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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 21, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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owth. getchell gold. david: so earlier we asked "jingle bells," i thought is was obvious question. christmas story. >> trying to trick us. go with new year's. david: i got to stick with christmas. the answer is, whoa, we were both wrong. thanksgiving. >> why? david: published way back in 1857. they had their own ways. the markets are trading. they are on fire. pretty much a santa claus rally, 500 points to the upside. my thanks to taylor day cruz, for our cakes. lauren and i love her. neil cavuto is here. we love him too. neil: i didn't get one. you're not that far from me, young man.
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david: you can have half. neil: with we are corner of wall and broad, 500-point rally. my executive director had great read on this, waiting for the santa claus rally. santa is looking at massive storm he might not be flying. she said it more succinctly than i just did. it is getting to be a very tough week if you are going to be traveling anywhere. a good couple days though if you're investing. susan li from our one touch. advanced computer system. nowhere else available except everywhere else in broadcasting and cable. susan, what can you tell us? >> reporter: i will travel next couple days, show up at airport, an hour or 30 minutes. neil: ten minutes should cover. they know you're on the list. >> reporter: everyone can wait for me to get the luggage off. who cares? the cone super remains strong.
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they are buying air fare. look at consumer retail stocks. nike is past the worst of the inventories, supply chain issues, past of the worst china disruptions, they're growing sales year-over-year since covid started, online sales jumped 25%. by the way is pretty strong. if a giant in the space nike says things are getting better, consumers are spending and buying that is lifting names in the space like lululemon, under armour, foot locker and skechers. we saw the consumer confidence numbers this morning, highest in eight months as inflation eased. gas prices dropped. they pay less at the pump. they can spend on other things. peak inflation past us according to the conference board at least, rates may not go up as much as wall street feared. more people are taking on mortgages, buying houses. only up .9%. last week the 30-year fixed
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mortgage rate came down, this is down to just six 1/3%. that is double levels from last year. that is way better than the peak at 7 1/3% in october. which was the highest in over two decades. more expensive mortgages do continue to depress home sales. they were down 7% from october. 10th straight month of declines here. home prices, this is being shocking to me, went up 3 1/2%. average selling price, $370,000,hundred dollars per house. housing as you know is a big deal. it makes up a fifth of gdp. one thing about falling mortgage rates. average household according to retailers association. you're paying $200 less per month in interest rates, mortgages than you were a few weeks ago when jumbo rates crossed 7%. there is a fine silver lining there. neil: are you still suspended by the way? >> reporter: i am. you know what?
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i am still suspended. i don't really care. i'm not eager to get back online. i heard it is not great. neil: you are the only one that is? >> reporter: am i only one that is? i think that makes me special. me and business insider. i want to thank neil cavuto for all the support. neil: thank kneel for getting suspended. >> reporter: you might get a christmas cake. neil: let me know when that changes. that is dragging on a while. take a look what is happening with mother nature. what is happening with the storm. we hope susan makes it to the airport, lifts off on time. this storm could be a factor maybe make things worse. one hundred million americans taking to the skies. jason frazier, fox weather meteorologist, extraordinaire. what could we looking at neil? >> one in three americans are traveling unfortunately during this holiday season. blizzard conditions are expected
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for the upper midwest, as well as midwest. i-95 corridor, places like boston, new york, philadelphia, we're mainly going to see rainshowers here. how much snow are we talking about for places like minute minneapolis, places like up, five inches of snowfall. places like chicago likely three to five inches. for those of you who the northeast we will contend with a whole bunch of snow already on the ground. factor in some of the rain in this storm, we could potentially end up seeing flash flooding parts of not only new york state but also new hampshire as well. now the big concern for us is going to be the travel. i know quite a few of you are trying to get the head start especially hearing about this storm. that is going to be moving across the united states. we got nearly 3200 flights right now moving across the country. nearly 2000 delays. so that is nearly one out of
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every two flights right now that is scheduled seeing some delays. chicago o'hare with 133. over in seattle, sea-tac, 12flights and atlanta experiencing some delays about 121 flights. keep in mind even if your area is not experiencing this winter weather sometimes where the plane is coming from. southwest dealing with a bulk of these delays with 253 flights, american with 209 and dealt that has 200 flights nationally dealing with some of these delays. so for today, if you are heading to places like salt lake city, pierre, south dakota, sue false, sioux falls, minneapolis, could be experiencing delays. tomorrow st. louis, chicago, detroit, cincinnati, it will be your turn to deal with the weather as it moves slowly eastern.
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friday, pittsburgh, washington d.c., new york city, jfk, laguardia, knew york international airport will end up seeing significant delays f you're traveling by the road, aaa says you will spend 25% longer in your vehicles especially those in the upper midwest, minneapolis as well as duluth. you will be experiencing winter with you will have to drive through. neil, once all of this is done, we'll have to deal with the bitter cold temperatures and these are air temperatures, neil. how does minus 6 degrees sound? neil: what? >> yes. that is the air temperature. that will be omaha later on tonight. colby, minus 6. dallas 16 degrees. potential for freezing pipes frostbite down in the lone star state. neil: thanks for cheering us up, my friend.
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jason frazier, fox weather meteorologist following that. pretty cold temperatures. be prepared for that. special guest star, growthing president zelenskyy at the white house. something very unusual at the capitol later tonight. hillary vaughn at the white house. >> reporter: neil, first time ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy left his country since russia invading it. he will speak before a joint meeting in congress this evening. this is not the first time he has spoken in congress. he did so virtually back in march. today he is showing up in person for the first time, critically timed appearance as congress is set to vote on another $45 billion in ukraine aid. >> i hope all house republicans will attend the zelenskyy address this evening. our funding put more weapons in ukrainian hands, and more victories untheir belt.
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now is not the time, not the time, to take our foot off the gas when it comes to helping ukraine. >> reporter: but some republicans on capitol hill questioned billions of u.s. taxpayer dollars flowing to ukraine and questioned why the u.s. is the biggest financial supporter of the country, spending more than any other ally to support ukraine's defense against putin's assault? congress in total has passed three aid packages for ukraine this year totaling $67 billion, but not every republican in congress is anti-aid. they just want to see the receipts to see how taxpayer money is being spent. >> how we are sure that the money is being spent well? it was objected to a point a special inspector to general to follow the money and i think that is very important. i don't look upon our aid to ukraine as charity. i look upon it as self-preservation. >> reporter: before zelenskyy's
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address tonight before congress he will be here at the white house where he will meet with president biden. biden has not himself waivered on support for ukraine. john kirby today said biden meant it we will support ukraine for as long as it takes. kirby said on the agenda, two leaders talking about what an end to this war looks like. zelenskyy says he wants just peace and two leaders talk about how to get there neil? neil: thank you very, very much. wouldn't you know this is a rare event here where we also have jacqui heinrich at the white house right now and this regard as separate matter regarding title 42 where i guess they have not done a 180, but coined of altered their position. maybe you can update us? >> reporter: right now, neil, we're just waiting what chief justice john roberts is going to do in response to the doj response filed last night. roberts could act arohn or could call in his colleagues. they could extend title 42
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indefinitely while all this litigation plays out in lower courts or could allow it to expire on time which would be admit at midnight tonight. biden administration wants to end title 42, they don't question this doesn't happen for at least a week, depending on the day that the court makes their decision. all that explains why we haven't yet received the details that we've been promised almost daily over a week now on how the administration plans to manage the border in a post-title 42 world. the doj says the administration needs more time to hash it out and quote, that transition is a complex, multiagency undertaking with policy operational, foreign relations dimensions. the government was in the midst of that transition when the administrative stay was granted yesterday afternoon. it required limited time to resume its efforts. meantime biden's homeland security what is done to alleviate the migrant surge in
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el paso. they have removed nearly 10,000 migrants through title 42 expulsion or expedited removal flights. they have shifted 6,000 to other sectors. average encounters dropped 40% in the last three days this is through title 42, not title 8, the country's standard immigration statute that the white house plans to revert to when title 42 is gone. >> their plan is essentially to increase capacity by standing up some soft-sided facilities. these are temporary tents, outdoor tents if you will but i worry they're only going to increase capacity and then just release more people into el paso and throughout the country. reporter: so the white house is saying congressional republicans need to fund the border patrol, need to pass the funding they have been pressing for if they're really serious about border security but there is a lot of back and forthright now on the hill where this funding comes from. there is some questions about the omnibus and subsection in
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there which strictly prohibits cpb from using any of its funding to go toward border security. meantime the white house says there is $230 million elsewhere that would fund border security. so we're trying to see how they're going to shore up those votes while all of this plays out with title 42 and what that post-title 42 looks like, neil. neil: i don't want to put you on the spot, jackie, the omnibus spending measure, $1.7 trillion monster, does that include border security? i heard a number of democrats say not only look, if you keep this stewing, there goes aid for ukraine, it is part of it, but it is border security a part of it? >> reporter: you would think you be able to get that answer quickly and i haven't. i've actually trying to get it for the last 24 hours because you heard the white house say well, we want 3 1/2 billion dollars in funding for dhs and if republicans are serious they
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should vote for that. meantime you see the language in this omnibus, it prohibits actually cpb from using its funding in the subsection congressional republicans crying about prohibits it from using border security. i asked the white house where is this 3 1/2 billion? is it from other appropriations. as we know money can come from several pots. i'm still waiting on their final answer but they did say look, there is 230 million somewhere that they are trying to get support for right now among congressional republicans. so i'm just trying to decipher where exactly that is, if it is part of omnibus or another bill? that is part of the job i guess. hopefully they get back to me soon. neil: you do it well, always endearing yourself to the folks that work in that building behind you, jacqui heinrich, legitimate questions she is raising here. meanwhile we keep talking about a santa claus rally. might see a bit of one going on today, but a santa claus rally
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typically refers to how the markets do say in the month of december all the way up to new year's. the market is closed on legal holiday for new year's. others cut it off at christmas. safe to say it goes through that period right up to new year's. as things stand right now we would to make up a lot of ground to get to the santa claus rally, rally to be positive on the month because for the dow and for the s&p and for the nasdaq they're all off at least 4%, in the case of the nasdaq more than 7 1/2%. to get that santa claus rally going they have to keep this going, like on steroids. we'll have more after this ♪.
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zicam. zinc that cold! hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so the first time i ever seen a golo advertisement, i said, "yeah, whatever. there's no way this works like this." and threw it to the side. a couple weeks later, i seen it again after getting not so pleasant news from my physician. i was 424 pounds, and my doctor was recommending weight loss surgery. to avoid the surgery, i had to make a change. so i decided to go with golo and it's changed my life. when i first started golo and taking release,
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my cravings, they went away. and i was so surprised. you feel that your body is working and functioning the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. ♪. neil: all right, another day, another potential rally going on here. the dow up 471 points. what is interesting, not a seismic shift in thinking on wall street, more openness to strong economic numbers, strong earnings numbers because recession got to be the big worry over the last couple days. more focus on signs that we're not going into recession or that
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it is less likely. for example, the markets are digesting just fine consumer confidence at an 8-month high and better than expected expected numbers we're getting certainly out of the likes ever fedex. that is bit of a weird is one here, overall revenues, volume is actually down from last year. but making more money per package. of course wall street likes that. and the stock is up and that is leading this charge, that maybe we're through the worst of it. of course nike out with far better than expected numbers. that its inventories drastically shrunk. the company even said we believe a lot of those inventory problems are behind us. that was fairly unequivocal. the ungive cam response is to buy. what to make of that, whether this shift means, look, we're worried about interest rates hiking but scott martin it of kingsview asset management, we're more worried about the economy tanking. that has gotten to be a shift, hasn't it?
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>> yes, tanking because of interest rate policy too, neil. that is worries that the fed will go too far with this hiking policy. as we talked all fall. i think the fed needs to chill out here. let interest rate hikes go through the system already, neil. let them take effect. let them have effect on economy. see how data sorts out. come back to the table if they need to. chairman powell seems determined to throwing more hikes into the system. i think the market is rightfully worried at times. neil: you will be damned if you do, damned if you don't. better earnings news looks, when companies start saying we think we're over the worst of it, consumers seem to think that we could be through the worst of it, the fed doesn't like that kind of talk, right? it doesn't like those kind of developments? >> it doesn't seem to. seems like the fed wants to put kibosh on these things, i agree with the housing market, some other debt markets superhot this time last year, the fed did need to cool them.
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i think you have to consider not overcooling things to the point where you put them into recession, depression, so forth. so it's a democrat balance. easy for me to say -- delicate balance. something the fed keeps in mind as they go forward into the next couple hiking cycles. markets as we look at interest rates up on the screen, the market is telling the fed you're closer to done therefore than to start. it is time to think about ending this thing, say keeping it going. neil: by the way i'm the one who said we'll put the interest rates up on the screen. there are the interest rates up on the screen. >> oh, you say i try to take over. neil: i act like a jerk sometimes. it is not even an act. one thing i need to ask you, i wonder if we kind of hit an inflection point. i don't want to make a huge deal of it. i wanted to pick your brain on this, scott, look at amazon, disney, for a while two days ago they were very close to the covid lows. they had essentially been cut in
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half, then some. i wonder, just two stocks, i grant you, i wonder if those who sort of use algorithms and other reasons to sort of come in or get out of a market might have seized on stuff like that? that it was overdone for some big names? >> i agree. algorithms, fancy things tell you when to buy, when to sell, sometimes finger in the air works as well. i think you're right, neil, as some point you look at price level with amazon and disney, nike you recently mentioned before the pop it had today, if you look at sentiment on top of price, seems like everybody is bailing on a stock, everybody is despondent, forecasting such negative out comes, those are times we go in with some of our free cash here, what you oversee, what you see overreaction to some names, there are no sellers left, everybody has gotten out, weak
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hands are gone. therefore buyers will stagger in at some point. therefore you're picking off some stocks, two you mentioned are great picks, picking them off at lower prices say than you would have goaten a few weeks ago. neil: thank you my friend. good talking to you. scott martin, one of the best in the business. meantime the mess at the border, i mean from a texas rancher who has to deal with that mess physically day in, day out, after this. a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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>> as a native arizonian, born and raised near the border, the border is not secure, it has never been secure in my lifetime. ed administration could dough a much better job, should do a much better job implements existing laws. however the reality the legal system needs changes. neil: krysten sinema, a independent senator, no longer a democrat but will caucus with
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democrats, that the border is still a mess, getting messyier for brent smith who deals with it pretty much every day. good to have you. your ranch encompasses an area you get quite a few migrants going right through. maybe you can tell us. >> hey, neil, yeah. my family has ranching in the county for over three generations. we're kind of known as the gotaway count because we don't have a port of entry in kinney county. they neighbor us. amount of traffic through kenny county, because i'm the kenny count attorney as well. a lot of landowners reach out to me, ask what can we do? at this point, neil, texans feel like the state has surrendered the sovereignty of texas to the cartels. we don't know what else to do.
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i think it is important for viewers to know two people can end this crisis. one obviously being joe biden. but governor abbott is the other one can do secure things at the border. each night texans pray something happens with the governor, that we get border security, live the life we are used to for generations. that is not happening right now. neil: what is interesting about the plight, brent, we think of trouble on the border, you're not directly on the border but you're next to towns and communities that are, you get the flow of migrant traffic. the fear when title 42, if it were to go away, even now the administration is pushing to deal with this until maybe after christmas, eventually does go away, then what do you do? >> i have had a lot of landowners contact me when title 42 goes away, what will we do. this is dumpster fire that is a mess t will get worse when title 42 goes away. we don't know, neil.
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we're trying to figure out what can we do. i got calls from other counties what we can do to secure our own county, if not the state. governor abbott, we're relying on him to ache actions to secure the border. neil: what is he not doing, brent, that would you like to see him do. >> right now, neil, we're absorbing everything. we're busing them through the united states. we need to prevent them from crossing in the first place. if it is not at a port of entry texas can secure its own border under article i. it is emergency type of provision in the constitution that would allow that. neil: when you say secure the border, building a wall or finishing a wall? federal authorities claim, biden administration claimed as soon as it took office everything donald trump was doing stopped. they say it is within their power to stop it. you say it is within the governor's power to do whatever he wants? >> to a degree. he can secure the border to
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protect texans. using article i has nothing to do with immigration. it has to do with protecting texas and the rest of the nation, and sovereignty. the border wall would help. that is two year, three-year, down the line type security. we need something now. we can't wait three years. we won't be here, the state of texas and the united states would not look the same in three years, i guarranty you. neil: i take it from what you're saying there are other ranchers, neighbors of yours dealing with what you're dealing with? >> right. i mean just to give you you an example. one rancher talked to me, at night they have to black out their windows in the house because if there is any light that shows from the outside at night. it attracts people coming through the property with illegal aliens, smugglers, come to the house, knock on the door to try to get in. they have to black out nair their windows at night that is what they live with down here. another mother home with her child by herself. they attempted to break in the
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door. she was inside of the house waiting for law enforcement to arrive. took 20 minutes for them to do so. it is that bad. neil: but they will knock, wait a minute. they will knock on either force their way in, or just ask you can we come in. >> both. there are circumstances with both. there is people have to barricade doors at night, literally they will knock down the door. speaking of doors, america's front door is being kicked in right now. that is what is happening. they're not claiming asylum properly. they're not coming through ports of entry. this is a huge mess that we've got to deal with. it is your gent. it is an urgent crisis we have to address. neil: yours is a different situation we don't appreciate. i'm glad you shared it with us. brent smith, texas rancher, kenny county attorney as well. this is real. this is happening all the time, not in a border community but borders those that are. remember how far north this goes in the process. meanwhile, elon musk changing his tune a little bit when it
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comes to twitter, or has he, after this? ♪. what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian health care ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family. a group that sees you for who you are, regardless of your health history, offering values based affordable health care cost solutions.
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♪. neil: elon musk says he is hunting for someone to run twitter. he doesn't want to do it himself. we don't know quite what is next what we can look forward to. charlie gasparino does. follows it like nobody's business. >> is it elon, elon. that is word. neil: i said that. why are you embarrassing on my show. i'm still wearing a tie. >> all right. neil: go ahead. what you got? >> you sound like dylan ratigan.
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neil: oh please. >> that is a flashback. a lot of people think musk is looking to step down from twitter out of goodness of his heart. he only doing what people want. he took the poll. 57% said yes. he is not. this is not why he is stepping down from twitter. neil: why is it? >> he is getting tremendous, tremendous pressure from tesla shareholders to step down. neil: he sold a lot of stock. >> he sold a lot of stock. the stock keeps selling off. maybe it is up today because of rally. from what i understand, major institutional investors don't like the fact he is futzing around with a social media platform that doesn't make any money. taking time off for what he is doing here for this big company he has, them losing their shirts in the process. shares have decline dramatically. that is a nasty chart. that is amazing how much the stock has gone down. neil: it was within a hair of its covid lows.
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that's stunning. >> right. that, so he is hearing that from the shareholders. i will tell you that he is still based on what i'm hearing from bankers that deal with him, he still kind of likes this, the attention from twitter. he is getting a lot of attention. they're releasing twitter files to me which were extremely interesting. neil: right. >> the fact that the fbi -- neil: he is saying a lot more people getting on twitter jazzed by it. is that true? >> i don't know. maybe. i've been getting trolled a lot lately. more people hate me i know. neil: that is just our staff. >> yes. but here's the thing, what is he going to do? my guess he will have some fun a little longer with twitter, according to bankers. if he picks somebody, he will pick somebody from the paypal mafia. he was one of the creators of paypal. neil: that's right. walked a way -- >> did a whole story on you can read it. joe lonsdale, who recently
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converted, david sachs from paypal, internet entrepreneur, silicon valley entrepreneurs. joe told me hasn't been asked yet but he supports what elon is doing. he didn't close the door on it. the full statement is on fox it was one of knows non-denial denials. the store is still open. the other gentleman, same thing about him. the other problem musk has, i don't know anybody wants to work for him outside. he is so erratic. neil: you have run into that. >> no one wants to work for me. actually that's not true. neil: no, it is not true. >> kids like me for some reason. neil: a love thing. >> i think i will i am it here. everything else i say gets me in trouble. that is my report on elon musk. neil: elon musk. i hate you. charlie, thank you, very good
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job as always, my friend. >> have you heard about sam bankman-fried? neil: yes. connell mcshane is all over that story. he is joining us right now. >> oh. neil: i guess still stewing. look at this, connell is wearing a tie. because he is showing how this show is. >> napkin in his neil: sartorially spend did. connell, what is going on with sam bankman-fried? he is coming to the united states. we don't know when, right? >> yes. exactly right. don't you wish you had me in studio, neil, instead of gasparino. neil: you read my mind, yes. >> the extradition is approved. is a hearing in the bahamas that either just about to wrap or wrapped a short time ago. trying to figure out everything going on in the bahamas. bottom line extra decision approved. sam bankman-fried speaking in court. we have one quote from him, what he said, yes i do wish to waive my right to such formal extradition proceedings. then his lawyer, his lawyer in
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the bahamas, told the judge he was anxious to leave, anxious to get out of the bahamas so the judge approved the whole thing. reported on various wire services he was then sent back to prison. going to be sent back to prison a short time he have being transported to new york. we don't have timing on move to new york. this video earlier from today arriving in the courthouse. see him in blue suit, white shirt. similar get-up to gasparino, no tie. on his way to the courthouse. this was just before 11:00 a.m. in nassau in the bahamas today when he was taken into the courthouse there. let's give you a refresher on charges he faces when he gets to new york. talking about eight federal counts. start with conspiracy to commit wire fraud on customers. you start to look down this list whether it's all kinds of different conspiracies to commit fraud, commodities, securities fraud, money laundering charge, violation of campaign finance laws, all of these allegations essentially the same, taking customer money, using it for
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other purposes. five of them, five of the counting carry maximum sentence of 20 yearss the other three max sentence of five years. bankman-fried we reported over and over again basically conspiring to move around ftx customer deposits to fund his trading operations and make pay millions of dollars in political donations. the section no is right here in new york city, 500 pearl street. courthouse in manhattan. we've seen the likes of bernie madoff released from bail in southern district of new york. the same thing might happen for bankman-fried his lawyers, prosecutors, working on bail deal on the agreement not to fight extradition. the final call is not up to what the lawyers work out. made by the district court judge ronnie abrams, the residing judge in this case. we'll see timing of when he will be transported to new york. could happen today. when his initial court
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appearance i guess is still possible for today. probably more likely to be pushed into tomorrow as we're almost 1:00 in the afternoon already. as far as we know, neil, he hasn't left the bahamas but the extradition is approved. neil: it would be a quick flight. be here pretty quickly. thank you very much for that, connell mcshane. want to go to a former associate deputy attorney general under president trump. always good to have you. whatever happens with sam bankman-fried we do of lika beehive of activity, certainly on capitol hill to take a look at crypto enforcement the in general, more regulations. elizabeth warren all but saying you know, soup-to-nuts bit of rules that will change everything we know about this investment alternative. where do you see that part going? >> yeah. it is a real interesting question, neil. there is so much going on capitol hill right now. as you know mr. bankman-fried was a supporter of a bill that
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had been floating around the hill for quite sometime. i think people are going to have to give a very strong look at that bill to see what the various interests are there. as you mentioned senator warren has a bill, that really focused on anti-money laundering issues people will give a very hard look to. a lot of ways question here now is making sure that people on capitol hill are informed, they understand what the different pressure points are and as you say looming behind all of this will be the very massive fraud that sam bankman-fried at least is alleged to have committed. you know that members of congress are going to be thinking about that as they think about legislation. neil: but i am just wondering if they risk, that is regulators, politicians on both sides of the aisle because it does seem to have a bipartisan bashing tone to it, if they could throw out the baby with the bath water here? bitcoin itself, this whole, you know, blockchain technology could be caught up in all of this?
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>> it could, neil. one real risk here is that in the haste to protect investors against the kind of apparent fraud that happened here, which is very important, very significant, that you don't throw the baby out with the bath water. as you mentioned, neil, this technology, is transformative to the way it can protect information, the way it can sort of insure privacy rights are protected. it is truly revolutionary, it has to be understood. particularly for people in the industry and members of law enforcement who see how the technology is employed, people on capitol hill understand it. it is important for industry, important for technology folks and financial industry and distributed technology is and how that technology is quite separatable from the fraud again mr. bankman-fried is alleged to have undertaken. neil: that's very well-put.
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thank you very much. i want to get you back to this, to make sense of this. to sujiit's point, they're not throwing out the baby with the bath water, bitcoin is in and out of 1thousand dollars a coin. some predicted to would tumble under 10,000. that is yet to happen. nowhere 60,000 at the highs. remain as volatile investment. meantime taking a look at the push to get donald trump's tax records, at least for the years 2015 to 2020 but no matter how you feel about the former president, look what's at play here and what a lot of other prominent money players have discovered. those who challenge and those who have beefs with the irs sometimes end up seeing all their returns exposed. could that happen to you? after this.
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>> our concern is if taken, this committee action will set a terrible precedent that unleash as dangerous new political weapon that reaches far beyond the former president and overturns decades of privacy protections for average americans that have existed since the watergate reforms. neil: all right, along a party-line vote, all republicans
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were against releasing donald trump's tax returns for the years 2015 to 2020. all democrats were for it. but no matter how you feel about the former president think about what's going on here. even if you think as a candidate, later as a president he should have released returns, president of the united states, no law says he should, has to do that, but we've seen some lament out of likes of ken griffin, the hedge fund billionaire, who had qualms with the irs, all of sudden "propublica," big online, someone released all of griffin's tax returns. they're exposed. happened to elon musk. happened to jeff bezos, happened to a host of others. there is a pattern here. is it the right thing to do or even legal to do? andrew mccarthy, fox news contributor. no mat her how people feel about the former president, is this right to expose or to release his returns?
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>> no, of course it's not, neil and you know, i'm glad that you mentioned him. i usually, myself try to take him out of it because he is such a lightning rod but the fact is if they can do it to donald trump if they can do it to elon musk, if they can do it to some other people you just mentioned to, why would average americans think it can't be done to them? it used to be that what the irs and the committees in congress that have jurisdiction to deal with tax return information, their understanding was to the extent that congress needed tax return information in order to do legislative business they didn't need to have the nominal, the name identifying information. they just needed the raw tax data. now they're using that power pretextly to get their hands on tax data of people they don't like. they figure out reasons to make it public. it is really outrageous. neil: what is wild about it this is a fairly recent phenomena. you get to be my age, andrew,
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recent, post-1976 period where presidential candidates released tax returns. didn't happen with lyndon johnson, john kennedy, eisenhower. it is a more recent half century thing. i'm old enough to say that is recent. >> right. neil: i wonder when news sites "propublica" have connections with the irs, when they hear billionaires complaining about their battles with the irs, then someone must feed them these documents as ken griffin is saying, that's not good. someone is not only breaking the law, but doing permanent harm? >> yeah. and you know, neil, the reason that we almost never catch leakers in the government is because information is too diffuse, it is too disperse. what are they going to do now? how many billions of dollars have they given to the irs in the last group of appropriations? so we're going to have even more
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people with even more access to information which always leads to even more leaking and then the government saying, gee whiz, you know, we can't figure out who the culprit is because too many people have access to the information. neil: then you have to worry about how far it goes, if you have a vendetta against someone, forget the politics, forget trump, forget billionaires with their own beefs with the irs, doesn't take much from someone who doesn't like something you said out of turn, i will put his records out there. there is no liability for the social media or other news site that does so, right? >> yeah. it's ironic that you know, the beef with trump, which i share in many ways, is that he is a norm breaker. there are a lot of things good about norms but i think the people who have been the biggest trump critics as big norm breakers as he is and you know, you sigh some of the things that went on with the january 6 committee, you see what goes on with the ways and means
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committee in this instance. all those things become precedents. you know what goes around comes around. that is what she said when i was growing up in the bronx. they say it in washington too, right? neil: well-putt, well-tut andrew mccarthy. whatever your views on donald trump, take the politics out of it, what if it were you, and gets all over the media, including tax returns, how would you feel? we're on that storm and a real one gripping the country right after this. she came in. i watched my mother go through being a single mom. at the end of the day, my mom raised three children, including myself. and so once the client knew that she was heard. .. your client won't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
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