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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  March 31, 2023 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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proposed in face of inflation. cheryl: you know, inflation isn't bad enough right now, all right mick mulvaney thank you for being here congresswoman betting van duyne from texas, andy puzder chris markowski top of the hour mr. stuart varney we have inflation cooling a little bit a little bit of step up, on this news, certainly there is a lot of news to get to including, the indictment of the former president of the united states stuart: if insist. good morning, cheryl, and good morning, everyone. look, this is a sad day for america. the trump haters have shown their colors. trump indictedded by new york radical da alvin bragg. republicans are united in calling this a political indictment. trump's base is livid. all new york police officers have been ordered to work today
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on the streets in uniform. democrats are enjoying the show. the rest of the party is salivating about a trial which could take place in the middle of the presidential election campaign. developments coming thick and fast. governor desantis will not assist in any move to extradite trump from florida. the former president is likely to be arraigned in new york, next tuesday. we're told, he will not be handcuffed. trump himself calls it, " political persecution and election interference." senate leader schumer and former speaker pelosi both insist trump be held accountable. maxine waters says she knew stormy daniels would get him. and president biden just gave an abrupt quote "no comment." summit up, my opinion, we look like a third world country. to the markets. completely separate from the political action this morning. trump's indictment has no impact on stocks, not that i can see. the dow, the rally continues. we're up about 130-odd points
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for the dow, s&p up 11, nasdaq up about 13 points. look at the yield on the 10-year treasury coming in now above the 3.5% level. down slightly but above 3.5% still and as for the two-year that's moving higher. you're now at 4.11. i should tell you that a half hour ago, we got the latest read on inflation running at 4.6% that's inflation at the core. that's the inflation indicator that the federal reserve looks at when it figures out interest rates. it appears inflation is moderat ing, cooling just a little. oil, fairly steady at $74 a barrel but gas, that keeps on going up. the average for regular has now hit $3.50 and that is up seven cents in the last three days but look it is the trump indictment that dominates the news today. reaction, opinion, pouring in as the importance of the story sinks in. we'll cover it all. friday, march 31, last day of the quarter. "varney" & company, a special
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edition from the first world, we're about to begin. >> big story of the day, got to get to it. the new york grand jury indicted trump. good morning, lauren. what happens next? lauren: he is expected to turn himself in next week. that means he be escorted by the secret service from mar-a-lago to manhattan. at his arraignment as early as tuesday, he will be processed , fingerprinted, likely dna swabbed just like everybody else, and then there's that mugshot. political gold, stuart. trump says he's been prosecuted and persecuted, "this is political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history, from the time i came down the golden escalator at trump power and even before i was sworn in as your president of the united states, the radical let democrat s, the enemy of the hard
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working men and women of this country have been engaged in a witch hunt to destroy the make america great again movement. i believe this witchhunt will backfire massively on joe biden ." his current and presumed 2024 gop rivals are coming to his defense including florida governor ron desantis who attacks the da, alvin bragg, not really mentioning trump's alleged crime. here is part of the comment. the soros-backed manhattan da consistently bench ed the law to downgrade felonies and excuse criminal misconduct and now he's stretching the law to target a political opponent. florida will not assist in an extradition request, given the questionable circumstances at issue. so the reports say that trump faces more than 30 charges. that indictment is under seal. stuart: got it. we'll find out. lauren: is there a smoking gun? stuart: we'll find out later exactly what the charges are. sean duffy with me this morning.
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big picture question here, sean. how does this affect the 2024 race? >> sean: so first off, stuart i agree with you this is a sad day for america. this is a number of pieces have fallen whether it was the fake russia collusion story that the government actually ran against donald trump, the two impeachments, the raid article which was historic but i think this is very helpful to donald trump in a primary. he only goes further up in regard to ron desantis who is the next closest candidate whose unannounced even and yesterday, i wasn't sure. i didn't think this would help donald trump in the general election. the mugshot, the prosecution, he's a criminal, um, can be used to greater effect by the left but i've talked to a lot of independents who they like the policies of donald trump. they didn't like the attitude of donald trump and the tweets and, you know, the rhetoric, and they are livid that their country has come to this. you made the point this is like a third world country. they feel like america is no
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different right now, that the left is using the criminal justice system to prosecute a political enemy. they are outraged, and today, i think, they are on the camp of donald trump. now, does this dissipate over the course of the next year, year and a half before the election? maybe, but i know today, a lot of people who didn't want to vote for donald trump are gravitating towards his camp so in the end this could be beneficial to him but it might benefit donald trump. this is horrible for america. stuart: yes, horrible for america, i 100% agree with you, but could this be something of a win for the democrats? they'd love to see trump, on trial, in the dark, in the middle of the election campaign. could it be a plus for them? >> sean: here is where it's not going to be a win, stuart. they have this belief and its been true for a while that they can do things to republicans and republicans will never respond in kind so just think back. nancy pelosi kicked republicans off of all committees in the house, right? historic, never happened before,
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and kevin mccarthy came in and kicked them off certain committees but not all committee s. republicans haven't treated democrats the way democrats have treated republicans. i think there's a space here where republicans will say you know what? democrats, we're going to make you live by the rules that you've made us live by so you're going to see political prosecutions. you might see far more aggressive republicans, and that really is the only way you can get democrats to stop but if they treat republicans one way but they get treated a different way, again a two-tier system get treated fairly under the law republicans do not, they feel like they are in a winning position, but if they have to live under that same tiered justice system that republicans live under i think they will think twice and so in the end this will be bad for democrats as well if republicans get a backbone and go we're all going to live under the same standard and if you don't want it to be the 250-year standard we had in the past you want it to be the new standard, so be it, but you'll live by it as well. i think that, for democrats, if you look out, look over the horizon whether you're a
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year and a half, two and a half years from now, i think they will rule the day and regret they have done this , because republicans are going to now come for them when the shoe is on the other foot. stuart: what an extraordinary situation, we wake up to this friday morning. sean duffy, you'll have a big day. >> one last point. this isn't an accounting error. they are going to book him on an accounting error. it's a bogus accounting error. that's how betty this is. stuart: pure politics. the trump haters are having a field day for now. sean duffy, good stuff. see you again later, thank you very much indeed. we will be watching the bottom line with dagen and duffy. it's at 6:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox business. big day. sean, thank you. lauren? how did the democrats react? lauren: well, the democrats are largely saying no one is above the law. stuart: oh, yeah. lauren: we'll start with adam schiff. he is the lead democrat. he was, in the first impeachment trial of trump. he says justice was served. the indictment of a former
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president is unprecedented, and it is, but so too is the unlawful conduct in which trump has been engaged, and a nation of laws must hold the rich and powerful accountable. stuart: i could throw up. go ahead. lauren: maxine waters, you said jubilant in your take at the top, trump finally got indicted. i predicted he would and i predicted that stormy daniels would get him, sometimes justice works. stuart: get him. lauren: so they're related, and they, you know, they say no one is above the law and republicans say, well, just the opposite. there's a bending of the law for political purposes. stuart: exactly, a misdemeanor? nobody is above that. lauren: exactly. stuart: we better leave this subject before my head explodes. let's go to the markets. good news there we're in the green. dow is up 140, modest gain in the s&p and the nasdaq. kenny polcari is here. do you see any impact on this indictment on the stock market? >> no. the political events like this
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will provide entertainment but it's not going to price stocks in the long run at all. stuart: good. okay look, we've had a pretty good week. we've rallied this week. i think the nasdaq is up 4.9% this month, by the way, so do you see this rally continuing? >> i do. listen, don't forget it's quarter end and month end so there's a lot of window dressing and reallocation of dollars going on and that's adding to this little month-end rally, but i do think that the rally will continue. now, are we going to have pullbacks? for sure. you and i have talked about that i still think there's volatility but i do think as we move into the second half of the year that the market is going to find solid footing and continue to move higher. do i think it's going back to 4,800? no, but do i think it's going, i'm guessing that the end of the year we're going to be somewhere between 4,100 and 4,200. stuart: this is no time to be pulling out of stocks and into bonds which is something that a lot of us did over the last year don't do it now. right? >> no, listen. you can do it on some of your portfolio if you're nervous
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about where the futures going. there's nothing wrong with lock ing in 4.5 or nearly 5% on some percentage of your money, but i would not tell anybody that they should pull out of the market completely, especially if you're younger you got much more time to go, right? if you're someone like you and i , maybe less, but if you're younger you should absolutely be in. stuart: [laughter] you know where near my vintage. nowhere near, not even close but look while you're here, kenny. you're in florida. you're on the wrong coast, but you're still in florida. what's the feeling there about this indictment? >> well, listen. i'm sure, we saw it last night. there were lined up along southern boulevard all of the trump supporters waving the flag and screaming and yell ing all that stuff. my sense is is that this indictment has just ignited certainly the supporters and now the non-supporters not because they are going to support necessarily trump but because they are so angry about what it means for the judicial system
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and the political system, so i think people are just riled up because they see this completely political and that's what's going to rile everybody up. stuart: enjoy florida this weekend. we'll see you next week. kenny political, everyone, thank you, sir. the media, well, the only way to describe it is they celebrated trump's indictment. watch this. >> maybe the first day and the rest of this political era where we have been living through, because the seal is broken, it shows he can be charged. >> i didn't know this be coming i thought it would never come. i thought what does it matter if it came. i didn't know it would feel this good. >> [laughter] stuart: oh, what's that guy's name? lauren: steven colbert. stuart: never seen him. stay with us throughout the morning as we bring you the latest. i'm betting there will be more to come. the house will continue with its investigation into da alvin bragg, but he says he's not going to capitol hill. can he be forced to go? i'll ask the chair of the committee, that's investigating him, that will be james comer, he's next.
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stuart: yes, i'm sure you know by now, president trump has been formally indicted by new york grand jury. peter doocy at the white house. all right, peter. did you get a comment out of the president this morning? reporter: we got him to talk about the thing that everybody is talking about in this town. was this indictment politically motivated or not. listen. >> mr. president, do you think that the charges against trump are politically motivated? >> i have no comment. reporter: it's interesting. trump backers, trump opponents, nobody in d.c. is really saying that trump didn't do it. instead, the argument is about whether or not he should be
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charged. >> you talk about the line that you can't cross. in my view, jessie, they crossed it months ago when they weaponized the fbi against parents, when they weaponized the fbi against everyday americans who want to exercise their right to free speech and now, they're just accelerating it. i think the democrats know this has nothing to do with the law. they are sending a message. reporter: chuck schumer is saying mr. trump is subject to the same laws as every american. he will be able to a vail himself of the legal system and a jury, not politics, to determine his fate according to the facts and the law, but it is the electoral system that trump backers are most, are thinking about at the moment. >> they're trying to destroy donald trump because they fear him at the ballot box. they are trying to drain him dry he spent more money on lawyers than most people spend on campaigns. they're trying to bleed him dry. reporter: and so you heard it from the president himself today they would rather talk about the
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things he is doing like touring storm damage in mississippi today rather than trump. stu? stuart: no surprises there. all right, peter, thank you very much indeed. the white house gop, i'm sorry, the house gop, they will put the investigation into alvin bragg on a brief pause. they are waiting to see what happens with trump's arraignment congressman james comer joins us now. congressman, bragg says he's not going to come to testify. can you force him? >> well, all options are on the table. mr. bragg doesn't have the luxury to determine whether or not he can come to congress. that's up to congress. mr. bragg is trying to act like this is just a normal case, when in fact, there's no precedent to the charges that he's trying to levy on mr. trump. then take into the account he's the leading contender for president and a former president of the united states and this is a very serious issue the biggest concern that we have
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is the fact that here is a local attorney trying to prosecute a presidential candidate based on federal campaign finance violations where the statute of limitations expired years ago. this is a political stunt. we're concerned about what this does to the entire judicial system. that's why we're investigating a lot of things where we fear this department of justice has weaponized conservatives. stuart: i think, and this is my opinion, the democrats want him to charge trump. they want to go to a trial. they want to see a specatacle, a circus in the middle of the election campaign and it all revolves around trump. the democrats want this. am i wrong on that? >> no, you're exactly right. they want a mugshot, stuart. that's the most important thing. they want a picture of donald trump in handcuffs. they want a mugshot. this is something to rally the base. i think there's a lot of depression, you know, joe biden is not a charasmatic figure, we
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all know that. his record is dismal. crime is skyrocketing all over the united states. energy prices are soaring. every one of his policies has been a failure. the border is wide open. fentanyl is pouring across this border. our foreign policy is a joke on the world stage so they needed something to boost the morale and this is it. bring back donald trump. that's the best morale booster for the left. stuart: if i were a tourist visiting america for the first time, i'd get off the plane, go to the city and see homelessness everywhere, drugs everywhere, a completely open border, i see crime everywhere, and now i see the indictment of a former president. i would conclude that this is now a third world country. how about you? >> yeah, i mean, look. one of the biggest issues that republicans campaign on in the mid-term elections and why we won the majority is because of crime. the democrats have a soft on crime policy, and one of the reasons we have so much crime is because we have
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prosecutors in these big cities who are soft on our criminals, and instead of prosecuting criminals, alvin bragg is doing a political stunt, using excessive resources, spending valuable time in the courtroom when our court system is already backlogged, on a political stunt that's never going to holdup in court, and it's very unfortunate all while crime continues to rise in new york and all of our blue cities. stuart: congressman comer i know you're a busy man but through very much for being with us on a very important day. we appreciate it, sir, thank you >> thank you. stuart: now this. speaker pelosi tweeted about the indictment, but lauren, i think she had a legal error in the tweet. lauren: yeah, and it speaks volumes to the mindset and the intentions. so this is the part of the tweet that everybody is talking about. no one is above the law, and everyone has the right to a trial to prove innocence. the law states, you're innocent until proven guilty, and twitter users wanted everybody to know
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that so they added context to the tweet and that context says the law. the law in the u.s. assumes the innocence of the defend and the prosecution must prove guilty for a conviction. stuart: it shows you the mindset , they want to get him. lauren: show me the man and i'll find the crime, stallen said. stuart: that's a good quote. lauren: i actually told you something about history. stuart: it's a big day. dow is up 130 as we approach the opening bell, the s&p up 14, nasdaq up about 30 points. no relationship between the indictment of trump and the stock market action. at least none that i can see. the opening bell is next. ♪ show me the money ♪
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stuart: the futures this morning , it's friday morning we've got some green, dow is up about 100 and nasdaq up about 21 points, cooling inflation, that's one word to say about the market this morning. cooling inflation.
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mark mahaney is with us. let's talk netflix. they say they are making fewer movies. does that change your target price of $400 for netflix? >> no, and you'd like to see these cost actions. stu, this is kind of the biggest change i've seen across technology in the last 12 months , reduction in forces, just a lot more cost measures. many of these companies frankly have gotten in the middle age. they had a big growth spurt during covid and came out of that and over-spent and now had to reign in those expenses but what it means is that they are defending earnings. they are defending free cash flow, that makes the sector more investable. netflix is one of our top picks, i like meta, uber and netflix. stuart: tell me about meta because it's now at $207 a share and i think you're looking for just over 300 a share. whoa, justify that. >> yeah, yeah, well this is actually the cheapest, get this , the cheapest technology stock out there, at least of the high-quality stocks it trades at like 13 times
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earnings. it's cheapest on free cash flow on earnings. this is a company that generates a lot of cash and buyback stock and it's a recovery play and the dynamic on this really changed. last year this was widely shunned but as revenue growth recovers, there's a lot of hidden assets and there's one in particular i want to make sure you know about which is what's app, the largest messaging asset in the world not so much used in north america but very broadly used outside of north america, latin america, asia, western europe and this is an asset they are just starting to monetize effectively now. it's kind of the hidden gem within meta. one of the reasons wie like this stock. stuart: what about the metaverse i'm told it ain't up too much. it's virtually empty and all those folks who bought real estate in the metaverse have lost their shirts. what about that? >> i'm hoping that all of that sends a signal to meta management to start down playing the amount of money that they are spending on the metaverse. they are spending about 15 billion a year.
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look, i think it's a good idea for these tech fan fridays toss have kind of these moon shot investments. it makes you more valuable. google should be investing in waymo, in autonomous cars and facebook should be investing in the metaverse but just temper it and bring it down to 5 billion a year and investors be much happier with you, and i think that's going to happen actually. i think all of this kind of sobering news about the metaverse actually i think is a good piece of information. it's good news, for meta stock pickers. stuart: that was excellent, mark mehaney. you did two and a half minutes without mentioning the indictment and net flex is going to 400. way to go, see you next week. >> [opening bell ringing] >> have a great weekend, stu. stuart: it is in 3-2-1, the market is open on a friday morning. you might call it day after indictment day, has no impact on the market that i can see. we've opened to the upside, the dow is up about 116-odd points, two-thirds of the dow 30
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on the upside. the s&p 500 also opening higher, not that much, but it's on the upside. a quarter percentage point higher, well-above 4,000. nasdaq well-above 12,000 with a gain of just .16%. big tech we always show it to them at 9:30. alphabet, amazon up. apple, meta, microsoft down. not by much, a fractional movement for big tech this morning. let's start with elon musk. whoa! why not? he's planning a trip to china next month, and he wants to meet with xi-jinping. susan what's the implications? >> well unlikely he will get that meeting with xi-jinping its been reported he's been looking for a meeting with the second in command instead, so now if musk does go, it be the first time he's met with top chinese leadership since he started his third unprecedented term and china is one of the main drivers of tesla stock which by the way surged 500% plus since the covid bottoms three years ago in 2020 and we know that tesla, well their
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second biggest market is china so he needs to go there to make friends. also, shanghai is now the largest production plant for elon musk's electric car company. if musk does head over to china, it be the first time he's been inside the country in three years, and this past week you've seen a lot of big fortune 500 ceo's in town. apple's ceo tim cook, pfizer's albert pujols burla, also china 's economic numbers last night were huge. stuart: i didn't see it. >> did you see the spike in recovery? so the gauge of services growth and that is the majority of the chinese economy, no longer manufacturing. it surged the most in 11 years, up the most since 2012. stuart: whoa. >> yeah, so that's why everyone is going there is that you need that recovery play, and we know shanghai is important, i'd say vital to tesla. stuart: and american executives they have got to sure up their relationship with what they do in china. >> that's right. it's all about-face and relationships so also by the way for tesla here in the u.s. this
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morning you have the treasury possibly narrowing, confirming they are going to narrow the cars available for that $7,500 tax credit which might hurt the tesla model 3 which might not be eligible because you have to make a certain amount of the car, a majority of it, here in the u.s. stuart: and the day after the indictment. i'm going to bet that digital world acquisitions does very well. that's trump social media thing. >> absolutely, look at it but also rumble, i see , is up 11% right now, which is that conservative youtube competitor, also software developer that was hired by trump's 2020 presidential re-election team also rallying and this is the retail trade because i looked on stock, and a local of those stocks were along the 10 most touted stocks this morning so this is the little guy getting in. stuart: getting in because of the indictment? >> because the trump trade because it's making a lot of noise. also in terms of the actual dollar amounts. stuart: fascinating. >> the trump campaign raised
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$2 million since trump first tweeted about the impossible indictment on march 18 so he's fundraising on the back of this news. we'll see. stuart: that is fascinating. >> why doesn't he convert his equity in dwac to fund his campaign. stuart: he'll get the money from somewhere. i want to talk about netflix. i know that what they say they are going to produce fewer movie s but i don't know why. >> well, i mean, if you think about it, they are making 50 movies per year right now according to a lot of analysts. the reason why they needed to make 50 movies a year when they started was because they didn't have the intellectual property library like disney had with marvel and lucas films and they didn't want to go out and buy an actual studio itself but i think this also shows that there is an extreme cost cutting measure underway for all the streamers. think about the jobs that have just been cut, disney, 7,000 of them, metaverse totally gone, so this shows that there is this cost cutting measure under way. i was looking also at netflix
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global subscriber number, 231 million at the end of last year. most of those are overseas and by the way a lot of those aren't counted with the password sharing so be careful about that , but it'll be interesting to look at the numbers and the report card in two weeks time. stuart: 231 million people? >> most of those , only 60 million are here in the u.s.. stuart: but they are paying netflix on a monthly basis. >> that's right, well, yes, and they have the advertising model so they are unlocking value there. stuart: i know for the f-150 lightning from ford they just raised the price by i think 20,000 bucks. >> but think about it, okay so you're right, they are raising their price but think about the counter to tesla, which has been cutting prices. stuart: that's right. >> by 13-20% so far this year, so, ford says they need to up their prices because they have to cover their costs when it comes to labor and chips et cetera. stuart: maybe they got pricing power. the market is saying they got pricing power the stock is up to 12 bucks. >> very intuitive stu, i don't know what coffee you drank this morning but just under
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60,000 now that doesn't include shipping but if you think about where the f-150 lightning is, we're 50% higher than what the price was originally last spring. stuart: pricing power. >> so you pay 35,000? no one is going to get an f-150 lightning for that. stuart: no, never. you can't touch it for 35 grand. get out of here. oh, let's talk branson's virgin orbit. i know they had trouble recently but its gotten worse. >> here is the thing that people get confused because this is virgin orbit, to launch satellites not virgin galactic set to take tourists on to the b rink of space so, virgin orbit because of the failed launch in january they are possibly going to cease operations forever. right now they are only ceasing operations for the foreseeable future because they fail to get funding, a funding life line we know the company will lay off around 100 employees but likely to lay off 90% of their staff, and the stock has created by 80% but let me ask you this because you look at the analysis this
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morning on virgin orbit failure, is that it's another branson failure. how many success stories has he had in the virgin brand itself? he's had a few but most have failed. stuart: in recent years the failures mounted up. go back a decade the man was king of the hill. now he's not. >> virgin records did well but what about virgin coke or the soda, that went under. stuart: i can't even remember it >> look i think the takeaway for billionaire is that some things work out and they work out great, but that's the bulk of your wealth right there but a lot of billionaires fail and that's okay. stuart: okay. good stuff. susan, thank you very much indeed. check that big board. look at this , folks. day two of indictment and we're up 150 points, that's a half percentage point i'll call that a modest rally, dow winners headed by walmart, boeing, home depot, caterpillar, jpmorgan chase, winners for the s&p, caesar's entertainment, digital realty trust, mgm, lion
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technology, moderna is on there too, how about the nasdaq? merck -- >> merck had a libre. that's a food delivery company. stuart: very different than the drug company i believe. okay thanks. align technology, moderna, is that data dog? >> yeah, correct. stuart: let's move on. and m phase energy is in there. here is what's coming up folks. earlier this month former arkansas governor asa hutchinson said trump should quit the 2024 race if he was indicted does he still feel that way? i'll ask him because he's on the show. a new fox poll shows trump's lead growing in the gop primary race. does the indictment help or hurt trump? florida congressman byron donald s takes it on, next.
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stuart: got to get back to the indictment. ashley webster is actually at mar-a-lago. all right, ash, what's the reaction there? ashley: well, you knowp this mot his resort. he is here. apparently his attorneys say he was shocked by the news of the indictment, not surprisingly and also the dubious history he's made as the only current or former u.s. president to actually be criminally charged. that news certainly caught everyone by surprise. i think, stu, we thought the grand jury and the manhattan da were maybe several weeks away before becoming a decision on this case , but it did prompt trump supporters to come out last night. take a look at some of these protesters waving their flags, probably a couple of dozen or so. nothing too drastic, but they were all upset saying that donald trump is the victim of a
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political witchhunt, a political hit job, if you like and they weren't happy. take a listen. >> very upset, enraged. i can't believe that our country took this direction. >> they always come after trump and they never come after anyone on the left and it's unfair because we're always the ones getting bullyied. ashley: you know, former governor florida governor rick scott whose now senator scott, of course was quick to jump on twitter and this is what he tweeted out. he said first our media was over run by the left and then our government was weaponized by the democrats and now our legal system has been completely up ended by a soros-funded district attorney targeting a political opponent while letting violent criminals run rampant across new york city. that, by the way, is the sentiment echoed many times. so what happens now? well, it's a good question. the da wanted donald trump tok surrender today.
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that didn't happen because the secret service has to figure out how this works. we understand maybe next tuesday , but i can tell you this , stu, the trump 757 plane- jet is still firmly parked right here at the west palm beach airport so for now he's staying put. stuart: ashley thanks a lot. we've got a fox poll you should look at. more than half republicans support trump as the 2024 presidential nominee 54%. florida congressman byron donalds with us this morning. by the way that poll was taken before the indictment. byron? does this indictment help or hurt trump? >> oh, it's definitely going to hurt him in the republican primary. there's no doubt about that, and actually, you know, i hear these pundits saying oh, but it won't really matter in the general. i disagree. i think you have a lot of americans looking at this indictment whether you love trump or hate trump or you're luke warm on trump is irrelevant this is the criminal court, this is a political prosecution and really political persecution
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they have been after trump for years and it took this radical da, not even taking care of crime in his own city, to go after a former president. i think this is actually going to weigh in on the general election as well. stuart: forgive me for disagreeing with you, byron, but i would have thought that trump now wins the primaries, because his block of votes, his base, will not dessert him and might expand and the voters will block him and beat everybody else but he might not win in the general because he has a mugshot around his neck. you don't see it like that, do you? >> no, actually, i don't see it that way, because there is a gross unfairness and let me say it like this. the democrats have been lecturing us for years about how they want to save the soul of america. stuart: yup. >> nothing in the soul of america goes after your political opponents, no matter how much you don't like them, and so in a general election cycle where you're going to have big media, and joe biden talking
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about an indictment and an impeachment, all donald trump has to say is, you guys have been going after me for seven years because i won't follow your crazy agenda that puts china first, that puts billionaires first, that puts woke industries and special interest groups first. it puts the american people first and because of that, you personalized me, you try to demonize me and now you're trying to criminalize me? i'm sick of it. the american people are sick of it. we've got to put american people first. that's your message in 2024 and if you look at this economy, and if you lack at what they are trying to do with energy policy empowering the chinese over american production, it speaks facts to what everybody is see ing. i think it actually back fires on the democrats in 2024. stuart: real fast, congressman. ron desantis, governor desantis, tweeted that florida will not assist in trump's extradition. it sounds to me like governor desantis is trying to keep out of this. what do you say? >> well, i mean, i'm not going to speak for him on that.
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i think it's appropriate to not even deal with this. the state should snot enforce any of this mess because what alvin bragg did is he stepped out of his jurisdiction. he is a state-level prosecutor. he reached into federal, into a federal issue where the federal agencies decided not to pursue any of this stuff, because he wanted to get his man. he wanted to get donald trump, so why in the world would florida's governor even participate in any of this? i think it's the right call. we'll see where it goes from there. stuart: thank you, congressman. great to see you again and we hope to see you again real soon. byron donalds. thank you very much. >> thank you. stuart: some of trump's 2024 rivals are speaking out about this indictment. who is saying what? lauren: vivek ramaswamy calls this unamerican, and the weaponization of the legal system to target a political opponent, watch. >> justice is supposed to be impartial. if this had been anybody else other than donald trump, this set of facts, it would have been charged as a misdemeanor at
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-most, if at all. this is not the america that i know. lauren: and trump's secretary of state, mike pompeo, tweeted prosecuting serious crimes keeps americans safe, but political prosecutions put the american legal system at risk of being viewed as a tool for abuse. da bragg spent taxpayers money and your energy protecting law- abiding citizens, not playing politics. stuart: okay. moving on. thanks lauren. it is not too late to be on the show, today. don't forget to send in your friday feedback. e-mail your questions, comments, critiques, congressional reaction to trump 's indictment pouring in, but the approach by some democrats is to say as little as possible, but they try to put the republicans to play defense. chad pergram has the latest from capitol hill, after this. mara, are you sure you don't want
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stuart: the reaction to the trump indictment coming in fast from both sides. fox's chad pergram joins me now. chad? reporter: good morning, well house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan issued a one word statement about the
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indictedment. "outrageous." republicans say alvin bragg should have given them a warning ahead of time. >> it's inappropriate not to give us a heads up but we're not surprised and that includes the speaker of the house not being told. i think the important thing to remember though is this was a campaign program used by the da he said he would indict the president. he has now done so. reporter: today was the deadline for alvin bragg to provide house committees information about his investigation. bragg accused the house of interfering in his probe. republicans contend a local prosecutor has no business investigating a former president , let alone a candidate for 2024. >> hunter biden and joe biden could be prosecuted under this theory if they're on vacation in south carolina and made a call to china. this is a danger to the presidency. this is turning the rule of law upside down to destroy a man, donald j. trump who the left fears. do not let them getaway with this. reporter: fox is told the three
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house committees investigating bragg will likely take a pause until mr. trump is arraigned, that they promise to probe the motives of the inquiry. democrats have defended bragg. >> i don't think they can be that serious. you can't find any example of congress interfering in a local da's investigation, and where would that end if we actually opened it up to that? reporter: the indictment compels republicans to rally around former president trump. house republicans passed the touchstone of their legislative agenda yesterday, an energy bill but all everyone is talking about is donald trump stuart? stuart: you got that right. chad, thank you very much indeed , sir. >> thank you. stuart: to the markets on this day after the indictment we're up 170-odd points for the dow industrials and up about 70 for the nasdaq. plenty of green left-hand side of the screen. the 10-year treasury yield where's that? it's moving, it's still well- above the # .5% level. gold, has it hit back at $2,000 an ounce yet?
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almost, 1,998 is your price. bitcoin, not much movement, it's at 28, 400. the price of oil still around, it moved up to $75 a barrel. nat gas still languishing down at $2.19 per million british thermal units. gas starting to go up again, look at this , 3.50 is the national average for regular and its gone up seven cents in the last three days and look to be rising more. diesel, 4.22. still ahead, tammy bruce, arkansas governor asa hutchinson , kirk cameron and shannon brean. the 10:00 hour is next. ♪
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and i remember kind of thinking like, "oh my gosh, i think we could be sisters." because i think we looked... yes. right. yeah. and i don't think at that time- i think you're the one to tell me that we had the same birthday. yes. it's really unbelievable when you think about it, because it's been, like, really over 20 years that you were my mother and father's banker, you became my banker and now fran is in her third year of college and you're her banker. it's so unbelievable because i'm just 20 years old. [laughing] (vo) with their verizon private 5g network, associated british ports can now precisely orchestrate nearly 600,000 vehicles passing through their uk port every year. don't just connect your business. (dock worker) right on time. (vo) make it even smarter. we call this enterprise intelligence.
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it's the same old song, but with a different meaning ♪ stuart: oh, "it's the same old song" okay i'm not sure that's relevant to the indictment day two but nonetheless we're playing it. good morning, everybody. 10:00 eastern. to the money, please. i see green on the left-hand side of that screen dow is up 160, nasdaq is u


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