tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business October 17, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT
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how many think it will be joe biden and a second term? [laughter] oh. i think i got a sense where this audience is coming from. >> governor newsom? stuart: who thinks governor newsom will be the next president? [booing] >> worse than biden. stuart: knew some will not do it, i can tell. time's up. i want to give a big thank you to all of our panelists, all of our guests here. [applause] keep it here all day on fox business. [cheers and applause] stuart: yeah. great show. great show. great stuff, everybody. ♪ ♪
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>> happy birthday, fox business. welcome everybody to cavuto "coast to coast." i'm david asman in for neil cavuto today. we have a busy two hours ahead. markets are rallying today plus 401(k) ko'd. soaring inflation wipes trillions of dollars off american retirement plans. white house on defense over our energy policies. they say we're on track to produce more oil than ever. why some say that statement just does not jibe with the numbers and we have the numbers. we have a lot to get to so let's get started right now. con knelt mcconnell mcshane with today's biggest market movers. reporter: happy birthday to fox
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business. big bounce day. this is the big swings on wall street continue. the nasdaq is having a great day but if you like round numbers, the dow is back above 30,000. tech is doing well. financials are doing well across the board. there is the dow, 30,193 there b. we'll see if we hold that level throughout the day. seems to be improving sentiment in the uk for the time-being. that has been fickle of late. we'll see how that plays itself out as they backtrack on tax cuts. mentioned tech, meta, microsoft, many of these tech stocks, amazon is having a nice day up 6% leading the market higher in the risk-on environment we have right now. remember the nasdaq ended last week as its lowest level since july of 20720. that is where we're bouncing off. financials i mentioned as well. bank of america would be one to highlight, here it comes 33.45.
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up 5 1/2%. earnings better than expected. the revenue was also better than expected for bac you know speaking of earnings, that is the big test for this market. it always is, we'll watch it this week in terms of sustaining any type of a rally. all the companies, goldman sachs, johnson & johnson, tesla, reporting in the days ahead. up along with the market and rally. tesla at bottom of the screen up 7.4%. watch for results we always do. guidance from the companies in time of uncertainty. the one constant is volatility because the vix measures it. it has been hovering 31, 32, a little lower today. nothing crazy. still well above 30. that would be a thing you would expect unless something changes to continue here. we've had the volatile up and down environment. i will say david, going back to you, there have been no great changes stocks move higher.
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economic data is not great. manufacturing in new york state, wild swings in the markets for today the pendulum for stocks winging to the upside but we'll take it. david: don't want to rain on anybody's parade. maybe only a day but a good day for now. we're 22 days away from the midterms. "fox news" polls shining a critcan light on biden's economy, inflation, higher prices are still voters biggest concerns. white house correspondent peter doocy joining us live inside the beltway in front of the white house. peter. reporter: david, we noticed two things in the homestretch of this economic cycle. one, democrats are not calling on president biden to on the campaign trail in competitive races. number two, those democrats are barely talking at all about president biden's biggest ticket item to date, nearly two
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trillion dollar american rescue plan. >> that agenda has driven this inflation by spending trillions of dollars we don't have, and driving the up the price of energy costs for americans. reporter: a new "fox news poll" is finding that 71% of americans have had to cut back just to afford necessities. that is a number has grown steadily in this poll since march of this year. administration officials often blame this inflation on energy prices but they're claiming they have a plan to bring them down. >> i think the key story there is that is this administration doing as much as we can to help increase the energy supply and i think the answer is unequivocally yes. reporter: even though dough mess producers here in the united states are able to come up with enough supply to help stablize the markets but they're not doing that because this administration has not softened their position on new leases and new permits.
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david? david: peter i want to be clear, they are still arguing that we are on track to exceed the high of 13 million barrels of oil produced a day but the numbers just don't show that. reporter: no. again they say they are doing everything they can to increase the market capacity but that down mean they're doing everything that is possible. so there is a difference in the wording there. david: indeed there is. peter doocy, you point those word differences out very clearly in those white house pressers. we look forward to them. good to see you. back to today's market rally, john lonski and market gauge managing director michelle schneider joins me on details on what the heck is going on. good to see you both. i want to go to you first, john. today's action, particularly look at the nasdaq, it is up 3 1/2% but it is important to keep in mind the nasdaq is down
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about 30% over the past year. i mean, i'm very heartened that it is making gains today but it has got a long way to go, no? >> yeah, i think it does and to get back where it was previously, you're looking at a 40% gain. right now we're reminded that you know, that cats bounce. i might add dead old bulls also bounce too, the nasdaq. it is not coming back to its highs anytime soon. we have to get the cycle of fed tightening out of the way. better yet, we have to get the upcoming recession mostly out of the way. that is inevitable. what we don't know how much damage that is going to inflict on the economy. david: michelle, what apparently we do know is, this is a worldwide recession we're looking at. some people say that one reason the markets are up is because the uk has announced they will go ahead with tax increases or at least keep taxes the way they are. frankly i don't think that is good news, do you?
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>> well, what is so interesting is that, really if you walk away from the tax conversation, just look at the currency conversation, that is what i'm really very focused on right now. besides the obvious things that david pointed out, the way the fed goes with yields, et cetera, but if you look at the currencies and the euro, british pound, the japanese yen, they have sent really big shock warnings to not only the investors but also the whole government structure there and right now in the u.s. we're looking at the dollar which has been so strong relative to those currencies that really right now what i'm watching for is can the dollar sustain these high levels? and if not whether it's taxation or anything even that the fed might do to try to soften things up here, we could still be in for some really hard times. let's put it this way. this doesn't look like a bottom. it looks exactly like david said a dead-cat bounce. david: that was john who said
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that. john, bring you in here again. the fact i don't think there is anything particularly good about taxes going up in the uk. i think the private sector is the thing that has to be strengthened not the government sector. what do you think? >> david, i think you're exactly right, in the long run, perhaps what is wrong in the uk, they're paying the price for a bank of england, central bank monetary policy in england that was too generous for too long, perhaps should be a little bit tighter right now. you know higher interest rates in the uk though, they're high already would help to strengthen the pound vis-a-vis the dollar. on the exchange rate front, i'm especially worried about how the dollar has strengthened against emerging market currencies where a lot of these borrowers in emerging market currencies have outstanding loans dollar-denominated. so all of a sudden they find in addition to interest expense, they're also interesting to come up with additional payment for the degree to which their own
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currency dropped against the dollar. david: john, stick with you for a second on something great concern for all of us to retirement age. that is what happened to our 401(k)s. not only are they getting hit over 10% from inflation over the past year-and-a-half, since biden came into office but they're also getting, they're also down as i mentioned the nasdaq is down 30%. the dow is down less than that, but still about 10%. so you combine those forces together, a new study, steve moore just came out with a study saying average retirement loss is 25% over the past year-and-a-half since biden took office. 25% loss. that is $2.1 trillion. what do you say to the retirees or folks close to it? >> well you will have to cut back on spending, aren't you? that will help push us into recession. this is very much a hot political issue in my mind. we have midterms oning up on november 8th. so it behooves holder of these 401(k)s to vote in a manner
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that would help facilitate a bottom for the equity market, a bottom for the economy and a recovery by their retirement plans. i don't have to add who you should be voting for on november 8th, if you want to get out of the hole you're in right now as quickly as possible. david: michelle, investors can vote with the money. a lot of 401(k) holders are maybe not as sophisticated as you folks are but what should they do with their 401(k)s? sit back and wait for the storm to pass? should they get actively involved in moving some of their funds away from stocks? >> i think a lot will depend on the age of who they are, if you're 60 plus, counting on that money to retire, then i would think that, at this point now, if we can't get any kind of sustainable bounce, regardless of what happens at the midterm elections, you might really want to start thinking about pulling to cash or more fixed income or
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even taking advantage of these higher interest rates. but if you're 35, 40 years old, and you can afford to wait, 10, 15 years that is another story. at some point you will start looking at stocks especially some of the big name stocks, as looking relatively cheap to where they can go to the downside. for us we've been recommending more say fixed income, interest rate bearings or cash for people who can still do that. david: go ahead, john. >> be very careful with the 401(k). make sure you have a lot of diversification. michelle is right. maybe you should get, sell some of your stocks and build up your cash holdings in the 401(k). if you have a lot of exposure to just several stocks, whose outlook isn't entirely all that rosy that great, get out. otherwise, if you have a lot of diversification, i will tell you just wait out the storm. the storm may only last a year or two for all i know. it may not last five or six
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years as was the case in the past. the important thing is we need changes in government policy and monetary policy, to bring the u.s. economy back up to a sustainable rate of growth. david: as larry kudlow loves to say the cavalry is coming. so we can only hope. gang, thank you. michelle see you in the next hour as well. john lonski, great to see you as always. coming up a wave of drones raining down on ukraine's capital city of kyiv. why one expert says putin is running out of options. that's next. ♪
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david: russia is launching a fresh wave of drone strikes, iranian drones by the way, strikes on ukraine's capital of kyiv. fox news foreign correspondent trey yingst, really the best in the business is live in kyiv with the latest and i should mention, trey, there have been some sirens going off in the background? reporter: yeah, david. just a few minutes ago we had some air raid sirens here in the ukrainian capital of kyiv. today we woke up to loud explosions.
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david: it appears that we have just lost trey's signal. are we going to get them back? okay. all right. we want, want to turn to one of the best analysts of all of this situation, iris independent research, fox news contributor rebecca grant joins me now. rebecca, we can only wish our best for trey. she has been in the midst of so much incoming there in ukraine. our prayers go with trey. we will come back to him if we get him. let's talk about what russia is doing here because clearly they are targeting civilians. they realize they can't win the military battle for a lot of reasons. the heart of the fighters on the ukrainian side, the weaponry that they have, primarily from the united states now is overwhelming for the russians and the conscripts, the russian conscripts are simply unprepared for the battle. so russia is now just targeting civilians. is that, is that too much 6 an
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overstatement? >> that is just about right and russia as you laid out, is on the defensive. putin can't get back on the offense sieve for all those reasons. so his option is to do what hitler did to london in the last phases of world war ii. he is using these drones to target civilian targets. now he is also struck a sunflower oil storage facility down in mykolaiv and targets in kyiv. this is indiscriminate strikes to try to do something the initiative. this is a horrible things the drone strikes, but in a military sense it is not going to work. david: by the way you mentioned the hitler strike on the uk. ironically hitler also did the same thing with stalingrad, now known as st. petersburg. that lasted for more than two
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years, the siege on leningrad. ironically where putin comes from. there were 1 1/2 million russians killed in that siege, as it was not successful. we should mention. the, they were very brave, the russians in dealing with that siege but are we looking at a one or two year siege of kyiv now by putin? >> well all along we've seen putin try to bring up the world war ii experience to keep russia line him. let's go back for a minute to london, 1944-45. the buzz bomb attacks lasted for about nine months but key to this was the ability of the royal air force and others to strike back against those attacks. last week we saw nato promise to rush in better air defenses to try to help the city sustain this. again of course, the key is keeping ukraine on the offensive on the ground where actually
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they're doing very well. david: it is just incredible, that putin is doing to the ukrainians exactly what was done to his forbearers in st. petersburg. it blows the mind but with regard to the weaponry, while the individuals characters have not really changed much, the weaponry has. these drones now being used by the russians are from iran and at the same time we are still as far as i know negotiating with iran for another nuclear deal. this is just insanity, is it not? >> it is insane and we have european partners in those talks. so how can we support ukraine and continue talking to iran? these are iranian drones, they were made in 2021. russia purchased them. they're not the heaviest drones but able to loiter and put explosives down on to the buildings blow them up like you see. there is no excuse for iran to do this. sadly russia has kind of also taken iran's targeting doctrine
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in trying to go after some of the energy facilities. in my view biden should say that's it. more iran talks on account of these drones. david: i would agree with that, rebecca, thank you very much. i'm very happy to say trey yingst is back with us. looks like we got the uplink with his satellite. trey, go ahead. you were in mid-sentence. reporter: yeah, david, we're back. today we woke up to the sound of explosions in the ukrainian capital as the russians launched a massive drone attack on kyiv. a kamikaze drone streams through the skies of kyiv before slamming into a building. [explosion] the early morning explosion, one of five to rock the ukrainian capital. >> absolutely. iranian drones. i see with pieces. reporter: a destroyed apartment block it is utter devastation. emergency crews rescue an elderly woman before carrying away the body of a man who was pulled from the debris.
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right now rescue workers are digging through the rubble looking for survivors in the aftermath of this drone attack. the russians say they are only targeting military positions but it is simply not true. this is a residential block near the city center. 61-year-old irina lives next door and sheltering in the parking garage when the blast occurred. when explosions happen next to you it is awful, terrifying she says. i don't know what to do next. her neighborhood was not the only location damaged in the russian attack. 28 drones were launch towards kyiv. all but five were shot down. according to the mayor vitali klitschko. >> we need more modern defensive weapons. reporter: we spoke with multiple ukrainian officials who stressed the need for air defense systems. today ukrainian soldiers and police officers trying to fire on these iranian-made drones with assault rifles.
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david. david: trey, very quickly, seems absolutely clear, the russians are not interested in military targets at all. they're specifically targeting civilians, no? >> that is exactly right. the russians say they only hit you anian military positions. they're lying. the russians routinely target civilians in the eastern capital of kyiv but the eastern part of this country 1500-mile front line continues to push back and fourth. we were there last weekend. we saw pure devastation and destruction that the russians have inflicted on the civilian population here. david: trey, we're all praying for you, certainly here at fox. i know our viewers are as well. please stay safe, my friend. thank you very much for being here. the white house looking to ease the energy crisis but biden says he has no plans to meet with the saudi crown prince again. a live report coming up. ♪
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david: so the white house is now saying that the president has no plans to meet with saudi crown prince mohammed bin salman in november. as the president threatens cone sequences foresaudi arabia's opec cut. fox business's edward lawrence is live at the white house with more on this. they were burned once. they don't want to be burned twice i guess? reporter: flying halfway around the world for the g20. the president across the city, same hotel, same conference at least as the saudi crown prince. as you said no plans to meet the saudi prince next month. you may remember back in july president joe biden did go all the way over to saudi arabia to meet with the royal family including the crown prince. the fist bump there seen around the world.
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fast forward three months later, not only did president biden get snubbed for oil production increases but the saudi-led opec plus cut oil production by two million barrels a day. republicans say we should not be in a position to depend on the saudis in the first place. >> when joe biden decided he would declare war on american energy it made us more vulnerable to countries like saudi arabia, to russia, irran. by the way saudi arabia is helps us to stand up to iran. joe biden will not stand up to iran. he is helping them get a nuclear weapon. his foreign policy is a disaster. reporter: registered voters getting fired up. according to new "fox news" polling, 73% of registered voters believe economic conditions are getting worse. only 21% believe it is getting better. president biden calls the economy quote, strong as hell. here is white house economic advisor blaming russian president vladmir putin for inflation of things. listen. >> part of our inflation challenge, and again we are focused on it to the best of our
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abilities. part of the challenge for food is actually through energy. and so putin's war against ukraine where he has weaponized natural gas, he weaponized energy, shows up in food prices as well because energy is a big component of fertilizer. we have been working to ease ports which actually helps to ensure farmers are able to export their products. they're not sitting on a lot of inventory. reporter: but inflation still sits 40-year highs. the white house blaming president, the russian president vladmir putin for oil issues as well as now inflation and food issues. david? david: we should mention of course the lie own's share of inflation increases began before russia invaded ukraine. there is no sense to that. reporter: 1.4% was inflation when it came into office. it is 8.2%. david: it was up over 7% at the time of the invasion in ukraine. good to see you, edward, thank you very much.
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americans are reeling from the impact of higher oil prices but white house economic advisor jared bernstein insists that the u.s. has things under control. listen. >> we have american oil producers about to produce next year a record number of barrels per day. so we have a highly-productive system in that regard. we're the largest oil producer in the land, in natural gas, in the world. natural gas we're also way far ahead of competitors in that regard. david: from advisor to former energy secretary dan brouillette. victoria coats. thank you for being here. sometimes i wonder if they live in an at at that time universe. the fact we have a "wall street journal" headline, federal oil leases they claim that their leases are going out in great numbers but they have actually slowed to a trickle under president biden to a level that hasn't been seen since the end of world war ii. so, not only are they not giving permits, they're not giving
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leases that they claim. >> no, david. thanks for having me on. i was just out in the western pennsylvania where i'm from. so we had an exciting weekend out in oil city last week visiting some of our small producers out there. they basically said there is a shadow ban on all of their activities. they do not want us producing electricity. to that "wall street journal" article, you know the blackouts they're predicting potentially for new england, they rely on pennsylvania for clean electricity every day because they don't want to produce it themselves. if our nice are not producing we don't have the material to generate that electricity, it will be a long winter. david: at least we do have relatively secure statistics that we can show completely disagree with what the administration, other democrats are saying. we had congressman ro khanna on last week on fox news channel talking about oil production in the united states. let me play a clip from him and get your reaction, roll tape. >> give you the facts on oil
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production. it is up to almost 12.8 million barrels a day, which is almost at the record levels of 2019. david: victoria, in fact he said the facts are important, we're not up to 12.8 billion. we're up to 11.8 million which is a million short what the congressman is saying. i try to figure out what he did to get up to 12.8. they're adding the oil being drained from our strategic reserves and million barrels a day and that is what gets them up to 12.8 million. that is not new production. the oil from our reserves was produced ages ago. that is, they're doing, using these phony stats to make it appear like we're producing more oil than we really are? >> no, the whole thing is just a shell game and the abuse of the strategic petroleum reserve is really a scandal and i wish were more of an issue with the american people, that they know
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they're basically robbing peter to pay paul here and we're down to that, spr being half full. if there is a major hurricane, some other disruption we can't predict we will not have the buffer for the american people. it is absolutely outrageous. david: now would we have had the deficit we now have, you mentioned the fact new england is worried other parts of a u.s. of a tough winter may cause blackouts in areas right in the dark heart of winter, would we have been in this trouble had we not cut back on pipelines and drilling and permits? >> no, if they had just left the trump administration energy policies in place, just do no harm, let us proceed, we would be back up above pre-pandemic levels. we're the only major producer that isn't and insulate the american people. that is what is so outrageous, david, no american should be energy have enable in 2022. we're one of the top three
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producers in the world and the american people facing this hardship because of the abuse of this president on our domestic energy sector while he is alienating our friends abroad, it is as i said, outrageous. david: if we have blackouts in the middle of winter where people could freeze to death as a result of electrical grids going down because we don't have enough natural gas. actually we have plenty of natural gas but we're not producing it, would we have enough in the strategic reserves to fulfill their emergency use? that is to prevent people from freezing to death? >> i think that would be hard because then we also have our refinery problem, you know, getting the product into a state where it can be used to, to generate electricity and oh, by the way, guess who owns the largest refinery in the united states? saudi arabia. so that might be a bit of a liability as well. so i think, i think we can't rely on that to be electricity
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generation, you know, without north dakota, wonderful coal-fired electricity plant. they do mining of the coal right there. it is incredibly clean and they were able to surge electricity to california last month when they were in crisis. so we do have that capacity but we have to use it. we can't be muffling it or in any way tamping it down. we need to ramp it up. david: it will be a long, cold winter, victoria coats thank you for being here. appreciate it. coming up kanye west buying a major social media platform. we'll tell you which one coming next. ♪ good luck.
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♪ david: kanye west, who by the way now goes by the name, ye, has agreed to buy the conservative social media platform parlor. remember that? fox news correspondent susan li with the details. first of all what does it mean he agreed to buy? reporter: that is a great question wall street is trying to figure out. no financials were disclosed in deal. kanye goes by ye. he has been kicked off by instagram and twitter. this was a huge surprise he was buying parlor. the ceo is on fox business this morning. here is his reasoning. >> first, parlor needs ye in many ways because parlor needs its brand to expand i think ye is very interested in expanding his social media presence. what motivated this for him was of course his banning from other social media platforms this is a
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trend we've seen with so many different people. instagram, twitter, closing down his accounts, expressing discontent with wrong think on his part or at least tweets they weren't happy about. reporter: so it is important to note george farmer is the husband of candace owens who you know has been akanye or ye associate. she was pictured with kanye with the controversial picture of white lives matter and t-shirts. david: right. reporter: if you look through the financials, we don't have any right now. looking through the daily active users. it's a pretty small number. only 15 million people have ever downloaded parlor. that was being kicked off aws, apple, google play stores. less than a million use parlor each and every day. if you compare it to other conservative social media sites, for instance, rumble, went public by a spac at two billion dollar valuation, rumble, youtube equivalent has 76 million monthly active users. david: wow. reporter: there is a big
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significant gam here. david: is there a bot issue, a bot issue elon had problem with twitter on? reporter: parler has a small user base because there isn't a big of a bot issue. compared to less than 50 million downloads. twitter has currently 200 million daily active users on their platform. elon musk trying to close that deal. i find it interesting at the end of this year we could have elon musk owning twitter, kanye west, ye, could own parler. they have known each other, kanye and elon could there be a deal. one social media headline to truth social. part of it really took off after twitter kicked donald trump off the platform. truth social right now says they have two million monthly active users. two million more than parler letters than a million but way less than rumble which has 76 million. david: there may be all kinds of deals working out.
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this may be part of a bigger plan that may work its way up? reporter: wall street is a bit skeptical whether or not there is any financials or money exchange in this ye deal because what he brings to the platform obviously isn't cash. mercers still are the majority shareholders in parler but what he brings obviously influence. we're talking about it right now. he is making headlines. david: yes. he need as brand to expand. reporter: the broad fan base, yes. david: susan, good stuff. thank you very much. families across the country are still struggling to find baby formula. it is still a problem as the crisis stretches into an 8th month now. fox business correspondent madison alworth joins me now for details. madison. reporter: david, families are still struggling to find formula. even though it has improved slightly as we make our way through the summer into the fall but in areas including passaic, moms reported shortages as recently as september. i got to speak to a mom this
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morning, jerry a mom of two of pennsylvania, she spent majority of maternity leave looking for formula for her son. she spent on average four hours a day. now she found a solution but she says access needs to be opened up further. >> no reason why my formula has to be shipped in from switzerland. my formula is being shipped in from switzerland. shouldn't be any reason why you are saying that we can't get formulas from other countries especially when they are just as good. reporter: problems are still existing at u.s. plants. abbott has issued another recall. the voluntary recall impacts two ounce ready to feed liquid products because of inadequate seal sealing. the recall out in the market is less than one day's worth of infant formula. the company tells fox business one of the production lines making the product remains down. it is still off-line.
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nationwide stock is still below levels from the beginning of the year before the first time that abbott plant shut down. like i said one of those production lines still down. the recall items that are out, one day, but they are producing less. only further adding problems to this formula shortage. david? david: so it continues right into the midterm elections. might be an issue in the elections itself. madison, thank you very much. welcoming up military volunteers caring for migrants at the southern border. why some are questioning the use of military personnel on taxpayer's dimes. congresswoman kat cammack on that coming next. ♪ you'll always remember buying your first car. and buying your starter home. or whatever this is.
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millions have made the switch from the big three to the best kept secret in wireless: xfinity mobile. that means millions are saving hundreds a year with the fastest mobile service. and now, introducing, the best price for two lines of unlimited. just $30 per line. there are millions of happy campers out there. and this is the perfect time to join them... add a line to your existing plan, or see for yourself how easy it is to save by talking to our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. david: now to a fox news exclusive, a government planning documents reveal the department of homeland security is recruiting a new volunteer force to head to the southern border to support migrants crossing into the country illegally. fox news correspondent gillian turner live in washington, d.c., with the details on this exclusive. reporter: hi, dave.
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i've been given access exclusively to internal homeland security and pentagon planning documents. they reveal homeland security as you mentioned is a new volunteer force. made up in part of defense department officials deploy to the southern border to provide support services migrants crossing into the u.s. both legally and illegally. take a look at this. no experience is required. willingness to serve according to dhs will cover the cost of military official toes leave their jobs to travel to the border for 60 days at a time. the support insure migrants arriving at the border receive compassionate and timely care alleviating strain on cpb law enforcement officers so they can perform their duties along the southwest border. david, we're getting a detailed look as well what exactly military officials will be doing to support migrants at the border. take a look at this, responsibilities will include basic housekeeping, picking up trash, sweeping, cleaning refrigerators and sledding
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paper. prescription medicine runs. picking up prescriptions from local pharmacies as well as migrant personal property management. tagging, bagging, ceiling, restoring, retrieval of personal effects. head of border patrol council for the biden administration to call a spade a spade. listen. >> if it wasn't a crisis why would they be advertising for services like this? this administration refuses to define the problem. reporter: internal memo sent out to most of the defense department staff instructs them to disseminate this widely and encourage this opportunity. david? david: unbelievable. gillian turner, great exclusive. thank you very much. florida republican congresswoman kat cammack is here with more on this. congresswoman, is this really what we should be asking of our military? >> oh, david, this is just, chalk this up to another how bad this administration actually is doing the basics. and i agree with my friend brandon judd, this
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administration said the quiet part out loud. they admitted to having a border crisis putting and all out for people quote, unquote willing to serve. what is interesting is that think serve in the capacity under the law as it is laid out. they want you to serve joe biden's political agenda. that is what this is. if you ask any border patrol agent they will tell you they have been told not to do -- they tie their one hand behind their back and expected to uphold the law while simultaneously breaking the law, that is what alejandro mayorkas has done as has biden. david, you heard me before. this is not the commander-in-chief. this is the trafficker in chief. they're asking our military to be complicit in this. this is disgusting. david: another thing brandon judd said, he is right there on the border, by the way, he is not just a union official, he is a border agent. he said the border agents now are doing processing. they're not actually guarding the border because of the border is open. what they're doing is paperwork
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processing stuff when they're trained for something much more specific about guarding our border. >> yeah. absolutely. i have been down to the border five times myself. i have worked shifts with texas department of public safety and our border patrol through the night and each time i am in a different sector they tell me the same thing. 40 to 60% of workforce is at the front line, defending this nation. they're basically turned into glorified babysitters and processing papers. it is just obnoxiously disrespectful to the men and women who put their lives on the line. they have signed up to defend our nation's borders, be that front line. they are processing people, catching and releasing per the policy of the joe biden administration. david: congresswoman, this has to be the last question, mayorkas by the way it is now clear he knew border agents didn't whip those migrants in
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that famous picture. he had information before he repeated the false claims that they did and he refused to come out with it. just spread the rumor that was a lie. a lot of republicans particularly in the senate now calling for his impeachment if the senate becomes controlled by the republicans. are you in favor of impeaching mayorkas for what he has done? >> absolutely. alejandro mayorkas needs to be impeached for dereliction of duty, for lying to congress. there is a litany of other reasons. he has come before my committee three times and lied every single time. there has to happen because he needs to be held accountable. he put our communities at risk. he has put them in the border patrol at risk. he has turned every single town in america into a border town. as a result we have skyrocketing crime, we have fentanyl pouring across the border. these things need to be handled and have to have consequences. david: great to see you again, congresswoman kat cammack.
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