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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  April 12, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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>> very strange. usually do conventions in swing cities in place like atlanta. >> milwaukee. >> or wisconsin, why illinois? this is locked down as democrat state. >> is it an indication they are worried about what will happen in illinois in the election. this is interesting decision to their internal polling. but none of what they to makes sense. the city is collapsing it will not get better, if they elecelected t moderate democrat, maybe. >> it will be a cluster farc. >> i scared you. dagen: in atlanta they have all news nude spike strip clubs. sean: that is a jackie you would wear to an all nude
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trip club. >> look like an affordable strip stripper. >> you want a fight, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg suing republicans over the trump indictment. but rob returns say two can -- republicans say two can play that game, i am jimmy failla if are in kennedy, two weeks ago bragg charged trump with 34 felony counts of falsifying business documents, a case many say is weaker than a cruise ship margarita. jim o jordan such sou. >> jordan wants him to
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testify. bragg filed a lawsuit against jordan, jordan said that it ridiculous. he said bragg is obstructing g.o.p. investigation. >> alvin bragg used federal funds to indict a former president for no crime and then when we ask questions about it, he tak takes us to court, they are be on vehiclo consawingal duty. >> the analyst say bragg's lawsuit is junk. one of them said why. >> republicans hope that mark pomerantz is there way into the investigation and bragg took a preemptive move to forward court in new york -- federal court in new york, see if he could stop the subpoena. it will be an uphill battle for bragg. >> showdown is coming to a
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boil. which guy will get burned. we get into it with party panel. co-host of the the big money on fox business taylor rigs, and host rich. hello to you all. >> hello. >> i'll start with you chadwick. fact that bragg is suing to deny access to this former member of his regime, is that what you need to know? some someone sets you up on a blind date, they don't answer, how do they look, a nice personality. you love sports, now imagine we're doing how does she look, i'm suing. is this not a tell that there is chicanery. >> he really studied. accuse your opposition. he said it is interfering.
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what he is doing to president trump. well timed. but you know you have to admire the tenacity and cajones on him here, is not giving up. he because not care how flimsy his lawsuit. is he said i'm suing you too, i'm going after everyone who questions this case. >> is it true that alvin bragg didn't handcuff donald trump because he was afraid if he did, he would have to start r handcuffing robbers and murderers and rapists. >> that is the outrage, we all live in this stay, last year they downgraded 52% of felonies onmm, this is the one one upgrade, i don't agree with alexandria ocasio-cortez on much but i do agree when we said have
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to hold them accountable. >> imagine that. everyone i know here, so sad. it is sick, pepper spray, knuckles it is crazy. you have been a defender of bragg. explain to panel why he is right. >> so, i don't know what jimmy is talking about. as usual, but i know that bragg does not know, he said you congress have no authority over me it is federal. i'm local. i'm going to try trump on federal charges, even though i'm local, he is just contradicting his own argument. saying federalism you have no oversight on me but i have over site on a guy with federal election violations, alvin bragg is proving he does not have authority or jurisdiction in the case. >> i heard lawyers talk
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about a moval. removal. >> that would process would take it from state to federal court, that the judges are a little bit -- not less partisan but they could oversee the case better. >> you understand by if trump issue to get a black eye on 4th of july, that elevates to a felony and train leaves in chicago. as a cab driver who fought a lot of traffic tickets in court, there is nothing, there absurd. this is such an insult to new yorkers who watched an aggressive quality of life deteriorate. you can see it in buildings as well, you look at apartments listed at fifth floor run-up. it used to be a walk-up, now you are running for your
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life. coming up we will talk with paul moreau about next week's house judiciary hearing on bragg horrible new york crime policy. >> are we doomed to a president trump and biden presidential showdown. biden will plan on running against but his answer sunday was a bit confusing. >> i plan to -- i -- at least 3 or 4 more egg rolls maybe 5. >> maybe 5. >> maybe 6, what the hell. >> are you saying that you would be taking part in our upcoming election. >> i'll either be rolling an egg or the you know the guy who is pushing them out. >> help a brother out. >> no, no, no. i plan on running now but we're not prepared to announce it. >> notice the way that jill is hovering over the microphone. she was ready dive on it. trump thinks that there
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something wrong with the big guy. >> look. i watch him like you do. i think it is almost inappropriate for me to say, i deal with other people, i don't see how it's possible. there is s something wrong, look,y don't think he can. >> what can we expect in coming year, are there better options for president. now, is the joke on us? we smack talk biden, but he is confident, he said he will beat milliard fillmore. >> was biden hiding his own easter eggs. >> i don't know, they give him hints,ure g you are getting warm. >> right there mr. president. democrats don't want him, colbert is making fun of him over that easter egg thing, but they have a kamala harris problem, they don't want her more. i think they are hopefully
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biden will forget he is running for president. forget to file but they would love someone new, a gavin newsom, someone who is younger. they know biden is the wrong nominee. the economy and the the old age issue. >> you brought up the economy. i was going to ask you this. >> 1 prel 1:00 p.m. on this network. >> should the republicans run on the economy and economy alone? >> i have two points kev griffin, a hedge fund manager. said he doesn't have to mention ron desantis' name. florida speaks for itself. put florida and new york side by side, look at gdp growth, economy growth, population trend and migration trend, freedom and lockdowns, that speaks for itself. my second point this morning we got our cpi data.
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that is inflation data, n nininom -- nominal wages may be going up, you are poorer for 24 consecutive months that is 92% of biden's presidency, that is the economy. >> that is not counting what we lost at dog track last weekend. >> that was so painful. >> is it a tell, democrats don't want him to run, colbert, did can make fun of him. >> colbert does not want to do. >> okay. >> no. >> he is a really well dressed group therapy session for liberals. in middle of country. if he is losing colbert, has he lost the party. >> i think polls if you follow polls speak that way, i think that trump handled that question well, and delicately, he is about that age. and trump didn't want to insulted old people, i feel bad what you bring up
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biden's age because i'm me mai love you. something is very wrong, we knew that when we ran t the last time, i think that there kamala harris is the problem. they are trying to figure out how to get rid of her. >> i am from california i don't know if we want gavin newsom. >> he is shame less, as a politician, h he is capable of transitioning so liberals would bump a woman off the ticket. >> she is the slimiest neoliberal. >> the hair is phenomenon. >> as long as we get lunch at french laundry. >> and private, no one is there. >> give my insight. if trump gets the nomination, va vegas has over/under indictments at 52, will they indict him
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every day. >> it will be he will go to state, meet, greet, get indicted and give a speech and continue on. >> his rallies at da district attorney offices. >> and in courthouse, i am selling mug shots it is better, every famous mug shot and trump. you been bowie, jager, name system and trump. >> frank sinatra, dnc havhaving their convention in chicago. i same the nomination, can i get a ride home, panel will be back. >> first new documents reveal resolving door of hupp -- revolving door of hunter associates into the white house while joe biden was vice president, next.
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jimmy: president biden and hunter on a taxpayer funded family trip to ireland. enjoy it.
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new report shedding light on how much joe knew about hunter biden shady overseas deals hunter biden, partner, visit the white house over 80 times. while joe biden was vice president. 80 times. and yet show has denied knowledge of hunters alleged back room deals. >> never discussed a single thing with my son any anything to do with ukraine. i never spoke to my son about his overseas. >> i don't know what he was doing. >> i d did not know he was on the board of that company. >> i never discuss my business, their business, my sonser daughters. >> i first discussed with my son or brother or anything else. to do with their business. jimmy: a lot of visits to talk about ice cream and amtrak rides, is president biden lying. or does he not remember anything that happened over 15 minutes ago. here with me in studio
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florida republican congressman house oversight committee byron donalds in the house, we're in times square, who do you trust more, joe biden or the guy selling the rolexes. >> at least the guy on the corner knows it is fake, you also know it is fake. i know i'm walking into this, rolex in the jewelry store not the corner. jimmy: you can stunt a little bit, but with biden, he took that position, that was brazen. never talk to him, never knew him. let's assume he is telling the truth. they went to white house 80 times, who would they be talking to. >> jimmy stop, i can't even play. if my son gets in trouble in school, teachers i'm sorry, they send me an e-mail, i know, i talk to my son, what did you do. i don't know. teacher tell you to stop talking, yeah, d it did you stop, no.
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are you kidding me, his son was showing up in white house 80 times no one said hunter how is business where is that money coming from. i thought you were on drugs. that never came up? jimmy: never once. beginning pain ter. is now -- painter getting 500 thousand a painting. you should meet the painter. stick with me, that alone would not be grounds for biden to be concerned knowing obama treasury department can filed suspicious reports there is no world where he did not know. but my next question is we know homer is investigating him. is there a world where the democrats are rooting for republicans to find something given the political liability biden is. >> i think so, there is a world for that, if l lolook at polling only
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25% of democrats want him to run, they are like quietly hoping something does happen. number one on that draft list is kamala harris. she is like -- you know who number two s gretchen whitmer. number two on hit list, gretchen in the kitchen with a wrench that is her. but, seriously, we know he knows. because joe biden did can something that no other president has done, trump, obama, bush, clinton. he blocked congress from seeing suspec suspicious activity reports, no other president president has, joe biden did why. jimmy: think about that you are buying a car, can i see carfax, no. we'll give you two day, 20 second warranty. >> can i buy the car for $2 those. 2 thousand. jimmy: talk me down. >> a car with no carfax.
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jimmy: overseas in ireland are hunter biden, some democrats just send him to epcot and tell him he is there. >> why is hunter biden there? he should not be near air force one, 2, 3 or 6. >> not even the movie. >> not at naval observatory visiting. he should be somewhere else, hang out in delaware to never be seen for next couple of years, i think thisthis is o outrageous. the brother skips on this but seems somewhat normal, they have been cutting deals in world getting money into family. big guy has his money somehow. you know, wire transfers i don't know. but the thing about all this, is joe biden's decision making compromised by his brother and his son. that is the fundamental question. and looking at what is happening in the globe, the epa just did under the biden
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administration, about cars. and knowing that stuff comes from china and pro brer -- brother and son have been in a lot of business with china. >> michael jordan -- thank you so much you are the best. >> thank you. jimmy: coming up, lawmakers in one state trying to ban participation trophies in youth sports, are kids too soft these days. >> prince harry reportedly made a di decision on whether to attend his dad's coronation. if he goes will meghan markle be his plus one? the party panel returns to sal discuss next. fits and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions.
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because progress... is a matter of character. jimmy: hey, girl, america's kid cuddling days could be over, three republican state senator in north carolina a bill that would ban p
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participation trophies for kids in sporting events, saying in part: >> poor kids, highw how soon before little like parents start beating each other up, the party panel is back, boom, ba bang, pow, taylor, we're in a global economy are we putting them at disadvantage by eliminating amer mer. >> im >> parents gave us trophies for showing up, it is a, a rude awakens when you show up for work and you don't get a raise just because you are there. we're doing a disservice. jimmy: chad, problem with everyone getting a trophy northern learned to field the ground ball, next thing you know guys like me are
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losing a lot of money. >> i didn't know participation trophies were real. >> it's real. >> it sayning. is a thing. >> a law really? well, intended but. >> how about just -- the law it is heavy handed. >> you are not allowed within 500 feet of youth sporting event, but if you were -- no, weei being as we are around kids, they want to compete, they keep score and want to win. >> my son is 8, he plays baseball and love the loves to win, if not for participation trophies i would never had a trophy. failure is important in life, we have to do a better job of teaching, that if you fail at something you can learn to try harder or figure out you are not good at that do something else.
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there nothing wrong with this, are try acting like i did can. jimmy: you know true, he makes a gid point about giving people their truth. we met the parents who my son bradley is going pro. i'm like bradley is wearing a t-shirt in the pool, it is seaworld here. >> if that passes. government come in take the trophies away. >> that is the way it should. >> not to get serious, when they are withdrawing the high level classes, like where you can't take honors class, we were joking in law scoot they want to get rid of lsat, it is unequal. but you go to law school, you get your butt kicked you pay 250 thousand and you can't pass the bar, the lsat is precursor to figuring out. the law school wants you to be able to pass the bar, getting rid of all this
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stuff, i think sets us up worse, now i'm going to something thinking i have a chance and i have no chance. jimmy: and you are without a quarter million for the experiencing, stop it prince harry is now going to attend the coronation of his father, but he will fly solo. meghan is not going and neither are their kids. unclear whether she decided not, first time harry and king met in person since the prince published his t tell-all book spare. will harry play nice or will charles have to hit him with the the. >> she wants her privacy, respect that i love that
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excuse, i don't want to miss my son a birthday party, is he not a little royal, can in a not afford the flight. she can't stand or in-laws, i get that, i love mine. but i understand. she loves the attention of this. jimmy: she dues does, this is one time i said it. are royals thrilled. >> you can't write a book, do a documentary and talk your crap about inlaws and expect to go, she is doing right thing. jimmy: do you think he had a plus one or without one? >> we're speculating here. >> no plus one. >> no plus one. >> not after what she has done. >> i hope they said no plus one, that would make me respect. jimmy: meghan markle has a lower approval rating than prince andrew. that is true. not even a joke, they are
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less popular in britain. so, that is the tell. do you think harry will wear a wire. you know they film everything they do, to get content they could dish can dirt on royals we'll have a done cdonny br wire. >> i don't know, does can high get patted down. >> is it in the booth. >> let me ask you. when is the oppression of meghan markle ending, she spent two years in oprah's mansion, they are in montecito now, you know. >> a tough life. >> not easy. other day her 6 handed massage, someone hit traffic on the 405. >> she should start a gofundme, no one would want to be part of royal family with mansions and ser hav -- servants and
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planes and cars, you a little empathy, jimmy. jimmy: you say schi she was not invited. do you think he regrets the decision she made. came to quickly understand that he was not getting near the throne. >> maybe i'm old school, i believe in love, i was rooting for her. jimmy: she is young. >> modernize the crown, i think maybe my generation was rooting for her. jimmy: you think so. >> it just like didn't materialize. >> you know what i think, i think, people were rooting for her. but i think they got sucked into the victim card. around the time they became an item, we were now selling like celebrity victim hood. and was currency, hard for me too. the problem is in a world people live, 75% of people
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live paycheck to paycheck, no one wants to hear about difficulties of being a princess. no one wants to hear, that maybe she didn't read the room. >> we do want to hear it, here we are, she is a wonderful to talk about. she is perfectly gift wrapped for hatred. >> we love talking about meghan markle and the ex-prince of bel air. spikings of spoiled rotten 68 per of parents made a financial sacrifice to help their adult children. 31% said it was significant. 5 5% sacrificed reaching a financial milestone, 51% used mer merge saving. nenemergency saving. would you delay retire am so
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your 25-year-old idiot son could go to coachella, can i borrow 500. >> only if you move out of my basement. >> i told you before. >> parents, they get suckered. we want to do what we want, you are not helping. >> you are enabling them, but they can't afford a home. this is going to an issue in election, they will be upset their parents who are tabbing to their accounts they are upset this is a big issue in two. >> enablers are world, i had to work two or three jobs you get out of college, your first job will not give you 100 grand on the job, you have to work a couple jobs to put monitoring -- a g learning experience, hard work. if parents want to do this there is no changing them. >> like they -- a self self-inflicted
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financial wound. >> if you de med -- deny kids the ability to struggle. >> it is important, y you have to struggle to survive. anything done hustle in new york city, making min minimum wage it so important. , the kids who, not having this problem are those who went to trade school. >> they marking it, if you can get out and work it. there is never been a better time to hustle and get ahead, i wish i was younger in this economy it -- i was a grunt, i was driving a cab withstand up. i on he only fans. >> i still subscribe. >> thank you so much. >> i think that truth is that back to person parental responsibility, i think that parents have not learned true financial responsibility in that they
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are also self sabotaging their own well being by not taking a stand. >> we had free money for a long time. then inflation hits, not so great. this goes to mentality of participation trophy, every kid is a special snowflake. . i think about so much of these kids getting to actually go to work. be a plumber be a b blue collar person. life is a hands on sport. we need to teach kids to go out and work for a living. if we dock can that again we'll go a -- if we can do that again. >> never too late. figure it out. jimmy: you talk about that kid at 4 year school that was me, it was a two year school. look at me girlfriend. thank you panel. great job, chadwick, rigs,
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and the best. coming up house republicans getting ready for war with m manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. the star witnesses are victims of violent new york city criminals. paul moreau is here in break it down next, look at him.
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jimmy: have you been to new york lately, at night it's like mad max on pcp, because of bozos like manhattan day alvin bragg, now house judiciary committee headed to new york to try to shame practbragbragg into doing something about
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it. they hold a field hearing on his crime policies. victims of violent environment in manhattan. hearing held next week and future victims who na in ad they say suffered under the da like the p the bodega clerk. >> who is right? who is wrong, with me retired nypd inspector, attorney paul moreau, you risked your life to do this in alvin bragg's new york city, do you not throw up in your mouth a little bit. >> i would like to hear the metric. i'm not sure. jimmy: i think he means people who own safe, they try to make that claim.
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can police stats, sc crime. stats be manipulated to create perception they are lower. >> you know, there is lies, and them lies and statistics. his claim of safest big city in america is a legacy saying that goes back to 12 years to where it was true, they can manipulate, one thing not captured anything below felony level, several of your guests mention he is a champion of down grading felon to misdemeanors, they are not capture in crime stats, misdemeanor stuff is one thing that goes to quality of life. even if you pause it crime stats they quote. there is a lot of debate. misdemeanor stuff is the shoplifting, homeless camp on street that -- you can't move them, police no longer have lefter to move those folks along, there are
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categories of scat comp c statutes he does not recognize. jimmy: i think that is the part so frustrating, we see how it happened mor empathy in society now are in the criminals than the cop. a town where bragg is district attorney what would it take for mo people continued to how important . >> to understand how important the cops. >> if you look at statistic in governor election, manhattan overwhelmingly. and you have to wonder why that could be, but for the fact that i think average age here is perhaps young professionals a lot of them, even 9/11 is a cartoon to them, they were 6 years old. i don't think they
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understand how far down the city c plummet in 70s when i was a kid in town, all you did was think about getting out that was just a given, ywe're getting back to that. >> are older, 1870s, i have seen, i can tell you, when i was a cab driver, the city was safe. it was bloomberg, he inher -- inherited an improved city from jewe ju guliani and prioritized tourism. >> the meme pe meme that gets out, this whole thing will go away his arrest with trump, he fronted this story, hoping for a mug shot, went you get into legalese it will get thrown out, most trump looking at is small fine.
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but people will be they arrested trump. same thing with the representation of new york city. other side of world, you think about where you are going on vacation. >> grab a dpla flack jacket. >> thank you, paul moreau, topical storm is next. ♪ ♪ alley with a baseball bat ♪ ♪ urkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at sfx: [alarm] every day you get to choose.
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jimmy: here is the story that got lost in headlines. president trump returned a golden golf club to national archives he was gifted from late japanese prime minister abe. he didn't want the driver. this is the topical storm. topic one.we begin in new york . even tourists are kicking up dust. for those who never been to central park this is a dust devil. turns out the devil wears nada. one woman can be heard wondering if it is a
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tornado, like it no big deal, a silly tornado go stand by it. we'll put on on the gram. people are stupid. good news that was not a tornado. the bad news, 80% of people in park were homeless after it swept through. we're joking but the park was a mess with trash, and beer bottles, and crash cans knocked over then the dust devil. dust clouds are not common in new york city, but if you missed it, you can walk through a weed cloud 24 hours a day. dude. weweed on out of control, i bought a dime bag off a cap, thanks paul moreau. >> to italy, ginni guinness book of world crowned shortest dog, 3 inches tall, said to be sort of a diva, the owners named
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it gutfeld. any dog can beg for food under the kitchen table but she peg begs for food under the periodic table. pro tip, your dog does not want to be a fashion model and hating putting on clothes. if she didn't shake off the. >> one fun fact, i did leave out, the dog was born in florida, but traveled to europe there is only so much second-hand meth a dog is breathe, i kid, they flew to be on italian tv show.
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topic three. to yuba city, california, a rookie cop has his ears up for crime, officer percy, found in streets last year police department made him an honor member. california has a huge problem with homeless bunnies, since they closed playboy mansion, they should hire them. they have put plenty of guys in handcuffs over the years. percy is a support animal. the truth is percy loves hanging with humans, thanks that gavin newsom most of his rabbit friends have moved to florida. mercy has not been involved in an arrest but caught up in a bribery plot, there was a gold heist last week.
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and i will stop the rabbit puns. topic number 4, boom. arizona dairy queen looking for giant spoon to that attached to the front of the store, police are unsure if it was stolen or blew away in a blizzard. red spoon is 15 feet tall and stolen last weekend. unclear why anyone would neat a spoon that big, unless they are doing cocaine with hunter biden. a supreme courts person said they spoon that size -- spokesperson said a spoon that size cost 7 thousand dollars to make, staffers are wearing where's at spoon t-shirts. owners offer whoever returns to free blizzards in every flavor for summer. some say it could inspire another liam nissan sequel
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of taken, not true. luckily video did capture two people messing with the screws last week. but, it did not capture the direction they fled in. whoever police believe they are in the area. because anyone who likes dairy queen that much could not have run far. thank you for watching show, you can follow us on twitter and instagram. on facebook. and e-mail us. at fox business. tomorrowy on the show. brian brenberg, ines rosales. and ohio republican congressman jim jordan in the house. from the 4 congressional district. check out fox across america weekdays noon to 3 eastern on fox news radio and fox across america, if you want more of me and kennedy tickets on sale now, laughs and liberty.
7:57 pm
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7:58 pm
7:59 pm
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8:00 pm
mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro, if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro, and call your doctor right away, if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (woman) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (avo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro. (cheerful music) - [terry] it's like a rival turf war here with the ducks, and the geese. (marci laughing) - yes, i never knew ducks could eat bananas.
8:01 pm
thank you internet.


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