the biden administration opened up the border, it made it a lot easier for the cartels to transport fentanyl and other drugs. elizabeth: okay. >> the biden administration knew this was consequence of what they were doing, yet they continue to promote these policies. elizabeth: ken paxton, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: we have more on the rising net worth of house speaker pelosi's family as house democrats delay a bipartisan ban on stock trading in congress. we've got "newsweek"'s deputy opinion editor batya next on "the evening edit." >> he comes in with doggie do on his choo, doggie do, put a cherry on top and call it a chocolate sunday.
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a vote would come this month. chad has more. >> reporter: lawmakers cut town for the midterm election without cutting a deal to prohibit themselves from trading stocks. >> stop allowing members of congress to effectively day trade and, you know, actively trade while they're voting on the stuff that could potentially enrich themselves. >> reporter: abigail spanberger wrote a bill, but it stalled. house speaker nancy pelosi then bigfooted span berger is another stock trading bill and promptly shelfed it,. spanberger accused pelosi of they tactics. she criticizes the process, but she says it is time for new leadership. what do you say in response to her criticism? >> you have to have the votes to bring it up. that's what the committee put forth. but it's good press because you asked the question. >> reporter: over the winter pelosi endorsed sweeping few stock-trading rules.
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>> it is simply not sufficient to deter the behavior, it has to be government-lined. the supreme court has no disclosure, it has no reporting of stock transactions. >> reporter: pelosi's husband paul draws attention because of his aggressive stock trades. >> has your husband ever made a stock purchase or sale based on information he received from you? >> no, absolutely not. >> reporter: senate minority leader mitch mcconnell only invests in mutual funds to remain above the fray. >> i thought that was the best way to avoid criticism that somehow i was trading stocks as a result of insider information. >> reporter: in politics, the appearance of a conflict of interest is often as bad as the conflict itself. that's why voters may think the worst if congress doesn't ban members from trading stocks. liz? elizabeth: chad pergram, always great journalism. that was a terrific report. joining us now, "newsweek"'s opinion editor, batya.
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your take on that story. >> thank you so much for having me. look, it's really interesting because in some ways the pelosis are really aberration, right in 2020 paul pelosi outperformed the s&p 500 by 14%, right? they saw 60% jump, increase in their wealth during the pandemic to a whopping $170 million so they really stand out in this way. they're sort of typical in a new shift in the democratic party from a party that used to represent the working class to a party that now 65% of taxpayers who make more than $500,000 a year are democrats, right? so you're seeing a shift in the rhetoric and a shift in the policy to cat cater more to that it elite youth. elizabeth: their net worth quintupled, but then speaker pelosi caught heat for that
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comment about hurricane ian in florida and governor ron desan. dissaying, basically, saying we need illegal immigrants to pick crops. [laughter] when you heard that, what did you think? >> right. so democrats love to talk about immigration as though it were a moral question, and they are the moral ones. but actually, pelosi's statement about how we need immigrants to pick crops exposed that they are really thinking about immigration in economic terms. if you're in the elites, if you're rich, you love illegal immigration because you yet goods and services and workers for less than minimum became, for less than you would pay an american worker. that is what she exposed, right? whereas if you're working class, you want a secure border so that you know your job is going to be protected. >> reporter: elizabeth: there are huge profits to be made when they're not getting things like social security, right? >> 100%. you can not have a wage floor if you have an open border and
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essentially are telegraphing the way the biden administration is to the working class of every other country, come in, we have jobs for you. elizabeth: well, this is quite a story. we're going to have you back on. you're a terrific writer. read batya's work, it's really good stuff. i'm elizabeth mac donald. you've been watching "the evening edit." joins us again tomorrow night, and we hope you have a good evening. ♪ kennedy: well, how's the big guy going to feel about this? "the washington post" reporting the feds have the goods to charge hunter biden with several crimes, and now the decision lies with the attorney general of the president's home state of delaware. the u.s. attorney. and this case could lead all the way to the big white house. according to the report, investigators have, quote, sufficient evidence to slap hunter with several charges. we're told it is related to tax crimes and a false statement on a gun purchase. the post claims the investigation ha
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