tv Kennedy FOX Business March 27, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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dagen: one christie book title was change changed years ago because it had a horrific slur many it, but this goes concern. >> yeah, don't google the original title. dagen: this is something altogether different, what they're doing. sean: i think we should aide the context of these books. i don't want some sensitivity reader changing it for me or my kids, these great pieces -- dagen: it's art and it's the history. caroline downey, jon levine is, great to see you. sean: and now the stunning kennedy! kennedy: that's right. hot chicks wear red, duffy. sean: yes, you co, my goodness. love it. kennedy: i love a monday. thank you both. whoo! ♪ kennedy: tiktok is more addictive than the colonel's secret recipe, and its users aren't too keen on putting the needle down in the form of a government ban. tiktok is bad, there's no doubt young up uns spend way too much
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time on it. they get all sorts of horrible information, and the company is being as transparent if as a thick red apron. having said that, a ban wouldn't necessarily make tiktok go away, but it could be a sneaky trojan horse for the federal government to continue its encroachment and overreach. in the name of doing good, lawmakers are excellent at doing harm, unable to fight the obsessive compulsion to amass more power and control. president trump tried a unilateral tiktok ban that was swatted down in the jewish kishly, now the house and senate have their own acura anymore bills, the data act and the restrict act cha will -- that will probably emerge for our doddering president who's eager to sign. both houses and both parties know there is something wrong here, but they're not wise enough to fix a corrupt system that allows for the government to warrantlessly spy on americans. all while secretly collecting
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data on god only knows what. not to mention the other unchecked apps who arguably do just as much harm to kids. as much as it pains me to to agree with aoc and the other progressive blowhards who should be far better on privacy measures across the board, well, they have no problem here spewing bytedance's hobbyist talking points. a aoc and the other anytime wits are -- knit wits are correct that a ban is shortsighted and the government picking winners and losers is always a losing proposition for the rest of us. but they're calling the ban racist. that is a simple and lazy, communist-funded argument. we as parents need to be honest with our children about the risks with tiktok, and is we have to tell our kids the truth. tiktok gives you acne and b.o., and it makes boobies and wieners shrivel over time. sometimes we have to take matters into our own hands when the government has failed us utterly and never if forget
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parental propaganda the is very much protected speech. tiktok may be the worst among them, but even with the ban hungry young minds will couple with bad ideas and dipsticks all over the country will still blind themselves with lip balm and choke on tide pods. there is no law against stupid, and if it's american digital stupidity you're after, don't trust the government to the make the right choices monitoring your content. and that's the memo. oh, hi. i'm going to walk. the bipartisan outrage is boiling over. lawmakers are calling for open season against tiktok, ask and the house will be moving forward with legislation on a potential ban. this according to to house speaker kevin mccarthy. so who's right, kmc or aoc? oh, god. i thought i was going to talk tr thing, but it's the just me going blah, blah, blah. we've got radio host, he hosts
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the jason cajts show. jason rantz is here. we've got reason mag editorial in chief -- magazine editor-in-chief, star of the reason round table, katherine mangu-ward is back, and former adviser to the clintons, all of them, mark penn is back as well. wonderful to to see you. jason, i know you disagree with me. i'm sorry, but i don't trust congress to come up with an appropriate ban here. >> look, i say this as i'm deeply uncomfortable with bans. there's no doubt about it. but i do think because of the relationship between this company and china and specifically the chinese communist government, they are our enemy. they are an enemy of the united states. and i don't recall a whole lot of folks who were complaining about rt news effectively being banned in this country for if pretty much the same reasons, that they were pushing out propaganda. now, you are correct, propaganda
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is protected speech if you're doing it on an american company, right? this is a company that is clearly posing some kind of threat, we're told. i will tell you this though, i do think the onus is on congress as much as they can to actually put forward the case proving a that there is the sharing of data. they don't do that,s i'm a little less comfortable being discomforted going towards the ban. i do think they have to put up some evidence to show that connection and the data that's being shared. kennedy: it's very interesting because, you know, when twitter is in cahoots with the federal government and different can federal agencies, katherine mangu-ward, conservatives are, like, protect free speech. why is it a different tune here? >> right. i mean, i think this is absolutely right. a lot of the concerns that we are hearing about tiktok are hypotheticals as far as i'm concerned. i'm not saying it's not happening, but as, you know, as we just said, the onus is on the government to show that there's
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a real national security concern here especially if they're going to ban an app that millions of people use. grown adults who can mind their own business and do not need congress to monitor their behavior online are, particularly under the guise of protecting the children. i would trust the federal government the with my data much less than i would trust tiktok with my data at in this point, because i know for sure that they're screwed that the up a bunch of times. kennedy: but i wish there was as much outrage over government spy if being as there is over what's going on with tiktok. none ofs the -- none of it is the good, but the federal government can ache the your things by force, and that's a problem that i have. it has been problematic for so long. congress has had every opportunity to have more safeguards in place, and if they abdicate that opportunity every chance they get. so, mark, if you were president of the universe or the united states, what would you cohere? what would you like to see? >> well, i'd be concerned about
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the data. remember that the postings on tiktok are from 150 million americans. so if you close tiktok, you really are taking away their free speech. and so it's critically important that their free speech not be interrupted because we have a concern about the data. we should focus on the concern about the data, although, look, china's doubling their military force, and we're concerned whether people, whether china knows that some people like cooking videos. come on, let's be serious. this is the way overblown compared to the real threats that china has, taking our property and double thing the military and threatening taiwan. this is a diversion, an easy diversion. kennedy: well, if china is our enemy, if with we ban tiktok, does that a make them less so, jason? >> it cuts down or at least mitigates some of the risk of them interfering with elections
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and getting certain information that is beneficial to the chinese government in front of 150 million americans. to your point, we should have been way more upset about our own government spying. but if we found out that tiktok was sharing information directly with the fbi, you would also be with upset, we would be having that conversation. so take that anger, but also put it towards the fact that we're potentially seeing this information shared with our enemy, our big enemiment of and i think that -- enemy. and i think that's where our vulnerability is from a national security standpoint. kennedy: see, i'm worried that you ban tiktok, it's a feel-good exercise, and it's not really going to do things in the long run in terms of intellectual property theft and some of the other threats that china may pose to this country. and you do something like that, you feel good for a little while, you take your eye off the ball, all the other apps that are giving kids, like, really bad ideas and bad information, they are blossoming.
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you haven't done anything to change the system. well, speaking of the system and another aoc, another lefty windbag getting mocked, climate change hypocrisy. i cannot get enough of it. the president's climate czar john kerry pushing back existence claims rich progressives -- against claims rich progressives don't practice what they preach when it comes to private planes. watch. >> private aviation is an example of something where people are starting to pay more attention, and -- but when, you know, people who go to davos to the talk about climate change fly private, it seems like they don't want to -- >> well, they actually, i've talked to them about it, they offset. they fly offsets, they offset, and they are working harder than most people i know to be able to try to affect this transition. kennedy: people like me don't fly with simpleuns like you. we -- simple tons like you. this is the same guy who flew on
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a private jet to collect a climate award in iceland claiming he was far too buzzy and important to sail there. i can't paddle my own canoe to iceland. but kerry now also claiming president biden plans to to sidestep congress to the enact a bunch of huge new progressive climate initiatives. >> the president is issuing executive the orders, there'll be changes on automobile, on light truck, heavy there truck, hey duty, a number the of initiatives that are being taken by sates, some national -- the states, some national. sky cities. we have a rot of other options, tools, if yo you will, bths the i.r.a. kennedy: he wants to beat you over the head with the tools in his toolkit. does ritchie rich get to decide can how the rest of us should live poorly, jason? >> they shouldn't, but that's why they're pushing this, because they're not really affected. think about the whole idea of buying carbon offsents. well, most of us concern you have sets. most of us can't do that. we don't have the money to do
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that. the environmentalists are their own worst enemy. i'm an adviser to the american conservation coalition, an organization i know you're familiar with. this is a conservative group that supports the environment because the way we look at it is not to croix businesses, to not make life more difficult the for folks, but to actually save the environment. carbon offsets clearly don't do that. kennedy: i don't think he knows how those offsets actually work. well, i have a box of tickets. the box contain thing the tickets is made of gold, therefore, i am climate protected. i hate carbon so much -- of. [laughter] i ate it for breakfast. but this, it's just the progressive climate herrics or, i guess, not heretics, blowhards, they're the ones who are cannibalizing themselves, katherine, because on one hand you have john kerry going, well, the president is going to take his pen and sword, and he's to going to save the earth with his green shield, and the president's, like, i'm drilling in alaska, whoo! >> yeah.
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i think there's really a couple things going on here. one, i absolutely don't believe that, you know, joe biden is the dedicated environmentalist that john kerry is painting him as and, frankly, i'm happy about that. and, second, i think there is this real question that everybody in the administration seems very cheerfully, to be very cheerfully ignoring which is does the president have the power to do this? can he do this by executive order? more and more we seem to be quite content to say, well, we'll just concern we'll try, and then the supreme court can tell us it wasn't allowed which is not the way that we should be doing things. that is not a good way to do it. i will give john kerry credit for the fact that in the fall he kid casually say at another climate conference, yeah, i really don't think the inflation reduction act had anything to do with inflation, but i liked the environmental stuff in it. kennedy: of course he did. >> occasionally, he cliffs a nice high quality gaffe for us all. kennedy: yeah. because, you know, like the tiktok ban, the federal government gets to pick winners
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and losers. so they get to find all their cronies' friends who have green initiatives and companies, and they get to give them billions of collars from the inflation -- dollars from the inflation reduction act. it's ridiculous. but, mark, i think it's wonderful that people like this are saving the planet. one hypocritical excursion at a time. >> well, look, that's one of the worst answers i've heard in terms of, oh, it's okay to take a private plane to get an environmental award with. i mean, look, he says there's an offset. if they take e away your gas stove, can you say, no, i'm going to keep it, but i'm going to lower my thermostat. [laughter] a degree, i have an offset. no, of course not. they're not going to give you an offset. so it's ludicrous that he would be defending it that way because he is telling everybody you have to get rid of your gas car, up to get rid of maybe your gas stove, you know, if you're in a
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developed country, you may not be able to get out of poverty because you won't have the low cost energy. he is asking hundreds and hundreds of millions of people to make sacrifices, and he sure is not setting that example himself. kennedy: no way! he's never going to have to live in austerity, but he's telling the rest of us we will have to. no more steaks, no more cars, no more gas stoves, no more skyscrapers. the list gets more and more extreme, and fewer and fewer people are onboard with it because they're, like, there has to be a better way. to jason's point, maybe put conservatives in charge of conservation because least the they're looking out for the environment and business including small business all at the same time. it can be cone. panel, please return with me in moments. we have so much for you to the snack on. coming up many just a little bit, wrestling legend rick flavor is here to talk about his new cannabis company. where can you get your whoo chewsesome first up, taliban has
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its hands on billions of collars of -- dollars of u.s. military equipment in afghanistan. the pentagon claims it was destroyed. but was that just another lie? congressman greg steube here to break it all down. he knows. he's next. ♪ ♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. really? get a quote at
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kennedy: well, look at this, history is repeating itself, but our government refuses to listen. the taliban posting pictures of hundreds of u.s. military vehicles on twitter claiming the stuff we abandoned when we withdrew, it's now been, quote, restored and ready to use. but, wait, i thought the pentagon said not to worry about the billions in military congresswomen they -- equipment they left behind. >> we made sure to demilitarize, to make unuse, all the gear that is at the airport, all the aircraft, all the ground vehicles. the only thing we left operable are a couple of fire trucks and forklifts so that the airport itself can remain more operational going forward. kennedy: right, yeah. a couple of fire trucks and forklifts. nothing to worry about. the cycle is happening all over as the u.s. pumps billions of dollars in military hardware
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into ukraine. so are we heading toward a similar result in eastern europe? joining me now to cuts, florida republican congressman and iraqi operation freedom veteran, greg steube is back. welcome back, sir. >> hey, thank you. good to see you. kennedy: so it's just a couple of fire trucks and fork if lifts. who do you believe, rear admiral john kirby who is one of the communications people for this white house, or john cot coe who is the special inspector for sigar, for afghanistan recovery who saysst the more like $75 billion -- 75 billion worth of equipment that after 20 years in conflict, you learn how to be pretty resourceful, and i think that's what the taliban has done. >> yeah, absolutely. and it was $80 billion worth of military equipment, and i don't even see how you can make the statement that you highlighted when you saw the taliban flying around, people hanging from blackhawk helicopters, they were showing pictures of all the m4s lined up and all the ammunition lined up.
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and for those of us that served, i served in iraq, but for those of us that served in iraq or afghanistan to fight terrorism to see our government give away $80 billion worth of military equipment to the a globally recognized terrorist organization is certainly not giving you the peace and comfort of the service that you gave to our nation. and i think every veteran feels that way. and and thankfully, a republican congress is going to hold them to the carpet on this. chairman mccaul's already requested some of this information, and quite flank concern frankly, he should just subpoena all these individuals in the department of defense, put them under oath and start asking very tough questions about what they knew, when hay knew and what equipment they really kid leave there. because we know it was much more than that. kennedy: then if you were going to the take those answers and give it to some of the people who are in charge of dispossessorring weapons systems systems in ukraine, what would you want them to know about blank check we have given that country? >> yeah, and i've voted existence several of those
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bills. i met with a group of german lawmakers that said weapons they gave to the ukrainians were slowing up in belgium. i'm surprised those weapons and humvees and everything are still in the afghanistan, taliban hasn't sold it to the iranians to sell to the russians, and then you're going to see american equipment on both sides of the war in ukraine. kennedy: that's a horrible thought but a realistic one because i i think -- >> absolutely. kennedy: -- you know, they really tried to downplay the botched withdrawal in afghanistan, but that is something that could bear poisonous fruit for years to come. are you surprised that we are so bad at internalizing some of the lessons of some of the failures that we've lived and continue to relive in terms of giving people all sorts of money and equipment that come to bite us in the arse? >> yeah. and, you know, you have a department of defense who obviously can't learn that lesson. thankfully, we have a republican congress who's going to bring that to carpet and actually get some accountability to some of the money that went to ukraine,
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otherwise there's not going to be any more blank checks going to the ukrainians for all those weapons until we get some accountability. kennedy: what could happen in ten years with some of the u.s. weapons that are in ukraine now? how could that go badly? >> oh, if the russians take some of these areas and they have some of our equipment, where do you think that the equipment's going to go? it's going to get into the hands of the russians. and i'm shocked the equipment that we have, and some of it may well be in the iranians' hands, it's been given to the russians or north koreans, you don't the know what the taliban is doing with these weapons and equipment after we abandoned them. kennedy: why did the dod lie to us with so much certainty about the demilitarization and destruction of some of these humvees and equipment that looks to be still pretty operable? >> well, they clearly didn't think that the taliban would open up a twitter account, take pictures of all of our equipment that looks very much operable. and, again, that statement seems false just on its face just based on the pictures we were
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seeing when people were leaving afghanistan of all the weapons that the taliban had that was once ours. kennedy: congressman steube with, thank you for your time, appreciate it. >> good to see you. kennedy: coming up, former president donald trump ramping up attacks on florida governor ron desantis. new polls tell a very interesting story about the potential colossal presidential showdown. plus, gwenny's bark did she actually ski out of control and collide with the man who's suing her? i have my if thoughts, the party panel returns with theirs next. ♪ ♪ et, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money?
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yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. kennedy: a potential trump-desantis showdown for 2024, the republican presidential nomination seems to be growing more and more likely by the minute, although the florida governor has yet to officially throw his hat in the ring some polls show voters supporting him anyway. one public opinion strategies
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poll has desantis leading trump by 8 points in iowa and new hampshire, but this is where it gets weird, a harvard-harris poll has support for the former president at 50%, just 24% for desantis. who is answering their phones? and a third poll by npr-maris has 61% saying trump should not serve another term as president. so what is going on with the republican field? it's not going to get unweird anytime soon. party panel is back, jason rantz, katherine mangu-ward and mark penn. mark, you do this for a living. the polls are all over the place. what we do know, where we can find consensus is voters, particularly independents, want neither trump nor biden to run in 2024. what are you seeing? >>, that's exactly right. the independents don't want either of these candidates, biden or trump, to be the nominees again. finish but republicans, if you ask just them, they say, yes, i
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wouldn't mind having trump again. at least most of them do. trump has a 70% favorable among republicans. finish and in a multi-candidate field in our poll, trump had 50%. in a two-way race, it's 56-43. but desantis hasn't announced yet. he hasn't even begun his campaign. trump's not going to get any more votes, desantis has an opportunity here the really challenge them. on the democratic side, i'm surprised, biden is coming up. he's consolidating democratic support, and there is no governor type desantis ready to challenge him on the democratic side. kennedy: no, governor handsome pants in california has said he's going to sit it out. he's waiting for 2028 the when he can officially elbow kamala in front of a moving greyhound bus. it is -- and you pointed this out repeatedly, katherine, it's very hard to kiss certain anything from these -- discern anything from these polls, but we do know how strange they are.
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desantis is up 8% in one, down 25% in another. what do you make of that disparity? >> yeah. i think the polls are making my case for me which is that early polls don't have a lot of information in them, unfortunately. i love the horse race as much as the next girl, but we just don't know what's going on. i will say i love to see independents giving a strong none of the above answer, because that is how i feel as well. kennedy: yep. >> honestly, would love someone else, anyone else, none of these guys. kennedy: it was like me in history class with my hand up and the professor going, no, no, anyone else, literally. [laughter] anyone but you can answer this question. [laughter] all right. so, jason, "the new york post" editorial board, i thought they had a solid article saying, yeah, whatsome? we love trumps' policies ooh the, he's so distracted, he's so vin kicktive, his best concern vindictive, host to best political days are behind mihm, move along.
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your thoughts. >> yeah, i think they're 100% correct. it's like candidating someone that you know -- dating someone that you know has got something going on, and you're, like, if i commit, they'll change. if i get married to them, they'll change. they've never going to the change. they're just hard-wired to that the. and on top of that, you know, he has resentment towards what happened. he believes election was stolen, and if he holds on to that belief, you're never going to address some of the underlying issues with that campaign which i wish he would address because then he would be a really, really strong candidate. one thing that he's benefiting from is that the media hasn't been paying as much attention to him outside of last week and probably this week with alvin bragg. they haven't been spending that much time attacking, and when they don't attack him, he's not necessarily seen as the victim of left-wing media, but desantis is getting attacked because they see him as an wall the threat. i think that's going to raise his profile and bring him a little bit extra support from the republican base. kennedy: trump, he'll get more
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support or desantis? >> yes. desantis. ono, i think desantis gets more because he's concern what the media did to trump early on, they're now doing to desantis, and that was part of the reason why so many people started to side with donald trump saying even if i don't like his personality the, he's being treated patently unfair. now they do it to ron desantis. kennedy: speak of drama, hollywood mega-star and vagina candle seller gwyneth paltrow defending herself in court over a 2016 ski accident in utah. a retired optometrist named terry sanderson is claiming she smashed into him on the slopes causing a permanent traumatic brain injury. today he described the harrowing moment of impact. watch. >> i just remember everything was great, can and then i heard something i've never heard at a ski resort, and that was a blood-curdling scream.
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the bottom of my shoulder blades, serious, serious smack. never been hit that hard, and i'm flying. i'm absolutely flying. kennedy: she was going 90 miles per hour by some accounts. gwyneth says it was sanderson who slammed into her, she is telling her side of the story. >> i was skiing and two skis came between my skis, forcing my legs apart and then there was a body pressing against me, and there was a very strange grunting noise. so my brain was trying to make sense of what was happening. i thought am i, is this a practical joke? is someone, like, doing something perverted? this is really, really strange. kennedy: so who do you believe here, mark? >> i don't know. first of all, i didn't understand over 300,000, why can't she pay it or make a deal with her insurance company -- kennedy: he sued her for $3 million first. >> well, yeah, so he should have
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settled for -- look, her testimony wasn't that credible. i mean, if you're doing a high-speed skiing impact here where people are flying all over, how is the he's very slowly coming up to her and, oh, maybe -- that really didn't ring true to me. his testimony, i have to believe he believes that she went into him, and i think he's going to win, i do. kennedy: i don't think he's going to win, katherine, because, you know, you are pretty much a professional skier. you know how these things go. in order to break someone's ribs and give them a multi-year traumatic brain injury, you have to be going at such a high rate of speed, and his friend already said she wasn't going that fast because she was distracted looking uphill at her children. so how could she be bombing into him in a down hill racing tuck if she's looking up at her kids? contradiction right there. >> kennedy, as you know, i have never been skiing in my life,
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and my primary takeaway from this entire trial the has been that i think it should stay that way. i frankly just don't want to be on the slopes after hearing about this. the best silver lining i can come up with for why america is rivetted to this is that maybe we'll get, like, a little legal education as a country. it's like the o.j. trial, the stakes are very, very low, so that's nice. and also that people are really unreliable narrators, and i think there can be this temptation to believe that the cops or victim is always telling the truth. fact is, nobody knows what happened to them. people are absolutely garbage at recounting hair stories, especially many years later, and we really have been seeing that on display. kennedy: you know why people are grewed to this? because they miss the johnny depp-amber heard trial. they're preten tending she's amber heard. -- pretending. but here's problem, jason, she's actually johnny depp. everyone wanted to hate gwyneth paltrow because she's not a
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likable person, but then you hear the facts in this case, and you're like, oh, dude, he totally hit her and then decided much later that the he wants to sue her because she's gwyneth paltrow. >> yeah, there's some hatred with gwen nyet, and part of me gets it. she's insufferable, the candle thing, goop as a whole, it's just ridiculous and really says everything about celeb is that most of us hate although we the still talk about the it so we kind of love it. i just think she's getting a bad rap here. is she 100% accurate? i'm kind of with mark, her testimony the doesn't quite make sense, but because she's so hated, i find myself siding with her. i it's like when i see the world's ugliest dog and i'm, like, no, it's adorable because it's so ugly. she's hateable and now i like her. kennedy: yeah. don't tell me who hate. i will decide who to hate. >> exactly. kennedy: if everyone tells me there's someone i have to the hate, that makes me automatically like them but also, you know, having a --
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spent a lot of my life skiing and snowboarding, i've plowed into people, people have plowed into me, and you have to be going so fast in order to do that much bodily injury, i don't think she's a skilled enough skier, frankly. all right. well, party panel, we'll see what happens. i almost feel like we should make a wager. mark, you want to bet $1,000, i'll take gwyneth, you take the optometrist? >> i'll bet a candle. kennedy: all right, one vagina candle for one of us, depending on who wins. you heard it hear first. jason, katherine and mark, thank you all so much. you all light up my life. like a candle in the wind. if. all right, former wrestling champion rick flair making a massive comeback, completely new industry. cannabis products intended to tap out any opponent. wrestling are legend ric flair and his business partner join me in moments. ♪ ♪ my humps, they got you ♪
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♪ ♪ kennedy: there's a new cannabis line that will make you say, whoo! professional wrestling superstar ric flair launching ric flair drip, like the song suggests, a personal line of marijuana products. but does he get high on his own supply? there's only one man to ask, professional wrestling champion and ric flair cryptofounder, the nature boy himself, rick temporary. -- ric flair. there he is along with his business partner, chad bronstein. welcome, gentlemen. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. kennedy: oh, great to see you
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both. so, ric, obviously, i'm a huge pan of yours. your life story is so incredibly compelling. i know that you were essentially a lot of people believed you were on death's door just a few years ago. did cannabis help you return to form? >> it, well, i'm not sure. i think that was postally in god's hands -- mostly in god's hands, but i tell everybody and i'm not ashamed to admit it, i've been hooked on xanax since 1989, and i no longer take it. that's a healthier way of life, and it definitely has helped me. and edibles are, the edibles are fan it's thetic. fantastic. i don't smoke, a lot, i do smoke periodically, i enjoy it, but the edibles have changed my life in terms of sleep, and obviously, xanax is not good for anybody, so the edibles are great. kennedy: yeah. it helps people with their anxiety. >> it's not easy to get off
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xanax. kennedy: no, you said it took you about eight weeks with the help of your whoo chews -- [laughter] >> whoo. kennedy: that's right. [laughter] chad, let me ask you this, or when you thought about starting a new cannabis line with a celebrity and sports entertainment legend, was ric flair, the nature boy, a natural fit for your brand? >> it was. if the funny thing is ric and i had met, we were actually neighbors in tampa, and he walk past me and i'm, like, we obviously -- we were on your show with mike a couple months ago -- kennedy: mike tyson. >> yeah, mike tyson. we talked about mike bites, and i called up mike and said, hey, ric flair's my neighbor, what if he cropped a line with ric? i walked up to him, and i said i'm starting a cannabis line, and i said, trust me, it's going to do well. and ric got, you know, very educated in the space and, you
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know, the brand is really booming, and ric's been an unbelievable partner in this with me and mike and adam, our ceo. it's been a lot of fun. kennedy: yeah. ric, you have just incredible, infectious energy. you are, when we told people you were going to be on the show, people get so excited to hear your story, to see what you're doing. how much were you involved in the research and development of the flower strains, the chews, edibles and everything else in the line? >> it started as a learning process, and it continues. i learn something new every day. i never imagined -- i've been approached for years to get involved in it, you know? but it wasn't as socially acceptable as it is now. i mean, now, i mean, i didn't realize just how populars. i'd forgotten. --. popular it is. i'd forgotten. i'm honored to be part of this company and working with chad.
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every day is a learning process. i'm going to california tomorrow, and i think the whoo chews launch this week in california, and hopefully they'll be nationwide. kennedy: yeah. i tell you what, they're going to be the very excited out there in the sunshine state. [laughter] so, chad, we only have a couple seconds. why cocelebrity cannabis lines coso well? -- do so well? >> i don't think all celebrity cannabis lines coso well, i think the ones that do well are the celeb is actually care about the products and understanding what they're getting themselves into and putting in the time and effort. and mike and ric, tray concern they travel everywhere, talk to the consumers, really understand what the market's about, and they share their voice to that. and they're very much active. i think the reason why we cowell is because of that. concern do well is because of that. ric has more energy. kennedy: nature boy, ric, can you give us a whoo to take us out, please? >> whoo! kennedy: there it is! thank you, baby. a legend always.
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thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: topical storm is next. kennedy: topical storm is next. stay with us. ne ♪w and fuel the search for what comes next. so...what are you waiting for? after advil. let's dive in. but, what about your back? it's fine. before advil. advil, dual action bites, pain, two ways. advil targets pain at the source. acetaminophen blocks, pain signals, advil, dual action. hey guys, detect this: living with hiv, i learned that i can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. detect this: no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines.
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model, they will beat that dead horse for four more seasons. that's an epic quest to make money, and this is the topical storm. topic number one. it's mug shot monday, and tonight we meet the face of california justice, and that's not just an oxy por ron, it's also this particular moron. these are the many faces of kevin chastain. ooh, looky here. a man with more collars than a frat party at dartmouth. keith was arrested 10 times in just 31 days, each time getting out of jail in a matter of hours because, ironically, repeat offenders are the only thing californians don't get offended i by. keith is charged currently with 18 felonies and 15 misdemeanors. one more and his next glass of prison wine is free. the charges include stealing six different vehicles, one of which he allegedly drove to the a police station to pick up potential items from a previous arrest. on the bright side, he's finally got enough photos to start his
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instagram account. and just like everyone else on that app, he's making the same stupid face. the in every picture. if. [laughter] topic number two. yep, there we go. a team of biologists has completed a study the of bay toe thens d the na, also known as his original composition. the researchers analyzed five locks of beethoven toni the hair to find out what made him go deaf, what? his hair had plenty of volume. they discovered bay toaive had a genetic risk for liver disease and died with a strong case of hepatitis b even though it would have been stronger in b flat, just saying. they also found beethoven the had a genetic disposition for alcoholism, and that's why one of his finest works was originally titled beethoven the's fifth, of vodka. also old to joy was originally named oke to jack, and his famous moon light sonata was
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written about a street lamp that he once passed out under. what caused him to go deaf is still amy -- mystery, so the research team's work is not yet done, done, done, done ♪ get it? topic nurple three, a new york -- topic number three, the united colors of benton. the new campaign features tv the icons surrounded by scantily clad models. you can tell from his abs that this guy never eats a tub of cuts ford. let's face it, the only thing in shape about the teletubbies are the tops of their heads. the collection features elle the tubbies printed on high priced clothing like this $350 graphic hoodie and this $600 denim jacket. and you thought beethoven had terrible genes. but the crown jewel of the collection, these high-heeled boots on sale for $2500 although it might be hard to get your dog
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to stop chewing on your shoes when you buy heels that literally look like dog toys. personally, i'm saving all my money for a new line of sleep wear inspired by a different team of international fashion icons. [laughter] topic number four. nasa has unveiled slicker space suits for future astronauts, but the most fashionable space travelers are still the teletubbies. they allow astronauts to perform squats and lungs, finally, because even space travel is no excuse for skipping leg day. although technically their bodies will already be out of this world, the new suits will be worn on the upcoming artemis if missions and will provide extra protection for walking on moon. in fact, these suits are so protective, they can even keep you safe on a new york city subway. what? current versions will be worn on earth curl training, but for the actual moon mission, the black portion will be colored white,
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and all of you moon landing conspiracy theorists have probably noticed there's not a single speck of green anywhere on the uniform. coincidence? no. i'll be right back with mouth trumpet monday. you stay there, yep. ♪ ♪i ju ta. (woman 2) you know it's from the most reliable 5g network in america? (vo) when it comes to your business, not all bars are created equal. so switch to verizon business unlimited today. what if there was a community of like minded people ready to support you when you need it most? christian healthcare ministries is an organization with over 40 years of trusted care who understands the importance of family. a group that sees you for who you are regardless of your health history. offering affordable healthcare cost solutions that could save you up to 40% on your healthcare costs. learn more today at your chm dot org about healthcare that puts you in control.
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♪ we're going on a bear hunt. ♪ ♪ going on a bear hunt. ♪ bear? ♪ we're gonna catch a big one♪ ♪ we're gonna catch a big one. ♪ ♪ look out for the water. ♪ ♪ can't go under it. ♪ ♪ the rocks and the mud. ♪ ♪ can't go over it. ♪ ♪ gotta go through it! ♪ ♪ we're going on a bear hunt.♪ ♪ we're going on a bear hunt.♪ ♪ oh going on a bear hunt!♪ ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ ♪ yeah we're going on a ber hunt! ♪ -bear! ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ - such a good boy. ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ ♪ oh what a beautiful day.♪ [ dog barks ]
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(woman) what would the ideal weight loss program look like? no hunger, no cravings, no isolation, more energy, lasting results, and easy. is that possible? it is with golo. these people changed their lives with golo without starvation dieting. whether you have 100 pounds to lose or want to shed those final 20, try golo for 60 days and never diet again. (uplifting music) ♪ ♪ kennedy: welcome to the zenith of your week. it's time for mouth trumpet
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monday, use the hashtag mouth trumpet monday on twitter. here we go. ♪ ♪ [laughter] kennedy: okay. frank's got it, that means i'm done. thanks so much for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter and instagram@the kennedy nation, e-mail, kennedy fbn at tomorrow night, leslie marshall, gary hoffman and the best thing ever, bye. and if i ask for your two cents, well, it's not because i think your opinion is only worth a penny more than your thoughts. once upon a time, those expressions used to be complimentary, because back before 1982 pennies like this one were made of copper. and copper of course is one of the most important metals on the planet.
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