tv Varney Company FOX Business November 25, 2022 10:00am-11:00am EST
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ashley: beautiful look at midtown manhattan, lovely day, not a great day for weather in new york, people are out on black friday even though the streets look empty. a lot of people ordering online. i am rattling on. it is 10:00 eastern. i'm ashley webster in for stuart varney. let's get to your money, the markets, the dow and the s&p up slightly, the nasdaq down half of one%, look at the 10 year treasury yield. we seen the yields coming up on the tenure, nothing too startling, still under 3. 8%, 3. 73% on the 10 year, look at the price of oil. it has been on the rise ever so slightly, up $0.37, $78.31 a barrel.
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what about bitcoin. earlier it was down slightly, still in the $16,000 range, now we are down $47, 16,413. now this. president biden and his family are in nantucket for the holiday weekend. lucas tomlinson is their covering it all. there's a lot of confusion over whether the president is directly involved in the rail talks. >> reporter: not a good time for a railway strike with christmas just one month from today. santa has lobster depots throughout the country, how do you get them there, freight trains carry those toys. in nantucket president biden says he's not ready to help negotiate just yet. >> you talk up of what the holdout is? >> president biden: i can't but -- >> have you been in touch with all parties? >> president biden: my team has
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been in touch with all parties. i have -- i have not directly -- >> reporter: a few days ago biden's press secretary said some things quite different. >> the president is indeed involved directly but i don't want to get into details at this time but he's been involved. the president has been directly involved, he's been in touch, this is the third time i'm saying is directly involved. >> we are in one thing from the president and another from his protector, weeks before the midterm elections the biden administration took credit for avoiding a rail strike, that deal is in danger with a looming strike in the weeks ahead. both sides have until early december to come to an agreement. congressman mike walt spoke about this earlier. >> trying to distance the president because this deal with the railroad unions is
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literally about to come off the rails, 3 of the 12 unions have rejected it but what is so interesting and convenient is before the midterm elections he was taking credit for saving the country's economy. >> reporter: any railway strike could be very expensive. estimates are it could cost $2 billion a day if there is a strike, not a good time a year with all those toys needing to be delivered by rail including coal. ashley: thank you very much. elon musk says he will be releasing internal twitter conversations about the company's censoring of the hunter biden laptop story. guess who is here? tammy bruce. musk says it is necessary to restore public trust do you agree with him?
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>> reporter: yes, we were experiencing this pre-pandemic. when it comes to government involvement in attempts to censor americans, to use big tech and business, larger business in that way to do what the government is for been to do by the bill of rights, the constitution, which is to interfere with free-speech, so they are using proxy to do that. this is being looked at, the deposition fauci went through regarding this issue, he doesn't remember a lot of what was going on during covid surprisingly as they are looking at, in louisiana, louisiana's attorney general asking questions about involvement and what they were doing taught, telling big tech and what they were stopping. this revelation making a lot of people nervous but we know they intended this disinformation board to stop but that effort never stopped, this will show
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us who was involved, the intensity of it and the fact that effectively we are going to be able to confirm what we imagined which is direct government involvement in using twitter, facebook mother big tech to censor americans. ashley: senator ted cruz thinks we should move on from hunter biden and focus on the president. i will get your thoughts. >> the focus needs to be on president biden, this is not about hunter biden. any more than if you're going after the mafia and you catch some low level enforcer, it's about the big guy, it is about the godfather. joe biden is the godfather. he is the one who ultimately is profiting on this corruption, he is the one who is abusing official authority to further the criminal activity of his family members and that is why
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this is an issue of public corruption. ashley: go after the godfather, does the senator have a point? >> he does very much. i don't always like ted cruz's approach. in this particular case he is completely correct, this is about joe biden, he has admitted and behaves as though he is a partner with his son. he loves his son, this is what the issue is and i've had the same issue, there's a lot of things we have to deal with this as americans but republicans have to deal with, the democrats have done multiple things to vandalize this country over the last couple years and before, the republican this have to chew gum and walk at the same time. it has to be about the team of president biden and hunter biden, the laptop wasn't just about hunter and how disgusting he may or may not be and i think he's plenty disgusting but what was joe biden involved in when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to china, this
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kind of enterprise which is the teamwork between those two men, i don't know if republicans don't want to do it because they know joe biden has been in their 50 years, they've got to step up because the future is at stake and it has got to be more than focusing on the border, of course they have to do that but it is about the economy, 87,000 irs agents, this garbage, the covid cover-up, the censorship, using big tech, all of this, republicans had better do everything, the democrats of done everything to us and there is a lot that has to be reversed. ashley: what a place to leave at, fired up, thank you for joining us on this black friday, do appreciate it. now this, the white house is working on splitting up, working on splitting the litany of potential gop investigations into what they believe are
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legitimate inquiries and what they deem as politically motivated witchhunts. white house officials say they will cooperate on investigations into topics like the withdrawal from afghanistan, however they will likely not engage with requests about hunter biden, no big surprise. let's get back to the markets, bring in our good friend kenny polcari. holiday shopping season officially underway. look at you. you look like a christmas card, absolutely perfect. can we expect to see -- like santa claus, grow a beard a little more. can we expect to see a rally, will we get a sander rally? >> what we will get as we get closer to the end of the year, this week typically ends on a plus note and then early december, more macro data causes some concern and we know what those concerns are but i
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think as we move into the end of the year we will rally back, i think we will end between 4,000, and 40 one hundred on the s&p, between now and then we churn a lot. ashley: there's a lot of talk about the fed pivoting. when we saw the minutes of the last fed meeting they were talking about we need to slow the pace of these hikes and that gave a boost to equities. what's your thought on that? >> we had this conversation, a pause or slowdown is different from a pivot. we expect they will slow to 50 basis points in december, most likely another 50 in january, 25 in march and those are the pauses the market is expecting that we've been discussing. the pivot is looking to a complete reversal and then we go from raising at stopping to actually cutting rates and i don't think you will see that for a while, you may see them stop and pause in march but that doesn't mean a pivot, that
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just means they want to give the increase is time to work through the system to see how the data starts to come out as we move into the spring but i don't think we will see a pivot anytime soon. ashley: black friday, talking about the retailers, you say don't be fooled by discounts. what do you mean? >> prices are up 50% or 60%. when the retailer puts a sign up saying 30% sale, it's 30% off of a 60% increase so it is not a sale in the minds of consumers. they think it is a sale because it is a 30% off sale but prices are up 60% over the last year and therefore is it really sale? the other thing is inflation is eating away your ability to buy stuff so you end up buying less even with on sale stuff so i would be cautious. that's why a lot of consumers are going pretty experience
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versus a physical gift. ashley: we have to leave it there, thanks as always but don't go far, we know you loved to cook so we are going to join you in the kitchen at 11:50 eastern time today and we are looking forward to it. cooking with candy, don't miss it. to see you later. now this. los angeles is strongly recommending people return to wearing masks indoors. are we going backwards and will mask mandate return? let's hope not. i will ask doctor marty makary. a lesson plan to ask people what is wrong with thanksgiving. we will take on that issue and with 55 million americans heading home travel soaring to near pre-pandemic levels we will breakdown what you will see with delays and cancellations next. ♪
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ashley: taking a look at milwaukee, wisconsin, sunny skies, chile, 43 °, 43, not too bad for this time of year. if you like the music we play on the show follow us on spotify, search "varney and company" or scan the qr code right there on your screen and you can enjoy all the music. okay. let's check the markets.
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very subdued on a shortened trading day, that out one third of one%, the s&p flat for the most part, the nasdaq down just 1/4 of a%. now this. millions of americans hit the road and hopped on planes this week to spend thanksgiving with their families. fox weather multimedia journalist minnie hicks live in cleveland's international airport this morning. what can travelers expect returning home? >> reporter: good morning and happy friday, travelers should expect and be ready for long lines, aaa says more than 54 million people are traveling for this holiday travel season which they measure from november 21st through have ever 28 in here in the airports, 4.5 million americans traveling across the country. to give some perspective, nearly 8% increase from this time last year.
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let's talk about those cancellations and delays. cleveland international airport we are not seeing too many delays or cancellations but are across the country there are 600 delays and 1800 cancellations which means a lot of people in airports trying to figure out what is next. tsa and airlines have been preparing for this moment all year round hiring more staff, and people, just to get those travelers through those security checkpoints and at the ticket counter and other checkpoints as well. we hear this term every holiday season, pack your patients and that couldn't be more true for those holiday season, pack your patients and to be prepared. i typically get to the airport 21/2 hours before any domestic flight but i'm finding in this holiday travel season i have to get here three hours before and i have tsa pre-check and clear, because it is the parking spots, there are not a lot of
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parking spot at these airports. it's a sign of the times that more people are traveling. you want to pack the patients, be prepared, pack those snacks, pack up pillow just in case you are one of those people who has a flight canceled. back to you. ashley: a great advice. i don't have enough patience to fill a suitcase or pack anything but thank you, great stuff from cleveland. let's move on to this story, los angeles will district gave a presentation on thanksgiving telling students everything about thanksgiving is wrong, that was the premise. i want to bring in leo terrell. you were a teacher for many years, this power point says thanksgiving was not a feast of unity but a celebration of genocide. what do you make of this? >> this is an important subject me. i taught within the la unified school district, i taught us history.
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i talked about thanksgiving and there is documentation, a letter talking about the 3 day celebration. this is another attempt to destroy everything great about this country, to divide this country based on a hatred by the extreme left. it is insulting because what everyone did the last 24 hours a summer break the greatness of this country. i wear these flags because of the greatness of this country but you have this office of diversity that is trying to divide this country. i submit to you what is the evidence to dispute the beauty and tradition of thanksgiving? they don't have it but they don't need it because they just want to divide. ashley: let's move on, staying in the schools, a pennsylvania school district has voted to d5 a lot that prohibits teachers from saying any race is superior to another. this has got to open pandora's box, right?
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>> i was a schoolteacher for 7 years, have been a civil rights lawyer for 30 years. doctor king, everything i learned, equality, judging a person by the content of their character, and this is a critical left theory of trying to divide this country based on race and hatred. you have a school district that says we will deify teaching racial superiority. they want us to hate each other and they are trying to attack our young people, the children who are the future of america, they want us to hate each other based on skin color meant not the content of our character. ashley: what role can parents play in this? we see this as issues come up. parent say enough is enough, some in the administration on the far left characterized
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protesting parents as terrorists but what can parents do? >> you saw it in virginia, every parent should look at those lesson plans, the objections a being taught in the classroom. the parents are the first and last line of defense to make sure this racial hatred is not taught to their kids. i am imploring that parents across america focus on what their kids are learning, what they are learning in class, they have a fundamental right to do so. ashley: great stuff as always, good to see you, thank you. great to have you. some americans having mixed feelings what they choose to major in in college. take a listen to this.
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>> i was a criminal justice major and i don't like it. >> to a trade school. >> going to a trade school would be better off, opportunities for advancement in that field is outstanding, getting a 4 year degree, having bills to pay, having a hard time finding a job. >> i have a bachelor in fine arts, that's my job. if you are in new york. >> i majored in business and realized my major wasn't very specific and started applying for jobs and realized it wasn't a specific field and most jobs were a specific field analysis or software. ashley: turns out poets of 16th-century albania major didn't go far. college graduates regret their choice of major, 4 in 10, that is a lot. if you had hindsight, computer science may have been the way to go but you thought you were making a good choice.
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elon musk says he will restore twitter accounts starting next week, the move is being met with fierce resistance from the left, we have details on that, congress jamming through hundreds of billions in new borrowing as a nonpartisan group warns washington spending could cause inflation to surge higher. hillary vaughan has the full report from capitol hill next. ♪ ♪ at prudential we think you should say it when things go right too. like, when you score your dream job. sell your business.
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ashley: we are in our into the session into the abbreviated trading daca the dow up one third of 1%, the s&p, the nasdaq down, one third of one person, trading volume low today at one:00 eastern time. now this. up nonpartisan group warning washington next year end spending could cause inflation to surge. hillary vaughan on capitol
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hill, what is the latest? >> reporter: government spending runs out to summer 16th but spending hawks say the best thing they could do is keep the budget as is, not increase spending because they say it will make inflation worse. the cody for responsible federal budget warning with inflation searching a debt approaching record levels, policy makers should increase the deficit and add no new debt for the rest of 2,022 but policymakers currently considering a end of the your fiscal package that could make things worse. the group estimating calculating all the current spending wishes, the budget democrats are writing behind closed doors could add $485 billion, adding as much as 1.5% to already high inflation. democrats who were out of power in in the house in the new year think raising the debt ceiling and passing a budget are the 2 things they can do for republicans takes charge. >> don't play games with the
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debt ceiling because it contributes a very complicated climate, any economic issue. and an important social thing. >> reporter: and republicans pressuring mitch mcconnell to block democrats new budget before christmas and trees spending until january when democrats take control of the house so new federal spending reflects gop priorities, not just democrats, heritage foundation urging republicans to do that saying, quote, in how there was an omnibus appropriations bill during a lame-duck session, following a shift in power to do so with a violation of congressional precedent and a finger in the eye to the millions of americans who voted for new leadership in the house. either way, they have 3 weeks to figure out how to avoid a government shutdown. ashley: the clock is ticking.
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thank you very much. peter morici, good morning. do you think it has peaked? >> i don't think we know. people are using data selectively showing inflation has decreased since june. if we take out energy it increased, why take out energy? the president has been using the strategic petroleum reserve, 40% of it is gone. he can't do that in -- indefinitely. when it runs out gas prices go up again. ashley: what should the fed do? they hinted that will slow the pace of rate hikes in their latest minutes. what should they do? >> 5% inflation is too high, don't think they should stop. they should keep going until it is down to 4%.
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i believe it will be tough to get below that for a while and keep the rates high and monitor the situation at not lower them until we are back to two. ashley: the ceo of we fox come multibillion dollar tech firm says he's disgusted by all the way out in the tech industry but is this the end of big tech leadership. let me ask you that. >> i don't think so. a lot of tech layoffs, amazon layoffs on the retail side, not the cloud side. that is a retail operation using an internet platform. same with left, nothing but an algorithm for dispatching taxis. that's not tech. tech is things like the cloud, microsoft, apple. those companies like microsoft and apple are not showing the same kinds of distress people
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like meta are showing, the capacity to grow for example, having all kinds of problems delivering the service. service providers laying people off, not people who innovate. neil: ashley: what about the economy at large, wall street analysts, a canary in the coal mine kind of situation because they believe job losses start to spread across all the sectors. would you agree with that? >> at some point we will have a recession from raising interest rates, when you consider tech layoffss the job market is rather robust as we at jobs. my feeling is we have to accept our medicine. we printed too many dollars during covid in this last year, and perhaps next year again and in light of that, higher interest rates to bring down
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inflation does require a recession. it is taking your medicine. it's unfortunate but true. ashley: we knew we had to pay the piper some time and they've taken the punch bowl of cheap money away and we are paying for it but we knew it was coming. peter morici, thank you for spending part of black friday with us, appreciate it. >> hope to see you again. ashley: elon musk granting amnesty for suspended twitter accounts after he posted a poll on the platform that asks users to vote on reinstatement for accounts that have not broken the law or engaged in agree just spam. 72% of people voted yes, absolutely and following the paul musk said people have spoken, amnesty begins next week. musk also took a swipe at the associated press calling them, quote, and absurd in misinformation, twitter couldn't hope to compete with. take that apparently. next case.
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look at the markets, we are somewhat mixed, what would be expected, a muted session, the dow, the s&p up, looked at the 10 year treasury yield, it has been moving up ever so slightly at 3. 72%. how about the price of gold, used to be the hedge for inflation, $765. bitcoin around 16,000529, the price of oil has been moving higher up $0.33, $78.27. what about natural gas heading into the winter, down ever so slightly, $0.09 since 721. we like to check out the average price per gallon of regular gas across the country, right now it is at $3.57.
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what about all those taxes, $5 in california, and $0.09. mercedes-benz wants buyers of their -- to purchase an annual subscription for extra speed. the $1,200 ad on will shave off one second of getting from 0 to 60 miles an hour. it will he activate if the customer doesn't pay the fee every 12 months proving time is money. the holiday shopping season has officially begun and security experts expect identity fraud to peak over christmas, we will tell you what you need to know to protect yourself from the scammers. senators elizabeth warren and whitehouse demand the justice department hold ftx executives accountable for the company's collapse, this as demand grows for democrats to return the donations they got from its
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founder. edward lawrence has that report next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq
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there have been republicans demanding the ftx executives be held accountable by the department of justice in what they call disturbing allegations of fraud and illicit behavior. edward lawrence covering all of this. give me the latest. >> reporter: a letter from senator elizabeth warren and sherrod brown asking for white-collar crimes to be looked into by department of justice related to this. investigators are trying to piece together where all the money from ftx went with sam bankman-fried at the head of fed. according to court records, there could be $1 billion missing or stolen. i spoke to a forensic accountant in the case against bernie madoff, he says there are eerie similarities. >> you look at the fact these companies had a small audit, that should have been a huge
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red flag and as is typical in frauds they keep people at bay so you have a couple trusted people to perpetrate the fraud, everyone else is kept at bay, no internal controls because a few people are controlling it. >> reporter: it could be 6 to 8 months before investigators get a handle on where all the money went and they will try to pay back. >> it is one thing when you have the books, another when records aren't available and you have to piece things together and reconstruct it. it is a chaotic scene trying to go through emails, servers that may have been disconnected, all the things we dealt with during the bernie madoff investigation and have to reconstructed. >> reporter: in addition to the one billion dollars, $10 billion is moved from customers to alameda research, sam bank superman-fried's hedge fund and he used $300 million
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to buy himself homes, his parents, senior staff at ftx homes, there could be one million people that ftx owns money to, sam bankman-fried saying he will speak at a summit next wednesday. ashley: what a mess, fascinating story. edward lawrence, thank you very much. elon musk is setting the record straight on sam bankman-fried's ownership of twitter shares calling out reports that bankman-fried rolled his holdings into private share, all public holders at twitter were allowed to roller stock into twitter but he did not do so, it is 0% of twitter, and ftx, they do not own shares on twitter. the ceo outlining plans to
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backstop the crypto industry pledging to amass $1 billion for buying distressed outfits. making a bid for voyager digital. moving parts in the crypto world right now. still ahead, the flu and covid on the rise across the country so is this just the new normal? i will ask doctor marty makaey. rebecca koffler says russia its invasion of ukraine put china in a strong position, they are the real winners of the war. rebecca will explain why next. the all-electric 2023 chevy bolt euv.
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introducing xtrands. xtrands adds hundreds or even thousands of hair strands to your existing hair at the root. they're personalized to match your own natural hair color and texture, so they'll blend right in for a natural, effortless look. call in the next five minutes and when you buy 500 strands, you get 500 strands free. call right now. (upbeat music) ashley: the market will be open a couple more hours, closing at 1:00 pm eastern time today, the s&p flat, nasdaq down one third of one%. fox news travel exclusively alongside the us ambassador to ukraine, visiting the heating center in ukraine as the country scramble to keep the heat and light on this winter.
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greg, give me the details. >> reporter: the war continues here, it is getting colder. struggling to regain essential services, russia launched earlier this week another barrage of missiles at the civilian power grid, have to residents in the city are without electricity. water is only now coming back, authorities turning in many locations, folks without anything can come to charge their phones, warm up, have a cup of tea, one of those points of instability, the train station. we call it with the us ambassador to ukraine, checking our facilities and distribution of thermal blankets, they are helping ukraine hope with its power loss in many ways along with offering up strong words.
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>> putin launched and escalated this war by going after critical energy infrastructure, his trying to put ukrainians in the cold and dark without water. it is horrific, unconscionable what is happening in our judgment. 's war crimes. >> reporter: the us supplying a lot of military aid, $400 million allotted, air defenses, the russian strikes, ambassador told us despite the new congress coming in, bipartisan supported age and accountability continuing to flow. here's more of what she said. >> reporter: this is about freedom, the fight between good and evil, making sure might does not make a right, make sure borders are not changed by force. it is bigger than ukraine, we
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think it is essential russia faces strategic heat and ukraine prevails. >> reporter: strong words from the ambassador. let's go through a couple points she made as for the renewed talk about diplomacy, she says it is up to ukraine when and how the -- to negotiate. war could end tomorrow and russia pulling out its troops. as to the us she concluded by saying, we heard this before, we will stay as long as it takes. back to you. ashley: stay safe and warm. thank you for your report. our next guest wrote an op-ed that said china is winning the russia ukraine war. great to see you. the first question, how is china winning the war?
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>> very simply. there's a chinese allegory that epitomizes what is happening right now. the two tigers fighting ferociously in the valley and the sage monkey is watching on top of the mountain, waiting how it will end. the two tigers, russia and the united states, fighting a proxy war over control of ukraine. that question is festering since the collapse of the soviet union for 30 years. we are depleting our weapons arsenal. the united states provided $24 billion worth of sophisticated -- including javelins. intelligence support training,
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the russians have depleted 4000 missiles as the ambassador pointed out. they are trying to plunge ukraine into darkness. as perceived by china and xi jinping is popping champagne corks right now. ashley: another op-ed in honor of thanksgiving, as an immigrant what are you most thankful for? >> i'm thankful for freedom, thankful for stability and no war in the united states but most importantly, i am thankful for having heat in my apartment. most americans take for granted the we have heat and water but growing up, it was very common for the soviets to turn the power down and turn off water,
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cold and hot in order to keep their coffers filled, for the soviet government to continue their atrocious policies and nonviable system and socialism and communism, and that is what it leads to. it leads to lack of freedom, tyranny and government control. ashley: taking freedom for granted, can never do that. love those photographs, terrific stuff. >> god bless and happy thanksgiving to all americans. ashley: thank you very much. byron donald, doctor marty makary and jonathan honing, the 11 a.m. am hour of "varney and company" is next.
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