tv The Evening Edit FOX Business November 1, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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♪. david: we hope it is not too soon but a lot of people think this is the most wonderful time of the year. here's the rockefeller christmas tree, officially selected for this season. this is a huge tree, folks. the norway spruce from queens bury, new york, it is 82 feet tall, 50 feet wide. the tree will arrive in new york city next week. that gives it enough time to be draped in lights before the official tree lighting on november 30th. november 30th sounds more like it. that does it for "fox business tonight." so grad you glad you could join us. "the evening edit" starts right now. >> this news coming in, more senate races now in tossup. senate control at stake, the
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midterms a week away. but "the washington post," media warn the president and democrats are misleading you now as they now double down at the 11th hour. obama-biden, trump, desantis, they are now barnstorming the battleground of the with is tonight, brian steil, darrell issa, mercedes schlapp, "wall street journal's" james about maul did i, tech expert jess medical luge begin. mesh rochelle and ray beyond arroyo and joe concha. president biden called out about misleading attacks on u.s. energy. fbi data show u.s. crime is rising. democrats and media are backfiring with false claims crime is down. the new media attacks on elon musk and his take over of twitter. we got them. where are the sec insider trading cases what
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"the wall street journal" found? massive government corruption, government workers poe tensly trading off of their insider government information? and botched pandemic lockdowns now key to more governors races nationwide. we've got new sound from governor desantis and lieutenant governor winsom sears on that. and a new report, government documents reveal a broad push by homeland security and social media to control information on social media about things like the pandemic even afghanistan and ukraine. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: okay. check your money. we begin with stocks down ahead of a potential interest rate hike of 75 basis points by the federal reserve tomorrow. this as federal reserve regional banks report all u.s. regional
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manufacturing sectors now in contraction in a downturn. the president campaigned in florida today for democrats. edward lawrence at the white house with more. edward? reporter: president joe biden wanting to talk about anything but the economy. the president in florida today and he is making the case, accusing republicans of supporting a plan from senator rick scott which could put social security funding up for a vote every five years. still the vast majority of republicans did not sign on to this plan. still the president needs a distraction from rising inflation and slowing economy. president biden: we face the most difficult challenges in our history both home and abroad. we're making real progress. just have to keep going while protecting what generations before us did and to make sure we're the nation we thought we were. reporter: the president warning oil companies to increase production and lower gas prices before the midterm elections or he will push congress for an oil profit windfall tax. the american petroleum institute says this administration set us
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on a course to go backwards with its war on fossil fuels. >> we need all of the above strategy on energy. we shouldn't be picking one fuel over another. we should let fuels compete in the marketplace. it is important that oil and gas come from the united states and not from foreign sources. reporter: there will be no change in policy from this white house. they are not showing any support long term for the fossil fuel industry. back to you, liz. elizabeth: edward lawrence thank you so much. joining us congressman brian steil from house financial services and economic pro mitch rochelle. show the u.s. senate races to toss-up, gang. these are the volatile, unpredictable in the nation, congressman. fox has toss-up, nevada, georgia, arizona, pennsylvania. other analysis, new hampshire and washington state moving to toss-up. congressman what is going on here? >> i think people are realizing what is going on in washington, d.c., one party democratic
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control is clobbering them. they feel it at the gas pump. they feel it at the grocery store. they feel it when they're not safe at home. people want to check on the administration. we can do that by retiring nancy pelosi and electing republican senators like ours in the ron johnson in the state of wisconsin f we do that we can get the country back on check. elizabeth: what the congressman is saying, mitch, fact checks on the president, "washington post" gave democrats four pinocchios claiming gop wants to end social security and medicare. this says republican senator rick scott all federal legislation should sunset in five years. he is not saying social security. to do a review. he says it doesn't include social security and medicare. what do you think, mitch? >> i think it is responsible. the problem with entitlements going back to fdr, once you put one on the books you can never get it off. i think what rick scott and the republicans are saying, let's evaluate entitlements and whether or not they make sense. he is not calling for an end to
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social security. social security is a third rail political issue. congressman obviously understands that. there is no way that the republicans are going to put that issue on the table. that is irresponsible. elizabeth: he is not talking about getting rid of social security. talking about rightsizing it, making proper reforms. not talking about tossing it out which mitch just said congressman. is that what you're hearing? >> somebody needs to tell biden halloween is over and he can stop telling ghost stories. republicans want to save social security and medicare. democrats and reckless spending in washington putting entire country at risk. reckless spending are putting us at risk. republicans want to save social security and medicare. elizabeth: this is what is going on in the races. what is happening in the washington state. the white house is getting rid of fdr 2.0 backfired ignite
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inflation tossing trillions of money into a locked economy realing from shutdowns. watch this senate fight. watch this. >> senator murray believed in protecting our environment i don't know why she sold our energy to russia because last time i checked russia doesn't have any environmental standards. she waged war on our american energy independence. which is costing our gas prices to skyrocket. senator murray went on the senate floor june of 2020 called for funds to be diverted from our police force. there is not even enough cops to prosecute sexual assaults to follow up on them. that is absolutely unsaintable. 30 years in the senate and this is where we are? i certainly will insure that the 87,000 irs agents do not come after our small businesses and hard-working washington families. those making $25,000 are five times more likely to be audited by the irs. >> you see, hear that, right, mitch? democrats focused on abortion when working class mothers don't think about abortion every day
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when they're in the grocery store. they think about grocery costs and home heating fuel and oil and gasoline. now wholesale gas sellers in new england and new york are starting ration home heating oil amid a short supply. new england and new york. what do you think, mitch? >> you know what? i listened to that clip and every bit of that was common sense. it was total kitchen table issues. it was completely relatable. she wasn't talking down to the elector to rat. that is the problem. we have the coastal elites that don't pay, they don't have money in their wallets, they don't understand these kitchen table issues. everything is paid for for them decades in the house, decades in the senate. and i think that's the problem. there is a big disconnect between the coastal elites and the issues that face everyday americans. elizabeth: so, congresswoman, now the president is going after oil companies with the potential windfall profit tax? profit tax that they don't invest or increase production? exxon, chevron and bp lost staggering amounts of money during the pandemic shutdowns.
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refineries were put on ice. now he will go after them right now. he wants to bully them with a windfall profits tax of a campaigning on this, watch this again. president. >> we're asking the industry today, tomorrow, to start increasing production. president no more drilling on federal lands. no more drilling including offshore. no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. >> would there be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in a biden administration? president biden: no. we would, we would work it out. we would work make sure it is eliminated and no more subsidies for either one of those, any fossil fuel. transition from the oil industry, yes. i would stop giving to the oil industry, i would stop giving them federal subsidies. elizabeth: congressman, again during the pandemic shutdowns oil companies profits tanked. exxonmobil record losses. bp and chevron, their profits went down because of the shutdowns of refineries were put
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on ice. why do you want to shut down u.s. energy when the pandemic already shut them down? we saw that happen. don't we need -- don't we need supply? now they're talking rationing in new england and new york for the working class and more? >> the biden administration has conducted a war on energy starting day one of their administration when they cut, when they shut down the keystone pipeline. these terrible policies that continued. it is the result of the policies that are driving energy costs up. now we're a week away from the election. we're hearing a change in tone from the administration. that will last about seven days. in seven days, the administration will return to their war on energy. it is the reason we dramatically we need to change course in washington. elizabeth: the congressman just said, mitch, i want your response to this, you are going to hear cabinet members, member of biden's cabinet, transportation secretary pete buttigieg is now avoiding answering whether biden should run again. watch this? >> there are figures, some substantial figures in the democratic party who say quite
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bluntly that joe biden should not run again for president in 2024. let's listen with you. >> we need a new generation. we need new blood, period across the democratic party, in the house, the senate and the white house. >> i do not think that donald trump should run in 2024. i do not think that joe biden should run in 2024. i'm sick and tired of that generation being in power. we've got to move on. >> are they wrong? >> the decision is very much above my pay grade. elizabeth: really, mitch, that is his answer? really? what pay grade level would he give a straight answer at? >> no he is not capable of giving a straight answer. a matter of time before shows up to start eating corndogs in iowa. a matter of time. we know what pete buttigieg wants. he was on the debate stage not too far away from then vice president biden. he wants the job. he will shuck and jive for now. that is for sure.
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elizabeth: congressman, people don't like to be told one thing when the truth is staring them in the face about inflation, crime and the border. look at video coming in. border patrol fighting with illegal immigrants basically barnstorming across the southern border, waving a gigantic venezuelan flag. they attacked border patrol agents. your final word on this? >> this is real serious situation. i've been to that location in the u.s.-mexico border. the situation is wildly out of control. we need to secure the u.s.-mexico border and this administration continues to do everything but what the american people need. they refuse to secure the border. again another reason we have to put a check on this biden administration one week from today. >> congressman style, mitch roschelle, thanks for joining us tonight. we asked twit viewers on twitter what is their concern? over 66% said inflation. then crime. this coming up, new media attacks on elon musk as he reportedly fires twitter workers, brings in his own tesla workers to fix twitter.
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plus, fbi data show the u.s. crime wave is real and rising since 2018. gallop and peugeot the majority of americans say there is more crime but biden's media backers are backfiring false claims misleading you saying that crime is down. congressman darrell issa next on the the "the evening edit." ♪ i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates
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elizabeth: progressive senate candidate mandela barnes campaigning trying to distance himself from his own prior support of defund the police. he is running against republican senator ron johnson in wisconsin. now ron johnson has been endorsed by multiple law enforcement agencies. grady trimble in sparta, wisconsin more. grady. reporter: senator ron johnson spent the day in some more rural parts of the states. his progressive challenger mandela barnes was in milwaukee, the state's largest city trying to get out the urban vote but that city has seen a dramatic spike in crime in the past few years. barnes during that time has been linked to the defund the police movement which he has since tried to backtrack on. in a 2020 interview he suggested reallocating money from quote, overbloated police budgets and before that as a state lawmaker
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barnes voted to end cash bail. >> as much as he dishonestly denies it he is a leader of the defund the police movement. he supported by the leaders of that movement. he uses the code words. says it pains him to see a fully funded police budget. reporter: homicides in milwaukee have gone up each of the last three years. they're up 91% from 2019 to 2021 making a crime a top issue in the governor's race too. both tim michaels, republican candidate for governor, senator ron johnson have secured the endorsements of some of the largest law enforcement unions in the state including the milled walk -- milwaukee police union liz? elizabeth: thank you very much. welcome to the show, congressman darrell highs is birthday to yo, congressman issa. we're watching what is happening with the midterm elections and elections next week. we had a lot of problems on
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halloween, congressman. we don't see former president biden, obama, talking about this. 14 shot in chicago, several children included. three shot and killed in philly. three shot by a cop after throua block party in home haw, nebraska. where are the democrats on this? >> liz they're telling us what not to believe what our eyes see what is happening in our neighborhood. it just can't wash. the fact is crime has risen because of these policies. now they're either trying to obfuscate them or out right deny them. it is not working. people know what they see. even liberal newspapers have to report the challenges of rising crime because of these soft-on-crime policies including defund the police which you know, has been championed by the left, not by the old bill clinton left but by the left that is running both the federal and state governments around the country. elizabeth: u.s. murders have
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been on the rise since 2018, congressman. let's watch "the view"'s joy behar and new york governor democrat kathy hochul downplay that, downplay crime. hochul is in a tight raise with lee zeldin watch this. >> the republicans coming up to the next election which is next week by the way, all they do is talk about crime, crime, crime. i looked it up. murders in major cities have fallen by 4% so far in 2022 compared with the same period a year ago. so crime is not on the rise. it is actually going down under joe biden. >> he pounced on instances of violent crime in new york city. it has been a consistent theme of his campaign. is this distorted way of campaigning? >> these are master manipulators. they have this conspiracy going on all across america to try to convince people that in democratic states they're not as safe. >> anyone who commit as crime under our laws especially with the change we made to bail has
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consequences. i don't know why that is so important to you. >> so u.s. murders are on the rise. how is this a distortion when people are getting murdered? how is this being a conspiracy as we just heard? joy behar and kathy hochul are outright misleading americans right here, congressman? >> there is old expression which is statistics don't lie but if you want to lie use statistics and that is what they're doing. they will pick an choose something, one little 4%. the fact across the board in democrat states, particularly in democrat cities crime has been rising and the laws they have been passing both defunding the police, and getting rid of the kind of enforcement an arrests. my home state they outright simply made it about impossible for the police to lock up somebody until the crime is as heinous as the one committed against paul pelosi. the reality is soft on crime belongs to the democratic party and they don't want to own it and they want to deny it and it
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is not working because voters see through it. elizabeth: yeah. >> they want a change. this is a election about change this change is coming. if you call 911 and nobody comes, you're going to look for a different number. the republican party has become the 911 party. elizabeth: we've got gallup and peugeoting the majority of americans don't feel safe, crime is up in their areas. 56% of voters say that. 451% of the independents. felons being let out of prison to murder again because of no-cash bail in states like new york and california. you know, congressman, this past february christina una lee stabbed to death in her apartment in new york city. the man arrested for her murder released from jail without bail. the man who assaulted nancy pelosi's husband might have been let out of california jail without bail because federal charges of things like kidnapping are keeping him in prison. that is federal charges. new york is among states with no-cash bail.
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nypd says crime is up double digits. up in california too. let's show the numbers. go ahead, congressman. >> absolutely. going back to the terrible attack on paul pelosi the fact is that was an illegal immigrant with a long drug history and some purported mental illness and the fact is the state did not take action and needs to take action before somebody gets attacked. elizabeth: got it, congressman issa, thanks for coming on. happy birthday again to you. that was a tough subject we tackled we'll have you back on again soon. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: here is the story coming up where is the sec where is the sec on this where is the sec insider trading case what is "the wall street journal" found? massive government corruption, government workers literally trading stocks from their government computers, potentially trading off of insider government information. we've got the new mia attack on elon musk. he is reportingedly firing twitter workers bringing in his
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workers from places like tesla to fix twitter. tech expert jessica melugin on "the evening edit" next. ♪ technically when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but there are ways you can repair it. i'm excited about pronamel repair because it penetrates deep into the tooth to help actively repair acid-weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair to my patients.
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reporter: good evening to you, liz. well big changes here at twitter headquarters. elon musk has named himself the temporary ceo and he is making moves on the content monetizaton and moderation front but the big change is that you can now pay for that coveted blue check mark. he tweeted, quote, twitter's current lords and peasant system for who has or who didn't have a blue check mark is bull. power to the people. blue for $8 a month. he went on to elaborate users would receive priority in replies, mentions and search which musk argues is essential to despeed spam and ability to post longer video and receive half as many ads. this is doubling down to yen rate premium capital. does the blue check mark mean as much if you have to pay for it? musk is listening to users in order to make decisions about the future of the platform. crowdsourcing inactive accounts should be moved. failed short term video platform vine should return. 70% say yes on the twitter poll
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by the way. there was pushback when twitter locked out a arizona gop candidate a week before election day. after the move was brought to musk's attention that account was immediately restored. so it underscores that push for both free speech as well as profitability because got to pay his lenders somehow. back to you, liz. elizabeth: kelly o'grady thank you so much. welcome to the show jessica hello melugin competitive enterprise institute. good to see you. we'll show you something funny, elon musk and his mother dressed up for heidi klum's halloween party in new york. what do you think of the war cabinet bringing workers from twitter workers cutting down number of twitter workers who have access to do things like content moderation. we're seeing cutting it down to 15 from 100. that is the censorship algorithm, what do you say?
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>> we had security whistle-blower in front of congress not too many weeks ago saying one of the problems with twitter too many people had access to that. you know, true to what he said he was going to do, he will go into twitter. he is going to make some changes. he is going to shake things up. he will try things in different ways. how successful they will be remains to be seen. he is making big moves. unfortunately a high pressure time to make them before the midterm elections. but i think he is trying to get his hands around the content moderation part of this and like kelly said on intro he has tension making this profitable and expanding the idea of more speech, different speech, diversity of viewpoints on this platform. elizabeth: jessica, there is also a new line of attack on elon musk. that he is beholden to foreign nations like china who gave him funding. we would like your reaction to this. watch. >> let me just add one other thing because there is election foreign interference also, it is
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not just domestic. what russia has done in the past. what china, what iran and other adversaries, going forward it has been reported, ben, reliably reported a quarter of musk's various enterprises come comes from china. what about guardrails there, and conflict of interest. >> saudi arabia as well. >> what do you think? elon musk's tesla and spacex gotten billions of dollars from u.s. and local governments and funding, tax breaks, what do you make of this criticism, jessica? >> i think one of the very few biparity sawn issues these days is real concern around china. if this concern is real. it sounds unseemly there is a national security threat here there certainly plenty of congressional oversight that can ache place to sort that out. this is what the senate intelligence committee is for. i expect if there is real concern congress is very capable
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of looking into that and taking necessary steps. elizabeth: jessica also this, msnbc guest dean abdalla getting criticized saying he would investigate musk to try to quote, strip musk of his u.s. citizenship, jessica. this msnbc guest also tweeted musk has to consent to agree releasing his own citizenship documents. jessica, people are noting the irony about a liberal pundit calling to investigate an punish somebody via immigration law. what do you think of that attack? >> yeah. i think that stuff is over the line, right? if there is real national security threat congress is more than capable of dealing with it. this is more driven because they don't like musk might do with their precious platform. that is too bad. he paid for it. now it is his. whether you like it or not you can use it or not, calling for things like that just seems to be more of a personal motivation and not really based on any policies. elizabeth: you just made the point, use it or you don't have
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to use it, right? like switching the channel. twitter ousted lawyers made a calls to ban trump and sensor biden laptop story. she is one who did that. she was fired as other executives. they may not get the golden parachutes. that musk may stop that. your final word on the story. >> this is turn about fair play. these are private social media platforms, if you don't like it, don't use it. you won't agree with all the decisions. you will always make someone upset. elon is about to learn that the hard way but someone new is doing something different. elizabeth: jessica, great to see you. we're coming out of the fox business network. the economic hit, the pain from botched pandemic lockdowns that were so damaging and so erroneously executed, they're now key to a growing number of governors races nationwide. we got the story. also this, where are the sec
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insider trading casing on what the "wall street journal" found? massive government corruption, government workers literally potentially trading off their government insider information? "the wall street journal" grimaldi next on "the evening edit". my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel,
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♪. elizabeth: back with us now "wall street journal" investigative reporter james grimaldi. james, a pleasure having you back on. james, we've been tracking you and your team's work at "the wall street journal" digging out what you guys uncovered, dozens of top government officials doing basically trades you know, on from where they stitt in their agencies. thousands of suspicious stock trades over the last six years. where is the sec insider trading investigation? >> well what we were able to show was executive officials of the government who had access or possibly knowledge about activities that could potentially affect their stock
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holdings the difficulty is being able to show they used that knowledge to make those trades. a lot of times we say we had a their party advisor or it was my spouse although the law doesn't exempt that. in fact the law says it is meant to insure that executives in the federal government are not using information that could potentially benefit their stock holdings but, it just doesn't always happen that way. it doesn't always work. there are exemptions and there are violations that don't get investigated. >> james, you make an important point. these are the officials who are supposed to be regulating or enforcing these companies that they oversee. then they're doing as you guys said taking advantage of their power and potential insider government, doing stock trading rapidly as fast as wall street traders. you wonder where is the white house, government officials, democrats, the "squad." senator bernie sanders on this what looks like is corruption
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inside of government. by the way. sec has gone after lowly secretaries for taking a phone call. they can't bring a case when you guys have shown the data? >> it is not only that they just regulate them, they may be developing policies. so we had an official at the u.s. trade representative's office in the trump administration who had one million dollars in amazon stock and was developing a policy that would benefit amazon and tech companies overseas. so, what happened when the ethics officer asked them to sell the stock or recuse from the matter? he refused. he was allowed to continue working on it because there are waivers in the government because they determined that they are too important to be,le to be taken off the case. elizabeth: this is cutting close to insider trading. i mean we're not, we don't have the proof to your point. we're not saying that you guys have the proof but the sec could investigate it. the cftc could investigate it but they're not doing it.
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their silence on this when they make a big stink with insider trading cases in the past. james, you've been on that. i was at "the wall street journal" covering corporate accounting scandals with insider trading cases as well. you have the chief procurement officer you guys found, the guy at the irs doing it, top officials at the usda and antitrust official with the doj? you know, on and on and on, the national labor relations board? you guys found out a lot of information. just saying where there is smoke there's fire. >> well it would take a subpoena to figure out whether they were using their inside information to engage in those trades. too often the authorities rely upon the inspector general. but we also looked whenever there was cases, there were referrals, often times u.s. attorney simply turned it down saying it was not a big enough case for them. elizabeth: wow. you are finding them short selling too. one guy i think, it was at the fdic, he asked the cftc to turn a blind eye to allow short
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selling. >> there were 3,000 trades, 3,000 short trades under his wife's contractible obligation from the cftc he should not be inr engaging in that, fine we'll let you do it. they were afraid the couple would sue the government. a rule still on the books. elizabeth: they're really afraid of a lawsuit. >> that is what they said. elizabeth: when they're breaking the rules? >> that's what they said. >> this stinks to high 11. we'll have you on again. this on the off chance you might be in england next week try to catch the productsproduction of my play in england, skirting heresy. it was exciting and true story on what was going on before joan of arc was executed. it is about the unsung heroes of the protestant reformation. we're having fun with this. new report based on government documents. look at the story coming up. the push by homeland security
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and social media to control information on social media is bigger than we thought. they tried to do it about afghanistan and ukraine. the botched pandemic hit because of lockdowns key to a growing number of governors races nationwide. who is coming up former white house senior advisor mercedes schlapp next on "the evening edit". among my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity & gum
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driving any of this? >> look i think the pandemic lockdowns definitely played a role definitely in states like michigan for example. matt and i were campaigning for gop gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon is running against gretchen whitmer. in talking with folks on the ground they are so upset with the fact that because of the draconian steps taken by witmer to close down many of the businesses, the schools, it really had a huge economic impact. you have seen a large number of small businesses an restaurants close down in that state. students of course were on online learning for about a year. and i think that is just led to this covid fatigue and the fact that these states haven't been able to recover. you've seen obviously the educational impact that it has had on our students. so i got to tell you, when you're looking across the board, the pandemic lockdowns have had a huge impact and also obviously
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inflation, high food and gas prices and crime and out of control immigration and border issue that we're seeing right now. those are the things really driving this election. elizabeth: to your point it like spun out of the lockdowns, you know what i mean? defund the police during the lockdowns? >> right. elizabeth: crazy making kind of policy. let's watch virginia lieutenant governor winsome sears on the teachers union president said yes, shut down schools and watch governor desantis on crime in new york. watch this. >> she was one of the major proponents of closing our schools and unfortunately most of these democrat governors listened to her and did exactly that. and now they're saying oh, you know, just foreabout forget about it. the problems are existing where our children did not learn. >> the elites in this country want to impose their vision and policies on you and expect you to submit to their ideology but they do not want to face the
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consequences of those policies. elizabeth: talk about that. they don't want to face the consequences of the policies. >> well you have the story in "the atlantic" calling for a pandemic amnesty, basically saying let's forgive these people pushing forward the lockdowns that had consequential impact from the economy to our students and i think, i really think that the american people have said the democrats decisions to push forward these lockdowns in these states have been brutal and has really had a huge impact in our communities and in essence, they don't want to go back in that direction. so i think that you look at the one of the more recent polls saying 55% of voters believe that the covid lockdowns did have an economic impact in their states and i think it is pressuring, putting a lot of pressure on the democrats to try to answer these questions why they went forward with such draconian policies. elizabeth: we're seeing in the
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voter polling, mercedes, people who still got a paycheck, people in the ivory towers in the media or getting a government paycheck they pushed pandemic lockdowns needlessly, needlessly destroyed towns and cities. you can't say that shutting down the dry cleaner or the local bar or the shoe repair guys, stopped the pandemic. that is what happened. it had children set back with significant learning losses, mercedes and firing first-responders who didn't comply with vax mandates. we understand stop the spread. 15 days to stop the spread turned into two years. it turned into massive amounts of inequity and unfair attitudes and behaviors toward u.s. workers. mercedes, final word. >> two things, one is there was huge reliance on the bureaucratic officials like dr. fauci who is very unpopular and many of those individuals in the cdc. then it just shows also how not only federal elections that
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matter. what matters who are the people running school boards. elizabeth: got it. >> who are the people running local governments. all of sudden you see republicans and conservatives are starting to win the local races which hasn't happened before. elizabeth: mercedes schlapp, come back soon, good to see you. >> thank you. >> we've got, this report based on government documents by "the intercept" media outlet, a broad push by homeland security and social media to control on social media information about the pandemic even afghanistan and ukraine. fox news contributor raymond arroyo, gop strategist ford o'connell on "the evening edit"u nextr .yo ♪. ur so you only pay for what you need. contestants ready? go! only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. let's dive in! but what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! ugh!
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elizabeth: joining us now, raymond arroyo. and ford o'connell. a pleasure having you on, raymond, this story, intercept said it got government documents, and found a broad push by homeland security to work with social media like facebook, twitter and instagram to build backdoor portals to their social media sites for the u.s. government to change information. they started out targeting russian interference in u.s. election, but broadened it to the pandemic origins, covid-19 vaccine and u.s.
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withdraw from afghanistan and u.s. support to ukraine why? >> look, this was a trump era creation, meant to target foreign actors who were trying to create misinformation in the united states but under the biden administration it has been weaponized in turned on the american populous. now we're down to the efficacy of vaccines, covid vaccines, whether people support or don't support our involvement in ukraine. this has become arm's length censorship, government decides what information it likes out there and what it sensors, case in point. hunter biden lap top. kennedy: right the other thing. >> government officials claim it was misinformation. elizabeth: homeland security was created to combat terrorism. but now about social media information and biden's botch withdraw from afghanistan why is it on the
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list. >> i think you are right. this is all about politics, basically dhs was created to secure americans against terrorism and unfortunately it is being used as a tool against at own citizen to monitor speech, democrats know if they can control information that people see, they can stay in power, this is about democrats trying to retain power. elizabeth: there has been a lot of disinformation from the president himself. >> i went to law school on a full academic scholarship, only one in my class, ended up in top half of my class, i graduated with 3 degrees. >> he did not graduate in top half of his law school class, and does not have 3 degrees, he went to school on a half scholarship, ended up at bottom of his class.
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>> success of this mission was due to the skill, bravely and selfless courage of u.s. military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals, i say this as a father of man who won bronze star and lost his life in iraq. i was sort of raced in puerto rican community at home, politically. >> prices are returning to where they used to be. today we receive news that our economy had zero percent inflation in july. >> people's incomes went up last quarter emore than inflation. elizabeth: everything you heard was false. including unfortunately about his son. who did not die in iraq. >> i mean, you heard of wine of the month club, this is lie of the day, if listen to this uyour ahead explodes, this is off point, government sensors don't
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decide what is misinformation they decide what information they think will undermine government institutions. by that, i guess everything that biden sayingo could live to line fo fore. >> forever, ford. >> i think that raymond is right, what is scaring about the dhs documents the party that controls white house can determine what is truth and not. we know misinformation disinformation are nebulous terms that are subjective and alla allow for way too much political maneuvering. >> raymond arroyo and ford o'connel thank you. >> i am elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching the "evening edit," join us again tomorrow night . >> mid terms. we're now one week
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