tv Kennedy FOX Business November 3, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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>> i also. that people will look into this, you had jim jordan on the show, leading up to this i think he and this committee will dig into every issue. not just -- we don't want to go on too many witch-hunts but american people need to find out what really happened during covid and what is happening in our schools and the crime across the nation. >> final word, ford. >> the dhs under mayorkas has a lot to answer for, they are supposed to stop misinformation. elizabeth: the president has been accused of a lot of misinformation too, ashley davis, great debut, we'll have you back on soon, see you again ford, thank you for joining us, you have been watching the "evening edit," have a good evening i'll see you week after next, goi to england.
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kennedy: it is fourth and long for democrats, the partyneses a hail mary and a touch down jesus, quarterback sleepy joe malarkey and his party are getting shaking, is he just about to get sacked at the line the scrimmage. why? because republicans are winning on the issues, people care about. inflation, inflammation, immigration, crime, education, republicans, never win on education, but they have take th taken that issue back, with no legs left to stand on president last night pulling out only card he has lift, demonizing maga republicans and the great maga king, donald trump because -- popt options. >> we fu refuses to
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accept the results of 2020 election, refuses to accept the will of the people, the fact that he lost. he has abused his power and put the loyalty to himself before loyalty to the constitution. he has made a big lie an article of faith in the maga republican party. minority of that party. kennedy: did someone accidentally slip our president's mickey? and a speech from 2020. orange guy bad. the president also said our way of life is at risk on election day. >> enjoyed our freedoms for so long, easy to think they will always be with us, no matter. what that sudden true -- isn't true today in our bones, we know democracy at risk -- is at risk, we know this, it is within our power each and every one of us to
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preserve our democracy. kennedy: in formaldehyde which they inject me with before every speech. well you are at it why not tell people that republicans are stealing their puppies. >> it was a beautiful heartfelt speech. >> i think he says lakes may common sauce. come cause. >> the president was light and bold, it is about the day after the election. >> last night he was presidential and not partisan. [ laughter ] he was attacking republicans, the defamation of partisan, right there here is the thing, average voter, they are not a talk head on ms nbc, thank god. they are moms or dads tired of paying twice as much for things like cereal and have to issu worry about
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getting robbed while walking to the car after work or getting home. will biden's doom and gloom message resonate at ballot box, we get into it with thursday night party panel, alley breen is here. and reason editor at large alarm indeed, matt welch. like in the grape and democrat pollster, jessica tarlov whose purple looks perfect. >> very coordinated. >> jesse you are wearing purple not blue. >> i'm ready for my shellacking bring it on, this is my color i have been told. kennedy: you have been rational. >> i try to be. kennedy: you know crime and inflation are important issues, is your president handling this right? >> no. he is not, a lot of democrats on the ground are. we'll see -- president's approval rating ticked up from remember it was in low
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30s now he is in low 40s. kennedy: like my bowling score. >> standard for modern presidents at this time. you see a number of vulnerable democrats, just coming out saying, we have not been clear about an economic message, and people are voting on the economy and crime, crime will turn to number two issue. a lot of people number one issue here in new york, sacrkathy hochul would not be in trouble if democrat -- >> it is now a blue state and they show her looping. >> pulling down the wes rest of the ticket, maloney could lose his see the. the soul of nation, stop and talk about election deniers that is important theme but it is a president at election them, not a midterm theme, very few people -- >> a luxury theme, i mean
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when the economy is good and you are not worried. >> right. kennedy: you can talk about climate and that stuff, and about abortion. that might resonate with people, but these are lean times, i don't think that people feel to their bones that democracy is the issue, when you have every right to vote for someone else if you are not happy with what the party in power, is that not democracy. >> you are campaigning about the greatest threat to democracy and democracy will take it in the shorts if people vote the wrong way, democracy is about voting, there is a -- i am voting in new york gubern gubernatorial race. donald trump is not in that race. kennedy: you are voting for larry sharp. >> he is not on the ballot. >> he is not. kennedy: he could not get. >> i looked for him everywhere. kennedy: he loves you. >> i like him too.
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>> i tune it debate and kathy hochul talking about donald trump, granted lee zeldin voted to not certify the election, that is a problem, but what does that have to do with being governor of new york? nothing, she then pivots to saying i would mask kids and do all these things that made she angry that affected so many more people than what everyone's opinion about donald trump, i think voters get weary when this is all democrats want to talk about what the vast majority of people that you vote for in city council, are about -- this is that have nothing to do with it, makes you think about voting opposite. kennedy: people need something different, they are not hitting right notes, alley, president seems a lit littleoff base. >> they don't have another strategy, they can't defend
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inflation, fentanyl, border crisis and crimes, which. kennedy: people buy it. >> i don't think so, they talk about democracy at risk, i think that joe biden pointed out earlier it was the voter integrity laws in georgia, saying they are horrible, ruins democracy, there is a record turn out in georgia it is making it easier to vote and harder to cheat. and a poll that independent people asked if they thought democracy was at stage, a lot did say so, 28% said it was a scary thing from the right, 33% from the left. instituting lockdowns and mask mandate. kennedy: not giving back that power they contraded during the pandemic. >> and remember joe biden called those laws jim eagle. bigger than jim crow. >> that is crazy. >> and worse than hitler.
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-- a boiling point, moderates are desperate for solutions, like anything, anything else, one centrist group launching a unity ticket for 2024 with a republican, and a democrat, but what about another option? a gallup survey shows pick% of americans say two-party system is so bad, how about is it? third party seems like a great idea. right about now. hello libertarians. could this toxic election cycle be the catalyst that independents have been praying for? and will third party candidates decide who wins? i want to talk about to you abouta unity ticket, i think it is a garbage idea, they will hate each other and confuse people. >> two of most unlikeable people you could find in america from either side, i imagine a andrew yang.
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he will do anything, tomorrow if you told him you know, since you are favorite subway stop is times scare you can live in is times square fors rest of our life and be happy, he would be i'm a republican now or a democrat now. kennedy: maybe tulsi gabbard and andrew yang. >> that woman is a republican, they don't work. and will the system and you know this well, having been part of the libertarian movement for a long time. it is so hard to -- the two party system is not just about election day, it under pins he sou society works on so many loafls and bulevels and businesses and corporations, i lived in the u.k. for a long time, much better, how is works there and how it works through central europe. kennedy: i don't have a problem with coalitions, i think this underpinning needs a good shaking. >> problem is negative
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polarization, every is so hepped up they think if other team wins it will threaten democracy in both directions, it will be faishism here and communist taken over by wokes, when you feel threatened you go to people with biggest chance to beat people who scare you, that is dat death for a third party. it will be a terrible year for centrists, a bad year probably for the third parties, but will donald trump run, i think he won't. >> me too. kennedy: i don't think he will. >> if it trump against biden that would be a good season for a third party, people will not be able to do that. >> gray, bill welch, the grurchg endrunken old guy. >> alli . >> you are not a huge fan of
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third party. >> you say we have such terrible candidates in two parties, i believe in a 2-party system in you splinter that out people win 32% of vote, 21%, we need better candidates a true majority, if president -- >> the parties suck, how do sucky parties produce good candidates. >> it is clear. >> what are you talking about harold ford jr. >> i would nurse that baby. >> live? >> impressive. >> on air. >> digital. >> only fans. everyone has to make a little money. if that is the ungodly marriage, then they will produce something. >> i'll have to take care of. i have to be america's wet nurse, did i sign up for
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that? di >> -- so -- speaking of wet nursing, um. [ laughter ] >> here tomorrow for the 5 if you want to go. just -- show him what you are working with. >> very much in process. >> i've joked about it once this week. >> do you want so to see. >> is this -- topless -- >> the abs are what i'm thinking about. >> top of the list. >> it is thursday. >> all right party panel not moving a muscle. we have a hot game later, hate mail. we have mike baker and brian brenberg, and to check them in inflation is through the roof interests off the charts. voters losing faith and everything, what will white house do did dr. it, break it down with brianomics,
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7:16 pm
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the sewer, our money is worth less and people are scared, fam naturally white house refusing to take action or admit things don't look good, today on msnbc, biden administration repeated president biden's puzzling claim, we're not in a recession, man. >> look, we are in -- not in a recession, i want to be clear on that. >> nation could be teetering on edge of a recession, how will white house prepare for that. >> i want to be clear, there are no meetings in preparing for a recession. kennedy: no meetings, no recession? no problem. what is the biden administration pretending like nothing is wrong? is it too late to rack. joining me now, professor of business and eco economies kings college brian brenberg. >> we have no meetings.
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kennedy: bank of england could be our longest recession. >> ron is the guy you remember not long ago said that inflation and supply chain are high quality problems, rich people problems, you get economic analysis from someone who thinks like this, they want to play word games on recession, reasons is they actually don't know how to think about the economic moment we're in they have no ideas about how to get us out with good supply side ideas it is word games until midterm 5 days. kennedy: it is gas lighting. even if your policies cause the problems, let's pretend they did. just -- >> hypothetically. kennedy: let's say that bad monitor and bad fiscal policy caused this inflation and made it worse and worse and worse ati every turn, you could still come up with a plan to counter that, they are not doing that, they would have to admit their
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policies were wrong, but what is the inflation ignoring going to look like postmortem. out of the election or in an actual recession people are hurting, dying and losing jobs and life savings. kennedy: >> they are not going to be able to do anything, power will range handing and divided government that is good news by the way, you can take a lest harmful spending -- a lot of harmful spending off. but federal reserve did not know what to do, most people watched j. powell yesterday, it was a disaster. what he share with the world was, we don't know what is going on, we really don't know what to do going forward. which means, the administration should be preparing for a recession, everyone who is looking at this objectively not as a patterson, but objectively saying we're problem going deeper into recession next year, we should think about what to do about it. kennedy: how would you note
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have meetings about -- not have meetings about that, fed chair, president and president's press secretary be so disconnected from i've other, and so my question, how does jer jerome powell still have a job, has he lost control. >> they shouldal b all be out of a job, he is driving blindfolded and democrats in the backseat screaming at him to ease money, you have senators writing letters to powell, saying you should back off the interest rate increases, they are not disconnected they are all connected you heard that messaging let me be clear, we're not talking about e recession, they are not trying to solve economic problem, they are trying to solve their messaging problems, thain -- that the economy is their number one messaging probably. >> you can't run a country
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with a liberal arts degreerk degree, someone has to know math, i will major in dance that is great but you can't run a country. >> i don't care what your major is as long as you can connection dots and think, this administration there no logic at all. because their ideology is not about things that connection logically it is more religious fen at simp about the climate a--- >> and brian brenberg were the president of united states, what kind of person would you appoint as fed chair to fix this. >> someone singularity interested in inflation and change in value of money, that is what i would pick. i don't want anyone interested in. am..
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ors climate change intives, they don't know what to do. but -- you know. i would want someone who is thinking inflation but someone in my administration the big deals to say how do we get supply side going, right now we're trying to kill consumers to kill inflation, that is a stupid approach who the problem is supply side, growing the economy, getting businesses hiring and moving, we have millions of people who should be in workforce on the sidelines, you will not get through inflation unless you fix that. >> they will be joined by a lot of people because of the housing crisis, they will be homeless, they will be bugerring us. >> they don't have a clue. kennedy: not a clue, brian brenberg does, he is the% --
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kennedy: foreign policy taken a backseat this election cycle despite the war in ukraine and russia's threat of a nuclear attack, now seems that vladimir putin could be as sick in his body as he is in his head, newly leaked intelligence documents, supposedly, confirming he had is battling pancreatic cancer and parkinson's disease, are they accurate?
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what happens if bad vlad goes jihad in heaven or hell probably. here with me, port mand square group chairman and ceo mike baker. >> actually all war criminals go to hell it was a disney movie that followed that all dogs go to heaven. kennedy: stwr straight to video, i thought it was the great. >> this discussion about putin 's health has been going on for some time. kennedy: is it p p ppropaganda. >> this happens with every global leader, chinese are doing same with president biden, they look at photos, does he have an iv mark,. kennedy: the queen had those blue hands and she died two days later, liz truss, not good.
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>> you are implicating that liz truss, i see what you did. kennedy: last outsider to see her alive. >> next to the corgis. dogs don't talk. >> we're disa disappearing down a rabbit hole, to understand health of a world leader at the time like this. when putin is leading this invasion is a key effort on part of in intel organizations, and hea heat health is a concern, this is not corroborated, this is anonymous sources, saw some leaked e-mails, okay fine. kennedy: they say he travels with an oncologist. >> they are talking
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pancreatic cancer, and parkinson's, if you read the tea leaves there have been changes in his appearance. kennedy: madonna as well. >> right, but she has not invaded a country. kennedy: yet. >> so, i think we have to -- take all these reports with a grain of salt. kennedy: i know some people like this is great, he is dying the world will be free, but, oh, god he is dying, he will take the world with him. >> that is part of that problem. kennedy: is that a genuine fear. >> he is still rational, if he is sick and getting pumped up with medications and that causing him cognitive problems, he also starts to get fatalistic, yes, you have to keep that scenario, perhaps he will veer off to crazy town and try it take everyone with him. kennedy: oh, god. >> not likely, still at-this-point, you know assessment that mean
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anything, are still saying, putin is a rational player in this. >> interesting. >> so these stories about his health, you know, believe me, there is a lot of attention resourced time putting into sorts this. but he has a small circle. kennedy: we do same thing with our leaders, like people did that, remember when president trump's physician went through that hourlong press conferencing, press was yelling every scenario in question, is he crazy, does he have herpes, they were a lot of us who were hillary health truthers during the 2016 campaign, i think that biden has issues. >> that is -- >> fetterman it is a national obsession. >> this is transparency, and there are rumors about xi jinping's health, there is no transparency there, you
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have to work hard to get actual information. kennedy: you are just the man with a strong back and shoulders mike breaker gate to see you. >> the english. >> i'm off to moscow right now to steal his medical records. >> portman square group, spying over world leader. kennedy: thank you in election town we're 5 days from midterms most polls have republicans winning back the house, but looks more likely they could win senate as well. it comes down to -- handful of races in pennsylvania john fetterman versus dr. mehmet oz in georgia warnock versus walker, and nevada, masto versus adam and arizona kelly versus masters, what could happen? here with me host of "fox news sunday," the anchor the goddess and shannon bream welcome back. >> great to be with you, i'm
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trying to get over madonna potentially trying to invade a country. kennedy: and i know she is is not afraid of the republican party. you know, thoughts and prayers to every right now. i know she spent time in arizona, i think that is an interesting race, libertarian candidate, in arizona dropped out and endorsed blake masters, b does that do anything? >> well, we'll see, great for the masters campaign but his name is still on the ballot. anybody who does not like twimaries, will say this is my protest vote, they will still vote for him, i guarantee he gets votes. that race is really tight, but republicans feel cautiously optimistic. that they can take the one, they have to. it is among list of if you really think you are retaking senate you need to get nevada in the bag based in other states, arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, ohio.
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you know, it is -- feel like we have to warn people, we're probably not going to know tuesday night. to manage your expectations. kennedy: last few election have been very late. and they have not only bled to next day but the next week. i think you are right about that. and you know we'll have all of the coverage you could need the day of unite of -- night of and days following, but looking at senate races, which look more likely to go republican to you? >> i think h herschel wowalker had surprising 3 numbers, voters have baked that in with him. he has talked about things not to be factual, when he denied allegations we found a good way for him to leverage it to say this proves to you how threatened democrats are of me, a trump
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way to handle bad news and accusations, it is working there, fox news polling, he is neck-and-neck, this is a one point race it will come to turn out, who is really excited. does the gubernatorial race impact the senate race, you have stacey abrams and governor brian kemp, does that race and where kemp is leading by 5 or 6 points in most polls, does that pull her h herschel walker. kennedy: what about new hampshire, hassan stumbled a bit in her final debate with don. >> that that is interesting. this is one why left was pulling for him to win the primary, they thought high would come across as extreme. but they thought it would
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give him a better chance to put this a race, senator hassan hangs othere is a dog fight now, new money poured in from the right to give him a boost to bring that into -- if that turns out to tuesday night to go into the win column for republicans that will tell us about what what happenedded in rest of country. >> we'll see if we have that race. we'll watch this shan known shannon thank you. kennedy: game night. we have one of the greats for you. if you are hoping to win power ball, can't doe anything yet, you can start with life styles of the rich and cl shameless. play along that is next. ♪ ♪ the club is jumping ♪ ♪ ladies leave your man at home ♪ ♪ ar
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♪ ♪ kennedy: or party barge time for life styles of rich and shameless, we learn how stars of show and screen blown their fortunes and ruined their lives, i will read true stories. our panelists guess who i'm talking about who gets most right will win a weekend on white nationalist fortress island of martha's vineyard, offer only for u.s. citizens, you are ready to play this? >> yes! >> yes. >> yes. kennedy: question one. which of these rich and shame less reportedly once spent 5.9 million dollars on the miami heat to win a game against the pacers. >> floyd mayweather, lang or kenny rogers? girls say a, boy says b, and the ladies have it.
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jessica and alli on the board. >> i wish i was wearing my glasses. kennedy: which of these rich and shameless was not -- was rather at one time number to bring their pet ocelots with them to hotel rooms and allow them to urinate on the carpets, akon or madonna or s salvador. >> it was salvador. >> stop it. >> >> he looked like more of a leamer guy. kennedy: which of these rich and s shameless never owned a helicopter. >> mc hammer, mike tyson or angelina. >> a, b, z you are all ain't
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correct. >> mike tyson. >> really? >> never had a helicopter. he i. >> angelina is down to earth. they are so dangerous, the helicopters are. kennedy: i'm not a fan. >> rip kobe. kennedy: i will not own a helicopter. >> fine. that is what i got to do. >> for the troops. >> question number 4, which of these once showed up over an hour late to their own concert then played only two songs and left, the spin doctors, or kanye west or wiwillie nelson. >> this feels like a hitler loving trap. >> this is wrong. >> this st wrong. >> it is kanye west. >> that was too obvious.
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>> well sometime it is the obvious. >> a trap. if you once call me baby ♪ ♪ go ahead now, you are all wrong, you don't get gravy. >> which once bragged about using stretch mark prevent prevention s serum costing 370 an o ounce during her pregnancy? the stretch mark cream. >> >> i would love if it were h helen,. >> is chrissy teigen, mass you are not doing well. >> everything well intended but terrible is christie teigen. >> she a bully, she was at bravo con, she has avoided me. >> which made a film
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advocating against school choice, while sending their kids to a private school? matt damon, ben affleck or courtney love. >> two a's and 3 a's, 3 correct if was matt damon. >> if ben affleck were sober enough. >> jennifer garner handles their schooling and parenting. >> she is amazing. >> a saint among us. >> i love the capitol one commercials. >> what? your wallet. >> i ask myself that every day. >> can i have your money. >> which once famously installed a shopping mall staffed with employees in their basement? >> paris or babs and tom. >> it is wrong. >> i don't know. matt, you got it wrong, you got it right.
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>> is it possible to getter one wrong. >> you have one right. kennedy: last we, worth 2. >> okay worth 3, so matt may win. >> which once paid a figure to sting them with bees as therapy for their skin? >> i say bacon and paltrow, it is alli wins. >> that was obvious. right. >> she is the winner. >> she got stung with bees on her face. >> probably her coutchie and made a candle that elton john bought. >> lifetime supply of group, vagina candles. >> amazing what an amay amazing night, topical storm is next.
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>> topic one. story to oh, no. -- phone h about, original model of et about to go up for auction. that 1982 classic. that was role that prepared drew barrymoore to work with robotic stiffs like jimmy fallen. considered an engineering masterpiece. making et appear more life like than our president of united states if you want to own this green man you need a big stack of greenbacks, to fetch 3 million dollars, that is not including reese's pieces you need, bids starts december 17, you
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have a month to scrape together all of cash, until then they promise it will be here, smell it. >> topic two. it is thirsty thursday, a story to inspire booze hounds to ignore haters and keep on drinking, irish super market order to pay 40,000 dollars for firing a manager who drank himself comatose at work. the ruling stems from a incident in 2020 supervalu manager, murphy brought considerable amounts of alcohol to work, and then drank until he became unconscious. he had to be carried home by his coworkers -- again, who among us or as we call it at
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kenna dalia show, monday work meeting they ruled he was discriminated gain for his alcoholism, company must pay him full salary for the month he was the out of work and staying home drinking on his couch as we we call it in u.s., american rescue plan. >> nightmare before christmas in london. a pair of giant ow ornaments came loose and tumbled down the street, barreling today pedestrians, you thought halloween d decorations were scary, they bekimbecame loose as u.k. was battered by storm claudia, biggest low hard in the u.k. is still k king
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charles suff several cars were seen avoiding the orbs, otherwise they would be smashed as a super market manager, each one of the is about size of a automobile. topic 4. robotic company created a pair of battery powered sneakers that could boost your walking speed by 2 50%. they are called moon walkers, with rechargeable motor and 8 overlapping wheels, one day, the wheels on your feet and you will never walk in any other shoes again. mostly because terrible accident will guarantee you willnever walk again, company claims they are safe, having been tested on hundreds of miles of city ter ro terrain without a single shoe related incident, to create
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a future where people walk effortlessly at the speed of running, making it easier to escape a bunk of giants rolls christmas or mantes. >> time to hear from our o audience, vie viewer mail. >> you are a miss know it all. >> i'm a ms. know is it all and eric, do you know you are kind of creepy. >> that is not creepy. tom, -- [ laughter ] tom said, hey kennedy you are so beautifully magestic, because i'm so normal, thank you for watching the best hour of your day. brought to you by america's
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sweetheart me, you can find me on twitter and instagram and facebook for next week hate mail, proscribe to my podcast. kennedy saves the world, you can't watch kennedvr it, make every day, a kenneday, dumplings, goodit night. ' where is my wallet? i am paying. where is my wallet? i thought i gave it to you. oooohhh? oh, that's not it either. no. no. stop, i insist. that was good though. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month.
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