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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 8, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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dagen: duffy has a bottom line. sean: joe biden created a narcostate in mexico this problem with mexico and the cartels is getting worse. >> >> and china. sean: kennedy. she is here. live in person. kennedy: here we are, china, breaking news. will buy mexico. they were out bid by elon
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musk. bong. thank you. dr. fauci you have explaining to do house republicans holding a hear on origins of covid, shouldn't congress have been doing this for last 3 years, according to witnesses, little lord fauci played a big role in the pandemic, but will he have to pay the piper, it has been over 3 years since it started pan that killed over a million americans and 7 million worldwide. shook the global economy and divided our nation. today on capitol hill, it got feisty over whether covid came from nature or a lab. and over who is to blame. >> this pandemic did not start in january at a seafood market, we know there were infections back to september. >> might have escaped from research his agency f
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funded. >> this highest paid guy in our government getting money to tell us things that were not accurate, we know that u.s. tax colors witness to a lab in china, that was not up to code, doing gain-of-function research that is where this came from. kennedy: you have known for some time, we're learning more lauers of information, fauci was who the middle of everything you heard redfield saying that fauci kept him in the dark. >> this was a decision that there is one point you view wuerl pet out -- we'll put out there, anyone who does not agree with it will be outlined. i was side lined. i was the cdc director. kennedy: can you imagine, that nation facing an catastrophe, and fauci acting like one of the
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plastics from "mean girls." last night on cnn he acted like origin of covid was a great mystery, where are the bagels? there ther. >> there are two theories one is a lab leak theory and another a natural occurrence from animal spillover, we have to keep an open mind about this until there is definitives every. definitive e. >> china bears the responsibility for the covid disaster. but is fauci also on the hook, joining me to discuss ohio republican congressman and chairman of the select subcommittee on coronavirus pandemic brad w wenstrup what surprised you most about the hearing today.
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seeing some of this take action, what surprised you? >> i think i'm still surprised it has taken 3 years for us to get here, as a physician on intelligence committee i have been studying this from day one back to 2020. a lot of where this story is about right now. we were skewed in one direction by leadership from government to think it could only come from nature. interesting to see dr. fauci testimony on cnn the other night to see we have to be open minded. he was not saying it back then. cdc director during covid, he was shut out of white house task force, which he was part of. they said it was engineered. this was their first
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reaction. then they formed a group that came out and said, we will write this piece, put lab thing to bed and say it came from nature. they report back and forth on this. but it didn't go back and forth they came out determined to do it many seen te test -- scientists that were involved in beginning said they were determined thatnarit narrative was all about coming from nature, they did not prove anything, they proved they had a narrative to push out, they were not interested in sscience. science is about looking at both sides of something, debating and looking at this today when good news out of hearing was, everyone on that said they are interested in finding origins of covid. in last couple years you were a conspiracy theorist and called a crack pot,
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professional virologists called a crack pot. kennedy: and dr. redfield, also a virologist, people had their grants taken away, they were canceled for standing up and doing their job and following the science. for dr. fauci to put himself in this position he was running interference and trying to misdirect. had we known all along, if we were allowed to come to that conclusion it was the lab leak, what would it have said about dr. fauci's leadership and fundings of eco health alliance and others. >> the people that condition ever-- continued to get grants were people funding coronavirus research in china. whether it was accidental or intentional, these are
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things we have to look at. bread crumbs lead to wuhan virology, you would think, you have a motive to say it didn't come from lab if you did the research with something. if it came from nature, great, i would like to see, that i rather it did come from nature. when i think about this virus man-made in a lab, i think about a lot of nefarious things that can be done with that. the wr wright brothers did not intend for their plane to fly into buildings and kill thousands of people. there it be real problems with this. this is a matter of national security. kennedy: dr. fauci has gaslightedo gain-of-function research, and obfuscated. you know, those two forces,
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china and dr. fauci put the world at a greater risk for another pandemic, without answers we don't have solutions, by the multitude of government failures we don't have a been. >> thank you. kennedy: now as we mentioned scientific community starting to come around on lab leak theory. took you long enough. last week a leaked report from the energy department concluded that covid likely came from a lab. it is hard for anyone to come to a real conclusion, because china will not tell us anything, they have not cooperated since the beginning, based on what we know, how did covid start? luckily, i have the author who wrote the book on it, viral the search for the origin of covid-19, matt ridley is joining us again, it is a fantastic book. i could not put your book down, so well researched. i want to point out when you
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and alina started your research you assumed you would find natural origin would be truthful. where did it take you? and what does that mean in terms of where we are today? >> as we researched we got closer and closer to realizing trail to a natural origin got cold. and the trail to a lab origin got warm. we have not either of us concluded it is definitely the lab, yet, but we think there is strong circumstantial evidence that not only were they doing kind of research that would have load lead to this virus , but they brought viruses from a long way away to the lab and manipulating home in a way not safe in a gain-of-function way. and evidence that it started in market, has not turned up, they still have not found an infected animal in the market. there is a interesting
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contrast between head of u.s. cdc robert redfield who said he thinking it came from market, he was excluded from discussing that and head of the chinese cdc who also says he doesn't think it came from the market. they tested 188 an animals of 18 species, from the market, they did not find the virus. it is really a small group of u.s. virologists who are left claiming it started in the market. kennedy: but why? i don't understand. it seems as though they will not willingly go down the other road. as the congressman just pointed out, that is op set opposite of science in your book you layout various
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ses that led to different smaller pandemics. there have been outbreaks that were caused by spillover, and they didn't find it but you know your book, you show that they tested you know a thousand specimens and they found the culprit, but they found no such thing in china, but there are bat -- mining caves filled with bat has have been blocked off and filled with concrete so no one can go in there and test the species of bats. >> if go to google earth, the cave is now blurred. we can't look at it from satellite view either, what worries me is damage this will do for science, i am a big fan of science, we need to do going science, but there is one corner of science doing risky
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dangerous research, it should have been called out years ago, one or two brave scientists tried. but realizing early on, in january of 2020, that epidemic began with one of thoser perment, scientist should have said there is a problem we need to sort it out, they would have gotten cred from credit from the world, but they doubled down, said they it could have not happened that way, now they put reputation of whole of see science at risk now, we're. today, officials in government don't talk about a lab leak it might upset thing w chinese. they were willing to speculate it looks suspicious it came from the lab. i was asking government
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questions about this, i was getting stonewall answers, we know now it is because they didn't want to upset the chinese, that is not good enough reason. the truth is more important. kennedy: so are human lives. 7 million people paid with theirs, there were people who were not brave enough to stand up and seek the truth. you have you are the book is particular, i hope people read it. matt ridley thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, mexican drug cartels kidnapping and murdering american citizens, their violence and power growing. i'll break it down with navy seal jonathan gillian next. ♪ ♪ it was always second best ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪
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kennedy: how do you solve a problem like truth car -- drug cartels ♪ ♪ they are more dangerous than isis. two americans murdered on a trip to mexico. to designate cartels at
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terrorist. they say, only way to fight back against violence and fentanyl poisoning, south carolina senator li linlend -- lin lindsey graham did in the mince words. >> your country is used by narcoterrorists this poison america, we need to unleash the fury of united states on these narcoterrorists. we'll to it. kennedy: how does that end? when does it end? how can we crackdown on cartel threat. joining me now, to discuss former u.s. navy seal, jonathan gillian is back, they are talking about supply and the drugs that cartels have, they never talk about demand here, that
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not going down. they bomb the living crap out of colombia and guess what, the industry moved to mexico. do they have a long-term plan? >> obvious they don't, that last segment you did about covid and how that was handled and certain group of scientists don't want to look at truth. this is the reality of the government with national security. does it matter if the dod or national security issues down with central south america and drug cartels. they do not have long-term plans, ever since back in 40s we went from department of war to department of defense.
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everything has changed, it has progressed we never won a war since, i worked add seal in central south america, the problems are no different, the issue we have long-term, when you remove a decdictator or drug cartel leader, you create a vacuum, when they are filled, they are filled progressively worse individuals. that is what occurred, our drug problem in united states, that is something our country has to work out. either that problem or the problem with the cartels, and border what you see in washington, d.c., is we have two types of leaders those who understand the problem, but they wait until the problem gets too bad and comp rcomplicated and others, who refuse continued to or look at problem because it does not fit with
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their ideological policies. kennedy: i understand that, people have been standing up for years, particularly libertarians saying that war on truths has failed. -- drugs has failed. we are not winning it whatever we're doing it is not working. and you are right, el chapo is in a super max facility for his life. did that diminish his share of the trade? his cartels share of the drug trade, absolutely not. maybe illegal drugs are part of the problem. >> yeah, we have two problem with drug issue, we have a drug problem, then a violence problem. i don't know -- i'll be honest, i don't know how to solve them both. i do know that if we crackdown on border security
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and then we went i -- did what we had to do in central south america to drug the drug cartels and hold the vacuums and make sure the countries and leaders are held accountable for not allowing the vacuums to be filled we could calm the violent problem and the growth of this threat that is at our border. kennedy: i understand, but the problem is those states are run by people beholden to narcoterrorists, they were bought and paid for, they only care about the bottom line, cartels want to make money, they traffic in supply and demand. they will figure out a way to get it because we demand it we can either sell it legally in shops where it is labeled and you know what is putting in your body so kids stop dying from fentanyl or left with more violence,
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more death and very little to show for it. >> either way, we're not looking at other one o one those problem, left wants to legalize drugs but they do not do it in a way produce a society that is clean. kennedy: they did that in -- p john jonathan and you so much. >> that would be something. kennedy: let's see it. >> coming up u.s. officials sounding the alarm on t tiktok, white house is backing a bill that could put it to bed. >> and california bullet
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train boondoggle is back and more expensive than ever, the party panel will join me with the emergency brake, thatr th is coming up. if your mouth could talk it would ask for polident and poligrip. i have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. so i'm taking zeposia, a once-daily pill. because i won't let uc stop me...from being me. zeposia can help people with uc achieve and maintain remission. and has been shown to reduce symptoms in as early as 2 weeks. zeposia is the first and only s1p receptor modulator approved for uc. don't take zeposia if you had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or mini-stroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat, if you have untreated sleep apnea, or take maois. zeposia may cause serious side effects including infections that can be life threatening and cause death, slow heart rate, liver or breathing problems, increased blood pressure,
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[birds chirping]
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kennedy: welcome back, feds coming out swings against tiktok, fbi chief christopher wray has been testifying on capitol hill, saying that app quote, screams of a chinese th threats to the u.s. >> could the chinese government through its ownership of bite dance, if they wanted to could they use tiktok to control data on millions of users? >> yes. >> could they use it to control software on millions of devices. >> yes. >> there is a tool that is within the control of the chinese government. and to me it screams out with national security concerns. kennedy: told you.
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>> white house backing a bill that could allow government to regulate and ban foreign tech firms, including tiktok, should president biden block the stoc the -- too ok . >> we have guy benson and e-- olivia rondo and spike cohen. next year, let's have a beer, not really, it is show time. guy. i start with you, what would a ban look like? >> i don't know. that would be so complicated so many people love the app, use the app and they are addicted. young people who have phones as an apen admi
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a-- it is a threat. but i'm concerned about, very sophisticated anti-american p propaganda. filtered through tiktok from the chinese republic party, the chinese effort could be more sophisticated going directly to the screens. if you are not concerned about, that i think there is something wrong. kennedy: it is true. olivia. i'm concerned about it. but, i want to ask you, that
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is how i would say majority of young people, younger than 16 get their news from tiktok. i try have end the fed symposiums at dinner table but to deaf ears, should members of congress and government officials have tiktok on their phones? >> absolutely not. at the least, it should be bannedo all government devices, if this is a national security risk, i am not against banning it but i must point out irony and hypocrisy the same agencies telling us it is chinese spyware, but they are same people who told us 10 years ago, if we teen hawe don't have anything do hide we should not worry about people spying on us from our own government, we should be equaly worried about people spying on us from our own government.
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kennedy: that is a great point that has been one of my frustrations, people who are like we have to kee section 702. and spy on foreign bad guys. >> i think one thing we learned. whether when nsa, fbi and biden administration say something you can take it to bank it is 100% true. there is nothing they are trying to hide, they are saying biden administration and every president after him should have power to ban any foreign owned company because they might do something, not because they did something or prove don't do something, but they might, this fearmongerringo
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what might or might not happen on based on congestionture -- congestionture. and i have said it before othis same program. we talk about twitter files dropped, i think they are focused on tiktok, we'll find out because tiktok would not participate in u.s. government wanting to to those things, we have u.s. government. a bipartisan man s ner. >> saying that. >> there goes camping stove. >> president should have ability to ban something, based on the fear they might to something without proof. kennedy: that could be -- to guy a point it would be complicated, and problematic. when things like this are too vague, and too broad. that is when we see abuses
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of power. like in california, you heard about california bullet train, not anything like they have in holland or japan. off of the rails, officials for high-speed rail project say it 100 billion over budget, not close to done, one section was to be finished by 2030, maybe 20 never? it was only servicing middle of the state. fewer people live. and no one wants to take a train for bakersfield to merced. i have been to p both places, they are great. is it time to cancel the train ticket? >> i think that person you need to turn this is your sexy gay boyfriend
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boyfriend pete buttigieg. i love this story, when i see the latest update, always catastrophic thiss. i feel sorry for those who vote no. they still remain there i feel like. libertarians, don't have many walking, talking billboards for their cause, this would be one of them. just put up california high-speed rail. and as a case study forever, about how government is a disaster, one that loves regulations, and beholden to environmentalists and yet tracks about infrastructure. -- talks infrastructure, perfect storm of awful in california, they deserve it. kennedy: the train is going to nowhere, they changed project, cut it t down
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and modify it. i don't know, they are like great, i don't hear banging show me the money. it will n never work, california the worst place to experiment with a train, go to eastern seaboard where people actually take trains. go ahead. >> ridiculous, original basketball i believe was 35 million done in 2020. only tiny portion like you said from bakersfield to merced, 3 years later it was over budget that cost 35 billion, by the time it is over it will be done projected by 2030 and cast over 100 billion, i feel bad for taxpayers, dpoit here, i just got here i didn't vote for that. this is horrible. >> you moved there? >> they to --
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>> we all do crazy things for love. okay. don't judge me. i didn't vote for this. it is ridiculous, i don't know if we'll be done by 2030. hopefully i am out of this state by that point, price tag is ridiculous. kennedy: i have a chest tattoo that says mrs. dan quail, people do crazy things for love, spike? >> i'm -- a proud moment for me. i remember back in 1996, watching news with my dad, i was 14, governor pete wilson proposed this high-speed rail, i remember my father screaming at tv, they will never build that damn thing, i am 30 years later yelling from within the tv they will never build the damn thing they will just milk the
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taxpayer, there is a company bright side, just now beginning construction on high-speed rail connections southern california and las vegas, they are projecting to be done within 4 years and spend 10 billion of their own money. not taxpayer money. if the california government had turl actually wanted it, they would have set the goal. given whatever kind of regulatory green lights needed to be done to let private companies do it it would have happened and not cost taxpayer anything, but they can't milk the taxpayer and pay off their buddies that got them in office, this is how different is a bad way of doing anything. kennedy: california. gorgeous boyfriend that treats you like garbage. party panel thank you. you have made by night, 3 of my very favorites, guy,
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olivia and spike thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: big night. there is a lot of love. marijuana has been going legal from coast-to-coast, voter in one state saying no. it is confusing and strange. next. ♪ ♪ i worry ♪ ♪ ♪ my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right. ♪
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there are 12 thousand license marijuana businesses that employee tens of thousands of people, decision will not affect the booming medical marijuana industry, 12 % of adult population, have access to those dispensaries. how does this work? joining me now ceo of the nirvana group, arshad . >> -- thank you. kennedy: all of the movement in terms of cap c cap -- cannabis legalization has gone to those who want to make it legal, why did oklahoma change their mind, they have had such access to a successful medical cannabis market. >> tough to say, last night as we watched, we were
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appalled did not expect that. there are others that have different opinions, were swayed. did not vet yes. kennedy: they did not. there were a lot of high profile oklahoma republicans who came out swinging against this bill. and you know they employed good old fashion reefer madness, are you worried it will be a sit back for other states. >> i think he each say the has their voting body, they decide their direction. i am sure other states have different opinions, hopefully we'll be able to legalize and decriminalize cannabis, this is unique for oklahoma, people didn't turn out. kennedy: i am pro-legalization in every realm. i think that most rational argument you could make is for legalization, it keeps
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society functioning and people healthy and alive, i am so sick of smelling weed smoke though. >> there is rules about that. you -- >> there is not, it is lawliness. lawllessness -- lawlessness. i just want people to be respectful. you know, i grew up in oregon stoners are kind, they grow weed and wore little hats but here everyone blasts and flower in the subway, i don't need to get hot boxed on my way to work. >> of course not. >> what do you do? do you will ask people to stop? >> i can guess you can request or put a gas mask on. kennedy: that looks weird, then you have antimaskers, people think i have covid, then i have no friends. all right, do you think the
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biden administration will make marijuana legal? within the next year? >> i'm not sure if it will happen in next two, there is a push on federal level, and there is a right way of i doing it. will happen in next hopefully 3 to 5 or 7 years. it is a commodity. other countries that are importing and exports and legalizing it federally. >> like pork bellies, everyone loves bacon. at almost everyone, arshad thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: topical storm is next, wednesday night. is your dog about to be fame famous? all new kennedogs next.
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low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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kennedy: new study claims doing yoga could help a man last longer in bed. at least until he starts thinking about the instructor look at those yoga buns. that is a performer stretching for time. this is t topical storm. a japanese company is
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selling a flying bike inspired by the "star wars" franchise. it air cruiser propelled by a high energy fan. it is opposite of nikki haley. can reach speeds of to 62 miles per hour, like a european tourist, it never tips. company said riding it will be an emotional experience for your loved one when you fallout of the sky. allow humans to travel anywhere they want without limitation of staying on roads we get to be like pete davidson. the. on sale for over 550 thousand dollars. bad news, you might have to rob a bank to get one of those flying bikes. >> good news, they are helpful forget away from the cops. look there is -- i got our belly. >> topic two. to india.
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hihi-- hindus are celebrating. a daymarke -- that is marked by dancing and singing and overeating, they celebrate love and togetherness, they bombard each other with color powders. beauty of day is unparalleled, i have not seen this much smoke s since my last trip on southwest airlines, you. it is not just about color. it marks triumph of good over evil with a giant bonfire fueled by cow dung. i am not saying -- topic 3.
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a tennessee man said he is plans to eat nothing but mcdonald's for 100 days to help him lose weight. he will the lose his gallbladders, liver and spleen, he has lost 13 pounds into his mcjourney, he claims his secret is portion control, eats half of of meal and saves rest for next day, by that time, so tried out it might as well be burger king, he eats when his stomach is burning with hunger that could be a mcnugget induced ulcer. >> topic 4. a pair of podcaster in
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houston, escaped up injured after a suv crashed into a cafe where they were recording. watch this. >> so quiet in here. how -- -- >> cool. that was youtuber nathan reeves recording a fifth episode of his new podcast, he scored a gift appearance from pete david son. ironically the crash saved him from being bored to death, podcast episode features crash received thousands of views it say smash hit. the driver of that suv had run ared light and hit another car before crashing into the building. just qualified enough to be our next transportation secretary. >> topic 5. you know what ti it is
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wednesday. you want what that means, it is time forever kennedogs, i love dogs, you love dogs, let's show off the dogs, tweet me photos and videos tell me about your pups. first up, tennis -- -- lucy, she had a birthday last week, then buddy, he loves playing with toys, a fluffy fellow. and here we have adam's pups honey and maggie, they are so cute. looking here, crystal puppy teddy, just a 50 week old. what a sunshine, up next we have case's dogs. those three love watching them selfs to kennedog. lastly, rowdy, he loves his merv ties. we love too.
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thank you, thank you so much, u mm-hmm, thank you for watching best hour of your day, follow me on facebook, tbram gram tbram tbraminstagram, tomorrow night, baker, green and brenberg. who's on it with jardiance? ♪ ♪ we're the ones getting it done. we're managing type 2 diabetes and heart risk. we're on it with jardiance. join the growing number of people who are on it with the once-daily pill, jardiance.
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