tv Varney Company FOX Business January 23, 2023 10:00am-11:00am EST
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you're commuting. stuart: nine to five is a thing of the past, dolly. my personal opinion. it is 10:00 eastern. look what is happening to your money. if you got big tech stocks. you're doing all right, nasdaq up 1130 points. the dow up about 80 where is the 10-year treasury yield. i don't believe we quoted that. it is 3 1/2%. it was above 4% a few months ago. you now it is three-and-a-half. price of oil moving up to $82 per barrel. bitcoin moving up to 22 bucks a coin. that is the markets this monday morning. now this. why doesn't the president say, hey, i made a mistake. come to check all my homes for any stray documents? instead biden is suffering from the slow, drip, drip, of scandal which he seems incapable of
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controlling he has not convinced america that he did getting to the bottom of it all. a fourth trove of documents was. looking into his beach home. he should say, get on with. senator durbin said he lost the high ground. senator manchin says handling of documents was totally irresponsible. just as all of this was unfolding turns out the president's chief of staff ron klain is leaving the job. interesting timing. is he fall guy for the document fiasco. biden has been damaged politically at the worst possible time. he is 80 years old. he was about to announce his campaign for reelection. he might like to take back no regret information and korb vet defense. his political difference accounts will encourage other democrats to make a bid of their
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own. three weeks ago he was on a roll. now the odds floundering. the second hour of "varney" is just getting started. ♪. stuart: charles hurt joins us this monday morning. charlie, what does this do to biden's chances in 2024 or of hills chances of actually running in 2024? >> i think that, i think you're exactly right. i think those chances are diminishing by the minute. it is remarkable the difference between where he is today and where he was just a month ago in terms of the support he had but in that short period of time you have had the federal intelligence agencies. you've had the political press. you have had top democrats all turn on him over what is actually not the biggest scandal of his administration. now ron klain. stuart: what is the biggest scandal of his administration?
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>> oh, i think that probably, all of these questions that have been raised about his involvement his son's business dealings around the world. i think that what he has done at the border is probably the biggest scandal but, then, you know, his full-scale attack on energy independence, american energy independence, afghanistan, my goodness, the list goes on and on. to me this is the probably the one that matters the least to regular americans. it affects them the least but it's the one that when you you live by the swamp you die by the swamp f you're entire support system is within the confines of the washington, d.c. beltway, this is the crime you commit, man they turn on you fast. stuart: and they have, that is true. charles, white house chief of staff ron klain is expected to step down in coming weeks. our friend and colleague, larry
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kudlow, he is calling the tile of this exit curious. watch this. >> the timing of all of this is so curious to me. ron klain has allegedly been the mastermind. i'm just saying it is curious that with this fbi latest, fifth fbi investigation of the classified documents, all of a sudden ron klain is announcing his retirement. stuart: all right, charles, is ron klain the fall guy for the documents fiasco? >> i don't know if he will be the fall guy successfully. i don't know that they will successfully pin it on him in the first place. clearly this is a far bigger problem than just ron klain but either way, it is, i think the timing is very curious. at the very least in the middle of a maelstrom like this it is not the best time for ron klain to signal that he is leaving but the other side of all of this in addition to the fact i think probably evidence ron klain
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doesn't think either that joe biden has much of a future here. at the very least you know, he has got two years to cash in and which is also an indication that he doesn't think much of joe biden's future beyond two years from now. stuart: extraordinary mess, isn't it? pops up, all of sudden a complete political mess, top to bottom. last word. >> again, what east so curious to me about it, stuart, is the fact that you know, if you polled regular americans, this is not the biggest scandal. there are far bigger ones we've endured with this guy but this is the one where everybody, everybody inside of washington, joe biden's entire power base has turned on him all at once over this. they forgave him for everything else but they turned on him over this. very curious. stuart: it is very curious, very unusual. charlie, thank you very much for joining us, sir, see you soon. >> great to see you. stuart: what is senator joe manchin saying about biden's classified doesn'ts.
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>> he calls the way he handled the documents irresponsible. so a democrat coming out against him being critical. manchin says he is really not convinced yet biden's defense of total cooperation makes his case different than former president trump's. >> it's unbelievable how this could happen, totally irresponsible but who is at fault? but that being said putting in a kangaroo court won't help. exactly what should be done merrick garland put in the special counsel. wait and see. some taking sides, more egregious what president trump did than president biden. maybe that is true. let's find out. lauren: most americans agree this was a problem. this was a poll taken before the friday night discovery. 64% told abc, ipsos, that biden acted inappropriately handling classified documents. 77%, so more, trump acted inappropriately. the difference is the
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white house's defense inadvertent possession. i didn't mean it. but that happened over and over and over again. four times we know about that. it is the drip by drip, lack of information that is bothering many americans. stuart: i think the voting public is getting tired of it. like to see some resolution one way or another. lauren: allowed to and it is a double standard. stuart: thanks so much, lauren. to the markets. still a solid gain for nasdaq. it is up 100 points. keith fitz. we need to do stock picking here. microsoft, tesla, visa, start please with microsoft. how much do you like them? >> absolutely, thank you as always having me back. microsoft is arguably one of the greatest companies in the history of the stock market. the key will be what executives have to say particularly with regard to the chatgpt. they will integrate it in every office suite that companies, massive data launching. i own a fair amount of it. i hope i'm smart enough to own
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more of it. tesla same thing, like jobs in early day. they're apple in reverse, stuart. they're building the plat form out, now they do everything through software updates. that makes it a tech company with wheels. in particularly with regard to europe, i want to see what the volume spend is if it dropped there, that is sort of a canary in the coal mine what happened here. stuart: let me go back to microsoft for a second. seems the most important part of their report comes comes out wednesday afternoon, tuesday afternoon, 4:00. the most important part is the call. when executives get on with analysts all open to the public, analysts ask them questions where the company is going. that is the important part, isn't it? >> it is. it is more important than numbers to my way of thinking. if the executives portray confidence, if they are calm, if they are collected, if they can respond to what are obviously going to be very concerned, some cases obnoxious questions about that i think they're going to be in good shape.
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stuart: would the same thing be true of tesla? executives get on the call, you look to the future? that is just as important? i think it is but here the situation is in reverse. i think any display of conservatism on musk's part or his staff's part will be welcome. everybody is so wound up about everything he is doing that anything that cams that down will be postively. stuart: same with the call from visa. that would look towards recessionary environment. can you tell a lot from that part of the call? >> i agree 100%. the key there particularly again for knee what's happening in europe. because the total volume spend for visa is gi-normous. if we see continued confidence, if we see consumers on the move, executives who respond to that appropriately as opposed to the dog ate my homework that will be for the stock. stuart: keith, see you soon. >> thank you. stuart: lauren looking at movers. shopify is up nearly 6%.
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lauren: power of an upgrade. they take them to buy, shares will rally 20% to $50. brands are increasingly interested in using shopify to help boot their e-commerce business. stuart: skechers, i believe they are the sneaker people. lauren: cohen sees strong demand, preference compared to nike, adidas that that brokerage took. they say shares are going up 35% to 65. they upped them to outperform. stuart: that is strong. 48 to 65, i will take that if i could get it. ford, job cuts in germany. lauren: this is a big deal. a reported 3200 at the factory in cologne, germany. it gets complicated, union is warning god, if you go through with this, cutting thousands of jobs, we will take measures to impact your production across europe, not just germany. we'll see if ford responds to
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that. stuart: i think germans are causing for elon musk at the berlin factory. lauren: yeah. inflation reduction act. it brings business to the u.s. europe will not take that. stuart: it is a trade dispat. federal prosecutors seized more money from ftx founder sam bankman-fried. they seized more money talking about millions or billions with a b? lauren: several hundred millions. three binance accounts, accounts at silvergate. the bulk of money, 500 million was from the robinhood shares sbf held. he had a% stake in the company. slowly gaining money to return those to lost money. stuart: kim kardashian gave a lecture at harvard business school. many people online bashed the university for inviting her. she is a reality star. we have the story. former speaker nancy pelosi putting the blame on a fellow democrat why the party lost their majority in the house. we'll tell you who pelosi is
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hi, i'm lauren, i lost 67 pounds in 12 months on golo. golo and the release has been phenomenal in my life. it's all natural. it's not something that gives you the jitters. it makes you go through your days with energy, and you're not tired anymore, and your anxiety, everything is gone. it's definitely worth trying.
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it is an amazing product. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. stuart: monday morning, 45 minutes worth of business. the dow is up 150 points. the nasdaq is up 120. i call this a pretty good rally to start the week. peaceful protests in atlanta turned into violent chaos over the weekend. ashley, good morning to you. tell me what happened, please.
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>> reporter: good morning, stu, what began as a peaceful protest quickly erupted into chaos and violence in downtown atlanta. six people were arrested after protesters smashed windows, set a police vehicle on fire. you see some of the video there the protest was organizes after a 26-year-old activist was shot and killed by police last week. that activist had been camped out in a protest of a planned 85-acre facility known as cop city, a police training complex was going in there. the police say the suspect fired at state troopers who returns the shots the protester was killed n response a twitter account called for quote, a night of rage. that is a lot what we saw. governor brian kemp said violence of any kind will not be tolerated. stu? stuart: ashley, got, thank you very much. a guest on cnn says the riots were not violent, repeat not violent. even atlanta's fair, he is a democrat admits yes they were.
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roll it. >> this idea breaking windows or, other acts of property destruction are the same as actual violence against humans, the only acts of violence against people that i saw were actually police tackling protesters. >> yes it is violent when someone turns to burn down a police car, break out windows or have explosives on them. if they come into atlanta again to wreak havoc they will be arrested again. stuart: joe concha with me this morning. the media seems to have trouble reporting covering antifa. wonder why? >> precisely. cnn is the same network once had a reporter standing in front of a intern know of a building set on fire in wisconsin, that was during the summer of 2020 riots, below was a chiron, headline below us right now, fiery but mostly peaceful protests after a
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police shooting, right? you can't have that both ways. to hear the reporter defend an testify too which which is not that surprising. it shouldn't be considered violent other violent act to set police cars on fire or launch fireworks at buildings? this reporter is not a journalist. he is a freelance activist. you look at his twitter feed. that is the all the evidence you need. here is the bottom line, stu, antifa caused so much destruction in cities like portland to the point the mayor declared a state of emergency for 100 consecutive nights in 2020. bill barr, who bass the attorney general at the time, here is what he had to say quote it talked to every police chief in every city where there has been major violence and all identified antifa as the ramrod for that violence t appears, stuart, antifa, because it is a left-wing domestic terror group, many media outlets or members give them a pass or simply engage in the bias of omission. stuart: i can't remember, i may
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be mistaken, i can't remember the arrest, prosecution and a prison sentence for people conducting this kind of violence. i can't remember that. am i mistaken? >> i'm sure it has happened somewhere. i would have to look it up, but it just seems like it is catch and release. we see over and over again in so many cities where you can commit what is absolutely a crime and then you're out on the street just hours later. you can hire all the police officers you want, stu. you can make all the arrests that you want. but if you don't have attorney generals and prosecutors that really enforce the law and put these folks behind bars when they commit acts like this they will keep doing it over and over again. what consequences are there even if they get caught? stuart: why do you think cnn has turned into the comedy news network as opposed to the cable news network? why are you calling them the comedy news channel. >> i wrote that in a column for "the hill" that was published on
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sunday. it is based on a report in september semifore from max kani. cnn internal they want a comedian two hours prime time from nine to 11:00 p.m. the options apparently are jon stewart, right? he was paid $30 million a year by comedy central to do half hour show. what kind of money for him to do two hours at night for cnn? i don't think that was realistic option. trevor noah, he was daily show host, in terms of audience numbers and buzz, he was a flop. bill maher of hbo would be profundly expensive. does a one-hour show once per week. i'm not sure he would sign up the nightly ground of 10 hours in a week to hurt his brand in the process. cnn go to journalism like they used to do in the '80s, 90s.
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hosting three liberal hosts like don lemon will not change the perception that cnn is not a centrist network, not engaging in journalism, taking a side, going heavy on opinion. it is okay go with opinion but don't pretend you're an objective news network. stuart: i was at cnn in the early '80s, late '90s, but late '90s, they became the clinton news network. now the comedy news network. very good, joe concha, see you soon. >> i will, stu. stuart: here is headline, big pharma accused of ripping off americans. that is kite a headline. give me the story, ashley. >> reporter: many questions are increasingly asked, why is it one out of four adults in america cannot afford their prescription medication? why are americans paying by far the highest prices in the world
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for prescription drugs? critics will tell follow the money. over the past 25 years the pharmaceutical industry spent 8.5 billion on lobbying, more than $740 million on campaign contributions. there is a clue. five of the largest drug companies in the united states made nearly 80 billion in profits last year. 104% increase from the previous year. consumer advocates say congress has to take action, take on the drug industry. the price of prescription drugs could be cut by at least 50% they say if they did that. now stopping drug companies from charging more for prescription drugs in the u.s. than they do in places like canada, britain and germany. i can attest to that, stu. it's a fraction in the uk compared to the u.s. stuart: understood. ashley, thank you very much. the attorney general in virginia just launched an investigation into the schools that delayed students merit
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award recognitions. attorney general miyares will tell us all about it. he is on the show. more than a quarter of a million migrants encountered at our southern border just in december alone with border agents arresting a record number of people on the terror watch list as well. matt finn has the border report next. nolt ♪ ...will remain radioactive for years to come. well, thank goodness. it's time for the "good news of the week." and, boy, do we need it. [ chuckles ] well, this safe driver saved money with the snapshot app from progressive. -how do you feel? -um, good? he's better than good. he got rewarded for driving safe and driving less. sorry, barb, just to confirm, this is the feel-good news of the week? this is what we found.
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-yay, snapshot! >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. this dad and daughter were driving when they got a crack in their windshield. [smash] >> dad: it's okay. pull over. >> tech: he wouldn't take his car just anywhere... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: he brought it to safelite. we replaced the windshield and recalibrated their car's advanced safety system, so features like automatic emergency braking will work properly. >> tech: alright, all finished. >> dad: wow, that's great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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stuart: well how is that nasdaq doing? doing very well indeed. up 150 points. how is the dow doing? very well indeed. you're up 200 points. that is .60. we have a modest rally on our hands this monday morning. amd is moving nicely. 8% up. what is the story? lauren: your biggest advancer today in the broader market. barclays turned positive not just on amd but the entire sector for the most part of a the worst correction since the tech bubble back in 2,000. for amd they say the price target is going to $85. they made specific remarks about chatgpt, they say that, so popular, showing so much promise finally seems to be a a.i. workload with real applications.
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they will see all the money coming in by many companies that will be big business for the chip-makers including amd. stuart: okay, how did disney, mass it reached a hundred bucks a share yet? yes it has 104. lauren: avatar way of water. reached billion bucks. if you six companies topping 2 billion at the box office and after of that comes from james cameron. good job. good job. i heard two billion at the box office, "avatar" has not gotten the best reviews according to people i've seen to. stuart: i have not seen it. lauren: very long. stuart: count me out. my attention span is too short. caesars entertainment, nice gain. what is the story? lauren: they preannounced higher revenue, $2.8 billion. they say their digital growth is estimated to have more than doubled. they report in february. stuart: you have to tell me
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about kim kardashian. heavily criticized because she gave a lecture at harvard university. what happened? lauren: she was invited to speak about her shapewear line which is called skimps. launch in 20179. worth $3.2 billion. it's a big success. hard to find some. items you want. this was not a class at harvard business school. this was an assignment of harvard business school. this should never be a course some people say. it was assignment. how she did this. this picture of herself outside of harvard. honor to be here, a bucket list dream. critics are not having it. people think a lot about harvard but not a lot about kim kardashian. one harvard should be ashamed of themself. another, so has harvard dropped their standards? are people nuts letting her walk into harvard business school is embarrassing? i feel bad for her. she is a businesswoman. she has many businesses. that one is very successful. what i didn't like is that she
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had a film crew foal her and they're going to use this lecture at hb s as part of the kardashians on hulu next season. that could be on annoying to soe in higher education. stuart: i would want to hear a lecture about a woman that made a 3 billion-dollar business. lauren: collaboration to nordstrom. she appeals to all the people, uses her celebrity profive, and other things to create a 3 billion-dollar business. stuart: she did it. the attorney general in virginia has launched an investigation into the schools that delayed students merit award recognition attorney general jason miyares, republican from virginia and joins me now. your honor, what penalty should she is schools pay. >> we know fairfax schools paid equity consultant $900,000 for
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six months work. this equity consultant said seek equal outcomes for every student without exception. that was their advice. equal outcomes even if you treat some student unequally. our office is investigating. that is violation of the virginia human rights act, which is our state anti-discrimination statute. over 70% of the students on the national merit awards are asian. this first became on my radar actually not because of the national merit award because of admissions policy at thomas jefferson high school. it's a public magnet school. you have to apply. they went to more equity-based admissions policy at thomas jefferson. there was close to 20 point drop in asian-american enrollment and a lot of parents felt like they were discrime understand against were korean american, indian-american, they were frustrated. as far as what the penalties are we're doing the investigation. if there is violation of the
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virginia human rights act. we notify them, they are required to fix their policy, if they refuse we go to court we have a judge order them to do so. the offers of civil rights in my office exists to make sure nobody is discriminated against because of their racial background. stuart: in your view, this is disequity is discriminatory and there by wrong. that means, that you're then going to have to downplay or diminish rewards for asian-american students. then yes, it is discriminatory. i heard some kind of commentators on the left say this national merit recognition is not that big of a deal. these students already had good grades. the reality i know of at least one virginia school gives free tuition if you're one of the national merit award recipients. only top 3% of high school
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students. that is free tuition, 20 plus thiazole laster a year, worth $90,000. i'm a child of immigrant tell you how you pay for college can be as stressful to getting into college. the idea a student worked so hard, access to possible free tuition had it denied them because of a equity policy. that is outrageous grossly unfair and that is why we're investigating. stuart: lawmakers in virginia want to crack down on fentanyl drug dealers. mr. attorney general, what will you do with them? longer sentences perhaps? >> this is what law is. i never use the word crisis lightly but we have a crisis in this country. we have enough fentanyl crossing our southern bored to kill every men, woman child. we lose four virginians a day to this overdose. what these dealers are doing, they're lacing heroin, lacing things like percocet, things that look like they're not even heroin with fentanyl.
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what we've been asking for give us the power to prosecute these drug dealers. if i'm giving you heroin laced with fentanyl, that is like i'm giving you rat poison. i should be able to charge you with felony homicide. i served in the virginia house, i carried the bill that would create felony homicide. we had a lot of bipartisan support. it got to our governor's desk ralph northam, he veto i had in the name of equity. this governor, governor youngkin pledged if you get it to my desk i will sign it. right now it is still live in the house. state senate voted it down in committee on almost on party-line vote. it is tragic, over dozen democrats previously voted for the bill voted against it. that shows you how much they have moved away from a pro-law enforcement mind set. they're voting against it when the problem is that much worse. we need law enforcement with tools to go of a dealers.
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stuart: unfortunately i'm out of time. come back soon tell us the progof this fentanyl idea. now this, a more than a quarter of a million migrants encountered at the border in just in december. matt finn at the border in eagle pass, texas. i take it they're still pouring across the border. >> reporter: a short time ago we saw a family with very wrung children across the rio grande. the temperatures are in the 40s. the water is very cold. parents risking child's lives crossing river here into the united states. here in the southern border we see illegal migrants use all types of tactics to get further into the united states. whether that is the closed box, trucks that we see. some have taken private jets. our griff jenkins shot video of migrants hopping on a train. they illegally crossed the river here in eagle pass. they tried to hitch a ride on the train. dps is seeing a increase in
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illegal train hopping especially in the del rio sector this comes as u.s. border patrol protection released latest numbers from month of december in a friday night news dump, revealing 250,000 migrant encounters in the month of december alone that is the highest number in a single month. totally 717,000 encounters in the first three months of the fiscal year of 2023. one be republican congressman from arizona could be return to remain in mexico policy instead of catching and releasing migrants into the u.s. >> there is only one thing that could change it would be reinstate the remain in mexico policy. where when illegal immigrants come from all over the world claiming asylum, instead of letting them into the united states and into our cities, let them wait either in mexico or a safe other country until they're processed.
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>> reporter: now we mentioned the 717,000 migrant encounters in the first three months. if you add in the known got a wais, the got-aways. purposely escape authorities, if you add in the got-aways, total of nearly one million migrants crossed into the united states since october alone that is a staggering number, stuart. stuart: it certainly is. a million since october. matt, thank you very much. the governor of new york, kathy hochul wants to ban gas stoves in new homes by 2025. critics say hochul's social media posts prove she is a hypocrite. we have the pictures. egg prices surged 138% from last year. farmers around democrats are blaming the price gains on corporate greed. grady trimble has the story next. ♪.
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you can't buy those. but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price, our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. ♪. stuart: the governor the new york its kathy hochul. she is getting a lot of criticism over her gas stove ban. ashley tell me more. >> reporter: well, stu, critics say she is full of hot air and more than a little hypocritical. the governor proposes that new smaller buildings will no longer be allowed to have gas hookups with the ban extending to larger buildings under construction by 2028, but, hoe kel says the stoves are environmentally safe. critics say wait a minute, the gas stoves at the executive mansion and the range documented as you can see in hochul's social media feeds contradict her stated aim to confront climate change. what gives with that?
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one new york republican lawmaker says while the state is in a crime and economic free fall the governor is waging war on appliances. enough said, stu. stuart: i think so but there is one more for you. bodegas in new york city, locking up even more items because of rampant shoplifting. what are they locking up now? >> reporter: it is insane. desperate city grocers are cracking down on cereal thieves, get this slipping steel chains through the handles of laundry deter gent bottles, secure them with padlocks. unbelievable. it's a new low in the bad he will against shoplifting. the one store owner was logging up 28 bottles of tide, they were fleecing him $1,000 a month in detergent alone. they say the justice system is failing them, especially bail reform that is putting thieves right back on the street.
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repeat offenders. bodegas sitting to a point, where you have to padlock every item you have to fight back. but if you fight back you risk going to jail for protecting your property. it's a mess and the system is allowing it to happen, stu. stuart: it's a mess. the system is allowing it to happen. absolutely right, thanks, ash. the price of eggs, has surged, up about 130 odd percent in the past year. the top egg companies could be investigated for price gouging. grady trimble at a grocery store in chicago. what's going on there? >> reporter: it depends who you ask, stu in terms of higher prices for egg. this group, farm action, which represents farmers and ranchers across the country says a small number of large companies are working together to fix egg prices. here's the letter they sent to the federal trade commission. they say the real culprit behind this 138% hike in the price of a carton of eggs appears to be a collusive scheme among industry
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leaders to turn inflationary conditions and an avian flu outbreak into an opportunity to extract egregious profits reaching as high as 40%. while it is true the cost of eggs has more than doubled in the past year, well the usda says that is not because of some collusive scheme. they say it's because of that avian flu outbreak. barb eastman is the owner of happy foods grocery store here in chicago. that is what you're seeing as well. it is supply and demand. >> it is supply and demand. the price dropped today. >> breaking news. it is the market. >> reporter: tens of millions egg laying hence because of flu outbreak. you see conditions i will proving past few months? >> i do. i think they're coming back online. >> reporter: hopefully relief is on the way. biden administration had a beef
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with the meatpackers. said they were colluding to raise prices. same with the oil and gas companies with the higher gas price. so far there is no proof any of that is to blame for inflation. stu. stuart: same old, same old, it is actually supply and demand. grady, thank you very much indeed. the house judiciary committee is launching its own investigation after the supreme court failed to identify the leaker. congressman darrell issa is on that committee and he joins me in our next hour. our very own fox news meteorologist clots clots was brutally beaten while riding the new york city subway. it started after he defended an older man who was being attacked. adam will join us shortly. he will tell us all about this thing. ♪
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of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. stuart: well you know this is a pretty good start to the week on the markets. we have a 240 point gain for the dow. that is 3/4 of 1%. look at the nasdaq, very solid up 11 points. that is 1 1/2 percent. congresswoman nancy pelosi blaming fellow, a fellow democrat for losing the house majority. ashley, who is she blaming exactly? >> reporter: pelosi is singling out new york governor kathy hochul for failing to acknowledge the crime problem before it was too late.
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she said, quote that is an issue that had to be dealt with early on, not 10 days before the election. the governor didn't realize soon enough where the trouble was. interesting. pelosi says the failure cost democrats their majority in the chamber. it was in an interview with "new york times" columnist maureen dowd. she was also asked by the way whether 80-year-old president biden should run for re-election. pelosi, who is 82 replied, quote, is age a positive thing for him? no. but she added that age is a relative thing. i guess it is. stu. stuart: really is, ash. that is very true. thanks, ash. >> reporter: yeah. stuart: quick programing note you can catch two episodes of my show, "american built." the sherman tank that airs at 9:00 p.m. eastern. followed by kennedy space center, that is at 9:30 eastern. you can watch both episodes only on fox business prime. now this, renters may be
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getting some price relief this year. what do you have on this? lauren: i know. not much. you will not see the astronomical increase anymore and it might actually fall. the answer is why? the question is why? there has been a lot of multifamily construction yet to hit the market. they are building but might be able to rent the new places. the boomtowns during the pandemic, austin, los angeles, las vegas, they have seen small declines in rent. we san say hope is on the horizon. nationally median rent dropped for the fourth month in a row according to apartment list. from august to december, rents are down 3%. it is something. it is moving in the right direction. stuart: tough luck if you signed a lease at the height of the rental problem. you still got that lease. lauren: because rents are sticky a sticky part of cpi and inflation and the biggest part, you what, negotiate once a year for the most part, if you're even given the opportunity to negotiate. stuart: i want to go back to the
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markets because we do have a pretty solid rally on our hands at this moment. show me again, please. the dow is up 250 point. look at that level, 33,600. the nasdaq is up 168 points. that is 11,300. the s&p 500, that is up 39 which is close to 1% and it is back above the 4,000 level. hard to know precisely the reason for all of this. maybe some people feel that the fed will slow down its rate increases. maybe that's the case, why we've got this rally. maybe there is some realization all these, layoffs by big companies will actually improve their bottom lines. maybe that is a factor as well. am i missing something here? lauren: morgan stanley, ultimate bear mike wilson says earnings are the reason the bear market is not over. so he is not buying any of this rally. he says this is still a bear market. you will start to see how bad it is with earnings. we have a lot of the big tech names reporting this week like
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microsoft and tesla, 12 dow stocks, 87 stocks in the s&p. watch what they say in the earnings report and oncall to see if this rally is real. stuart: you're right. thanks, lauren. the dow is up 244. still ahead pete hegseth california congressman darrell issa, sean duffy. the 11:00 hour of "varney & company" is next. ♪. ...
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