tv The Evening Edit FOX Business February 17, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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david: so that doesn't specialeu and brain is in for elizabeth macdonald and ask a simple question, why it is the va can spent $27 million on all of these green programs as part of the new omnibus spending bill and there sitting the people in these posting, in ohio with actual disaster there and sweetl wouldn't it be neat if 70 asked the president that question try
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to answer it. brian: there's the guy who auto answer it one because it makes no sense to me. david: really rocks out of the press conferences so you cannot get an answer from him. brian: you have a great weekend and thank you and tonight, the calls were for transportation secretary pete buttigieg to resign as the white house price justified by the denied ohio's request for federal disaster assistance and plus inflation sticks is u.s. navy to add usually in a new debts over the next decade, and is a weather balloon restorable and invited biden when you shoot the sky exactly utah senator mitt romney's bold prediction saying form, will most likely be 2024, gop nobody, and u.s. border patrol agents have seized enough, this fiscal year, to kill 100 million people. i'm brian and for elizabeth mcdonald and the evening edit stars right now.
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brian: of them do the show ring again the socks ending mostly down following the week of concerning inflation rates and now two weeks after the train derailment in these policy income ohio, the residence in the community say they are convinced that they are sing from essentially cancer-causing chemicals that were released in fox news is live in these posting, with the latest gar garrett. guest: we assign for the residents are hoping to be able to start to get some answers this next week, but health and human services is opening up several clinics in town, experts in toxicology and medicine to meet with these residents who continue to experience symptoms despite data suggesting that the air the water are safe and one of the frustrating things for folks here is that they feel that they should happen in a loss of her this also what they are saying about the visits from
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the biden administration after the epa administrators visit nearly yesterday nearly two weeks after this disaster, however, this morning director michael regan trying to suggest that waiting this long, was the responsible thing to do's feedback we going into a senior official especially the cabinet level, you never pull away resources from the emergency response and from the state police like and so we want to be sure the emergency responder had all the resources and the to do it they have done. reporguest: us for future visite mayor conway said that at this point, two weeks after the disaster, it would be a slap in the face for his community whether it is the president or transportation secretary, pete buttigieg. >> it as far as mayor pete as people are calling, i would rather you just a way and is just going to cause a circus he's going to bring a shovel and shovel dirt and get rid of this
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contaminant soil, that is the only reason that evening to come to the sale. reporter: also notice noticeably absent has been fema will help governor said that this far the agency has told him the state is not eligible for fema assistance and it is some of the roles around what defines a disaster as well as who is paying for it in this case, since the roadway is supposed to cover all of the expenses associated with the state is not qualified for fema assistance and he said however, if anything changes in the railway stops, we do want to have fema available to come in and happiness with pushing for, thank you. da.brian: and thank you garrette tenney joining me now, transportation and want to get to the reaction from garris reporting in particular michael regan saturday, the guess what, we should not show up, the leadership shoot should not show
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up it would be responsible resources impoverishment. , do you agree with that c5 well that is outrageous, look there is a reason the people crying this come the absentee presidency, not joe biden, president biden, not the vice president, the secretary pete buttigieg after two weeks into one of the greatest environmental disaster simile filing of the epa the environmental protections, agency show up whether it is the border, you know, over the skies above us or visually now the water beneath our feet, these people can be counted on to cover the american citizens are actually do anything to me, if you do not have the epa for this, what you never for the quick to your house, could be burning your leaves off of your trees in the fall but they cannot deal with what is arguably from leakage environmental disaster people living right there for fema to see them, regan, when revoked 70s around to these people's lives are being disrupted rooted now we also is also saw the film
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ability seeking the fill stick water we know what that is, that's chemicals and petroleum byproducts we sing the dead fish and frogs water. these people from washington dc want to go to these policy drink that water read that hard to say that there is fine, as of this huge black cloud of smoke avoid getting me, we might've been more tonight but it was not last night. brian: if he does not know the difference between leadership and destruction, that he probably needs to find a different roll is been, we are seeing reports of residents feeling very sick and even some wildlife up dying following the chemical spill this is causing the residents of worry in a suitably most of this. >> i have had a headache, and just the odd tingling sensation like in the gums on my lips vocationally, that's what i've noticed but another some of the residents are experiencing things of a similar nature and a lot of children are having some issues with rashes and discoloration of the skin.
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>> you get a tingling in her tongue, and on your lips prayed heaviness in the chest. his son headache, hit is pressure, it is dizziness. guest: congressman i think what is challenging here is that it feels like the symptoms will people are feeling, is being discounted and the xmas i do not trust what you're feeling, trust us but how do you expect the people to do that. >> nobody trusts washington dc. congressman. i both know and we voted to guess is huge trillion dollar transportation package which about less than 15 percent of adults with we consider traditional transportation issues. it was basically, records and rainbows this administration push ahead pete buttigieg was at the helm of that and this is clearly, clearly clearly a justice regarding it their
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booties is that federal authorities need to be in there and they need to be acting in their clearly not subordinate in their jobs and the need to have about spires with the need. >> speaking about, you've got a lot of calls for transportation secretary pete buttigieg, resign and marco rubio sent a letter to president biden urging him to request the resignation of secretary pete buttigieg following a gross level of incompetence and apathy that is detrimental to the safety the prosperity of the american people. gotta say a lot about secretary pete buttigieg, and his fondness for flights and that was a big story at the end of last year. lofgren so he cannot find the time to go to ohio, should he stepped down and has he been so effective or ineffective in your view of that is ago. >> will i'm wondering for small, will qualifications pete buttigieg ever had to be in the transportation secretary other than he feigned riding a bike to work when time to me that's
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essentially what we have here is and will no god has been an object of your everything regarding transportations is priorities in the woke weaponization of the federal government and transportation and infrastructure system as opposed to making his life better trouble to highways and byways in the supply chain is dependable and that they can live safely in their communities and that's with transportation secretary supposed to be doing. not these what webinars the policies the mystery americans lives them and save this is clearly an unsafe circumstance mean it is clearly end of the guy cannot get that after two weeks, why is he in the job. >> congressman, very quickly, when you want to see the next week and is balancing about the residence there. guest: we need to get the federal government we need them to come in there and it with are supposed to do would take care of these people answer them they're going to have clean drinking water the kids are
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going to be able to grow up safe and are going to have to go outside the loans will burn this administration is not doing that. as source of the talk all we have a president, this level is managing daily and they need to just call off in the need to start over this country needs to realize that they made a huge mistake with this president and his administration. >> the burden of leadership starts with water, thank you and we appreciated. >> and out of the story, inflation sticking and hitting your wallet in the nation's budget deficit is such a double in the next decade going from nearly 1.4 trillion to over 2.000000002033, the outlook for your finances is getting oblique, lawrence of the white house with the latest edward. reporter: lofgren, dems the work of the week and the personal data and federal debt, the congressional budget office now said that if the federal will reach $46 trillion, and 2033,
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based on current law now the federal reserve report shows a debt in this country, reached a new record ivo most $1 trillion because of inflation report failed delinquencies and credit card payments and by the could signal mental economic cracks. >> but all of this is background information that tells me that there is a turning coming into the economy and i know our implement numbers last month, i know the inflation of her seven coming down pretty while but the new inflation numbers in the one - they're bad news and there's a lot of background information that is coming this is that the future as harbingers of the coming of the future the company is not going along well. >> if you asked white house with nothing to see here. >> mortgage and art of an auto into below pre- pandemic levels mortgage delinquencies are a new record low the start of the data in 2003 to mix of the present discussing weakness in the
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economy to act as anything i just mentioned earlier, i mean, if you look at past indicators that are just laid out whether it is household, whether it is mortgage delinquency, we are levels that we were pre- pandemic. >> in the state of the economy lease of the white house, or back no. brian: at work going summa thank you me discuss economic advisor to president, seymour in fox news contributor this en suite to see about se will start with you, we have a serious debt problem as a nation but we have a growing credit card debt problem and record high vendor $96 billion this past year and i'll just note this is welcome the growth year over year was at a record level growth in the first quarter, please credit card balances, record level would you make steve, is going credit card issue and are you concerned about it when it comes to the state of the economy in 2023. guest: let me just for say something brian, by the number that you just showed the screen,
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i don't understand how that could possibly be the case is my list of the state of the union, the joe biden said it reduced the deficit and of course, record levels and on the thing is that higher the latest forecast from what it was last year, the one that brian to look when it was when biden came into office, two years ago we were up over $5 trillion over ten years from where we would be trump baseline from space on, as was, so we do have a massive debt crisis and apparently the consumers are learning from the federal government, to just borrow, borrow, borrow so that's why when we got the really good retail spending number, which was a good healthy number, for january, guess what, that was financed by consumer can consume our dad, a lot of people in delinquency and some your going to be up to 25 percent interest rates on that and it is showing that the people getting pinched has squeezed financially.
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brian: please, no surprise and the biden administration is paying attention to the good news they can find in the economy, not so much on the risks were the that might be cellular bells and was a devout white house characterizes what is going on. >> i am happy to report the state of the union in the state of our economy, is strong. >> the president is making good progress in our economy and our place in the world and reducing prescription drug prices and helping the average working family. >> he took action to make sure that we got the economy back up and running we think about the economy, but the president has done is transform the way we think about it. brian: well she's probably right, he has transform what if you thanks and i don't know if it is a good transformation was your reaction to all of that. liz: you know, saul meredith joe biden saved our economy, we all know that is complete garbage the economy was growing 6 percent when he took office
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and the recovery was well underway and much better than anyone anticipated by the way, and then unfortunately, the democrats had another $2 trillion relief money into her economy and simulated inflation and then fourthly, the fed was about a year too late to respond to that had only started last year, raising rates and so will come there is some good news, inflation is taking down and there's no question, the problem is that is not going fast enough that if it is going have to really put the brakes on brian, that is their interpretation anyway to get down to anything close to the 2 percent so now what we have, is a manufacturing sector any point and definitely an precession of is approaching recession levels, and pretty soon, with the consumer seeking their net savings go down there really come to doubt the credit card balances going up, steve's income over the interest rates hiking up, i just think that the consumer is the next shoe to
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drop in the jobs market has prevented that so far, but i really think it's just a matter of time before all those things come together in the fed gets the recession that they are trying to achieve. brian: see, liz's looking for shoes to drop in your fred r leffler was on the boarding party earlier and he certainly is not optimistic, but you got a lot of chatter that maybe every session risk is maybe a living in helping. >> you steve about 2023 being a recessionary year. guest: will agree with liz, i do think inflation is going to come down in the next three or four months about the prices have been very level is up to step forward indicators suggest the worst of the inflation is behind us. steve: think about the implication of one of the things that was just at about the fed probably having to raise interest raise even more than they thought, because the inflation is so hard to bring down i guess what brian, this was the biggest loser on that score because it means the cost of rolling over these truly's
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truly is a dollars of debt, is even higher and so this single expenditure item this year in terms of the increase wasn't interest on the debt in one statistic that i've been saying over and over again, is so frightening is that in five years, interest on the debt brian, will be larger that all of my respin in her her national defense, that is a big problem. brian: that is a massive problem the white house clearly is not reckoning with it and i think that's what has americans on edge have to leave there now to time, see more and liz peek, thank you is always great to have you in utah senator, mitt romney said the donald trump, will most likely be the gop nominee in 2024. and seated was a fire dog women after his recent claims that nikki haley is pastor private plus president biden said that he expects to speak president tried talking about the recently down spiral and congressman carlos from the house like, will react next on the evening edit.
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brian: the search for three object shut down but he was military has become a continues this is a balloon obvious club has declared one of their balloons missing in action fox news jennifer griffin is live in the more. reporter: hi brian, will they may never find those three objects that were shot down in the past week, by the u.s. air force the canadians have called off recovery efforts and lake huron, and respect you to do the same in the mountains and so we may never know whether three objects here for shut down leslie, actually work and john paris pushed back on those is that shooting out of these three which were likely benign, was an overreaction by the president. >> so i would ask you to just for a second, put yourself in his shoes, and personally in light of the 20s spy and what was a very real certainly very
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sizable intangible security threat surveillance threat to the united states in the week about. >> or a possible partake continue as the u.s. and canadian military acknowledge they make never find these objects or balloons which some obvious, have said that could be there you go with her amateur research balloons the president acknowledges much yesterday. biden: nothing right now suggest that they related to china spiraling program or that they were surveillance vehicles from any other country in the intelligence community's current assessment is these three objects were most likely balloons tied to private companies and recreation, research institutions. reporter: meanwhile the u.s. navy and the coast guard have ended their recovery operations off south carolina's coast, the u.s. military successfully retrieved china's spy flight load payload is about 3 feet wide and filled with electronic sensors and equipment the debris was sent to fbi labs in
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quantico, virginia in the intelligence community hopes that it will give an indication as to why the chinese were loitering over your sensitive sites like maelstrom in montana u.s. strategic command which oversees the nation's nuclear arsenal in omaha, nebraska. brian: jennifer griffin five washington, thank you l from house like me, congressman carlos, himself and your reaction to the in particular i would love to hear if you respond to the president saying that is acting out of an abundance of caution and that is why he was justified in shooting down those three balloons whose origins we do not know. guest: well it is par for the course, i mean, the shooter tell the chinese spy balloon we knew was attorneys spy blue never completes his mission in those things we don't over the art, which is so is it will do i
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blame him for shooting them down after what happened with attorneys by blink about probably not because we didn't know they were good been additional spy balloons but again we need to have a policy that identified objects it coming from a foreign adversity and coming from a four never see, that is the key need to be shut down before or else they enter the u.s. airspace, not after you complete the mission. brian: here's the question for me i think what is really dispiriting to people is you know most of us think that our military has the capacity to distinguish between a surveillance object from a foreign nation and a hobbyist alone, if you asked me before all of this, can't give the military does that was absolutely they have to have the capacity to do that and it seems to be the case either that we do not or that the president did not hear any simply wanted to look tough and can you help us
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understand, is this simply beyond our capacity right now is a lot of politics and decision-making the last two weeks. guest: legal, he said that we are looking for these things actually is right, were actually looking for them. there were issues with radar in the calibration and a lot of it had to do was beat and so when things were filtered out where you would not see it had the radar could actually see it but you cannot please they would reported because it was calibrated out and so far there is some truth to what he was saying about that but now that we have recalibrated in that we are looking, we should know when something is loading it from somewhere else that something is originating in the united states and so hopefully, the filters will be put to so that those things that are floating in from somewhere else, could be a hostile country, those things are identified and could be knocked down as soon as they enter our airspace and so, but
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again, my biggest problem was that you have this to her foot diameter chinese spy balloon that everybody knew was by balloon, then you limit complete his mission, then you should know only out that did not make any sense whatsoever c5. brian: president biden said he's going to speak with present parking of china, he promised that he would into the bottom of the issue at a problem that it seems to me is that he has not gotten to the bottom of much of anything having to do with china the past years and you will have any help please what having a productive conversation with him the president china. >> no i don't look, it is troubling to me that every decision is present makes, and here's me they could be contrary to the interests of the united states and so, i do not believe anything productive is going to come out of conversation china and try to understand that is very weak in his responses are very weak going to continue to do do what doing all it was his
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problem but their efforts around the world to become the dominant economic and military power in the near future and we in the united states, we better wake up the rest of the row, but we got and take steps to make sure that never happens never happens. brian: is hard to see china drawing anything other than weakness from the events of the last two weeks with all of these balloons we have to leave there, then, thank you for being with us and we appreciate it. guest: my pleasure. brian: house speaker kevin mccarthy to become the border patrol said that another fentanyl has been seized under five months of to kill 100 million americans. plus utah senator mitt romney said on the front will be most likely be the gop nominee in 2024, and calls were oversee and into fire don limit after his recent claims that nikki haley is past her prime of the gop
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you've done the hard part. you quit smoking. now do the easy part and get scanned for lung cancer. if you smoked, you may still be at risk, but early detection could save your life. talk to your doctor and learn more at brian: looking to the presidential unseen, utah senator mitt romney now said that former present all trump is by far, the most likely to be nominee 2024, this is former south carolina governor nikki and s&ls prevent for the republican nomination this week and full reaction to all in the spring gop strategist, chris along with ago, and it is great to see you both, to start with you, i did not expect to see mitt romney talking about donald trump chances in 2024, and the
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favorable hallway what you think about romney's words and do you agree with him. guest: think that romney is putting aside his personal with former president because he recognizes that in 202420 be a crowded space when it comes to the republicans, 20d prevention we know that is what he much like the former election cycle of 2016, and is a stark contrast in democrats who really have no want to put forward at this point, besides joe biden we all know the democrats do not want him and 54 percent of them present no saying that they do not want him to run for reelection in the next election cycle and republicans have a great team at this moment. brian: physical but the mess, from claims that he is glad that haley is jumping the race and said that the more the merrier which i totally get it, that i think that is right and i think of a field race to the former presidents advantage that he read joe. reporter: c5 it's interesting because when the match of his
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trump versus desantis, dissent is wins the majority of those head-to-head match ups but the minute you injected, nikki haley, walk up mike pompeo or mike pence, tim scott, who becomes fractured to your point, any type trump vote so unspeakable within the republican party, guess swing of all trump and is staying in his lane where he can getting the nomination despite 35 percent support because everybody else's splitting up that voted so the trick for the gop, is that if they want to beat trump, yes want your a candidate was very clear not going to get to the nomination come that you donning around long and you all you behind when candidate to take on trump and invested in 2020, and pete buttigieg amy klobuchar get out of the way they give joe biden a clear line and this with the gop would have to do they wanted to be donald trump get behind one candidate or because one on one batch and fed it is a
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50/50 tossup. reporter: . brian: it will be interesting for sure to want to talk about students don limit, he was noticeably absent from his morning show after saying that nikki haley is past her prime watches comments again listen to hailey's response. >> she said the people and politicians are something going up prime and nikki haley is on her prime, sorry when a woman is considered to be in her prime his 20s and 30s and maybe 40s. >> weight. >> is not according to me in front because i promise you looking up i will say if you google which is a woman in her prime come the 20s and 30s and 40s. >> i have always made the liberals heads explode they cannot stand the fact that a conservative female would not be on the democratic side and i was saying middle aged anchors need to have mental competency just although we make just proven that point. brian: we really hear the birds
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cringe worthy a dog living click, has certainly a textbook definition cringe worthy would your reaction was so limit haley thing and i was a play out. guest: so i've not seen this clip upwards of ten times and is still makes my blood boil has a moment and for anybody for the better and elements comments are so misogynistic and sexist they just for the better, if it were a conservative pundit said the exact same thing, they would not have a job this movement because it is don lemon was worse, essentially, it's just so awful and he doesn't again be accountability think much will happen to don lemon it really is time to go at this point. brian: joke what happens to don limit, what you think. guest: will for now, he's in south beach joy four-day weekend
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and so the day off and he actually apologized over the phone to staffers he could not even say there do it face-to-face as of this interesting to him, while you been in this business long enough as i might have the numbers are horrible for the seated morning show and the chemistry between the house, good at some point changes the first person to go probably dominic a message blame on the new year's the soy time brings in the writings the rest of time maybe replace him but i don't think he survives there. >> you can hang out in south beach and a sound like to be all right guys we have to go, as we see above and think you for being with us. guest: thank you. brian: while the dire warning from paris a new cdc report shows the teens struggling with mental health what brought is also menu playing this also speaker kevin mccarthy is a gop delegation to the southern border is border patrol said fentanyl is been seized and
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under five months to kill 100 million americans in texas congressman tony gonzales nixon the evening edit. >> my community is been a negative slippery slope on for the last 24 months plus to engage with us and you called politics hollywood everyone, the bottom line is that i would invite any congress congressional person to come and see the reality of the border. you could manufacture a whole new way of manufacturing. you could disrupt buying habits before they disrupt your business. you could fire up a new generation of start-ups. and fuel the search for what comes next. so...what are you waiting for? go. baker tilly. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall.
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loudly on behalf of the market people, you no longer at our children dire the streets due to the cartel running the show. brian: let's talk this over mouse appropriations is been the ultimate you for being with us and i like to started by getting your reaction to your colleagues, is there legally when he comes to who actually has control of the mexican government them about u.s. government, is a cartels in response. >> thank you for having me, yes it is frustrating especially those who live along the border to represent 42 percent of the southern border, and this is your three of this border it seems to get worse and worse and my good friend lori chavez was wrong when she said it was controlling things, i think it's important that house republicans we start to lead and push hornick will branch of government we have just point fingers at the by the ministration check, for them to save us we have to come and save the day one of the things i think it is importance we've got working push in the
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administration, both in the united states and in mexico, we taking a trip to mexico city next month with my colleagues to help was that and how we get things under control because unsecured border, hers ever everybody. brian: are calling for leadership in interesting the white house also assign, house republicans should spend less time on partisan publicity stunts, more time working on solutions i don't think there's you would characterize what is happening is a publicity stunt on your end, natalie respond to the white house c5 will ♪ ♪ you going to see house republicans hold hearings in the border, all different hearings that will be imported oversight energy and commerce and about security, fiduciary this is important if the democrats the border, we will force them to come down for the series i thank you so an important aspect have targeted one of my sheriff's sheriff mark from real calving about an hour from the bahraini is telling me, bells are heavily three and four times a day and
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this is what is happening in my district, we can getting out of it just be 20 fingers we have to solutions i think there's an opportunity here for both parties to come together really solve this. brian: to be needed really quickly commerce been more diverse policies in effect enough to 100 million americans five months ahead of the border patrol said that this week about his declared application a fentanyl national emergency in 2021, but it's only worse that we made a tented all in trying to stem the flow of this. guest: i don't like we have an over doings were not looking at the roots of income there it is china, china's the one responsible for the sitting balloons, or fentanyl, china is at war with us we have to take that serious swing avoided time on to put pressure on the chinese government and we have to make sure that we hold them accountable. brian: restarting this new administration election talk about root causes and there is, believe there congressman tony gonzalez thank you being with us. guest: thank you.
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brian: dire warning from paris a new cdc report shows that dangers are struggling with mental health what roll a social many playing in front of doctor mark siegel will break this down the evening edit up th next. sin, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security for total peace of mind. and you choose a next generation 10g network that's always improving, getting faster; more reliable; and more intelligent to keep you ready for today and tomorrow. the choice is clear: make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. comcast business. powering possibilities™. ♪ what will you do? will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire.
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sounding the alarm on the impact of social media under kids mental health, the experts are saying the comedies make smart phones should bear responsibility for correction to protect the kids online kelly what is live in los angeles with more's be five high this right of the surgeon general is advising social media should have age limit of 16, as some industry expert say the phone providers like apple and google and samsung, he response ability and that could be doing more to improve parental controls is probably because the kids are having a smart phone is now common according to sanford and the average age child receives their first phone just under 12 years old that without of course, access to social media is just steps away very little prevent the kids from downloading these apps of course lincoln my mother age but there's no standardization across apps worst when it comes to age and content ratings some providers like apple to offer parental controls but if i squarely in the guardian to know how to use in the front please
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click on the don't exist with number of teachers told took me some kids are some tech savvy they don't have to own phone because they don't market leaders like to safety protections thanks also most responsibility lie with phone makers. >> it there is always' game of walkable that new features and releases and apps kids talk to them in paris have never even heard of them and i believe the smart phone companies can do better they should do better c5 now apple and google something to don't respond to our request for comment, but i've heard the issue like two carmakers, every part about seatbelts in the car so ryan, why not phone provider. brian: will kelly come i am so interested in this topic has a debt of three kids thank you for that reporting and i appreciate it pretty 20 me know what you professor benson, doctor mark siegel, doctor it's always good to see you and i just gave it away i care deeply about this
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one is a dad share with you some startling data from the cdc reporting this weekend, finding three and five teenage girls so they felt persistently sad or hopeless and thus the highest rate apparently, in a decade and doctor, you look at the data and then you think about this issue with the phones and all of us have sort of seen that sort of addiction level the kids seem have with this thing about what you are saying and out paris think about this because right now, but appears to select we do not know what to do c5 of this is a huge problem and i also have three kids all three of my guesswork bullied and i think that social media plays a huge roll in ending the kelly's right but i actually think that is going to work and you could try to put parental controls on this all you want, is ongoing work, social media is here and it is invaded there are kids in our
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teenagers lives in the pandemic made it a lot worse because people were remote and they did not have the usual interaction and the statistics sticks are shocking and close to 60 percent of the teenage girls have reported prints of great sadness over the past year one third, have considered suicide and you know you saw this way new jersey brian cavalry was horrible this of the violent act in the hall the parents white house will not only one quick point for his attack on hamburg hundred head of the schools and if i lose the me personally a lot of schools are not listening to the parents. brian: will initially of this, stay on first goods this with the students wherever help is her school does nothing to stop bullies and listen. >> my name is danielle and also so many other things that people have called me over the years. [inaudible]. and you guys.
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[inaudible]. [inaudible]. >> i have been bullied every single day since the seventh grade and people in this room you make fun of me and i don't even know why you're here been called a lot of names and have had so thrown to me and apparently it was bad. guest: under. brian: we have a better manager solo but i want you to react to that and particularly his call for mullahs just been social media until the 60 no no i'm a libertarian guy listed that is a dad think why will that be nice and reaction to that is a solution the problem were sing in school. guest: is on woodwork, venting will work is being aware, you know what works is connectivity between us and her kids, posting advocates for the kids and ferocious bullying, is compounded on social media so i completely agree of the giga
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video billings over the initial whatever and over and over, a group of kids is involved and unfortunately come the girls getting the most victimized by far my much more the boys the social media absolutely is the fire here is you cannot put it out by restricting yes we can only put out by having conversation with her kids, by the way, those are getting affiliated here there very insecure not saying boys don't have this problem, girls twice as often. brian: you are right in its other. we got have the conversation is artwork but it is needed now more than ever, i believe there is always good to see you and thank you for being with us. guest: thank you brian. brian: see right there, we will be right back.
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♪ >> thank you for spending your friday evening with us. liz will be back monday but you want, i hope you do, catch me in the big money show weekdays 1:00 p.m. here on foxbusiness and be sure to send your e-mails for i am brian and for elizabeth macdonald, you've been watching "the evening edit". now it's time for the bottom line, to folks who might be watching the daytona 500 this weekend. take away. >> no type brian? come on. >> that was my marching orders today. >> thank you s
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