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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 15, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: my long time p pal david malpass retiring. he didn't let the greenies walk all over him, welcome back to the private sector david malpass. and welcome back elizabeth macdonald with her great show. elizabeth: you are the greatest, al gore was awful on david malpass. larry, you are terrific, we love you. >> thank you. elizabeth: this story, nikki
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haley slams president biden, nikki haley, saying you are damaging america. cut it out. america is good. inflation is up, white house baffles. claims that president deserves credit, our twitter followers weigh in. their answers are a riot, with us congressman french hill. and kellyanne conway. and vivek ramaswamy. and daily mail's josh boswell, with his exclusive for us. washington examiner's byron york. and dr. janet, and a mother outraged over the systemic failures of america's children. in baltimore public schools, davita allen, far left democrats like senator bernie sanders are slamming pete buttigieg for going awol on the ohio rail
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catastrophe. >> and james biden admits they do make money off of joe biden government job. >> and cdc director trying to dismiss a new study that masks do not stop covid-19. >> government e-mail surfacing showing national archives did coordinate with the president's lawyers on his mishandling of u.s. secrets. >> and i am elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: thank you so much for joining us. stocks ended higher. the u.s. consumer is stepping it. despite high inflation, january retail sales came in strong. rose 3%. better than expected, by
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1.8%. and home buildy confidence rising, we're looking at futures market. pricing in a possible lower quarter point rate hike in march. maybe the fed will slow it down with rate hikes in the battle against inflation. updated with edward lawrence who is live at white house, president speaking today on the economy. he has the story, good to see you. reporter: good to see you. president at a union shop in maryland, pointing out that the unemployment rate is lowest it has been in decades and wages are starting to rise. president wants americans to focus on, that not the rise in the prices. the unemployment rate is at lowest since may of 1969 and wages are rising but less than the pace of inflation, in general we're losing money in real terms. looking at data wages up
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4.4%, food at home rose 11%, and electric 11.9, airline fairs 25.5%. >> last week president biden spent part of his state of the union celebrating what he seemed to think was a victory over inflation. yesterday, however another wave of official figures confirm what working families already knew, the president was wrong. the democrats football spikes was premature. reporter: not so if you listen to president biden. he is today here. >> inflation coming down. take home pay for worker has gone up over sast several months, we have more to do, but the biden economy plan is working because you'll -- -- reporter: president refuses to give a timeline to when
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we believes that prices will come back down. elizabeth: edward lawrence, great to see you. >> welcome back to show. congressman french hill and author of woke inc, vivek ramaswamy. let's listen to nikki haley. ripping into it with her 2024 launch today. >> this self loathing is a virus more dangerous than any pandemic, this is a system of a lack of pride in our country, and a lack of the trust in our leaders, i see a proud america. strong and proud. not weak and woke, that is the america that i see. my purpose is to save our country from the downward spiral of socialism and defeat implement, i aim to move america upward, a self
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loathing has swept our country, every day we're told america is flawed, rotten and full of hate. joe and kamala say that america is racist, nothing could be further from the truth. elizabeth: she is getting huge applause, what do you say. >> i think former ambassador hailyy hailey is on point, it offers one place in world that everyone come no matter their background and find success, that is what she is talking about, we're the land of opportunity. the sad thing, in the house, just two weeks ago, 100 democrats could not even join republicans in voting against socialism, it just tells you how far off the chart that democratic party has become in last true years. >> radical left it has been ripping apart america, it has to stop. that is not america, the view is wrong.
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vivek, your take on what nikki haley said, we hear you may mike a run for white house. >> i'm considering it the important part, i careless about the request of who and more of the what and why, what do see stand for as a conservative movement as a country? i think that myself, and others have over the last several years pointed out endless hypocrisies on the other side, we need to rise higher and go upstream and fill that i.d. identity void. answer what it means to be an american in 2023, that includes reviving basic ideas like merit and making sure that people caelect to run the government run the government, and talk about one of driver of federal spending it is the federal bureaucracy. i want to see our movement do better.
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beyond just criticizing the biden administration, which president biden and kamala harris made almost too easy, that is not enough to drive a national revival. elizabeth: we a new study that says one out of three federal workers are still working at home. pandemic has been over for about 3 years now. what vivek and you congressman, you are talk about it important and well noted. launching first probe to federal waste fraud and abuse. we have not seen that before. and there is also congressman, your take on house judiciary chair jim jordan subpoenaing big tech executives. he wants documents and communication about government's reported collusion with big tech to censor opponent's free speech. >> i think it is the rate move, one thing we campaigned on in our
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commitment to america we would end the weaponnization of the government against the our own citizens, and jim jordan is chairing our committee, first place to start, let's get the documents of what the government is doing in collusion with big tech about censoring free speech here. that say fundamental tenet of what vivek is talking about, we prize our freedom here, when you have it manipulated either by government or collusion with the private sector that is not freedom. elizabeth: that is going on. what else is interesting, polls show more americans feel they are worse off under that white house, just as inflation is ride rising 14%. and we have big mutual fund company vanguard saying a record number of people took hardship withdrawals out of their 401(k)s last year. vivek. white house press secretary said that president deserves
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credit. let's see what the twitter facilitie followers think. >> they deserve as much america, as the culture they created, we in for a tough time that was self-inflicted damage by policymaker, unlike the last time we raised rates to fight inflation that happened under volcker with president reagan. add least we had president reagan's policies againsts backdrop of that with government policies, and tax cuts, it was not a double whammy, but now we have to raise rates to fight inflation on the backdrop of biden's policy, hard times are ahead. but i am optimistic, i think we can rediscover who we are on the back side of that hhardship. now i think hopeful we can
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learn the lesson to say hardship does not have to be same thing at victim hood, hopefully we come out stronger on the other side, there is no hiding from side effects of bad policies. elizabeth: let's watch the president. he is -- you will see him falsely claim grocery prices are coming down. they are up more than 11% here, is all over the map on inflation, now said we need oil and gas. >> today's report on inflation shows good news that inflation in america is coming down, food prices in 4grocery store are coming down, they say biden you want to go green, 10 years we don't need this. guess what, we'll need oil for a long time, gas or a long time. elizabeth: okay. how can president say groceries, prices are coming down? they are up double digits, who is writing his speeches?
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who is putting him up there to say things like that, that are long, he is gas lining the nation. >> you saw the hypocrisy and what he said in state of union. hurricanhe a guy. a music major. this is an economically illiterate administration, we need to improve supply side by cutting regulation and reign in spending, joe biden own protection, show us having a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit for next 10 years, that is unsustainable. and he has been on all sides of the energy issue. which is hurting americans that is why our wages are not keeping up with inflation. elizabeth: congressman hill, vivek ramaswamy, you gentleman were great thank you so much for joining us on "the evening edit." >> you bet. >> great to be with you. >> thank you. elizabeth: look who is back now. byron york. we saw this story, we have to have you on.
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senator bernie sanders top aide and speech writer and his choice for congress in ohio, bernie sanders crowd is slamming pete buttigieg for going awol on ohio a toxic train derailment. >> well, first, the derailment is a really serious thing we're talking about it happened 12 days ago. vinyl chloride a lot of toxic chemicals have been spilled. full extent of damage not known, people have been evacuated. they are drinking bottled water. all that and we really didn't hear much of anything from the secretary of transportation. this was a railroad derailment. now this comes on heels as far as secretary buttigieg, of supply chain problems that we had, involve shipping and rail. the southwest airlines, disaster and other airline problem with testimony about on on capitol hill today. now this.
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the question is, is this mid size city mayor, who did charm a lot of progressives in democratic primaries in 2020, was he really up to the job of being secretary of transportation? elizabeth: he is in over his skis, now democrat in a circular firing squad, they are shooting at each other under the tent. he is talking about race-base federal funding and racism and construction. and tweets his concern a week and a half after working class neighborhoods were evacuated, byron. buttigieg in biden white house would rather focus on lame intermural culture wars than real world fallout of toxic train accidents slamming works class neighborhoods in multiple states, americans are realizing that pronouns will not fix this. >> there is a matter when ideology and woke does not matter, you need to know
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more about the braking systems for rail cars, you need someone with some experiences in the job of secretary of important, buttigieg has been doing political work for the administration, if you remember, in first days of the chinese spy balloon. they sent him out on television to do the story. there was a secretary of defense who wasn't on tv, national security ad adviser who was not on tv, all of people who might know about intelligence issues, they sent the secretary of transportation house to say nothing. elizabeth: taxpayers are not paying for political flannel. let's listen to ohio governor. governor dewine calling it absurd to the train that derailed was not considered a high hazardous train. >> i learned today from the
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puco, that this train was not considered high hazardous material train. the train was not considered a high hazardous material train. their the railroad was not require to notify anyone in ohio of what was in will rail cars, this is absurd if true, we need to look at this. congress needs to take a look at how these things are handled. we should know when we have trains carrying hazarded on material that go through state. elizabeth: that is huge. that is outrageous. >> yeah. elizabeth: that is the loophole? 10 of 50 rail carts with hazardous materials, really? >> the governor, a former senator was being diplomatic
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there. clearly, this is a situation where the first thing you have to do try to protect and help everyone who is in the affected area. after that you have to lock at this situation -- look at situation of dangerous chemicals, they are vital for products in our economy. they have to be used. but the way they are transported we have to look at way they are transported in a way that prevents something like this. elizabeth: news about epa, they have been tracking this, a chemical plume that is floated today the ohio river at rate of 1 miles per hour, states get their drink water from this river. >> absolutely. and there are water companies that are trying to find different intakes and trying to work around this, but this is huge. you know telling everyone, just get bottles of water is not going to solve it. elizabeth: byron york, thank you so much good to see you.
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>> thank you, liz. elizabeth: fight broke out today in congress. oversee see director. the cdc director dismissing a new study that reveals little to nos every that masks stop covid-19. >> and josh boswell will join us with his exclusive report on how james biden, admitted, yeah we're was cashing in our joe biden's job, next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ luxury exemplified. innovation electrified.
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elizabeth: let's welcome to show from daily, josh boswell, good to have you on, your exclusive report based on court documents, joe biden's brother james biden admitted high cashed in on j joe biden government job, what is going on. >> so these documents that i received very fascinating stuff. what was happening a u.s. company hill international,
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was owed millions of dollars by saudi arabia. they got jim biden to help negotiate getting a settlement over the unpaid debt. accords to affidavits, by an investigator who spoke to jim, this is a former senior treasury official by the way, jim told him, i was involved. and the reason i was brought in was because of my relationship with my brother, that is joe biden who is the vice president tote. at the time. >> he admits in affidavit, he was hired because of his quote, position and relationship to his vice president brother joe, that would be ings. instrumental to , because saudi arabia would not dare stiff the brother of the vice president is, that what was said. >> yes, a according to affidavit, this is what jim told the former tread senior
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tomorrow, but jim a wife was there, sarah, she said, that jim and joe told each other every thing, the timing was interesting, at the time jim and sara were working with hunter biden on a big multimillion dollar deal with a chinese government linked oil company. if they told each other everything, they might have told each other about that particular deal with the chinese. joe always denies having said anything to his family about it but, if it is true they are talking about everything, then presumably jim would have been talking to joe about the big deal he was doing with the chinese at the time. elizabeth: cashing in on biden government job, sounds like hunter biden gets that job at burisma. then james biden's wife sara admits that joe and jim told each other everything, when joe biden claims he knows nothing about the family, deals and the deal with
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china cedf c is where james his wife got a 100 thousand dollar credit line to go shopping. the founder gave hunter biden a 3 carat diamond. >> that is correct. that is all collect. hopefully we'll find out more about this we'll see perhaps where the money goes with the house committees oversight and justice committees now have sou subpoena power to look into this, to see where the money from chinese ended up going and see if any of it went to joe biden. elizabeth: staying on your point. white house reportedly using general council office as a war room to dig in with his big fight in house -- >> i lost you. elizabeth: as you fix your feed.
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we're we'll play james comer. >> >> whole biden business model was revolved around convinces our adversaries that hunter biden ha access to highest levels of government, he convinced people because he was joe biden's son, he could help them navigate the bureaucracy of the federal government. so, the more people that hunter biden could prove to communist china he had close connecttions the more moneys they family raid rake in this happened because of joe biden position advice president and hunter biden utilized many people within the obama administration to set himself up for a payday. elizabeth: josh, the daily mail has hunter biden a laptop. you have been hiring forensic experts to go through it what else are you finding? >> i mean, this is just one of many, many instances here
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where hunter biden and jim members of the biden family are trading on the name. they are doing to chinese and other business partners and touting the fact they have access. they are the bidens, they emphasize this is a family deal when they enter into the business relationships with the foreign entities and government linked foreign companies, the picture that builds up is trading on the family lane and a suggestion of up appropriate access to government officials. >> has the daily mail gotten any threatening mail from hunter biden a's lawyers. >> so, it is really interesting. there has been a change there in the strategy from hunter biden's legal team. they have been sending the threatening letters, i have not personality received a threatening letter just yet. we'll see what happens, i think we have been responsible here.
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because we have a a thethe laptop, then every story we have done has been pointed on you know telling the truth to the america people about what was doing on during you know joe biden's time as vice president. and hunter's business deals with the foreign entities. >> josh thank you so much, we'll have you back on. we'll continue to read what you reported. we'll stay on the story, we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you. elizabeth: next up, a mother pro baltimore outraged over the systemic failures in baltimore public schools damaging students. this from the front lines of america's education crisis. a big might in congress. -- fight breaks out in congress, cdc director tries to dismiss a new major study reveals little to no evidence this masks stop kean keep, the dr. janet is with us, on the "the evening
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- [advertiser] call aag, the country's #1 reverse mortgage lender. - call the number on your screen. elizabeth: doctor janette nesheiwat, a pleasure to see you, can we get your reaction on this fight broke out in congress over a new study cochran study reviewing control trying and found masks do not work to stop covid. >> there was a notable lack of reliable studies on efficacy of face mask and remains much uncertainty. >> why are we masking our kids today. >> our guidant, for school base masking is related to covid-19 community levels. >> our masks guidance doesn't really change with time what it changes with is
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disease. elizabeth: what is your reaction? i hate to see such robotic answers. children should not be masked this c cochran review looked at over 70 different studies from world and comparison of these n-95 masks and surgical. the surgical masks compared to nothing. they found is population masking did not have a reduction in picking up covid then spreading it, it could be because we can't wear masks 24/7 and surgical and cloth masks were not as effective as we were told, in my opinion on front lines, taking care of thousands of covid patiences, i take from this study, lay stay focused on those who are high risk. they are on obesity, diabetes. high blood pressure, heart disease, w weaken immune
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system and not our children who are lowest risk. we need to focus on playing catch up. we have fallen so behind on dentist appointments, mammograms, colonos colonoscopies, we are at a place that mandates with masks, or vaccines, they should no longer be warranted, we don't have good solid data for patrol and policies to say they should be mandated. >> cdc is wrong to say keep masks children? >> absolutely, 100%. even world health organization recommends to not mask children, they are lowest risk population, they have suffered the most during this pandemic. without a doubt, children should not be masked. if you are a 15-year-old, or you know 12-year-old, and under going chemotherapy,
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that is a different situation. but you know, we need to individualize care for each patient. not a one size fits all. elizabeth: doctor, you are well versed. we have a new pennsylvania state university study saying that unless most people get annual boosters, the covid deaths and hospitalizations will not stop, then this biden white house imposed vaccine mandates when was an emergency use vaccine. dr. fauci said a new study he coauthored this vaccines did not work, and pfizer economy ic -- say its does not stop infection. i want to you listen to dr. drew on the side effects from covid vaccines. >> we know that we have a pfizer significant pfizer
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executive on the records, saying they knew about these menstrual irregularities a concern and excess spike protein in the ovary and adrental gland. >> this is frightening, we need this information and date up front. we need honesty. i can tell you in my opinion, out of the thousands of covid patients, the one that will probably benefit the most, looking at risk versus benefit from vaccines, from the covid vaccine, are the seniors, those are the ones that his on hospitalization and lost their lives from covid. i cannot name one child, or one teen or one young adult that i had to hospitalize for covid or lost their
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life, risk versus benefit, how do you know what is right for you? talk to your doctor. elizabeth: we have new house select subcommittee chaired by congressman brad wenstrup. looking at president biden and his white house i imposed a sit of vips on everyone. with companies, finding and job losses. on millions of americans, doctors, nurses, military, and troops were fired, dr. fauci and nancy pelosi said you can't force someone to take a vaccine, now a new study saying that vaccines don't work to stop covid, people were fired with the mandates. >> i hope those who lost their jobs, whether a nurse or first responder or sold soldier or marine can have their job back with back pay, no one should be forced
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to be forced to take a vaccine that cannot stop the spread. elizabeth: it is like a flu shot. >> dr. janette nesheiwat thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: reports coming in national archives coordinated with president's personal lawyers on his mishandling on u.s. secrets, before the midterms. elizabeth: a mother outrages, systemic failure in baltimore public schools, we have davita allen on front lines of america's public education crisis, davita is next on "the and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside and the other goals along the way
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consult your healthcare provider before starting on omnipod. simplify diabetes. simplify life. omnipod. elizabeth: we're excited to have on tavita allen, you are a mom. >> thank you. elizabeth: you are a mom, in baltimore, public school system there failing children, now baltimore reports zero, no students
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were p profish ent in math. >> this is horrible. disheartening as a parent it is frustrating. i feel like we demand better, we need better. >> davita, we have failing public schools with zero accountability, superintendent of the baltimore school system makes $400 thousand a year for what. >> that is what i'm trying to understand, you are getting paid this money, zero is such a strong number. not like they say 20ers on, but zero says they know nothing. you are getting the money, where are resources? what are you doing? i'm not blaming the teachers, i am looking at the administration. elizabeth: i hear you. also illinois, they have a new report card dreadful,
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not one student in 30 public schools in illinois can read at grade level, 22 in chicago. not one single student 53 public schools can do math at grade level. 33 of them in chicago. what do children o taught what do you hear? >> you know, it is it varies vary my son's school, he is in a language emo immersion school, he is learning in a different lang language. looking at cities like baltimore and challenging which and the rates that low reading, low math and the high crime, you see how intertwined it could be, our children need a good education, that leads to the foundation of being a sustainable adult. it is -- we're failing them, we're not doing enough. they need to listen, we need
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the parents to push. advocate for your children. that is when time trying to do right now. elizabeth: davita, we are admiring you, you fight the good fight. we hear in schools, left continues to -- we don't want to politicize this, but we're hearing and seeing subjects like math, that is racist. standards need to be lowered so students can meet the lower starn standards, this soft level of bigotry. instead of focusing on raising everyone up, is m math really racist. >> i don't think it is nearly racist. ien to want to politicize it. -- i don't want to politicize it, but when it comes down to it, it is a core suc subject that everyone needs to learn no matter your race, i think depending on the area it may have to be applied
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differently. and it will require a different approach coulding that approach -- understanding that approach and community. elizabeth: do you hear from other parents they're upset too? >> i have. i heard parents who are out rain outraged. myself. we have three children, i have a high school student who he graduated but very smart but high didn't want to do the work, i requested for him to be held back to be held accountable. the answer was no. it was going to be bad for him socially work have other students, i know he could do the work but when about kids who can't to the work and more concerned about social. >> that is wild. really interesting. davita we'll have you on again, thank you for your time. >> thank you. elizabeth: we'll keep watching you.
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>> thank you so much. elizabeth: reports come in national archives did coordinate with president's personal lawyers on how h he handled the documents, kellyanne conway is next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ little less talk ♪ ♪ if you please, ♪ ♪ a lot more loving is what ibe need ♪ ♪ r here's a little numbr you'll never forget. ♪ customize and save. ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today.
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elizabeth: joining us now, kellyanne conway. it is great to see you. this story, is flying under the radar. because of the chinese spy balloon stories. e-mails in a foia lawsuit. the national archives was e-mailing president biden's personal lawyers, before the midterms, to retrieve u.s. classify secrets from biden's think tank. that he mishandled but they didn't tell anyone? >> they didn't and most important words that you show in article from peter baker from "new york times," said democratical lies are
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frustrated. people in his own party, saying you can't do this, it is a triple standard, you raided pr president trump private residents and they are having e-mail bromance conversations with two of biden's attorneys saying it would be nice if we could look at penn center and look at this in dc, could you t another look, like asking a friend to lunch, not national archives saying, hey we think you are out of compliance. and concerned that the classified documents -- we're worried they are where they show not be. the other thing, they are e-mailing about this, the day before the november 18 election day. -- november 8, election day, a lot of races were razor
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thin. what if people had full information. saying. we'll put sunshine on this, we don't know where it will lead but we want everyone to have this information that joe biden has classified documents in his possession, they belong in the national archives, but they were so confidence, clapping back at former president he said, i think obama has some documents or we handed overall we have. we -- after this country seen fbi and doj pe -- become so politicized we don't want the national archives politicized. elizabeth: kellyanne, 1974 would be time he has opinion in washington. three -- we have this. three of former president trump's attorneying appeared before a federal grand jury.
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then they went did raid at mar-a-lago your take on that. >> we know that they are sloppy, we know that biden people are lopy in terms of handling classified documents they seem to be cavalier about what we don't know. what about the spy balloon, the clas classified documents we don't know. pepeople will see a double standard. you see on the right side of screen, the raid on mar-a-lago, after former president and his staff was complying, had a camera and a lock and complied with the requests made. by the officials coming from washington. no such event happening on joe biden if anything we're familiar with picture of
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corvette, next to the classified documents, somewhere between lawn mower and wd40. should should bother people, whole reason that we have rules is they apply to everyone, if these classified documents have going with hunter biden's nefarious activities in ukraine and china we need to know, that we know that joe biden has a problem that is facing him now with the investigations to explain why his son, only qualification was his last time is biden, was given the contracts and the money and positions, pause of his father as vice president, and perhaps a future president, we need to know not just handling but also the content of the documents. >> kellyanne thank you so much. >> we'll have you back on again. elizabeth: thank you displ thank you. elizabeth: we'll be right back, stay right there. nd i i'm taking a two-year business course.
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6:00 pm
liz: thank you for watching. join us tomorrow night we have north korean despeck tore, yeonmi park, speaking out against woke ideology greg nur if i, dusty johnson, former ag matthew commit kerr. i'm elizabeth macdonald. my pals are up dagen and sean. >> "pretty in pink." liz: trying to be pretty. not as pretty as you. ♪


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