tv Kennedy FOX Business October 20, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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state income tax, my heart goes out to southwest florida, they will build back stronger, governor donald trudon ron desantis did such a great job that the sanibel causeway was rebuilt. >> florida would have within shut down during covid had gilmore won. >> 10 seconds erin. >> we love florida, we believe in florida. we know that we will rebuild stronger, better than ever. come to florida, we're still open for business. we always will be, thanks to governor ron desantis. kennedy: good to see you, thank you so much for watching, have a good evening join us tomorrow night. kennedy: welcome to it, you don't need to be a detective to know that crime in u.s.
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is out of control, some cities, just walk outside. here in new york, it is like the wild west. if the wild west were pope populated by violent people throwing poop, what does eric adams think it is our imagine a, this week two people have been pushed in front of a subway train. yesterday's guy wentao on a rampage with a freakin samurai sword. just doused the place with a flamable, lit it up, but because of the crazy reform laws here, back on the streets, think about, that accusedar arsonist allowed to walk right out of jail.
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either way mayor adams said that crime spike is your head. >> we are dealing with the perception of fear, those average of 6 crimes a day is not giving the impression our system out of control. kennedy: never mind most crime is up. never mind criminals now pretty were on the streets, never mind that residents are terrified. mr. mayor, your jedi mind trick does not work on us, we know that crime is on the rise, not just here, wh chicago also a mess, so is l.a. and most other major cities. in san francisco they don't say it, they say forget about it. yeah. i don't know. mad max out there, ceo of a clothing company. coto paxy said he is closing his last store for good because the nonstop theft,
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how do we fix the crises if city leaders don't stop gas lighting their own residents, we have a personal party panel, attorney and republican strategist alexandra wilkes. and she is joined by facts fox news contributor, we call him brian brenberg. >> and rice lover. >> love the rice, that order was clear. >> no problem with that. kennedy: just -- let's risk him on the way out. brian brenberg, and we have reason editor at large, matt welch. back in action. so, matt, start with you, in 2013, i was in the city, we were working on a show, it was 9 at 9, i called you said, matt is it safe to run in central park, you said absolutely, the say safest big city in the world, no way in hdouble
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hockey sticks i w i would run in central park at night. >> is so different now, it is frustrating to see people they would agree with, pretend it is not happening. or minimize it or say, crime is a lot worse in 1993, yi didn't live here in '93, because crime was terrifying. it is all you have to do is not just see stats there was 9 murders in subway and were known in 2016 and 17, but the since of disorder, you see disorder without crime. what shows us is lunatics screaming at you in a menacing way on the subway with regularity that was not here 9 years okay if you want to reform the system, don't tell people what they say is not happening. >> i don't know that is works, i know if there is a
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negative perception that can disrupt the economy of a city. >> absolutely, people are perceiving this, because they is sensory inputs, matt is like, they are looks at things disorder is a great way to put it on subway platform, folks are milling about, you don't know if they will push you in but you don't want to find out it feels different from 5 years ago, and problem is if this is city we have do families t want to live here? would you take your kids out at night to see's show? known that disrupts the balance in the shift that makes the economy work. it is an economic crime problem, you can see it when you walk in the streets it apparent that crime is affecting how people are willing to do business in the city. kennedy: is really not enough for the mayor to say, there are 3.5 million people in the city, what 9 subway
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deaths? that nothing. but, to their point it is something. if it feels like it is. you see that kind of people around you, who are the ones who you know matt described hem mumblers, the mumblers walking around those are the ones that push people into the subway tracks they are jamming garden shears to women's heads. saying you know, 3.5 million, that is 3.49999 million who did not get attacked that is not enough. >> no, in particularly when the places where the crimes take place are so symbolic with times square and the subway, they,oirk iconics to city, it is an economic disrupt hurter. i think what adams is trying to stop the bleeding amopping his liberal elite constituent, who may have been more onboard with some plans, if you are from working clar class you
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have known this problem existed long before if you own a bodega or a hot dog cart, you know what has been happening for the elites who may have been, you know sympathetic to the cause, i think what eric adams is trying to hold on their to say, no, it is perception, will go them and prey on there are emotions ahead of the election, the polls are tightening for zeldin in race for governor, and all competitive house races in new york turn on the issue of crime but speciftech stocks city -- specific to the symbol to see it fail is upsetting to people. kennedy: it is too easy to move, too many new yorkers lake karol markowicz who picked up her family and moved to florida, that is easy for people could did if you can work from elsewhere, where would you withstand there. >> and new york city school
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system lost 10% of his students in two years,. he is a cop, he ran to keep people in schools and keep them open and run against high crime, that is spin now, he is responsible, he has not brought results. kennedy: he has not, you need to acknowledge the problem to tackle and then 1 once you acknowledge it, they feel better their perception shifts. >> well, speak of realities. georgia democrat gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams making shocking claim abortion is an economic issue. >> let's be clear, having children is why you are worried about your price for gas, why you are concerned about how much food costs for women this is not a reductionive issue, you can't be divorced being forced carrying an unwanted prig nancy from the economic real talities of having
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a child. kennedy: yes, you can't divorce abortion from infanticide or child murder with that line of reason, yeah, babies are ruining the economy. what does that mean, will she say anything to get elected, things like this, that she says, they are so disgusting and off putting it say very dark and racist argument that people have used for a long time to push abortion on communities of color. >> if this is not what she really thinks she needs to take a break from campaign, when you start weaving ideas like this together you get in dangerous territory this goes to a more fundamental point about human being and value of a human, and you know population fighters that we've seen for decades said over population will be a problem, , famine and starvation, they have always
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been wrong, humans are idea that create prosperity, the humans of the sluic solution, but when people like stacey abrams start talking this way, we have throwing into question human rights, she is showing a profound misunderstanding of human rights, by taking this line of reason. kennedy: she is not just talking about unknowed pregnancies but up wanted children. you know if children are an economic burden she is making case for smothering or drowning your kids this say dark argument, this is why support for her is slips in state of georgia. >> if someone is inconvenient for ulet them go, that will-the economy, is that what you really want -- that who you really' pulling levers of economic life. kennedy: she also admitted she hates her state. not long ago, the tape of of stacey abrams talking about
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fefeet heart beats. >> there is no such thing as a important beat it is a manufacturing sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of the as a woman's body. kennedy: that is so disgusting, i can't tell you. and with one of my pregnancies i heart the fetal heart beat at 6 weeks, at 9 weeks i did not hear that, that is because i suffered a miscarriage. when she said, she is so intensive and disconnected, i know she wants it to true a child a life not on-line detectabla early, it is hurtful. >> it is -- totally exposes act abject cruelty with which the left is looking at the issue these days, they are being exposed for it, anyone in that position in an exam room, waiting
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praying, hoping to hear the heart beat, just knows that say f fiction and offensive, that is reason why we're seeing democrats not able to hold to that post do -- dobbs bump they experienced. also i think that democrats are running from away from the idea that there should be any restrictions, when you ask them any week, and you can aboard based on sex, based on anything? and any time. and you see democrats like john fetterman running walker running away from question, that is so outside of the 19 strenaina devi mainstream. >> the sweet spot in abortion politics, a horrible sentence, i wish to withdraw but i can't, in
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american pole tick politics or world. a preponderance of people are against abortion any time on demand it is between 15 and 24 weeks, democrats could have passed a bill codifying that on a federal level over last two months they would have had a decent chance of getting it passed and signed. touch and go put a lot of people in an uncomfortable position they didn't want to do they don't want to act knowledge any limits of number of weeks, that say problem and a problem stacey abrams not a good politician, i don't know why politicians can't admit that, she has an untor untouchable position, but, she is note very good at this you don't say fetal heart beat is made up. >> made up by men to control
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women's bodies. kennedy: it was so lacking in any knowledge or sensitivity that she bat loop crazy, she does not deserve to be governor, i do, of your life. >> party panel will be back, game night, worth on the street. >> next, a cdc panel voting to add covid-19 vaccine to recommended childhood vacs list, i do know like that dr. marc siegel will join me in a moment. ♪ ♪ just dance ♪ ♪ rly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better.
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i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. kennedy: all right roll up sleeves cdc panel deciding covid shots should be part of annual list of recommended vaccines for schoolkid, joining things like measles and polo, hepatitis, a controversial decision, the cdc does not have that power that is left up to states and local governments to decide what to do with the recommendations. but a lot of states may go with whatever the cdc says.
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is this a sound idea? joining he now fox news medical respond. dr. marc siegel welcome back. >> good to be with you. kennedy: this freaks me out. there are so many vaccines that kid have to have to attend public school. what is the likelihood that this will be mandatory in place like california and new york? >> i don't think it will be mandatory, you did mention two states where it might happen. let me walk you through this. first, if all we do is always attack the cdc or criticize them, we don't have a lot of credibility. and i look at this at first, i said no way. i called up paul who on the vaccine advisory committee for fda and said you are
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going too mast, they didn't us to vote, he said, i'm all for this, i thought why? and i started to look more. kennedy: does he make money from pfizer? >> no, not at all, funny but no. you know, you mentioned hepatitis and measles and mumps, they work they prevent spread they save lives, you know what else on the list is the flu vaccine. i thought, how did that get there? less than a hundred kids a year die of flu, about a thousand died of covid over the pandemic, we have long covid to deal with and vaccine decreases that risk of long covid, study just out from mod ea moderna shows it is safe in young children and works, i don't like the idea of mandates, a doctor, a parent could a patient talking about this, making a d
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decision choice. but the thing that put my over the top, flu vaccine on the list but not mandated only for child care and pre-k in a couple states, vast majority of ststates do not mandate flu vaccine for schools they will not mandate this, they are saying it is up to states, cdc recommends it because the science is increasingly behind this. a llot of stuff about my -- shows rare for me, i make a risk benefit, i said what is more likely, harm from virus or harm from vaccine, for me vaccine is better, it decreases severity. all controversy, has come from all of the people who missold the vaccine, we did
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not do. momandate from the vaccine, idea you could not go here or there you got fired that is got the public turned off. >> i,a agree. kennedy: a lot of what cdc said, i know z as a physician you take issue with anyone criticizing cdc, they did that themselves, they have to earn that trust back. walensky this year has to admit she was wrong about a bunch of stuff, fauci still has not admitted he has been lying through his teeth about what he was recommending to various school districts, including hiss so saying with bill de blasio, they worked together to keep schools close, forgive me, i don't trust them right now, a lot of people have been enriched by
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vselling this vaccine, you are right, it should be up to parents and pota pediatricians. >> you made a great point, i want to address, i like everything that you said. i am not in disagreement with you hardly ever, we both love what i've other says almost all of the time, you said basically that cdc eroded trust in what they have to say about schools, we all know they were overly influenced by teachers union they at the kept schools close, here they are talking children just when they say the world children everyone gets nervous, i agree with that. aircraft agree but the vaccine belongs on a list where it should be considered. kennedy: conversation between pediatricians and parents, let's leave it there dr. siegel thank you. >> i agree okay. kennedy: protecting kids is
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is pushing parents to vote red this november. polling shows republicans favor to flip house with more district races, switching independent women swinging hard right this year even in face of roe v. wade decision, so what races should we be watching, joining me, katy pavlich is back, what is there your eye on? >> house races i'm watching northern virginia races, a district that joe biden won by plus double digits, he is closing gap on her, and virginia was ground zero last year for the issue of parent rally rights when youngkin beat mccolive and
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a number of seats in texas that republicans have been able to flip, flores won her seat this time in a district that democrats held for a hundred years, and interesting to watch the issues parental rises and vaccine issues now and zeldin saying he will not mandate it. in arizona carey lake said now thank you cdc. and so, parental rights and the economy are top of the list for voters. >> do you think democrats blew their momentum when they stopped or never startedstart to focus, in favor of abortion? >> they could have focused -- they couldn't focus on
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the economy and i a inflation, they built the inside -- inflation that we're in. they did that on their own with total control in washington d.c. not a single republican voted for those pieces of legislation and that spending on issue of abortion, democrat thought they would be able to ride the abortion wave to november. on the issue of just saying there are no restrictions for abortion. well, the polling is opposite, majority of wim women including democratic women believe in restriction after 15 weeks, republicans have been playing offense on that issue. saying that democrat accuse of the extremism we actually believe in limits of 15 weeks. so a combination of republicans are trusted more
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on issues of parental rights and economy and inflation, you couple that with the fact they get good answers with them asked about abortion on the campaign trail. kennedy: well, you know some of the seats up are grabs,. we'll keep an eye on those independent women, democrats assume they were very much up for grabs and save in democrat waters but it turns out that they are put off by only abortion talk, they want to hear solutions on the economy and inflation for their families, so it was so far a misjudgment we'll see what happens on election night. >> thank you. >> we will. kennedy: coming up game night. you will need help from your kids, translating jen z
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♪ ♪ kennedy: welcome, time for america's favorite word on the street. game where we bargain or jargon and take a stab at your vocab, divine words and expressions use by kids. whoever knows most gen-z slang wins $100 thousand. in student debt. great. party panel alexandra wilkes, brian brenberg and matt are you ready. >> ready. >> kennedy: this is number one, it is for you alexandra wilkes, word is zombying. do you need it in a sentence? >> yes.
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kennedy: she must be desperate she has been zombying me. >> like stalking? >> when a form are love interest emerges from the dead after ghosting. >> no. kennedy: sorry. >> all right. you don't get that one. kennedy: for you brian. two blocka . >> -- to blocka. >> to blocka. >> yes in a sentence. kennedy: i thought i might ask her out, but it turned out she is a to blocka? >> does that mean they block you on two different kinds of social media? >> ugly woman who looks good from two blocks away. [ laughter ] >> wow. >> that is -- i like that. >> updated two bagger.
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kennedy: all right matt, the blueprint. the in a sentence. >> yes, please, alex. kennedy: that is alexandra wilkes i am kennedy. thank you. kennedy: with the being an economic adviser, larry kudlow is the blueprint. >> the original smart person who knows all of the truth. >> right, matt on the board with one. >> that was a lay up. >> easy. kennedy: matt welch everyone matmatt welch all easy. >> 8 that. >> i just came from my doctor's ballet recital shiite -- 8 that. >> did a good job. >> yes that was a key happy. >> well, someone getting a hint. kennedy: use your listening ears. >> rice.
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>> npc . >> that is not words. that is three letters, how can you use that, use it. kennedy: down don't bother talking to him, that guy is an npc ? >> how old are your kids. >> a television network. kennedy: what might it mean, don't give me actual acronym. >> say it. >> don't bother talking to him, he is an npc . >> he is not worth talking to. >> he is not boring. kids say boring? >> people who do not think for themselves, mindless soldier of main stream media, nonplayer character. >> lay up for you. not for me. kennedy: easy for matt.
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>> why did the coolest guy come on the show, why couldn't you bring other nerds on. kennedy: matt might qualify. >> yeah. >> a good one. oystering. >> oh,. kennedy: do you need that in a sentence. >> not sure i am allowed to see that with the restraining order. kennedy: julia has been on 5 dinner dates this week, she is really oystering. >> weeks, just going on a lot of dates? >> that is not specific enough, no. >> why? >> because. >> hungry. >> looking for a pearl? kennedy: no. resultirelishing in being single, wined and dined. >> they say these things. >> let's do it right. brian get on the board. >> thank you. kennedy: deliver my rice. [ laughter ]
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kennedy: or, what i'm a arsonist, i am brian brenberg, light up the game for once. this is for you alex, of snatched? >> a sentence. kennedy: did you change your shampoo you look very snatched. >> spiffy. kennedy: right, i'm giving it to you. >> that an old word, why can't spiffy be a word. kennedy: brian brenberg poof. >> poof, please use that. kennedy: nice to meet you but now poof. >> i got to go. >> good-bye. i'll give you that. >> i'm on the board. >> exciting. >> tied. you woul. >> word is crunk .
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>> let's go out and get krunc . >> twisted crazy drunk. >> yes! yes! crazy and drunk, he is smoked you. >> how old are you, a millennial or a gen-z. >> i have a 14-year-old, i know things no honest man can see. >> wow. kennedy: you both tied. there is a very big night. would you like to give her your student debt. >> if i had any. kennedy: you got a hundred grand now. >> he wins and brags. >> transfer to taxpayer. >> joe biden will take it for you. >> we're taking it first. >> all right, condition grates to you. thank you for playing this has been greatest night of your life. >> all right, coming up. duck hunting legends are back for a new fox business prime show, duck family treasure. will they uncover buried
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gold or family jewels, they will give it to me, in studio, we got a lot of beards, stay with me. ♪ ♪ this... is a glimpse into the no-too-distant future of lincoln. ♪ ♪ it's what sanctuary could look like... feel like... sound like... even smell like. more on that soon. ♪ ♪ the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ lose yourself to dance ♪ ♪ kennedy: o could there be last gold in jewels in louisiana, experts duck hunters jase and jep robertson are ready to find out on their new hunt for buried treasure. ready to uncover uncredible historic riches on their new show, duck family treasure, premiers tonight here on fox business network after the show. will they be able to find gold and how much will they
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bring to studio it is a finder's fee they have here, stars of duck family treasure jase and jep robertson welcome. >> thank you. >> good to be here. kennedy: so, how much goal is there in louisiana. >> a lot of gold. kennedy: how do you know. >> we go out and look and find. kennedy: do you find. >> we do find, this is unlike other shows we find some stuff. not the intent to move we were just having a good time, but we went out the, and thanks thing you know, who knew. kennedy: that is great. so what is it? the louisiana rich with gold or things that people buried like during civil war and you got to unearth it. >> we travel a little bit took but -- >> you go to texas later. >> we do. kennedy: yep. >> we hunt for unusual thing at times too not just goal and silver. >> we found something not from this planet. kennedy: what. >> worth a lot of money.
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kennedy: a meteorite. >> we did, it could be a spoil iralert. spoiler alert,. kennedy: i love that, people love that, i'll watch that show every night. >> i think deep down people want to get outside and if they could find something valuable, bam. >> what kind of person makes best treasure hunter? >> i would say patient. >> the same thing. >> i thought it was the dumb at first, this is something old men do their wives' them out of the house. kennedy: a chance to put on earmuffs and go rr,. >> once you find something cool you say have keep doing this. kennedy: are you hooked. >> i am hooked. >> he is hooked there is a well the of junk, we are cleaning up the earth as we go along. kennedy: that is beautiful. >> it makes something when you find anything of value,. kennedy: what do you do when you find something do you --
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do you go to "pawn stars" and sell it. >> he did. >> i'm about making money. kennedy: do you want to clutter your house with a bunch of rifery busts. >> a offer to land owner first. >> nice.. kennedy: like finding a wallet keeping the money. >> it is their land we have a negotiation. if they don't want it i keep it. don't want to sell it i'm about the hunt not the find. kennedy: all right, that is beautiful. a very healthy thing, they say, life is a journenot a destination. you know you are in it for the journey, i'm with you for the money, dollar amount what is most highest value something you found this season. >> i mean, something we found worth about 60 thousand. kennedy: nice. >> but something else we found the price on it would be higher. kennedy: hike what?
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how much higher, billion. >> no but atlan at -- at least one zero. >> we didn't have tools that may be coming to an episode near you of now what. kennedy: you find a m meteorite, you went to grab it with your hands and it bblew to dust. >> no. >> i thought this is like a horror show when you touch something. >> people will watch, they can't wait they love you, will you ever auction off the beards for charity. >> he did once. kennedy: you see. >> i may do it again. >> your heart and beard in right place, cannot wait to watch as soon as show is down, duck family treasury
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treasure right herefi. topical storm isis next. our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. psst! psst! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. flonase sensimist provides non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. in a scent free, gentle mist. psst! psst! flonase. all good.
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boob job, first time in her life she thought about getting a job, this topical storm, one. netflix rebooting teletuby franchise. i am looking forward to the donner cross over episode. the pork chops, late '9 a kid show about characters of all different colors who like to hug each other, the blot of bridg -- is a huge hit with preschoolers and high school stoners in 90s best way to drug test your teen was to ask if they knew what tuby custom was, teletubies are back and better than ever or back. along with the tiny at this time -- tubies, they have been fooling around more than we thought. and on the side.
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chicka bow wow. >> topic 2. airaerospace company announced plan to clean up space debris with a giant claw, that claw would have grabbed more junk than andy dick, that is a white claw. the space claws created in response to the orbital sustainability act of 2022, bipartisan bill that allocates money for removal of space junk, saying vital to clean up outer space in case someone from ukraine wants to go there one day, and clutter and low orbit earth poses a threat to new satellites that have to make wild maneuvers to avid crashing into garbage, like driving through new jersey, united kingdom announced a similar initiative but
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unclear if that will go for under prime minister kanye west. he got the job. >> new york city shopping center, held party to celebrate 50 anniversary of rubik's cube, this was attended by mo b mostly squares, the scene. puzzle lovers gathered for speed cube and blind fold cube, i have not seen so many shape shifters in one room since the d democrat national convention, it was attended by the inventor of thethe -- rubik's cube. this is not first solving
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robot. everyone in the room was a virgin. there were no tele teletubies perverts, thursday thursday -- arby's launching a bourbon smoked same way they smoke their meats with hickory, pecan and mosquit, the bottle by brain brew a distillery in ohio. last year the fast-food chain created a vodka flavors like curly fries, you might have seen it on this show. or sidewalk after someone who works on this show dradrank it and threw it
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up. >> topic 5. speaking of broke drunks, time to hear from you, view er mail, mel, you carry no professionalism and lack basic manners, go suck it like you mom sucks the balls she carries in your bags is that professional enough for you,. >> you too much put that in your pipe and smoke it. pipe. cigar and a waffle. porcelain, kennedy you know nothing. that would be -- that mines i know everything. >> and kim, i am dressing up like you for halloween, don't forget this -- >> thank you for watching best hour of your day, follow me -- twitter and instagram, and e-mail and
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facebook. oh, my subscribe to my podcast kennedy saves the world. conditican't watch the show -- kennedvr it,rst every day a kenneday, chicken laid. s. lady. financially, i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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