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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 31, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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allowance for health and wellness items. plus, if you qualify, you could pay nothing for covered prescriptions all year long. even the brand name ones. and zero dollars for routine vaccines, including shingles, at in-network retail pharmacies. so, if you want more from medicare, call now to speak with a licensed humana sales agent. learn about humana plans that could give you more healthcare benefits, including coverage for prescription drugs, dental care, eye exams and glasses, hearing aids, and more. a licensed humana sales agent will walk you through your options, answer any questions you have and, if you're eligible, help you enroll over the phone. call today, and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. >> i think on tuesday we'll see a great american un-wokenning. the people are tired of this war on america. they just can't figure out why
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the democratic party isn't doing anything to help them. >> this is a wild card coming into this one. i've never seen an election like this. this election will be a referendum on the job that president biden and kamala harris have done with the economy, and it is going to be a very, very vow message for democrats. >> the government is appalled and turning zero money and interest rates and wonder prices are going up. look in the mirror, fellas. >> >> i powell has lost credibility for the mistake they made this time is raising interest rates too high, too fast and then regaining credibility is extreme -- it's probably as unlikely as you putting on a halloween costume and going trick or treating tonight. stu: it's 11:00 eastern time and it's monday, october 31st. of course it is halloween.
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no, i will not be wearing a costume. let's get straight to the markets, please. a little moderation in the losses there. down down 200 now down 126 and nasdaq still down well over 100 points. big tech all of them on the downside. i'll read for you. amazon at 101, microsoft down 1.5% at 232 and alphabet at 94, apple 152 and meta all the way down, another 4% down at 94. where's the 10-year treasury yield? up just a little. can't account for the losses on the nasdaq. just by that it's 4 place to 4.. now this. covid is not an issue in our elections next week. but in china where there are no elections, it is a crisis again. if there were e lb.s, voters will be in revolt. we have video from a foxconn
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plant where they make parts for apple iphone and workers streaming out and thousands of new cases reported at that plant and the company denies it but the workers are getting out before they can be locked in. foxconn is admitting and offering better meals, medical care, and bonuses it touchdown catch get people to stay on the job. some of the people are volunteers delivering splice to those at work to keep it going. ? the last few hours, roisters reported the shanghai disney report abruptly suspended operations indefinitely and some visitors cannot get out. local officials throughout china have been doubled down on strict covid restrictions to show they're doing xi jinping's bigoted bidding and he's staying with the zero covid policy. that's going to be tough. china is reporting 1,000 cases a day and the economy is slowing. over here we have 30,000 cases a day, but we've learned our
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lesson. covid has to be lived with and cannot be totally eric radford indicate -- eradicated. third hour of varney starts now. ♪ stu: the governor of new york is kathy hochul and says concerns about crime are just conspiracy theories cooked up by the media. roll it. >> these are master manipulators and they have this conspiracy going all across america to try and convince people that in democratic states they're not as safe. guess what, they're also not only election deniers, they're data deniers. the safer places are the democratic states. stu: that's interesting. will cain is with us this morning. will spends part of the week in democrat new york and the other part in republican texas. so, will cain, which place seems safer to you? >> okay, but what's interesting about your question, i live in a
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blue city in a red state in texas. i live in dallas, and this is how the "master manipulators" that is always the party accusing the other of their own sins, democrats being the master manipulator, get away with saying crime in red states is worse than blue states because the crime is driven by democratic pay mayors and policies and most importantly district attorneys in cities like dallas, atlanta, all across the nation, red states with blue cities. it is such excrement, stuart, to listen to this. i mean, kathy hochul -- i don't know she's going to lose this gubernatorial election but it's going to be much closer than she ever anticipated and it's in part because she's looking people in the face through a television screen and convincing them that what they're experiencing in their real lives does not exist. that it's a conspiracy by republicans. why don't you go out onto the street of new york, hochul, why don't you ask people that ride
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the subway. why don't you see how it reflecting people's actual lives instead of getting on msnbc and spinning that absolute turd of a political spin, you're trying to get away with it to win your gubernatorial election at by best 200 points. at worst victor lee zeldin in new york. stu: let's see what you've got to say about another contentious issue. let's talk about the twitter takeover. senator amy klobuchar said tech companies should be liable for amplifying hate. >> we need to get people thomast care attack the commodity seizure disorders and we have to do something about the amplification of the election denying hate speech we see on the internet. >> now that elon musk runs twitter, do you trust him? >> no, i do not. not. stu: okay, will cain still right there containing himself we believe. should sites like twitter will liable for hateful speech?
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>> no. who defined what is hateful speech? stu: exactly. >> who defined what is subject to sensorship, stuart? you know, conservatives for quite some time who have been censored on twitter have asked for liability protection to be taken away from big tech and now looks like there's bipartisan support for that and in this case the other side is afraid of free speech. one side wants liability protection taken away because of too much sensorship and the other because of not enough sensorship. my take away this morning, stuart, there's an absolute freakout on twitter over the fact that elon musk has bought twitter and embraced free speech. no doubt a freakout. taylor lorenz from the washington post says the gates of hell have been happened? now why. the answer to why reflects the power of twitter that i've been dismissive of. it was their propaganda machine, it was. it controlled the narrative and drove news rooms and it was a way to convince the public that certain ideas that are popular
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are con speartorial and crazy and other ideas just for an example that a man can be a woman that are absolutely insane, are actually credible and popular. they controlled our minds through the mechanism of twitter and lost the control of their propaganda machine and there's an absolute freakout today over that. they don't have the dials anymore. that's not true. they have facebook still. they have google. by the way, i looked this up when i came onto your show about crime stats and googled crime stats, all the articles are fox news and gop thinks crime is up but the numbers don't agree. article after article, they still have their hands on some dials to manipulate the minds and they've lost twitter. stu: will cain, an original thinker and recommend the will cain podcast, thank you very much for delivering this morning. we always appreciate it. >> you bet. stu: back to the markets. where are we now? coming back nicely on the dow, it's only down 70 points, the nasdaq is down, what, 128.
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just over 1%. jason katz back with zuckerbergs monday morning. you say there's a changing of the big guard happening and is that a changing away from big tech and towards what? >> the nasdaq was outperformed by the dow by nearly 10% this morning. stu: saw that. >> took us to the party in the last decade is not taking us home. there's a fracture in the market between growth and value so equal weight indexes versus s&p, which is market cap weighted and disproportionately driven by big tech is not where the money will be made. when we enter this recession or if we're in it or on the other side of it, it's cyclicals, it's value. it's dividend plays, that will lead the charge. that's why the dow had the best month since 1976. stu: not a good time to buy big tech on the big tech. >> not saying to buy it. if you don't have it and you're
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underweight, some of the stall worths you could buy but look to right side it and people are disproportionately weight there had and they'll outperform. it's a market of stocks, not the stock market. stu: i got that. good expression. the big story this week from the markets i think is going to be the fed's wednesday dictating how high interest rates will go. goldman sachs is out there saying it's 75 basis points this we say, 50 in december, 25 in january. round about those numbers. if that was the case, what would the market do? >> it's not headline worthy because the fed funds futures largely if not entirely discount that. i actually think it'll be 75, 50 and then a stop, look around and listen moment and that's really why the market rallied last week. that also in a sense of a red wave coming. i think the fed actually comes up for air and doesn't do that last 25. if we get the full, you know,
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5%, it's baked into the cake as they say. stu: a red wave coming and what you're predicting from the fed would give us a nice market lift. >> yes, indeed. stu: all right. jason, thankers for coming in with us. back to ashley, you with us please? headlines on rathion, please. >> i do indeed. the whistle blower said the company paid him $1 million after suing them. the former engineer bruce casius said the company punished him after he was told to submit false gps test results to the u.s. air force. take a look at uber. they've begun showing ads for other company in the app notifications and don't forget by the way to use up any uber rewards you may have amassed because today is the last day to redeem them. uber down 2.6% and new york city salary posting law. remember that. it goes into effect tomorrow and companies will be required to list the approximate minimum and
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maximum salaries for new job postings. stu. stu: yeah, can't wait to find out who's making what. that would be interesting, wouldn't it? changing the subject, look at this, country star luke bryant will not back down to critics. he's defending his choice to bring governor ron desantis onto the stage during a concert in florida. we'll tell you all about that. fuel companies sounding the alarm about a potential diesel shortage. supplies at the lowest level since 2008 and prices are going up. susan: the chairman of the democratic congressional committee, very important guy, he says he's very concerned about the integrity of the elections. congressman greg s s steube is g to respond to that, that's next. ♪
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stu: leukobrian, we're -- luke bryan, he is defending his decision to bring the governor of florida, ron desantis onto the stage with him at a concert for hurricane relief. ashley, she was bitterly criticized by the liberals. what's he saying in his response? ashley: well, he's essentially not backing -- certainly not backing down. bryan introduced desantis at a concert while announcing a fundraiser to help people from
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hurricane ian. what's wrong with that? the singer said he wanted to help the state and critics on social media chimed in questioning the timing calling it a political stunt ten days before the midterms. in a statement on twitter, bryan responds writing "i understand governor desantis is a very polarizing figure, but i grew up in a country where a governor asks you if you can come and raise awareness to help victims of a natural disaster, you help". that's right. desantis is running for a second term and being challenged by charlie crist and others describe it had as two rock stars celebrating freedom in florida by the way, video from the concert shows desantis was met with a deafening roar of sound walking on stage and the liberals going into meltdown. stu: again, happens all the .ey: agn, how many times can you melt down. stu: thanks very much, ash.
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midterms are eight days away and chair of congressional campaign committee, very important guy sounding the alarm about election integrity. watch this. >> we're very concerned about the integrity of our elections, especially when people are trying to intimidate people with weapons when they're engaged in these tactics to try and undermine confidence. stu: people with weapons, interesting. greg steube joining me now. are you concerned about election integrity, congressman? >> i have to respond to this because these are the same democrats that demonized members like me who objected under our constitutional obstructing cerumenly indication under the station -- constitutionalal -- constitutional obligation and members of congress are domestic terrorists and they're all questioning election integrity for demonizing members like myself for doing the same thing.
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they're laying in foundation because they're going to get smacked in the midterm and they're going to lose the house, and they're going to have to point to something, not their own policies, which is the reason why they're going to lose the house and they have to point to something else to try and be a justifyification as to why they lose. stu: herschel walker and warnock are neck and neck. 46 walker and 46 warnock. what concerns me is there could be a runoff if neither of them gets 50% of the vote, there's a runoff and maybe we wouldn't get the results as to who runs the senate till january. congressman, that would be a problem, wouldn't it? >> well, the good thing is rick scott, the head of the side for the republicans thinks we're going to take 52-53 seats. if we take 52 or 53 and they're waiting on the results from georgia, we'll still have the majority and that's the optimistic view i'm looking at there. you're right, it could hinge on one seat and entire nation
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sitting back watching things going on in georgia as to who's gob that control the senate, but i believe the american people are sick and tired of the policies of democratic congress and democratic white house and are going to give us overwhelming majority in the house and majority in the senate, and it's not going to matter if one seat is being tied up in january and we'll be able to start making our plans to run the nation and be a check and balance for the progressive policies in the white house. stu: the momentum is clearly going towards the republican at this point. >> oh, stu: is there anything that you can think of that might turn that around? anything that president biden could do or the democrats could do or obama could do that would at the last minute change a few minds? >> the number one issue facing americans is inflation and the economy. that's affecting every single american, that's what americans care about. they trust republicans on the economy and inflation by double digit numbers all across the country, there's nothing democrats can do because they're not going to reverse their
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progressive policies. there's nothing they can do in the next week to change that. stu: abortion, even gun violence and certainly climate change. they don't figure in the arguments these days, do they? not prominently at least. >> that's not what americans care about and they're trying to phygouroout how to put -- figure out how to put food on the table and gas in their vehicles. stu: i've not heard january the 6 mentioned once in my circle. maybe i should get out more. congressman steube, thank you for joining us. >> you too stu: price of diesel up 43-cents in the last month, i was paying well over $6 over the weekend for my tractor. madison alworth in new jersey, is the shortage going to put diesel prices higher? >> reporter: stuart, that appears it's going to happen and that's bad news when you look at how much the price haves increased. we're heading into the winter
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months and that supply is really low. we're at the lowest level since 2008. right now we have about 26 days of supply for diesel in the reserves. typically we would have closer to 35 to 40 day supply that's when you start to understand what we talk about when we say that there's a severe shortage. it's why mans field, one of the largest diesel wholesalers have initiated code red for the southeast where this problem is the worst. what that means is they are now in emergency protocols and they are also requiring a 72 hour notice for deliveries to ensure that they actually have the fuel for those deliveries. the company tells us it didn't have to come to this. >> they're going to close facilities that aren't profitable and ultimately we're reaping some of that right now. >> reporter: so over the last two years, you're taking a look at all the refineries that were closed down and now with the ukraine war, the east coast needs to export diesel at a time when domestic demand cannot be
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met, driving up those prices. you mentioned diesel today sits at $5.30 and depending on where you are in the country, it could be 30 to 80-cents more than that. look no further than behind me, stuart, the gas station charging $5.95 for diesel close to $6. it's a simple supply and demand. we have so little supply and demand are only go up just in time for holidays unfortunately. another big way this will hit consumers is flights. that's de-sill and more money traveling -- diesel and traveling home for the holidays. another impact on the consumer. stu: thank you, madison. check the markets, please. are with we now? down 70 points for the dow and 118 for the nasdaq. not that much price movement bearing in mind there was a huge rally last friday. now this, the white house bracing for a surge of migrants from haiti and reports they could be housed at guantomimo
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basbay. we have art laffer next. ♪
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stu: it's a shame lauren's not here because we're playing elvis. susan is here, and i don't think she's an elvis fan. susan: that's a remix though. it is. that is las vegas and you're looking at 56 degrees and subny. that's the kind of vegas weather i can take. tonight catch a new episode of american built all about las vegas. watch this. >> you don't go into the casino business because you like to be in second place. >> doubling down in sin city. >> just who are you that i'm lending this money to. >> this isn't a mob town anymore. stu: new players and even higher stakes. >> these guys got to bring in a
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million a day. >> lot of people call it a fail. stu: rolling the dice to re-invent the entertainment capital of the world. >> big news, big news, big news. >> no one thought of this level and i've done it. stu: how the billionaires built vegas 2.0. >> it's game on. stu: built by private enterprise by the way. could you imagine what it looked like if the government opened a gambling camp in the desert. two new episodes of american built tonight and at 9:00, we have the astrodome and at 9:30, the las vegas strip. good stuff. stu: empire in the desert, built from nothing and an incredible story. stu: it is, really is. astonishing stuff. thanks. we've got the markets still on the downside but not that bad. a hundred down for the nasdaq, that's what we have there. you've got the movers. is uber reporting -- susan: uber is reporting tonight and missed twice in the past four quarters and analysts
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expect bookings to go up from last year, not much by how far reigns leading 8%-over so and -- 8% or so and this company was founded in 2008. what about the new white house proposal to reclassify contractors as employees with benefits? instead i'll look forward to what the uber ce o has to say and one-third of the earnings and stu: i hope he fights this rule. goodness gracious. susan: the profit model and business model itself and he'll say drivers want flexibility and want to be contractors. stu: got anything else for us? susan: i wanted to show you what else is happening in the markets with the meme stocks. your favorite today. it's risk on after we came off the best october since the
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1970s, morgan stanley calling the end of the bear market in the first quarter of 2023. game stop has been halted today on volatility and this stock up to double dig digits so far and amc back trading to the best performance today. stu: amc apes? i don't want to know. tell me about this guy. tillman firtita. susan: he's a billionaire that made his money also in gambling and now he's investing in another gaming house. tillman firtita investing in stocks and he owns the golden nugget casino brand and buba gump shrimp brands. american built looks fantastic tonight. you always do a great job and i always learn something by
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watching episodes. stu: thank you, susan. so nice. flattery is the mother's -- i won't get into it. the rates will be raised 75 basis points on wednesday expected and another 50 in december. art laffer returns to the program by popular acclaim. all right, art, does this mean we're headed into a recession in the first quarter of next year? >> i love your american built show too and watch it frequently and love it. stu: quite frequently, what's wrong with you? you've got to be addicted to the thing. >> that's past my bedtime, i have to record it, stuart, and i can play it in the morning and as a morning show, it's not quite the same as the evening but i watch it a lot. stu: okay. >> but goldman sax is make ago forecast -- goldman sachs is make ago forecast and if inflation persists the rates
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will go higher and higher and higher and there's only one piece of really good news for inflation and that's not goldman sachs' forecast, that's the election prospects that are coming along, but the fed head is not going to change, cabinet is not going to change, we have all the bills passed with all the delayed spending sitting there. i don't see anything that tells me that inflation is over and that we're ready to have a dip in inflation and come back to stable prices in the early 2023. that to me is wishful thinking. i hope they're right but, stuart, i just don't see it and don't see the feds stopping till they let market rates go up. stu: if the senate and the house go to the republicans eight days from now, what difference does that make to the market? >> well, none till january, number one. we don't have any idea what these guys are going to do in the .s they get past all sorts of nonsense in the lame duck session and who knows.
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but coming in you'll have oversight and weighs and means committee funding the baby bills and i have no idea what they can do but not a lot quickly to stop this pent up inflation coming along. for whatever reason those ra ras could peak in the beginning. stu: you have a negative outlook in this moment. >> the president is still the same. the cabinet is still the same and fed doesn't have the where wherewithall and let the interest rates seek their own like vulkar did and then we'll see.
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stu: only time will tell. thank you, sir. come back soon. soon. covid caused shanghai disney to lock the gates and, ashley, people were inside and they're locked in. ashley: they were trapped, yes. disney resort suspended operations and all visitors at the time of the announcement were directed to stay in the park and couldn't leave until they returned a negative test for the virus. the theme park continued to operate we're told rides for visitors stuck in the park during the closure. imagine being stuck on its a small world round and round and chinese authorities say anyone that visited the park since october 27 must test negative three ti times in three days and does n resort short down for three months earlier this year because of covid and imagine being trapped on its a small
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world. stu: it happened to a friend of mine many years ago. the 45 minutes they kept the music playing full tilt, how about that. we're staying on this serious story here, ash. left inside this a video of workers streaming out of the foxconn iphone plant in china. what does this mean for iphone production? ashley: well, production of apple iphones could slump as much as 30% next month month and foxconn facilities is one of the biggest factors of covid measures being enforced by the chinese authorities and reports say foxconn is working to try and ramp up production at other factories and it's been hit with discontent over these stringent covid measures to stop the spread and as we've seen from the video, workers fleeing the site over the weekend were out of here.
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we don't want to be trapped and foxconn is the biggest iphone maker and producing 70% of shipments globally and any interruption at this time of year will have a big impact on year end holiday season. apple has yet to comment on the situation. stu. stu: and the stock is down 1.5%. that's interesting too. ashley, thanks a lot. now this, fentanyl is one of the leading causes of death for teens and young adults in california and schools are stocking up on anti-overdose medication. it's come to that in the high school. tomorrow, spacex launching the falcon heavy rocket for the first time in three years and bringing classified satellites into space. we're all over it, we're doing it next. ♪
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stu: that is port canaveral and that's very close to where spacex is gearing up for a very big launch tomorrow. they're going to launch the falcon heavy rocket, first time seeing one of these launches since 2019. the physics professor at city college new york joins me now. professor, what makes this launch such a big deal? >> well, you know, thousands of fans are converging onto cape canaveral to watch this historic moment and it's been 40 months since the last falcon went into outer space, and this is the most powerful rocket in
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operation. it's nearest rival is the delta heavy, which can only summon about half, half the thrust and energy opportunistic this rocket. this rocket is the most powerful rocket in operation at the present time. stu: how many of these classified stat lites have been lawn -- satellites have been launched on this launch today, this heavy falcon launch? >> this is part of the u.s. space force and will launch two satellites into geosynchronous orbit and every 24 hours, they'll go around the planet earth sin sink robin lou niced - synchronized to the earth's orbit itself and most satellites go around the earth every 90 minutes and it's very difficult to log onto them but this one will be geostationary in autoer space and one will be military
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and secret and the other will be mini and public. stu: is spacexed leading satellite launch company? >> yes, but remember elon has a vision not just putting rockets into outer space. he has a vision. the west was col colonized by te railroads and he envisions the interplanetary railroad system hooking up the earth, mars, jupiter and other planets going around the sun. that's what he envisions and no accident that the last time he launched the falcon heavy, he put a tesla car in the nose cone with a dumbny astronaut and he sent it to mars. just remember this guy has a vision, a vision to explore the entire solar system not just to put satellites into orbit and make a buck. stu: there's room for everyone and he's an outstanding character of the business world.
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that's a fact. thank you for coming to see us and come see us again soon. nasa says this smiley face could be a warning sign. of what, ash? ashley: nasa says the sun in ultraviolet light in the three dark patches could signal a solar storm that could present problems for earth. geomagnetic storms could disrupt gps and harmful currents in the pipelines and no laughing matter and no smiling and people took the opportunity to of course make memes and alterations of the smiling sun to look like a jack-o-lantern and nasa says the markings on the face actually represent disturbances in the magnettive field that produce these solar storms like solar
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flares that can affect things like gps. if it leads you astray, it's the smiling sun. stu: okay, thank you, ashley. give me the dow 30 please. we get that sense of the market. i sense a lot of selling cause we've only got nine of the 30 are in the green. the rest 21 of them are in the red. they're down and the dow is up 36 points. fox cameras were rolling as border patrol arrested nearly 60 migrants in eagle pass, texas. all were single males. nate foy has the story from the border next. ♪
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stu: a startling statistic shows fentanyl killing young people at an alarming rate in california. how bad, ash? ashley: it is terrible. last year fentanyl was responsible for one fifth of the deaths in the 15-18 year age group and 16 times the number three years ago.
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add a precaution, schools are having to stock up on medication that reverses the effects of overdoses and experts recommending the teens shopping for elicit painkillers and study drugs like adderall buy test strips that test for fentanyl. it's killed about 4,000 people in california in 2020, more than double the previous year and last year it killed a record 5,722 californians. law enforcement says interstate 5 has become a fentanyl trafficking route for mexican cartels that bring fentanyl-laced pills and raw material straight up from mexico straight to the bay area and it's an absolute disaster. stu: well said. thank you, ashley. new video from inferred drone camera shows nearly 400 migrants crossing the border. nate foy is in normandy, texas. nate, what are you seeing down there?
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>> reporter: stuart, we had another smaller group of migrants come on this this private ranch in normandy, texas, and see the mess they leave behind for the ranch owner. about 100 yards to my right is the rio grand and migrants cross the river and make way through about 100 yards of thick brush and they have this belt to prop up the fence and crawl under and change out of wet clothes and get into dry ones and they're processed by border patrol. you showed the inferred drone video and we'll get to that in a second and almost 400 migrants arriving yesterday and take a look at this video from this morning and another large group of migrants crossing the border illegally into eagle pass, texas, and a group between 150 and 180 migrants, many cubans and club indians we've seen -- co-columbians we've seen and venezuelaens and they'll be deported to mexico. bake to the inferred drone video and crossing the rio grand in a
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single file line and crossing the brush to the fence onto this private ranch, c cubans and columbians in the medical examiner and men, women and children children and a lot of single adult men and take a look at next picture, 59 of the single adult migrants were arrested for criminal trespassing because the ranch owner has cleared the way for texas dps to arrest and charge these migrants coming onto this property. these migrants aren't trying to hide and this video with dps chasing runners in the night trying to evade border point check points and arrested four migrants, three from honduras and one from mexico and the mexican y' gentleman told us one he gets through the deportation process and he'll try to come back again. listen to this. >> in some cases they'll try to make the attempt again and enter the u.s. again and troop wills
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have to look for individuals and it's an ongoing psychoand will goes based off the policies in place and the fact there's no consequences on the federal side for the individuals coming across. >> reporter: more dangerous people trying to enter the country illegally, stuart. in the past 48 hours, border patrol encountered five registered sex offenders. back to you. stu: thank you very much. nate foy, see you again later. the white house is considering options for a surge of haitian migrants. ashley, where are they going to put them? ashley: the biden administration looking at holden the haitian migrants temporarily at guantanamo bay facility or in a third country perhaps. haiti is in turmoil and last month violent gangs blocked access to the largest fuel terminal and there's now concerns of mass exodus by boat once the fuel becomes accessible again and according to nbc news, white house national security council and department of homeland security considering
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what number of haitian migrants would warrant a number or what number would merit the use of guantanamo bay. the number at the u.s. naval base at guantanamo was accept frat the camp open -- separate from the 9/11 camp open after the terrorist attacks and there's a plan in place for the haitian refugees but nothing for the southern border. interesting. stu: thanks, ash. 11:55 and monday trivia question. according to, which halloween candy is the most popular in america, skittles, m&ms, snickers, or reese's peanut butter cup? i know the correct answer and my answer right after this. ♪
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11:58 am
or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. every other month, and i'm good to go. ask your doctor about every-other-month cabenuva.
11:59 am
12:00 pm
♪. stuart: according to candy which halloween candy is the most popular? is it skittles, m&ms, snickers, reese's peanut buttercup. i know the answer. what do you have, ash? ashley: my favorite, reese's peanut buttercup, can't get enough of them. stuart: agree entirely. that is the most popular candy. we'll spend $3 billion on halloween candy this year and reese's peanut buttercups. not reese's pieces but peanut buttercups. ain't that right, neil? it is yours. neil: that would make perfect sense. i accoun


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