tv Kennedy FOX Business November 1, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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what information they think will undermine government institutions. by that, i guess everything that biden sayingo could live to line fo fore. >> forever, ford. >> i think that raymond is right, what is scaring about the dhs documents the party that controls white house can determine what is truth and not. we know misinformation disinformation are nebulous terms that are subjective and alla allow for way too much political maneuvering. >> raymond arroyo and ford o'connel thank you. >> i am elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching the "evening edit," join us again tomorrow night . >> mid terms. we're now one week away from
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the election day. brand-new fox polls showing republicans widening the gap. but according to one liberal nuisance kerr -- news anchor, showing a big g.o.p. conspiracy theory, so now democrats are the ones screaming about fake news, according to fox ranking, republicans will likely win. projected to win -- less than 200 for democrats, control of senate remains unchanged. a lot of toss ups fox news predicting elephants could take control of 49 seats and donkeys 47, 4 races are still toss ups, nate silver's nonpartisan shows senate a 50/50 dead heat as it is now. all he uses it map and statistics racist.
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and msnbc joy sees something nefarious claims none of the polls showing republican gains are real, they are phony bologna, yum. g.o.p. according to joy, and pollsters are in cahoots to influence the election, watch. >> if you get past the headline and dig deeper, you uncover insidious intentional campaign by republican backed polling firms to flood the zone and tip balance of polling averages in favor of their been kates to create a narrative that republicans are surging and red wave is inevitable. kennedy: joy, when you are giving grover mouth love, remember to wipe that smile off your face what you spread lies. if you go to the store, and you can't find any tin foil because joy bought it for her hat, her claims are ridiculous. pollsters are by and large
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known for their impartiality, it is their business to get at truth and give accurate picture, accusationings to contrary destroy a pollster's career. coming up in 2022, let's get to with with par the party panel, karol markowicz host of the podcast, former aide to senator hot mike chuck schumer, christopher hahn who runs and on. director of libertarian institute, he loves saying antiwar things. we love having him on scott horton, also back. welcome, discuss this a little bit karol. republicans coop gaining
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advantage in fox news power rankings, they sit on my floor, they are honest people that do the lord's word to get at truth, they are nonpartisan, they are impartial they work hard are they lying. >> look, no body will have a better night than joy reed if they are wrong, why would they lie to her, it makes no sense, democrats deserve to lose everything, forget red wave, i'm rooting for red tsunami, i want people in deep f blue state to wake up wednesday and feel they woke up in alabama. the way they close schools, and pretend it will be fine, we were not allowed question nonsense policies and made no sense the way they still around randy wine garden to campaign with them, i hop hope lose. kennedy: it is not about
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metrics and optics but facts. chris, and the facts for the election cycle are about the economy and inflation, and crime. so you know stop trying to talk people out of that. by saying they are lied to, people are start enough, we have gone through enough the last 3 years that you know we can assess bs quickly, why is joy reed selling this raft of garbage? >> i'm not sure how karol really feels about democrats and their policies. >> i will tell you more. kennedy: she moved to florida. >> here is the thing about polls, i don't think they are wrong. i'm not seeing a red wave, i have seen a red ripple, i think they will win the house i've been saying that for a year, i think polling points that american public and people in swing states are scimeskeptical
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of the g.o.p. candidates, i don't expect republicans to wake up on the day after election, and be happy with what the results they had. it should have been a great year for them, it turned out not to be as great, they will still have wins and gains but not what they should have with this environment. kennedy: that is what penn state said to ohio state last weekend, yeah, still scored a bunch of touchdowns, it is the w that counts. >> is it a wave if they don't take senate, it is disappoint am. kennedy: all right, only the right who is radical. joy reed, espousing a radical position from the left. so, i think radicalism at this point, knows no bounds. so, scott, what happens if
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-- >> i didn't see her storm the capitol. try to kill people. kennedy: say someone else's name, that means i'll talk with them, you have been on cable news for years, you know how it works you are eating into scott's time, he has been nice, i'll talk with him. >> sorry, scott. kennedy: good, now we're done, no, scott is he is a texan, he is good. scott, what does it mean if we have a democrat president, a republican house and a democrat senate? >> well, highwa hope it means a lot of good house hearings some type of investigation or check and balance. i agree with karol, this should be a wave, not because of anything good about the republicans. just that democrats disserve to be punished. biden has to be the worst president since george w. bush. maybe since harry truman. the danger he has put the u.s. in and as yai
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asia and europe, threatening a war with iran, he is reckless, and the inflation, all woke craziness, then as karol said, the democrats must be held accountable for all of the tyranny of the lockdowns, they think they are going to get away with it they should be crushed. i have to concede to chris, me d does make a points, the republicans are nobody to believe in, they are a bunch of mitch mcconnell, and george w. bush's party still. and there needs to be a real fight between the america firster and country club republicans, for control of that party. kennedy: i've never been invited to a country club. i wish dan quail was the head of the party, he could come to my party. all right, we have so much news, like a juicy peach we're cutting into it more and more. >> d does democracy hang
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in balance? democrats say, every cycle is the most important election ever in your life or you will die, i break down why they are wrong, that semimemo, that is next -- that is my memo, that is next, and this is how we do it ♪ ♪ this is how we do it ♪ ♪ this is how we did it ♪ ♪ not nn i'm not going to be nervous. financially, i'm the flight attendant in that situation. the relief that comes over people once they know they've got a guide to help them through, i definitely feel privileged to be in that position. ♪
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kennedy: for those of you who claim this is the most important election of our lifetime, you are causing purpose election fatigue, we don't believe you, every two years our nation's blow hards, merge from filthy shadows of power to beat us who submission by trying to scare us into vote are for them or pay with our lives, joe biden just said this, most important bi-election of our lifetime, he said a choice between two vastly different visions of america. now, to be fair, you need your vision checked.
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the country is not doing well. and you are like the blind driver on an icy interstate at night. during a snow storm. with a belly full of nyquil. we heard this tired before in 2020, npr headline screamed that was most consequential election in a lifetime, this time we mean it. oh, put a sock in it you chowder hounds, back then biden said there is just one month before the most important election of our lifetime. obama, joe scarborough, mother jones, they all said the same thing in 2018. donald trump and hillary clinton said the same thing in 2016. enough already! nothing really changes. it is just a bunch of power mad old people trying to concentrate that power in their a arthritic hands to torture us until they die,
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in 1888 "new york times" screeched of race between harrison and cleveland, the republic is approaching what is to be one of the most important elections of in history, safe the historyonics susan, people's enthusiasm for mid terms waned, 48% give then year's race a lot of thought, down from 54% in 2018, people don't trust patrol politicians or governments. he is not showing up. our nation may be in a slump, but our constitution is strong. and it is more elastic then we give her credit for, politicians are lacking in creates testy and original he, so, they resort to fear mongering what t when they run out of ideas that is last millennium, if you want to vote, vote, don't care, the horse race is
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always interesting and exciting. but it lacks urgency to despite what share -- they are selling us, you want to shock us? abdicate our power, give us our money back and come were with solutions that limit government and compound freedom that would be worth screaming for that, is the memo. my next guest said democracy on the line and ballot, he wrote about it in an op-ed for the hill, titled joining me one of my favorites, i love him, juan williams. fox news political analyst, welcome back. >> thank you, kennedy. i think your whistling past the graveyard. kennedy: i'm not whistling. the -- if there is a graveyard because, joe biden
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took vibrantsy and ran it to ground with bad policies, bad foreign policy and over spending. at least i see it for what it is, we're already dead, if we're dead, how is it most important election? >> well i think that there is no question, first, let me take it away from all of the liberal media talking heads you have been whipping up. let me tell you here is what american people say in the polls you were defending. it is like sept 70% they is election is about democracy and stability of our constitution, 70% of republicans who believe that last election was based on voter fraud. it is like you know 50% of republicans who say, you know it is just unbelievable they have no faith in the outcomes of these midterm elections, and it is like 40% of all voters, democrats
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and republicans who think we'll have more political violence after the midterms the kind that saw paul pelosi get hammered in the head. kennedy: -- okay. >> purpose important election they don't want more political violence. kennedy: a few very unhinged mentally ill people they do. and tha that is unfortunate, we don't need to telegraph to them things that there will be violence if election are contested. what we have now, is two parties who are i identical, co concentrating power, when they lose they say the elections were rigged. that is why we are. people say yes, it is rigged a bunch of republican pollsters lying to everyone and tamping down expectations. >> well, look, let's go
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back, election 2000, al gore didn't say that. he conceded defeat, it was donald trump in 2016 before the election said if he lost it was not legitimate. it was donald trump the republican who said in 2020, that he didn't lose then tried to launch an insurrection we saw on january 6. kennedy: you are making my point, juan. >> not both parties. kennedy: it is, what did hillary clinton say to joe biden before the election in 2020? i'll remind you, i will let you guess. >> i don't remember. kenneshe said, know what you do, don't concede, and said the biggest mistake she made was conceding the election, stacey abrams still thinks he is governor of georgia, she is not. donald trump is not president. and this is a loser m
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mentality both parties latched on to, they are somehow going call into question the veracity of the elections if they don't go their way, america should not be a country of losers, we're not a c country of dummies, not every election can could most important election of a lifetime, if it is, that means next one is not important juan last word. >> well you know reality to pay attention to. you have to wake up to idea that you have like 300 candidates on ballot who say, the last election of the stolen, and that includes a lot of people running for secretary of state, election officials, and who would be in position. kennedy: stacey abrams already calling -- >> eleceel. kennedy: stacey abrams saying this election is invalid, she has not lost
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yet. >> she ran in last election against the a man who was secretary of state and shutting down voting stations. she had a case to be made. we have now. >> did she. >> donald trump having influenced and distorted. kennedy: he is not running. this is what drives me crazy, i love your passion and your brain, d donald trump is not president, he will not be president, he is not running. the party believe it or not has moved past him. and we're sick of crazy old people, running on lives and doing a bad job. i said it. juan, i love to see you thank you. >> here is still number one choice of republicans. kennedy: zone i don't know, i'm at now republican, i am an independent woman. >> all right. kennedy: i like you a lot. >> speaking of political craziness. lunatic who attacked paul
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pelosi pleaded not guilty this afternoon, judge ordering david depape or however you say his name, every say its differently, i don't know not like i'm inviting him to christmas. he is to be held without bail. facing a slew of state charges, in in addition to serious ones from the feds, if convicted high is looks at 50 year trip to the gray bar hotel. san francisco attorney general said attack appeared to be politically motivated, what is plat latest on what to this, here with he now, anchor of fox news at night, trace gallagher welcome back. >> thank you. >> by the way say he stood up in court one time the suspect and only reason he spoke to get his name properly pronounced, it is david depape. he said, latest court papers reveal he was on a suicide
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mission. and he planned to target other california officials, and as well as federal officials, including a local professor and their families are no names released that is where he went with this. a suicide mission, now held without bail. we learned today that paul pelosi of the knocked out. and he woke up in a pool of his own blood. did they have security is the big question? that is the question that media has been asking did the pelosis have security in the house, police say, they will not release the 911 call. why not? these are kind of you know standard policy when these types of cases come up. they won't release the 911 call, not released body cam they have no plans to, and they won't tell us about the security, a lot of unanswered questions, one way you answer these or stop speculation you answer the question.
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you be transparent and you let all information out, remember we still don't know specifics about what happened in the house. first we're told two officers showed up. then paul pelosi not beaten yet and while officers were there and struggling over a hammer that is when david depape grabbed the hammer and swung is hitting paul pelosi in head, who heard of a suspect being allowed with two officers on the scene to actually go after an and attack the person in house, it does not make sense, a lot of it could be cleared up but right now, san francisco district attorney is unwilling, they are holding a lot back because they want to pros prosecute the case properly but he is in jail. kennedy: how many cases you covered where you had access
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to this material. we can see what happens, there is no he said, he said, hammer said. >> right, that is first thing you do. there is a major shooting or a disputed shooting, first thing they have to do is release the body cam video. because that is the most important part of this. you release that 911 call, you release radio calls if you have them. of police in contact with others, this release body cam of various angles because, that at least may not answer all of the questions but will give people a feeling that the police are being forthright, and honest in their assessment of what happened they are trying to figure it out. , with everyone else, right now, a lest this has been shut down. we know that he was in the country, speaking of david depape illegally, has been accusations he mollisted molested his kids.
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kennedy: both sides take elements of this case, see, told, told you, everyone is crazy, crime, and unemploy all right trace, good to talk, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> kennedy: we'll watch you tonight on the fox. >> coming up overwork staff, faleh equipment, a chinese government cover-up, new detail how covid lab leak theory more lakely likely than ever, i break it down with the party panel, i they h are next. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose.
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documents reportedly f evidence of faulty lab material and overworked staff and a request to fix a broken air filter in december of 2019 it hit the fan, if you know what i'm saying, that is right, when it started z chinese officials are dismissing the report, growing pile of evidence of lab leak theory is looking for bad for beijing, party panel returned to discuss karol markowicz, christopher hahn and scott horton, what do you make of this. >> so, i am so shocked a communist community would have poor working conditions, i heard communism is so good for the working person. you know chris hahn heard other reasons why democrats should crash and burn in november, they deserve to lose because they made that lab leak into a conspiresy
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theory they created an atmosphere requesting anything about covid was considered not allowed, they worked with facebook, twitter other social media apps to shut down any information like this. and now we're finding out it of the most likely true, if republicans win house and senate they have to be hearings. >> no. kennedy: why no. >> we should agree, there should be hearing, and start why they cut funding to monitors in wuhan there should be an investigation to where the former president, let this go on for as long as he did before he acknowledged it was a problem, he was working on a trade deal with china. >> interesting. >> let's be clear. former president, republican congress, let this happen. they should be held responsible for this let's have those hearings, karol, we should look into that
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lab, of course, we should. that was ma m major problem. >> you would be 6 kicked off twitter if you say the that last year. year. >> i have been saying it for years, i have said it here and twitter. kennedy: so, but -- >> okay, but. >> kennedy: okay. i'm exhausted already. >> remember 2020 -- sorry. kennedy: just i'm trying to ask you a follow-up question. that is how this works, you say something, and insane or ridiculous, i ask you a question that eats into scott's time, and scott has every right to engagement what you say is, former president was so compromised by his relationship with china he didn't put the screws to him like joe biden and hunter biden who have a very curious relationship of with communist party officials and they have not
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taken a hard stant stance on that not given the appropriate credence to this theory which was most plus able, that was a statement, scott. looking worse and worse for china. they had access to the geenomic sequence of this gain of f function and came up with a vaccine faster than any other research team in the world, does this smell fishier than dead carp on an 80 degree day in the wuhan wet market. >> it is suspicious, i don't know if he will ever know the truth, i did see one of two doctors quoted in "vanity fair" piece complaining on twitter they wish their clarifications of added they think it was a natural result, i would point out i believe during
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the observatory administration white house tried to stop the funding for the -- bureaucracy lead by fauci, declared a emergency and went ahead any, but i believe chris is on to something maybe republicans withholding some of the money that would have gone to shoring up safety at lab where they should not have been doing to research, because bank both parties share in respo responsibility we'll n never get real answers. answer. kennedy: lay -- let's say, if we get money from germany for our lab tests, and something goes wrong, do we blame germany? and if the u.s. is not there, then, we'll unleash a global pandemic, maybe, the u.s. government should not
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be working with companies to fund that type of research in that place. -- i agree. >> china is known for cheap crap, you wouldn't have them work on gain of function. kennedy: you would if you are anthony fauci, oddly enough. >> a new report tells seniors to forget about a beach house. set your sights on amish country. gummers, pennsylvania has been named best place in in to retire, due to affordability of housing, fun. study considered factors like happiness and healthcare. do america's elders deserve better than being out out to pastures in the pa . >> i have to agree, the
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biden economy. such a dis8 disaster looks good. kennedy: is that where you plan to retire. >> what karol said biden economy has been great for pennsylvania. thank you karol. we need pennsylvania in this election. i plan to staying right here in new york. when i retire, two years after you retire. kennedy: there will deport you, eric adams will put you on a bus to martha's vineyard. >> i'm fine. >> no they are coming for you, if kathy hochul is reelected she said you are first person. >> a >> scott, are those really best places to retire? you seem like a worldly guy. you have been tonights warm spots withi ex-pats. >> no, i have not traveled that much, but in united
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states, i have. i know that really top destination spread out is walmart parking lot. people live in their cars. they can't afford rent, there somehow inflation is good for middle class, they get to borrow dollars and payoff dimes it is murder to the poor and people who can't afford to rent and also bad for middle class and everyone if you are not a government employee, helping to inflate the money supplies, you s suffer as a result of this, as you everyone is familiar with, causes the economy to crash every 10 years. boom and bust, this is from the inflation, also discodiscourages saving you have working people, people, you can't have a savings account have to figure out some bubble to vvist invest in otherwise you are losing out to the government and the
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banks conspiring to steal from you. by increasing the money supply, the same reason that we go to jail for counterfeiting if we were to do so. it is a crime. it devalues everyone else's money for our benefit, that is what the government and banks do to us. kennedy: the fed can get away with it, i don't understand it, you are right, if we did to our neighbors what federal reserve and federal government does to us with 97% convict sh conviction rate we would go away for life, not fun prison, not even martha stewart prison. kennedy: all right if i retirement i was thinking where do i want to go, i think tennessee is great. and costa rica. >> tennessee is awesome. kennedy: costa rica has huge snakes. and reptiles.
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>> watch where you step, karol, chris and scott if you for being a part of the best hour of your day. >> i say that. >> ma'am. >> thank you. >> my guest quality. kennedy: coming up, how u.s. spent billions training afghan troops then abandoned them after biden's botched withdrawal, the same troops heading to ukraine to fight with russians, bryan suits is here to discuss, only the beard knows, he is next. dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it.
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dark side. here with he now, u.s. army combat veteran, and the juiciest purple heart i know bryan suits is back. >> welcome back. >> it is french foreign legion. >> putin established that in his own army between out right mercenary organization, which is defacto part of ministry of defense, they have been going far east to siberia they are trying to get non-white russian ethnic nonrussians to do the fighting, they have decimated certain villages these are are -- places
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far east, where there is no living they say how about you get to keep everything that you loot, and farmed out to chechens. allowed to make this into a jihad, these are not the good christians, like putin s these are the jewish nazi cocaine werewolves in kyiv, he has the chechens, if we run out of white russians, not the drink, ethnic russians he can sacrifice, politically he does not how many people he cl loses but he cares about the white russians,. kennedy: why would they agree to fight? >> they are stuck in iran. many of them have gotten to uzbekistan with their families, that is russia,
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iranians are offering them up, you know buy a hundred drones get 10 afghan american trained special forces for th afghans they don't have a hell of a lot of choice, iranians say your families are here under our power, we're protecting you, at least you could do help our overloader in moscow, t unintended consequences it right here, they will be highly trained byes in putin's army, fittin, fighting against the guys we're supplying with our small arms. for afghans, they are between a rock and a hard place. you have to feel horrible for them, we can't get them out of iran now. kennedy: they have been communicating with their u.s. counterparts they fought alongside for years, on.
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you know, these that is telling government like, they will fight against us. but, you know for those of us who look at this from different perspective, maybe not a great idea to spend billions of dollars to people we can't trust, we love the narrative, is a great hallmark movie of the week, but my god. >> 20 years in afghanistan, they are close to a hundred billion in identified fraud, never mind iraq or vietnam, don't start me on sicily 1943, we have been fleeced by our allies this is no different. >> suits great to talk. love your insight and very smart navy shirt. topical tomorrow is next, before the -- is next, tickling me tuesday. >> don't look it up. where to wasps like to get
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snot. tropic one. costco selling over size jigsaw puzzle with 60 thousand pieces. and it will still probably get solved be solve before the paul pelosi break in, 8 feet tall, 29 feet wide. most puzzling items at costco are the $1 hot dogs, how do they do that? they have maps and places could you can see a guy pushing someone in front of the subway in new york city. a picture worth over a thousand words. the mural sells on costco web site for $599. you can see the world cheap or a carnival cruise. puzzle this s size would
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takeover 700 hours to solve, spoon feed yourself a 6.6 pound bucket of nutella. >> subway giving customers a free sandwich for enduring middle seat on their next flight or it's a bunch of of subway before the flight and clear out the plane, it is happening november 3, honor of national sandwich day. america's third favorite return item, trailing margaritas and martinis. it is a plane sandwich see the, you a -- it called a great way to sell rate new menu items and seb way felt a kinship with airline industry, their bread can be
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used as a flotation device, not really bread. >> a video of rare miracle confidentin england. not a dental appointment. it was a white rhino calf, on camera, mother rhino's enclosure, at the time the baby of considered slimiest rino sinc liz cheney. this young calf doesn't have a horn yet. you can bet by the time it a teen it will be super horny, they are v ven veg vegetarian they can be
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dangerous to humans, they have known to charge. you could be sitting on top of an ivory tower. topic 4. time for tickle me tuesday. wwhere do wasps like to get lunch? a b r bistro. >> molly and john got it right. i am glad someone did. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. you can follow me on twitter, on instagram. follow me to the water cooler, we could gossip. facebook and all right, yeah, i don't want, e-mail kennedy blah blah, tomorrow night, guy benson. with steve h hilton, the best ken dalia this side of dia de los muertos. i hope you brought your
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