tv Varney Company FOX Business January 10, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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will see growth but not on the edge of a major slowdown and companies not as profitable and puts pressure on stocks. >> cracks and inflations cooling and coming down from a 9 to 10% range to a 3, 4, maybe 3, 4, 5% range. that's good progress. but the battles not over. >> that's why we're $32 trillion in debt is the garbage these people put through. they didn't wait and have to get their port and that's what they got. stuart: i love this song. start me off. there's a lot for you. 11:00 east coast time and tuesday, january 10, and the markets are showing very little real price movement, dow's up 60 and nasdaq up 20. as for big tech, kind of a mixed picture there. they're all up except for apple
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down to $129. amazon, meta, facebook, alphabet, microsoft all up. now that . watch out, the government is coming for your gas stove. yes, the consumer product safety commission is considering a ban on the grounds that cooking with gas releases harmful pollutants into your home. commissioner richard trump jr., i believe he's the son of the late coal mine chief, he told bloomburg your gas stove is a hidden hazard. products that can't be made safe can be banned. gas stoves use natural gas, a fossil fuel, that is worthy of a ban according to environmentalists. the study was coauthored by the mappinger of a carbon -- manager of a carbon-free building program at clean energy group.
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to these folks, nat gas has to go even if it means yanking out stoves in 40 million homes. the bill contained $840 rebate if you chucked the gas stove and went for electric and $540 to convert your gas stove to electric. there you go. the government is planning and setting a stage for a ban. what a farce. do you think all the electricity we'll need will come from renewables? environmentalism is a religion, the greens insist that you worship their church. third hour of varney starts right now. stuart: the gas stove ban was ideal introduction to our guest of this tuesday morning. jimmy failer. >> a lot of people don't know
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i'm heir to the ge fortune. you gave me $20 in the commercial break and the climate crowd has become a church because they're always passing around the collection plate. every one of these sermons come withs a hey, if you could throw money in the wicker basket because that's the grift of climate change. the old saying if you have the facts, pound the facts but if you have nothing, pound the table. the environment activists have been pounding the world is ending for years and the people pushing are getting loaded and nobody is following their own advice when it comes to cutting carbon footprints or anything like that . like john kerry flying private. he can comply commercial because everyone mistakes him with the horse from mr. ed. i owed him one. stick with me, climate change is the ultimate form of elite white privilege. and the reason i say that is someone that spent a lot of time
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in the inner city driving a cab, i promise you if you're getting crushed by inflation or soaring crime rates and worried about getting mugged on the way to the bodega or bodega as joe biden called it, you worry about the weather change in 40 to 50 years. they're living a prosperous life and convince themselves they're saving the world. that's the face of the movement. john kerry. stuart: i can't see the government telling you get rid of the gas stove. >> there's no way. the government has no right to do that number one. number two -- stuart: they could do it. >> they'll try as they always do with this government. stuart: they made us change the lightbulbs and size of the toilet water tank. they did all that. >> i don't doubt they'll try but this is the scam of climate change. it's not being done with a greater good in mind. anybody who understands energy markets tells you it's not
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physically possible we'll do this without fossil fuels. people would die would fossil fuels and they're legislating a industry they know nothing about. stuart: i want you to watch the media already having a minor league meltdown over the republican majority in the house. watch this. >> the keys have been handed over to extremistist. >> the republicans don't want to govern. they're locusts and they feed on dysfunction and surviving suffe. >> what will be a problem is if the american people will be held captive over the next two years to the extreme maga republican agenda. stuart: we've got two more years of that . we're going to have fun. >> i have to tell you as a political comedian, we almost resent this because there's so much crazy, there's no shelf life for any material anymore. back in the day it was like bill clinton had an intern in his life or george bush said the word nuclear funny. in the modern era, topic is like
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goldfish and died three hours after the joke and they outcrazey each other and you understand liberal media has become just a really well-dressed group therapy session where everybody turns on the t to be told they're better than those republicans. they're better than the middle of the country who happen to be the geniuses by the way and they say, stu, it took a week to confirm a speaker, that's embarrassing. no, embarrassing is that we didn't put other leadership positions through this level of scrutiny through 100 years in my book. embarrassing is the inflation rate is at a 40-year high and embarrassing is the border is open and the crime rates. remember new york city where we live, there was famous walking tours of the architecture and they're now called running tours because you're probably going to get chased. that's the reality and everyone saying the republicans are bad. i was going to take my family to san francisco this summer. we decided to go some place safer like beirut because that's what the democrats have done to their cities. republicans can take their time and get the right guy. stuart: did you write this in advance? >> no, stu. stuart: or just come up with the riffs one after another?
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>> this is my process. artist to artist, jokes are jokes and just living many my head somewhere. data is on this piece of paper. i can read you data about climate change and things i want to make points where but when you talk to me, you make me want to laugh. that's all. stuart: it's me that does it? >> it's always like a nervous energy because you don't want to embarrass yourself intellectually in front of simonetti. she has a degree and stuff and my only degree is on a thermometer. stuart: she went to columbia. >> i get it. i drove a lot of people there in my cab, don't get me wrong. drop add few off. i went to columbia more than you but just never set foot on the campus. stuart: that was good. if you're not careful, you'll be back. >> there it is. i love it. stuart: i'm going to turn and get serious all of a sudden if that's entirely possible and i'll talk about the markets. yeah, there's some modest, modest gains for the dow, s&p and the nasdaq. cameron da dawson is our market watcher joining thus morning.
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cameron, look across the whole spectrum of the markets and what's the biggest wild card this year you think? >> i think it's oil prices because if we continue to see oil prices move higher, that will cause headline inflation to reaccelerate and inflation expectations to reaccelerate and that backs the fed into a corner. it means even if we sa start seg a softening in the economy, inflation remains elevated and won't be able to step in and support markets or the economy. we have to watch energy prices really closely in 2023 because that's the big question mark. stuart: earlier today, fed chair powell said, i'm not directly quoting but said the federal reserve will not be a climate policymaker. i think investors took that as a positive. how do you take it? >> well, this was a meeting about central bank independence and so there wasn't really any
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addressing of central bank interest rate policy or fed interest rate policy within this meeting, i don't think that we can really call the all clear on potential hawkish ken polcari tear. look what happened yesterday -- commentary and look at yesterday when they were talking about not wanting to cut interest rates in '23 or '24 and the reason we're seeing central banks push back against markets right now is because financial conditions are now very easy. we've had rallies and stock markets. we've seen credit spreads come in, interest rates have dropped, the dollar has weakened. all that means is that the fed is not comfortable with financial conditions being as easy as they are and we wouldn't be surprised over the next few weeks to really see a step up in that hawkish commentary, similar to what we saw other time financial conditions were this easy back in 2022. stuart: in other words don't jump into the stock market at this particular moment in time. i'm reading between the lines, is that what you're saying?
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>> yeah, i think we could have a little bit of a rally here, simply because we saw so much equity selling over the last couple of months of the year. we also have some pretty low expectations going into this earning season, but if we see a rally to that 4,000, 4100 level, this would be a market that would be very expensive, and it would be expensive on valuations even if we haven't marked down earnings estimates that much, and that's where we want to be starting to take some money off the time-based, but we -- table, but we need to prepare ourselves. if we have weakness through the year we want to be buying around that 200 weak moving average, 3500, 3600, it may not be the ultimate low of this cycle. however, it keeps us from selling at the lows, which is really the quickest way to destroy value over the long term. stuart: you've got me really worried.
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we have stocks moving well today including amazon. 2.5%. lauren: we'll take it. we have a buy with prime program and they're broadening it and other merchants a few by invitation and all merchants that have a store on shoify down 2.5% and if you're on our site and advertise buy with prime you're off. stuart: down they go. ups, what's that story? they're down. lauren: their margins under pressure for two reasons: less volume and labor contracts coming up that's expensive. they cut their price target. it's still going up about 25% to 227 but they did cut that. stuart: okay. moderna. we've not talked about vaccines for a long time, but i see moderna now up a strong solid
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2.3%. lauren: bernie sanders bernie sanders sent a letter to moderna saying, look, don't increase the price too much when the covid vaccine hits the commercial market. there's rep reports that they'll charge about $120. the government pays $27. he says if you want to vaccinate people and you're asking the private market to pay that much money, not a good look. it would bring in a lot of money for moderna, which is why the stock is up. the company has not answered bernie sanders' letter. stuart: that's why it's up, thanks. gen z folks think they've cracked the code to a successful life. there's a new social media trend that promising to give people everything they ever wanted without ever really working for it. something for nothing. forgot running around the backyard. one medical group is pushing weight loss surgery to fight childhood obesity. critics outraged, we're on it. one hospital in arizona said migrants racked up $20 million worth of unpaid medical bills.
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stuart: hospitals in small towns along the border are struggling to keep up with the influx of migrants. kelly o'grady is with us outside a hospital in yuma, arizona. how much money in unpaid medical bills for migrant care are they stuck with? reporter: over $20 million, stuart. that really puts into context how big of an impact the border crisis is having on these area businesses. yuma, of course, it's a hot spot
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for illegal crossings and that strain is on top of the current challenges the hospital is facing like rsv and flu season. forreference, the hospital in yuma is the only one in 180 smile that $20 million figure is for six months from december of 2021 to may of 2022 and doesn't even cover the second half of last year and i spoke to the ceo and he said it's looking more like $40 million at the moment and the treatment ranges from injuries sustained during the trip to the boarder and chronics that have gone untreated and the hospital provides the same type of care regardless of payer status and the facility operating on 2 to 3% margin these unpaid bills may become unsustainable and one major challenge we're learn asking pregnancy care. the hospital had to create a makeshift motel for mothers without a place to stay while newborns received care and run around to round up car seat to
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discharge families and the looming issue; right, yuma seeing ana an average of 1,000 y crossings with the makeshift on tianaer -- container wall taken down and number and strain on the hospital could surge significantly and, stuart, there's no recourse for that $20 million or potential alreadiedly 40 million, that the ceo mentioned and they've talked to federal leaders and their sympathetic, they don't have a solution right now, stuart. stuart: amazing. thank you for joining us. as always, great stuff. kelly, bring in the new chair of house homeland committee, mark green, republican from tennessee. congressman, congratulations. that's a fine committee to be chairing. my question is when are you going to have secretary mayorkas testify and when are you going to impeach him? >> very soon. what we're going to do, we've got a five phase plan to basically go after the various issues of the failure at the southern border and you mentioned one of those phases,
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the price tag, the dollar price tag of what an open border is to america. uncompensated healthcare is one of those costs, and i was at that hospital in yuma, arizona, myself meeting with the ceo. $20 million, going to go to $40 million and that's happening all across the boarder and all across the country. it's not just uncompensated healthcare. look at -- i talked to sheriffs, the increased costs of incarceration, they're not being reimbursed for that, and it's just a huge cost to the american taxpayer. stuart: yeah, ultimately the taxpayer will be the one that pays. >> that's right. stuart: i don't see any way around that. it would be nice if you could get money out of the cartels or open border crowd, but you can't. it's going to come out of our pockets, isn't it? >> that's exactly right. when you think about the cost shifting happening to cover that hospital and that hospital to stay in business and it'll raise the rates for insurers and the insurance goes up and the
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doctors and all about the that uncompensated care because we have an open border and the president doesn't care. stuart: is defunding the irs the republican's top priority in the house at this moment? >> it's a statement, you know, we had an easy bill, a chip shot, and honestly, who wants 87,000 irs agents and $80 billion spent to have them picking through small businesses? you think about the cost to a small company and you know this, stuart, your listeners know this, it costs them to defend and go do the work to prepare for the audit, just add that to the cost of bread and add to cost of butter too, it's just going to have a trickle-down effect on our economy. it's a bad idea, and it was an easy chip shot for us to knock out of the park right away. stuart: unfortunately, when it gets to the senate, they'll kill it and resurrect the irs, won't they? >> that's exactly right. the senate is being run by the democrats unfortunately and they want this. they want to go dig every penny out of small business. stuart: congressman, we wish you
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well with the hearings on the border. our own bill melugin has been leading the charge with reporting on the border and glad to see everyone in washington following through. congressman mark green, thank you for joining us, sir. back to the markets real fast, the dow is up 57, nasdaq's up 2. keep saying it but it's true, not that much price movement today. so far. the fda has just named sesame the ninth major allergen in the country. this will require a clear labeling of sesame in food items. ashley, sesame is in so many foods, how are major brands responding to this? >> that's a very good question. whether it's sesame seeds on a baseball or sesame flour in baked goods, it's in so many foods and allergists say it can be life threatening to some. congress added sesame to the fda's list of major food
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allergens in april 2021 but didn't take effect till january 1 this year and gave food brands and manufacturers nearly two years to comply with the clear labeling and changes to the manufacturing process, but regulators claim that some major food brands such as wendy's, olive garden, and chik-fil-a added more sesame to their menu items explicitly labeling the ingredient instead of changing their food product. authorities call that a economic shortcut that provides a work around to the new rules. they're still trying to figure it all out. sesame, more than 1.6 million people with that allergy in the united states. stuart: really, okay. the american academy of pediatrics under fire for their new guidelines about how to combat childhood obesity. are they recommending surgery for youngkin, ash -- young children, ash? >> they are. among the possible solutions listed are screening counseling,
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medical managed weight loss, pharmaceutical treatment and surgery. the american academy of pediatrics are sensorineural leasing on part of treating obesity on childhood and there's been strong pushback and many critics questioning medication and surgery as solutions and asking what happened to exercise and diet. others said instead of pushing pills, how about making the food supply less processed and more natural and by the way, the guidelines also have an entire section claiming obesity could be partially based on racism and inequalities in poverty, home ownership and jobs are linked to obesity. stuart: nearly 90% of the people in one of china's most populous regions are inif he canned with covid, that's 88 -- infected with covid, that's 88 million people. we have the latest on china's covid surge coming up for you. in a few moments, president
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stuart: president bind is meeting with canada's prime minister justin trudeau right now. we're going to monitor it for you and bring you headlines and when you arrive, you'll get them. check the markets and modest gains and pretty much across the board and not much price movement and s&p is up 0.91 points. show me microsoft, they're make ago big investment in artificial intelligence and, ashley, is this the chat gpt that everybody is talking about? ashley: yes, indeed. everybody says microsoft is in talks for open ai and open of gpt and estimated value of remarkable $29 billion. get this, open ai, guess who it was founded by, tesla ceo and he
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made the chat gpt chat box fable for free public testing back in november and the chat bot is the software application designed to mimic human prompts and kids can use to cheat on homework and microsoft will reportedly receive 75% of open ai's profits before it re-coops the investment and microsoft has a 49% stake in the stock back up a percent. stuart: being mocked for his new song about covid, listen to that >> ♪ alpha and delta and omicron next but the latest might be the best, it's xbt1.5, another brand of covid-19 has arrived ♪ ♪ it's a new strain but isn't
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the same and sounds more like elon musk, his name ♪ stuart: ashley, i thought that was quite funny and reasonably inventive and why was he being mocked? ashley: he's being mocked and criticized because some viewers saying what's the joke? anyone wondering yours truly era of late night tv is over. one observer tweeted colt cringe times 100 and more than doubled the likes of original videos and the first time singing about covid in december of 2021 he premiered the song it was a masked christmas. the the latest efforts fall ago little flat and his viewers fail to see the humor, all though it is quite clever. stuart: i thought it was reasonably clever. okay, thanks, ash. talk about covid, china stopped issuing new visas for people from south korea and japan.
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retaliation for new covid testing requirements for chaltravelers from china. we have reports that 90% of the people in the province have covid, that's 88 million people. is this going to shut down china's whole economy? >> it's astounding numbers, stuart. that's the third largest province and it has the ability of creating a huge impact on the chinese economy and global economy and think about the impact on supply chain, this could be a huge problem. in beijing alone, we've seen the hospitals almost foully capacity and o -- fully capacity and it's a very serious problem. stuart: judgment of xi jinping's position and there's real chaos in china and follows three years of lockdown. is he still in full, full control of power?
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>> it's zero covid policy and the government implemented and the protests were very successful and resulted in a change of policy by the government and probably the first time in significant period the chinese government faced enough protest to change their policy and seeing the results of that and that being said, it demonstrates people have some amount of power in china and as a result the sicknesses now, which are a direct result of chinese failure to create capable vaccines or using the western vaccines and will cause a problem for the chinese government and their leadership. stuart: his deal was you can be prosperous but we'll keep control of the politics. that deal seems to be breaking down if the economy is not making people prosperous. >> that's exactly right. you know, with this number of people being sick, being hospitalized, it'll cause their factories to slow down, economic challenges there in that country and you're exactly right. that kind of economic challenge can very well result in governmental change, even in an
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authoritarian country like china. stuart: we'll get it. more than -- let's talk brazil. 1500 people under arrest following the riots in brazil and protesters cob testing the -- contesting the election results. the current leader of brazil, luna, he wants to prosecute the rioters. my question to you is could balcinaro, just being released from the hospital in florida, could he be extradited to brazil? >> well, you know, it's a good question. there are extradition treaties between countries and i'm not sure whether the u.s. and brazil have an extradition treaty and there's a whole process and will take a long time and more likely than not the protesters will face challenges in the courts there in brazil and another question will be can they indict him from here and can they get him back? that's to be seen. still, what is interesting about
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these protests is that they've really taken on a very strong trend and attacks from the court and congress on their presidential power and people are upset with the results and tight election and tightest in three decades and more to be seen on what happens in the developing situation in brazil. stuart: do you think the events here on january 6, two years ago, had any influence, any encould you tell me for what just happened in brazil? >> you know, a lot of people are trying to tie what happened in brazil to january 6. i think there are surface, you know, system lairties but what -- similarities but what happened in brazil was more dramatic and there's histories of governments flipping in brazil. what happened on january 6 was troubling and different from what's happening in brazil and might see a change in power if you continue state of america see this. we'll see what happens over the next few days and weeks. stuart: thank you for jumping in on the last minute on the show.
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we always appreciate it. >> you got it, stuart. stuart: a star studded town in california under mandatory evacuation. homes belonging to prince harry, oprah, ellen degenerous, they're all threatened with mudslides. one-third of people quit attending religious services sinces pandemic hit. since the pandemic hit. resident theologian jonathon morris joining me? just a moment. i want to know why. ♪
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and i kept it off. so with other diets, you just feel like you're muscling your way through it. the reason why i like golo is plain and simple, it was easy. i didn't have to grit my teeth and do a diet. golo's a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays off. golo's changed my life in so many ways. i sleep better, i eat better. took my shirt off for the first time in 25 years. it's golo. it's all golo. it's smarter, it's better, it will change your life forever.
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they want without doing any work. ashley,ics , explain to me. ashley: gen z manifesting their dream by landing a great job or apartment. >> everything works for us. >> it's an ex-350er789 and see if it works and literally works. everything works out. >> i always expect great things to happen to me so they do. try being delusional for a month and tell me if your life doesn't change. ashley: all goes back to that very person there, social media influencer laura galib and came up with the concept with the brilliant mantra that i expect great things to happen to me and they do. she call it is lucky girl syndrome and it's had nearly 62 million views on tiktok. you assume it, you believe it,
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it happens. stuart: i was young once. thanks, ashley. ashley: exactly. life kind of got it. stuart: go to the university of hard knocks and it hurts. since the start of the pandemic, one-third of church worshipers have stopped attending. our resident theologian jonathan morris joins me now. why are they quitting? >> it's not some study, it's reality. i hear often when i go to church on sunday that pastor saying we appreciate your help because we haven't caught up since the pandemic. it's a fact. i think the answer is pretty simple, it's hard to create a habit. it's very easy to lose a habit. pandemic happened, nobody could go to church, people get better, pandemic doesn't exist. stuart: is it a decline in faith? >> well, when we lose habits, for example we stop going to the
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gym, there'll be results. when we stop practicing our faith and spirituality, it'll go away until that is rather sad until something tragic happens, until they're surviving suf sufd shocked back into what life is all about and that is where refined faith comes back into play. play. stuart: that's a rather grim outcome relying on outlooks for faith. >> it's a mass eight hours event where churches after 9/11 were full and in our own life, school of hard knocks and many times in our life we were shocked and say what is this all about, and i think that's when we start making decisions again to form habits. stuart: change the subject but a related subject, demar hamlin, the bills player that collapsed on the field, he's acknowledging his faith in god. here's the tweet, god using me in a different way today. tell someone you love you love
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them today. hamlin's emergency brought people together. i saw people braying all over the -- praying all over the place. you don't see that often. >> it did, no doubt. that was the shock effect we were talking about about coming back to faith but also if you have no foundation before something tragic happens, this gentleman, this great football player, hamlin, he was a man of faith. he did some pretty amazing things also in expressing his faith, getting toys for kids and he was a good man. when tragedy happens, that's when the real character comes out. i can tell you that i've seen it as a former -- i am a former catholic priest and accompanied people on their death bed over and over and over again. the way you live is the way you'd die. stuart: do you believe in the power of prayer for hamlin? loads of people were praying for him on the field, in the stands, everywhere. if you believe -- was that a power?
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>> yeah, if you believe in prayer, what you're saying is i believe that god is able to intervene in human affairs. intervene in human affairs and jesus said very simply, knock and the door will be open to you. sometimes we knock and it doesn't open the way we'd like it to open but, yes, i believe in the power of prayer. i have no idea if this was the power of god through medicine or if there was an actual miracle that cannot be explained by medicine but i believe in the power of prayer and i'd be a pretty terrible theologian if i didn't. stuart: exactly sir. to him the hath shall be given and to him that hath not will be taken away. >> i love when you quote scripture. stuart: to the dow now, a sense of the market and it's a split market, half up, half down, the dow is off 24 points then there's this, can't get away
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from it, prince harry admits moving back to the uk is out of the question. roll tape. >> there is a third party that's going to do everything they can to make sure that that isn't possible. not stopping us from actually going back, but making it unsurvivable. stuart: obvious question: would the britts want him back after all this? we'll talk about it next. we'll be back. ♪
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stuart: monticito, california, under mandatory evacuation because of a lot of flo flooding and, ashley, they're worried about mudslides now; right? ashley: yeah, they're home to celebrity royalty such as oprah winfrey, jennifer aniston, and prince harry and me meghan marke and the town is concerned it could be hit by mudslides triggered by all the torrential rainfall, and it's happened before in 2018 when 23 people
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were killed. another local celebrity resident ellen degenerous. listen. >> this is crazy, the five year anniversary having unprecedented rain. this street never flows ever. probably about nine feet up going another two feet up. >> i hope you heard that. emergency authorities in the town, which lies as we say about 90 minutes from la, said everyone in the area should get out, an evacuation order already in place. these numbers are remarkable. over the last 30 days, monticito received up to 20-inches of rain. the normal yearly average is 17-inches so more than a year's worth of rain in 30 days. stu. stuart: got it, thanks, ash. prince harry, back to him now. he doesn't think he can return to live in the uk. roll tape. >> there was an agreement or arrangement between me and my
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family. there is that third party that will do everything they can to make sure that isn't possible. not actually stopping us from going back but making it unsurvivable. stuart: i presume he's talking about the media, the british tabloid media there. royal watcher kara kennedy joining me now. the prince's popularity at an all-time low. would the britts ever want him back? >> hi, stuart. yes, inescapable prince harry talks about the difficulties he would face if he was to come back into the royal fold now. i don't know if he's acting a fool or actually foolish enough to believe there's any coming back from this. i mean, the latest revelations we've had his father, king charles looked heartless and accused his brother of being physical with him multiple times, and i think queen kansas camillacomes off the worst and s been presented as a malicious,
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manipulative, social climber with a pension for talking to the press. regardless of whether he thinks it's going to be difficult or not, there's absolutely no way back with him now. stuart: why do you think he's doing this? is he being swayed perhaps by his wife? is he a little mentally unbalanced, damaged? why do you think he's doing this because he's burning every boat. >> yeah, well, as a speck tactor we've call -- spectator we've called it sussex syndrome and displaying pair know ya and ab -- paranoia and absolute anger and visceral and read the pains and it's sad because i've been reading about today and there's a lot of good things in there. he talks about the death of his mother, he talks about the great relationship that he's had through the years with his brother and his father, but the attacks are just too much to make it a nice book. obviously it kind of overlaps the whole thing and ruins the whole tone of it.
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he just is visceral in his hatred for his family, and it does probably stand back to -- stem back to the death of his mother and how he never really dealt with that. stuart: what a story. over here we're sort of saying enough is enough, we don't want more of this. i can't imagine what they're saying in britain. kara kennedy, thank you very much for joining us this morning. sorry it's so short, but it was good stuff and we appreciate it. thanks, kara. >> thank you. stuart: the trivia question, rita is the capitol of what country, latvia, finland, guatemala?sh the answer after this.
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♪. stuart: ashley, before we get to the trivia question i have a question for you. >> yeah. stuart: are you going to buy harry's book? >> no point now. pretty much heard all the big juicy bits. i find it very sad, though, stu, to honest with you. i think this has been brewing within harry for quite sometime. it is all coming out now. it is sad. i think it is getting a bit threadbare. we need to have him go away, have their titles stripped, both he and his wife, lead life. will he be able to come back into the fold? it will be very, very difficult after this. stuart: clearly so. i wonder if he goes back for the core know nation. if he goes back where will he sit, westminster be by or outside. >> way in the back.
12:00 pm
stuart: i think so. earlier we asked the trivia question, which is the capital of which country. latvia, indonesia, india, guatemala. i know the answer. i absolutely guarranty you i know the answer. how but, ash? >> i do too. it's a favorite for british bachelor parties. apparently cheap to get there. cheap booze. it is latvia. >> rita is the capital of latvia it doesn't sound like guatemala town, does it? >> no. stuart: ash, thank you again for all the hard work you did during the holidays. appreciate you. my time is up. it is 12 noon. here is neil. neil: thank you, stuart. the market on tenterhooks. doesn't know whether it will burst out or go down. examining, naval gazing it
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