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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 13, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> the fed is like a 2-year-old that has a new toy that just broke and now they're trying to back and fill and that's creating this problem. >> this is a flight to safety. we're seeing a big influx in treasuries and it's where we've been moving clients and we're encouraging investors to be fearful. shouldn't have $250,000 in any one bank. >> may not be big enough to be a lehman moment yet. fdny hasn't failed on deposit
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insured or uninsured and they need to know their money is safe no matter where it is and investors not so much. >> the system is safe, but it can't be fail safe. we can't keep bailing out banks to make the risk and wrong decisions. stuart: the rock and a hard place. that's the rolling stones. it's monday, march the 13th. look at the markets and talk about volatility and they're up 180 points for the dow industrials and the nasdaq is up 68. we've been up and down all day for the guy that discovered it and it ends in the future or now. big tech up across the board and
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microsoft a leader with a $5 gain and amazon, alphabet, meta and treasury yield on the downside that usually helps big tech. can you believe this? the 10 year treasury yield 3.5% down and 24 basis points and it's a gigantic move and two year even bigger and 4.04% is the yield there. 55 basis points down. it's a long time since i remember the yield in the bond market and he's just like me, jason katz. goldman sachs says the fed will not hike rates next week because of the banking crisis. what do you say? >> that'd be a mistake, stu. if the fed doesn't tap on the brakes. we're going to get a pile up with respect to what's happening and it's unique to them and a furors and the financial -- few
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others and systemic crisis and if the fed done a lot slow the role, they'll break -- roll they'll break something and seeing the writing on the wall and powell announced higher, longer, faster at the most recent testimony and they're likely to dial it down to 25-basis points and they're empowered to do so because we have little bit higher unemployment, we have wages coming down, but it would be a critical mistake to let the markets dictate their hand here and not to fight inflation. we have a big cpi number and -- the verified increase and they need to slow it down. not stop. stuart: okay, if we get 6% year on year price inflation tomorrow, just suppose we're doing it and i'm not forecasting think but if we do, 6% year on year price inflation, that would mean surely the fed cannot dial it down very much. does it? >> there are long and variable
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effects with respect to the rate hikes with evidence that transpired over the last week and went 25 having to go another 25 and yet another 25 and they need to pause -- not pause per se and if they need to take a breath and i expect the cpi number to move in the right direction albeit at a glacial pace and empower to slow down and not stop. stuart: i'm in favor of buying bonds at this particular moment. short term and we've been through this before. am i right or wrong to put my money into a very safe short term treasury? >> one could argue you're the cause of this crisis. i say that tongue and cheek but if you think about t you're not alone. there are a lot of people that have moved money out of equities and their deposits into treasuries and not a matter of buying stocks now and it's a matter of holding quality and if we're going to buy fixed income,
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stu, you have to understand the purpose is serves and it's not really a long term inflation and wealth creator and it's a wealth protector. it's now a ballist in your portfolio. stuart: six months income and can't beat it. jason katz, appreciate you being here. >> thanks, stu. stuart: banking crisis, now it. the president has really annoyed the left on several fronts he has reversed the policies of first two years in office, the latest is energy. he will allow -- okays, it's a stripped-down version of willow project allowing that to go forward and giant oil and gas drilling project in alaska and setting aside a lot of territory that may never be used for drilling and to let it go forward is a slap in the face to the greens. they call it betrayal amongst other things and the president is doing this because his original energy policy has been a failure. ending out energy independence
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to much higher gas prices and nat gas prices now so high in the northeast there's been bankruptcy because of it. the president doesn't want to be held responsible for that as he gears up for reelection. it's the same for crime and he killed the pro criminal dc crime bill. on the border he's reversed on admitting families. with 65% of voters telling pollsters america is going in the wrong direction, the writing is on the wall. change course or else. too late? maybe. his policy reversals are not likely to turn around the crime surge on the border surge. by the way did you see the charge at the texas border by a thousand migrants and they're coming in at largers numbers. larger numbers. the oil won't be flowing from the willow project for years and won't help the energy shortage any time soon and current banking crisis and that's a real challenge. he has to stop the rot without being seen to subsidize and bail out the hated banks and there's
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a year to go to even the first primaries and the president hopes we have short memories. steve forbes with me this morning. the president annoyed the left with the policy reversals and how much does that hurt in 24? >> doesn't hurt them at all but tries to reassure democrats, moderate democrats they have a candidate that might win the election and appeal to independents and that willow project, the left should see it as really very clever on his part. it's going to be regulations before those projects can be done. he set aside a lot of acreage and that scaled down project. who knows where they'll ultimately see the light of day once the election is out of the way. stuart: good point. >> he's throwing crumbs out there but in terms of real thrust of his far left policies, unchanged. he hasn't withdrawn that terrible budget, has he? stuart: he has not. time will it. it goes by.
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stuart: marcus weighed in on the silicon valley bank collapse. watch this. >> can't wait for biden to get on the speech again and talk about how great the economy is and how it's moving forward and getting stronger by the day. maybe the american people finally wake up and understand they were living in very tough times that in fact the recession may have started to go after them. they're a woke company so i guess not and he'll probably get away with it. stuart: a woke company. has woke management got anything to do with this banking crisis? >> spending more time on trying to appease the far left and regulators rather than focusing with banking itself and the mistakes of silicon valley bank were unbelievable and that bank has a great reputation for service and startups love going there because they get better service than the other banks and
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they've made a mis-ick mistake. they bought -- mistake and bought long term and didn't hedge the interest rates and they knew for over a year as others pointed out that interest rates were going up and fed said interest rates are going up and they made this fundamental banking mistake and made by banks for hundreds of jeers and short term deposits and long term investments and, boom, you get squeezed. stuart: classic banking problem. >> it is. stuart: the authorities backstopped these two banks and depositors don't lose a dime and get everything back if they want it. the president addressed saying the banking system is strong, it's safe, he'll do whatever it takes, and the management of these banks will be fired. has he done enough, have the regulators done enough to stop the rot? >> well, after the 2008-2009 crisis, one of the things the regulators demand of banks was substantially increase capital and so called regulations for the world banks and they did improve their balance sheets so
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overall the banking system is is in a stronger position anne donovan in 2008/2009 financial crisis and banks made mistakes going into bitcoin a little too much and mistakes that silicon valley bank made and survived and bailing out stockholders and unsecured creditors and depositors safe and that's good for sackmary variety of reasons but stockholders unsecured creditors and management will take a hit. that's what you want. stuart: if it looks like big money center backs if there's a run on their stock, then you know that the crisis is not over when they expand but only under that circumstance. >> only under that circumstance and i'm not a money manager and if they get hit more, they're going to be a bargain. the economy will eventually come back at a price anything is and looks good. i think it's coming there with the banks.
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stuart: steve forbes, you're all right. >> as my grandfather said selling the advice and not following it. stuart: that's a good thing. lauren is back with us. the mover is apple. lauren: ceo tim cook is pushing apple's mixed reality headset launch this year despite the design team saying it's not ready for the market. stuart: may not be the reason apple stock is up and might be because of sharper lower treasury yields and may be the case. next is moderna. lauren: outgrade and going to 180 a share and catalysts are a potential rsv vaccine and they see moderna being a leader in rare disease drug asks could generate $1 billion in revenue. stuart: the cryptos are up this
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morning. morning. lauren: huge. susan: maybe because of this signature and crypto not bailed out but backstopped and coin base up 10%. lauren: i know. like you said tracking bitcoin's gains on the intervention of regulators following the collapse of signature bank but also silicon valley bank and customers have access to all of their deposits. stuart: dow industrials as of now up 226 points. my, this is a volatile market. next case. a top republican thinks we need to reconsider the retirement age. senator john kennedy says it makes no sense for people to quit working at 62 if they're expected to live into their 80s. we'll cover it for you. governor of florida, desantis, blake wokeness for svb bank collapse and what about sudden rate hikes and the bond market losses? i'll put that to florida's attorney general ashley moody. a thousand migrants rushed the border in el paso, texas. okay. star reporter bill melugin has the report and he'll cover that for us after this.
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and allowing me to focus on losing weight. for anyone struggling with weight and stress-related weight gain, i recommend golo to you. this is a real thing. this is not a hoax. you follow the plan, you'll lose weight. stuart: the yield on 10 year treasury down 3.47%. that's huge. interest rates lower and overall markets with the dow up 230 point-blank layupses and nasdaq up 134, 135 and they like a lower treasury yields and hobble the financials? that's start with the big banks there. watch them carefully today. there's a banking crisis and if this rolls out and continues you'll see pressure on the big babanks and not doing too badly
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and citi group down, okay, had been down more earlier and watch the big banks and show me gold, up 2.5% at a one month high and $1913 app ounce. got that. case closed. lauren, liberals blaming trump for the svb collapse. which one s? lauren: easy. senators elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. they blame trump and the 2018 rollback by congress, congress voted to roll back some of dodd frank and subjected the owners of the banks to the biggest rules and senator warren said the recent bank failures are a direct result of leaders weakening financial rules and sanders, well, he says essentially the same thing. you know, there's a lot that contributes with this and what about easy money policies and all that's reserved and the
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dramatic increase and they have to contain that and extending and there's a lot of poisons that are behind this. stuart: warren and sanders wanted much more spending. they wanted trillions more, ignoring entirely the effect on inflation and interest rates therefore on the banking crisis. okay. i'm going to move on. head explodes. the governor of florida, that would be ron desantis, blames woke economics for sill von valley's dank collapse. >> maria, appears to me, i mean, this bank, they're so concerned with dei and politics and all kinds of stuff. i think that diverted from them focusing on their core mission and i look at it and say we have such a meras of federal regulations and federal bureaucracy and they never seem to be there when we need them to prevent something like this. stuart: interesting. ashley moody is the attorney general in the great state of
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florida and she joins me now. woke management may have had some impact on this -- on the bank crisis but surely the real problem is the sudden rate hikes and bond market losses. that's the real problem here, isn't it? woke management is a distraction, isn't it? >> what you'll hear from leaders not just in florida but around the nation is that we need to make sure that these large investment banks aren't trying to control some large world order or politics outside their election process and on people that in fact when they're making decisions and doing so and honoring their fiduciary duty with factors like risk, return, diversification and those things that should be considered when making investment decisions and making sure we're putting performance into the decisions, not politics.
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in a broad scale, that is what every person who entrusts their money to banks would want. in florida we have said clearly and issue directives and we want our decisions about our leaders here and those managing our funds to look at performance and nothing else. that is what all banks should be doing and that's top of mind for governor desantis and saw these issues early and will continue to be a leader in bringing these issues to life. stuart: okay, the attorney genral federal judge ruled that the catch and release policy at southwest border violates federal law. governor desantis said this after that ruling, roll tape, please. >> what the ruling basically says is that joe biden's been violating the law, his oath of office, and the constitution. they're using this idea of parole and they're converting it into a way to nullify our immigration laws.
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that's one of the reasons you've had millions and millions of people illegally pour across the border. biden then paroles them and they get released into our communities. we also have to deal with boats coming from haiti and cuba and the coast guard cause a great job and biden doesn't give them enough resources. stuart: looks like the governor is using immigration for his national platform; right? >> no, i think the governor is concerned like every american that this president has dropped the ball when it comes to a pryor may duty as president and that is to protect the borders and security of the country. last week we had notable news and we argue that had this president failed to abide by the constitution, which requires him to take care that our laws are faithfully executed and that includes public safety immigration laws. the judge was very clear, not only did he meetly upon taking
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office work to start undermining the structure and security at the border by asking for less detention, asking for less money to detain those coming over, his policies basically, and this is in the judge's words were assigned saying come in. we're open. when you saw over the weekend a thousand people trying to rush into the country and overrun border officials, that's a direct result from the biden administration's policies and now there's a court of law stating and finding facts of what the state of florida has been saying all along. joe biden refuses to follow federal law and he has failed in his execution of faithfully ensuring that the laws are followed. that is a basic requirement of a president, an executive official. and we're going to hold him accountable as every american should and his policies have made us less safe. stuart: attorney general in the great state of florida, ashley
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moody, thank you for being here on a important day. we appreciate it. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: i want so show you the markets and stay on top of the markets and they're moving fast in this banking crisis situation. we now have the dow industrials up 200 points, we have a gain of the nasdaq for 122 points so, look, you can expect volatility and at this moment investors seem to be saying that the steps taken by the authorities will stop the rot and that it is not yet a lehman moment if it ever becomes a lehman moment. that's a brief summary of where we're at. now it changes. take a look at this video and exclusive to us, migrants and hundreds of them rushing the el paso border and bill melugin is right there. take me through what happened, bill, please. reporter: sewer, good morning. this mass of migrants shut down one of the main ports of entries for hours and mexican military showed us and we'll get to the
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video and fox news exclusive video showing the moments it happened and hundreds of migrants pushing back past the border patrol agents and they run onto the united states and see families and single adults and some little kids were told it was predominantly venezuela migrants and they get to the center of the bridge where cvp had to call in multiple special response teams and set up a skirmish line and blockade to stop the people from getting into the united states. they had barriers set up and barbed wire and dozens of officers in riot gear and we're told some of the catalyst is of why the front happened and frustration with the cvp1 app and false social media post going around online that they'd be let into the united states if they showed up at the bridge there. cvp did end up blocking those
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migrants and we want to show you this second piece of video. take a look at this. this is not every day you see this at a port of entry. the mexican military was called in. you'll see two lines of mexican military, soldiers guarding the mexican side of the bridge and the camera will pan around and see the u.s. response, which was a serious one. you'll see that blockade and the dozens of officers and the crowd control gear and barbed wire set up. cvp telling us they effectively repelled this mass movement saying in part "a large group of individuals formed on the mexican side of the border and approached the international boundary posing a potential threat to make a mass entry. the cvp response included deployment of physical barriers to restrict entry and, stuart, it wasn't only at that single bridge. cvp said two other bridges in el paso had to be temporarily shut down yesterday after migrants started gathering at those bridges as well. we'll send it back to you. stuart: that was a charge. bill melugin, thanks very much indeed. silicon valley bank shutdown is
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raising big questions over the feds aggressive rate hikes. goldman sachs no longer thinks we'll see that 50-basis point hikes or any other hikes at their meeting next week. susan li and stephen moore join the conversation after this. ♪
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nigerian. i got a lot of this from you. the more you learn the more you want to know, and then it just fuels that fire. it filled my soul to be honest. explore your family story at
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stuart: i want to get back to the bank crisis and susan li has been following it throughout and all through the weekend. what's the latest this monday morning? susan: have you counted how many times the small regional banks have been halted for trading? 14 times. that's what i've count sod far because of the big stock decline and i think it was still trading down 70% and this morning we had a downgrade, raymond james also price target cut at bank of america and that's despite the fact that first republic got a 70 billion back stock for the federal reserve and jp morgan and some are concern that had
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they're very similar and close and silicon valley bank and they cater and bank to high end influential wealthy and concentrated clients on the west coast. western alliance meantime also down. it was down 80% at the market bottoms and they just said, this is positive, they said deposit outflows have been moderate. not a bank run so far from the smaller regional banks perspective. you just heard from bill cassa kmanfear tweet here and hd investor and he's calling for the government to step in to guarantee all deposits and our economy won't function effectively without the community and regional banking system and therefore he thinks the fdic needs to explicitly guarantee all deposits now. hoursmatter in his words. stuart: i don't think the fdic said it but they would make good
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depositors even with uninsured depodeposits. deposits. susan: look at sbb and 85% of those deposits were uninsured and last night night's coordinated action by the fed and treasury and fdic was unspoken guarantee of all deposits here in the u.s.. do they necessarily need to make it official? you did hear from president bide than this is not, in his words, a bailout. listen here. >> americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe. your deposits will be there when you need them. small businesses across the country, the deposit accounts at these banks can breathe easier knowing they'll be able to pay their workers and pay their bills. the hard working employees can breathe easier as well and no losses will be born by the taxpayers. susan: so silicon valley bank and signature bank stockholders
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have been wiped scout that's not a bailout. i want to point the finger and show you greg becker quickly if we bring it up and fingers are being pointed and criticism at him and paid out millions and he reaped and sold millions in stocks and paid out thousands in bonuses hours before the bankruptcy and shut down at silicon valley bank. stuart: the president said the managers of the two banks will be fired. system of articulation susan: they effectively are they've been wiped out already. stuart: good stuff, susan. thank you. stephen moore is with me. will the fed -- i want to talk about the fed and we've got a banking crisis now and we've got inflation figures tomorrow. do you think the fed will pump them on the brakes and the increases that will come? >> yeah, stuart, i was watching your show and gold man said no
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rate increase next week? stuart: not 25 or 50, nothing. >> wow, that's a bilge, big change if their -- big, big change if they're right and a lot of people predict add 50-point -- predicting a 50-basis point increase and that'd be great if they're right and 6 and 7% inflation rate out there. are we living with inflation high and i'd make the argument that the high inflation rate and massive of trillions of dollars in spending by the hiden administration that's -- biden administration put our banking system in this stage of crisis. i don't see ar a out forked fedd one of the most important things we do is not pass the biden budget with the trillions of higher spending and i have to respond to the clip that you played from the president saying taxpayers are not on the hook here. come on, stuart. do they think we're that stuart?
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who else would be on the hook with all of the billions of dollars and it is a bailout. come on. let's be honest about what's happening here. if you're holding a i did positive gain sit and uninsured deposit, why should the taxpayers be on the hook for that? i don't understand the logic of that. there's a term you want to know it's called moral hazard and provides incentive for the banks to make riskier policy plays. stuart: money for the backstop of the banks comes from fdic insurance fund and if that's not enough, the federal reserve put money aside, which would throw chips into the pot and technically it's not a bailout that makes -- >> but let me say something. in idea that the federal reserve has magic money. that's what got us into the financial crisis in the first place. stuart: but it's not taxpayer's money. >> it is a tax on the american people. stuart: it's not taxpayer money. >> it's paid for by middle class
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americans. i don't buy that argument. stuart: i don't want to get bogged down in definitions of bailout versus non-bailout versus rescue versus backstop. i want to know if you think that we could degenerate to a point where it would be a layman brother's moment. can you hear me or not? >> lost you for a second. stuart: i'll rephrase the question. has this been contained or do you think it'll overflow and we'll require a full scale taxpayer bailout, lehman style down the road? >> i think it really depends on whether we can get inflation under control because that's what's forcing the fed to raise interest rates here and that's what caused this financial stress and not just silicon valley bank and other dozens of banks in jeopardy and 300 to 350-basis point increase over the last couple of year asks
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that's making more and more difficult for banks to pass that i shall stress tests. our financial system is in some peril and that's because of outof control spending and borrowing in washington. go right to the source and there's nothing that biden wants to do about that. by the way, raising tax on american businesses as biden's proposed to the tune of $3 trillion, that's not going to help the stability of the financial system. stuart: no, steven moore, thank you for being with us on a very important day. you're all right, thank you very much, sir. >> you got it. stuart: change the subject, a new push to ban a popular supplement, it's known as gas station heroin. these pills are highly addictive and easy to find online and at convenient stores. doc siegle on that case there. the president gave an address saying the banks system is safe. now he's off to california to
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announce a new defense deal. peter doocy reports after this. ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. my customer really relies on his car's advanced safety system. [alarm] >> instructor: veer right. [ringing] >> instructor: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely. >> instructor: and that means a lot!
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towards an electrified future. u.s. gold corp. stuart: the president is head to san diego to highlight a nuclear subma lean deal with australia and britain. peter doocy is with me. all right, peter. i don't mean to be facetious but san diego is 20 miles from the southern border. any chance he makes a stop there? reporter: no, it's very close and it's just going to stay very close. doesn't seem like he's going to make a trip. he started off his day though talking about this silicon valley bank collapse, and he's laying out a system basically to start the day where people that
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invested in silicon valley bank won't get their money back but the people that have deposits will get their money back. >> thanks to the quick action of my administration over the past few days, americans can have confidence that the banking system is safe. your deposits will be there when you need them. small businesses across the country that deposit accounts at these banks can breathe easier knowing they can pay their workers and bills and hard working employers can breathe easy as well. reporter: the house financial services chair saying this was the first twitter-fueled bank run at the time and it's important to remain level headed and look at facts and not speculation when assessing the right path forward and i have confidence in the regulators and protection in place to ensure the safety and soundness in the system 6789 there's bipartisan forth for the president's ideas so far. >> we do not want to bail out venture capitalists, period, end of story but we don't want to
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hurt the kind of depositor who put the money in not thinking it would fail and it's not the depositors fault but the bank's fault. if we can do this without using taxpayer dollars, that's the appropriate response. reporter: so president biden wants to talk about nuclear subsidies but has california issues that are becoming presidential issues and the collapse near the border and on a san diego beach just yesterday, a migrant boat capsized killing eight, two are still missing. stu. stuart: if you're traveling with the president, do you think at some point you'll get to ask a question about the banking crisis? reporter: if we can get close enough. we're out west with him for a couple days. stuart: you usually do, well done, peter. see you later. peter doocy, everybody. now a look at the markets. got to keep them in check all the time with a banking crisis. dow up nearly 200, nasdaq up 150 and that's a recovery from the opening this morning.
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have a look at big tech. in particular look at, have we got microsoft on there? we have apple up 2%, amazon 2%, meta up 1.7%. show me microsoft, pride and joy. up $6 at 2.73% higher. why? because treasury yields are down and big tech just loves it. look at cryptos, bitcoin back at 24,000 and ethereum 1600 and crypto doing well at this stage. we've got to talk about ftx. there's a crypto company for you. a celebrity is reportedly hiding out inside his own house to avoid being served a class action suit. who's this? lauren: shaquille o'neal. he's 7'1 but hold up in his texas home. forbes reporting that four different service companies tried to serve him at his home and they've been unable to. it's the same lawsuit that tom brady and gisele and larry david are named in. filed by ftx investor saying
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these celebrities persuaded customers like him to invest in ftx. so they're trying to serve shaq but no one is answering the door. stuart: i got it. okay. quickly, i think we should show a sense of the market. what we do for that, show all 30 dow stocks and see where we are. two-thirds up, one-third down. interesting in a day of a banking crisis. saturday marked three years since the world health organization declared covid a pandemic. dr. fauci still insist the outbreak was a natural occurrence but repaired the wuhan lab hay have had some role. we'll see what doc siegle sees after this. ♪ mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs!
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and the opinion in the state of arizona and the governor doug due seizure disorders signed this and shot it down. this is the work around. stuart: saturday marked three years since the world health organization declared covid a pandemic. they're saying it came from a lab and fauci is going with this, roll it. >> a lab leak could be that someone was out in the wild looking for different types of viruses in bats, got infected, went into a lab and was being studied in the lab and then cake out of the lab. came out of the lab. if that's the definition of a lab leak, jim, that's a natural occurrence. stuart: talk to you with logic. doc siegle joins me now. where does the evidence point to the origins of covid, doctor? >> first of all, the evidence
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points increasingly to lab origin, not lab leak but i'll explain in a second. i'm concerned about the play of words there by dr. fauci because one of the things he may be hinting at finally is this, most of the bats are found in southeast china. wuhan is all the way to the north and if they were harvesting bats down in southern china, which we know they were looking for viruses, that's the kind of thing that we should have been pressuring on china to reveal. china put a smoke screen around this and you know why dr. fauci is shifting his tune i think because our intelligence agencies have more information on and finding out about that and that's where it should have been and how did it get to wuhan and doing it a lot. the market theory and there's no bat there is and all this idea about natural origins are possible but it begs the question and the lab leak issue there's some parts of the virus
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that are concerning and where did they come from and the cleveland site come from and how come it spreads quickly human to human and infects us asymptommatically and these are questions we needed to know as ifses from the beginning to help us -- physicians from the beginning and help us plan and predict. one more thing, stuart, if this did originate in a lab, i get his point could have come into a lab before it goes out of a lab. if it was played with in a lab, then the kind of research which plays with viruses in a lab, which i already think is terribly dangerous. if this s needs to be broadcasted from this. stuart: there's new concerns about a supplement and called gas station heroin and pills marketed as a way to boost energy and decrease stress. fda says they're highly addictive and maybe hallucinogen type too. lawmakers in them? >> kind of antidepressant and
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six states ban it alabama, tennessee, georgia, ohio, indiana and it's no good and not an additive and shouldn't be in anything but it's in the gas station. stuart, works like antidepressant and very kind of thing i have to write a prescription for you can get at a gas station. it's addictive and it can also overdose. it can mix with other drugs. it's really -- we got to find a way to get this off the market and out of these gas stations and drugstores and compliance centers. really, really dangerous stuff and aplowed the six states for -- applaud the six states for banning it. stuart: dr. siegle, sorry it's short but we're dealing with all kinds of stuff today including a banking crisis. hope to see you soon. it's monday, time, 11:55, know what that means? yeah, the trivia question of the day. not so trivial. daylight saving time began in weekend. yes, it d. when does it end?
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november 2, 8, or november the 11? which is it? we'll be back after this with the right answer. ♪ with dexcom g7, you can achieve diabetes res without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend more time in range and lower your a1c. manage your diabetes with confidence. . .
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♪. stuart: i think this is a good trivia question. although extremely easy to google it to get the right answer. >> i didn't. stuart: you're sew pure. daylight savings time began this weekend. when does it end, rain shower rin? >> november 5th. stuart: that is bonfire night in
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new england. remember the fifth of november, gunpowder, treason plot. i will say november the 5th. thank you, sports fans. fall back on november 5th. we have to go through the markets this is big deal. dow up 200. nasdaq 150. regional banks, taking it on the chin, still taking it on the chin. first republic down 65%. big banks down not as much as they were. big tech, don't you love it. microsoft up about six or seven bucks. how about that? that is it for "varney & company." "coast to coast" starts right now. neil: banks down but market is up as we try to get a handle on the failure of three banks, if you think about it, over little more than a couple of weeks now. what the implications are. you are looking at silicon


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