tv Kennedy FOX Business October 24, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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horrible, mayorkas knew for example. that the whipping charges against the mounted agents were wrong, he said them anyway, and had the president repeat them, how does that make you feel? >> you know, if mayorkas had any shred of self respect he would resign from his post, he is largely ineffective at his job and he has no business there. david: we praise you, and praise the work that you do chris cabrera, i believe most americans do. thank you very much for being here with us, appreciate it. >> all right. thank you. david: i'm david asman in for elizabeth m mac macdonald you are watching the eveni "evening edit," have a wonderful evening. >> hello you, hello monday,
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pandemic politics ruined the education of our children, now we have proof, math and reads scoring dropping by largest aim ever recorded. are heads ever going to roll? department of education releasing progress, the nation's report card, not a good one, kind you try to hide from your parents, from 19 to 22, this year, fourth and 8th grade reading scores fell 3 points and math is worse, parents like me have known this all along. we have been against remote learning, democrats and the teacher who fund them largely to blame, part of a the reason that a red wave is largely coming next month. virginia republican governor glen youngkin last year rode that wave of anger to victory and he said the new report card is a disgrace,
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glen. >> we must acknowledge the glaring reality that we face together. our nation's children, have experienced catastrophic learning loss and virginia students are among the hardest hit. kennedy: gas lighting secretary of education miguel cardona said this is unacceptable. >> saying this is not a wake-up call for us to double down and improve education, even before the pandemic, then i don't know what will, we really need to make sure we're out leading the arp dollars to help our students. kennedy: or allow those dollars to follow students, because those state us have been doing it wrong, he is in charge, he could have done anything, but he has not acknowledged the problem of learning loss. and a fox news interview with parents shows how upset they are. >> students graduating are not meeting the basic
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benchmarks in reading and math. for covid yes two years of line of learning loss. >> we got smacked in the face, we begged them please reopen the schools our kids are struggling, they said we don't care. >> i want to make sure my school board understands that have is the loss of -- that there is loss of learning and education and the harm they have caused over past two years needs to be fixed, they need to fix it. kennedy: they may be fixing if at the poles, will anyone ever pay for what they have done to our children? party panel, "fox nation" host tom shillue. his eyes match the background and ric rich failla there she is, behold. foundation for economic education writer liberty
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activist, olivia rondo. tom, you got kids, i got kids, we saw this coming, a lot of parents who were loudly begging schools, governors, mayors, to keep the schools open they didn't listen. yare you surprised. >> not surprise, everyone should should have none of, that we started home schooling before the pandemic, but we knew it was happening, no one should be surprised, they didn't just ruin the schools they ruined society, shut downs ruined business, i saw a hack from the aft, saying there is no data that says schools that stayed open did much better, you know what, i actually believe that you know why, schools that stayed open did stupid things as well, they made people wear masks, teaching kids with masks on your face is terrible.
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of course, kids had learning problems, no corner of society was free from the kind of idiotic things that happened during the pandemic, no body is surprised they ruined our lives. kennedy: interesting richard, in l.a., reading scores went up, l.a. has one of highest per pupil ratios in terms of funding student. the second highest. so l.a. schools have been doing such a crapping job that kids did better on their own, i don't think that this whole thing is a reason to throw more money into the public education system. >> well, i don't know if i necessarily agree with you on, that but look at the -- you see a long-term trend, we've seen american scores go down overall part of the problem. there is a lack of rap
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around services, schools -- students go to school they deal can trauma outside of school, they don't have a school nurse or guideddance count counselor or music or art, they impact them when they take the standardized tests. and they show up, and they show up with lower test score, he should have a larger conversation, of what shaping in the schools and -- what is happening in scoschools and input. you i think that score show in florida they were open first, their scores at same level at california. kennedy: places like l.a., dc, new york, funding of students never community every district has not gone down but up, you know what is happening, there are teachers worst teachers get sent to the schools where kids neat the best. because of the unions those teachers a unfirible.
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that is also myth. >> it is not. kennedy: yes, it is. >> and olivia, they shutd doors. >> tom's point american federation of teachers is in cahoots with cdc, they have said publicly that randy wine garden, aft president is putting input to their vaccine schedule and mask guidance, all that. it really is all connected, i agree with one of richard's points education starts in home, depends on what type of environment that child is coming from it may impact their outcome. but, to go over the school funding, schools will continue to get higher and higher funding they are not beholden results worst school district, spend more money per student than any
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other but one or two school districts, has abysmal graduation rates, and just hour in. because they are not -- not part of free market, it is taxpayer funded they are not beholden to producinged -- result. kennedy: we're funding systems that is what happens when you fund broken system, no one is having a conversation about how to make the systems better, throwing more money at a failed problem, doesn't turn that. the panel will stick, we will have more with them, new out the show. >> midterm election just two weeks from tomorrow. main focus for voters, economyic inflation and president biden blaming inflation on himself? no, but everyone else, but at least we're doing better than other countries. we know a lot of folks are struggling with inflation. driven by putin's war in ukraine and the global
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pandemic we have a lower inflation rate than most any other nation in the world. kennedy: yes. but we live here. and he is the president. of here. so here is where he can be focusing his efforts, according to new report. 63% of americans living paycheck to paycheck, economists agree a recession is likely, about half of them think we're already in one. over next 12 months fed to raise rates, so what can we do to get ourselves out of this mess? here to discuss reason feature editor, peter suderman is back. i know, politicians, they want to ignore problems, and they want to say things to make themselves more attractive to voters to maintain power, is it possible that president ignored some of the warning signs of a looming resolution and inflation.
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>> it is possible. go back a year and a half two years to when biden just entered office. even democratic economists like larry summers, in the white house, under a democratic president as a top economist, he said, look if you spend 2 t trillion dollars deficit financed that will create a risk of huge inflation. this was not just from right wingers not some republican talking point, this is something that every responsible economist knew biden and the democratic party went ahead spent 2 trillion out paying for a bit of it what did they spend it on? terrible programs and hand outs to democratic cronies, it d does not help anyone, you look at programs that just sent checks to
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people, the look at polls and surveys of what people thought was good about american rescue plan, people say, it didn't help me. biden is trying to avoid blame. he is joining a long line of presidents who tried to avoid blame for a bad economy, back to 1970s, jimmy carter in debates with ronald reagan said it is opec's fall. the fought of productivity and american people, you know. the economy is good he gave the great fatuoid about jimmy carter, and he told his top inflation adviser, he said, you can't say the word recession, instead he called it about banana. there is a good chance we're in a banana and it is biden's fault. kennedy: we could make a banana split or banana bread
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or in a banana republic wire silling with bananas right now, you can blame it on whom ever you want, people are smarter, thain they are hurting, they know there is no relief. they know in like sure make darkest before the dawn, but we are not at darkest part yet, what should they be doing. >> main thing, in the run up to mid terms, is not talking about it. there is a democratic pollster saying, you know he tested, used biden's actual words on voters to say, when biden bragged about the economy abide wasn't said something like we have a economy that is -- excuse me for squaring, strong as hell in his words, something like that. and when this democratic pollster tested this on voters, he said that was the worst performing message. the voters did not buy it. inflation, you have high inflation, you cannot hide
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that from voters, they see it every time they go to fill up their gas tank or they go to the grocery store. and try to buy a hamburger, not something that you can hide from voters biden does not have any good options into the midterms. >> people are not dumb. you know surrogates like nancy pelosi on sunday shows saying we should change the subject and call it a cost of living issue, lady, that is inflation. peter suderman thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: main cocktails in your future. >> two party system is. screwed everything up, could voters be swayed to voting for a third party, james si niak joins me next. charging something like a hundred bucks a window
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ideas from veteran care and limited government. is he changes the race? joining me now libertarian indiana senate candidate james welcome to the show. >> thank you kennedy. i love to be able to talk about my perspective. what is going on here in indiana. and what my fellow hoosiers feel about the race, thank you. kennedy: a big deal. where did you go to college? >> i went to bethel . i am a behavior therapist, i work with kids with autism. >> you will fit in the senate. >> actually has a lot to do with politics, a great transition, working from kids with autism to the political world. kennedy: where they are also on the spectrum. what are your potential
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constituents saying about inflation. do they feel under served or hosed by democrats. >> whatever we call it. a recession. hoosiers know it their wallets feel it, i was talking to alison in high home county, she said i'm living paycheck to paycheck. i feel the tough decisions that i have to make with my wallet t, this is very concerning. our current incumbent some be called the duke of spending. hoosiers look for more responsibility in dc, and i am here to give them the message. >> are polling higher than a lot of libertarian candidates, you are at 6%,
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you are spoiler at this point, you are getting push back from republicans who are desperate to see their party regain control? >> so, i push back from republicans and democrats, there are options, they look for larger government for every solution that increases taxes and makes more government program, but voters are tired, they look for something different, they don't always know what it is, they are open, and their eyes are opened up to new ideas and new perspectives. kennedy: is it true jackson county is the best county in indiana. >> so, i love traveling to all of countries. i live in johnson county, but i been to jackson county, and to numerous counties, it is -- there is not really a bad county in
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indiana. kennedy: said like a true politician, so, have either of the candidates encouraged you to drop out ex out and ene endorse them. >> neither candidate, they both ignore me that is their best strategy, we look at governor race who got 12% in indiana as a libertarian, they know the real threat, their strategy is just to ignore the libertarians, that is what they think will best suit them, with media there is influence in media to ignore me, tonight, i was uninvited to a forum. >> are in a more important forum, can i tell you my favorite e indiana joke. indiana isal m all messed up. south bend in the north and -- in the south, and french lick ain't all that about
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what it cracked up toking either. >> that is great. >> a great state. let us know how do you thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: no one is entitled to you vote, you vote for who you want to. >> president biden admitting his age is a concern for voters. he turns 80 next month, so young. i'll tell you why he is riddled with problems, my memo is next. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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-- you know, watch me. >> deal. let's watch. >> i have not made that f fore maldecision, it is my intention to run again, we have time. >> dr. biden is for it? >> mr. president. >> dr. biden thinks that, my wife thinks that -- that i, that we're -- that we're doing something very important. kennedy: oh, boy, there he is. yeah. we should all have legitimate concerns about his age and every appearance he makes goes on a blooper reel played nonstop by our enemies, you can hear them tackle -- cackling it is no laughing matter. our nation's power center is held hostage by angry old
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people who have more power than functioning brain cells, is not their age but they are out of touch, impaired and unready to cede the reins is is superior. 35% think that president is a strong leader. fuerte. they are just being generous, they are delusional enough to think they will score a cabinet post when he wins in 2024, 62% respond in a "fox news poll" say that president is not a strong leader, they are right, they are being modest, they won't to hurt the poor sniffer's feelings, 5 in 10 dems' sleepy joe to nap his way to a second term. and 6 in 10 republicans say they want a second trump term, no they don't. let's have newbies taking
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turn screwing up the country. and blaming everyone else in the world but themselves. i flablame the president, and fellow mad gummers and media for dishonestly covering for them and voters who gave him a pass because he wasn't donald trump, there is more than one way to screw a pooch this pup is in need of a new guardian, that is the memo. median age of senate 64 years young, that is oldest, president biden called vice president kamala harris president. why will they just get the hell out of the way? party panel has returned. tom, richard and olivia, tom it would be cute if he were not so powerful, people say someone else is in charge, there is a committee in charge, what about there is
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not. >> i don't have a lot of respect for office of presidency, i don't think it is that hard of a job, everyone in same in terms of joe biden is ruining the country but obama also ruined the country he is very competent, i don't think that matters, confidence is o done, if you are watching joe biden competent enough to ruin t the country, if they want to run on this he may go 3 years, drop out at last minute then where is the narrative, not the candidates incompetent but what and you get pete buttigieg he would ruin the country too, it is democrats, bad, not democrats too old. kennedy: presidents can do more harm than good that is problem with power concentrated in presidency, but richard you say 2 is not about the president let's age because he so hot.
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>> i think most folks who are getting ready to vote in midterm they are trying it figure out which candidate they will vote for, i sat with mandela barnes to be second millennial in senate if he wins. right now there just one. 53 of our u.s. senators are over the age of 65. there is only one under the agent was 36. just think about that. while millennials make up 33% of america's workforce we have one member in senate, in barnes wins he will be second. >> i actually -- i take issue with that i think we need more gen xers. i think that millennials are baby lotion soft, i do not want generation x to be over looked by narcissistic j generational book ends that
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will ruin things in their own ways. kennedy: olivia, is it about the president? or about the system? what is wrong? >> a little bit of both. i am one of those people who is wondering who is pulling strings it is not biden, i feel bad for him. -- if hi if he were the ceo of a company, the boworld -- board would have told him to require and be a greeter at walmart. kennedy: i don't think we need a age limit. i race triathlons with people in their septembers 70s and 80s, they take care of themes, but this president is past the point where he is look after himself, that is the problem, ie i don't care
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what party you are running with, i think we need cognitive tests for anyone seeking presidency, not just people who already gotten the nomination, people all of the way through primary process. if you are even flirting with the idea of being president, you have to agree to take some sort of a cognitive psych test, as voters we can have more data on what we're working with, this whole thing, i will say trump as well, i think they are both nuts, i know a lest people like president trump's policies, but -- a lot of people like president trump policies but he has not aged well. kennedy: president's age showing during a youth forum at white house, a fun contrast, listen to what he said about the student loan forgiveness program. >> you get 10,000 written off it is passed. i got it passed by a vote or
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two, r it's in effect. kennedy: it never happened, the president signed an executive action there was no congressional vote taken, the program is being challenged in court for that reason, so could that gap be used in the case against him? >> yes, if -- maybe i want to revise my opinion, maybe confidence does matter -- competent because matter he has no idea about one of his signature measures, i am puzzled, i don't know how it politically works in biden or democrat favor, i know in are a bunch of people with student loan debt this is costly, but, the number of people who don't have student loan debt is largely in almost all of those people think there is a pad bad idea and young people with the debt, you know assuming they have graduate degrees, they are more
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inclined to vote democrat anyway, i don't think if is a good badg bang for the bucks i think it is wasted money. kennedy: i think it is wasted m as well richard, people went to college who are successful. so, why do people who worked hard, came up with good ideas why should they to be the hook for people who want to deon debt they took on? >> i think this decision made by federal court last week is a good opportunity for democrats, you have republicans standing in the way of some that could benefit the middle class. we've seen -- >> what the middle class that didn't get college degree us. >> is a seen congress give bailout to banks and airlines to corporations never once. kennedy: i say suck the
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cacophony. >> joe biden said, if you are a middle class, you became a medal assistance, you got student loans, i want to help you out. kennedy: okay. people who go to train schools then people who go to two year programs, they are not the ones who have 200 thousand in student loan debt. >> it benefits everyone. kennedy: no, it does -- -- >> does not. it -- yes, it does. kennedy: it exacerbates inflation and makes people two thirds of adults here do not get college degrees, and does not. >> you have don't have to get i did college degree to benefit. kennedy: yes, you do. you don't have to have a college degree to have taxation. >> you will benefit. kennedy: rob you from your hard earned money.
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>> i don't think that is an example of benefiting everyone, what this will redistribute money from people who did not go to college, who have college debt, i don't see how this benefits working class, and they have been trying to regain their footing back. this is not the way to go about it. and just for me, i am jen j, i think -- gen-z, i am more successful than average degree holder there are alternative routes you can take other than 6 figure college debt. kennedy: that will hol hold you back for a long time from life choices, you are saddled with that debt you agreed to take on. you know we could makes case for forgiving debt in every other realm but we're not venezuela.
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kennedy: we're not venezuela. >> i called 23rt from the beginning it was a horrible plan, you're talking to a libertarian. >> some people are benefiting, others do not. >> there should be no forgiveness, stop bailing people out. >> this is to them we see you and hear you. kennedy: we see you, and we see where it is money is h hidden so we'll send 87 thousand irs agents to takes hard earned money from you, getting hosed from federal government again in a brand-new way, how creative, party panel, richard i love that we can go back and forth, you are a lovely person, there are a lot of times we agree it may not be it. >> i love you too. kennedy: thank you, tom and olivia. >> republicans inching closer to winning back house if they do.
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what is their inflation plan. darrell issa has answers, he is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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♪ ♪ kennedy: see, like skin and naked news, we're doing themes with the music. pay attention. >> republicans look like a solid bet to win house majority, possible senate next month. that may be easy part, hard part is delivering needed change, to fix the nation's skittish economy and tackle inflation, how? pulling back on government spending, pushing harder for energy independence, lowers
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taxes, can they pull it off. joining me to discuss california republican congressman, member of house judiciary committee darrell issa is back. >> in last segment, i can't resist the fact you said every presidential candidate should have his head examined, i cannot agree with you more but probably other reasons. kennedy: they all have to have a screw loose. >> right. to the question, all of history is that human being has not become one p bid more efficient over 10,000 years but we learned to harness power. the only way that we can be more efficient and wealthier
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per capita to use energy efficiently and effectively, those are policies we'll turn back. we would like to lower taxes, but we have to lower government spending. to make that happen. the problem now, so-called broken supply chain is more about the fact that fuel prices have gone up. and availability of the kind of innovations that come with harnessing energy are going down, and give you an example my home state in california, cost of the electricity is over double what it is in virginia. and then you wonder why people are moving from california to states where if you are running in a molding machine or you do anything that using electricity it is smarter to be a state where it costs half as much, thus you are more efficient. kennedy: and states with no income tax are very attractive. i don't put it past
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republicans to screw this up. you know like, can na to nancy pelosi point are we not hearing enough of a sound plan. and will they listen to people like you? who been there and done that, and left and come back? >> you know there are two things that i'll tell to the young members. on one hand, down overreach. -- don't ri overreach, get what you can get, make sure you get something on this president, energy policy reversal is critical if we are empowering it,. >> other thing real moderation in spending mostly is stop the big special give aways, they reduce the amount of inflation we're getting at government expense. aat time don't talk about shutting down government, don't over reacted. give the president an offer he doesn't want but has to take and keep government
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operating, but for once operate it like it was your money, not somebody else's money, the president's proposproposal in last segment, trying to give away other people's money to promote his choice of agenda, i am glad the courts are pushing back on it, otherwise that money would be gone, we would try to figure out how to make up for a trillion da dollar hole, and by the way, the next generation that wants education without paying is right behind them. kennedy: and universities who' free money, they know kids will keep going and not on the hook are that benefits them again. it -- the cronyism that has been the theme throughout the show, congressman issa, we look forward to more future plans thank you very much. >> keep us honest. kennedy: i am trying, doing my damn estimate topical
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surgeons i know smoke it before. topic one. team of climate activists, what a bunch of a-holes have vandalized ma madame true wax museum, smashed cake to face of king charles, almost hard to tell which of these people are the dummies and which are made of wax, they are made to withstand cake. they are giant birthday cancels, protest came a day after actors pro same group, splashed mashed potatoes over a monet painting, witnesses say they were raving mad.
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both cases vandals were arrested now all 4 face a death sentence, they mean within 12 years polar ice caps will melt and drown everyone in sea water. where is the super glue? >> if you thought belgium culture was about puppet shows and waffle toppings you don't know jacques, it is more frivolous, check out annual belgium halloween tradition. pumpkin boat paddle racing they scoop out guts until they are as hallow at meghan markle, they compete to paddle the pumpkins in middle of a pond, this is also how they choose their prime minister, they are hard to balance. one false move they could become out of their gourds
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as kanye west, you have ever worked in service industry, you know europeans always find a way to the to tip, one reporter said he had a great time but said it was dirty, stinky and oily, like going to a black s sabbath concert. >> we meet a massachusetts movement behind a hive of criminal activity, 55-year-old rory woods was arrested for trying to shop sheriff deputies for serve ago she wanted to be serviced. >> an eviction notice and attacked them with a swarm of bees it went from a single eviction to a string operation. sting -- sting operation, he arrive add the scene towing a trailer full of
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beehives also known as buzzed driving, she caused the angry bees to fly out and sting the police, you know what happens when you combine sting and the police, a lot of painful and high pitched wailing. she was arrested, what a wench. then, that is how her life went from yellow jackets to orange jump suits. >> now historic video from beijing, communist party leader xi jinping felt urge to purge his political predecessor from office, this is how they removed cristina aguillera from the voice, he will have to choose between spending rest of his life in prison or a
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co-host on new cnn morning show, not that! he was a long time communist party leader but since this, all mentions of him, have been scrubbed from chinese internets, cheem people of asking xi jinping if he will please do the same thing with meghan markle, tble. >> he said he just needed to open a seat in chinese open a seat in chinese congress for hunter biden, and coming up mouth trumpet monday, stay here. with my goals. i'm a broker, not a barista. what about managing gains and losses to be more tax efficient? not a wizard either. looks like schwab personalized indexing can.
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8:00 pm
gotta sell the house. don't worry, sell to opendoor, and move on your schedule. yes! request a cash offer at ♪ ♪ kennedy: it's time for mouth trumpet monday, i went to the ucla, oregon game and i lost a bit, all right here is your song. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ kennedy: there that is all you get, guess what it is. thank you for watching the best hour of your day, kennedy nation, blah, blah, blah. twitter instagram, blah blah tomorrow night, charlie and robby and scott. or chestnuts roasting.
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