tv Varney Company FOX Business November 7, 2022 10:00am-11:00am EST
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♪. stuart: good morning, everybody, yes it is coming up on 10:00 eastern time. we'll go straight to the money. here is what is happening to your cash, hard-earned savings in the first day of trading of the new week, election week by the way. dow up 31. nasdaq up a mere 32. 10-year treasury yield, going up 4.19%. earlier we found the two-year was above 4.70, how about that? price of oil down a little bit, 32 cents lower at 92 bucks. bitcoin holding on to the 20,000-dollar level. that is the markets. now this. in the days right before the election the democrats resorted to fear-mongering, they have lost and inflation, crime, the border and energy. they suggested we're all in
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danger. from what? the wicked republicans don't forget about donald trump. former president obama said if the gop wins the true democracy will go away. he doesn't talk about how this will happen. talks about censoring books you read, reporters being locked up. where did that come up? the man who opened the door for joe biden's presidency, james clyburn. democracy will end if republicans win. hillary clinton said real threats to our country. the president says future of your democracy is at stake. that is desperation. that is a form of extremism in and of itself. the bottom line here the democrats know they are losing on issues that affect our everyday lives. the polls suggest scare tactics at the last minute will not work. the second hour of "varney" just getting started ♪.
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stuart: a long time since we've been seen byron york, too long in my opinion. here is he is, byron. do you think the fear mongering will help them tomorrow? >> no, i don't. we are in the hysterical stage of the campaign. sometimes that happens in the final few days of the campaign. the party behind in the polls see defeat coming on and they try to avert it. certainly with the president trying to the frame the election not as a referendum on his own performance in office. but a choice. the choice being electing democrats or ending american democracy. the president biden set the stage for i imtemper ant things,
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including congressman clyburn. stuart: the white house is forced to walk back there biden's comments after he said this about coal plants. reporter: it is now cheaper to generate electricity from wind and solar than it is from coal and oil. literally cheaper. we'll be shutting the plants down across america and having wind and solar. stuart: senator manchin called the comments outrageous and divorced from reality. the white house claims biden's words were twisted. what is reaction to all of this, byron? >> as brit hume said biden's words were not twisted they were quoted. that is what he said. this is democrat policy for quite a long time. president biden's former boss president obama said the same thing. it has been democratic policy quite a while. senator manchin really, ripped into the president, in a statement he released. you know it has only been three months since senator manchin came to the rescue of president
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biden in a big climate bill, giving democrat as lot of what they wanted, holding out against what was called the "build back better" act. when they changed the name to the inflation reduction act still huge subsidies for renewable energy, he went for it. so i'm not sure how much senator manchin can complain after having cast his lot with the president biden and the environmental lobby. stuart: byron, you follow the polls as closely as anyone does. you're right in the middle of the political world. would you care to give us your forecast? you may refuse but if you would like to give us your forecast for the house and the senate in tomorrow's elections we would love to hear it. >> you know washington is this odd place where in the last few days if you run into anybody the first thing they say, what is your number? your number being, how many republicans do you think they're going to be in the house and, i have written i think it is true that a republican victory in the
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house is all but guaranteed. i would be absolutely stunned to see them lose. it appears they will get 235 seats, so a significant majority. now in the senate republicans have become much, much more confident but you still can't be totally confident because these statewide races can go back and forth. there can be last minute shifts but a lot of republicans think they will have 52. failing that, 51 would still work for them. stuart: you would be happy with a republican, republican would surely be happy with 235 seats in the house, or 51 or 42 seats in the senate that would be good news all around, wasn't isn't. >> for the party? absolutely f they win only the house the biden legislative agenda is over, not going to happen. if they win the senate, the senate confirms president's nominees for judgeships.
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what if there is supreme court vacancy. if they win the seat that will be in a strong -- stuart: good to see you byron. come back soon. >> good to see you stuart. stuart: a new survey how the president wants to change the country. lauren: 467% want a change. the according to nbc. stuart: quite a bit of change. lauren: you're not confident where the direction is going. let me compare this for previous presidents. under president's trump, 44% wanted change, obama 41%. much lower for bill clinton, just 36% want a change. they all lost a lot of seats in the midterms. stuart: 47% want president biden to change course. lauren: good deal of change. stuart: 47%. a little bit, 19%. i got it. look who is here now, jeff sica on your screens shortly. they will switch the cameras.
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there you go. i want to talk to you about a windfall profits tax on oil companies. you have something to say about this, don't you? >> i really do and this shows the desperate position the biden administration is when they dig up this failed policy from 1980 from jimmy carter brought to you by the one and only jimmy carter, the second worst president we've ever had next to biden. here you have this win fall profits tax. bp comes out with earnings. they double their earnings. it was predictable as morning coming every day, that joe biden would come out and i would say the profits in the energy sector, in the big oil companies is a windfall of are war. so the last time jimmy carter did it in 1980, he reduced supply by 8% and he disincentivized people. so now what you have with
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joe biden is, and this policy, if it god forbid gets enacted you will see oil prices increase. you will see investors will be disincentivized to investing in oil and it is going to create a bigger problem. so again using, going back to the hair of the dog that bit you as the solution is the wrong solution. stuart: you've become our basher in chief. you bashed president biden, president carter, before that. it was twitter and meta i think you had a go at. i understand you think a good trade on wall street would be sell meta, put the money into disney. why? >> well as you know, stuart, i really hate and despise meta. stuart: you do. >> and all they stand for the stupid idea of the metaverse which i don't care about, you guys don't care about, and the fact they're annihilating
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shareholders by propelling this worthless technology, and what i see disney as, disney has made a ton of mistakes. it's been, i have owned disfor almost 30 years. it was one of the first stocks i ever bought. i always loved disney and sewed in marvel comics in my sport coat. how much i love disney. lauren: show it. >> and it's been, an obsession of mine. they have gone off the rails and i questioned bob chapek's ability to lead but they have an iconic brand. i think they will turn the tables when you have meta, around 90, disney a little higher. i would get out of that dog of a -- i don't even want to call meta a dog, because that is insulting to dogs. stuart: whoa. >> i would get out of that stock and go into disney. disney may come through tomorrow
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on earnings. i think we're going to see theme parks have done better, people were dying to get out, spend $20 for "dumbo" ride and buy overpriced turkey drumstick but people are doing it. i think we're going to see, we're going to see a turnaround. lauren: turkey drumstick. stuart: one of these days you will tell us how you feel. i don't like it when you hold back. you know what i mean? >> keep it real, stuart. lauren: how do i follow that? i think i'm next. stuart: here is the setup for you, lauren is looking for movers including airbnb, go. lauren: they're making changes in price transparency up front. customers are complaining what is the cleaning fee, host strips all the bed when i'm paying a cleaning fee? stock is down because of europe proposing regulations for home rental companies including airbnb. stuart: i see walgreens boots
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alliance, top of the hill, top of the performance list. it is up 4%. lauren: they have a majority stake in village md, they're merging with summit health the parent of city md. for nine million dollars. combines urgent care centers. stuart: get back to tupperware,wer were talking about tupperware, i don't see it going up 15%. what is happening? what is the story. lauren: belief the turnaround can work. the ceo loaded up on 24 million shares. they believe in the turn around, the market is thinking they're helping to engineer. initial report sales down 20%. stuart: up 15%. next one, homebuilders and banks calling on congress for help. what exactly do they want? lauren: they want to push the year-end tax package that will create two million more housing units in a decade. how do you do this? three proposals. number one, give builders tax incentives for building
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affordable rental housing. number two, create new tax incentive to build in disadvantages areas. give home sellers bigger break on capital-gains taxes. they are saying, the fed crushed us. the fed ruins this booming market when you have a 7% mortgage rate. they safe you have to act now because if we have potential divide in congress nothing will get done. stuart: they could do changing of regulations and permitting process. that would really help i suspect. thank you, lauren. laundrie. lauren: changing regulations that is state and local, that is federal. stuart: that is true. the balance of power in the senate could come down to a couple of counties in the keystone state. jeff flock talking to voters in pennsylvania to see if the gop leaning trend could put dr. oz over the top. karol markowicz says the democrats let randy wine garthent of the teachers union treat schools like her personal fiefdom.
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well, we fell in love through gaming. but now the internet lags and it throws the whole thing off. when did you first discover this lag? i signed us up for t-mobile home internet. ugh! but, we found other interests. i guess we have. [both] finch! let's go! oh yeah! it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about. i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet?
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well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. ♪. stuart: where are we now 50 minutes into the trading
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session? a nice pop. the dow is up 226. the nasdaq is up almost 40. now this. one historically blue county in florida could flip red for the first time in decades. lauren, i bet i know which county it is. lauren: miami-dade. stuart: correct. lauren: 30% of their 1 1/2 million or so voters have cast a ballot so far, 30% early voting ended last night. so this is where we stand. registered republicans are leading, they have cast 180,000 plus votes, democrat 174,000, unaffiliated thousand, 106,000. what does early voting mean, in person and mail-in. in-person republicans showed up more, 33,000 more voted in person than democrats. democrats mailed in more, but overall slightly more republicans voting early, which shows enthusiasm on the ground, right? the republicans outreach towards the hispanic voter. stuart: i saw loads of people
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lining up outside of early voting stations where i was in florida last couple days. line out the door. loads and lloyds of people lining up. lauren: that is remarkable. wait until tuesday, tomorrow? stuart: so easy. it is configured you can do it very easily, quite quickly, the line moved. it really is. lauren: weird to talk about early voting to say republicans are leading, they are in miami. usually flips democrats, miami-dade county. we have a big republican megadonor, ken griffin, given his endorsement for somebody in 2024. who is it? lauren: ron desantis the governor of florida. ken griffin uprooted his entire family, the company citadel from chicago to miami. he was concerned about crime rates but obviously other reasons. he is the leading donor is desantis's election campaign in this cycle. five million. 60 million to the gop overall. as for the presidential, he told "politico" this, i'm tired of
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donald trump and ready for the next generation. he says his support for desantis is, i'm quoting, is a huge personal decision. stuart: looks like a big split here, doesn't it? lauren: '24 will be exciting. stuart: former president trump took aim at governor desantis over the weekend. watch this. >> we're winning big, big in the republican party for the nomination like nobody has ever seen before. let's see, there it is, trump at 71. ron desanctimonious at 10%. mike pence at 7. mike is doing better than i thought. [laughter]. liz cheney, there is no way she is at 4%. stuart: carol -- karol markowicz joins us now. she fled new york living in florida. conservatives are turning on trump about his comments on desanctimonious. you're in florida, who is more
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popular trump or desantis? >> it is interesting, more are liked in the conservative movement, some people since the comment they didn't like trump did that. it wasn't just that he came after desan t look, everybody knows, if there is a presidential campaign with the two men they will go after each other. that makes a lot of sense. this is few days before the gubernatorial election in florida. even trump super fans were really mad about this they really didn't like it. wait until this election is over, go after each other. that would be fair. stuart: the state of play in florida's gubernatorial election. i was down there four days, just came back yesterday. >> can't believe you didn't call. stuart: i was on the other coast. i only saw one crist sign i while i was there i was driving around a lot in four days. >> i'm seeing the exact same thing on the east coast. desantis has ton of enthusiasm. you mentioned the lines. in some counties you can make an
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appoint meant to vote. i did that. it was the most seamless experience in my life. i seen experience to desantis. i'm new to florida. i didn't know anybody here. i've been so busy since i got here. i was invited to three election watch parties in my county. all regular people, not political nerds like us, regular people watching the desantis results coming in. they are rooting for the governor. they want him to win. stuart: i wonder if they all watch fox news as they should. >> of course. stuart: karol, you op-ed, every democrat who harmed our kids election to pay on election day. you're taking aim at randy winegarten, aren't you karol. >> i made the move. i think my kids are thriving in florida. not everyone is able to uproot their lives to go away from insane leadership. all the governors who kept their states closed, witmers, kathy hochul in new york was the lieutenant governor at the time,
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so many places they need to be held accountable what they did. there can be no amnesty, apology for making up what they did. it was not a one-day thing. we arced with them, argued with them, showed them data, proved our points so many times schools should be open. they simply didn't care because randy winegarten said today they and they listened to her. they can't put randi in front of our kids and expect to get reelected. stuart: i want to make the point teachers i've come across my 50 years in america, wonderful people. case closed. my beef is with the union, unionization of the public schools. >> 100%. that is exactly it. stuart: unionize, yeah? >> yeah. i also, you know i met some teachers that wanted to be back but couldn't because their unions didn't allow it. i absolutly stand with the teachers. i'm super pro-teacher. every teacher showed up for kids, and year before that deserves applause and more.
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randy wine garth own -- randi winegarten needs to go. stuart. students are experiencing learning loss. ashley, come in for a second. some say the lockdowns are not the only cause of these kids struggles if. what else are they blaming? ashley: you're right. group called no left turn in education. they claim schooling has been hijacked by the teachers unions who they say focus on politics rather than education causing students academic achievements to drop. high school graduates from the class of 2022 average ad score of 19.8 out of 36 on the a.c.t. college admissions test. that is the lowest score in more than 30 years. now critics say, for example a new jersey chapter of the nea ran an ad for the upcoming school year calling parents who speak out against critical race theory and gender identity lessons as extremists. they say students are also being
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taught that doctors guess the baby's gender at birth, guess, and that gender is a spectrum, it has nothing to do with biological sex. so no wonder those test scores are going down and down. ridiculous. stuart: it really is, isn't it? thanks, ash. back to you later. who will replays speaker pelosi. the democrats are looking to a new york liberal. we have that story coming up for you. doctors may be a able to diagnose diseases like cancer and parkinson's with just the sound of your voice. we'll speak with one of the doctors who created this app next. ♪
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stuart: on the markets this morning some red ink for the nasdaq, down 20 but some green for the dow which is up 150 points. lauren has some movers, start please with snap. lauren: look at them, up 4%. i think they're on par with meta, thousands of job cuts, taking other media stocks up as well. stuart: doordash?
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lauren: up 2%. oppenheimer up graded them to outperform. liked margins. the price target going up to 70 they say. stuart: okay, i've beening bluee apron. lauren: they were down five days in a row, reported a terrible loss, much bigger than forecast and they with drew their full-year forecast citing uncertainty of anticipated funding. stuart: ouch. lauren: those are ouch statements as well. they also reported for the third quarter, despite increasing prices they still lost customers and the number of orders fell so. stuart: buck 80 it is for blue apron. now look at this please. the voice center at the university of south florida is working on an app that could diagnose diseases like cancer and park sin con's with just the sound of your voice.
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one of the leading doctors creating this project is with us. doctor, welcome to the show. can you explain layman's terms how this will work? >> of course. thank you so much for having me. the project is called voice as a biomarker for health. the goal is to capture as many voices as possible with people with these diseases to help technology do algorithms with artificial intelligence to understand. we know as physicians when our patients talk to us there is a lot of things we can diagnose. i'm a, i'm a voice surgeon. i see people with voice disorders every day, including voice box cancer. often when they come in, i close my eyes, by just the sound of their voice i can't necessarily make an exact diagnosis but i have a pretty good idea what is going on. and we know other experts in other fields have the same. so we just want to bring that technology. stuart: can you diagnose all forms of cancer just by the
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sound of your voice or just throat cancer? >> probably not all sorts. we're looking at, five difficult categories of diseases. so the first category we're looking at is voice disorders. we're looking at neuro-- stuart: voice problem right there. that is called an audio problem. the irony that's right. do we have the good doctor back at this point or not? i don't think we do. we lost connection, i'm very sorry about that. that was an intriguing app, i want to hear more about that we will later on. doctor, thank you. a new study pfizer's pack low individual drug helped with long covid. ashley, come in, with details. ashley: interesting. taking the oral medication within five days of testing positive for covid was linked to 26% of lower risk of post-viral complications or long coindividual. this is according to done reserve by the va in st. louis,
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the widely treated with pack low individual, lessened likelihood of longer term problems. it should be pointed out we don't know the cause of long haul covid, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, headaches, or inability to smell or taste. there is still so much that is not known but long covid is estimated to affleck almost 150 million people worldwide. it is predicted to cost $3.7 trillion in the u.s. alone. so, yes, it is a big problem. stuart: got it. thanks so much, ashley. early voting numbers in nevada show a thin margin in the senate race. it is one of four tossups that will determine balance of power in congress. alexandria hoff will have the report from las vegas coming up. the porn stars are hitting the road in system -- pawn stores are in search much most
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collectible stuff. >> america is full of surprises. stuart: rick harrison will join us. he will give us a preview of the new show, ""pawn stars" do mechanic." that's next. -- america. what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian health care ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family.
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i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. stuart: nearly 640,000 people have voted so far in nevada. that surpassed early voting totals in 2018 by more than
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100,000 votes. alexandria hoff in las vegas. who has got the edge in the senate race there, alex? reporter: that is the issue, stuart. nobody has the edge. this race is complete coin toss with both candidates statistically tied in the polls. big party names have to be brought into this today. transportation secretary pete buttigieg will make an appearance. former president bill clinton attended a gospel brunch. he urged voters not to cast a protest vote over issues like the economy gas prices. he was there on behalf of incumbent senator catherine court test -- cortez masto. >> she is mag sieve ment public servant. she earned another term. i hope every single one of you will vote if you haven't talked already and talk to other people and vote. reporter: this is the second former president who came to campaign in the last six days. former president obama held a
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rally earlier. cortez-masto has been locked dead-even in the polls with republican opponent, former attorney general for the state, adam laxalt. we asked the candidate if she wanted president biden to also make an appearance on the trail? >> you know what? anybody is welcome to come into this state. right now the focus is what i just said. let's turn out our voters. make sure everybody exercises the right to vote which is their voice in this community. reporter: president biden has been notably absent here. today adam laxalt continued bus tour across the state. he is in reno now. this weekend he was joined by guests like senator tom cotton and border patrol union head brandon judd. laxalt is wagering where turnout in rural counties will sway the state. >> i have always believed if you go into these communities, they will turn out, you know. this is who we're running for. we're running for people being left behind and don't feel like they have a voice and that is what we'll bring to washington, d.c., here in a few weeks.
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reporter: laxalt is going to return to las vegas tomorrow. stuart, i think you have noticed just how windy it is here. we'll have rain come through tomorrow. snow is forecasted to take place into the reno area. when that comes to turnout you never quite know how that will impact. the candidates are hoping after the early numbers come out that the in-person numbers will be a showing. stuart: i thought nor a moment you would say it would snow in las vegas. that would be a first. thank you very much indeed. see you soon. need senator cortez masto released new ads over the weekend, she highlighted 14 members of her opponent, adam laxalt's family endorsed her in the senate race. laxalt said those family members are the live out-of-state or are registered democrats. then we have "pawn stars" host, las vegas rest dented rick harrison joins me now. before we get to you, how do you think the nevada senate race is
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going to go? >> i think it will go to laxalt. cortez masto says she, 14 family members. go back on family tree you can find all the family members you want to find. it's a political whatever but i'm hoping laxalt wins. i'm tired of the inflation. i'm tired of, just, fentanyl deaths and everything else going crazy in this country. there needs to be order in some things and masto votes in line with pelosi and biden. >> got it. let's get that out of the way. move on to your new show, it is called, get pronounciation, right here, "pawn stars do america." we have a little preview for you, roll tape. >> hey, america. "pawn stars" is on the road. >> and we're coming to you. >> show us your big-ticket items. let's make some deals. more miles we travel, the more rare gems we find. >> i can't wait to see what's next. stuart: rick, would you tell us what is the most rare item that
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you have come across so far on your travels? >> a, i actually ended up buying a cannon from the revolutionary war. it was one of the cannons that george washington, when he crossed the delaware at valley forge and took one of, this was actually one of the hessian cannons he took from one of the mercenaries. i ended up buying it. stuart: you buy treasures around the country, do you sell them for a profit or what happens? >> i definitely sell them for a profit. i couldn't keep them all. i am ultimate capitalist. i buy and sell stuff 24 hours a day in my pawn shop in vegas, going around the country and we thought we were going to, trying to think of something epic for season 20. then we decided, hey, let's do something completely different.
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make it a different show. we'll cruise around the country all summer long and do eight, two-hour specialals in eight different cities. we came up with "pawn stars do america." it was really, really fun. there was so much stuff, it would never end up in vegas but if it was locally people could bring it down. we had events with, just massive crowds lined up with stuff all day long. stuart: sounds fascinating, it really is. i would love to see those can none too. rick harrison, good luck with the show. thanks for being with us this morning. always appreciate it. thanks a lot. back to the markets real fast, what have we got today, monday morning, want to know what is happening to your money. we're up 170 on the dow. down a mere 20 on the nasdaq. president biden slammed elon musk's twitter, for spewing lies all across the world. susan li has the latest on the musk hysteria. the fcc commissioner brendan carr wants our country to ban
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tiktok. he says the app poses a national security risk. commissioner carr on the show next. ♪. [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. - [narrator] if your business
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♪. stuart: i love that graphic. twitter takeover. more like twitter destruction. president biden used a rally in chicago to take aim at elon musk. he claim twitter, quote, spews lies across the world. susan li is here with the story. what else did he say? >> he says there are no editors in america anymore. biden went even further say that facebook, other social media platforms where users can spread misinformation. so you know, musk was busy over the weekend of course clarifying what the content moderation rules are under his ownership tweeting that no big changes so far and twitter rules will evolve over time but there were numerous celebrities that changed their profile pics, names on own verified accounts,
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paying for blue check mark means you can impersonate anybody you want to pay eight bucks a month. that is when musk stepped in with content moderation rules. elon musk tweeting going forward any twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying parity will be permanently suspended. come on, this affects comedians like kathy griffin, her account, those. people are up in arms about the elon musk ownership and they're facing a small advertiser revolts. less at that competitors i want to note, general motors, et cetera, you do have activists group are being very activists penning an open letter to big companies like coca-cola, p&g to stop advertising under twitter under musk's ownership. musk and twitter depends for 90% of sales coming from advertising. also cutting jobs. they're trying to find cash somewhere, laying off 50% of the
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workforce last friday, but then hiring back dozens of the 3,000 plus that were let go because they need to implement the new verification programs and other initiatives that musk wants to push through. musk doesn't have a lot of time to turn the company around. he tweeted laying off workers, get three months of severence, also noting, this was very telling twitter is losing $4 million a day. that is $300 million a quarter. he also has to pay back about $500 million in interest on that 13 billion-dollar loan to even acquire twitter. stuart: i think tweet from musk just appeared on our screens, is that right? >> that is when he sent out the letter that laid off 3,000 workers. stuart: okay. sounds like a hurricane just arrived. then there is this, musk just made the pitch to independent voters. this is the one i'm trying to talk about here. here is the tweet. independent-minded voters shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties. i recommend vote for republican
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congress given the presidency is democratic he says hardcore democrats or republicans never vote for the other side, independents decide who is in charge. i messed that up. susan: it is consensus if you have a locked government with democrats and republicans owning both houses or different houses of congress that is probably best for business and the stock market. stuart: gridlock works. susan: gridlock works. stuart: thank you very much, susan. a commissioner at the fcc wants tiktok banned in america. commissioner carr joins me now. sir, why the total ban on tiktok? >> the tide is very clearly moving out on tiktok. almost every week we see a revelation about the serious national security threat and every week we see new, by
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partisan. so i think the tide ask definitely moving out on tiktok at this point. stuart: can you actually ban isn't i mean can you stop anybody in america from using it? can you actually do that? >> i can't do it but the way this review is taking place right now within the treasury department of the biden administration there is a review called cfius that is actively looking at this issue. the commerce department is also looking at it and the federal trade commission has been asked to look at it. my view, given nefarious data flows we're seeing right now i think cfius should step in. "new york times" a few weeks ago said cfius and treasury had a tentative deal with ticktock. there were concerns from the top of the doj that the deal was not going to be tough enough on china. the point is to look to the cfius action and look for a result there. stuart: suppose a total bandied go through, i think that is probably what you're aiming for, would that mean that nobody can look at those tiktok reels, all
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that stuff? it is not available in america, is that what would happen? >> yeah. i think what we need to do is ultimately break the corporate chain back into communist china and i think one practical way that may end up happening yes, to ban the application outright. look i don't see a path forward at this point for putting a solution in place that allows it to continue to operate and the reason for that is really tiktok itself. there was leaked material from a tiktok official not long ago, at the end of the day even if treasury put new protections in place that are rumored, called project texas, depends using oracle servers, the tiktok official said if product and engineering i read as beijing can still get access to it. if tiktok officials are not sure new protection can safeguard user data i think we should take them at their word. stuart: fcc commissioner brendan carr, thanks for joining us this morning. appreciate it. on a related note, tiktok hired a former campaign spokesperson
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for president biden. ashley who did they hire? ashley: jamal brown is his name. appointed by the chinese owned social media app to manage policy communications for the americas, primarily focusing on the united states. brown previously worked as national press secretary for joe biden 2020 campaign. most recently pent gone press secretary at the defense department. tiktok appeared not to put out any official statement but brown's twitter bio has been updated to show his tiktok employment. republican senator josh hawley of missouri condemning brown's hiring at tiktok. he calls it alarming sighing that tiktok and its chinese parent company present a serious national security threat and accuses joe biden dithering while china is following up americans personal information. stuart: thank you, ashley. florida senator rick scott, mike rowe will join us and so too
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will joe concha. on your screens is what the voters consider the most important issues in tomorrow's election. there is one issue that is not on the list, the president's cognitive ability, his focus and his gaffs. that will be the subject of "my take." which is next. ♪ is it possible the only thought that comes to mind is... ♪ finally? this is financial security. and lincoln financial solutions will help you get there. as you plan, protect and retire. ♪
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economic issues and crime issues and the independents over overwhelmingly favoring the market. >> in this particular election, overwhelmingly gop victory would indicate a country still in love with free enterprise. >> when you look at the state of the economy today, it is going in the bad direction. third quarter, wrong direction. >> this is a forest fire of
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