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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 3, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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simplify diabetes. simplify life. omnipod. permex petroleum is leading the charge in the prolific permian basin with an attractive portfolio of oil, natural gas, and royalty assets. with expanding drilling operations and plans to uplist to the nyse, permex petroleum is poised for growth. if your business kept on employees through the pandemic, can see if it may qualify for a payroll tax refund of up to $26,000 per employee. all it takes is eight minutes to get started. then work with professionals to assist your business with its forms and submit the application. go to to learn more. >> the evidence against alex murdaugh was overwhelming and
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compelling. his story he was pedaling to the jury had more holes in it than swiss cheese. alex murdaugh was a liar. >> the fed talk continues to keep a cap on it. this is an important sort of tug of war that's going on in. junior high school fed is not going to pivot. they're not going to pivot. they're going to raise rates till june and will start raising in september if inflation doesn't respond. stuart: firing things up more heaven's sake. tyler moore here. that is midtown matt hat tan on a friday -- manhattan on a friday lunchtime and virtually deserted. that's what happens on new york
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city on mondays and fridays. lauren: those people aren't board, they're not here and away on vacation. >> let's rock and roll. stuart: please. it's 11:00 eastern time on friday, march 3 and we have action going here. market is up, nasdaq up 113 and show me big tech. i think they're doing well including microsoft. that should cheer me us. meta up $7, 4.5% and apple up 360, just shy of 150. amazon's up, alphabet's up and microsoft is at $253.99. 10-year treasury yield moving down and you're at 402. got it. now this. there are times when the anoticks of the car -- antics of the far left are simply astonishing and the far left people on the washington dc city council have come through with a truly astonishing crime bill. at a time when violent crime is surging, the city council voted to reduce prison sentences, give
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fur trials to misdemeanor cases, reduce penalty for burglaries and carjacking and cut the maximum penalty for a felony with a gun to four years from 15. can you believe this? there's a back story here. congress runs dc and congress corrected that crime bill. more importantly president biden rejected it too and e with all know why. he doesn't want to be stuck again with a ridiculous de-funneled the police policy. in a -- defund the police policy and precisely the same time, the president is threatening another veto, this one about government control of your pension money, biden wants to keep control. the senate voted to kill a rule that allowed the government to make your investment decisions for your retirement money. two democrats join the republicans. one of them, senator joe mansion said "it is irresponsible to jeopardize the retirement of more than 150 million americans for purely political purposes".
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that's the point. mansion doesn't want government control and biden does. the esg investigating in all the anti-green and politically bad news and biden kills it. third hour of varicose veins any starts right now -- varney starts right now. stuart: steve hilton, the gentleman on the right hand side of the screen. i think this says a lot about the president's priorities. what do you say? run a mile from de-funneled the police but -- defund the police but embrace green? that's what it looks like. >> in the end, he may end up in the same position because these were both causes that he, following as he always does, the activists who run the party these days on the democrat side, used to be in favor of the criminal justice reform at the
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heart of the defund the police movement and we have to be fair, there's good arguments in favor of criminal justice reform and it's true there were too many people incarcerated for nonviolent crimes but as usual with the left, they've taken it way, way, way to the extreme and there's a pro crime position and that was politically damaging for them and now they're running a mile from it, exempt with these crazy counts like in dc. see it here in california where i am. on the other side of the matter though, with this esg, at the moment that is part of the surrender to the climate cel lots to the far left as well. zealots on the far left and in time that position starts to really hurt american more and more could be just as toxic to the democrats as defund the police position. stuart: i think you're right. the city of coronado, in california obviously, they say they fixed the homeless problem with zero tolerance rules.
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watch this. >> we also make it very clear that we don't tolerate tent encampments along our sidewalks and we don't tolerate other code violations such as being drunk in public or urinating in public or defecating in public. we don't tolerate the basic code violations. what ze ends up happening is a individual chooses to get help or they leave. stuart: simple as that. steve, why can't they do the same thing in los angeles and san francisco? >> and many other cities up and down the state and increasing in the suburbs return by democrats. he'll be joining me on my podcast next week. it's simple common sense that a few years ago everyone thought, yeah, what's so exceptional about that? now in california, it is exceptional to hear a leader talking in those simple terms and what it gives the lie to is the excuse that's trotted out by the mayors of new york and san francisco and so on for years now and the governor, which is
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oh, well it's very difficult. there are all these laws that protect the rights of people sleeping on the str streets ande can't do anything about it and can't force them off the streets, we can't stop them from doing this physically. we can't give them criminal penalties for urinating. it's all too difficult. this mayor is showing, no, it's not difficult actually. you just have to have simple, practical, common sense policies. stuart: when are the people of san francisco and los angeles and all the other cities going to wake up? i ask you this all the time. they never wake up. >> i know. my answer is probably sooner than some people might think because there's a real revulsion against all this now. especially when you see that there's an alternative that works. i think that's going to start to accelerate the process of change. stuart: steve, i've got a spare house in florida. you're welcome to it. steve hilton, i'll be watching you on the now -- actually, bower not welcome to it. you're watching the next revolution. it's on sunday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern time only on fox.
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thanks, steve. see you later. senate minority whip john thune slammed president biden's student loan handout idea yesterday on this program. watch this. >> you send a message to everybody in this country that borrows money for student loans you don't have to pay it back. the hard working taxpayers that didn't get to chance to go to college or paid back their loans will be subsidizing or underwriting this trillion dollar give away to people in the country if he gets away with forgiving all the student debt. it's an example of liberalism run amuck and it was clearly a political stunt. stuart: even the washington post admitted biden overreached on student loans. but the court shouldn't stop him, got it. look who's with me now, tay already riggs and brian brenberg of fox news. what do you think?
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>> they've all admitted but everyone is saying no one has standing to sue. you know why? because it's socializing our hire education costs -- higher education costs and saying you can't go to the supreme court and say we're against socialism but the end result is we're getting socialism and higher education and it's a legal farce and ought to die. stuart: taylor, i don't want to interrupt you but to me, it's buying votes. biden was trying to buy votes giving away a $400 billion. i intented you, what's your -- interrupted you, what's your point? >> at the end of the day, this is inherently an inflationary problem. if we're serious about inflation, you don't engage in this type of fiscal stimulus. at the end of the day, it's about inflation and the economy, and it's also, brian, to your buoyant about teaching people the value of a dollar and the slippery slope. if you forgive student loans, what stops with the mortgage debt and auto debt and just teaching people handout -- it's like what does that say? instead of teaching someone to fish, you give them a fish.
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teach them about financial literacy and debt repayments what we can and can't afford, budgeting, all of that. stuart: magic words, slippery slope. we're on it and heading south. got it. let's get to the markets now, friday morning, we've been in business for about an how shall and three quarters -- hour and three quarters and up 150 on the dow and nasdaq gain of 1% higher. these guys with me here on the set, brenberg and riggs. >> riggs comes first always so got to say it that way. stuart: riggs and brenberg, they're on the fox big money show. taylor, i'll start with you. >> front end of yield curve, 5% if you want a 6 year or one year. 60/40 is not dead, brian. enfellation natural rights approach hedge and -- inflationary hedge and get 5, 6% and we've gone there in decades and nice we're no longer in the 0 and negative interest rate
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environment. you can get yield and income. stuart: we're missionaries. that's what we are. absolute missionaries here. professor -- >> i like -- look, markets will be really choppy this year and down for a lot of the year and i like that for a buying opportunity and don't stop buying when markets are volatile and a chance to get in a good price and i like energy right now. that's not favorable and administration is against it and that's why i love it. every chance to put a dollar in a company that makes the energy we use, i'd put it in there. stuart: you're doing quite well for first appearance on "varney & co.," okay. not bad at all. >> thank you, lauren. okay. stuart: i'm in a bad mood today, what can i say? >> not anymore. stuart: no, i'm smiling. lauren, you've got movers for us. oh, meta, it's way up this morning. what do you have? lauren: mark subb zuckerberg sae company is lowering the price of the quest proto-about $1,000 and then another quest 2 about $430. no, but the story we did in the
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past hour; right, you need the quest to play horizon worlds. they wanted to open that market up by letting 13, 14, 15, 16 year-olds on it. the democratic senators are saying no, no, no, you've got to be 17, lower the price and juie the market. stuart: i don't see the point of wearing goggles. lauren: i'll get you a pair for your birthday. >> no, you won't. okay, you can. i'll give to the grand kids. lauren: cost costco missed on e revenue and are they going to increase price of membership? they last did that in 2017. $60 for your one year membership and talk they could increase again. we've been talking about the talk they could increase fees for awhile now. but maybe in the spring. stuart: victoria's secret. lauren: yes. stuart: go ahead. lauren: what kind of company? stuart: i'm not going to get.
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lauren: lingerie, casual wear, disappointing forecast. the stock was down about 3% because when your forecast is disappointing, your stock usually goes down. the ceo even says they'll see the challenges for the foreseeable future but they did actually do better in the quarter that just wrapped up so that might be why the stock went from down to up. stuart: we're wrapping up a very interesting segment and tell everybody what's coming up. lauren: recap. joking. stuart: first, it was quiet quitting. now gen z has a new trend in the workplace. can't believe this. bear minimum mondays. watch this. >> remove any wishful thinking tasks from your list. tuesday you can overachieve. what can you choose to not care about today? knowing that it actually won't make a difference. stuart: choose not to care? we're definitely going to cover it. but it won't change my bad mood. one ivy league school is ditching the sat, s-a-ts, and
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act, a-c-t exams because of wokism. we're on it. virginia tech rejected the bills to teach about communism. a mother of communist china said the decision was profoundly ignorant. she's next. ♪ this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay.
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>> stuart, he wants to keep them on the lock step with china and a consensus approach is the best thing for the country following the first hearing from the new bipartisan house select committee on china. the committee will focus on things like intelligence, agriculture, the economy and other areas where china is trying to have an edge over the u.s.. mccarthy says i want to empower the president. if we're united in the house, it gives the president a strong hand. in essence, the house can try to give him a backbone. i've always thought one of our biggest problem with china is we've never spoken with one voice. this comes to questions on when and how the department will speak with china after they concluded a wuhan lab leak most likely sparked the pandemic and other federal agencies investigating believe natural transmission was the cause and
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two are still undecided. >> nobody is letting anything slide. that's why the president wants the intelligence community to work so hard to get to hopefully to get to some answers that we can rely on. right now there's just no consensus. >> still, critics say there's areas where biden should apply pressure right now like with stemming the flow of chinese fentanyl across the southern border and also ensuring that china does not provide lethal aid to russia for the war in ukraine. >> the biden administration could say, look, if you take the step of providing lethal aid to putin and russia and its aggression against ukraine, then that's going to force us to and then any number of things. with respect to taiwan, accelerate the delivery of $19 billion in outstanding military contracts. >> president biden said after he ordered the chinese spy balloon shot down that he expects to be speaking with chinese president xi jinping soon and so far,
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stuart, that has not yet happened. stuart: jackie, thank you very much indeed. now this: commerce secretary gina romando said tiktok is not the only chinese app the white house is concerned about. ashley, come on in, please. what other apps are on the radar? ashley: well, we all know about tiktok even if we don't use it but there's other chinese-backed apps that could come under the microscope. tesecretary says the administration is working to blunt the national security risk from various chinese social media apps beyond tiktok. ramondo who says she's considering a trip to china this year is among top officials in biden's cabinet pushing efforts to counter what is seen as rising economic and strategic threats from beijing. ramondo said the administration is working carefully on scrutinizing outbound investment into certain industries in china including export controls on chip making technology.
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stu. stuart: i hear you, thanks, ashley. i want to bring in taylor and brian back into this argument. i want to -- i really want to talk about tiktok. there's a proposal out there, and i hear a lot about it and we ban tiktok completely throughout the country off all devices, not just government devices but everything. would you ban tiktok completely? >> i'm thinking we would. if you have eu officials and u.s. officials and government officials saying they don't want it on their phones, it must be dangerous at some point. i don't like it on some of our regular kid's phones. i think it's interesting, china has sort of cracked down, brian, and you might know this better on gaming where they won't let you game for certain amount of time, maybe it's 30 or 60 minutes because they're so worried about their kids getting addicted. >> in china. >> here it's hours and hours and hours. my only concern with tiktok is that mind stock and time stock it has become, not even mentioning some of the data issues as well of them having access to it. stuart: brian, it is a dramatic
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move to ban an entire, a very popular platform like tiktok. that would be really dramatic. >> it's a dramatic move for a company to use a private company like this to spy on adversarieses. when there's an adversary making dramatic moves, you've got to make a dramatic move back. that's why this is worth it. if we won't put it on government devices, why in the world can it be on kid's devices? explain that to me. explain where that happens anywhere else? >> if you don't want to ban it, where the review in the council on foreign verne views and this is a committee, a government committee looking at investments to see if they're safe or not. why don't we buy tic tock and get it out -- tiktok and get it out from under byte dance and don't have to ban but there's a capitalist initiative involved of taking that over and buying it from a u.s. company. >> the point is, we are far, far
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behind on this one right now. china is way ahead in playing offense with this, and we don't even know how to get our defense on the field. stuart: are you sure they're spying on us simply because they have our day it? is that spying? >> why would the government not allow this on government devices if they didn't think that the data could be used for nefarious purposes? stuart: because the data on government workers is more important than the data on teens. >> with all due respect, i don't want any of my kid's data going to ccp because they spy on their own people and not for good purples as you and i both know -- purposes. is it good if they're spying on my kids? i don't think so. stuart: parents are hoping that the government bans tiktok completely and the government is taking tiktok off their kids and not the parents. >> i agree. >> it's an argument we could have both sides. stuart: it was a goodies cushion. thank you very much. i'm glad you're on the show.
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back to the markets expo and a quick update and it's a rally. the dow is up almost a harper hf percent, 147 points and nasdaq up almost 1% and s&p up 0.83% and modest gains across the board. now this: one country is considering a plan to eliminate student debt for anyone that has a baby,. tell you where that's going. using a transgender activist in women's day campaign. tomi lahren is here and has a lot to say about this. tomi lahren is walking through the studio, that's next. ♪
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maybe i should go. let's get back to the market and nothing serious here. dow industrials are now up 160, half percent. nasdaq's up over 1%. that is a great rally. susan li is here. susan: we'll start with crypto troubled silver bank sub$5 now and warning they may not be able to survive after the ftx collapse in the crypto winter stormer and many partners are fleeing including coin base, galaxy digital and big prostrideers like circle and paxos said they've stopped transacting with silver gate or reviewing them. they're down to two week lows and concerns that silver gate collapsed at crypto pricing and silver gate worth $162 and now
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trading at $5 and less. big news from amazon in the past hour, stu, we have a news that they're pausing construction on their new headquarters 2 in arlington, virginia, near dc. arlington was chosen in the controversial bidding process when aoc went up against jeff bezos building the hel ipad and tax br breaks in queens, new yok and bezos said we'll go to arlington instead and now laying off 18,000 in their largest round of cuts and amazon said the dc headquarters will be pushed back to 2030 opening and that's a pause if their construction there. also i want to show you meta, which is down -- actually up, pardon me, because zuckerberg cut the price of vr headsets and quest pros and quest 2s and more people can get on to the meta verse. finally apple. it's rallying today, top performer and after top apple analyst morgan stanley said there's a 20% rally in the stock
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worth $185 on a recovery and iphone demand in services and growing this year and meantime app 18 pivoting more production to india from china according to foxconn's latest facility in hydro-bed and the commerce said they expect to make a quarter of all iphones in india. imagine what that means for the indian economy. stuart: susan, thank you indeed. see you later for friday feedback. republican senators are sounding the alarm on biden's $39 billion in chip factories in america. they claim the administration is trying to add woke conditions like requiring recipients of the money to provide free child care to workers and a whole other bunch too. tomi lahren is with me. sounds like social welfare operation forced on these chip companies if they want the subsidies. >> well, this feels like ground hog's day. i can't imagine that democrats would push for their agenda to be in bills and in allocations
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that have nothing to do with what they billed and sold to the american people as i am shocked, stuart. no, i'm not shocked. it's always something with the green energy or the child care or you have to do this, the unions. everything that democrats do, they label it something else when they want to sell it to the american people and make it look really bipartisan and slip in their real agenda under the rug, and then people have to live with it. why can't we just have these companies that we so desperatety need that was bipartisan in support? why do you got to go ahead and ruin it. we could have had a moment of unity there from the unifying president and there we go. stuart: to democrats, politics it beats investing. politics is the rule -- they live by politics, which has nothing to do with efficiency of capitalist organization. nothing at all. it negates the efficiency of capitalism. >> it does. we hear things and voters hear things like well, democrats want
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free child care and sounds really good because everyone wants free child care at end of the day. of course they want these little incentives but when you need to have these kind of companies, semiconductor and chip companies in the u.s., leave it at that and move on. stuart: another one for you, tomi, h hersheyss getting backlh for putting transgender woman on the cover for women's day. any feeling? >> i'm not a fan months for women or months for men. stuart: there's no month for men. >> every month is for men, really. the feminist would argue but the feminists have been rather quiet when the rainbow mafia has gone to erase women from our own month and days and then they start the rainbow mafia comes in and says, you know what, if you just identify as a woman, we'll put you on a pedestal. honestly does it real enfire
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yacht me and stop me from buying a hershey bar? probably not. look at m&m when they went woke and people reversed course and people don't want to have rainbow mafia and trans agenda forced down their throat. give us one day, that's all we want. stuart: did you trademark that expression, rainbow mafia? you used it three times. >> i guess i better do it now. stuart: states the point very eloquently. tomi lahren, you're all right. ashley, gen z has a new office trend. tell us about bare minimum mondays. go. ashley: it's got a ring about it. it's the latest corporate trend taking over twitter and hash bare minimum monday wrapped up 2 million views along with video of users taking part in the movement or lack of movement.
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it is the brain child of 29-year-old marissa joe mays that promotes her bare minimum monday and employees scrape by doing the very least amount of work possible to get through most of that dreaded day of the week. take a look at this and i've got more. >> remove my wishful thinking tasks from your list. tuesday you can overachief. what can you choose to not care about today knowing it won't make a difference. where can you choose to be nicer to yourself today? where can you cut yourself slack? there's where most of the bare minimum monday work comes in. ashley: it's the latest fad of younger workers finding the stress of work/life balance and it's supposed to relieve the anxiety of facing the new week with a long list of tasks to complete. one word, stu, snow flakes. stuart: you know, we've got a lot of gen z people that put this show on the air.
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if they did a walk away from mondays, we wouldn't have a show. ashley: bare minimum. stuart: ash, i have brian and taylor with me. >> i'm a fan of hard work. that's how we've all gotten here in life, not through handout,. i'll only agree with her that she said it's more of a mental game. sunday night she tells herself she won't care and monday she said she's more productive than she otherwise would have been. i'm all for productivity no matter how you get there, but i would not promote going around your employer and telling them you're doing bare minimum mondays. stuart: doing a job well and enthusiastically, surely that's the source of happiness, isn't it? whether it's monday or tuesday. >> making a contribution, i want to brand something. can we brand you're fired friday because you're fired friday could cure bare minimum mondays really quickly, stuart. you want animals, there it is. stuart: very good. you work with a lot of youngsters, you're a professor. you don't see this monday stuff, do you? >> no, because we teach them to
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try and have joy in your work and make a compu contribution ao something valuable. happiness comes from earned success and contribution. this movement is the opposite. stuart: you're right. brian and taylor, thank you for being on the show today. >> thank you. stuart: you may come again in you really wish. >> third time is a charm. stuart: you got it. next case, the education department wants the leaders of failing private bench presses to be held -- colleges to be held personally liable for unpaid debts. we'll explain. marine academies say their curriculum is getting more woke under the leadership of pete buttigieg. how is wokeness supposed to proprepare our military for batd will why is buttigieg involved? we'll -- battle and why is buttigieg involved? we'll answer those questions next. ♪
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i'm a vegas hotel. i don't want anything too serious either. just a fun, spontaneous thing. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares - i'm just looking for a saturday to remember and a sunday by the pool.
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achier a sixty you know a -- ashley: the student debt forgiveness proposal for people with a child is a moving trend for the japanese. japan's births for 2022 were lower than at any other point since records began in 1899. the prime minister is prioritizing boosting birthrates including pledging more spending on child care and plan ago new agency dedicated just to children and families. now, the student debt proposal is getting some backlash with opposition politicians in japan saying the plan discriminates
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against those who don't or cannot have children. another lawmaker called it simply insane. instead urged for a cut in tuition fees but the birthrate issue in japan as you know, stu, has been going on for quite some time. stuart: that's very true. ashley, thank you very much indeed. the next case, the education department will soon make leaders of failing private colleges -- no, for profit colleges, make them personally liable for unpaid government debts. dagen mcdowell is on the set with me in chicago. >> they have a bad reputation and broadly speaking, stuart, and good to see you, they have a reputation for going wide and that's a broad statement and good luck to the federal government for doing anything right. they're trying to deflect and i think the federal government has no underwriting standard for
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handing out money for student loans and this is quite rich if you ask me. stuart: i think you're right on that one. interesting tactic is suing the college authorities to get the money back. >> rather than asking for $1.6 billion to go after the people who stole ppp loans and stole money for the unemployment insurance, remember the lambo loans, you don't need the money for that. focus on the hundreds of millions of dollars stolen there? stuart: why not. columbia university is going to become the first ivy league school to drop the sat or act test requirements. they want to represent "varied backgrounds, vo voices and experiences". is this going to work or plain crazy? >> how do you measure -- i don't know how you measure how you did in high school, brian brenberg -- i really don't.
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i didn't do well on the sat, but you can just make stuff up; right? stuart: how do you measure the intellectual performance of students that want to go to that college? how do you do it? >> you have a standardized test to measure all students against one another, but that's what they don't want to do. j right. stuart: it's just another way to get people into the college without intellectual commitment and achievement level. >> i had to take the lsats to get into law school and say it's there because it's a good precursor to pass the bar or not and if you can't get through the lsat you won't pass the bar and waste thousand was dollars and three years of life in law school. it's a good way to weed out people and if i can't do the lsat correctly i know and won't waste my time. stuart: one more for dagen,
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they're warning that woke ideology worsened under pete buttigieg's leadership. how does wokeness help win in battle and what on earth has buttigieg got to do with the merchant marines? >> the merchant marines are overseen by the department of transportation. what took them so long? the entire defense adopt and all of our defense is obstructing cerumen absolutely woke -- absolutely woke, stuart. mark mille got in front of congress and asked why would west point need to study critical race theory and he actually said, i want to understand white rage. and then he had to backtrack on that. i can go through how people in the army have been told how they have to address a pregnancy for a male serviceman. there are -- i'm not joking, there are ways that people in
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the military, in the army are told how to address things of that nature. so you want to talk about woke, it's already throughout our military, and it's hurting our perception in this country of our readiness, and it's hurting recruitment. stuart: brian, i will never forget watching senator josh hawley interview a berkeley professor and the senator asked the berkeley professor if a biological male could have a baby? and the professor responded there you go again insighting violence. >>-- inciting violence. >> it's a violent question. aren't you wondered why people are concerned we're not keeping up in the competition with china when you've got stuff like this going on. americans get it and elite haves no much idea how much reckage they're creating. stuart: i've got to wrap it up. dagen, it was great having you on the show. taylor, professor, thank you very much indeed. we'll be watching you and taylor on the big money show.
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that's at 1:00 p.m. eastern on this network. >> that's right. stuart: of course we'll be watching dagen on the bottom line with mr. duffy, 6:00 p.m. eastern time on fox business. thanks very much for you guys being here. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: don't go anywhere, friday feedback is next. ♪
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♪ stuart: march the 3 and time for friday paid-back. we have with us, ashley, lauren, susan and we're ready to get started with this one coming to us from steven. here we go. when will the varney control room dancers make their broadway debut? they are a lively group. you're right about that, sir. occasionally, they're doing their most exotic lauren: a pirouette. modern interpretation. stuart: these are hard working youngsters and do great for us and we like to put them on camera every now and again. not a bad dancer. call it now. this comes to us from teresa.
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it was great seeing lauren on gu to the best of your recollection f -- gutfeld. she's been on tweet now and when will stuart and ashley be on? how about you, ash? ashley: i would love to do it but i'm in florida and i've been invited but they wouldn't let me do it by satellite so so speak but next time in new york, i'd love to do it. stuart: looking at lauren on the gutfeld and it's a comedy show. lauren: i don't recall. that's susan on gutfeld too. stuart: susan understands comedy. half it up. susan: i do, indeed. i've done it several times and it's a great show to be on. they always ask me when is stu going to be able to get on the show. stuart: they tape too late. i'm in bed. this is from fred, can you believe this, can varney still talk with a british accent. if so, i would love to hear it?
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don't you think i santa claus rally a british accent now? susan, do i have a british accept? susan: it's lovely. stuart: lauren? lauren: i don't know. stuart: ashley and i are the same, we have english accents. ashley: yeah, but when i got back to england, they say listen to the yank. stuart: yes, they think i'm australian o or canadian. susan: you do do a great australian accent. accent. stuart: i do the for the former britts, after several decades in the u.s., coffee or tea? i'll answer that, i've been drinking a pot of coffee every morning for about 40 years. then it started to hurt me so now i'm back to tea. how about you, ash? ashley: i mix it up. first thing in the morning is a cup of tea and the rest of the day it's coffee. there you go. best of both worlds. susan: how many cups in a pot? stuart: four, five. i used to drink them all black. killed me.
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from anne, what was so his tar cal about the -- hysterical about the filamina movie? i watched once and didn't chuckle once. did you like it, ash? ashley: i laughed and it's a fake journalist asking real historians like really outlandish questions. she asked a philosophy professor about aristotle's dance like no one is watching. i thought that was funny. stuart: we need make these learn and do it maybe two or three time as day. thanks to everyone. the trivia question, where were the 1992 olympic games held: atlanta, barcelona, seoul, or los angeles. there are your choices and the m answer right afteruc this. so i consolidated it
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stuart: where were the 1992 olympic games held, let's go fast. susan? >> barcelona. >> seoul. stuart: ashley? ashley: barcelona. stuart: i say barcelona as well. i'm convinced i am right. the answer is indeed barcelona, spain. thanks for everybody for taking part and great show today. that is it for "varney" & company. "coast to coast" starts now. pete: all right, it looks like we are going to finish this week on an up-note. again we have to maintain


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