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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 18, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> inflation if anything is getting worse, spending, regulating. turning off gas spigots and raising money on investors and what work have they done? >> the problem with the democrats, very, very few women
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actually go and get an abortion but every woman is going to the grocery store and is dealing with this economic catastrophe. >> there's a red wave coming in november that could smack democrats in the face. if you want to be in position now for the overwhelming upside. >> if you're a real big bear, i suggest you tap the brakes here right now, the psyche is playing in the hand of the bull. ♪ stu: it is 11:00 eastern time and tuesday, october 18th. you're looking at new york city statue of liberty. we often show you that, it's a nice day here. check the markets. yeah, i got to tell you now, the rally holds. i see plenty of green left on the side of the screen. dow up 380 and nasdaq 130. show me big tech, please.
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previously all up and still the same story and meta on the downside and 133 on meta right now. the 10 year treasury yield, it hit 4% earlier and now it's backed off just a fraction, 3.99 is where we are. mike murphy is with us this morning. offer me a ray of hope. you tell me last week was the bottom. can you do that? >> good morning, stuart. i won't say it's the bottom. it sure looks like it's a good rally off the bottom, but the thing is, stuart, picking the bottom, absolute bottom is tough to do. we were at 370, 360 and 3,600 on spny600 and i do know we'll hit a bottom as we have through every other bear market in history and when we do, you'll have a great rally off that. stu: you're telling me we're going to have a great rally at
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some point and we will now. >> we will for sure and you're seeing a market that's on sale and trading at a price that's a lot lower, 25% roughly lower than it was a year ago. so if you dorks the companies that make up -- stu: i do. but do i believe they'll report the profits that will justify a higher price. >> they always have and i believe they'll continue to. we saw for a little cheat sheet, look what happened with the banks and jp morgan, bank of america, goldman sachs and the banks are telling you things are not as bad as the headlines seem. yet, fine, but when we hear from big tech next week that when the earnings start to come out, i think they're not just going to be good, i think they're going to be very good and the main reason is that people like tim cook know how to manage his company. he's proven that so he knows the macro environment, and i'm willing to bet he's dealt with
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it and you're going to see a good profit outlook, profit report from all of big tech. stu: would you comment on meta, which seems to have fallen out of bed. the stock price has been cut in half, more than that i believe. zuckerberg seems to have placed all his bets on the meta versio? meta vision. >> meta verse. stu: meta verse. sorry on that. i don't think they like it. >> i think it started with wokeness and investors look for ceos who are going to deliver dollars and cents and not necessarily woke companies. you wonder what does he see for his core business in the future that he's making this big bet?
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does he see potential weakness or loss in advertising dollars? i don't know. it's not a company i would want to own individually here at this price even. stu: even at this low, $133 a share. mike, murphy, thank you very being here. folks, now this. in iran, the regime is shooting protesters. more than 200 dead according to human rights groups. the demonstration started five weeks ago after a young woman was arrested and killed while in the custody of the morality police. she hadn't covered up all her hair as the mullers demand. this week, ukraine's capitol kyiv was attacked with kamikaze drones supplied by iran. civilians were the target along with power plants and they're trying to freeze ukrainians in the coming winter: iran is russia's brutal partner in putin's brutal war and we're talking to iran about a nuke deal, go figure.
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we're negotiating with the regime who's people are in open revolve and leaders lie and cheat about a second throughout and negotiating with saudi arabia's mortal enemy and no wonder they said no to biden begging for more oil. what a contrast for the trump years. he killed the nuke deal, he killed iran's leading terrorist and brought peace between israel and several gulf states with the abraham accords and biden has nothing to show for two years of fumbling and begging and i doubt iran is an issue in the novae voters have so many other concerns but america looks weak and that is an image no president or party wants to take into such an important election. katie pavlich is here. katie, where is the american women's movement? they're killing women left, right and center in iran. where's the women's movement?
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>> yeah, their silent on the progressive movements and they claim women's rights are under attack and care about women's rights not just here at home but all over the world, and especially you're seeing a lack of condemnation from the biden administration from iran and russia is being a partner with iran in terms of drones being used against ukrainians and let's not forget the bigger picture with the iran deal. russia has been the negotiator between the united states and iran on the nuclear deal since president biden has been back in office and since the war in ukraine has kicked off, you've seen the russians left at the united states on behalf of the
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iranens and they continue to push back the deadline for nuclear agreement. there was news yesterday from the white house briefing that they said there's no end in sight for how long it'll take admifor us to get a deal with te iranens and rugs are making more money on gas and oil today than they were before the war even started and iranians are helping them with sanctions by facilitating oil sales to the rest of the world. they're cracking down and killing women in the streets, the united states has, you know, been allowing russia to negotiate on behalf of the united states for iran. they're making more money, which means the brutal regime, which the people are fighting against is now more in power than ever to continue their crackdown. stu: separate subject if i may, katie, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre is defending biden's work to bring inflation down. inflation at a 40 year high. what work has biden done? can you tell me?
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>> well, the political attack they're take on this is quite interest. yesterday and throughout the last week, the administration tried to say republicans haven't helped us at all when if comes to the issue of inflation. they keep repeating a line that no republicans voted for the inflation reduction act. that's correct. they're actually making their own argument for them that republicans can take and say, right, we did not vote for the inflation reduction act because it doesn't reduce inflation, which has been admitted by democrat joe mansion who voted for it and a number of democrats now. they distanced themselves from that piece of legislation and now they can go out on the campaign trail and say, this is all democrats doing. not a single republican voted for this. when it comes to inflation and the president going to delaware this weekend and standing in front of reporters and chomping on an ice cream cone and claiming the economy is strong and "i'm not worried about america, i'm worried about the rest of the world". that's the reason you're not seeing him out on the campaign
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trail when he goes to places like california, arizona, and nevada right next door, there are tough elections for democrats and joe biden is nowhere to be seen as a result of his policies on inflation. stu: the republicans do seem to have momentum right now going into these elections. all the polls that i see, i just see large numbers of people going toward the republican candidates. fox power -- what's the word, fox power rankings suggest the republicans may have a 15 or 17 seat majority in the house. you think that's rather small. small? >> i think it could be bigger in that and look at history of 2020 election. republicans were told they were going to lose seats and end up gaining more seats than was predicted and nancy pelosi has been overseeing the slimmest majority in the house for the past 30 or 40 years and look at the way the polls always favors democrats, republicans have a good shot and look at where they're competing in plus biden
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districts. here in northern virginia for example, there are districts that had biden 16 and republican candidates are only about five points behind and you're seeing that in texas as well with these congressional districts that have been democrat for over 100 years are now in a possibility of flipping republican on the border and so we'll see what hatches but the polling and momentum is on the republican side but we have, what, three weeks left, two and a half weeks left and that can always be a long time with october surprises. we're still in october so we will see. stu: don't get overconfident, that's the story. katie pavlich. thank you. >> never. stu: see you soon. >> thanks, stuart. good to see you. stu: ashley, come back in. i know you have headlines. start with american airlines. ashley: the carrier settled a massive class action lawsuit for overcharging customers for bag fees. american airlines agreed to pay at least $7.5 million and to put
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that in perspective, american only took in $1.2 million in bag fees all of last year. the stock today up nearly 3% and peloton always making news this morning and the company extending the refund period for the recalled treadmill consumers have been warned not to use the tread+ since a child died in an accident using the machine back in 2021. and finally talk about ikea, they're teaming up with kodiak robotics, that's a self-driving truck startup and they're launching a pilot program in texas to test deliveries. what we need know it a robot to help put those products together. assembly required. terrifying words, stu. stu: the worst three words in the english language: some assembly required. spare me, please. thanks very much, ash. see you later. britain's prime minister liz
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truss apologized for making mistakes in her budget and she's facing pressure to resign but she's says she's not going anywhere. we got the report. ye west mas agreed to buy parlor and uncancelable platform parler. i'll ask the ceo of parler, he's coming up. new poll showing 44% of the top in the midterms and strong as hell.
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stu: feel so close to you. there's no stopping us right now. okay, that's capitol hill. 51 degrees, three weeks to the midterms. inflation at a 40-year high. energy costs going up. meanwhile president biden claims the economy is "strong as hell" his words. peter doocy at the white house. are we going to see a red wave in november? >> stu, there's new polls including from fox that show vovoters and independent voters breaking towards republicans on issues concerning the economy but that doesn't necessarily mean there's going to be a wave election, especially as officials here at the white houssay top economic issues like inflation are top of mind. >> if president biden's top domestic priority is inflation,
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why doesn't he have more to show for it? >> so the president understands and we've talked about this many times, that inflation is an issue, high cost, cost is an issue for the american people so he's been very clear about making that his number one economic priority. he has done the work. he's done the work with congressional democrats. >> the house minority leader who is hoping to become the house speaker in a few weeks, kevin mccarthy responds like this. >> she thinks the border is secure, she thinks they always help when gas prices go down but have nothing to do with making gas prices go up. even larry summers warned the former democrat secretary of treasury told them if they pass the american rescue plan that $10 trillion overall that they spent while they were in power brought us inflation. >> in the new fox fuzz midterm polling, the sixth most important issue is abortion policy but democrats and officials here are trying to
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elevate that. in fact, a few minutes from right now, the presidential motorcade will take him to remarks across town about abortion policy. stu. stu: peter deuces seizure disorders, thank you very much -- doocy, thank you very much, sir. we'll see you again soon. crime in the midterms and it'll be a huge issue. what do you say? ashley: yeah, according to a harvard harris poll, some 66% of voters thought crime was rising and it is an issue and three quarters of republicans blamed woke politicians but surprisingly 52% of democrats agreed. the crime issue giving republicans of course am in addition to use against -- ammunition on soft on crime and a barrage of tv ads across the country and running right now but it's not just crime and leaders like kevin mccarthy unveil add gop platform aimed at bringing down high energy cost inflation and stopping illegal
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immigration and the republican push on crime and immigration seen as a counter wave with supreme court ruling in june and as you've discussed earlier in the show, stu, that so called abortion strength or issue seems to be fading. crime certainly on the minds of most people. stu: quiet obviously, sir. thanks, ash. the rapper ye, formally known as canny west, agreed to acquire the conservative social media platform parler. george farmer is the ceo there and joins me now. are you going to go for total free speech and if so, does that include allowing anti-semitic posts including the ones that got ye locked out of twitter? >> thanks for the question, stuart. i want to take it back to high level here that at what point do we sense speech and parler has maintained its community guidelines that have been very clear and we don't allow for
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pornography or financial doc seeking and financial threat and drawing distinctions to what is or isn't hate speech, you sit yourself in the seat and that's where we've ended up with the problem of existing social media now, which does overtly sensor speech and that's a problem. once you decide where that scale is set, you're in a world of trouble. stu: you've got to tell us what's going to happen here. we all want free speech but do we all want anti-semitism writ large on parler? >> i don't think ye has begin any indication that's going to be the case. he's obviously wanting a platform for his voice and this is what he's got and plenty of platforms out there -- stu: i'm sorry to interrupt you, george, but is this what we can expect? he takes over, takes control, and starts making anti-semitic comments? that is entirely possible, isn't it? >> the platform will continue to
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adhere to the community guidelines as outlined in the terms of service. that's awes been very clear and we will continue to adhere to the guidelines we've put out and have allowed us to operate freely within the confines of the law. i don't expect that to change. obviously at the end of the day and when the deal is complete and when he has the flat for the purpose -- platform for himself and he'll make the choice. the service provider behind parler will not be involved in the day-to-day decisions like that. stu: okay.
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>> it'll happen with what's going on with elon and twitter board and seems like it'll take place and there's a huge cultural institution to change that. he's going to have to fire 6,000 employees to reverse the direction of the company and it's avertly woke and flag ship company brigade and a difficult ship to turn around. stu: i wonder if he'll make the same kind of changes to twitter as ye wants to make on parler. that would be interesting, wouldn't it. george, thank you very much for being with us today. see you soon. >> thank you, stu. stu: now this, elon musk has a plan to stop bots if and when he finally buys twitter. that's what he just told barstool guy dave portnoy. he asked to get rid of the bots that are computer generated spam acts and he said he's being botted to death. musk said he has a plan but didn't give details. back to the markets, check them please.
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the rally is holding and now it's up 200 from 600. still a gain of 0.68% and nasdaq was up 200, maybe 300 at one stage and now up just a fraction. check microsoft, axios reports they'll layoff nearly 1,000 workers this week. the job cuts follow weak pc sales. the state department issued a warning for parts of mexico and a utah dad said he was attacked with a machete t and left for dd in cancun. now we hear iran is preparing to send more drones and ballistic missiles, morgan ortegas has the story after this. ♪
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stu: do i know that song, dance to the music? susan: it's a beautiful place. i love it. stu: 48 degree -- 84 degrees. it's a beautiful place. we've got the rally not holding
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as well as it did. the dow is up nearly 200 and had been up 600. let's start with that. up 200 ons dow, 30 odd for the nasdaq. the rally, i got to say, it's faded some. susan's with me watching apple. what do you have? susan: a new ipad apple pro and new colors and maybe yellow. stu: that's for me. susan: i'm sure it is and ipad pro is their top of the line tablets targeted to replace laptops and stu is utterly board at this point. stu: i'm not. i sense your excitement. susan: extrapolate the fact that apple continues to launch new devices, new ipad pros here that start at $1100 for the 13-inch, 11 inches cost you $800. tells me the supply chain is moving well and announced new iphone 14 last month and iphone
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14 announced this month and largest screen iphone, the regular one. i think it's a big deal as we head into the earnings released next thursday and as you know, they're kind of the bell weather of the earning season. stu: you're absolutely in love with apple products, not the stock, i don't know and don't care but you love their products. products. susan: of course i do. i think half of the u.s. population now use apple, which is more than all the other devices put together. it's the stock by the way has outperformed in the bear market and everybody is looking towards the report card and how well corporate americans are doing. how well the consumer is doing. stu: it dropped below 130, didn't it? susan: in june at 128. stu: tell me about the streamers and specifically netflix. susan: wall street wants to hear more about the ad supported tier and wall street expecting
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netflix with the ad supported tier to bring in $200 million in revenue and jp morgan forecasting 7.7 million new subscribers on to the tier and fubo tv, that you've partaked in? stu: i dropped it. they don't have the right soccer games. they don't have it. susan: fox has the world cup. i'm excited. fubo tv is surging because the sports streaming service will cut its sports betting business but raise their sales outlook. for them it's looking good. stu: back to sales force. they're up big early this morning. what's the story? susan: jumping on the activist star board and they want to say there's a lot of potential and don't know what yet since the sales force is down about 4% and the stock is down 40% this year and cut on sales guidance because of a strong dollar, which is affecting he can be. goldman beat, if we want to look at another winner, goldman sachs on the top and bottom line and
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investment bank is a three division and oh, by the way, it's a valuation place since it's trading below book value now so some people think in a rising rate environment, there might be discounts. stu: very good positive report on all fronts. i like that . susan: lot of green up arrows. stu: don't we love it after all this time. susan, good stuff. thank you. iran is now opening the lines with putin sending him drones, which putin is then using to attack civilians in kyiv, ukraine. morgan, iran is preparing to send ballistic missiles to putin. that's the report i'm getting. is it new? is it real? can you tell me that? >> i think it is very real. the report is hundreds of them. what we know is that iran has already been sending these suicide drones to ukraine, obviously on behalf of the russians. there was actually some reports over the weekend that policeman
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or troops in kyiv were shooting them down. i warned about this last month and they wrote an op ed in "the wall street journal" pleading and trying to get the biden administration that they were undermining the biden policy over the past 19 months, which is trying to continue until recently to beg a and plead with the iranian re-seem to get them back in a deal. from the europeans and obama administration and the same team in the biden administration is an ongoing, a year's long policy of trying to appease russia and iran, trying to, you know, do deals, negotiate with them to appease them and it's led us to the moment we're in today. you know, you don't get to these places that we're seeing with russia and ukraine overnight. it comes from years of failed policies, believing that you can convince the iranians to behave normally by being in a weakened deal and that's why maher
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cooperating together. >> why can it be in america's interest to conclude any kind of nuke deal with places like iran and what way can it be in our interest? >> there was no interest before all of this started and there's certainly no interest now. i think it was last month or a month ago i was on your show and i also talked about how this administration has green lit billions of dollars for them and it doesn't make any sense and on one hand you're trying to sanction and punish the russians and you're giving nuclear facilities billions of dollars in a deal with iran and beyond what you're seeing the iranians do to the women in the streets of iran, they're sending drones over and now potentially ballistic missiles. stu: let me follow up on that again. where is the american women's movement? they're slaughtering women,
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they're murdering them in jail in iran. i hear nothing out of america? what's going on? >> it is a tragedy. there was a woman killed a couple months ago, that really started this off. you're seeing women in the streets being killed, being jailed, being injured. they're all just protesting for the right to show their hair. this is a movement that's inspired me and so many women around the world, but it's put, has really brought to life how evil the regime is that the biden team continues to negotiate with and they continue to rule out, to refuse ruling out getting back in the nuclear deal and they think they can negotiate with the oppressors of this women and provice billions of dollars of sanctions relief to the sanction oppressors and on the other hand tweet in solidarity of the women and they haven't done the deal yet and allowing china at this moment to
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purchase iranian oil and they're not pressing on with the american sanctions or enforcing them on the book so because of that the regime effectually has sanctions relief. stu: morgan, you know what you're talking about and we appreciate that. come back and see us again real soon. thank you, morgan. we have a warning against travel to cancun, mexico. what's going on here? ashley: yeah, a ca man visiting cancun for valentine's day was attacked with a machete after going to buy chewing tobacco. he remembers getting out of the cab before being hit and blacked out and suffered broken teeth, head wound and machete wounds up and down the left side of his body leaving permanent damage in his left arm and that attacks is being investigated. the attackers took his cell
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phone and credit card. u.s. authorities say the region includes tourist hot spots like cancun, cozumel, and playa dell carmen is far from medical mexit danger yous areas and americans visiting should be cautious because of crime and kidnapping of criminal activity and violence may occur in any location at any time including popular tourist delawares nayses. what a storm stu. stu: what a good story too. thanks, ash. now this, a signed lebron james rookie card selling for $1 million at auction and why it's so valuable. a new poll shows only 10% of the britts have a favorable view of prime minister liz truss. she's under great pressure to resign. will she last the rest of the week? neil sean is next.
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stu: by the way, you're looking at london there. that is the ferris wheel that you can see. it is 63 degrees there. that makes it warmer than new york. how about that. next case, less than six weeks on the job. britain's prime minister liz truss facing calls to resign. bring in one of the commentators on the british scene. neil sean. hey, neil, is she done? >> i like the your intro music waterloo, less than a month in this position and let's not forget, a rather historical
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british prime anyone sterling heights and the last one -- minister asked to form a government by the late monarch and she goes down in the history books. the problem is this, it all stemmed from the previous chancellor there till he got fired and mini budget and fork lore fully sanctioned by the prime minister and went sadly wrong or did it and then last week, he was removed to be replaced now by jeremy hunt so it's a bit of a circular door. i have to tell you though, stu, from a perspective of somebody that's covering this story literally outside downing street, you know, we're being toed up for this but it's the women seemingly in the media egging this along. there's no system saying oh, yes, we're sticking with the powerful women. that's the biggest battle in the media terms at least for ms. truss and the men seem to be very supportive but it's the women media not as supportive
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ovher latest moves. stu: i see some media comment over here in america that boris johnson might be rumored to making a comeback. is that possible? >> could be getting a cake in, who knows. the thing s let me tell you a bit of inside track. boris johnson i have on very good authority would very much consider a return and, you know, a lot of people say oh, no. we've already done that. we've moved on from that. he was incredibly popular, whenever way you look at it. people liked him and nobody wanted him to go. again, a lot of people could say this was pushed through various channels with people who have a separate narrative. the bigger problem in fairness to ms. truss is she was incredibly good at the job that she had. impeccably good but sadly, there's a difference as we all know, stuart, to running some things against being a bystander against someone running and
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mr. johnson could make a return if he'd want to and making money on that public speaking circuit and would he want this? stu: very good point. i heard king charles when he met prime minister truss the second time said oh, dear. i plies he didn't like her or her politics and implies that king charles is getting involved in politics a little bit. >> the true story on that, it was about the rain as she got caught in the downpour, he said oh dear, oh dear. they cut it and that's the story we all now believe. never trust everything. stu: no, i don't. neil sean, thank you very much. meghan markle opening up october her time on the game show deal or no deal. i didn't know she was on there. ashley: i didn't either. she took the deal as briefcase
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girl on the game show while pursuing other acting roles. markle called that experience fascinating but said she was valued for all the wrong reasons. take a listen. >> i was so much more than what was being ob objectified on the stage and i didn't like being all looks and little substance and that's how it felt for me at the time. being reduced to this specific archetype. the word bimbo. stu: there you go, the word bimbo and markle was on season 2 and ended up quitting and acknowledged she was grateful for the job. a few years later she landed a role on the tv drama suits and then after that she land add prince. that is the rest of the story. stu. stu: that's the rest of s ash. back to you later.
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first edition superman comic book hitting the auction block and could sell for $400,000 and the man himself, ken golden is here with the comic in hand. he's walking towards me. he's an aucti auctioneer and hed at this. showing off the cover in just a moment. how are you, lad? ♪
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hi, i'm denise. i've lost over 22 pounds with golo in six months and i've kept it off for over a year. i was skeptical about golo in the beginning because i've tried so many different types of diet products before. i've tried detox, i've tried teas, i've tried all different types of pills, so i was skeptical about anything working because it never did. but look what golo has done. look what it has done. i'm in a size 4 pair of pants.
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go golo. (soft music) stu: signature next to me in new york city, the auction guide, ken golden with his sports memorabilia. first off, the lebron rookie card. >> sure. this is from 2003 exquisite. it's the wholly grail of lebron -- holy grail of lebron rookie card and limited to 9 and it's a tricolor patch and graded a 9.5 and it's with a ten autograph and the expectation especially as he approaches the nba all time scoring record is about $2.5 million or more. stu: there's 99 of those things? >> 99 but this is about the highest grade. stu: okay. fair enough. next one is the ken durant and kobe bryant card. >> yes this, is the logo man card and upper deck exquisite
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and rookie deck and logo man of kobe bryant and that's the actual logo from the game jersey they wore and signed by each one and only one of them in the world. this is it. only one of a kind and the expectation on this is $1 million plus. stu: the super man comic. >> this is a classic. this is one of only 43 existing un-restored copies of the original superman comic back from september of 1939. this one is graded a 3.0, which is actually a very good grade considering and the expectation on this one i'd say anywhere between $400 and $600,000. stu: and that's un-restored? >> un-restored. a lot of comics, people take them and put a piece of tape on it and glue the cover back on and reaffix staples and anything like that. collectors want them in all original condition.
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this is all original condition, superman number one, very rare indeed. stu: a game used aaron judge home juniorsy. >> yes. jersey. >> i have to show you from a size perspective, everybody. here we go. this is a little big. he's a big guy. he's a big guy. i'm a big guy and he's a lot bigger than me. aaron judge in 2018 wore this jersey for the new york yankees and hit a home run in it. obviously now the new american league all time home run king and hopefully leading the yankees into the world series this year, we'll see tonight with game five. the expectation on this is $25,000 plus. the three sports items end at golden this saturday night. the comic book is in its own comic book, video game and trading card game and pop culture auction that ends the following week. stu: out of interest, does aaron judge own that jersey or get the proceeds? >> no, the yankees own the
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jerseys, the yankees supply the jerseys and on the front it has the -- the yankees put an identifier on it that says this came from the yankees and if you look up that number, it can tell you exactly when it was worn and what he did. the teams own their jerseys and sell them off and typically, typically give the proceeds to charity. stu: $25,000? >> yep. stu: at least. >> at least. stu: you got to bid that thing up, ken : >> i hope so. stu: ken golden, you're all right. great auction memorabilia. keep us in touch with this stuff. >> you bet. stu: it's time for the trivia question. this week it's movie themed. we're going to play you a clip and you have to guess the answer to the question afterwards. today's clip is from rocky. watch this. ♪ [ clip playing ] stu: the
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question is how much steps did rocky run leading to the entrance of the philadelphia museum of art? ken golden, you're going to have to stay and make your guess. your effort is a sport, isn't it? >> i'm from philly so i should know this. stu: the answer on the steps question after this. ♪
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. . when you're looking for answers, it's good to have
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help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable, licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money, and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, and more. you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed.
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plus, you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling! with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium, and personalized service, from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money! so how do you find the plan that's right for you? one that fits your needs and your budget? call humana now at the number on your screen for this free guide. it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable, licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs. so, call now and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer.
12:00 pm
stuart: this really was one of the better trivia questions that we ever asked. how many steps did rocky run leading up to the philadelphia museum of art. since it has sort of a vaguely sports theme to it we thought ken golden stay to make his guess. ashley, you're a sports guy. kick it off. how many steps, ashley, you first? >> trying to count on the clip. i will go with 72. stuart: ken golden? >> 72. stuart: i'm going with 80 because it looks like. oh. 72. did you look it you, ash? >> no. pure guess. stuart: i got his phone. there you have it, whatever it was, 72, that's right, got it. my time is completely up. it was a great show. thanks for joining us. neil, it is yours. neil: thank you, stuart, very, very much we cut in half


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