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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  November 10, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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jackie: so much backlash when governor abbott sent migrants to other places like here in new york city, a -- sanctuary city by the way. >> so the democratic cities were for sanctuary cities what trump was protecting them, then the biden administration let people in and they received just a few thousand, they were over womenned. overwhelmed. not surprising they could not handle it. jackie: attorney general ken paxton from texas thank you. >> i am jackie deangelis in for elizabeth macdonald. kennedy: now about 48 hours since polls starded to close, in m midterms, we still don't know who will be in control of the house or
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senate. because ballots in some states, still yet to be counted. at this m hour senate has 3 undecided races, nevada, arizona ask georgia, we could get arizona r results at any moment, keep yyour eyes glued here. democrats have 50 states and vice presidential tie breaking vote. house still leaning in favor of republicans, but the way it has gone, who knows, anything could happen. we know that polls got a lot wrong, there was no red wave, voters have much more nuanced opinions on issues like inflation, crime and abortion. and different things are important to different people. we know that people are sick of the gridlock, fighting and many wasting in dc, according to president
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biden, democrats should just continue with what they are doing it is amazing. >> sph 75% of voters say that country is in wrong direct, what will dow differently to change people a opinion of the direction of the the country? >> nothing. because they are finding out what we're doing. kennedy: they are just finding out what we're doing, wonderful. republicans have said it is time for a change-up. house minority whip steve scalise reportedly has his eye on the speaker ship. >> bottom line we'll have a republican house majority, we ran on a commitment to america to get our economy back on track track. >> in the house. but because there was not that massive red wave, republicans don't have a mandate to pass their wish
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list. and if democrats win senate it will be tougher. so where do we stand tonight? even if there is a party shift, does that matter. joining me now, former democrat, tulsi gabbard welcome back. let's talk about tuesday night, do you feel a kinship with voters, you left the democrat party, voters have not embraced either party, has atlas slug shrugged. >> if i am a voter looking at washington, all i care about is whether or not the people in charge will do their job, start listening to challenges that people in the country are facing. any time, people talk about red waves or blue this or whatever. i just tune out, probably like a lot of others, those colors don't mean a lot. what heenes
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means something to me is if leaders step up ex up and say we'll fight to reduce crime and deal with the open border and numbers of people crosses our border illegally, you look at the things that people are concerned about, this is not a team sport, there are real lives and real consequences to the decisions they make in washington. kennedy: i think a really good point we're in a different place than in 2016 or even in 2020. you know people, it was entertaining to engage in the political blood sport, the economy was humming along, it was pre-pandemic and we didn't have the worries that we have now, when president says he is not doing anything differently, how would you tell him to correct course to be more sensitive to
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voters who are very much in pain. >> i was very disappointed to hear him say that, it tells mao two important things, number one, in some ways not surprising he would say we'll do nothing different in the white house. because of how out of touch they have shown they are. when he says there is no inflation, when inflation is going up, up, up. you have kamala harris saying no, we don't have open borders, yet the number of people illegally crossing the border increasing, there is no crime epidemic, you talk to the people who are impacted by the crime, they have proven they are out of touch, that also shows arrogance. to me the great -- signs of a great leader or a good leader is someone who is trying to do better. listening to the people that they are serving and saying, how can i serve you better. what can i do better to you make sure that your quality of well is improved and you
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and your kids feel safe. even someone who is doing a good job should ask those questions, for the president of united states to just say, nope, status quo. if people learn how awesome we are then maybe we'll be awesome, but that is not what people are seeing or living. >> maybe in long-term, some of those policies, i don't have a great deal of faith in it, i am a fan of limited government. and i think that less government does the more freedom people have the mover decisions that people camake, happier they will be. and but you know. let's say, at some point sure, you know the democrat policies, they might take root. they might allow people to turn a corner, but, what is critically important is the here and now. what is hard for me to stomach watching all this regard less of party, is how uncapable president and vice
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president are at articulating what is really going on with the economy, and also having sensitivity to talk about solving these problems, first you have to name it then you have to come up with a set of real solutions, they are enable of doing that -- incape be a incapable of doing that. and how did you decide when candidates to endorse. >> who were willing both on on the campaign trail in private and public saying this is about a problem that is bigger than just one party. these problems are not solved by switching the party that is in control. it is about having courage courageous leaders rooted in the constitution, and recognize threats to our fundamental freedoms. and who are willing to stand up to leaders in washington whether they be democrat or
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republican. on behalf of the american people. we have too many cowards in washington who react and make decisions that are fear-based rather than recognizing that our founders envisioned this constitution bill of rights northstar, the guidelines with which our leaders make decisions. thosers keeps of people that i was glad do campaign for. so they could fulfill that promise. kennedy: well, i think a lot of democrats and certainly republicans pay lip service to the the constitution, i would not call many constitutionalists . -- is the way forward a third party and breaking up the two-party duopoly and how do you do that? >> i don't know the answer to how do you do that, reality is there are a majority of americans, and
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polls have shown this year after year, there are more americans who don't identify with either party. i think most people in this country i encourage and should be voting for each individual candidate based on who they are. what they stand for. what they are committed to and their principles rather than say i'm a republican i'll vote republican or i'm a dem d democrat i'll vote democrat that system has failed us. we as voters need to speak for and choose leaders who represent our interests, who are rooted in the constitution. and have their priorities straight. kennedy: and i think you saw more of that on tuesday night. i really believe that people are taking things issue by issue not just with party line, the parties have failed them. tulsi thank you, i appreciate talking to you. >> thank you so much kennedy. kennedy: double chaka.
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>> majority in senate yet to be decided. we could that arizona race could be called any moment, vote counters there are digging through a mountain of ballots, right now they don't have any electricity in arizona, democrat markety -- mark kelly leading masters by 5. officials are expecting more ballot dumps later, it is on -- only thursday. heading to overtime in georgia. we have heisman herschel and warnock going into a run off next month, which party in the best position, joining me. on party panel, charles
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hurts and marie and host of the sharp way. he came this close, layer larry sharp. all right. so, charlie, i will start with you. you are -- you are the more conservative person on the panel. is there still a republican path to take over the senate? if so, how? >> i think without a doubt. there is a path. it is a lot tighter than i think a lot of people figured. just you know stepping back and looking at what i was expecting to see to tuesday night. when you have this sort of record level of discontentment among voters usually voters break hardaway from the party that is in power.
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and we saw far less of the that. that said, i do think that in arizona we have a good -- i think a very good shot. kennedy: really? >> blake masters -- if you listen to what kari lake and blake masters have been saying, the new tranches ballots should be 50, 60 or up to 80% in their favor because of where they come from and where they were cast, you know who knows, we'll see. i think that adam laxalt has a better shot in nevada. but georgia is an open question, the fact that raphael warnock was not able to break 50% was a very telling thing, it told us something about kelly loeffler.
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the incumbent is going in, they. kennedy: and they were bad candidates. >> they were, the fact -- perdue not as bad add loeffler. so, i think that there is a still a really possibility that republicans could win the senate. kennedy: so, marie, if they don't what happens? if democrats they get 50 or 51, what happens if republicans win the house? how do you see this playing out? it is not a mandate for other party to tulsi's point? >> well, i would say t democrat over performed expectations in this election and any midterm i think it is more of a mandate than we expected, i think democrat will h hold senate, mark kelly will win and we'll win nevada as well. if republicans take the house it will be by a small
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margin, kevin mccarthy challenged from the right to see if he could become speaker, nancy pelosi worked hard with a small democratic majority to keep that caucus together. republicans are in much more disarray in the house than democrats are, if this is a small house majority for republicans we'll see a lot of investigations about things that voters don't care about, but we won't see a governing platform because, they're all over the place, and mccarthy can't coral them. kennedy: i do think that you are right about something. i think you should temper your glee, that is my face. good to see you, i do think that very much there is a big scism in both parties, they have extreme wings that are at odds with each other, it is hard to herd those cats.
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it is unenviable position to be speaker of the house with a small majority, larry to georgia. actually, larry you owe me a pair of lubes. >> not sure i do. let's roll th. >> let's do that. kennedy: roll the tape. >> 6 months from now you will see, no change. >> yes, you get a cool tesla car or -- >> what if there is change in s 6 months what do i get. >> a pair of nice lubes if you are wrong in 6 months? >> done. yes. kennedy: very good, i love shoes. larry. size 38 1/2 christian louis vuitton. pay up but the ter cup. butter cup. >> i said 6 months, in case
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you have not noticed it is 7, i am find my 6 month was october 11, nothing happened by then. kennedy: you of welching. >> nope. kennedy: larry sharp is a welcher. charlie is he a welcher. >> you saw the tape. >> i can't -- nope. kennedy: he doesn't want to pay up. >> that is not a technicality. kennedy: it is not, marie? >> come on get behind me. >> i never heard that term before but tape sounded clear. i would -- >> tape said 6 months. >> get the shoes. >> thank you, marie, we get lubes. >> -- now both? kennedy: thank you, larry. >> thank you. >> what is a lube? >> last time i do a bet with you, i want doubling up now. kennedy: john what his name still owes me 10 grand, i will make so much money next
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year when biden says he is not running. and blond lady told me that biden was going to be president, i said i'll bet you $10,000, she took the bet. >> i'll make a bet 2024, neitherred by sen -- biden or trump will be running. >> you have been reading my twitter. >> party panel thank you. >> coming up. i have one of -- thank you. >> i have one of prince 's guitar on set one of kirk cobain's smashed guitars, i will show you, that is omininininininesdadadadadada elecececawawawawaw f f fiamimimi i-i-i- cououououououy tu re is miami a model for the g.o.p.? should i be models in miami? ii'll into the miami mayor
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frances suarez next.
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kennedy: red wave may not have hit entire country, but quite a tsunami in florida,
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once blue, then purple now solid red. governor ron desantis senator marco rubio defeating their democrat opponents by nearly 20 points, flipping miami-dade county, here is what senator rubio said about the g.o.p. winning big in florida. >> people are moving here, they want to get away from the lunacy, happening to people that traditionally do not identify with republican party, they don't want schools indoctrinating their kids, put those ahead of them and their interests will punish you at the ballot box. kennedy: so should national republicans follow florida playbook. joining me to discuss, he still loves crypto. he is the mayor of miami, frances suarez, welcome back mayor. >> thank you, kennedy, you can always model in miami, we have fashion week coming up, you are welcome any time
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to model. kennedy: i will wear the new lubes that larry sharp will buy me it will be night of all our lives. >> there you go. >> let's talk about this, how are florida republicans different from republicans in other parts of the country who didn't have success that you and yours saw? >> i don't know if they are different, maybe messengers or message is different or track record of success, i don't know that republican voters or hispanic voters are that much d different, in a place like miami we have a cross section of diverse hispanics. and in 2016, miami-dade county was plus 30 for democrats. and 2020, it was plus 8. now it is plus 10 for republicans, that say 40. swing in miami all we do is follow 3 simple rules, keep taxes low. keep people safe. and we lean into innovation
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and create high paying jobs, we're number one in nation in wage growth. we have an unemployment rate 1.4% and happiest city and healthiest city in america. kennedy: i wish eric adams would take a trip to miami, i don't care if it is 6 month. >> fa -- you have taxes in new york sky-high, and crime soaring and schools are ridiculous. the private schools are worse. so you have your governor leaning into this anti-woke campaign, do you share his disdain for teachers unions trying to keep parents out of classrooms and pushing an agenda that teaches oppression and it's own version of version of
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racism. >> in miami we're not woke. there is no wokism, we believe in the american story in fact that if you work hard, you get educated. you have an opportunity to be successful here. we believe in the american dream. and we don't think that this country you know is perfect. but we think that the country is amazing, this country is the biggest beacon of liberty and opportunity in the world, we're blessed. because we're here, so many people want to be here to have the ability to be prosperous. and that is something that as miamiians are first generation or second, i am second generation american, you know, we have been given so much from this country, from our city. that we simply want to make sure that are people understand. that we need to lean into this success story. kennedy: i wish you know, it is interesting. the way so many american children are taught about communism through a false prism of this rose colored
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prism of uber socialism in academia, that is wrong that not how it was. i am a first generation american, my mom came hereafter fleeing a communist country, i sat with my mom and grandmother, and hear stories about what it was like over there. you know good parts and oppression they had to escape. people in florida, a lot of them, lived that. that is where they reject it. and we shouldn't have that fake glossy version that people like aoc sell because it disingenuous, you have two titans in florida who are battling for soul of republican party, governor ron desantis and former president donald trump, which camp do you rest in. >> the rest in that i don't want to upset any future voters.
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to go back to what you said before. you know in miami, we're shaped by our origin story, in my case like yours, my dad came when he was 12 and my mom 7, fleeing's country where leader promised everyone who gave their property and businesses over to him, they would create equality, he did. he created equal misery for everyone and the democrats believe that if you continue to grow government, all the way to logical extension as solver of all problem that will create success, in history of humanity it creates failure, and oppression. kennedy: mayor frances suarez thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: let's go party in miami. >> coming up we don't know who will win future presidential i'll eels, b election, how well do you know our presidential past? test your technology, -- your knowledge, play along with the panel next.
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kennedy: quick quick welcome back. it is time to play prez your luck, our panel will answer presidential trivia. they have one chance to double their point later in the game. on question of their choosing, if they get it wrong, they get it all, winner gets 48 hours with george washington's dentures, no questions. charlie, larry and surprise by kat timpf are you ready to play prez. >> oh, wow. kennedy: yeah, kat is back, you should be worried. >> yesh . kennedy: right in the middle, like she likes to be, question one. charlie which president having once worked as a taylor made his own suits in
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office? >> wait? none of them, it was truman. i can't read the screen, i don't have my glasses on. kennedy: it was andrew johnson. >> no, no. no, no. no. kennedy: yeah. >> truman was a hab dasher, i would like that point. kennedy: you don't get it he was not one of the choices, was he. >> i think i'm in trouble. >> your test is wrong. kennedy: your test is wrong. >> kat, where did ronald reagan go to college? >> probably easy, but i have no idea. then you know charlie knows this stuff about president and suits and suit habits. i think i'm in trouble here. >> here we go.
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kennedy: take a guess. >> no. >> no. >> too many, this is ridiculous. kennedy: i agree. >> i'll pull my hair out. kennedy: don't do that. >> okay, boston -- not boston, i'll say boston. kennedy: not boston eureka college. >> you done help me win. kennedy: no one has won so far, kat. >> but, charlie tried to give me the answer, why would you do that? nobody does it to be mice. nice. >> i wanted to-help you. kennedy: charlie, keep the help for old ladies choking on chicken bones. >> that was nice. kennedy: larry, which of president set record for most country travel in first year in office? >> let's see. i'm going to guess it was bill clinton. kennedy: nope, it was barack
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obama. >> there we go. kennedy: 755 because he hates the u.s., charlie, your next question. which was these presidents married his schoolteacher? >> i'm going with milliard fillmore. kennedy: charley on the board. >> i never heard of milliard fillmore. [ laughter ] >> that is one that i knew. >> cartoon? >> like hinder lands of u.s. presidents, no one studied that era. whose face is first to be completed on mount rushmore? kat? >> jefferson. kennedy: no, it was washington. >> that was too easy, this is a horrible -- you know. >> are not leaving.
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>> what if i ripped off my mic and ran out, would be there consequences beyond public outcry. >> she will make you buy or shoe. kennedy: no, that is not a bobet. larry, which of these was famously made with h hippo ivory? >> i'm going with teddy roosevelt sword handle. >> are wrong, it was wash washington teeth. >> really. kennedy: l you are costing us the senate. >> actually, no, i djust me. >> yeah. kennedy: i would love to think that is true. >> charlie, high school president biden said he was part of a group of guys that played basketball some smokedwide. weed.
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>> the chain gang. kennedy: right. >> i knew that one, i was mad they didn't invite he. kennedy: cat tried to start it here at fox and liz macdonald got very uncomfortable. >> which president arrested for running over a woman with a horse? >> grant. >> i wish it were true, he was such a good horse man it was pierce. >> who is pierce. kennedy: not even a president. he was the cfo of fox businesslike 40 years ago. larry, what was milania trump's maiden name? >> b ? >> kennedy: larry gets second place,. >> good job. >> charlie you win with
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george washington dentures. you know, i have a feeling that kat will crash crash the party. >> didn't we get the same amount of points. >> bring your choom gang material. >> they are not real presidents if i never heard of them. kennedy: what is that jimmy carter. >> thank you, charlie, kat and larry, larry, looking forward to the shoes you choose thank you. kennedy: size. >> all right, ready for rock 'n roll auction? guitars from kirk cobain and prince, john lennon's glasses so much more, i will tell you everyone, of martin is joining me with some of the items next. ♪ ♪ you go back to her ♪ ♪
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kennedy: if you love rock rock 'n roll put another dime in the jukebox baby, but save the rest of your cash for swag. they of being auctioned off here in new york city that includes a cowboy shirt owned by elvis, and a pair of glasses wore by john lennon, a guitar that kirk cobain smashed on stage. after tonight it will be covered in my finger prints, i'm kidding, i'll be careful, joining me now. chief financial officer of je julien's auctions martin nolan. how did you amass this. >> annual even at hard rock in times square, this weekend 1500 items something
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for everyone, all of the greats represented prince and amy winehouse and michael jackson, people come to julien's auctions what they have items to consign, the market strong for collectibles. since the pandemic we noticed up surge in people wants to own the items, economy has been a little bit influx, people are letting go of items and raising cash, they are letting go, giving the items to sell it works both ways for us, we have buyers we need sellers. kennedy: looking at this, this is amazing, i'm a huge amounty winehouse fan this top piece was what she wore, affixed to her head in 2008 grammy performance that made her a star, she came crashing through the wall. >> first time in grammy.
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kennedy: i'm not like kim kardashian, i am being respectful, soiling marlin monroe's gown. you can feel the aura, it is tremendous, like amy winehouse fan it would be so incredible to own something to intimate. >> so iconic, you look at it, that is amy, she won 5 grammys, she could not get her visa to come to los angeles, she did her performance at 3 a.m. live to the grammys and won 5 awards, she sang the song rehab. kennedy: she did not go to rehab. >> so. >> it is very interesting to me, i was on mtv when nirvana was. >> i know you were, i talked about you, because we sold his guitar from this smells like teen spirit video in may, at hard rock for 4.5 million. kennedy: woe. >> that speaks to how
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collectible he is and from mt, vinfluenced. >> i there was. >> and pat smear played legendary buck owens have you sold that. >> no. >> word record for a guitar kirk cobain in 2020. this is -- >> that fender mustang this was if you are a real nirvana fan, you loved them during bleach this is first time band went on tour, kirk -- kurt smashing that. >> 1989, bleach just dropped. then to little back you know small housing throughout the u.s. in including in chicago this was in pennsylvania. 1989. june. and smashed he loved it, there is a 1973 fender mustang. expensive to be smashed
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after that he 11e learned to use a less expect of guitar to smash, one night he was performing he didn't have a guitar, because he smashed it, he borrows a guitar and gave this up. kennedy: slugo from hulla ballous, to slugo. let's move to, we have the amazing you know talk about iconic, john lennon made the big style shift. and left his beatle style behind. >> the hair style and everything. kennedy: granny glasses, you know they were implicit in his new style. >> and all doodles with him and yoko he is wearing these type of glasses, he called them granny glasses,ne these are his actual glasses, with his prescription. and this -- he gave the glasses to photographer, that photograph was used on cover of book about john lennon the lives of john
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lennon this is fantastic, estimate on these is 60 to 80 thousand. kennedy: come you, you can afford that. >> we have those baby pinks maybe future. kennedy: probably 5 million. >> prince's guitar. >> prince, cloud guitar, a nelson, fantastic. kennedy: amazing. just touching something that you know one of greatest guitarists in the world, musicians, ever played, see it for yourself julien's auction mart it martin thank you. kennedy: you can own a piece of rock 'n roll history, topical storm is next. ♪ ♪ ooking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments
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that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. in a recent clinical study, patients using salonpas patch reported reductions in pain severity, using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine.
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well, we fell in love through gaming.
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but now the internet lags and it throws the whole thing off. when did you first discover this lag? i signed us up for t-mobile home internet. ugh! but, we found other interests. i guess we have. [both] finch! let's go! oh yeah! it's not the same. what could you do to solve the problem? we could get xfinity? that's actually super adult of you to suggest. i can't wait to squad up. i love it when you talk nerdy to me. guy, guys, guys, we're still in session. and i don't know what the heck you're talking about.
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kennedy: los angeles woman gave birth to a baby girl on the side of the 5 freeway, l.a. traffic came to a crawl, that is highway mommyy, this is the topical storm, one. new trailer been released for avatar 2. way of the water. and with stunning visuals with bright electric colors can be described a beautiful wet dream. let's watch.
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so beautiful. they are opressed by c colonizers, or as a warren calls it her childhood, this could be the bluest movie i have seen since debbie does dallas. director james cameron uses 3-d technology to take us as underwater as the crypto exchange. cameron began films in 2017. that took 4 years to complicate, original avatar took 4 years to watch, it debuts december 16 in theaters, personally i think it can't be better than the live version i saw in las vegas, hey, boys wahoo. i love the blue on the face. >> orange you glad it's thirsty thursday. high tropicana released a
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me mimisasaspray bottle, best way to get a mimios to sit front row at a nancy pelosi speech. and don lemon got cap implants, that is not a fact but a rumor are a started. >> memossa making has been a long point of controversy on social media. 1.6 million videos were posted with recipes of perfect ratio of orange jejuice to champagne. there was no many posted i didn't get to try them all there creator of oculus rift, invented a new virtual
7:55 pm
reality head set, zuckerberg not only one killed by meta verse, it is rigged with 3 issue explosive charges. that is incentive. most mind blowing video game still god of war, creator palmer lucky said that idea to raise the stakes of virtual reality by tying your real life fate to that of jury virtual avatar, if you want to live like a avatar, i recommend snorkeling. >> new zealand, he has not tried the head set because of a huge variety of failures that could kill the user at wrong time. that is same the reason i stopped uses my peloton treadmill. it could injury the us user's brain but not cause death. or as fetterman campaign
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called it debate prep. >> time for view are mail, better. masturbator started us off with, sorry, what? i was ago youing -- kennedy nation, someone needs to wash your mouth out with soap, but where would all the sperm go. >> marie writes, where you be-- why you are still on the air. and by that, he means, a broom, flying through the air. shawn, kennedy you must have minored in carp entry because you nail it. >> i have to move now, thank you for watching the best hour of your day. i swear it is, you can follow me on twitter and instagram and facebook, e-mail. subscribe to my podcast, kennedy saves the world.
7:57 pm
and you can't watch the show, it is not a no go, you have to kenna dvr it and make every day a kenneday, i'll see you soon, freaks, i'll be doing this, i don't know what that means, double chaka and this white claw. ng on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq psst! psst! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. flonase sensimist provides non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. in a scent free, gentle mist. psst! psst! flonase. all good.
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they're looking for you. who? who's looking? there is no time. they will kill you....but my daughter.
8:00 pm
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