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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 17, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> the idea of a drone striking these the fentanyl plants in mexico sounds like a pretty good idea to me. it's the federal government's responsibility to the keep our citizens safe. >> i'm not concerned about the money-centered banks, this is just the hysteria that needs to
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work its way out over time. the banking industry in the country is not going away. >> tread lightly, i do think big banks should be a component of your portfolio. ing jpmorgan, probably the best to have in there. >> what's the contagion at the point? who nose, but the fed and treasury back backstopping this thing are the challenge. ♪ ♪ stuart: did you know, ladies and gentlemen, that savannah, georgia, has the third the largest st. patrick's day parade in the nation? new york first, chicago second, savannah, georgia, second, and you are looking at it right now. happy march 17th, st. patrick's day, to the one and all. all right. i'm afraid we better get to the markets, not good news there. the dow industrials right now down 419 points. big picture here, the bank crisis is not yet winding down significantly. it has not yet been fully contained.
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dow's off 400. quickly on the 10-year treasury, the yield's coming down sharply, 3.40 right now. that's a flight to the safety. you want safety for your money, what do you do? you go the a treasury. you're guaranteed to get paid, you'll get a ax the break on the interest, that the -- a tax break on the interest, and that pushes the yield all the way down, 3.40. look at the big banks this morning. this tells you that the crisis is not yet contained. we have it all sharply lower including morgan, goldman sachs, citigroup, jpmorgan chase and bank of america. bofa's down 4%. it's still with us, folks. now this. the may seem obscure and of no relevance to america. bear with me, please. there was an election this week in the netherlands. the farmer-citizen movement, only four years old and with fewer than 11,000 members, swept to a huge win. bear with me, this is
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interesting. the dutch government wants drastic reductions -- retransitions on farming. -- restrictions on farming, all in the name of climate change. cows are, apparently, the big problem. so one of those proposed rules, farmers would have to cut their herds drastically. thousands would to go out of business. these rules were set by young, urban heats like that guy with the just stop oil shirt trying to glue his hand to the netherlands' most famous painting, the girl with the pearl earring. what do these people know about farming? nothing. except that it's bad and must be stopped to save the planet. the crunch came when dutch farmers came out to vote and won, bigtime. imagine that, from nowhere to victory, clearly showing the vulnerability of green extremism. here's the relevance to america: the climate movement here is also led by urban elites who really don't care much about farmers or anyone else who might be hit with their green rules. remember aoc's green new deal? she is, quote, working with
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farmers and ranchers to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector, end quote. they're messing around with people's lives from the lofty the heights of elite, green liberalism. big pushback in the nyet orlands. gee, i hope it comes here. third hour of "varney" starts right now. ♪ ♪ stuart: i got fired up. [laughter] i'm kind of law school laughing -- laughing now. steve hilton's with me. i think these elections prove the greens are in trouble, what say you? >> i'm always happy to talk dutch politics with you, stu -- [laughter] but i care about this too very, very much. there's an assault going on, and it's the totally class-based, the urban elite against the farming industry. i see it very clearly here in california. i mean, right here in california we have, if you look at kern and
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fresno counties, that's the biggest farming, producing area in the entire world, right there. we have 80% of the world's almonds produced just here in california. there is a war going on against our farmers here in california, exactly the same kind of people, the urban elite. here the main thing they focus on is water. on and on about water, about the farmers taking our water and stealing -- what do you think they're doing with the water? they are growing our food, food that feeds our state here in california, the nation and the world. it's a huge industry. they love the tech industry, the urban elites. we've seen that with silicon valley bank and all the shenanigans around that, but they cannot stand the farming industry, and it's a total outrage, and i completely agree with you. stuart: i want some pushback here. all right, let's move on. gavin newsom, governor of california, he stopped calling for a cap for oil company profits. he stopped it. is this because he wants to run in the presidential election?
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>> well, i think it's because he realizes that actually all the moves he's already made and his predecessors and the state legislature have already massively raised the price of gas for consumers here in california. and actually what he was talking about doing here would push it up further. he's making all these accusations now against the oil companies. i'll just read you some of these, this is a report he commissioned from a couple of years ago. he asked the california energy commission to look into the exact allegations that he's making. here's the quote, no evidence that gasoline retailers fixed prices. and there's no evidence there's anything going on here in terms of pushing up the prices for california consumers except the california government. when you fill up your car california, more money goes to the government than to the oil companies. that's what he needs to look at. stuart: you got it. the next one is a will little, kind of oddball, if you ask me. skittles, sour patch kids, campbell's soup could be banned
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in california over additives linked to cancer and other health problems. you can't do anything many in california, can you? >> i mean, it's just unbelievable with everything that's going on concern the. [laughter] you just want to laugh, cry, bang your head against a wall. i'm not saying it's not an issue, but we've got rampant crime, the homelessness crisis gets worse and worse, people can't afford to buy a home, people having to commute for three hours each way because they can't buy a place that's near their place of work. the schools are failing, on and on it goes, and this is what they've focused on. by the way, going back to our earlier story, here they are banning these additives from these foods. the objective of the assault on farming is to get us all to eat fake meat and all of that which is full of additives and chemicals. [laughter] stuart: exactly. one of these days, steve, we'll come to you for some really good, intelligent, solid knowledge stories out of california. common sense stories out of california. but, you know, we've been doing this concern for five or six
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years, and we haven't had it yet. any day now, maybe. stuart: i know. -- the. >> i know. stuart: thank you very much, steve. great stuff. back to the markets. can't leave that alone today. jonathan hoenig. a sea of red ink, jonathan. >>st the all the banks once again. friday is an important day because it's after after the market on friday the fdic generally closes those banks, right? they reopen on monday, so a lot of jitters as you pointed out earlier in your program about the banks in particular. stuart: so there's no evidence that today we're containing this banking crisis. it's still running, and we're all waiting tentatively for after the closing bell this afternoon and then what happens on the weekend. >> well, stuart, first republic got a back sop the, it was more like a band-aid. and the stock is down 20 some percent on that backstop. you know, often times these types of band-aids mask the problem, they prolong the
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problem. it reminds me of the 2008 short sale ban that the government recommended. they banned the short selling of stocks so stocks stayed up for a period of time, then they went down anyway. when i see this bailout, stuart, it eau minds me very much, again, of 2008. first it was bear stearns, oh, it's just going to be bear stearns. then it was aig, lehman, fannie and freddie, gm and many more. the bears are in charge right now. stuart: i would have thought that this is a time when investing in gold would make some sense. crises everywhere. the go-to safety mechanism, gold. what do you say? >>st the exactly that, stuart. gold has jumped up to a multi-month high in just the past couple days, and it's breaking out by many measures. there's a sense people want to hold something of tangible assets and the has been a terrible market for stocks and bonds. you never want to make any investment in all or none, people end to be to do that with beanie babies, bitcoin and gold.
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we've talked about diversification, and gold is really shining, as it should now during a period of economic you are the the moil. stuart: it's the 1979 now, real close to 2000. would you care to give us a prediction on where the price might get to? >> from 2001-2010, stuart, gold went from about $300 to $1,000 an ounce, but it took ten years. i do think you want to look to the long term, but i think an all-time high for gold is almost inevitable especially given the weakness in financials in particular and real estate as well. so i think i don't make it an all or none, but gld is certainly one to put on your radar. stuart: gld, we shall remember. jonathan hoenig, have a wonderful st. path patrick -- patrick's day, see you next week. >> be well. stuart: halliburton down 3%. lauren: oil's down $10 this week. it had been up because it had been killed so much this week, and then he got the news of the chapter 11 filing for silicon valet bank, and down oil went --
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valley bank and down oil went. stuart: 5-10 cents down a gallon next week -- lauren r. lauren: just ahead of memorial day. stuart: careful, stuart, you're making a forecastful tell me about toll brothers. lauren: the home builders are down, but not much. redfin assayed last month home prices fell 1%. okay. but it's the fist annual drop since the year 2012. that's a big deal. stuart: yeah. lauren: with races come -- rates coming down, prices coming down, maybe more buyers jump into the market. stuart: what have you got on amc? lauren: a dismal report in the hollywood reporter that those pre-covid packed movie theaters and full concession stands, we might never see them again. stuart: $16 for popcorn and soda. lauren: inflation, yeah. stuart: thank you, lauren. now i this, more students opting out of college to jump-start their careers. the number of apprentices has
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jumped more than 50% in the last decade. we've got the story. elon musk brought his starlink internet to the amazon jungle in brazil. turns out the criminals love it. we'll explain. the big banks rescuing first republic bank, but kevin o'leary doesn't think we need regional banks anymore. he's on the show. he's going to tell us all about that next. ♪ ♪ i made you look ♪ ♪ inner voice (kombucha brewer):
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if i just stare at these payroll forms... my business' payroll taxes will calculate themselves. right? uhh...nope. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes, cheers! with 100% accurate tax calculations guaranteed. what causes a curve down there? can it be treated?
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stuart: watch out on that market, we're down 360 on the dow, we are down the 85 on the nasdaq. nobody knows what a's gonna happen after the market closes this afternoon and into the weekend. what's the situation with the banks? well, i tell you what the situation is this morning with the big banks, they're all down. and when when you're down in percentage terms, you know you've got a selloff. citi group, for example, down 3% as we speak. well, look who's here. the man himself, i've admired kevin to leer arely for years and years and years, but he's never been on this show before. he makes his virgin appearance today. kevin, welcome to the show. [laughter] >> great to join you. i'm also a big fan. stuart: flattery is the mother's milk of television, but it doesn't work with me. [laughter] let's get serious. you say you don't think we need regional banks anymore. we had a report this morning that 80% of commercial real estate loans are from the regional banks, 60% from residential loans -- the regional banks. who picks up the slack if they go away?
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>> either those real estate properties have value or they don't, the market picks it up. regional banks including silicon valley bank, these are 40, 50-year-old franchises, they were started at a time when there was no internet, post banking cone as a touchpoint in the local community. that all made sense back then. does it make sense today? that's the question we should ask ourselves, because it's it throws into gdp per cap a. i have a question for everybody, and i think everybody should ask this of themselves. i live here in florida. we're a pro-business state. i don't do business in california, new york, massachusetts or new jersey. they're no-go statementses because of bad policy -- states because of bad policy, high taxes, places you don't want to invest your money. and that's a decision the that each state has to make. california's not even open for business, in my opinion, so i would never put money there. why am i being asked to backstop
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an account in california in a regional bank there called, you know, first federal or silicon valley bank, names no one had heard of two weeks ago? why do i have to backstop that? you have really bad policy in california. why don't you eat it. why don't can you take care of your own bank. why do i have to. and the model that works this that says this is a good idea is north dakota. they incorporated their own sovereign bank in 1919. it has the fourth fastest growing gdp per cap a the, so you know their economy's working. their sovereign bank, if you want to call it that, backstops their regional bank which supports purchase of real estate, farming and everything else, and they don't go to the zero because they're well managed. that's my whole point. you should eat your own regional banks. that first federal, that's going to zero. that bank doesn't need to exist. what do i care about it for?
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why can do i have to worry about it? stuart: are you worried about this weekend, because the regulators, the authorities are going on the poring over the bankbooks and maybe. accept thing in somewhere, that's a worry, isn't it? >> yeah, of courses. but just because a bank like first federal goes to zero or even signature bank goes to the zero or, you know, silicon valley bank goes to zero, who cares? i mean, these are badly managed banks. you can't keep propping up banks run by idiots. that's a really bad idea. so let them go under, take the hit. sure there'll be some volt tilt, but, you know -- volatility the, but most countries today have gone through this decades ago. australia, switzerland, england, canada, those countries have their entire economy run by four or five behe moth banks, highly regulated. we don't nude hundreds and thousands of little banks that we don't need anymore because
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99% of transactions are cone online. my son who's 26 says, what is that? st a branch of a bank. he said, why would again go this there? that's my whole point. the next generation count need this. it's an old model that doesn't work. stuart: i'm going to change the subject and refer to a tweet of yours, a recent tweet. i'm not out here to start gender warfare. the fact is i just get better returns from women-run businesses. do you get better results because they are womensome do they run things better, do you think, kevin? >> you know, there's an old adage that says if you want something done, give it to the busy mother. but we did some data research on this -- [laughter] because this portfolio has existed for 15 years. it's, you know, i run a private equity portfolio. we discovered something very interesting, and i think this is the secret sauce. we went back for seven years and said let's look at the companies many our portfolio run by men, and there are some successful ones, but their targets for growth on average are around 30
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president. 30% per year. remember, these are start-ups and they're supposed to grow quickly, and they hit those targets about 65% of the time, okay? then we took the same data and said the women are only 14% on average, that's what they're claiming they're going to the grow a year, but they hit the target 95 percent of the time. and so you go down one more layer on the onion, and you find out the teams that win all the time are like playing for braidly in football. they -- brady this football. they have no attrition in staff, and their companies are stable. they don't reach for the stars, they achieve what they're going for 99 5% of the time -- 95% of the time. i got all my companies together here in south beach and showed them the data and said, guys, cowhat these women are doing, and we'll all make more money. and instead of making 15% pretax, we're doing 17.5, that's a 20% increase in free cash flow, or as i like to call it,
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cash flow -- [laughter] stuart: you know why we like you? a, you're articulate, b, you mow what you're talking about but, c, you're living on the wrong coast. naples is where it's at. believe me. >> i like naples too, but i go out, naples is dinner at 6:00. that's lunch for me. [laughter] stuart: stop the it. >> i'm still alive here. i'm still alive. [laughter] stuart: well, i'm in my mid 70s, and i eat dinner at 4:00 in the afternoon for the early bird special, okay? it's as simple as that. [laughter] kevin, come back soon. >> take care. bye-bye. stuart: all right. change the subject, new report from a cybersecurity company says tiktok still has your data, even if if you've never used the app. grady trim there bl with us. how does the work? >> reporter: stu, tiktok has, essentially, trackers on a bunch of web sites we visit, so that mane meaning the collect data even if we've deleted the app from our phone or never had tiktok on our phones in the first place.
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it then can use that data for advertising purposes. other tech giants like met the that and google, they use similar trackers. the difference with tiktok is there's aned ad concern that the data -- an added concern that the data and information could then be shared with the chinese government. separately, a new report finds the fbi and doj are looking into why tiktok's chinese parent company bytedance spied on u.s. journalists and other americans. "forbes" reports the doj has subpoenaed information from bytedance regarding efforts by its employees to the access u.s. journalists' location information or other private user data using the tiktok app. the company, by the way, els us the employees involved -- tells us the employees involved are no longer there. meanwhile, the biden administration is telling tiktok to sell to a u.s. company or be banned, but some lawmakers saudi vesting from its chinese owner might not be enough. >>st the a step in the right correction, but it doesn't really get at the root of it.
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we need to ban the app. we just think really a tool of the chinese communist party. i don't think that we're going to be a strong nation with what they're doing with tiktok, particularly the messages that that china is pushing on our population. >> reporter: instead of selling tiktok wants a third party, a u.s. company, to oversee its algorithms and data storage. but according to reports, stu, behind the scenes it is in talks with potential buyers. stuart: we hear you, grady. thank you very much, indeed. now this, elon musk's starlink has installed units all across brazil to bring internet access to remote parts of a very large country. what's this about criminals signing on? lauren: noble goal until the criminals found out. okay, metal miners, illegal ones, five starlink sites were found a few days ago during raids by environmental police.
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starlink was supposed to connect 19,000 the rural schools, not the illegal miners. is so that is, unfortunately, what's happening, but they are being caught. stuart: okay. got it. thanks very much, lauren. here's what's coming up. there's a new social media trend to have perfectly organized pantries. got that? like the kardashians. roll tape. >> you can tell i like containers. i like things to all kind of look the same and have some fluid flow to it. you don't have to spend a lot of money in order to organize. stuart: okay. a college professor claims tidy pantries are rooted in classism, sexism and racism. okay. the lieutenant governor of minnesota suggests that getting gender-affirming care for children is the sign of being a good parent. ouch. elon musk just responded and responded forcefully. you're going to like this. that's next. ♪ ♪ we're the kids in america, whoa, we're the kids in america ♪
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good luck. td ameritrade, this is anna. hi anna, this position is all over the place, help! hey professor, subscriptions are down but that's only an estimated 15% of their valuation. do you think the market is overreacting? how'd you know that? the company profile tool, in thinkorswim®. yes, i love you!! please ignore that. td ameritrade. award-winning customer service that has your back. what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian health care ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family.
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stuart: everybody thinks i don't know anything about the song or the singer. well you, ladies and gentlemen, are wrong. the singer is niall horan. he's going to perform at the white house for st. patrick's day today. niall is from ireland, and in case you didn't know, he was part of the boy band, one correction. everybody knows that, i knew that. got it. i didn't, actually. [laughter] president biden welcomed the prime minister of ireland to the to oval office moments ago. let's get serious now, we're down quite a lot, the dow is down 430. the movers, susan's with me -- susan: have you ever kissed the blarney stone? i'm just curious. stuart: no. susan: it's supposed to be very good luck. stuart: i've been but i've not kissed it. move on. [laughter] susan: china's google, baidu, best performinger today on the nasdaq, and its release of its chatgpt exit or called the ernie
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bot. google with that error-filled bard release, a lot of people were saying baidu rushed it, a lot of their engineers were forced to work around the clock in order to get it ready. but analysts disappointed yesterday, today bank of america and citigroup now giving their approval. so the stock goes up in that case. microsoft, i know you love this, 5-day winning streak. we are on pace with the best week for microsoft since november. if we get 15% plus gains, best week for microsoft since 015. don't you love that, stu? stuart: i am watching it. [laughter] susan: you love it. and that's because, look, they had some great offerings, infeudsinging a.i. into their concern infusing a.i. into their cloud offering and really this a.i. rally continues, this boom. stuart: invid that -- susan: speaking of which, same story, they were upgraded by two brokerages. morgan standly says it's concern stanley says it's a buy, and
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chip stocks are set to be a major beneficiary of this a.i. boom in order to create the artificial intelligence, you need those chips. best week for amd and nvidia this year. up 10% plus. stuart: you've gone through some big winners here, but tell me about the banks because they're important indicators today. susan: yes. and i think the big drag, of course, on the stock markets especially as with we head into this weekend. a lot of unknowns out there. you still have pressure on the big lenders and the regional banks dethe spite the fact that first republic got that $30 billion deposit by those 11 large banks. it was a $5 stock this morning, first republic was, by wed bush. and they say if it goes under, and there's a real possibility, that equity value could be wiped out, and it's the only a $5 stock. i think there's a lot of moving parts this weekend, and we'll be excited to see who actually buys it and these forced marriages between leanedders. stuart: big weekend in finance,
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and that's a fact. susan, thank you. the lieutenant governor of minnesota is getting a major backlash for advocating for children who want to transition. watch this. >> let's be clear, this is life-affirming and life-saving health care. when our children tell us who they are,s the our job as grown-ups to listen and to believe them. [applause] that's what it means to be a good parent. stuart: oh, really? elon musk very quick to respond. he says, not when they're fed propaganda the by adults. every child goes through an identity crisis before their personality crystallizes. we shouldn't allow severe, irreversible surgery or sterile eyeing drugs they may regret until at least the age of 18. tom imy lauren with us -- tommy
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tomi lahren is with us. >> my state ofup tennessee banned these gender-affirming surgeries. we don't do that, and a lot of other sates are following suit with that. what this is, this is child abuse. it is child abuse. if you have your child that comes to you and says, mommy, dad key, i want to be something else, you can listen, you can talk to them about it. but to the say i think you should go to the doctor and get irreversible changes done to your body at that young age, that is child abuse. and the fact that there are so many mt. in the mainstream that are rubber stamping this as some form of parental care is absolutely ludicrous. these kids are the ones that are going to suffer from this, and their parents are pushing it on them as such a young age. stuart: and what happens down the road when maybe there's a change of mind or a change of circumstance? what happens hen? >> exactly. you know, when i was a child, i wanted to be the xena, warrior princess, but my mom can't tell me that's what i was and i
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should get surgery to be that. there's something about this that is sinister, that is evil, and now it's counter-culture for us to say i think we should just let kids be kids, and that's really unfortunate. certain statements are pushing back. i don't expect states like new york to do it, but states like tennessee are in charge. stuart: next one, loyola university says having an organized pantry is classist, racist and sexist. she says her research shows it's a mechanism since people need money and time to maintain clean and tidy spaces. dear lord. have at it. what is this? [laughter] >> i mean, it's so laughable -- stuart: a professor? >> well, that's another thing. but a few months ago they also told us that exercise was racist and classist and sexist and all these ists that they want to add to everything. they're saying people that have less money or people of color, they don't have time to organize
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or money to organize. last time i checked it losses very little to stay clean and tide key. and it is a function of being an adult. it's a function of being just a clean human being. and everybody should be able to attain that level. but back to your point about this professor, they want us to bail out student loan forgiveness, all of this, and we've got professors like this racking up the bill telling us -- wracking up the bill? no, i don't think so, kiddos. [laughter] stuart: it reminds me of when senator josh hawley asked a berkeley professor, a woman, and he said to her can a biological male have a baby, and the woman said -- i shouldn't call her a woman -- the professor said, oh, you're just stirring up violence. you're creating violence. that the's what she said. >> that's what they're using. that is what they're using. any type of normalcy or reality, they want to call it ist, and they want to say we're stirring up violence against some community. no, this is nothing about it. let's all be normal: the new normal needs to go away.
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the old norm, i want it back. lauren: yeah. stuart: go ahead. >> lauren: the old normal, especially for teenagers, is getting depressed because everyone who has a new category or an ist has a group on social media where teernlgs live, right? so if you're normal, you're depressed because you're not part of that group. stuart: tomi, thanks very much for being on the show. service the good. all right, more students are apparently turning away if college. gee, i wonder why. [laughter] the question is, where are they going? lauren: they're working at companies as apprentices. those programs generally pair a student with a specific course of study tailored to the job that they will officially get. and their increasingly more popular, very much so. families are saying, well, college is very expensive, and we might not like what you're learning there. so if you look in the past decade, colleges enrolled 15 million undergraduates, a decrease of 15%, whereas the much smaller number, but 800,000
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apprentices at companies, and that was an increase of 50 -- stuart: i find that a very important and encouraging trend as well. all right, here's what's coming up, one of the greatest soccer stars of all time, at least that's what the prompter say, could soon launch their own line of alcohol. we'll tell you who it is. millions of brackets busted on the first day of march madness. only 787 perfect brackets remain. with we hear concern we do this every year, oh, it's costing companies millions in productivity. i'm not going with that, but madison alworth will have the report after this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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stuart: time for this day in history, american built. on this day, march 17th, 1958, nasa launched vanguard i.
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service the world's first solar-powered satellite, the oldest satellite still the orbiting the earthed, and now you know. please watch "american built" 9 p.m. easternings on fox business prime. the march madness attorney. delivered some stunning upsets yesterday. madison alworth joins me from a bar in new york. madison, what is it, about $50 million expected to be wagered on the tournament? isn't that concern. >> reporter: yeah, 15 billion. stuart: billion, okay. >> yes, yes, it was -- sorry. we're in a bar, we've got music going, i'm already kind of feeling it's friday. sorry to jump on you, stu, but just under the super bowl wager of $16 billion for march madness. what's crazy is it is so much more than wagered last year, just over $3 billion in bets. part of this is because of the growth of legal sports betting. you look across the u.s., you can coit across the entire ideas.
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here in new york it's legal. we're at a bar where we have some fans getting ready for the game. i've met rico, you're getting ready to post up at the bar. are you get -- betting on any of odd the's game? >> yeah, i'm betting on one game. >> reporter: which game? >> florida atlantic +2 for $200. >> reporter: okay. so that can go really well or really poorly. are we drinking because it's st? >> yeah, we're just having a good time with my friends, watching march madness. >> reporter: love it. both these guys took off for the day because they want to enjoy the game. but that because lead me to my next point which is lost productivity. $17 billion in lost productivity happens curl this wonderful march madness, it's estimate thed. businesses like bars, they're cashing in. they love this time of year with. i want to bring in kenmy the, he's poured us two guinnesss. normally you get people are from march madness and st. patrick's
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day. is it good that they come on the same day, or how are you feeling about this overlap? >> being a sports bar, like, we're very sports-heavy here, so it's kind of -- the we're hitting it from both sides. we've got st. patty's day and march madness together, so it kind of -- it's a little conflicting in a way, but it's going to be a great day no matter what. >> reporter: it's a great day when you have a guinness poured before 3:00. stu, the -- before $12 -- 12:00. you don't need to wait until 5 p.m. on st. patrick's day. i'll end it there, stuart. stuart: cheers, madison. >> reporter: thank you, kenny. stuart: enjoy yourself. [laughter] ed modson -- madison, thank you very much, indeed. look at this. they've released a beer-flavored pop suckle for march madness. it's nonk408ic. who's going the buy that? lauren: i don't know. you can buy a six pack at a bar, where you would think you would
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be drinking -- stuart: $20? for a nonalcoholic popsicle? [laughter] get out of here. lauren: just in time for march madness. they sell the drinks, like, the slushys in the ice pack form which do have alcohol, and those are pretty tasty. stuart: what are you -- whatever you say. in a promo before, we said one of the world's great soccer stars is launching his own dekill la brand -- it's not david beckham, but he is starting his tequila. lauren: seems so. he is seeking business partners with a hope of developing a beer, whiskey or tequila brand. his wife victoria likes tequila. stuart: look, he was a pretty good soccer player, he's a great self-promoter and marketer -- lauren: and every celebrity goes into the alcohol business. stuart: and make a lot of money too. lauren: apparently. stuart: show me the dow 30, please. i expect to see a lot of red and
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there it is. 27 of the dow 30 are down. one is unchanged, two are up. there you have it. don't go anywhere, folks, friday feedback is next. ♪ ♪ there are some things that go better... together. like your workplace benefits... and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you be better prepared for unexpected events. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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stuart: all right, everyone, this just coming to us, president biden urging congress to strengthen accountability for senior bank executives. the statement says no one's above the law, and accountability will be an important deterrent in the future. he wants to claw back compensation are from executives, impose civil penalties and to ban executives from working in the banking industry again. not much impact, all thing big banks are down. here it is, friday feedback. we have lauren, susan and myself. let's get started. this comes to us from greg. what do you like another the on st. patrick's day? well, that's very simple. i don't care to create, don't particularly care to march up and down in the streetful i'm going on the reading a book this afternoon. how about you? lauren: making corned beef and cabbage.
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it's apparently very easy, but i don't make it very well. stuart: all right, susan. you're not wearing green. lauren: she will later. susan: maybe later. yeah, i'll be on -- at the bars chugging away given necessary all night long -- guinness. stuart: no to, you won't. this is from douglas, what is your favorite streetcar food? i spend a lot of time concern can spent a lot of time in southeast asia. i used to the eat at -- [inaudible] and i used the like iced coffee with cream and lots of sugar. it did we concern me good. lauren: hot dogs, hands down, here in new york. i haven't done anytime a while, it might be $5. the dirty water dogs. susan: i do prefer act coes. taco coes. stuart: cocan you actually eat from street carts in new york city, tacos? susan: i have once. lauren: they're food trucks, and
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they're much more respectable now. credit cards. stuart: from june, what are you favorite stocks besides costco and microsoft? i always think of you when i shop at costco. that's simpling, blackstone. pays me a 4% dividend, i've cone very well. susan. susan: never shop for a dividend. what else do i love in. stuart: what's your favorite stock outside microsoft and costco? susan: oh. i don't own costco. stuart: apple. susan: google -- stuart: apple. stuart: would you stop it? lauren: i'm recusing myself. stuart: why? lauren: because we're not 130esed to drum up investments -- [laughter] susan: we're allowed to own stocks. stuart: happy st. patrick's day to you. [laughter] steven writes, we all love stu and lauren. and take a look at this picture. he sent in his two birds or watching the show. they don't seem very entered in us, do they? lauren: what are they saying? we have follow-ups.
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stuart: varney want a cracker? [laughter] susan: very good rendition. lauren: i do want a crack orer. i haven't eaten. stuart: what was your biggest investment mistake you've made, and what have you learned from it? okay. people boston market, lost my shirt, don't invest in airlines or fast food. susan. susan: pep e city, that was the stock -- the first stock i ever bought. stuart: will you answer this questionsome the. lauren: it was a shoe that rolled up, and i thought that would be a great idea. i made my father buy the stock as well. you wouldn't have hard of it. i have to figure out what it was. we all lost money. i was very young. i might have been 21? stuart: okay. leave it at that. thanks, everyone. [laughter] for sending in your feedback. lauren: i apologized for a making him lose money. stuart: the friday trivia question is this, when did the
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white house shamrock ceremony begin? the answer after this. ♪ ♪ this small thing, is the next big thing in dia this s woah.hing, it shows your glucose, and predicts where it's headed, just like that. it's not magic, it just feels that way. i wanna make you go wow, make you go wow, make you go wow.
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♪ ♪ stuart: well, look at that, that is bright green, isn't it? [laughter] if chicago river right there dyed green, of course, for st. patrick's day. i think that's pretty cool can. earlier we asked when did white
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house shamrock ceremony begin? i'll go to you first, lauren. [laughter] lauren: 1957, for sure. stuart: for sure? all right. susan. susan: i'll take '62. stuart: and i will take '52. the answer is -- well cone, stu, ireland's ambassador to the united states sent a box of shamrocks to president harry truman and created the tradition. quick check of markets. watch out for financial activity this weekend. there could be all kinds of stuff going on as the banks organize themselves for monday. all right, markets are down at this moment. that's it for "varney & company." thanks for watching. "coast to coast" starts now. ♪ ♪ neil: all right. happy music but so much for luck of the irish, no luck, and it really doesn't matter even i


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