tv Varney Company FOX Business January 20, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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>> look, as we found, we found a handful of documents. i think you're going to find there's nothing there. i have no regrets. >> he's either not intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of what is going on. he either doesn't have the mental capacity to handle this. i think the most likely scenario is that he just doesn't care. >> before long, the feds going to overshoot for sure. we're going to go into a recession. if you're looking for something to turn around the major markets it's not going to be the fed and it's not going to be this earnings season. >> i'm not bullish anymore. >> the fed is reversing course, slowing money growth, and i think we're going to pay a price that's the recession that we see this year. when we payback for the pandemic policies that i think were misguided. ♪ finally its happened to me right in front of my face ♪ stuart: all right, good morning,
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everybody. yes, it is friday, and it is january 20 and it's 11:00 eastern time. i thought it looked almost deserted to you, that's midtown manhattan on a friday. lauren: four day weekend. don't come back until tuesday. stuart: that's exactly right. lauren: for most people. stuart: not for us. lauren: are we getting bitter? stuart: yes. bitter? no i'm not bitter at all. i love this. show me the big board. we've got up 68 on the dow, up 117 on the nasdaq. how about big tech that's where the money is. what are they doing this morning all of them higher that's a change, alphabet, microsoft, amazon, meta, apple on the upside and the 10-year treasury yield at 3.47%. now this. wouldn't it be great to see a genuine free speech debate at a top american university. wouldn't it be great to see any kind of anti-woke speech accepted or allowed at a top
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american university? can't see it happening here, but it did happen at oxford university in britain. konstatine kisin took on woke ness and boy did he lay it on thick. watch this. >> the only thing that wokeness has to offer in exchange is to brainwash bright, young minds like you to believe that you're victims, to believe that you have no agency, to believe that what you must do to improve the world is to complain, is to protest, is to throw soup on paintings. stuart: don't you love it? the students tried to interrupt him with questions, trying to throw him off track, but he stood his ground and he told him , straight. be quiet and listen. remember the so-called free speech debate at yale last year? the pampered elite yalers shut it down. here is my favorite quote from k isin. wining and complaining is not going to fix a problem. we need young people to step up
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and actually work and build and create things. i'd love to see him over here but as things stand, i don't think he be allowed on an american campus, and that's a terrible thing. third hour of "varney" starts right now. steve hilton joins me now. steve? i just can't see anything like this happening here in america in the immediate future, can you >> yeah, it's a great point, stuart. i hadn't thought of that actually, when i was watching that, as so many millions and millions of people have now around the world, first of all it reminded me of my days at oxford. i spoke in that exact chamber, the oxford union. i never got millions of viral hits around the world. that didn't happen in my day but it was thrilling, because it was a fact-based argument. if you watch the whole thing, he was engaging with the argument. he wasn't just throwing slogans around and that was what was so
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thrilling about it and it shows how much we've lost that and to your point, i think that is absolutely true and tragic that on an american campus, the adults, the professors, the visiting lectures and so on, they're in the business of pandering to the students. pandering to their far-left woke ideology instead of challenging it and having a debate and they seem terrified of the kids, actually, the adults are terrified of the kids and that's got to change, because that's not education. education is engaging with other arguments and debating politely and respectfully using facts. that's what this guy did and better still, he won them over in that debate. stuart: did you have to wear that dinner jacket outfit when you spoke at the oxford union? >> yes. stuart: did you get a fair hear ing? i think you're a fairly conservative sort of guy. did you get a fair hearing? >> i think so. i can remember we had a debate about whether a third party
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could ever succeed in the uk. that was the one that i remember , and it was actually very evenly-spread audience, so i definitely didn't say anything remotely as controversial as that guy did but it's so pleasing to see something controversial actually being persuasive as well. stuart: yes, and telling, be quiet and listen to me. >> yes. stuart: i love it. you and i have often gone backwards and forwards about technology. you don't have a smartphone. i don't think you're very keen on technology at all. i just want to take a moment to get your take on this chat gpt, artificial intelligence. what do you make of that? >> well it's fascinating. it's a real step forward. before the holidays, i actually did a segment on my show where i read out a script and only revealed to the audience at the end that the entire thing had been written by chatgpt and the query that we put into the machine was "write a
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monologue in the style of steve hilton from fox news on the threat to jobs from artificial intelligence" and you barely notice the difference and i think that's the interesting point here is that actually after decades now, where its been mainly blue collar workers, the manufacturing sector, that's been threatened through automation and technology, the jobs have disappeared, communities have been devastated and now it's coming for the exact people who have benefited from what we call the knowledge economy. people whose trade is words rather than making things, and so that's an interesting development. the other part of this i think that's interesting is the business story. this product which is out there for everyone to use, microsoft is in talks to acquire nearly all of it. it's going to be a microsoft product and that is really terrifying the other big tech companies like google in particular who think that their whole business model based on search maybe under threat here because this is a much more sophisticated version. rather than just giving you links it actually answers your
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question. stuart: i wonder what chatgpt would have come up with if i'd have asked it to write a monologue about konstatine kisin at oxford university. steve, as always, thank you for being with us. we'll watch "the next revolution " sunday night 9:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. thank you, steve. let's go back to the markets jonathan hoenig with us. you still think inflation is a big problem. how bad a problem, tell me? >> well it's not even, matter of fact a growing problem, stuart, great to be with you. it is a persistent problem and hounding out the economy and frankly debilitating the quality of life of every american. it's not just my opinion, stuart look at the credit card debt. new data out the last couple weeks credit card debt at an all-time high, credit card debt interest rates at an all-time high and the last couple days we got a stat out delinquency on car loans now at an all-time high, so more and more you're seeing despite the fact the markets up today that the american consumer, the american individual is
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suffering under the weight of this inflation and of course, it's not being addressed in d.c. at all. stuart they are talking about more spending instead of cutting back the spending, which is exactly what we need to get the economy back on track. stuart: what do you think about this debt limit clash that's coming? the republicans desperately want to reduce spending. the democrats say they aren't going to negotiate at all. are we in for a real crisis, do you think, jonathan? >> it's a bit of kabuk i'm theatre and we've reached that debt limit a number of times and to be honest if the government shutdown and a couple government employees with extraordinarily cushy jobs missed a paycheck or two wouldn't be the worst thing in the government, the problem is the debt ceiling. one of the big areas i'm participating over at capitalist pig is the weakness of the dollar, you see commodities like gold do very well so i'm looking at a lot of stocks that benefit from not just the debt ceiling necessarily but from a big debt not addressed in d.c. and that is honestly in the economy and inflation and in terms of
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capital allocation moving forward. stuart: but this debt, $31 trillion, and growing, it means we are now spending, i believe almost $2 billion a day in interest payments, much of, some of which i should say goes overseas and that rises to $3 billion in interest a day in the not too distant future. that's not sustainable, or is it? >> well stuart, it's sustainable on the backs of everyday americans. one of the unfortunate kind of plausible outcomes of the american economy right now could be something not so different from what's happened in japan over the last 20-30 years. tremendous spending and lower quality of life for every japanese especially younger japanese who have been forced to stay-at-home. we've seen that trend occurring in america as well so we've said it before. there is no such thing as a free lunch and unless washington fixes the problem from the debt, it's never going to be born by the back of everyday americans but again i think there's money to be made here. you just have to look off the radar screen in places like
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commodities, weak dollar and emerging markets. that's where i'm putting money right now. stuart: good for you jonathan hoenig thank you very much for joining us we'll see you soon. >> thank you. stuart: you got it. lauren is back with us looking at netflix, that thing is still moving look at that up nearly 7% lauren: its held the gains, all session thus far, so just about 7.7 million new subscribers in the quarter, thanks to big content draws, yes, harry & meghan, but glass onion, wednesday which is the new adams family show so this is also a decent start first quarter with the new ad tier was included in the results didn't specifically break it out but management was very positive about how that advertising supported tier, the cheaper tier was doing, and that's great, because of advertisers know hey, it's actually getting eyeballs so continue to spend money with netflix. stuart: and it was harry & meghan special. lauren: it helped. wasn't the reason, i'll add emily in paris to that list. stuart: you like that? lauren: i do. stuart: here we go, a cruise line. lauren: yeah, you do.
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stuart: carnival, royal caribbean, norwegian what's the news today? lauren: a survey found that 52% of folks asked said they were likely or very likely to take a cruise this year. why is that important? more than 2019 before covid. in fact, on black friday, that was the busiest day in booking history for the cruise industry. if you booked in november, a cruise, you're likely taking that cruise this year. stuart: you mean to tell me that a survey conducted by triple a is enough to turn these cruise stocks around like that? lauren: they are very volatile, and deutsche bank also increased the price target by quite a bit on royal caribbean. so that's another reason. stuart: wait until next week when there's another survey and it says something different. all right nio, i believe that's a chinese electric car company up 4%. lauren: yeah, and moreso than the other ev's today. remember the wedbush story about tesla that was the number one brand in china after the price cuts and people saying we'll
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consider buying a tesla. nio was number three so not too far behind. stuart: good for 4%. coming up, actor alec baldwin will be charged with involuntary manslaughter in the rust film shooting. we'll tell you how much jail time he could be facing. the left is calling foul on hall of fame football coach tony dung ey, calling him a right wing extremist just for attending today's march for life. social media is ripping dungey apart. i'll tell you all about that. linkedin reports that more than half of all workers are considering leaving their jobs this year. most of those people are youngsters. millennials or gen z folks. what are they thinking as all these companies announce major layoffs. we'll ask our resident millennial tomi lahren, she's next. ♪ ♪
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♪ love the one you're with ♪ stuart: as you look at oakland, california, 46 degrees. we're playing this song in honor of david crosby who passed away yesterday. the singer-songwriter was a founding member of two bands and he was introduced into "the rock" & roll hall of fame twice for both of those bands and he only retired from touring last may. the cause of death has not yet been announced. david crosby was 81. how about this one. the rolling stones mick jagger just joined tiktok.
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roll tape. >> tiktok, we have joined. #the rollingstones. stuart: how about that? that video has already been seen by millions of viewers and by the way, one user commented. i hope i have his energy at 79. jagger is 79 and he is still energetic. lives on juice, did you know that? yeah, heavy into juice. i don't know how i got to that, but the co-founder of -- lauren: i have so many questions but i won't ask them. stuart: now let's get serious. lauren: what kind of juice? stuart: [laughter] fruit juice that kind of thing. he's a juicer. he does sophisticated juices. he demands a juicer in his hotel rooms. move on. the co-founder of home depot bernie marcus joined me yesterday and called millennials
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lazy. >> nobody wants to work anymore , especially office people they want to work three days a week. how do you have a recession when you have people that don't want jobs? they are entitled. they give everything and the government in many cases, if you don't work, you get as much money as when you did work, and so you get this laziness which you have and it's basically a socialistic society. stuart: well a strong stuff from a business legend. look whose here now, tomi lahren joins us. tomi is a millennial. so what do you think about bernie marcus calling you guys lazy? >> listen he's not wrong but i wouldn't say it's just millennials. i would say it's gen z which i think are worse and of course i'm a millennial so i have to dog on the younger generation below me but i'll say this.
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this is government incentivized laziness. the government created this problem and its been going on for quite sometime but especially in the last several years the covid era where people as bernie was saying they got more money sitting around waiting for the check to come to the mailbox than they did actually going to a job and when the pandemic started people were worried, and then as the stimulus started rolling in and they told it was their patriotic duty to stay home and stay safer at home and not spread the virus, they became used to that and now they don't want to go to work. now they don't want to go to the office. they want to sit home in their pajamas and watch tiktok maybe watching mick jagger on tiktok but it's a real problem. stuart: but wait a minute. it's perfectly normal for all older generations to look at the up and come younger generations and they just don't have it. they are lazy. they are useless. they aren't like us. lauren: problem is it's getting worse though. because younger generations are being raised to learn that they are entitled to everything. they don't have to work as hard for it. it does come from parents and we can't just blame young people. be have to blame the parents as
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well but i want to talk about -- lauren: raising generation alpha that's scary millennials raising the 13 and under generation. >> there are people that work really hard and that's where you see standouts in our generation, people that are entrepreneurs that the have been innovative but by and large we're raising a class of people that are a little bit lazy and i want to talk about the people not in the labor force. that's the biggest problem. the biden administration touts the low unemployment rates. let's look at the workforce participation rate. let's look at the 7 million men between 25-54 who don't want to work. what about them? that's the problem. stuart: yeah, what about them. it's a related story here. hall of fame, this is i'm sorry this is a different story, moving on. hall of fame football coach tony dungey announced he will attend today's march for life in washington. the media went nuts. a headline in the nation says tony dungey is a right-wing zelo t in the nfl and nbc don't care. they are being nasty to the guy simply because he's going to a
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march for life parade. what do you say? lauren: here comes cancel culture and the mob again. >> here is what i find always so interesting. if you go to a pro-life march you are a radical, you're an extremist you deserve to be canceled but a pro-choice rally, a women's march then all of a sudden you are a patriot, an activist and really done something to advance the social conversation. this is a double standard and i say good for him for announcing itnd being proud enough to announce it. a lot of people would want to go , wouldn't go, certainly wouldn't announce it. this is how you reverse cancel culture. you refuse to be canceled by not changing the way you live or behave or your beliefs convictions or ideals because of the mob. never bow, never cave. never kneel to the mob. stuart: he has a reputation of being a nice guy. a good guy, doesn't he? i don't know football very much. >> most conservatives are and most people that go to these things we are nice people. low and behold they are but it doesn't matter. if you don't fall in line with what the leftist narrative, they
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will come for you, they will try to cancel you but it doesn't work if you stand strong, and joe rogan is a great example of that among many many others. stuart: yes, he is a standout. tomi lahren thank you very much. we got the numbers for how many copies of prince harry's book " spare" was sold in america. ashley? i'm not going to guess, tell me. how many? ashley: well, 629, 300 hard covers, stu, in the u.s. in its very first week. that trails by the way only two titles by the obamas on the list of top first week sales. barack obama "a promise land" published in 2020 sold 831,000 copies or a little bit more in the u.s. in its first week. the publisher of "spare" penguin random house says the book has sold more than 3.2 million copies in all formats globally in its first week. that's a lot, and of course that's despite the fact that prince harry's memoire withs mistakenly put on sale in spain,
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ahead of the publication date and was also leaked to a british newspaper. royal gossip sells well it turns out. just ask the tabloids, stu. stuart: next one, ash. alec baldwin will be charged with two points of involuntary manslaughter after the rust shooting. are they really talking about prison time, ashley? ashley: well, they are. baldwin could spend five years behind bars in the shooting death of 42-year-old cinematographer hetchins. the actor accidentally shot her on the set of rust in new mexico baldwin is vowing to fight the charges and his lawyer says the actor had no reason to believe there was a live bullet in the gun. the person who loaded the prop gun, is also facing two counts of involuntary manslaughter. both parties though deny responsibility, calling it a tragic accident. stu? stuart: thanks, ash. now this. goldman sachs reported it's
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slashing bonuses for their junior bankers and only get a fraction of what they were paid last year. we have the numbers for you. the supreme court just wrapped up their investigation into the dobbs abortion leak. they still don't know who did it i suspect neither the administration nor the chief justice really wants to get to the bottom of it. we'll get kim strassel's take from the "wall street journal", next. ♪ who can it be now? who can it be now ♪
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♪ stuart: now, we are showing you lauren: i can't help you there. stuart: okay, we are giving you a look at daytona beach, florida , for good reason. the reason is a record number of new yorkers just moved to florida, the sunshine state. according to the dmv, more than 64,000 new yorkers exchanged their licenses for florida id's in 2022. 64,000, in one year from new
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york. how about that. that's an exodus folks. check those markets please i see a lot of green now. we opened on the upside and we've gone further north, further higher i guess you'd say dow is up 189. nasdaq is up 163, significant gains at this point. goldman sachs is going to slash bonuses for its junior bankers. by how much? lauren: as much as 90%. stuart: ouch. lauren: it's as though they are taking it away. according to the new york post it means the junior bankers who raked in well into the six figures in bonuses last year are going to see checks this year of around just 10-$15,000 but from 100-plus thousand to 10 to 15 that's a big decline. goldman raised base pay for the first year of bankers to $110,000 from 85,000. okay it doesn't makeup for the disappointing bonus, however. they are also announcing layoffs 3,200, profits fell more than 60 % in their report card which we found out about last week so this would make sense. but part of the culture is that
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big bonus. stuart: it was a time when wall street bank was the best job you could get. lauren: yeah and your bonus was more than your base salary. stuart: if you're still getting a bonus of 15 grand you shouldn't complain too much. the supreme court investigation has failed to identify who leak ed the draft of the dobbs abortion decision. kim strassel with me now. why don't they investigate this until they find the leaker? i don't think they want to get to the bottom of it. what do you say, kim? >> yeah, look. i wish that they would continue too and there are some hints this may be ongoing but there was a definitiveness about this report as this was it and done. a couple of good things though, stu, that i do think came out of it is that they were pretty emphatic they don't think this was a hack from outside the court. that's just good to know, because there has been a lot of cyberattacks on the court infrastructure, so it be good to know the security system was at least good enough to force all that but there's also gaps in this too, and that gets to your point.
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there's a lot of questions, for instance did they actually interview the justices themselves? did they interview the spouses & partners of different clerks? it would seem not, even though that could very much be a possible route for how this information got out in the end. stuart: i mean, if you don't trust the deliberative process because it might be leaked, you've really corrupted the supreme court and you've corrupted it until you find who did this , because it might happen again. >> right. that, i think, is the worst part of this outcome. not finding a person, is because it's going to embolden people in the future to do this again, and we cannot have a court in which there are leaks like this happening right and left. the supreme court is already having some problems. by the way mostly generated from a tax by the left, unfair attacks by the left that have gone to its credibility and lowered trust in the court. having a situation like you describe could just make it much , much worse going forward. stuart: you have a new op-ed in
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the "wall street journal." the title is "the justice department's double standards on classified documents." kim, has the justice department helped biden? >> yes. well, i think that there is some real double standards going on here in this case, stu. one of the issues here is just the way in which the biden administration got away with keeping the secret for almost 70 days. we unfortunately live with the department of justice that leaks things routinely, but we have found that it mostly only goes when there's republican investigations going on, but i think the more astounding thing here, stu, is just the fact that the biden team was allowed to actually continue reviewing these documents itself rather than the fbi stepping into do this , because it's clear that these were very sensitive documents. the fbi should have taken control of this process but it seems to have instead bowed out so that the biden administration can claim that there was no
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parallels with donald trump. stuart: but it is the exact opposite that the treatment of biden, it seems to me at least, to be the exact opposite from the treatment of trump. double standard. >> right. absolutely. yeah, i mean, if you think about it, look, what did the fbi do, what did the department of justice do with donald trump? they sent in 30-40 agents to raid his house. donald trump's lawyers weren't even allowed to be present and yet, in this situation, they find a document that has clearly already been in one unauthorized place and moved to another one with some of the highest sensitivity markings on it and they just stand back and say well we'll let you continue to do the searches all on your own and think about what that did. by the way aids that didn't even have proper security clearance to do this so you're potentially allowing them access to national secrets they aren't supposed to be seeing. you're also allowing them to layout the circumstances by
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which these documents were found you have to trust that what they are saying is correct. can you think of the fbi or the department of justice giving that amount of leeway and trust to anybody else who had already been found to have mishandled a document? stuart: right. i never expected to see it but the white house press corp. has really turned on the white house and i never expected to see that its been two years of see see ing kumbaya and suddenly it's not. i don't think it's going away. always great to see you. see you again soon. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: you got it. a school board member in michigan facing backlash for this tweet saying "whiteness is evil." this is someone in charge of educating children. leo terrell is a former teacher. he's got a lot to say about this police in atlanta on high alert as protesters call for a night of rage. they are encouraging violence against law enforcement tonight. retaliation for a police- involved shooting that left one man dead.
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stuart: well, authorities in georgia investigating that shooting that left one state trooper injured and a protester dead. jonathan serr i'me in atlanta. the latest please? reporter: stuart twitter suspended the account of an anonymous protester calling for a night of range and violence against police. that in retaliation for the shooting of this demonstrator. investigators say 26-year-old manuel terron died in gunfire exchange with police officers who were removing protesters who had been camping on an 85-acre site slated for construction of a public safety training center for the city of atlanta. >> an individual without
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warning shot a georgia state patrol trooper. other law enforcement personnel returned fire in self-defense and evacuated the trapper to a safe area. >> suffering a wound to the abdomen, the trooper underwent knowledge surgery and is now listed in stable condition. seven protesters, all from out of state, have been charged with domestic terrorism and criminal trespass. police say three additional demonstrators who cooperated peacefully were allowed to leave the site without arrest. georgia governor brian kemp issued a statement saying as we have always done the state respects peaceful protest but as i have also always said, acts of violent intimidation, destruction, and terrorism will not be tolerated in georgia. some of the groups and individuals trying to block the public safety training center say they're concerned about the project's impact on the environment while others oppose the increased presence of law enforcement, they say it would bring to the area.
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>> i do think the world is at a turning point where people recognize that cops are there to help people. >> but supporters of this new training center say it will actually improve safety in the community by offering better training, not only to police officers but also firefighters and other first responders. stuart? stuart: all right, jonathan, thank you very much indeed. former teacher and civil rights lawyer, he's a current civil rights lawyer that man there is leo terrell and he joins me now. i want to pick-up on these protesters planning a night of rage in atlanta. they want police to pay for the shooting. i don't see how this solves anything, leo. it makes it a whole lot worse. >> stuart, you're absolutely right. i'm very upset by this. let me explain this is atlanta. democratic city. stuart, it's not about defunding the police. they want to eliminate police. they are trying to develop a training facility to improve police training, and you have protesters in atlanta,
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democratic city, who don't want them to be trained, and then you have some who shot a police officer and they use twitter to have a night of rage against law enforcement? this is a typical democratic plo y. stuart i want to be clear to the fox viewers. they don't want to defund the police. they want to eliminate the police and they don't want anything to improve the quality of policing and a democratic city. this is smoking gun evidence that they don't want police at all. this is crazy. stuart: is the anti-police movement strong in atlanta? i didn't think it was. i thought it was worse up north to be honest with you. >> stuart, it is very strong in atlanta. why? democratic city. philadelphia, los angeles, chicago. in los angeles, two officers were murdered and they're upset about a protester who shot a officer in atlanta? where is the protest and the sympathy from the city
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officials in atlanta about that officer who was shot just for building a training facility? these people are brought into the state of atlanta, agitators and you got a democratic mayor, a democratic leadership condoning this activity. it's ridiculous, stuart. they want to eliminate police. i'm telling you this. stuart: all right next case for you. a school board member in jackson county, michigan, tweeted that whiteness is evil. she said white women are stupid and that being around white people is incredibly difficult. now, this woman is responsible for teaching children. you're a former teacher. take it on. what's your response? >> racism. part of the critical race theory that white people because of skin color simply white is evil and let me be very clear about this. the teachers, the teachers unions, the ages of the democratic party. they want to ignore reading,
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writing and arithmetic and want to destroy the traditional value system, turn this system upside down, and use the school districts as laboratories to indoctrinate a leftist theory to our children. this is crazy. i mean, they're crazy. stuart: suppose it was the other way around in terms of race. a white person saying these things about black people. what do you think the reaction to that be? >> very easy. 24/7 coverage on cnn, msnbc, washington post, l.a. times, new york times, 24/7 coverage but that's the toleration of the democratic party. it's evidence there's a war against white americans and they use this because they want to expand their base of racial divide. that's all this is. it's a game. stuart: tell me, leo. how many black folks think like this? can you tell me? >> yeah, i'll tell you. a very small percentage, but that's not what's driving this .
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it's the white liberals on the democratic party. the individual african americans they believe in law and order and support police. i have a sister in law enforcement who just retired recently so we believe in law enforcement. we want a quality education. i'm on this program, stuart because i went to school, i got a bachelors degree, a master's degree and a law degree. we want quality education. we don't want to be indoctrinat ed with racism. i thought we got away from that in the 1950s and 60s? stuart: i admire your fire, leo and you always bring it and we like it. see you again soon, leo terrell. >> thank you, supreme court. stuart: this is the moment where we show you all 30 of the dow stocks, most, what's the proportion here? lauren: two-thirds higher? stuart: let's go with two-thirds higher and the dow is up still about one-third of 1%. that's 100 points higher it was a lot higher than that earlier this morning. don't go away, folks. friday feedback is next.
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♪ stuart: oh, that is a great shot that's the american flag looking down over sixth avenue, new york that's a great way to get us started with friday feedback. it's just lauren and i. lauren: oh, boy. stuart: you okay with that? lauren: i think. stuart: here we go. this first one comes to us from john. $10 for a loaf of bread. what did you do? have it hand-baked in france and then flown in? my local walmart wants a little more than $1 for a store branded loaf of whole wheat. okay, this refers to the loaf of bread that i bought last week. i did pay 10 bucks for it. lauren: yes? stuart: that to me was just an example of inflation. lauren: it is. i think you're being called a snot in that example, and -- stuart: what! elitist? lauren: i buy three different loaves of bread every week because everyone wants sandwiches for school and they
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require different breads. one is $7, one is like $6.50 and i'll usually pick-up a cheaper one around $3.50. stuart: so you never paid $10 for a loaf of bread? lauren: i have but my usual is seven so it's not far off. stuart: we've had enough mention of $10 bread. next one, for rodney. watch out. ode to joy. i've sailed the seven, guided by stars, i've kissed the clock and now i find myself watching simon etti. it's a stretch to call that poetry but it's a nice try and glad you sent it in. next case from gregory. love "varney" & company. stuart asks the questions the everyday person wants to ask of his guests. just tell me if microsoft is going up or down. okay, look. the rule is if i own a stock and i talk about that stock on tv, i must declare that i own part of it. do you think, i own part of microsoft, tiny sliver. too much? lauren: you seem to be effected
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by if it's bad news so sometimes the person delivering the bad news is like sorry, stuart. stuart: yeah, right. lauren: but the questions that you ask, they are very down to earth, right at the situation where people want to know and you do that to me sometimes we're it's like oh, i forgot that was the question to ask. stuart: you're flattering me and i don't like it. lauren: hardly. stuart: but don't stop. this is b-51 ranch. i don't get that. maybe someone should start a gofundme for larry kudlow to buy another shirt other than pink. good one. whoever you are at b-51 ranch because larry always wears a pink shirt when he appears on this program. there you go. there he is, and he always wears a white shirt, i believe, when he appears on his own show at 4:00 in the afternoon. what do you make of that? lauren: that looks red. it looks red and white striped. stuart: pink. lauren: he often wears a sweater under his blazer. i noticed that. stuart: he does. check out the color of his shirt lauren: i never paid attention. stuart: i shall challenge him about his pink shirt.
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lauren: have you ever worn a pink shirt? stuart: i don't have one. lauren: a pink tie? stuart: yes, i have and i have one upstairs. want me to wear it next week? lauren: i wear the purple ones. all right pink next week. stuart: this comes from dad 22-b have you ever thought about broadcasting from your farm in car hearts? i should love it, since i'm a country boy at heart that did well in the last 40 years of investing. i'm not sure how our audience would react to me in overalls from carhart . that's what you wear in the country. people who work outdoors they wear carharts. i'm not so sure it'll work on television. lauren: maybe for a day. new look. stuart: do you remember when i wore sandals and socks? i never lived that down for years, i'm sorry not going to happen. andy, while my broker husband is watching to get all your financial insight, i'm watching to see what tunes you'll be using for your teases and bumps. some make me laugh outloud and say "good one" kudos to whomever
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picks the tunes i love it. lauren: they are good. stuart: the producers pick the songs, and they're always kind of germaine to the stories we cover. lauren: and they are always familiar and i realize how much music i don't know because i always wait for the top left to switch so you could see the name and the artist. it's like i know who it is but i can't remember and then you're like oh. stuart: i rarely know any of them. thanks to everyone who sent in feedback. time for the friday trivia question here we go. which vice president served the shortest term? john adams, john tyler, gerald ford, calvin coolidge, the answer after this.
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stuart: and here is the question, which vice president served the shortest term? you've got a choice here. it's just you and i on this one. john adams, john tyler, gerald ford, calvin coolidge. lauren: gerald ford? stuart: i was going to say that, and the answer is john tyler. he became presidy harrison diedt days after his inauguration. i never knew that. time's up for us. neil, it's yours. neil: harrison was the guy who did the whole inaugural address and he wasn't dressed, died of a cold. 9. stuart: yes, that's it. neil: the vice president always has to be at the ready, i guess.
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