tv Kennedy FOX Business March 15, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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dagen: quick bottom line on when senator was saying, i was once forced to join a union or pay union dues, they said for, what they said we got you free birth control, i said i could buy a damn condom. sean: a smoking hot shows. kennedy: we're buying everyone condoms no night, thank you, you -- tonight, you are the best. >> feds keep saying don't panic.
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the banks are fine, your money is safe. after wa banks collapsed and a bunch more on the rope some of the world's richest business leaders are sounding the alarm on the economy. why shouldn't we panic? svb fell apart last week and signature bank i imploded. the fear that could more fall is what they are talking about, here is what fat cats are saying, according to karl icon, he said our system is breaking down we have a problem in our economy. net worth of median household is nothing. basically. he looks down on the little people. billionaire titan ken griffin who played for mariners, say that u.s. is supposed to be a capitalistic economy.
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that is breaking down before our eyes. and robert. said this might only be the beginning, robert. >> problem is the bond market. and my predication, i called lehman brothers years ago. and i think that next bank to go will be credit suisse. if that happens, japan -- >> because of its exposure to a lot of this there yes, because of the bond market is crashing. kennedy: oh, god, neil warned me about the bond market months ago, they didn't get rich by being wrong, if they are worried should you be? >> a little scaren to that smaller banks that are not that small could have a trickle affect and affect the economy. >> we have seen it before. doesn't always go straight up, i think that system is in tact. >> i got my money under my mattress. >> to me, i have not felt
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the repercussions yet. but -- excuse me my language. crap rolls down hill. >> it seems targeted to specific banks, regional banks, i don't use. i feel confident. kennedy: i have to go to work, i don't know if my money is safe. >> it is scary times we live in. kennedy: that certainly a mixed bag for party people. if you are worried what precautions can you take, joining me now, host of making money with charles payne, he is charles payne. let's talk about something that crossed wires that is bank of england calling an emergency meeting to discuss credit sw suisse fallout what is on going on? or were they doing something nefarious. >> credit suisse has been
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doing nefarious things for a long time, what is bother some this business is run terribly it was a 76 dollar stock in 2007. it is now a dollar. unfortunate that we would have any sense of vulnerability tied to a company that -- just look at sec fines over the years, they have their own special brew of problems, when things get vulnerable and weak they are first on the edge. they have been on en of going up for over a decade. it is interesting, i think what sparked today when saudi arabia said, no more money, no mas, they don't speak spanish in saudi arabia. they already injected some cash, they own n -- 9.9%
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of the bank, there are rules in switzerland if you get above 10%. late in day swiss national bank saying they will provide liquidity. a fancy way of saying we'll give them more money to burn until everything will be okay. kennedy: will it be okay. >> it will, but what damage will happen between now and then. you started show with these major titans, you left larry fink. he put out a huge report he is really worried, he said something that was intriguing this problem could last for a number of years. i don't think that kennedy, one thing we never wrapped our minds around. the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars that came cascading into our economy that stuff sloshes around and moves, and round and that inflation it
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sparked that does not go away overnight, you have you know one hand federal reserve putting that inflation down, and biden administration trying to throw kerosene on it in tomorrow of any free money they can. on going thing, larry fink says 3 to 5 year we'll be deal with this, if that is the case a lot more banks will go under. kennedy: have we moved past notion of some banks are too big to fail or has there need to be a correction. so many bubbles a few have to pop? >> unfortunately we're still in the too big to fail phase. you saw reports that bank of america ended up gets 15 billion in last couple days from depositors leaves smaller banks, too big to fail they get bigger and bigger, if you can make
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argument that somehow silicon valley bank with no real true connecttion with -- connection with the rest of the world, if you can argue that was a up could create contagion, what happened in the past small banks have gone under, we're not there economically. these are issues that happened because the inflation i talked about when it gets it high to a 40 year high federal reserve has to sq swing into action, they really did, we have never seen anything like this. kennedy: did they wait too long. >> way too long. kennedy: names the t transitory information was he not serious enough about
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it. >> there were others who saw the crisis looming but some who believed it was transitory. there is no real definition for transitory it might be a week for you, mine might be 5 years. i will say for powell, he does not control what kind of money the free money out of dc. when you stop people from paying rent. they will spend that money. they dean don't have to pay student loans, they will did to cabo for the weekend. you give -- he doesn't control that part of the equation. his job has been more difficult than he would have imagined. kennedy: you know people who saw the trillions go out the door, knew that trouble would follow. charles, i love your expertise, so good to talk to you, thank you. >> you too, thank you. kennedy: you are the best.
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>> president biden adamant that taxpayers are not footing the bill for the banks but some republican lawmakers, including oklahoma senator lankford pushing back. >> i'm tired of biden administration saying no taxpayer will be affected. banks will be excited to know they no longer have to pay taxes, for us that are in a use a bank we'll get fees, of all types on it to offset cost. >> president also said he will push congress to boost banking regulations. that is not good. will it make it worse. let's get into it with participant element contributing editor. steven l. miller. she here with cofounder of base politics hannah cox. and cofounder of max funds dat -- jonas max ferris. i start with you. it seems that all these banks will get bailouts in
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one way or another. that seems unfair. to taxpayers who are already going to be punished for over spending of federal government. you know, when does the average working class person get a break in the "financial times"? >> well, they did raise the bar so low for a bailout, meaning they bailed out a bank and made everyone. a bank where people get loans to buy private jets based to their stock options, they got a bailout above the 250 thousand fdic limit, i would like too highlight protects everyone. you don't need to run from your bank, the huge depositors, if this bank gambled their money and lost and needed to lose 10% of their deposit in case of roku that is too bad that banking, for government to step in pad them up to fool
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dollars right away under the guys of stopping a run, i'm for stopping a run. you just raise the limit to other banks let this one burn. somehow that -- powers that be can't let tech community lose a dollar. i don't think it would cost taxpayers money to prevent runs. there is did they lose money with stupid reckless loans. did they lose so much money it will c cost and fdic, that raises prices to other banks, i don't think it will get that quite bad if we're smart about the bailouts, but if we give money to everyone, you will have takes payers on the hook. kennedy: you will run out of money. other worry, hannah for people like us, this is elizabeth warren dream that
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is not dry. she finally getting to nationalize the banking system. >> that is right. banking system has been over run by the government for quite some time, one of the most regulated industries, they will use this to get their hands on it further there is a reason that people my age turn against capitalism, they think because of these things foing on are free market gal capit capitalism, people will uprise against this cronyism. not fair, it snoot it -- not just and not right. it is a bank bailout. they are making other banks pay for the failure of this bank. we pay. and we don't do this for the little guy we don't bailout individuals or mom and pops we say pull yourself up. do the right thing, yet we
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come in bail these people out who made poor decisions putting too much money in one bank, and i think it is wrong. kennedy: bank was mismanaged and charles point about credit suisse there are other banks which have been mismanaged for a long time. stephen, i want you have a lot of heart and skin in the game, fees will be passed on to consumers, the same as a tax, with inflation it sucks. >> we had to bail the bank out they gave billion in blm initiative and gavin newsom had wineries invested and now climate tech firms are suffering, of course, we're bailing out this bank, good thing crypto is not coming off venmo accounts. >> they certainly are. only getting worse.
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kennedy: are leftist ideologies destroying children, my next guest says yes it came during the covid lockdowns, karol markowicz writes: >> it needs to be stopped, how do you do that, joining me now, "new york post" columnist. coauthor of new book, stolen youth. it is a great book, karol markowicz, is back.
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you have participated in the great family experiment with a lot of others who moved to a different freer state, from new york to florida, you are winning this war? >> i think we are. you know we say in the book a win is a family who is free, i feel our family is freer in florida. we have a lot more opportunities for our kids to be themselves not worry about idea logical transfer may be that is important to us. it has been a good time, we have enjoyed it a lot, i have become florida's biggest eva e-- you may need to make a change. you need to get your kids to freedom. kennedy: what did schools start using children as activists? >> it has been going on for
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a bit, but covid brought it home, i think that they saw that they had an opportunity this -- you know market of people that were contained in their homes, they took advantage of it they became super active in getting the kids indoctrinated, curriculums became more ideological, we saw it happen slowly then at once, covid was the eye opener for a lot of family there was a climate march my kids were asked to participate in, in brooklyn in first grade. or the antigun marches or no place for hate, but covid really made it -- brought it to the forefront. i think that parents saw something they could not unsee. kennedy: how will this notion that the parents are keyed into education, and choices, and curriculum in a way that have not been for generations. how does that change 2024 going forward?
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>> i know that not everyone agrees with the path of having politicians take action, but i think that is important. i think politicians need to be next step in this. parents have fought the good fight, so many places across the country. but until you have politicians taking act for example like my governor, getting porn out of school libraries, that is not be controversial or even something that we argue about, i don't know any partisan thans p -- parent that wants porn in the elementary school library, the next step is electing officials that ep enact policies to protect church. kennedy: your c coauthor has gotten -- >> we lay foundation at home, we let kids go out in world, and explore and read
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the shows they want and we give them the bases to not be indoctrinated my kids are very aware when someone is trying to target them. and have their opinion instilled in them, if your goal to raise resilient children, there are other several paths you can take, in my house we make sure we're open about our values, we talk to our kids about what we believe, we're not afraid, we don't shy away from difficult conversations we let them go out in world. and hope they won't turn into o woke idiots. kennedy: they won't your family is awesome and beautiful, the people are continuing so necessary. so, thank you for that thank you and b beth annie for the book, read it, thank you, karol. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up.
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former president trump digging updater on karol's governor meat ball ron, remaining trump allies accuse desantis of ethics violations are they worried about a primary match up? and mystery that sending twitter into a frenzy, president biden responding to a child's letter about gender pay gapo gap, many are asking is that letter real, the panel returns to track the case next. ♪ well, the stock is bubbling in the pot ♪ ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪
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the sleep number 360 smart bed. it's temperature balancing, so you stay cool. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. so, you're at your best for yourself and those you care about most. it's our lowest price ever! save $1,200 on the sleep number 360 i10 smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months. only for a limited time. dagen: watch your bank, former president trump whipping up a research file on florida governor ron desantis, been digging updadirt. a trump link super pac accusing desantis of running an illegal shadow campaign, violating state and federal laws, team desantis said, thatbulle -- trump
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has widened his lead over desantis to 14 points in a g.o.p. match up. desantis still has not announced he is running yet. the party panel is back, steven l. miller, hannah cox and jjonas max ferris. >> i have lived in florida, new york and california. i like desantis as governor. a great place to be for covid. trump has some strengths against desantis, one on the economy. getting rough with the banks, trump is a believable expert to business, that is what did in john mccain. he didn't seem to know what he was talking about.
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but more speciflike new thing, a good nickname. lately since he has presidential eyes for desantis, he decided to talk about how great the state is compared to other states, partially true, but sant money -- means you are looking down on people. for seniors to retire here has become difficult. there you have to -- i had an old '60s cadillac in california. if i am in a condo like i am, you have to put in 5 millionmill dollar 5 extinguisher. they are old california
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rules. these are big problems for people that are retired. kennedy: a lot of trump voters who don't know what the word -- -- i like meat ball run. they are going after desantis for his role at prosecutor. >> i'm not a desantis fan, i think he is a calmer version of trump, so far a ve veversion of pres trump into could get legislation passed. they go after him for being a quote, quote, weak prosecutor.
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we have too many lars, we criminalize too many things, that is not a strike against h him. kennedy: i could see that but, it is interesting, where trump might have advantages he has to run against himself on covid. >> yeah, i think this trump's opposition he will be asking why desantis did not fire dr. fauci. trying to paint florida add new california will not work, you see trump praising charlie crist to hit ron desantis, that is not going to be what cuts it. trump will go to dark places to say he will day on his record with an opposition file, and i think. not realistic. kennedy: i don't know how realistic anything is other than this will be a pro
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tracked fight. -- protracted fight, up rheinteresting to see other candidates, who will the other candidates try to take down. they will take down one of them or themselves? will they go after desantis or trump? who would be a very old one term president. >> and speaking of childhood politics old presidents who are probably only serving one term, president biden accused of inventing a fake girl. did he sniff her fake hair? he sent him a letter about supposed gender pay gap. president shared super real let or twitter, reading --
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>> he responded he agreed with charlotte, highest working end to the gender pay gap for fake little girls. are democrat voters buying this malarkey? >> i'm under the assumption you can't mail letters to the president but maybe i'm wrong, and also that pr timor whatever handled this twitter account during a banking crisis is not the president writing that, it would be very frightening with everything that going on that these are kind of tweets he was thinking about. kennedy: yeah. so fake. and you know with all stuff that is going on, on i verthe verge of a war with russia, inflation sucks, crime is high, should we be getting into the
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federal fix for whatever gender pay gap there may or may not be. >> no, like this child, the pay gap is made up, it has been illegal to pay women less than men since 1963. if a woman is getting paid less, at her job and she has system education and qualifyings, that is illegal, she could go to battle against the company, that is not happening they use on comparing average all men make to women make there say difference in kind of jobs that women choose to go into which happening to bing to be lower paying jobs, and they work less hours, they are more likely to take time away from workforce than men, that is where they make less on average than men, if you -- into numbers compare apple to apple with same jobs, and qualifications they are not paid less,
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women make a couple pennies more. all that is made up and absurd. kennedy: steve k steven you have said br broads should make less. >> i'm passing on that one. depends on the job. here is the thing, i think there is a narrative there is a fake letter. i think that is real letter let 10th grader, that is the level that everyone is at. >> you know, new york city 10 rth graders wish they could write. >> i wrote that twice. i am -- press ta tent. >> that is -- it is phony. >> she is.
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charlottey. i hope that president invites her to white house to prove she is real and he is not talking to fake children like high talks to fake dead people, it is sad and scary. >> ai is pretty good. >> that is chat gpt with robot over lord's finger prints all over it, but they are machines. to hannah's point. sometimes women don't ask for raises. when a w woman who asks you for a raise do you give her one? >> you know. i'm not going to disagree with all of hannah's . ofs, i will say, it might be illegal to pay difference but also federally illegal to smoke marijuana and people do that. i am not saying all pay gaps are because of illegal pay. there are many reasons, there are cases of people just not getting same pay for reasons that are not
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make sense, it could be customers of the business want a man in the job and boss is like what am i supposed to do. there are a lot of other things. >> are the boss in the se sensenaryo, right? >> i don't hire women. >> i'm kidding. people do things, they are doing it for economic reasons, i think it is an exaggerate gap but there are businesses that my customers don't want -- there i to want to pay more for people they want to see that say form of capitalist racism it existing because it makes economic sense, but it does not make up, a lot is exaggerated, people work from home, does not make sense for as to be pay more for no reasons. kennedy: they would hire only women if they could.
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>> that is -- in many cases but not all. kennedy: all. >> hannah, is a palindrome. stephen, and hannah. and -- thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up did silicon valley bank collapse because it got woke. steve hilton will join me from silicon valley to crack skulls, he is next. ♪ ♪ ge t your freak on ♪ ♪ what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq
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kennedy: did silicon valley bank get woke and go broke? reports say before the collapse it was sinking money to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, publishing videos about executives ways and sexuality, and a major donor to democrat party, that could be why about to receive an economy wrecking bailout, is the best banks
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business practice too woke to fail, joining me now, host of the next revolution, steve hilton. >> great to be back. i also have to say, someone who was once a customer of svb, how about that. kennedy: nice. you live in silicon valley, what do people say, gavin newsom tried to say this is not about billionaire tech bros, but there were a lot of billionaire tech bros who were funded by the bank. >> interesting thing, so membership different connection on woke point. i think generally speaking across our society, more they focus on that, the more it is a sign it is a ro rotten organization, not focuses on basic mission. i think it is a signal of that. of unhealthy organizing a in in case.
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the box ticking political stuff they were doing. i think that is not so much it was distracting management, it is worse they were buying the collusion of the regulator. they were doing the risky stuff. they ticked box on the with the stuff and sustainability stuff, regulator looks the other way because you are doing the nice things, that is insidious. they have deep political connections. the other thing that i learned, there is one person to their board that had financial experience; that is extraordinary. there is so much to come out. and on connection with billionaires, i think that reason i mention fact that i was once a customer, i started a tech company, around 10 years ago.
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early investors, said, you should go to silicon valley bank, if s -- tha unusual. the ties between venture capital industry and the bank need to be explored. kennedy: there are a host of things that more stress tests to figure out what other banks are running insidiously with customer's money that is untoward and not above board, including you know, selling shares of their own stock. the week before the collapse, then saying it was a coincidence, i think they realized their insolvency months ago, they knew it was coming and f blaming it on twitter, it takes a bank longer than two days to fail. >> right. we have documented evidence
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of people within the bank at lower levels warning about this before. warning management saying we're concerned about some of the risks taken and financial maneuvers made position of the bank, they didn't do anything about it, many people made this point, there was no risk officer, there should have been, they didn't have a proper communication person there at a senior level. kennedy: they did at the end, they communicate pinch person got on twitter said get out now, steef thank you. steve thank you. kennedy: coming up top col topical storm with brand-new kennedogs, we got list of most popular breeds, where does your pup rank? we'll discuss this next. >> ♪ ♪ nasty boys ♪ ♪
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mario's boots, you can pose as a main character like hailey bieber. they were brought to life. they are perfect for jumping overr toad stools or human stools if you live in san francisco. the heels are infused with mushrooms, a walk around the block can be a trip. red wing is not first to bring a video game to life, trend began when tiktok created tick tack. -- tick tack created edible pac-man power ups lori lightfoot turned chicago to grand theft auto. >> city of newark has admitted it was scammed into becoming sister cities with a city that does not exist.
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that is the fakest sister since rachel. it happened when mayor of newark invited leaders of what he thought was a hindu nation to a trade agreement signs but that is not a real place. a shame. because, they were promising to trade all their it is just a fiction created by an international scam artist. hellohe-- hello jorge. the city insist no money ever changed hands. now they are agreeing with pandora. >> london nightclub has started using a computerize dj powered by ai.
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happening at rave, the first of its kind for having no one in dj booth, powered by an app, recycling human made songs. same method used by katy perry, they believe it will encourage people to make music. some dj's fear that ai could takeover their, assuming they ever get real jobs, others say it can't read the room, it can't adapting to the crowd. it would be qualified to host the oscars, hey, jimmy, great show, topic 4. molsen coors company releasing new coors flavored popsicles, like the beer they suck, they don't
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contain alcohol, they will be sold on coors light web site in six-packs, enough to share with everyone in your holding cell, they will be given away at bars during march madness to help you chill. and if they go the really heated you can drop them on the ground, and you could slip and fall as you run away, coors light has a sinister motive. brand is using -- get kids hooked on taste of beer, the beer brand says that is nonsense, that is what the new coors light f flavored binkies are for. i can't wait until they make my tie p popsicle. >> american kennel club released their list of top dog breeds of 2022, number one is shocking.
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35 it is pugs. suki's pugs, olive and willow. full of love and gas. 21 place, siberian husky, bear. who loves howling at sirens and making friends. and 9 place, up dachshund. looking here, fourth place, we have the german shepard, my producer's ger german summer. >> and laboratory retriever -- fannie and in first place. the french bulldog. leme can't control himself. he wants to eat a bag of gummy worms, thank you for
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