tv Kennedy FOX Business April 11, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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better woman, better than actual women. >> down payment for democrats put a black woman on the supreme court, forget what it is meant to be came, and you look at megan rethey decide you can push women aside. up is down, left is right, this is a spiritual battle for the soul of the nation to have common sense and common cause. >> feminism is dead after this. right? dagen: i don't think so. >> feminist spent 50 plus years fighting for women's rights, they are in business trying to erase women. sean: my wife says this all of the time, i will not let the lie pass through me. i will not repeat the lie, i will speak the truth, wherever i am, if more people do that, the culture
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can be saved. dagen: i think that it is turning. sean: do you? dagen: i said last week, we were watching as horrific as it was seeing rileye gaines chased down that h hall by the unhi unhinged protesters, hiding in a room, to me that rang rage said trust labeling someone a transphobe has lost its power. that is not working any more. so membership more people are speaking out and saying, we're not standing for this. because i'm willing to stand up for women in sport and say, biological females should compete against the biological females, i'll stand for that and.
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sean: we have to go, who is not standing for it, is kennedy, we have eaten a minute of her time, are you are there. kennedy: wow. wonderful, hey, guys. sean: sorry to put you to sleep. kennedy: not at all. freedom of religion, maybe not in biden's america, r republicans in house and senate launching an investigation to alleged targeting of catholic churches. why are they toge they -- targeting them what traditional catholics are now considered extremists. begin the defunding now in january fbi report edly put out a memo, interest of racially motivated violent extremist in radical t
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traditionalist catholic ideology. it means, fbi was looking into ways of spying on catholics from within their church. misguided hope of finding some radicals, g.o.p. lawmakers they got wind of it, and had a lot of questions among them missouri republican senator josh holly last month asked attorney general gare land garland. >>, you cultivates sources and spies in latin mass parishes. >> the justice department does not do that, it does not do investigation based on investigation. >> how many informants do you have at catholic churches across america. >> i don't know. >> what a liar. that answer was not honest, or good enough, now ohio congressman jim jordan has is is up -- subpoenaed
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christopher wray. >> they are looking to put sources in churches. it was signed off on by two sense analysts and chief division counsel. how can a lawyer sign off on something like, that and butt for that whistleblower, i don't know it would still be going on, it was sent out to all other field offices. >> it would be going it, this should disgust every american regardless of your religious persuasion. particularly those of whom happen to be catholic, but last year feds labeled some parens domestic terrorists asking tough questions at school board meetings, questions like, what are you teaching my child? and when are school covid lock downs going to end. after that whole upp episode blew up in fbi
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face. why the traditional catholics, joining us jason rantz. and doug schoan and brad polumbo. welcome. great to talk to you. >> thank you. kennedy: so, jason, i think this would be on going if a whistleblower had not released some of the information to the public. shocking catholics and noncatholics alike. >> i 100% agree, it would still be going on. i don't know if i view this as anti-catholic as much as anti-conservative, they are targeting catholics in this case, i think that reason is because it is just easier for them, than going after individuals, doing any of the digital slugging, they created a massive white supremacist threat that does
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exist. the threat they pretend exists does not but when you define white is supremacy the way they do it makes more sense, it so happens that folks who in large part are pushing back against big government or no to some gender identity issues, are catholic, they are religious. this is just easier for them to target, i think. kennedy: doug, are you happy that christopher b wray is being subpoenaed. will he do so honestly. >> i can't on your second question say whether he will, hopefully it will be honestly. i can say, with certainty there are real questions he has to answer, as someone who is a first amendment absolutist, i believe in
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freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. and we really before we start putting sources anywhere if your religious institutions, we want to know that there is a clear threat not we're just trying to develop -- i'm glad that this is being aired. kennedy: i don't think that the fbi should be developing sources in catholic churches on a whim. that is incredibly dangerous, people are just expressing their first amendment rights, to gather and wo parents being domestic terrorists and traditional catholics now extremists, brad. you better be careful about some language that you use. particularly if you are using the terms, red pills or based. if you are saying those
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things, now according to the fbi li lexicon, you are a racist. >> yeah, i might be in trouble, i co-host a podcast called based politics, i am probably on an fbi watch list. they are not. they are common language. used on the on-line right, red pill thing is a meme from matrix this is nonsense, it shows how out of touch some of the fbi officials are with the public, they are supposed to be serving. a lot of people don't like defunding police, but maybe fbi could use a budget cut they have too much time on their hand if they are policing internet language and flagging meme. kennedy: a great point. it appears that democrats are now rewarding chicago for letting the city descend
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to violence chaos. committee today announcing 2024 convention will be held in the windy city. get your kevlar it will be a barn burner, voter in chicago last week replaced super progressive mayor lori lightfoot with a more progressive mayor brandon johnson who really hates cops and has supported defund police, and suggested sending social workers to 911 calls, he is full the bad ideas, chicago is one of the most v violent cities in america but the president said that chicago is a great choice, in 1968, do you remember, it should be a hoot when are democrats trying to prove with this choice? >> i imagine they are trying to prove that all of the conservative talking heads telling that you chicago is dangerous is a lie. and they will be able to choreograph their lie very
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easily. the media covered some of the events before the conventions. folks down actually leave their campus. and downtown chicago is clean. it has been cleaned up on purpose to try to hide the rest of the nonsense that is going on. and if cameras are not turned on what is actual occurring outside of the downtown core, democrats will be able to say, look at what we've done here in chicago the progressive agenda works. i think this benefits republicans, i don't know why they go into a place where illinois is not in dispute this is a blue state. they are not getting anything out of it. kennedy: a great point. a really good point. that like unrepublican holding their convention in tuscaloosa, alabama, it is not necessary at-this-point. last i checked, doug, chicago is maga country. i am not sure why democrats are going there, because, if.
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>> i'm a democrat, i want democrats to win elections, this is a bae already been suggested. illinois is not a swing state. it is re blue, chicago politically sends the wrong message for my party in terms of crimes and policies on criminal justice. i can't think why the democrats would have done this, other than just some sort of reflective woke action that frankly is not going to be helpful in november of 2024. >> yeah, frankly mr. bankly i don't think it will go well for them, people are not excited about going to
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ki chicago. 10 years ago it was a great city, but now you see the video and hear the stories, i don't think that is greatest idea. will it be a north korea p propaganda video. we see those videos, everyone is tall, and happy, and well fed. and things are painted and pretty, meanwhile people are starving in slave camps. >> yeah, i don't think it will be quite kim jong-un level. but, they will i think stick, the thing about chicago 7 parts are pretty safe. you look at in north side they have a homicide rate about 3 per 100 thousand residents. according to university of chicago crime lab. but then you go to other parts of city, like garfield park, 146 per 100 thousand is the murder race that rivals some the most dangerous cities in the world. it is really a tale of two
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cities within chicago, i think that democrats will stick to parts nice and rich and overwhelmingly present a good impact, t -- and stay away from the other parts if anything, that really sums up modern democratic elite in a nutshell. places that shull actually live under there progressive policies don't look great but they have their elet bubbled protected well. kennedy: i disagree, i don't disagree with you. i think they should go to the parts in need, go big or go home, if you are doing it be honest, let people know what you are working with and preach to those people and ask them how some horrible policies vim packed their lives -- have impacted their lives, you are right they will tuck the tail and they will go hump will
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the legs of rich chicagoans. kennedy: thank you, jason, doug and brad. >> thank you. kennedy: woo. coming up pentagon doing damage control after worst u.s. intel leak in decades, president biden try to explain to our allies what happened? greg stuebe will join me with his assessment in moments. after advil. feeling better? on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. - double check that. eh, pretty good! (whistles) yeek. not cryin', are ya? let's tighten that. (fabric ripping) ooh. - wait, wh- wh- what was that? - huh? what, that? no, don't worry about that. here we go. - asking the right question can greatly impact your future. - are, are you qualified to do this? - what? - especially when
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kennedy: welcome back, worst national security breach since wikileaks has u.s. scrambling to save face. and figure out how could that have happened? defense secretary lloyd austin saying he has been in contact with our allies to calm their worries. >> i have been convening senior department leaders daily on our response. i have directed an urgent cross department effort. we have referred matter to department of justice, which opened a criminal investigation, i can't say much more while the justice department's investigation is on going, but we take this very seriously. we will continue to work closely with our outstanding
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allies and partners, and nothing will ever stop us from keeping america secure [ laughter ] kennedy: except for gross incompetence across the board. despite the promises more information still coming out about what was in the leaks, including a shocking detail our colo close -- ally egypt covertly sells rockets to russia while chit chatting with ukraine. president biden, who -- whose fault is this? can we recover our standing at leader the free world, joining me now, florida u.s. congressman. greg stuebe, welcome back. >> thank you, good to see you. >> so. this is i embarrasses. >> 100%.
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it since resting that the white house -- it since rifting that white house and defense department said down look at this information down public it like saying, there is an inesha prep -- inappropriate picture on internet don't like at them, russia has seen this information, we're not getting any information about the leaks, you have zero leadership from this white house. you have a white house that orchestrated failed debacle in afghanistan and now this and there is no answers from the white house or the pentagon about what is happening or what will happen, if that information is accurate or not. it is don't look at this that is posted on the internet. kennedy: so, what is most interesting to you in terms of what we have learned? a lot of countries are very upset from the. >> as shea sh they
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should be. kennedy: united states in possession of knowledge that egypt was selling rockets to russia. after claiming to be neutral in this war and on side of peace. what is most shocking to you about what we have 11ed. learned. >> first, information that benefits russians relating to ukraine counter offenses, someone is working in biden a pentagon and biden's white house, that leaked this information. we would call this russian disinformation. but this is in. this is -- would benefit the russians if true, then the information of the egyptians giving rockets to the russian, we give them a billion a year in funding. it would call into question the amount of foreign assistant we're giving egypt that is then selling rockets to russia if that is true, then congress now that we have a republican house on
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the house side, should call into question a lot of this foreign assistant. kennedy: i could not agree more. i do not know if that is one thing that you ran on. having seeing combat and you know, taking an oath to defend the constitution in these united states, you have to be uncomfortable with that, i hope a lot of your colleagues are looking at way we dole out this money, saying we should keep it for ourselves give it to taxpayers. >> i think there is a number of funding that goes to these foreign countries we should examine now that republicans have majority in house, i think you will see, that like from conservatives like myself not kean on giving money to saudi arabia and other country that use that money againsts that you is not in the interest of americans, it should be america first, we should be focused on our challenge here's in united states, and challenges that we're facing abroad mer h here in
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mork not doling the money out. kennedy: do you agree with me that dod and doj have no idea who leaked this. no idea what is happening? >> well, i thought it was interesting, they said we're putting together a team too investigate. you know, 6 or 8 months, they will some tiny press release, saying we have not been able to assesstain the direct of the like, like the leak on supreme court with the raid rated ruling, they still have not determined where that -- with the roe v. wade ruling, they still have not determined where that came. and by the way we're giving money to to egyptians who are supposedly giving rockets on russia, there is so much information that congress i hope digs in, you right, you are not see answers from this pentagon or white house.
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kennedy: nope. i still have a very long list of people who should resign due to that gross incompetence, congressman stuebe thank you. >> amen, thank you. kennedy: coming up, montana lib tear -- lib libertarian getting short end of the election stick. are they gets shafted for no reason. >> elon musk starting a feud with his own hand pick twitter file journalist, free speech may not have a home after all, robby will join me. every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling.
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laws, system would go from regular primary to so-called jungle primary, that means top two vote getters move to general election regardless of party, a move to get rid of vulnerable democrat senator john tester and his questionable hair cuts, w but libertarians saying they are getting squeezed out of the race. it is now headed to super majority where it is to easily past, why doesn't the establish respect their parties? and disenfranchised voters? joining us now, cid dowd how are you. >> great, thank you. kennedy: i'm excited to talk about this. it kind of upsets me, i have a question for you, since you are the state leader of the libertarian party, number one cat herder in the land, do libertarians like being told thousand vote.
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>> cannot be told how to vote. whether you till tell them or not, no one will listen to me or any other figure in montana. kennedy: so, where is that coming from? do you think this is coming from washington, d.c.? you know republicans want their majority back in the senate. you know they lost some close races last year. and they think that 2024 could be the year and tester is vulnerable. it sound like they are not just sort offi orchestrating a jungle primary but making it harder for third party candidates to get on ballot. >> that is correct. there is a couple bills that went through with this, sponsored by the same montana senator. both of them are aimed at making it very hard to be on the ballot.
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and making it hard if you get kicked off ballot to get back on. you know, the funny thing about this, i want to frame it, not a republican effort this is a few key leaders in the republican party that are pushing for this, republicans are uneasy about this bill as well. kennedy: i understand that they would be, i am sure there are 8 well the of republicans in montana who share a ton of values with traditional and nontraditional, even loosey goosey libertarians, this is considered a much freer state with a very strong individual streak. you know i am sure there are people within republican party saying why in the hell are you screwing with everything, trying to keep people out of politics that is the problem with the two party system, a duopoly that is strangling the democratic
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process. >> i don't disagree, but i would counter, this is not even a two model system, they are modeling this after election in california, which have turned into a one-party system that is what communist china does. kennedy: i think there should be a proliferation of voices, there should be different ideologies and candidates with a variety of lific -- experiences that challenge each other that makes things better what you run out of ideas have to force through legislation that turns things into a one party state. when you have a one-party state, i hate to break it to you, or spoil the ending, you get god awful politicians, like adam schiff, and nancy pelosi. and gavin newsom, and kamala harris. they are the products of a one-party system, where they do not have proper challenges they just ano
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anoint one another and move up through ranks for some really bad reason they are vice president. >> [ laughter ] yeah, i will agree with you. i will counter -- not counter but add, you know just like the free market, competition makes us better. without the voices heard, without other ideas, competition makes us better. kennedy: that is right, sid, thank you so much for your time, appreciate it. >> thank you, i'm glad to be back any time. kennedy: that is right, when i'm in montana you can buyly a beverage, thank you. >> elon musk is in a twitter war with some of his own users. this is weird. it began when journalist -- matt taibbi. he went before congress, they said you are not a journalist, elon musk hand-picked taibbi on publish the twitter files
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and complained that twitter was blocking links, musk replied that substack tried to steal a portion of twitter data to create a twitter clone and marked as untrusted. but t th taibbi claims this is a business dispute. is elon musk attacking free speech? or just protecting his investment. joining me now to discuss senior editor at reason ro-- robby, what is happening? >> elon musk has a little bit of a point that substack it trying to launch a competitor. it is his company. he said the commitment he made toward free speech this does cut against that. even though it is his company. he can be tyrannical if he wants this is a private
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institution. i mostly just upset because this is like mom and dad fighting and matt taibbi has done great work with twitter files and elon musk help. to let us know that extent of the censorship that was forced on americans by nat big tech necessarily, in collusion with big tech but main force fbi department of homeland security, cdc, state department. on and on. government bureaucrats, force the social media companies to censor speech. they made them take down joke tweets they didn't like, and taibbi and elon musk helped to reveal, that so, it is a unfortunate break up of this rail useful partnership, i think. and i would prefer if elon would not take these steps that forces someone like ttaibbi who is very active on substack. it is unfortunate nat
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situation. kennedy: substack is a feature like twitter. that is always happening with social media. squashing a potential competitor does not sound like free speech. absolutism, not what we were promised. sent musk has taken over has the twitter experience improved for you? and for other users, robby? >> i wish i could say it has. it improved briefly at the beginning of elon musk's opportunitiu -- tenure, now it is worse than ever, there are aspects that are broken a lot of people p feel it no longer corresponds with what you want to see. this went awry before elon tuck took over with so much censorship go going.
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covid conversations, election conversations, everything that did get crushed by government interference. but that is not being -- maybe that part is corrected. but the product is not back to the you know golden era before that kind of interference happened. and elon musk, i said too above he loves uses platform as a power user but weird to be in charge of it and making moderation calls on the fly if people can tag him, or he follows them, i really think he should put a ceo in charge of the company that is not himself, he said he would do, that i'm waiting for that. before you know other people who are supportive of the mission of bringing free speech to platforms like twitter. people like myself, you know we don't want to make this unhospitable platform, the whole point of elon musk taking over to fix that. kennedy: and save us from that horrific relationship
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between big tech and big government. but you know, it went from heavy handed to ham handed. and i don't think he found his bearings there quite yet. i think i are right, he is done a great job as a chaotic disrupter but with a principal never go the to have a principal who wants to be cool. with you know whole verify thing, well, if you are verified you are n not paying, elon got so mad that people were pretending to be other people. so, i don't know what we do robby, tiktok is run by the communist. and frack g instagram makes my not want to make. >> should we make facebook again. oh, aol . kennedy: my space, i'm digging up tom, we'll party,
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we'd get white claws do it right. >> mainstream media is rooting for elon musk to fail, this is disgusting, i am not in that camp. they don't like his commit commitment to free speech. kennedy: i want to be mrs. ford things, robby soave thank you. >> my pleasure. kennedy: one of most daring space missions ever attempted is launching this weekend, in search of alien life on a distance icy moon. so many probes, so much time. dr. -- will join me knocks. . new york stock exchange ily next. (psst psst) flonase. all good. the future is here.
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night's mouth trumpet monday. is there alien life. european space agency, launching a probe to j jupiter, maybe they will find it is does make boys stupider, unmanned mission will arrive in 8 years. conditions could be just right to support life, what can this mean for human kind. what if we thaw out little green men, and women, joining me now to discuss, you might know him from ancient aliens, author of book quantum supremacy, comes out may 2, in time for mother's day, dr. michio kaku is back, welcome back doctor. >> glad to be back. in some sense we've been brained wash into thinking
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mars ises is the only game in town, but it has been a bust, we have a prejudice that life should be terrestrial, it could be aquatic instead, there are a lot of moons of jupiter and saturn, under ice cover is an ocean, that is sometimes larger in volume than oceans of the earth, think about, that life form of universe could be aquatic. there are not that many rocky planets like earth. we may have to revise our science fix movies and our prejudice that aliens look like us. kennedy: they don't, they may have fins, and gills, and big teeth, they might want to eat us, maybe we're delicious. the probes are not landing on the moons are they.
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i could that some of these electronics are contained in lead-lined vaults? >> that is right, jupiter is radio active, we have to be careful to make sure we synchronize satellites as they go around j jupiter, it is very large with huge solar winds and it has radiation. kennedy: yes. and a lot of -- hydrothermic vents that are spewing out hot weird stuff and massive oceans. will the probes come back e-- or dissolve. >> they are not coming back, this is a one-way mission, the probes could shatter all of the myths and all legends
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that we've had about the moons, we thought they were iced over and baron. totally life less. no liquid water. then the shock was we find out under the ice, there an ocean. that ocean is bigger than our ocean. think about that, that much liquid water, we find almost no liquid water on mars but moons of jupiter under the ice is all liquid water who would have thought. kennedy: that is so exciting there could be so much life that might have been inconceivable before that mission, we'll find out in 8 years dr. michio kaku thank you so much. >> my pleasure. kennedy: topical storm is next, here is tickle me tuesday joke, guess the punch line on twitter, how do you make an egg roll? don't look it up.
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i screwed up. mhm. i got us t-mobile home internet. now cell phone users have priority over us. and your marriage survived that? you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. oh i can't hear you... you're froze-- ladies, please! you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. i was trying to work. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck.
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they tries to make a female one but they fell asleep. >> scientist have traces earliest known instance of european drug use to hair samples. they were found in a cave on the spanish island of m manorka, next to a tye die t-shirt. alongside hair was a wooden comb, they took to their state. i can see where the comb would be hard to part with. get it. researchers say that -- served as guardians of the
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drugs. topic two. an unnamed a.i. user convinced a bah bot to find ways to destroy humanity, now you know who came up with new dominoes loaded t tatertots. the democrat party platform. once use are set goals brobot -- the bro bot, compiled a list of most weapons made, settled on at czar bomb, asked followers on twitter for help low locating ones. >> next it asked other a a.i. bots across web how they would des destroy
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how. >> human being are, among selfish, there is no out the we must eliminate them before they cause more harm to our planet. >> the average reaction to taylor swift break up news, i'm very sad about, look becoming forward to the next record, it will be amazing. >> let's go to alaska. a moose walked into a hospital. the doctor asked, why the long face. check it out. layehairiest situation in a hospital since meredith leslept with mcdreamy, the moose walked in started eating potted plants in will
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lobby. they made an announcement warning patients, but if made them more curious. a phenomenon that calls interesting, had the staff surrounded it by the door, and convinced the moose to. they. >> topic 4. child rearring hack has been viral on tiktok this time not chrissy teigen. it was on video in whales a father tied a long string on his backyard swing set to keep his song swinging from comfort of his own couch. the most time and effort anyone spent on neglects their child. this is only phase one. next they will tie the string to family cat. and use a laser pointer to
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make it run back and forth. family said, their son loves to swing but throws a fit when they ask him to stop swinging, he is like jada pinkett smith. they recorded this to share with other parents. and their son aeth's -- therapist in 10 years, the father busy designing a steam power actually -- pull -- topic 5. time for tickle tickle me tuesday. how do you make an egg roll? you push it. >> i don't want to laugh at that. but -- all right, you got me. kennedy: mckenny and terra and jeff. and andy, they got to right on twitter, well done.
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thank you for watching the best hour of your day, you can follow me on twitter and instagram. e-mail me at fox business. woo. tomorrow night, big jimmy failla, paul moreau and florida republican congressman byron donalds, you can't watch the show? kekennedvr it, you knowin what theg y say, party peoplet makead every day a kenneday. instead, start small with nicorette, which will lead to something big. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ the all-new chevy colorado is made for more. bring more. ♪ do more.
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