tv The Evening Edit FOX Business December 9, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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david: snubbed but beloved by the people, the film top gun: maverick not included in the times' list of best movies of 022. the people's choice never if matters to the elitists at the times. new suggestion, if you haven't seen the movie, rent the movie weekend. decide for yourself. i loved it. that does it for us on "fox business tonight." "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: okay, inflation data's coming in hot, stocks sliding. also this, elon musk blows the
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lid off of twitter censoring conservatives. now musk says more political candidates were blacklisted. twitter execs caught lying to congress. plus, we're finding documents that show a deeper and more sprawling censorship network run by the u.s. government than previously realized. with us tonight, congressman darrell issa, former state department official christian whiton, dr. marty makary, washington examiner's byron york, former levi executive jennifer sey, and the author of "woke inc.," vivek ramaswamy. also ford o'connell. more on the pentagon, top democrats and now obama officials fear president biden releasing a dangerous international arms trafficker could cause more americans to be killed. what is the wnba fallout, the business model because of this story right now?
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and did nbc change its story about this at the white house's request? and democrats attack senator kyrsten sinema, proving her point to why she switched to the independent party. it's d.c.'s toxic revenge politics. and is the biden agenda now in jeopardy? and the fight over the repeal of the military vaccine mandate, advantage seen side effects and more on covid money stolen. did congress care more about the spending than the science? i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: welcome to the show. stocks ending down. now look at this, the dow dropped 300 points, capping off the worst week in more than two months. what happened? if wholesale prices jumped more than expected, -- 7.4% versus a year ago, a 38% rise many food
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prices too. and, the world's biggest asset manager, blackrock, now warns a worldwide recession just around the corner. central banks around the world including the fed here are aggressively raising interest rates to to tame the inflation. they're warning that blackrock, buckle up, more market turbulence than ever before is coming. and to this story, former new york times journalist barry weiss worked with elon musk to unload a second trove of internal documents showing how twitter officials censored conservatives. kelly o'grady live in los angeles with more. >> reporter: good evening to you, liz. this was a bombshell release last night. most call it shadow banning, right? twitter documents called it visibility filtering. so they use the tool to actively limit users from seeing not just specific accounts, but also certain account, and that correctly contradicts how previous management always
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maintained no shadow banning happened. i want to share a between from founder or jack dorsey back in 2018. we don't shadow ban based on political viewpoints. twitter was deciding what important discussions were allowed that wide reach, and these decisions were happening at the highest level. the platform even having a secret council that included dorsey and other top executives. one of the filtered individuals was dr. jay bat chiara -- bat char ya that was blacklisted for arguing covid lockdowns would harm children. i spoke to him last night, and he told me twitter determining right and wrong on science is, quote, the end of enlightenment. and that underscores the dangers, this is not just celebrities that were being impacted, ordinary folks talking about medication, what they believed to be open. elizabeth: it was about science, about covid. much, much bigger story. kelly o'grady, thanks. joining us now, congressman
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darrell issa and the author of "woke inc.," vivek ramaswamy. congressman, what is your reaction to that report? >> well, the reaction is that now we know the truth, and the truth is that the outcome of elections, the outcome of american people's decision of what the truth was, was affected by people who had a political and, for that matter, social bias with. it's that simple. it means we were lied to, and it means we've got to change that thumb on the scale. we've got to get the same promise that we got from apple from each of these companies, and then we have to be able to verify that, in fact, they no longer have the thumb on the scale of, quote, what they believe is right and wrong. elizabeth: so what the congressman is saying, vivek, where do you come could be on -- come down on this? we've got gop saying twitter executives perjured themselves before congress in 2018 claiming they don't shadow ban. what do you think?
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>> so, look, i think there's a legal issue that's lower hanging fruit. if you tell consumers one thing and you actually do another, that is a pretty good legal case for consumer fraud. but i think the deeper issue here the level of coordination we're seeing across firms in silicon valley. this is not a twitter-specific story. this is about coordination amongst multiple companies, and worst of all coordination with the government -- elizabeth: which companies? >> the party in power to censor companies. twitter did it, facebook did it. more explicitly, actually, earlier this year it came out that twitter was specifically directed by white house officials to remove specific critics of the government like alex berenson who were then removed by twitter at the white house's behest. this would make the founding fathers do back flips in their graves, the government using private parties to get its dirty work done through the back door. i think that is the biggest part of this entire story, and this latest batch of releases just reveals how, i would say,
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dishonest the company was in hiding a lot of -- elizabeth: yeah, it's like, you know, big tech is picking who they want to stay in power in d.c., congressman it's like elon musk is the chemo, you know, wiping out all this cancer that is happening in silicon valley. listen to jack dorsey's testimony. watch this. >> are you censoring people? >> no. >> twitter's shadow banning prominent republicans. bad. is that true? >> no. elizabeth: i mean, you know, so, congressman, twitter was doing that. he was on the committee to do it. you know, twitter is using language right out of george orwell's novel, "1984." they called shadow banning, quote, visibility filtering saying we control the visibility. normal people don't know how much we're doing this. so now elon musk is going to to say we're going to show everybody who was shadow banned and who got dialed down at twitter. he's going to do that for everybody. that's a big deal. >> it is a big deal.
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but the bigger deal is what you just showed. lying under oath by a ceo and operating on on the behest of government, both of those are crimes. for the federal government, for officials mt. federal government to ask for those political favors of, essentially, silencing their political opposition, that's china, that's russia, that is iran. has not historically the united states. and -- that is not historically the united states. and lying under oath, quite frankly, i don't expect this attorney general to prosecute, but there will be a new attorney general before the statute of limitations runs out. elizabeth: to your point, let's listen to charlie kirk and dan bongino on how they were blacklisted by twitter. watch this. >> it feels like some novel from the 1950s where, you know, how un-american your committee is, like, meeting to decide who to suppress. i'm some sort of, like, movie star in hollywood that they're
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blacklisting because i'm a communist or something. it's ridiculous. and it really hurt public health. if we had an open discussion, laura, the schools would not have closed in the fall of 2020. we'd had an open discussion, the lockdowns would have been lifted much earlier because the data and evidence behind them was so bad. twitter, by suppressing scientific discussion, harmed science, harmed children and harmed the american public. who told twitter to put me on a blacklist? i really want to know. i suspect there was some government direction of this. >> it was almost as if it became a wholly operated company that the kind of changed their modus operandi from being somewhat of a social media platform to a democrat superpac. >> it's not complicated, they're liars. hay lie all the time. they have total contempt for the rest of us. people like adam schiff, who was chairman of the house intelligence committee, just routinely lied to the american people, totally misof informed them. well, there ought to be a consequence, and we ought to
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start with simple, old-fashioned language. these people are liars, they ought to be ostracized. >> this is some soviet style [bleep] right here, there's the big picture. elizabeth: vivek, what do you worry most about with this story? >> i think free speech is a precondition for the pursuit of truth, it is a precondition for a healthy democracy. and i think the american way is not too censor bad speech or wrong speech, the answer to bad speech is not less speech, it is more speech. and i think that is the way forward for twitter. more importantly, i think it is the way forward for our country and our culture. and i think we need to be careful falling into the trap thinking that elon musk is necessarily a cure. i think he has taken an important step forward, i think he's done a great public service by shining a spotlight on this. i do have some concerns that he says freedom of speech is not freedom of reach. he wants the 80% in the middleful i don't think we should be making those determinations of truth
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centrally. and while he's taken the first step forward, we've got to be not complacent about the fact that we don't want politically-centrist the censorship either. elizabeth: that's an important point. >> i think that will get us the truth -- elizabeth: congressman, to what vivek just said, elon musk is saying, yes, that political candidates here and overseas were blackis listed, and now conservatives -- blacklisted, and now conservatives are talking about the head of twitter's strategic response team. this was team that led the secret censorship at the highest c suite ranks of twitter. reportlyedly -- reportedly jeff carlton, he wrote intelligence reports under the obama white house. so he's, along with jim baker, the former jim comey fbi deputy counsel, he was at twitter too. musk fired him. so we're going to dig deeper into the show, congressman, about the sprawling network with fbi field offices, doj federal prosecutors, this operation run
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by the fbi about talking to big tech and the messaging on big tech. congressman, your final word. >> my final world is that what we have here was much more ingenious way of stifling free speech than most people understand. what they did is effectively give the left a microphone that the amplifier was turned on and handed the right a mona wasn't hooked to anything. -- mona the wasn't -- microphone that wasn't hooked to anything. it changes the outcome so you have free speech, you just don't have fair speech. elizabeth: we've got breaking news, gentlemen, sit tight. kelly o'grady is going to give us more information, more twitter files are drop thing now. so, vivek, your response to elon musk is now ramping it up. he is firing off a more files about what happened behind the scenes at twitter. what happens to twitter's business model? final word. >> so i think there's an
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opportunity to restore power back to the user, make it less reliant on the advertisers who will pressure company to engage in the same kind of cultural censorship. but if he restores power back to the user and, yes, charging hem money, i think that gives him more liberty are. if you get something for free, that means you're not the customer, it means you are the product. but if the user goes back to being the customer, that's the first step in making this a free speech platform. elizabeth: congressman, this fbi agent testified in the missouri and louisiana lawsuit, congressman. elvis chan, he's the fbi assistant special agent in charge of the cyber branch in san francisco, congressman, in your home state of california. he's telling lawyers for the missouri and louisiana attorneys general that he supervised a command post in san francisco that helped the nationwide disinformation effort in the fall of 020 before the election -- 2020. can you talk to us about your reaction to that a story? >> well, my reaction is that
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those are criminal activities when federal dollars and federal employees participate in campaigns, in affecting the output of it. this is where james comer and others, you know, other committees are going to be looking. they're going to be looking to find out who did it. and let's understand something. if twitter wasn't doing what it's doing can, which is coming clean, there'd be a litigation based on what we know. in this case they're ace voiding litigation by telling us what they did wrong and agreeing to change it. but what happens to metathe, facebook? basically youtube. these others that are likely continuing to do this and cover it up. and the answer is that there'll be both criminal and likely civil outcomes as a result. elizabeth: got it. congressman, thank you so much. and, vivek, hang so much. journalist matt taibbi just tweeting out a new round of twitter files. it's about the removal of donald trump from twitter. back with us for more is kelly
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o'grady. kelly, breaking news. >> reporter: yes. good to see you again, liz are. just a short time until ago i got off with you. this is now the third installment in the twitter files, and i want to read you a quote from what we can expect over the next few minutes, hour, however long this thread lasts. it says, quote, we'll show you what hasn't been revealed. the erosion of standards was in the company in months before january 6th. decisions by high ranking executives to violate their own policies and more against the backdrop of ongoing documented interaction with federal agencies. so this is going to be the all about between january 6th and hen the removal of president trump from the platform on january 8th. what we can expect is what happened on january 6th tonight. tomorrow there's a new installment by another reporter that has already been reviewed, that will be about the chaos from inside twitter on the 7th. and hen sunday we can expect -- then sunday we can expect, let's see, secret internal communications on that date, on january 8th. so, obviously, this is develop
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doing as we speak, but this will really be about how and why president trump was removed on the 8th prosecute platform. elizabeth: okay. interesting journalism will, good reporting, kelly. hang so much for bringing that to us. also these reports coming in, the pentagon, top the democrats, obama officials warned about this, more terror attacks, even civil unrest worldwide as biden's prisoner swap releases a dangerous international arms asker. more on how these obama officials warned he does want to kill americans. plus, democrats attack kyrsten sinema proving her point for why she switched to the independent party. this question: is the biden agenda in jeopardy? washington examiner's byron york takes it on next on "the evening edit." >> it's a reflection on the democratic party and just how excream and effort -- extreme and left wing it's become. they're essentially drummed her out of their party.
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always on a friday, this happens with the twitter files. [laughter] listen, what we are learning, as you said, this is going to be about president donald trump. so today's thread is going to be prior to the election, up to january 6th. the most recent breaking news is that regardless of folks' opinions within twitter, there's evidence, there's a screen shot that they really understood that the banning of president trump, that january 6th was a historical impact. i want to read you a quote, it says is this the first sitting head of state to ever be suspendedsome really gives you a flavor of that internal conflict that was happening inside twitter that we've already seen from the if previous files. and finally, this last one that's breaking right now, it says: as soon as they finished banning trump, twitter exics -- execs prepared to ban future white houses saying the new administration will not be suspended by twitter unless if absolutely necessary, so that line, absolutely necessary,
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gives you an indication that, well, we've already done it once, so we'll have the power to do it in the future. i'll stay with it, liz. elizabeth: thank you so much, kelly. we're going to come back to you for the breaking news. let's welcome to the show washington examiner correspondent byron york. your reaction to that story, byron, more twitter files dropping. you know, the controversy here is you keep on iranian ayatollahs, dictators from around the world, isis and is doing their battle plans on twitter, and then you kick out trump. everybody knos what happened with the capitol riot, and it was a terrible moment for this country. but the decision making behind the scenes at this private company, that's what's putting their business model many jeopardy. >> exactly. first, we had a lot more to learn about shadow banning. we still immediate to to know a whole lot -- need to know a whole lot more about that. moving on to the trump decision, obviously, this was the most consequential decision twitter
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has made, and it was, it showed the sort of quasi-governmental role of twitter in deciding to kick off a head of state, a president of the united states. and it was the an exercise of power that we really haven't seen because we really didn't have social networks with this power before the last few years. so i think there'll be a lot -- as with the other topics, there's going to be a lot to learn about those internal deliberations behind the censorship and suppression at twitter. elizabeth: you know, so the issue is the national conversation, byron, right? how much the national conversation got torqued and twisted toward what people in silicon valley felt was best for the nation when we're built on as a democracy free speech, to hear all viewpoints. you know, we need stable d.c. policy. wall street pros right now, bank ceos, fedex, walmart, blackrock, they're warning a deeper recession is here. americans are pulling money out of their 401(k)s, so this
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segways into now you've got msnbc hosts and democrat operatives attacking senator sinema saying she's, quote, the worst for leaving the democratic party, going independent. what were your thoughts about this story? >> well, you know, this is kind of a funny thing that she has done. first of all, it's kind of like a rebranding of herself, and and i'm not sure what effect it's going to have both on the working in the senate and her own political fortunes. you asked before the break will this affect the biden agenda. well, the biden legislative agenda is pretty much dead because republicans will control the house. that's the big thing right will. but as far as the biden nominations agenda and confirmations which occur only in the senate, senator sinema has voted for every, every one of joe biden's judicial nominees. she's been onboard the whole time, and she's going to stay onboard. and she went to senator schumer
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and said i'd like to stay on committees, and schumer said, sure, you've been a good, loyal democrat. you can do that. so this is not really changing, i think, the way he's operated on capitol hill. elizabeth: it's just that she's talking about hard and revenge politics where there's a lack of bipartisanship, where there's bullying by people who go on msnbc if you have a different viewpoint. there's bullying by democrats in trying to shut down and censor viewpoints that is don't comport with their own. that's where we're at right now, it's not good for the nation. final word, byron. >> well, she's saying that from personal experience because progressive democrats have hated her, and they will certainly run a challenge to her in the democratic party in arizona. what's going to make that so difficult is, of course, republicans aren't going to support her either, and are there enough independents out there to get her back into the senate? be very difficult. elizabeth: got it. coming up, dr. marty makary as
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more news, breaking news coming in, more twitter files are dropping right as we speak. we're going to stay on it and bring in dr. marty ma a carry on how the covid pandemic factored in the cent sporeship -- censorship. the story coming up. how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. showtime. whoo! i'm on fire tonight. (limu squawks) yes! limu, you're a natural. we're not counting that. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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is now celebrating, quote, new year's give. pentagon officials are warning the release of this international arms trafficker, viktor bout, it is going to fuel terrorism and civil wars across the world. democrat senator bob me 9/11 december calls it, quote, deeply disturbing. the white house is trying to topspin this. what do you say? >> that's pretty bad if bob menendez is saying this is not a great deal, and that's what it is. i'm sure everyone's glad that a britmy's -- britney's home, but we're giving an incentive for russians to take american citizens hostage because of this trade. this is a pretty bad deal especially if bout was involved in arms trafficking that a violated u.s. law and led to the death or potential death of u.s. citizens, so not just your average arms dealer, someone who's broken u.s. law. obviously, he was in prison here. there's a real risk. you want people home, but this
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could encourage them, and it seems like putin won this exchange. elizabeth: eric holder, obama's former attorney general, john brennan, former cia director, warned viktor bout wants to kill americans. critics say it should be one standard, an american, just an american. negotiations should have been guided by the facts, that's it. now you've got this debate about why not release mr. fogle, a pennsylvanian, he's still in russia. what about marine paul whelan? they're worried that it was guided by identity politics. you know, americans understand, they're happy that ms. griner is home, but what's the leverage and what were the choices here. >> that's right. and paul whelan, the former marine, has been incarcerated much longer, so it does raise questions if there is wokeness going on as griner is a black lesbian who has expressed woke views including her disapproval
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of the united states. hopefully that changes since her country brought her home. it would be nice to see gratitude. i don't think she's made public statements, i know she's just getting back and having physicals, but hope springs eternal that she'll bring this around. you know, moscow has mastered this game and has taken it to the next level under the biden administration. in exchange for paul whelan, the former marine incarcerated in russia, they want someone who is in prison in germany who executed someone in broad daylight in germany. and apparently the biden administration actually asked germans, hey, are you willing to let this person go. so, you know, this is just a mix-up of prioritieses. maybe instead of going after oligarchs' yachts, which seems to be ineffective in inclusion nuancing -- influencing the war in ukraine, we ought to keep some of those pressure points for creating a deterrent. you can likely see americans in iran and other places incarcerated as a result of this. elizabeth: the white house claimed it was no choice, it was
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brittney griner for victor the booth or nothing -- victor the boot or -- victor viktor bout or nothing. nbc changed the story at the request of the white house to say that the only choice was brittney griner. you know, tucker carlson has been all over this. so, you know, after the messaging, the botched messaging on afghanistan, you know, the white house is now denying the united arab emirates and saudi arabia was involved in the prisoner swap when the swap happened on a runway in the uae. [laughter] you know what i mean, christian? people don't trust the messaging, and that's bad for the nation, it's bad for the u.s. economy, it's bad for u.s. national security. go ahead, final word. >> yeah,you're a left-wing administration, and this one certainly is, and you've lost andrea mitchell at mbc news or at least for a few minutes until they cover their tracks, then you're in trouble here. this is a total lack of credibility. and, you know, this sort of weakness is very, very
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provocative against our allies and adversaries. beginning with that catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan to to the today, we're in a dangerous world thanks to joe biden. elizabeth: christian whiton, thank you so much. we've got more on the twitter files coming up with kelly o'grady. and ftx, the ceo, the kiss graced ceo says he will testify before congress this coming tuesday. critics don't believe his claims of ignorance that he didn't know what was going on. the bernie madoff-style fraud that blew up on his watch. we've got more show coming up for you. ♪ ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you.
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elizabeth: breaking news, we've got journalist matt taibbi just tweeting out more twitter files about the censorship and removal of donald trump from twitter. back with us for more is kelly o'grady. kelly, when you look through what's dropping now, it reads as if twitter executives became drunk with power. they were even talking about perhaps banning joe biden if
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that was warranted? and enjoying talking to government workers and government officials about censorship? it's like they were drunk with their own power, kelly. >> reporter: yeah. you know, i think it's an apt description of what we're seeing here, because the fact that they were even considering banning joe biden, it demonstrated that they had gotten to the point, well, we've banned someone once, so we have that power in the future. this is tweet number seven from matt taibbi, and it says that twitter executives removed trump in part because of context. and so basically what this communication shows is that the head of legal, she was reaching out to research executives saying, okay, you know, what should we do here x. they said it's not the individual tweet, but we should be banning him because of the context of how he ran his campaign and how he was communicating up to that point, that that was violence-inducing. i also want to touch on tweet number ten, because as you
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pointed out that drunk with power, you're starting to see that evolve a little bit in this one. it said as the election approached senior executive perhaps under pressure from federal agencies increasingly struggled with rules and began to speak of violations. as we found out, my producer was kind enough to let me know, what they likely would have done anyway. and, liz, this was literally just breaking as it comes across, i have to read you a screen shot. this is communication from the head of safety and security, very important when it comes to this type of stuff. he's talking about his calendar. he says: very boring business meeting that is definitely not about trump. winky face. quote, definitely not meeting with the fbi, i swear. so you're just seeing just this cavalier talk about meeting with government agencies when it comes to removing a president of the united states. that's where we are right now. beth breath got it. dr -- can elizabeth president. got it, dr. ma car ally's going to talk to us. dr. marty marty makary joins us
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now. so it's sort of like these big shots took the it upon themselves, doctor, to decide the national conversation. we had one man talking about, you know, how he was censored, right? and the origins of the covid pandemic was censored. here's the fallout. more and more americans are saying, you know what? we're not going to get the flu shot. this is according to polls and surveys. another poll shows 44% say, you know, we may -- we probably will stay current with our covid vaccinations, 56% say they won't. so people, americans don't trust what's coming out of the government and social media right now. >> well, you're right, liz. what's at the root of the distrust is the general attitude of public health officials to stop asking questions and just listen to what we have to say and to silence other opinions. and that was manifest in the blacklisting of the very well respected physician who, ironically, you know, he won this argument about whether or
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not he was censored. but we've lost the bigger debate, and that is he was an advocate for schools to be open and for children. he warned about all these effects on children. so in that sense, we've lost that battle. elizabeth: to your point, one of the worst things that ever happened to this nation was the shutdowns. it was, it drove people into bankruptcy, small businesses lost their livelihoods. schools were shut down, children lost generations of learning. and now we're finding out that more studies coming out on the side effects of the covid vaccine. a survey of 975 people, the pfizer, moderna, j&j covid vaccines, they're finding younger people, females, those who got the second dose reporting moderate to severe problems? you know, so why weren't we allowed to have informed consent? if why were -- why were we supposed to act like sheep and follow whatever dr. fauci and
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the cdc -- remember dr. fauci saying i am the science? no, he is not. >> there's a very cozy relationship between pfizer, moderna and government regulators. and as a result, it's been very difficult to point out any problem with the vaccines. look, if you're high risk, the vaccines still made sense and make sense, but when you're talking about young, healthy people, that risk benefit ratio changes, and that's a different calculation. there is the basically an effort to stop all vaccine-complicated research, so most of what we know about complications come if from overseas where they've learned 1 in 5,000 doses results in a severe, adverse event. elizabeth: the other news, that peer-reviewed study out of germany. researchers did their own autopsies of five otherwise healthy people who suddenly died after getting the vaccine. it knowed they -- showed they died from myocarditis, doctor, but if you bring that up in the
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d.c. echo chamber between new york and d.c., you're treated like a houston tick -- lunatic. why? why did that happen? why aren't we allowed to know about the side effects of these vaccines? because now there's a debate about, you know, repealing the military vaccine mandate. >> well, if you got on google and look for these studies, you can't find them. things are so curated by big tech, it's very difficult to talk the openly and honestly about them. but that study the's an important study, liz, because the cdc claims the incidence of myocarditis is low because they only look at studies of people who walk into the hospital. that study found people were found dead at home immediately after the vaccine, and the autopsy confirms an immune infiltration from the vaccine that was the cause of death. it's rare, but it's part of the calculation when you're talking about vaccinating young, healthy males. elizabeth: so wouldn't you want to know about it before you take it? we're going to stay on these stories with dr. marty makary.
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doctor, thanks for joining us. >> thanks. elizabeth: we've got a lot of news coming in to the studio, and we're grateful you came on. merry christmas, happy holidays. >> you too. elizabeth: we're staying on the twitter files dropping at this hour. it's about why and how twitter arrived at the decision to kick donald trump off of twitter. also this: we've got democrat congressman adam schiff. his fight with elon musk is exploding on twitter. and much more on what's happening with the twitter files. sam bankman trialed is going to -- bankman-frieded is saying he's going to testify but in a very limited way. the story coming up. from
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media platform said this: be prepared to ban future presidents and white houses, perhaps even joe biden. that's matt taibbi saying that based on the documents. any new administration if will not be suspended by twitter millions absolutely necessary, ford. so what do you think when you hear that? >> well, i'm appalled, okay in and god bless elon musk, because he's actually bringing to the surface what many conservatives have been arguing about. and you have to realize that when donald trump was banned, he was the first head of state in the entire world to be banned, let alone the president of the united states. and to your point, you were saying this is act of god, drunk with power. the folks at twitter were trying to manipulate what americans think and what they can say. it's absolutely appalling. elizabeth: you know, the other thing, too, they were also talking in this new drop of twitter files coming out right now as we speak that they began to speak of pretext to do what they would have likely have done
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anyway, and they talked about how they enjoyed, you know, conversing with and meeting with fbi officials to do this censorship. this is what's dropping now. >> well, look, i want to know more about fbi involvement, but it's quite clear that the folks at twitter don't care about first amendment principles. they believe that whatever they think, you should think. and this is kind of part and parcel for silicon valley thought. and my question, liz, if the twitter folks thinkable way, what do facebook and other social media companies hi as well? something tells me they're cut from the if same cloth. elizabeth: yeah, it's not just a twitter the story, it's a big tech story. thank you for that. even senator elizabeth warren had called upon amazon to use enlightened algorithms in terms -- to protect users from their own bad reading choices on the a pandemic. i mean, that's elizabeth warren sending a letter in september 2021 to the ceo of amazon to use
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annal grut. to screen out bad books that they shouldn't read on the pandemic. >> the only reason why democrats aren't up in arms about the twitter files is because they've been the beneficiary of this. and many of them actually do not believe in the fist amendment -- first amendment like elizabeth warren, and the only one i've seen brave must have to speak up is california congressman ro khanna who says this is a slippery slope. it's going to hurt all of america, not just conservatives. elizabeth: and to your point, the fbi agent, elvis chan who ran the cyber branch in san francisco, he's testifying in the lawsuit in in and louisiana. he's saying that there was a sprawling operation, he's effectively saying, of fbi field offices around the nation, federal prosecutors, fbi and justice department lawyers to work with big tech to do censorship, that they had, quote, a 50% success rate in blocking and taking down social media posts, 50% success rate. >> this is appalling when law
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enforcement and former and current intelligence agents put their finger on the scale and try to work with the metamorphosis of big tech to suppress opinion. that, to me, eventually is going to be the biggest story here. of it's one thing for twitter and facebook to do this, it's another thing for agents within our own government to be playing god. elizabeth: you know, let's stay on this for a second because this is important. so what were americans hearing during the, like, the pandemic and the shutdowns and, you know u the runup to the 020 election? what was going on in this nation for the last three years, two or three years, ford? i want to read this to you. a 2021 e-mail between twitter executives and carol crawford. she ran the cdc's digital media outreach, right? she wanted to censor, quote, unapproved opinions on social media about vaccines and the pandemic and more and the origins maybe. twitter replied, quote, that
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with our ceo testifying before congress this week, that is tricky for us to do. so twitter was complicit there too. >> twitter has been complicit throughout on the covid information. for years you and i have been talking about the harms of keeping kids out of school, about the vaccine not being what it was sold, and yet they want to continue to manipulate opinion in this country. and, unfortunately, this country is founded on the basis of the exchange of ideas, and that is the true threat to democracy. elizabeth: we're going to have coming up levy executive jennifer sey. she quit her job at levees, she was -- levis. she basically left her post to speak out about the shutdown of schools. she was working for, basically, a california company that was big on that. when you rook at this, we're looking at what was going on government-wide. i want to read you this, coming up in the and louisiana attorney
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general lawsuit against the government over big tech censorship and government collusion. attorneys general recently deposed the acting coordinator for the global engagement county at the department of state. he's working with pointer and fact-checkers on what the white house and the government narrative is on a range of issues beyond the pandemic, shutdowns and more. >> well, this is truly appalling because what you're seeing here is that government basically back dooring the first amendment and going directly to private companies and publicly-held companies to do what they cannot do. this is the shirt spirit of the law that they're violating, and the government needs to be held accountable, and all americans need to know about this. elizabeth: vivek ramaswamy was just on, he's saying it's not just a twitter the story, it's a bigger story. what do you think? >> i think that's maybe the biggest story in america over the last ten years because when you're talking about not just private companies censoring what we think, when you realize that
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social media a is bigger thanker dare i say, the telephone the company when it comes to a form of communication and your own government is doing it to u.s. citizens, we expect this in third world countries, in dictatorships like china and russia. we do not expect that in america, and the founding fathers are rolling over in their grave cans. elizabeth: what do you say to silicon valley reporters and the media who are not covering this? it's getting very little air time on the other networks. they are basically saying this is tinfoil hat conspiracy stuff, it's overreaction by conservatives, it's hysteria. what do you say to that? >> some of them better lawyer are up, and that is why they are fearing the next drop. this is much bigger than twitter, bigger than social media. this involves the government. this really has the potential to be the biggest story of the decade. elizabeth: ford, sit tight, we're going to kick back to kelly o'grady with more on the new twitter files, kelly. this is quite a story that's coming out.
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kelly, they were talking and twitter was saying even future presidents, we could remove from the platform. you and i just talked about that. they were talking about joe biden? >> reporter: i know. i mean, it's really shocking to see how they were thinking about the evolution of their power as we're seeing these twitter the files come out. i want to share the latest with you. so if we could bring up tweet number 16, it shows a post from donald trump, president donald trump, before he was banned. it says, breaking news: 50,000 ohio voters getting wrong absentee ballots. out of control, a rigged election. and then it shows a back and forth with the head of safety saying, well, is that enough? a rigged election, in order to remove him? and hen it shows that he's googling and finding out, oh, wait, actually i think what he's talking about is correct, so you're just seeing in the evolution of how they were getting their information. the next one that i want to bring up to you, it shows how closely they were tied with the fbi. this is tweet number 19.
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pickles, as it's referred to here, is policy director nick pickles. they were trying to characterize how they would talking about how they -- talk about how they were policing misinformation. and if said say partnerships with outside experts. or maybe we should just call it partnerships when we're talking to the public because, and i will quote, this is what nick pickles says, can't we just say partnerships? not sure would describe the fbi and dhs as experts or some ngos that aren't academic. so that shows you. and i don't think we have the tweet here, liz, but the hunter biden laptop situation, the head of safety, this is showing right now that he met weekly with the fbi and dhs on that as well as -- elizabeth: that's a big story. >> reporter: right. that's breaking right now. elizabeth: so the odni and the fbi. let's bring in jennifer sey, former levi's executive. when you hear all of this, jennifer, you've been hit with censorship, a push to shut you
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down. what's your reaction? >> yeah. i mean, i think private companies -- this is not a conspiracy theory. private companies are colluding with the government to censor voices that challenge the democratic party and, certainly, the challenge -- that challenge covid restrictions overall. those were some of the voices that were most restricts, most silenced, most censors. we saw last night in the thread that the doctor that was one of the voices that was blacklisted. he's a respected doctor from stanford. who are these, you know, twitter low-level employees to decide that what he's saying, a respected doctor, is not to be heard, that it's misinformationsome it wasn't misinformation, it just challenged the government. [laughter] elizabeth: so, jennifer, what concerns you most about this? >> well, when we live in a world in which the government and private companies are colluding, we do not live in a free society. there's a name for that, it's called fascism. and if people are not concerned
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about this, hay really aren't paying attention because they're next. elizabeth: so you're talking about left-wing fascism. >> well, that's the way it's playing out right now, because anyone who challenges the democratic party, democratic policies, covid policies in particular, if you challenge the vaccines, if you dare challenge that these vaccines are anything but an absolute miracle, you will be either blacklisted or banned entirely. my own husband is one of the 11,000 that have been banned from twitter. elizabeth: that's amazing. jennifer, you've been terrific. ford o'connell, kelly o'grady, the rest of the gang, you've been terrific. we're going to stay on this story next week. have a good weekend as well. ♪ ♪ >> from the fox studios in new york city, this is maria bartiromo's "wall street." maria: and
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